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Katana Transcript: Interview by Jim Rizoli with Monika Schaefer about her Book

Katana continues to create transcripts of podcasts and videos, a very important contribution to our cause, as transcripts are a more permanent record, can be printed off, quotes can be extracted, and sometimes people would simply prefer to read than to listen. There are many more good reasons why transcripts are so very valuable, and I am once again very grateful to Katana for all his work. His website is

The link to the original transcript done by Katana is here. The article is entitled:

Jim Rizoli – Monika Schaefer, Published Her Book- Jan 3, 2023 – Transcript

Jim Rizoli

Monika Schaefer, Published Her Book:

Sorry Mom, I was Wrong About the Holocaust

Tue, Jan 3, 2023  [Jim Rizoli, a long-standing relentless promoter of revisionist material concerning the “Holocaust/Holohoax”, talks with Monika Schaefer about her book “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong About the Holocaust” that’s just been published by Barnes Review.

Monika details her journey from being an environmentalist in Canada to realizing that 9/11 was a false flag, then to her even bigger awakening that the “Holocaust” is a diabolical lie against the German people.

This led her, with the help of her brother Alfred, to make a short YouTube video with the same title as her later book, that caused her to be arrested in Germany for “Holocaust denial” and having to serve ten months in prison. – KATANA]

Published on Tue, Jan 3, 2023



First published at 20:42 UTC on January 3rd, 2023.

Jim Rizoli
6271 subscribers
Jim and Monika talk about her book


Holocaust Deprogramming Course

Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal – Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over


Barnes Review Book Description

The Trials & Tribulations of the Schaefer Siblings

By Monika Schaefer

In the early 1950s, Otto Schaefer and Editha Schmilinsky emigrated from Germany to Canada. They met, fell in love, married and soon had children. I am one of those children. My mother and father were proud of their heritage, though they were told again and again they should not be. Germans were brutes, warmongers and responsible for “the Holocaust.” We children were also taught this in school. It was reiterated in every movie or TV program we saw. I wholeheartedly believed that our people were responsible for the greatest crimes in history.

I said to my mother, “Why didn’t you, your friends, your folk, your family, why didn’t you do something to stop these bad things from happening? Stop Hitler and stop these death camps? You should have done something! You must have known!

My mother told me she didn’t know. She added that nobody knew. They only learned about it afterwards.

By the time I understood the nature of the post-war “re-education” program, my parents had passed away. I wrote a cathartic posthumous letter and made a short video entitled “Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust,” as my research had definitively proven to my satisfaction that the real story about World War II, Adolf Hitler and the events we now know as “the Holocaust” did not match what we were taught in school.

That video went viral and triggered a surreal odyssey that ended up with my brother Alfred and I spending years in German prisons for our thoughts and words. This book recounts that saga. Softcover, 304 pages, #955.



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(54:08 mins)

[Intro imagery and music]


Jim Rizoli: Hi, everyone. Jim Rizoli here in communist Massachusetts with Monika Schaefer today. Actually, I still get confused, where you’re living.


Monika Schaefer: I’m in British Columbia, the westernmost province of Canada.



Jim Rizoli: Okay, so she’s in British Columbia. And today we’re going to have a nice discussion because Monika published a book! Isn’t this exciting? And so we’re going to talk about that I’m going to show you the book on the Barnes Review site, and we’re going to talk to her about how she came to the conclusion to write this book. And then I’m going to show you some other things, too, when we do a share screen. So we’ll go from there. How’s that?


Monika Schaefer: Perfect.


Jim Rizoli: Okay. So, Monika, let’s talk about your book that you wrote. What’s the name of your book?



Monika Schaefer: It has the same title as the video that kind of started this whole firestorm going, you could call it. It’s called “Sorry, Mom. I was Wrong about the Holocaust”.

Jim Rizoli: Okay, very good. All right, I’m going to go to the share screen right now, and I’m going to see if I can pull up the site, which I hope I can do here. Here it is here. Can you see that, Monika?

Monika Schaefer: I do. I see it. Yes.

Jim Rizoli: Okay, so here is the book, and it’s being published by Barnes Review. All right. And that’s the cover of the book.



Monika Schaefer: That’s right. If you scroll down a little bit, you’ll see the rest of the cover because it doesn’t show the author on your screen.

Jim Rizoli: Oh, yeah.

Monika Schaefer: There you go and then there’s a little description there. I think that’s what appears on the back cover. And just to let you know, Jim, I don’t actually have the book physically in my hand yet because the mail is very slow. And I’m getting it from the Barnes Review, too, right? Like they published it. It’s not printed here in Canada. It’s printed in the United States. So I’m still awaiting my shipment.


Jim Rizoli: Okay, so this is the site, folks. I’ll put the link on the site of our video today. So it is the Barnes Review, though.

So if you want the Barnes Review anyway, Barnes Review dot org and get in the products page, book page, you’re going to find a book there. And it’s a very reasonable cost, $25, which is good.

All right, so now, again, here’s the information I really did know. I guess it’s your family situation here. Maybe you could go over and talk about something on this page here, Monika, about your background and your life, how you came about in life.


Monika Schaefer: Yeah, well, my parents, they were born and raised in Germany. They were German people, both parents. And like so many other Germans who left Germany in the late 40s, early fifties. And after that, like many, many Germans, ended up in sort of all parts of the world. You know, Germany was flattened in the war there. There was so much destruction there.

And my parents immigrated to Canada. Really, it was my dad’s dream, since he was a child, actually, to go to the north, to the Arctic, because he was very interested in the Eskimos, as they were called then. So that was kind of the background to that. That was his lifelong dream, actually.

So it actually had less to do with with the war and devastation than his lifelong dream to go to the Eskimos in northern Canada. But before he left Germany, he met my mom and fell in love. And so she came, followed him a year later. That was in the early fifties.

And then they had five children. I’m the fourth of five, and where do you want to go from there?


Jim Rizoli: Well, that’s good. We just get kind of a background. So now we’ll move up to where your problems started. [chuckling] Okay. Think about it. You’re German now, you’re living in the country, in Canada, and you’re German and obviously you had some problems living there, right? Being German.



Monika Schaefer: Well, you mentioned that you’re going to show the video and so I won’t go into the story because that little six minute video actually tells it in a nutshell.


Jim Rizoli: Okay, well, let’s get to the video right here. Okay. Let me pull it up. It’s on the BitChute channel for people that want to find it. It’s easy to find. Just put Monika Schaefer. It will come up.

But anyway, here’s the video. Let’s take a look. Let’s see how this works. Okay, so there you are. All right. And I’ll put it up so you can see it. All right, let’s play the video of Monika. What year was this?


