Free Speech Monika

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Jürgen Graf, 15 August 1951 – 13 January 2025

Another great man has left us — Jürgen Graf succumbed to illness at the age of 73.  As well as being fluent in many languages and doing superior translation work, he was a giant in the world of true historical research, writing about and righting “The Holocaust” story — in other words correcting a false narrative. 

While never having met in person, I had the great pleasure of getting to know Jürgen beginning in 2023 after I commissioned him to translate mySorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaustbook into German. He agreed, and with great enthusiasm began this task. We were in close contact during the entire process, as he sent chapter by chapter to me to check if he was getting the nuance of my meaning correctly. It was a most enjoyable collaboration. Part way along, everything slowed down because Jürgen became quite ill with cancer. He persevered with the work in spite of his discomfort, and completed the project (available here), for which I was ever so grateful to him. 

I cannot say enough about this man, his wisdom, kindness, knowledge, intelligence, integrity, and I could add many more words. Now he is at peace and need no longer suffer. His spirit will live on in us, and the ripples of his great work will be felt forever.

Here is the obituary by Germar Rudolf: Included in that obituary are the books which Jürgen Graf has written, with links to purchase them. And here is a tribute in french, in Jeune Nation.


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17 Responses

  1. Monika, thanks for the reference to the websites and articles. I have often followed Alfred’s articles on Henry’s website, including those on September 11th and the moon landing – I first learned about Stanley Kubrick through him.

    1989 buried many of my previous thoughts for decades. One resurfaced: in the GDR, practically every German had to learn a trade – apart from a few women who wanted to be there for their children (which was a considerable form of resistance at the time, but was seen as a kind of convenience), everyone worked. Unlike the local Jews from the cultural scene who bore German names, Germans who thought fundamentally differently and wanted to leave the GDR were picked up by plainclothes police officers – often at gunpoint – and locked up. This happened so covertly that almost no one knew of their existence. No one camped out on the streets. All of this made me think that the GDR system also had good sides – but I was surprised how the often characterless, boastful officials had managed to achieve this. Their unrealistic ideology could not have been the cause – I blamed it on the orders enforced at gunpoint by the Soviet occupiers in 1945 and thought: If the conditions that had been created in this way, which included employment and a secure income for almost everyone, were called into question, these officials would not be able to maintain them. That was not wrong, as 1989 showed, but even for me – who was never a socialist – the limitation of perception and the daily political-ideological theater prevented me from fully understanding the deception of the socialists.

    In Austria, the government negotiations between the two strongest parties have now failed, and a federal president now wants to explore new majorities – a staged theater for democracy with a predictable outcome: the strongest party (FPÖ) should not provide the head of government, which is certainly in the interests of the polemical Jews in the background. In order to bring about real change for the benefit of the Austrians, the FPÖ, which appears to be close to the people, would have had to make withdrawal from the Jewish-internationalist EU an immediate step after taking office as a condition if it did not want to openly distance itself from the Jews. Instead, the negotiations were fought over the EU agenda. FPÖ politicians have also become accustomed to years of grievances; they have become weakened by office work, parliamentarism and the poor environment there, and are hardly capable of solving problems. Austrians are traditionally well-educated, cultured people. Because of this upbringing, they do not expect the bad intentions of various types, cannot believe them and fall into the socialist trap – they become left-wing.

