Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Joyful Resistance

Resistance can be fun!


Busking denied? That did not stop the music!

Almost every single day during the summer of 2017 I walked out my front door with fiddle in hand and played my way through the streets of Jasper townsite with a big smile on my face. No busking. Just walking and playing tunes.

The tourists loved it! Some of them even thought that I was being paid by the town! To them it made perfect sense that this jewel of a town in the Canadian Rockies would invest in street musicians and other artisan entertainers. Such irony! The town was actually forbidding me to earn money with my instrument. You can read about it here, here, and here.

Most of the locals also responded with joy. I received enough smiles and nods and thumbs up to store up for a winter drought and then some. The few people who squirmed and scowled and jerked their heads away in disgust – well, they revealed themselves to me. They could not stand it that I was having so much fun, and moreover, that others were responding so joyfully to my minstrelling.

If anyone was worried that giving me a busking permit would give me some kind of platform for proselytizing the public about World War 2 history, their “punishment” backfired on them. Had I been allowed to busk, I would simply have played my violin with an open case in front of me, hoping that a few music appreciators would toss a coin or two my way. I would not have been simultaneously talking about the state of the world.

But since I was not busking, and some tourists asked me why not, I stopped to talk to them. I told them that the town was prohibiting me from busking because they do not like my thoughts. That always elicited a gasp of surprise. Naturally they wanted to know more, so I gave them more. I talked about the forbidden subjects, for example the false flag nature of 9/11 and so on. Sometimes we went all the way into WW2 history and the most forbidden subject of all…

Since some of the tourists thought I was actually being paid to play, well then perhaps I should present the town council with a mock bill for my efforts. About $3000 should be quite adequate. When the world has been turned upside-down, we can turn the assaults against truth-tellers upside-down too, and put it right again.

Resistance can be fun!

19 Responses

  1. Jeepers in Jasper, Monika! By such and all appearances, I see that you have shed years of age, the spring in your step that of a lass decades’ younger, full of spirit and gaiety. GOD bless you and keep you! The Light through you shines and illumines each who visit with you in passing. Reminds me, too, if I may say so, another soul less visible! 🙂

  2. Very good Monika!

    They feed off of fear and despair so one of the wisest things we can do is to be cheerful and exude confidence to others in the truth and patriot movement! Keep smiling and dancing while you play your fiddle in the streets of Jasper. I would love to see a YouTube video of you doing that with the reactions of the local and the tourists!
    Brian Ruhe

  3. What a wonderfully defiant attitude to the local minions of tyranny you have Monika. Well done!

    These people who have denied you, the very person in Jasper most qualified, a busking license, have shown themselves to be of obvious low moral fibre by acting as servants of organized jewish power, to the detriment of the Canadian people, who they pretend to represent.

    I say that because, there is no other reasonable explanation for why they denied you the license, other than wanting to punish and harm you for telling the truth about WWII, and the fraudulent nature of the so-called “Holocaust”.

    Now, for those new to the idea that the “Holocaust” is in fact a diabolical lie, a long running psychological warfare operation being carried out by the instigators and ultimate victors of that World War and the previous one, please bear with me, before reacting in outrage.

    Revisionist researchers have conclusively proven that the three “pillars” or “claims” of the “Holocaust” are clearly false. They false claims are:

    1) That the National Socialists had a “Final Solution Plan” to exterminate jews.
    2) That the Germans killed jews in “gas chambers” and other forms of industrial killing methods.
    3) That about six million jews were killed.

    With the internet now, all you need is the intestinal fortitude, in other words the “guts”, plus the desire for truth, to discover for yourself the reality about the fraudulent nature of the so-called “Holocaust” by studying the subject matter produced by these revisionists.

    I did that, Monika did that, and there is nothing but your own programmed fear stopping you also from doing the same. Knowing this truth about WWII will change your life. It will make you understand totally, why Monika Schaefer is where she is today.

    If you value truth over lies, Monika’s music and defiant attitude should warm your soul.

    1. Thank you so much for your insightful comments, Katana!
      I also want to thank all the others who commented here. It warms my heart.

      1. My other half was saying how much she used to like Jasper but now probably couldn’t stomach it.
        She’d like it again when we get it back though!
        Thank you Monika, Alfred ,Mr. Bory et al.
        p.s. I like the Canajun attention to grammar on this site (though I’m by no means the best exponent myself).

        1. Hi Bryan, I’m enjoying your comments, and especially that you are going back into older articles. Explanation of missing images: my entire website was wiped out one day to the next; I believe that was early 2021. I was able to “rescue” the articles, but sans pictures. I intended to restore the images, but somehow life got busy… But your revisiting these old articles brings my attention back to them, so I really should try to restore a few pictures, even if just the “feature image”. Thanks again!

    2. That’s probably the best summation of the holoBS I’ve seen. Well done whoever you are.
      p.s. I’ m a great fan of terseness and you’ve done it in spades.

  4. Way to go Monika! Never let the hypocrites and bigots get the better of you. Music is love and love is music (if you know what I mean) as the old song goes. Resisting oppression and the works of fools is an honourable thing to do and if one can play their heart out in freedom of expression all the better!

    Keep on keeping on!


    Mehr Licht!

  5. Good for you Monika don’t let those assholes take that beautiful music and beautiful love in your heart and your soul !!!!❤️ YOU GO GIRL!🎶

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