Monika Schaefer: 2016. I did this video, and I was in Germany. I was visiting my brother Alfred, Alfred Schaefer. He has been living, he’s reverse migrated, so he went to Germany and ended up staying there. And I think he went something mid 80s. So he’s been there for decades and so he’s like a reverse immigration, right?


Jim Rizoli: All right, so let’s play the video and then we’ll talk about this a little bit later. All right.



Hello I’m Monika Schaefer. I was born and raised in Canada, first generation Canadian citizen of German heritage. My parents both came from Germany. They immigrated to Canada in 1951 and ‘52, respectively. There was a bit of a disconnect between what I experienced in the home life and what I felt outside the home.

I love the rich German traditions and culture that I grew up with and yet, I felt ashamed of my Germanness when I was at school, or outside with my friends. I learned very quickly to hide my heritage. It started in the first week of school. Day one, I wore my beautiful little dirndl, a traditional German dress and on day two, children were taunting me:

“Oh you forgot to take off your apron! Ha ha ha!”

As they were running away, or:

“Heil Hitler! Ha ha!”

Again taunting me.

I didn’t exactly know the meaning of that, but I knew it was not friendly. They were being cruel. That was very clear to me.

I’m reminded, just now, of the plight of the indigenous peoples of North America. They were also made to be ashamed of their culture.

I would like to share with you now a deep regret that I have for something which I would like to apologize to my parents for, but cannot, because they are no longer alive. Many years ago, I reproached my mother. You see I had been thoroughly indoctrinated as we all were. The stories seemed to be all around us, in school, in television in the very air, and the evilness of Adolf Hitler was as deep and diabolic as imaginable.

I said to her, to my mother:

“Why didn’t you, your friends, your folk, your family. Why didn’t you do something to stop these bad things from happening! Stop Hitler and stop these death camps! You should have done something! You must have known!”

I was really upset, my reproach was bitter. She listened and she paused and very quietly and in a sad tone of voice, she said:

“We didn’t know about any of that. We just did not know. We did not hear about anything like that!”

Well, now I know why she did not know. It is, because these things did not happen! It is only since the last couple of years, since about 2014, that I have begun to understand that this is the biggest and most pernicious and persistent lie in all of history! Everything has been turned upside down on its head!

Yes, there were detention camps. Nobody denies that there were camps! And yes, the prisoners were kept against their will. Again, nobody denies that. But these were work camps. The prisoners of the camps were being kept as healthy and as well fed as was possible in those terrible war years. They needed to be kept healthy. How else could they perform the work? It was war.

And so the camps were basically armaments factories. And how much sense does it make, by the way, to have a hospital in a death camp? There were no gas chambers there. The only gas that was used was to get rid of the lice! Lice carried typhus and typhus was a deadly and rampant disease. So they had to delouse the clothing to keep the people healthy.

Now, why would they do that if the goal was to just exterminate the Jews? Makes no sense. That is the “Six Million Lie”, as I know like to call it in a nutshell.

There is so much more to learn about this and this is all readily available now in 2016 thanks to the digital age with, or without the “thought laws”.

Back to my family. What a relief it is for me to learn that my parents and grandparents were not part of a people that suddenly became monsters overnight! The reproach which I directed at my mother, I wish I could apologize to her for this. I am, in effect, apologizing to her now, to her spirit.

I would like to invite you to find out more by searching the following titles that had such a meaningful and healing influence on me.

Thank you.




Jim Rizoli: Okay, so there you have it. That was very good, Monika. [chuckling] Okay, so now that started it all.

Monika Schaefer: That did start all, and actually more precisely at minute two and 45 seconds. Two minutes and 45 seconds in, that changed my life, because that’s where I said:

“These things didn’t happen.”

Jim Rizoli: That’s right.

Monika Schaefer: Simple statement. [chuckling] These things didn’t happen.


Jim Rizoli: Okay, so now let’s get back to your book. Okay, so now when did you start thinking about the book?


Monika Schaefer: Well, actually, while I was in prison, I think that I thought about it that:

“Wow, if I ever write a book, this is going to be in it!”


“If I ever write a book, that’s going to be in it!”

Because I was kind of just filled with stories in prison of what I was observing.

So the book is not about all those other things, stories that I gathered in prison about other prisoners, that was most interesting, I’m telling you. But there is some stuff in the book about my prison experiences.

But I guess it was in prison, probably people wrote me letters, too, and some people suggested:

“Jeez, you really should be writing a book.”

Or they would ask me:

“So, are you writing your book?”

The seed was planted to actually write and to document all this.

And then I had some really good encouragement after I got out to write this book. Have you ever heard of Katana?


Jim Rizoli: Yeah, I don’t know whatever happened to him? Whatever happened to him?

Monika Schaefer: Well he’s still active. Okay, so you go to the website, katana17 dot com. I think maybe you could try that out and see. But this fellow, he really supported me and encouraged me, and I would encourage people to go to his website. He does transcripts of videos.


Jim Rizoli: I remember we used to communicate, and I think Diane did you used to work with him, too, on doing video?

Diane King: The transcription of the interviews with the League of Extraordinary Revisionists.


Jim Rizoli: Yeah.

Diane King: And I haven’t heard from him for quite a while.

Jim Rizoli: Yeah.


Monika Schaefer: And it’s a really great service, what he does. That’s his big contribution to our struggle. And he has very good reasons. Somewhere on his website, he kind of gives an introduction of why he feels that transcriptions are important. It’s another way of preserving some really important stuff. And you can actually print off a transcription and you can read it, it’s in hard copy. So that if things go down and the Internet goes down, or what you still have it.


Jim Rizoli: Well, let me bring up his website. Okay.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, that would be great.


Jim Rizoli: Let me see if I can do this. I got to get out of this. Oh, boy. Sometimes it’s hard for me to figure this stuff out. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do this. I got to make this smaller. Okay, so his site is Katana 17.

Monika Schaefer: Try that out and you should get it. I think it’s com. I should have looked that up. Yeah, you see a bunch of different things there. There you go. There’ an Overview. Try that. Yeah.


Jim Rizoli: Okay. Hold on. I’m checking right there. Let’s see if this is it.

Monika Schaefer: Because I know he got taken down off the Internet. That was a couple of years ago by now, maybe.


Jim Rizoli: Is this him? Yeah, this must be him.



Monika Schaefer: Oh, yeah.

Jim Rizoli: Okay. So I got the site Katana17 dot com.



Monika Schaefer: I’m sure there’s an intro about this blog, and then there’s going to be.



Jim Rizoli: Oh, that’s cool! I’ll have to save this.

Monika Schaefer: He’s got a ton of good stuff on his website.