    The left’s methods for co-opting dissidents initially seem harmless: suddenly stopping salary payments, falsely issued documents, provocations and staged events designed to unsettle a target person and criminalize, isolate or ridicule them in their environment – usually at such a long interval in time that the target person does not notice the connection and sees everything as a coincidence.
    A certificate is made of good thick paper with printed, stamped, written decorations, seals, holograms, watermarks, signatures and general information to ensure authenticity. Then it is personalized, i.e. issued to someone. I once received such a certificate that had the personalized data mixed up and in the wrong places. The issuing secretary might have made a mistake. I went to her – the solid, experienced older lady was shocked, immediately drew up a new one and obtained the necessary signatures. I knew that it was not her fault, but at the time I had no explanation for how the false document came about. Today I know that certain services that can also produce certificates produced the wrong one for me, then opened the secretary’s cupboard (no problem for these charlatans) and replaced the correct certificate with the false one. A “magic trick” of the “David Copperfield” type. The charlatans can be dealt with using their methods: During his first term as president, the media and politicians in the Federal Republic of Germany portrayed Donald Trump as a liberal who was hostile to democracy. If so-called alternative media had called him a “Jewish slave,” any action against Trump would have been stopped immediately. Politics and the media are made by the original leftists and used to convey their views. After 1989, I noticed that left-wingness was more pronounced in the West than in the East: while in the East it was publicly expressed through alcohol consumption, smoking and fruitless talk, in the West it was also expressed through drugs, rock music and frequent self-praise and applause.

  2. At the end of the 1980s, I was working in East Berlin. The city was full of industry at the time, and people often worked around the clock in shifts. The workers, who mostly lived near the factories, were exposed to toxic substances (the solid and liquid components of which ended up in the garbage or in rivers) and often manufactured the industrial products using outdated machines from the 1930s – the condition of the work halls also seemed to have outlived this period. The workers’ lives took place between their homes and their workplaces, in their free time they went shopping and watched Western television – hardly anyone had the idea of driving to the countryside or going out into nature at the weekend. At the time I wondered where this would lead – I hadn’t yet expected the fall of the Berlin Wall.

    After the fall of the Berlin Wall, mass unemployment followed, and some of the workers quickly recognized the increasing anti-German elements, the courting of foreigners, the impudence of old and new socialists – they now voted for parties that presented themselves as German and uncritically followed national activists who offered National Socialism as a solution to the problems. A real enlightener was Nikolai Nerling (the people’s teacher), who imparted a lot of German knowledge – and also read out an e-mail that a Horst Mahler sent him, in which the people’s teacher was insulted. It was not entirely clear whether the email was really from Mahler, but Mahler was a National Socialist activist. At the beginning of Corona, another activist who had previously mocked the term “Holocaust denier” said that although he was not a Corona denier, not everything could be above board with Corona. Then there was mostly radio silence from them and the German parties – no warning about the dangers of vaccination, which honest compatriots would be obliged to give to the Germans. This was different for many workers who voted German, who now (even though they were a small minority compared to the masses) attended the anti-vaccination rallies in all weathers – even if they were on crutches. The demonstrations had a big impact: They revealed that politics and authorities were anti-German institutions, brought new knowledge and new acquaintances to the participants – and broke old patterns, so that many German-minded workers now viewed the nationalist parties and activists more critically and turned to new things. These people mostly live in areas that former GDR office workers, who moved into newly built houses in rural areas from 1990 onwards, had long since left. Those who remained have largely preserved the character of the old residential areas and prevented their appearance from being disfigured by masses of foreigners from other cultures, as is the case in many residential areas in western cities. Twenty years later, the GDR cadres who had moved away often sold their new houses and moved back to the city or into a retirement home – they had obviously not found an identity. On my journeys through towns and across the countryside, I sometimes came across these newly built areas. These “villages” have nothing to do with the old, real villages where there were cobblestone streets, tree-lined avenues and agriculture and where the inhabitants laid and worked – today they are just dormitories where there is nothing else apart from the new houses. There is no pub, no village life, no community – the residents only manage themselves, keep the lawn and windows clean, and hardly ever go outside. The vastness of the rural area there stands in stark contrast to the striking intellectual narrowness that reflects city work, lawlessness and immobility of the residents, who did not go to anti-vaccination rallies, mostly got vaccinated and talked it up.

