Free Speech Monika

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John Friend – The Realist Report 2020.09.21

Once again I had the honour of being invited to John Friend’s show The Realist Report.

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We discuss the ongoing plight of my brother Alfred, who has been imprisoned in Germany for over two years now for his publicly expressed views on WWII and the alleged Jewish “Holocaust”. We also cover the concept of historical revisionism, the totally inverted official WWII narrative, and a recent experience at an emergency room hospital in Canada, and much more!

Click on the following link to listen to the podcast.

17 Responses

  1. Hi all…I just came across this cc video banned on Youtube. This same guy Joe Imbriano is a Californian constantly blowing the whistle not to mention addressing and voicing his findings at his local civil meetings. I was trying to find his video of the schools that are being barred up but that may have been banned as well. Until I find it I wanted to alert everyone with this video:

    And to deutscherlandsmann I wanted to share this video of a confirmation I needed which exposes the dirty tricks being played. Just recently as announced at a Berlin protest, RFK Jr. opened a ‘supposed’ new clinic(?). If anyone watched his opening statements…like on cue he singled out the ‘Nazis’ as we are so familiar with by now. I was shocked to say the least, but it allowed me to see that he is not on our side ESP. with saying that he “IS NOT AGAINST VACCINES”…but somehow he is against this C-19 vaccine. He has teamed up with Judy Mikovits a supposed ‘whistleblower’ but now has confirmed for me that they are all controlled opposition. I had no way to prove it until I came across Joe’s video. I will include it also:

    If you know Italians…he gets excited in explaining things, but he lives on ground zero in California. I first saw him when watching the first protests that started up in the states…and in particular his video of a California protest.

  2. Thank you for your reply Monika! I have to smile a bit what Alfred would say if these parents told him it will get better alone and the enemy will come to reason without resistance and in peaceful manner by obeying their “laws”:-).
    In addition to your position I believe it is not only important to resist and refuse mandatory use of face masks but also not to talk so much about that topic in normal course of life for not paying too much attention to that topic with which the enemy keeps us busy. In best case we motivate our social environment to refuse and to disobey these “laws” by confronting them with the consequences and the plan behind these agenda and then we should take care of things that strengthen our mind such as playing an instrument (what you did in prison with your violin) or other things like challenging ourselves by spending our time in the nature such as mountain hikes. Therefore the enemy can see that we not only disobey his laws but also do not take care of his agenda and making our own cultural life so that he also can observe that we exactly do these activities (culture, enjoying the nature, coming together in a community without any daft “social distancing”) and live exactly in this kind which he wants to prevent us to do with the Plandemic and Holocaust story.

  3. @Monika: one of the most important things in your interview was your recommendation to refuse to wear a mask. And in addition you recommended to bring children not to school in these times. There is a mother who fights like a courageous lion for her daughter and is in my eyes a very good example how we have to behave for ending this communist suppression. The interview is in German however I want to show it you as this mother behaves as if she heard your interview with John

    1. This woman has reached the only sensible conclusion possible: School is a dangerous place to send your child. And parents who go along with the masking regulations are participating in this tyranny! They think it will get better? No! It will not get better unless we the people rebel, resist, do NOT obey, stand up and say NO! When the people blindly obey, the tyranny will escalate, it will be driven ever further, right to the fulfillment of their agenda, which is to kill us. We only need look at what happened in Russia and Ukraine a century ago, where many millions were tortured, slaughtered, starved, and terrorized.

      I remember my surprise many years ago when I learned from cousins that in Germany there was no such thing as home-schooling. ALL children had to go to school, and it was a crime to keep your children out of school. It makes sense to me now, understanding that in Germany the “re-education” program was of the utmost importance for the victors of the war that never ended. Schools are indoctrination centres, and now they have become prisons in which the children are being tortured and traumatized.

  4. Deutscherlandsmann…thank you for the video. Not only were they superior in fighting a war not started by them, their ethics gave them honor, something ‘good’ that ‘evil’ wanted to destroy (and still does) and then ‘replace’ the true with the false. Deutschland was the envy and covet by jews east and west. Now America has been turned into Weimar…a complete opposite of what she stood for…’Karma’ IMO. This alone confirms the true history of WWI and WWII…something AH witnessed in a foxhole and the dignity he fought for…He brought Deutschland back from complete destruction from within…miracles and strength no one denies! Gott Mit Uns! Our leader is The Almighty!