Jim Rizoli: So he basically helped you kind of get into this.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, he really helped me starting out and encouraged me all along the way and just supporting me in my endeavor to write a book. He gave me some really good advice of how to go about it. He said things like, don’t worry about the chronology. Just write pieces as they come to you. Later you can put it into an order. Like just some really, really good advice. That’s just one example of some really good advice.

So that’s what I ended up doing. I would just write bits like this would be like a chapter or whatever, and then just preserve that, and then write another bit just as you get inspired to write about this piece or that piece and then later put it together.


Jim Rizoli: Yeah. I mean, look at all these articles!



Monika Schaefer: He’s fantastic! So I’m really glad you’re highlighting. There’s some transcripts there. Jim Rizoli interviews Bradley Smith, … Fred, …



Jim Rizoli: Fred [Leuchter]. Wow!

Monika Schaefer: So that’s great. Lots of transcripts. There’s the Sorry Mom transcript, I just saw it going by on your screen. Yeah, he did that right away. Like, as soon as that Sorry Mom, I was Wrong about the Holocaust video. And I mean, Alfred and I were contacted by all kinds of people that we had never heard of before that video kind of went viral, you could say. Jim, that term, video went “viral”.

Jim Rizoli: Yeah.

Monika Schaefer: And so he did a transcript of that it’s a very short video, so that he’s done transcripts of really long videos. So that that one would have been relatively fast for him to do. And he did. And then yeah, it’s fantastic what he does.

Jim Rizoli: So all these are just transcripts. You can read them?

Monika Schaefer: Yeah.

Jim Rizoli: Wow!

Monika Schaefer: And I think he does have people that help him out.

Jim Rizoli: This is incredible! People don’t realize how much work goes into doing this. [chuckling]

Monika Schaefer: It’s fantastic! Oh, yeah. It’s a ton of work. A ton of work!

Jim Rizoli: Wow!

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. Shout out, a shout out to, …

Jim Rizoli: I’m glad you brought this here.

Monika Schaefer: And I received postcards from him in jail, and they were anonymous. Everybody contributes in a different way, and some people, by their own reasons, they are not showing their face, a name like you and I are. But that’s fine. We need all these people on board, like, for whatever reason. Maybe they have small children or maybe this or that, but they contribute. So I put a big shout out to Katana right now.

Jim Rizoli: Okay, well, I’m glad, because now people will be able to see his site.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, it’s good to draw attention to good works like that. So thanks for doing that.


Jim Rizoli: Okay. How many pages is your book?

Monika Schaefer: Just over 300, but that would include, …

Jim Rizoli: That’s a good size.

Monika Schaefer: So there’s a picture section and stuff like that too, photographs. I don’t think it’s a hard read. It’s not a technical book at all. It’s about my experiences, and I want people who are maybe just have their eyes just a little tiny bit open and are willing to perhaps open their eyes more, to draw them in. I feel like I’m just an ordinary person. I’m a normal person. I’m not some big academic, …

Jim Rizoli: You’re not a David Irving.

Monika Schaefer: No, that’s right, I’m not a David Irving. Who is this historian who has spent a lifetime to study history. No, I’m an ordinary person that then figured out, like, everybody has their awakening story. How did they learn about the fact that we are actually being lied to?

Jim Rizoli: Yeah.

Monika Schaefer: On a massive scale, not just little things. Right? And for me, my the key to My Awakening was 9/11. And it was later it was ten years after 9/11, so really, I’m just quite new to this. And then I went down the proverbial rabbit hole. And I know that you have a different awakening story. Yours started with the immigration thing. Right? And then I find your awakening story super interesting.

Jim Rizoli: Well, it was weird! [chuckling]

Monika Schaefer: Ernst Zundel. Had to do with, oh, why is this White man being extradited?

Jim Rizoli: I just couldn’t figure that one out. It was just a fluke! All of a sudden. It’s like, “Ahh!


Monika Schaefer: Exactly. I’m always interested in people’s awakening stories, and people come to these realizations in all kinds of different ways. Some people through figuring out that the banking system is all totally corrupt. Other people through reading the Bible very carefully. I had people writing me letters, and many of them, it had happened that way.

Anyway, so this book is basically about “My Awakening”.

And then this journey of this video and the firestorm it caused, and then the aftermath of it. And the aftermath. I mean, it became a very interesting story, and I would not trade that part of my life away for anything! Even though it was very shocking to be suddenly arrested and put into jail.

It was very shocking. And it was difficult in the beginning, I have to say. But once I let go of certain things that just let go, I came to a good place. (This thing keeps falling out of my ear.) And then I started to just actually just enjoy it.


Jim Rizoli: Well, you know what’s weird about it Monika? What’s weird is they came after you! And, like, usually it happens this way. You publish a book and then they come after you.

Monika Schaefer: Right!

Jim Rizoli: Yours is just the opposite. Here you are, just minding your own business and just a normal person just giving an opinion that’s right about something, and look what happened here. What the heck is going on here?


Monika Schaefer: They put me on the map. Like, nobody knew, who the heck are you? And then all of a sudden, I’m in jail! So I’m a political prisoner.

Now when you become a political prisoner, those people in the world who are, … We network with each other. They, our enemy, likes to make us look like we’re all isolated, we’re all by ourselves, because they want to demoralize us and discourage us. And they try to make us think that we’re just lone nut cases here and there that have these weird, nut-case beliefs!

And no, we talk to each other. We’re connected. So then, of course, my name kind of went around the world. Of course, I didn’t go and knock on the door and want to go to jail.

But in the end, they kind of did us all a favor, because they highlighted this. And many people did tell me that that little video that you just showed enabled them to, for example, if they’re trying to talk to family members about this history. And many people told me that my video made a difference. Like, then finally they were able to show their mother or their brother or their friend, show them that video and get them to open their eyes just a little bit and maybe get them to look a little bit.

And this is my hope that to this book, it’s not about ego. It’s not about me! Yes, it’s my story. But it is about this bigger picture, Jim. It is about what you and I and many, many other people are… it’s like our life mission to awaken people to what is going on.


Jim Rizoli: I think people they have to see that’s why I put the video up, because I’m saying now, this woman went to jail because of this video! I mean, you people watching this, if you’re jews, whoever you are, she went to jail. I mean, really!

There are people that murder people that get away with it, that don’t go to jail. They get off, and they murder people. We have people that extort billions of dollars from people. They don’t go to jail. But she went to jail!

And I don’t think people understand. I would love to have a discussion with a jew right now, like sitting down, me, a jew, and saying:

“What do you think about her going to jail for this video? Do you think that was right?”

I would just love to just see what they would say! I know, it just oh, it just infuriates me when these jews can sit back, because some of them will say, :

“Well, she deserved to go to jail!”


Monika Schaefer: Absolutely!