    The people’s teacher had published some very good articles about the life of Marianne Wilfert, who lived in Franconia. This woman, who had published important facts about what happened in Germany in the years after 1945, was convicted and imprisoned as a result. She also told how local politicians acted threateningly in front of her in order to silence her. Such things are possible because of the widespread isolation, lack of education and fearfulness of most Germans – and must be stopped. Ms. Wilfert and other lone fighters must be better protected – also by spreading their knowledge and that of others. The fact that more detailed articles are also published on this website also makes the owner and commentators recognizable as honest representatives of our (German) interests.

    1. Thank you Thomas, for sharing these very interesting observations with us.
      I have been wondering about Marianne Wilfert. Is she still behind bars? I have not had contact with her in probably about a year.
      Here is a video which Alfred made with Henry Hafenmeyer (R.I.P.) in 2016, English then German:, and in this one, Alfred does English voice-over, for our English-speaking audience.–VUk I think you would be interested in this, as Henry was from the GDR (DDR in Deutsch) and he comments about his impressions when the wall came down.

  3. 100 years ago, people were less worriers (theorists) and more creators (practitioners). They certainly did not lack critical thinking, but they had no knowledge of “theatre studies” and could not imagine that their commitment and bravery would lead them to the abyss through the theatre of national and international political actors. In 1945, decent people often took their own lives, probably without realizing what was being done to their detriment. Even in the GDR, no one had any idea that SED officials were actors – ideology was their scepter, just as Christianity was for the church. In 1989, Germans could not imagine where politicians, whose parties almost never have the word “German” in their abbreviation, would lead them.

    In Germany, patriots suddenly appear on the scene, activate others, and then just as suddenly disappear again. They never join the ranks of the active groups. In the GDR, too, people suddenly took paths that they could not have come up with on their own based on the experience of their environment. It was not uncommon for them to start studying and live well during this time – they must have been supported by someone. Despite their professional problems, no one advised them to take a different career path – on the contrary: even as graduates, they received comparatively high salaries and company cars (while field workers drove to repair work in their private cars). Their lives were one of instability, contradiction, implausibility, restlessness – they placed value on appearances: money, suits, reputation. They too were far from being part of the masses – on the contrary: they avoided them. They were sectarians – and actors who acted on behalf of their supporters.

    In the GDR, the SED was the all-dominant party that constantly stirred up sentiment against the West – and behind the scenes also against Christianity. There were also other parties that almost never appeared or were mentioned, but all had the word “German” in their abbreviation – except for one party: the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) and some new political groups that suddenly entered the scene at the end of the 1980s. What sense would it make for a socialist construct – the GDR – to drag along a party with the same name as in the Federal Republic of Germany and to pay its officials when it officially opposed the West and Christianity? No one in the GDR asked this question. In front of or behind the scenes are two different things – actors trained in party schools and in art schools receive high salaries, and art students are allowed to comment on their colleagues and their policies in the media.

    1. I had to look up “SED” = Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands”, or Socialist Unity Party of Germany. The communist party that ruled East Germany (DDR) from 1949 to 1989.

  4. Freya, I never saw dealing with institutions as a risk, even in the GDR, because the employees there were often simply too stupid, lacking in character, cheeky and even criminal. Today I know that certain types crowd into parties, lodges, judicial and administrative buildings, authorities, universities, offices, etc. Even at grammar schools, the number of students who go to school is more likely to be those who are not necessarily interested in working, who have difficulty with real-life tasks, who therefore have to live at the expense of others and cheat them – often having fun doing so, never taking risks, always adapting and supporting every injustice. It is not entirely superfluous to write to the authorities and point out your rights, even if they hardly respond to arguments and give standard answers. In doing so, they show that they are working in a construct that has created its own law for the administration of Germans – and that all lawyers and politicians are just cogs in this machine, bound to instructions. Everyone must first convince themselves of this, for example by receiving a response to a letter. Then one can turn to higher-ranking authorities – the occupation authorities – and contact their embassies. But the most important thing is that the legal situation is compiled and sent anonymously to ordinary people – for example as individual sheets. Because they usually know nothing about it. They have to understand that politicians are constantly making their situation worse, distracting from the essentials with staged theater – for 80 years. Then hopefully Germans will no longer vote for these old parties. But patriots and nationalists are also silent on the legal situation, even though they have lawyers – they are also actors. Ultimately, it can only be done from below: communicate with others, find people who think differently in order to reposition themselves – it is easier in a group.

    1. I am inclined to think that Ezra Pound was right when he said “democracy is jew-speak for country-run-by-jews”.

  5. “If I understood you (Freya) correctly, you want to say that an authority or a judiciary cannot be a state institution and a private company at the same time. And since in the Federal Republic of Germany all institutions that call themselves state-owned – mostly registered in the USA – are companies, and this also applies to the holders of identity cards who have become one-man companies, the companies appointed as authorities can deal with the one-man companies arbitrarily, bypassing state law. …” (Thomas)

    May I ask – have you ever taken the risks you are talking about yourself? – Try it, and you’ll have your individual experience (slighly varying from individual to individual). Confronting the (((authorities))) with the inconsistencies of their “state” realities, the false claims, the lies, the deception – They simply IGNORE your knowledge about reality, about what is being done to the German people without most of them even realizing, “consenting” only by being deceived in the most wicked way. They can do to you whatever they want, kidnap you, drag you off to their privatized Gulag, keep you imprisoned without trial for as long as they want (a company does not care at all about “justice stuff”), no arrest warrant handed over, no lawyer, no nothing. In solitary confinement, a staged “pandemic” comes in handy, kept like a dog in a cage. – There is no “state law”, there is no state left… They treat you as slaves without any rights.

  6. The thinking that was almost exclusively limited to political-ideological, legal and economic categories – especially with the Allied occupation of Germany after 1945 – will be broadened here with some considerations that show the usefulness and progress of physical exercise and that perhaps can only arise in this way.

    Our white, German ancestors lived (contrary to today’s scientifically-called misrepresentations) in Northern and Central Europe as early as 1 million years ago – there is evidence of this, and even in the German Empire, quite a few people living around 1900 knew about it, as very precise and extensive documents written during the Kaiser era prove. German history therefore goes back much further than the few thousand years recorded in the Bible. The church, which had become the leading religious institution in the Roman Empire around 2000 years ago with the proclamation of Christianity, did everything in its power to destroy this ancient knowledge.

    The battles of unarmored, mobile Germanic tribes (particularly from the Cherusci tribe) against armored Roman legions prevented the Roman Empire from expanding further – the Cherusci founded the New Germany through this defensive battle around 2000 years ago. Even the New Germany is therefore twice as old as the Germany that is often called the Roman Empire of the German Nation today.

    At school, students run 100 meters in physical education classes. A student can imagine and complete walking 1 km (= 1000 meters = 10 x 100 meters) just like an adult driver. But walking 20 km (= 200 x 100 meters) takes you into new areas, which is demonstrated by the size of the numbers that you can get a rational idea of when you count. You can still count from 1 to 10, but counting to 200 takes time, and you can get restless and stumble over your words. The body of a 20 km walker does not need this rational concept; it perceives it through performance, effort, water and energy consumption, and the waning of strength – and should be trained to avoid damage as much as possible.

    The time-consuming movement in space changes the feeling of space-time and thus the space-time concept of the person moving under their own power compared to the person who is stationary or driving a motor vehicle in such a way that by covering the long distance more slowly he is able to get an idea of the meaning and magnitude of the number 200. For him, time passes more consciously and therefore more slowly – he can still remember things that happened 50 years ago quite clearly, they often seem to have happened only yesterday, he can thus better grasp periods of time that are even further back, think about 2000 years back and into the events of that time. For him, 10 years is no time; he stays young longer and understands that time can be measured mechanically, but is a form of life that shows itself in the aging of the body’s cells, is linked to this life and varies from individual to individual.