Jim Rizoli: Yeah. They’re going to love it. They love it!


Monika Schaefer: Yeah. And actually, you know what the most bizarre thing that I found of people saying to me, like, in Jasper, in my own hometown?:

“Look, see, that’s proof that you’re guilty. You went to jail. That’s proof. That proves it. You’re guilty. And this proves that the Holocaust happened because you went to jail for it!”

Isn’t that kind of a perverse?


Jim Rizoli: No, I see there’s a lot of people that go to jail, and they’re innocent, and then you’ll be talking to somebody and they’ll say:

“Wow, the court found him guilty!”

And it’s like:

“Yeah, but they were innocent! Well, the court found him guilty!”


Monika Schaefer: Exactly!

So this is a very odd way of thinking! Because, look, just think about it. I actually love the way Alfred describes these laws. They’re just blots of toner on paper. That’s what these laws are. They’re man made. They’re blots of toner on paper. And what is the meaning of them? Now, if these laws, if you are having to legislate a piece of history! This is not about we have what you would call common law, and we have rights, god given rights, and common law. Like things that it makes sense that there are certain things we should not do. So it makes sense that we have laws like, we shouldn’t just go with a sledgehammer and clobber a neighbor over the head for no reason. Right. That’s not a good thing to do.

So, yeah, there’s Laws. Those laws make sense. Now, how much sense does it make to make a law about history? History, something happened, or it didn’t happen. This is in the past. These are facts.

And then they make a law to enshrine their story into, like, what!


Jim Rizoli: Know what’s really strange about it? Here’s what really bothers me about this. Now remember, the courts are there to find out what’s right or wrong, but the courts now have become, it’s called, they take “judicial notice” now, on what they can determine was is historical.

I mean, think about a court system on what is historical. So now when it comes to the Holocaust topic, the first thing they’ll say in a case in Germany is:

“Well, we can’t talk about the facts of the Holocaust, because we have taken ‘judicial notice’ that the Holocaust is a historical fact, and we cannot question those facts.”

I mean, this is just hard to believe!


Monika Schaefer: It is. They started with that, right, in the Nuremberg Trials, right after World War II, the articles 19 and, 21 of the Nuremberg Trials. There are procedures there. That’s what they said, that if something is self evident, you don’t need evidence to, … Basically they were giving that judicial notice, which is, … Okay, so judicial notice, you could give judicial notice about something, …


Jim Rizoli: That they could do it with the vaccine. They could say:

“Oh, the vaccine is safe, it’s been proven safe. We’re taking judicial notice.”

They do it. They do it!


Monika Schaefer: Yeah. They do these things which is bizarre and obscene. But I think the original intent of “judicial notice” is something like snow is cold, like something that you don’t have to prove.


Jim Rizoli: Like the earth is round. They’ll say that. We’ll take judicial notice. And it’s like, I don’t really care whether it’s round or flat, it don’t matter to me!

But when you’re telling me what to believe, like, we’ll take a judicial notice, there is a God, or there isn’t a God.


Monika Schaefer: Well, yeah, actually, I would just say those are probably not good examples because they’re not something that is hard. Like maybe judicial notice that this is a cup and we’re just going to agree that this is a cup. Okay? So that would be something that you don’t have to prove that this is a cup and it contains liquid in it. You know what I mean? These are things that you can prove.

Whereas the example you gave, well, those are big disputable items. People are disputing. Some people are staunch atheists and some people not. I have faith, and I’m grateful for that, but it’s like yeah, anyway, that’s another topic.


Jim Rizoli: The court system really shouldn’t be getting into historical information. It’s not their position, …


Monika Schaefer: Yeah, the point is, like, when you start talking about judicial notice and this is what they’re doing about the “Holocaust” is they prevent evidence from being brought forward. So if we could not present evidence that would support our position or explain how we reached our conclusions, and in fact, my brother Alfred, his prison sentence was lengthened due to the things that he said in our trial in 2018.

So he faced the Inquisition again in 2019 for things that he said and did during our trial! And the judge had stopped him many times when he was speaking and said:

“Well, I got to stop you there. I can just give you a warning that if you continue along those lines of speaking where you’re going right now, I’m just giving you a warning that it’s dangerous ground. We can press new charges.”

And he would wave them off or he would listen. He’d let the judge finish his sentence and then he said:

“Well, you are wanting to throw me in jail for 6 million years anyway. And I’m just speaking the truth!”



Jim Rizoli:[chuckling] Let’s just go back to your trial. Okay? You’re standing there. Okay. Now, you were accused of what, actually?


Monika Schaefer: Well, this Paragraph 130. So German Criminal Code, Paragraph 130 is their “Holocaust” law, but the word “Holocaust” doesn’t even appear in it. But it is the Holocaust denial law.

I mean, this whole word “denial” is kind of crazy because you can’t really technically, you can’t deny something that didn’t actually happen. In German that’s actually more clear. The word “leugnen” now is denier, but language has different nuances, and there you cannot deny something that didn’t happen.

And Ursula Haverbeck, whose name probably many of your viewers will be familiar with, this is this 94 year old woman who was being put back into jail for asking questions, inconvenient questions, about World War II history. Anyway, how they get around that in Germany, because they know that you can’t deny something that didn’t happen, but they read our minds, okay?

So they will say:

“She knows, or he knows, that the Holocaust happened, and yet she or he denies it!”

Which that’s how they get around us. So they pretend to read our minds and then call us a liar, or call us like:

“We’re a denier now, because we know, like Alfred Schaefer knows that the Holocaust happened, but he just is so full of hate that he denies that it happened!”

You know what I mean? This is how they do it.

I mean, they wrote an article in the newspaper in the main Zeitung, which is a big newspaper in Germany, about Alfred Schaefer.

Jim Rizoli: Now, you’re in court standing there. How long did it take for this case to do?

Monika Schaefer: Okay, yeah, four months. But over the four month, 20 days. 20 trial days. So you don’t go to the court every day. They’ll have a couple of days here, then the next day, next week or whatever, then they have a break for they go on holidays, whatever. So it took four months, but it was 20 trial days.

Jim Rizoli: Okay, but are you in jail at the time?

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. So I was in jail for six months before the trial even started!

Jim Rizoli: Oh my goodness!

Monika Schaefer: Because they kept me due to flight risk. So when they arrested me, then I had to go before a judge the next day because they have to bring you before a judge within 24 hours of arresting you to determine what they do with you and I wasn’t even in the jail yet. I was in the prison cell in a police station until they determined that:

“No, they can’t let me go, because if they let me go, I’m going to run away, and I’ll be out of their clutches.”

Because they knew, okay, I live in Canada, right? So I could just fly back to Canada. And they don’t have these laws here.