  7. If I understood you (Freya) correctly, you want to say that an authority or a judiciary cannot be a state institution and a private company at the same time. And since in the Federal Republic of Germany all institutions that call themselves state-owned – mostly registered in the USA – are companies, and this also applies to the holders of identity cards who have become one-man companies, the companies appointed as authorities can deal with the one-man companies arbitrarily, bypassing state law. But the authorities only believe that there is no way out for us. This is correct as long as a sufficiently large number of people do not do what is necessary to change the situation. What “sufficiently large” means varies from case to case and will remain unanswered here. But I have explained what is needed to make a change: understanding the legal situation and exercising regularly. This initially creates mental and physical superiority over the authorities and politicians, which allows people to find forms of resistance that can spread to others and thus become an avalanche that can change the situation from one day to the next. One example is the FPÖ in Austria, which was accepted overnight. This path also allows forms of resistance to find those who take it. Ultimately, it has mostly been men who have initiated fundamental changes, as they are more stubborn and more willing to attack – nothing changes without taking risks: In fear and bourgeois life, no chain was ever broken. Here, one has to give more, freedom is not given … (Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben)

  8. “Then the legal situation can lead to the widespread indignation that is necessary to see individual fighters like Jürgen Graf and Germar Rudolf as important people, to accept them into the crowd – and to free themselves from the yoke of disenfranchisement through the old ID cards with newly citizen” (Thomas)

    What does that mean? – I do know from experience that there is NO law, order and justice system in place. “Police” cannot be a “company” and a state or communal institution at the same time. A “company” is not German police etc any more, and they do behave accordingly. There is total illegality going on, and the perpetrators do not care in the slightest. They know that there is nowhere to turn to.

  9. Hardly anyone in Germany would dare to say such sentences of remembrance – the media, politicians and lawyers have the Germans under their control. Jürgen Graf is also said to have written books about the foreign infiltration and extermination of the whites (“The Ship of Fools”, “The Planned Death of the People”). He was an upright man – in Switzerland he was sentenced to prison for “racial discrimination”, which he avoided by going into exile in Eastern Europe. Germar Rudolf is said to have called the acceptance of taboos in science “intellectual bankruptcy”.

    Today, white people are treated, insulted, vaccinated, judged, and treated with medicine. They often walk with their backs bowed, appear bitter and depressed. They are dragged down even further by ever new regulations.

    Their disenfranchisement is achieved through legal tricks that they accept out of ignorance of the legal situation or due to advanced weakness:
    By signing an ID card, an identical name written in capital letters is created for the holder under his or her surname, which assigns the holder a legal entity and makes him or her, on paper, a seizable item that is traded on stock exchanges.

    This should provoke widespread outrage, but even when people are aware of the deprivation of their own rights that comes with the ID cards issued in this way, little happens – they shrug their shoulders, go about their daily business, drink their beer, listen to music, and go to work. Often, many people do not have the time to do their own research, use their free time for other things, or have simply become too weak to tackle difficulties. This shows not only an intellectual weakness, but also a weakness of character. This is causing authorities and the politicians who give them orders to become more and more cheeky: applications for citizen ID cards with the correctly spelled surname are rejected by them on the grounds that such applications are inadmissible because one is not entitled to such an ID card. White politicians explain this to a white person who is proving his ancestry.

    These lackeys must be opposed – to do this, superiority over politicians, authorities and lawyers must be achieved. In German, the word superiority contains the word consideration, which means that one must deal with the legal situation and take the time. And secondly, your body must be moved outdoors – not extremely, but for at least two hours a day (a deceased philosopher said: Anyone who works for others for more than four hours a day is a slave). Through movement, the chemical energy of the body’s cells is converted into electrical energy, which is amplified by the electromagnetic fields surrounding the earth, generating thought and understanding, rebuilding body and character.
    Then the legal situation can lead to the widespread indignation that is necessary to see individual fighters like Jürgen Graf and Germar Rudolf as important people, to accept them into the crowd – and to free themselves from the yoke of disenfranchisement through the old ID cards with newly citizen IDs.

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