Jim Rizoli: Let’s just deal with court hours, okay? How many hours do you think they devoted to you?

Monika Schaefer: Oh, lots! Some days were shortened because these things, how they go in court. I mean, it’s just unbelievable how much time and money they waste if something didn’t arrive, or some witness didn’t arrive. And yet that was all that was on the agenda, …

Jim Rizoli: And you had to pay a lot, …

Monika Schaefer: But other days were really long. Like other days went beginning to end. Sorry, what was your question?

Jim Rizoli: No, you had a lawyer, right? Is that what happened?


Monika Schaefer: I did. And I had the lawyer who was also the same lawyer who had been Ursula Haverbeck’s Lawyer, and the same lawyer who was Sylvia Stoltz’s Lawyer.

The day that I got arrested, I got arrested in the courthouse, but we were in the public gallery. Somebody spotted me there. I didn’t know that they had a file open on me. Nobody wrote me a nice letter. Neither of my relatives, who basically reported us to the authorities. They didn’t write me a letter saying, yeah, we reported you to the authorities, and that would mean that a file gets opened on you.


Jim Rizoli: Now, if you didn’t go to court that day, would they have arrested you?

Monika Schaefer: I don’t know.

I mean, I suppose they could have at the airport, but I got into the country, no problem. I don’t know.


Jim Rizoli: When you went to the court, to them it was [chuckling] like:

“Oh, says the spider to the fly.”



Monika Schaefer: Yeah. We went to the court to watch this trial of Sylvia Stoltz.

I mean, this is all very interconnected, all these political dissidents. I just thought, I wanted to meet her. For one thing, she was my hero. And that’s a whole another topic. We could talk at length about that, but just for now, just stay on topic here.

I was so intensely curious:

“What does a speech crime trial look like?”

It did not, … I mean, people might on the outside say:

“Well, that’s pretty stupid to go!”

But I didn’t think of anything, I really didn’t.


Jim Rizoli: So here you are, you’re in court watching something else happen, okay? And you’re sitting there, just minding your own business, and then what happens?



Monika Schaefer: Well, they called a recess about 40 or 45 minutes into her case that was rolling along. And nobody knew why they called this recess. It was very puzzling because it was just in the middle, for no reason at all, it seemed.

But then we discovered the reason. They had whispered behind closed doors:

“She’s in the gallery. She’s in the public gallery. Let’s get her now.”

So then we all step out to the corridors just to talk. There’s a throng of us who are in the public gallery, people who are supporting Sylvia Stoltz, and we’re just talking.

And then this woman just swoops over to me, says:

“What’s your name?”

And just innocently and naively, I just said:

“Oh, Monika.”

I mean, I didn’t need to say a word, but I wasn’t thinking of any, … I didn’t have any suspicions of anything. And then it all changed. Then she drew attention while she’s talking to these three thugs, uniformed police officers, or whatever they were. And:

“That’s her! Arrest her! That’s Monika Schaefer!”

Oh, okay, now I get it. [chuckling] Oh, my goodness!


Jim Rizoli: It’s incredible! This is incredible!

Monika Schaefer: I’m laughing now, but I wasn’t laughing at the time.


Jim Rizoli: Think about it. You’re in court watching something. You’re getting arrested because of a thought crime!

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, it is incredible. Time at that moment slowed down. Everything went in slow motion, and it was an incredible moment. I’ll never forget it.


Jim Rizoli: And then they handcuffed you?

Monika Schaefer: They did. There was a few things that happened first, and then they basically, … Well, they didn’t handcuff me like this behind my back or anything, but they handcuffed me to the prison ward, or the officer, the police thug.

So then I got taken down into the bowels of the courtroom where they have holding cells. They have holding cells in the basement.


Jim Rizoli: What was going through your mind when this was happening?

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. Oh, my goodness, Jim. Everything went in slow motion. I remember turning my head when they were leading me away and turning my head and seeing the throng of people standing there, like a group of I don’t know, just all very solemn, standing there, watching me go.

It’s like almost like they were watching me being taken to the gallows! And everybody just wow. It was very surreal, actually. It’s kind of making me get goosebumps right now or whatever it is just thinking about that moment and then being led away. It was very strange.


Jim Rizoli: So they take you downstairs because you’re in the court now. Right? The courthouse of jail. Same thing.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. In the basement. Just like in any police station, they’ll have holding cells. So in the court house, they have holding cells. And so I got brought down to a holding cell and put in there. A very tiny, tiny space. There was a wooden bench and a table that’s attached to the wall. But not a nice table. Just a tiny little concrete thing or whatever.

Yeah. And then I was there for a few hours, and I was kind of counting tiles, and I would pace back and forth. It was like five steps this way. Not even that. Four steps. Maybe three steps.


Jim Rizoli: Were you putting it together in your mind what was going on?

Monika Schaefer: Oh yeah. They didn’t like my video! [chuckling] I knew that right away!

Jim Rizoli: That’s it. This is why people have to understand what’s going on here, folks! That someone could be arrested!

Monika Schaefer: Alfred was already on their radar. I knew that. So maybe Alfred should have been more worried about attending.

Jim Rizoli: Was he there with you?

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. And then, actually, he was advised by my lawyer, who was Sylvia Stoltz’s Lawyer. I think that was who advised him. He said, [to Alfred]:

“You better leave now. Don’t hang around.”



Jim Rizoli: You think they would have arrested him?


Monika Schaefer: No. You know why, Jim? Because he already had some charges laid against him. Yeah, he had court dates coming up, or not even solid court dates, but he had already been given charges.

He had a dream team. Alfred calls it the Dream Team. They were going to put Gert Ittner, Ursula Haverbeck, Sylvia Stoltz, … No, Henry Hoffmanmeyer was on there, too, and Alfred. Wait a minute, I’ve got one too many there, because there was four of them, I thought. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it was all five of them in court together.

And Alfred was just like, he said:

“Wow! They have no idea what they’re doing. This is a dream team. These are powerhouse players here!”

But then they changed everything when I was in jail. Because now all of a sudden, there’s pressure to do this more quickly. Because this could have dragged out for years and years for them. They got to put dates, but they all live in Germany, and they were just living at home still. They weren’t flight risk because they live there. I was a flight risk because I don’t live there.

So Alfred was already facing stuff. He’d already had his home raided, and that was because of my video in August of 2016. That was the first home invasion. Home invasion, where they came and they knocked on the door. They didn’t pound the door down. But that was the time when, … I have to tell this story, because it’s hilarious. And it’s sort of a number of years ago, so even if people had heard it then, they’ve forgotten it.

But they came at about six or seven in the morning and Alfred was in the shower and just out of the shower, actually, but he was in the bathroom behind the closed door and his wife went to the door. And Alfred is listening and he knows right away:

“Okay, these are police officers.”

Just from what he’s hearing.

And so, you know what he did? He came out, he opened the door. He’s still stark naked, and he says:

“Hello, what can I do for you? Is there any way can I help you with anything?”

It was so fantastic because he didn’t try to hide himself behind a towel. He’s showing, literally, that he has nothing to hide. I thought it was brilliant! And it was quite funny. There was a man and a woman officer, so they quickly, like:

“Get dressed. It’s okay, get dressed first.”

And a little bit embarrassing for them [chuckling]. But he was just big smile on his face:

“Hello, how can I help you?”


Jim Rizoli: They handcuffed him?


Monika Schaefer: No, what they did then, is it was all very polite. They were polite, but they basically then investigated his home and searched his whole space and took stuff, took computers, they took whatever they could find.

And Alfred was saying he was so relieved that he had packed his camera equipment and that particular stuff away before that. He didn’t know they were coming. But he always was neat and tidy. And after he had used his video equipment and all that equipment that was associated with that, he would pack it away neat and tidy. They didn’t take that, they didn’t find it.


Jim Rizoli: Wow.

Monika Schaefer: Not that he was trying to hide it, they just didn’t find it. Didn’t recognize it for what is all.

Jim Rizoli: Was that in your book?

Monika Schaefer: That detail, I just told you? No, but yeah, these are just interesting stories. If I had written all the interesting stories, that would have been like thousands of pages long!

Jim Rizoli: That’s unbelievable, because really, …

Monika Schaefer: It’s true, there are so many interesting stories. Like I was saying to you earlier, just in prison, gathering stories in prison. Oh my goodness! It was just fascinating and entertaining and sometimes funny and sometimes tragic. And it was just really a lot of stories just in prison, a lot.

Jim Rizoli: Unbelievable. Now we’ll finish up. But let me just talk about the book. So now you got all your information down, you wrote everything down. Now you said, I’m ready to write a book. So now what was your next step?

Monika Schaefer: Well, like I was saying earlier, Katana had kind of advised me on how to do this. Just write things, it doesn’t have to be in order, and then later put it in order. And it took a lot longer than I wanted it to take, Jim. I thought, okay, this would be a good project for a year. [chuckling] That’s kind of funny. I mean, it’s four years in the making, really, because I got out late 2018, 19, 2021, 22, four years.

And then there were some hiccups along the way and some yeah, some, …



Jim Rizoli: So now everything’s done. You got your manuscript, so now you had to decide who’s going to publish it.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, and I’m very grateful to the Barnes Review, good folks there, and I encourage people to actually become subscribers to that fantastic publication.

Jim Rizoli: Yeah, my brother Joe gets it, so I don’t have to get it, but we get it. It’s an excellent magazine.

Monika Schaefer: It is, yeah, that’s right.

Jim Rizoli: So you got the Barnes Review to do it, and they seem to do an excellent job in publishing your book.

Monika Schaefer: Oh yeah. They put it together into, like, I haven’t seen it yet in my hand, but I know it, …

Jim Rizoli: No, I understand. Well, that’s a great story. And the reason why I’m talking about the book and Monika is because if there’s other people out there that want to get into publishing a book, it’s good to see that any normal person can publish a book. If you just put your mind, you would get the information out and if you can find the publisher to do it or whatever, however you want to do it. I mean, our books are kind of deal with specific things. It’s not like we’re talking about some topic here, how to grow flowers.

But, I mean, the biggest part of publishing a book is getting someone who’s going to publish it.


Monika Schaefer: Get somebody to publish and print it. That was another delay. It’s small printer and they had some tragedy happen in their family. So it was a family business, just the printer. Because the Barnes Review doesn’t print. They have a printer, right?

I mean, they get somebody else to print. So that was another complication that probably delayed it by a couple of months or three, four months more.

Yeah. It’s getting more and more difficult because the eternal well poisoners of this world, they are really clamping down. But they’re in panic mode. We are winning! They’re in their last throws, and they don’t stop until we stop them.

So this is, I guess, another message, like, to get out there. But they are on the losing side, really.


Jim Rizoli: Well, the thing is, we don’t let up. And it has nothing to do with winning a battle. It just has to do with just getting what you have to do, out.

I mean, that’s how I look at it. I don’t look at winning this war. I look at just let’s get as many people online here to see what the truth is. Let them do it, whatever they want to do with it. But I mean, you can’t let them get away with it. That’s the biggest thing.

Well, Monika, this has been great. I’m really happy to see that you got the book out there. Hopefully we’ll get people to order it, to read it. If you really want to get into reading good information, especially dealing with your life there and what happened with you, I think it’s going to be great and I hope people take note of it.

And again, folks that are watching, we can’t let them win. And it doesn’t matter. We still have to fight to the end of whatever the end is! Just keep fighting and fighting! It doesn’t matter.


Monika Schaefer: Never give up! Never give up hope! Never give up. They want us to be hopeless. This is what they try to make us be, living in fear and with hopelessness. That’s what they do to us. But we can never let that happen to us, that we just give up hope. Because then you might as well. Then it’s over, right? If you give up hope, it’s over. And like you say, Jim, keep on going. Don’t give up.

Jim Rizoli: Like I said, no surrender! That’s it.

Monika Schaefer: No surrender! And I like your little motto of “you’re an army of one”, or something like that.


Jim Rizoli: Well, that’s the thing. Like, people say to me:

“Well, you don’t got a lot of people behind you.”

I’m saying it doesn’t matter! As long as you get one person on your side. You just increased by what, 100%? [chuckling]


Monika Schaefer: There’s a huge ripple effect. And also, people should understand and know that we are not this isolated little click like Noam Chomsky tried to tell Alfred [chuckling]! This is in one of his first videos, that’s kind of featured.

But anyway, we are many. We are many!


Jim Rizoli: Oh, no. I was thinking about my BitChute channel. I’ve only been on it for five years, but I have like over 2400 videos on BitChute, and I’m getting up to 2 million views on BitChute.

Monika Schaefer: Oh, that’s fantastic.


Jim Rizoli: And and again, that’s nothing compared to people on YouTube and all this and that. But you got to understand, this is BitChute.

Monika Schaefer: Oh, yeah. No, I want to take my hat off to you, Jim. You have done a huge service to the world, to us, to the good, the truth!


Jim Rizoli: Well, I just feel that if I can use my video skills and what I do, I’m doing here with you, that’s the least I can do. Because as you get older, you just can’t go out and do stuff anymore. But we all try.

Monika Schaefer: That’s right. And everybody has different skills and ideas.

So it’s going to be different for different people, what you can do. But everybody can do something. Everybody can do something! This is not a spectator game. You participate and everybody can do something.


Jim Rizoli: Here’s the way they can help you. They can get your book. That helps you. It gets the message out. Okay.

Monika Schaefer: And share it with somebody. Win them over.



Jim Rizoli: That’s right. And then take our video we’re doing now. Like, people say, what can I do to help you?

Look at I’m not looking for people’s money. I’m just looking get the message of take this video here, send it to people! Get it out to people! Send it to news people!

There is so much people can do, they don’t even know they can do it. You can get into all the newspapers and find out who the editor is and then send them the link to the stories. Say:

“You might be interested in this story.”

That’s all. Just get it out there! Someone might pick up on it. But you’re going to do something. If you don’t do anything, nothing’s going to get done!

On the BitChute channels. If you’re looking at other BitChute’s, post it on their channel, especially if it’s related to the topic of censorship or free speech or Germany or jews or whatever. Just say:

“Oh, here’s a new interview with Monika and Jim dealing with this topic.”

If you get it on 20 sites, 50 sites, 100 sites, that’s all. If you’re doing this all day, it’s not taking you out of your way to do this. Just put it on their site.


Monika Schaefer: Yeah. Another really effective thing, really effective thing is actually leafletting. Like, if you want to create just a small thing that has a few basic facts and then an URL, like a link that they could type into their computer if they want to seek more information. And then actually handing these to people personally, sometimes that is one of the most effective things. That another idea. Just another idea. I like to do that.


Jim Rizoli: The normies out there that don’t do video, that don’t write, that are at home reading, looking at websites, reading Internet sites. Whatever you’re doing, you have a tremendous ability to get the message out. And that’s all we have to do, get the message out!

And people believe me, they’re going to see it. I have people coming across my stuff in the weirdest ways that:

“Oh, I saw it over here. I saw it over there.”

And I said:

“Wow, I didn’t even know it was over there.”

I mean, that’s how you’re going to do it.

Okay, Monika. Well, this is great Monika. I really enjoyed this. I mean, I learned a little bit more about what happened with you in court and all that.

Monika Schaefer: Well, I enjoyed this, too. Thanks so much, Jim. Thank you for doing this.

Jim Rizoli: And we’ll be talking we’ll be doing another chat with you, me and Diane in the future to catch up on what’s going on and other stuff there too, later.

Monika Schaefer: Connecting the dots, right? Connect the dots.

Jim Rizoli: That’s right. And that’s what we’re trying to do here. Okay, folks, we’ll look at I want to thank everybody for watching. With me is Monika Schaefer, and we’re out there doing the best we can. We hope you can do the best you can, too, by getting the message out there.

So, Monika, thank you for being on the show, and we’ll be in touch. We’ll be talking again. Okay?

Monika Schaefer: Bye bye.

Jim Rizoli: Take care. Bye now.


[Outro music]








BitChute Comments

Immediately ordered the book.
3 months ago

i love when Monika is on.
3 months ago

Me too, Monika is such a good woman with spunk. I love people who tell the truth even when they are being targeted by evil. Their strength is addicting and gives me hope.
3 months ago

Jim, thanks so much for posting stuff on Monica and her brother. They are so awesome. They both inspire others to keep on keeping on when all hell breaks loose. They are perfect examples of what our people are capable of when we are targeted for extinction. We fight back and won’t shut up. Love these good people.
3 months ago

Synchronicity. I just ordered two copies. Thank you, Monika!
3 months ago

Monika, will you friggin’ MARRY me, please?… (FTJ!…)
Hide replies
3 months ago

If she accepts, you better be good to her. Treat her like a queen.
3 months ago

he does’nt have the means to make Monika happy. I do.
3 months ago

If she marries me she wouldn’t have to change her name.
3 months ago

if she married me, Monika could always just look into my blue eyes, and know she made the right choice. And I speak fluent German, have German ancestery, and lived there 25 years
Edited 3 months ago

3 months ago

I wonder if Monika knows she has so many marriage proposals? 😉
3 months ago

Probably thousands if not more. Marriage with Monika automatically gets one Alfred as a brother in law. Seriously, its a win win.
3 months ago

theres only 3 ladies I know of that I would marry. Monika, Deanna Spingola, and Dr Lorraine Day.
2 months ago

Those are some fine ladies.. i wish more women had the passion and ability to speak truth as boldly as they do
3 months ago

Great book title!
3 months ago

Do you guys know who wrote the Old testament Simon Peter Paul you know who these guys are
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3 months ago

The old testament?
2 months ago

Christianity is not the religion of Jesus of Nazareth it is a religion invented by Saul of Tarsus who even claimed he was an apostle and yet had never met Jesus face to face. Saul, the jew, saw the light and the ignoratti bought it. Christianity is a religion which makes people into easy slaves for the enemy of all life on Earth; the International Parasite.
2 months ago

Misinformed Person. Paul did not teach a Gospel different from Christ’s Gospel.
2 months ago

you were there, were you? Have you read the Urantia Book? Paul was a, what would now be called, a jew. The law for the jew is, he must lie, cheat, steal, and even kill goyim. Saul changed his name to Paul so he would not sound so, ‘jewish’. Of course you do know that Jesus despised those creatures, albeit they were not called ‘jews’ [show more]
2 months ago

Jesus changed the Name of Simon. Does the Urantia Book trace back to Apostolic Times?
2 months ago

Yet jew subversives have repeatedly tried to undermine the writings of Paul. I wouldn’t buy into the works of Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Adam Green and others like them.. they are deceived, if not deceivers themselves
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago

The two you mentioned seem to believe that the God of the Babylonian Talmud is the same God Jesus calls Father in the Gospels. The Christian God whom Jesus calls Father in the Gospels is not a Transgender Diety who condones the Subjugation, Extortion and the Eventual Elimination of all Gentiles. Bolshevik Jews killed over 70 Million Eastern Europeans including Millions more in China. Mao was funded by Jew Bankers. [show less]
3 months ago

And because of your judeo-christian beliefs you’ve created a ruling class that cannot be criticized
Hide replies
3 months ago
who are you addressing ,?
3 months ago

Go away faggot
2 months ago

JudeoChristianity is a Jewish Ploy to make Zionism more palatable to Christians. The Jews hate Jesus with a Passion. Ben Shapiro pushes JudeoChristian nonsense.
Edited 2 months ago

3 months ago

…. great news, … Monica and Alfred have been leaders in debunking these Jewish lies, … carrying on the tradition of the great Ernest Zundel, …
2 months ago

Ernst Zundel.
3 months ago

The original intent of Jew-dicial notice is not “hey, snow is cold”. Rather, its original intent is a tool of Jewish lies and control. Including and not limited to: the earth is a globe, six million Jews were exterminated in gas chambers, the vaccine is safe, virology is real, etc…
3 months ago

Jim said, “any normal person can publish a book” Jim, Monika is not a normal person, she is a treasure, and super special.
2 months ago

Open Our Eyes Jesus
Article 21 of the Statutes at Nuremberg
” The Nuremberg (military) Tribunal shall NOT require PROOF of the facts
LET THAT SINK IN – first time in recorded HISTORY- judges didn’t require actual documentary “proof” to come to (((their))) verdict – that is what came out of Communist controlled “Nuremberg.” of common knowledge, but shall take judicial notice thereof ”
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago

And they were not allowed an appeal. What kind of court is that.
2 months ago

Open Our Eyes JesusWayne101062
It’s a Kosher controlled Communist Court. Tragically the Germans were NEVER allowed to actually present the evidence to prove their innocence of the charges made against them at “Nuremberg”. Germany’s crime was they LOST WW II and have been enslaved ever since by the ruling global Jewish/Zionist Oligarchy. Allied winners wrote how the History is “remembered”.
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago

Open Our Eyes Jesus
” It is ERROR which needs the support of government.
TRUTH can stand on its own ”
– Thomas Jefferson, Third President of U.S.A
2 months ago

Open Our Eyes Jesus
Jefferson also said :
” The effect of government coercion is :
to make one half the people fools
and the other half hypocrites,
and to support roguery and error all over the earth” [show less]
2 months ago

Jim Rizoli
(dkk) “The truth needs no laws, the official holocaust narrative simply is not true… therefore, it is being used to enslave and manipulate humanity, ESPECIALLY the German nation.” Mrs. Ursula Haverbeck
2 months ago

What a amazing Lady.
2 months ago

Going to jail for words… why have we let the jooz get this far! Monika you are a very brave woman, thanks
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago

Jim Rizoli
(dkk) The ‘fix is in’. They had us with the post-WWII nonsense proliferated since then.
2 months ago

You have Jim thanks your great guy my friend thanks again for all you do.
2 months ago

Here is Miles Power responding to Germar’s book

2 months ago

Power is full of shit, dodging and deception. Most of his arguments were already adressed by Holocaust believer and chemist Richard Green by 2000 and brightly refuted by Rudolf with empirical proofs.
2 months ago

Jim Rizoli
(dkk) always a pleasure, “Fred”!
2 months ago

T/y the notification & link; just ordered a copy.
Alfred & Monika strong & handsome/beautiful and their courage an inspiration to all.
Again. t/y for this info.
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago

Hey Monika I caught you on RBN
Yesterday with Giuseppe and Blackbird 9, John Friend and Malicus Scott Hour 1

2 months ago

I sure wish all thought criminals are as elegant, and pleasant. Great job Jim!
2 months ago

In my opinion the Great Man, Adolf Hitler was much too kind and his friends also were so inclined. There never was any plan to exterminate the international pest but simply relocate it to some other place, no different than 1030 other places had done before Germany attempted to shake off the parasite. Now let’s make Planet Earth the 1031st place. Hail Victory!
Congratulations Monika. Well done. [show less]
2 months ago

The whims of politicians does not the law make. Read Frederick Bastiat, The Law and learn the truth about this very important subject which has been usurped by the parasite.
2 months ago

Good interview, Jim. Well done. Unlike certain interviewers you let your guest talk.
2 months ago

JIM it would be great to see a video of you tearing apart this guys stupid video review which is apparently backed by the JEWtube police: found thru Fredziffle108 comment Jim
Here is Miles Power responding to Germar’s book

2 months ago

JIM is extraordinarily talented as an interviewer, he asks pertinent clear concise questions and listens carefully to responses and answers and stays focused. This is actually rare in many high paid professionals.
2 months ago

Great video. Love Monika
2 months ago

going to buy the book
2 months ago

You will not see this book on the New York Times bestseller list. But is deserves to be there.
2 months ago

The fact that her own family members reported her is disgusting and a sign of just how broken the German people really are
2 months ago

Can’t wait for Monikas sequel,
“Sorry Jews, you were wrong about the Holocau$t”.
2 months ago

Reasonable White Guy
When I was in high school and junior high, part of our curriculum was a state mandated unit on the holocaust. I went through these units for at least a couple years in various history and social studies classes. My awakening, had to do with how this subject was approached and taught. The Jewish kids in the class were generally put [show more]
2 months ago

Kathleen Dudley
2 months ago

Kathleen Dudley
Thank you both for opening this up to encourage, expose and excite us about what is possible! You are both remarkable.
2 months ago

Non Fake News
Always enjoy listening to Monika. Brave woman.
2 months ago

Freeze Peach
Splendid everything and thanks Jim, thank you Monika. God bless.
2 months ago

One thing I could not make sense of was the genuine Joy the German People had when attending Hitler’s Speeches. It turns out Hitler was not the Monster we have been led to believe. Stalin was actually a Mass Murderer who Straved and Killed Millions of his fellow Human Beings.
Edited 2 months ago



See Also


Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust — TRANSCRIPT

The World’s First Anti-Holocaust Convention — Instauration Dec, 1979

An Open Letter to New Jersey’s Governor

Historians or Hoaxers?

House of Orwell

Misha: Surviving with Wolves or …

Bradley Smith’s Smith Report # 1

The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies

The Plum Cake

Auschwitz: Myths and Facts

Powers and Principalities XI – Ewen Cameron, MK-Ultra, Holocaust Revisionism — TRANSCRIPT

Tales of the Holohoax – A Historian’s Assessment – Part 1

The Holocaust Lie — Made in America

Probing the Holocaust: The Horror Explained — TRANSCRIPT

Jim Rizoli Interviews Prof Robert Faurisson, Oct 2015 — TRANSCRIPT

Holocaust Eyewitnesses: Is the Testimony Reliable?

Alain Soral – My Homage to Robert Faurisson, Oct 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

Inside Auschwitz – You’ve never seen THIS before! — TRANSCRIPT



Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books!

AUSCHWITZ – A Personal Account by Thies Christophersen

Jim Rizoli Interviews Bradley Smith — TRANSCRIPT

London Forum – Alfred Schaefer – Psychological Warfare – TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report Interviews Eric Hunt — TRANSCRIPT

Red Ice Radio – Germar Rudolf – Persecution of Revisionists & Demographic Disaster – Part 1— TRANSCRIPT

Red Ice Radio: Nicholas Kollerstrom — TRANSCRIPT

Red Ice TV – Ingrid Carlqvist – Scandal in Sweden When Ingrid Questions the Unquestionable — TRANSCRIPT

The Realist Report with Carolyn Yeager on Johnson vs Anglin debate — TRANSCRIPT


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