  5. @Monika and Sparrow: in case you are more interested how the German side assessed the end of the battle in the Bolshevik Soviet Union you may listen to the considered speech of Joseph Goebbels in February 1945. It is also interesting that he mentioned the support of the former US administration. Moreover the described situation in his speech of Germany in 1945 – summarized hard but not at all hopeless – is nearly the same as in 2020.

    1. Thank you but my Deutch is minimal at this time. I couldn’t find a way to translate. I lived in Wiesbaden for 3 years, learned enough Deutch to carry on a slow conversation and do things living there, however just over the next town in Mainz their language dialect was different. That was my very first exposure (87-90) of the oppressive US occupation and my journey to unraveling, finding, listening and since internet, researching the Truth about WWII. My maternal grandmother was from German ancestry as her grandfather and his brothers, I have recently learned, came to the US. I witnessed protests every weekend and sometimes weekdays outside the US military base by the local volk. I sympathized with them and even wanted to join them. At the time my landlord, who was in the Nazi Navy and who spoke English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic…even southern slang, became like family. I wish today that I had been able to talk to him about the truth and what he experienced. At the time I was under the ‘spell of lies’ about WWII history but was open to know more. I always 100% had a very hard time believing the narrative of such a monster ever existing that AH was made out to be, even with my limited propagandized narrative. How I exploded with the mind boggling confirmation that my instinct was right when learning the truth. How much more I wish I could have learned from my dear landlord/friend Geunther. This is why we keep the vibration/liberation of the truth going, and going and going. The Truth will always stand and is there for anyone who wants it. God Bless.

      1. PS….and like Monika to her mother…more than anything I wish I could have apologized to Geunther for the American atrocities done to Deutschland, her volk and the relentless occupation…and believing the horrible lies that controlled her destiny to this day.

      2. So for you – Sparrow – I have a very short 2 minutes English version what powerful soldiers were our ancestors or in other words – what also Jewish military historians do know and do partially admit in public – the Wehrmacht was the best army in the world and I would say that if most of the people in the western controlled Zionist world had has only 50 % of an average Wehrmacht soldier the fake pandemic virus would have ended before mandatory face masks could have brought up by this corrupt system.

        Now take a look for yourself! 🙂

  6. Always delighted to listen to you Monika. Thank you for your strength in standing with the Truth. There’s no other choice is there? Once changed by it we die with it and for the better. You strengthen me each and every time which is the true meaning of unity. AH knew that power. It is God Given dear friend. We may be a minority, but the Almighty Power is behind us regardless what the eyes see in the world. It was He that wanted me to know the truth of all history, mostly so I could repent for all the horrid evil my nation has caused over and over. That is what will save us in the end and subdue/destroy the enemy. I believe with my whole heart that when the Germans made it to Bolshevik Soviet Russia, it was then AH knew they would rid the world of bolshevism/communism once and for all. Suddenly a freak snow storm/blizzard hit exactly where the Germans were inside Soviet Union heading toward Moscow, when the AH started losing the war. Long story short(er)…
    I listen to a brilliant guy named Dutchsinse that forecasts earthquakes and thus also volcano eruption(s) by the study of seismic activity on fault zones the world over and gives tutorials for free. He was alerted to DEW weapon beams on radar that went directly to the fires in California: (@55:07) and

    ***as a side note*** Dutchsinse gets censored all the time by the usual suspects but his war with the lies from the USGS are a terrible thorn in his side but exposes them.

    According to a scientist he introduced by the name of (Ret) LTC Thomas Bearden there has been man made weather control by the Soviets since the beginning of the 20th century. It was then when I listened to his commentary on Scalar Technology and its history that I connected that “stroke of bad luck weather” when the Germans were winning the war and heading for Moscow (IMO). Thomas Bearden blames the weather control on the Russians especially since the ‘death of Brezhnev’ in the US when we started having immense flooding etc. But we all know that it is now the world Elites that are doing this ESPECIALLY THE USA, ex: DAARPA/HARP ETC as seen in this video: Rt. Lt. Col. Tom Bearden: Scalar Technology Being Used to Control Weather

    As always and as usual…the Kleptocracy during WWI AND WWII by the worlds top kleptocratic oligarchy (JEWS/FREEMASONS) is what we continue to suffer today. Climate engineering is by far our greatest foe in this darkness that they are calling ‘Climate Change’ to engineer a complete reset with Communism. It is the final testing of our faith to ‘endure to the end’ that is mentioned in the Bible. Getting a grip of the massive propaganda which is happening again…is the first stumbling block victory. Sorry for so much technical info but I didn’t know how else to describe the connections as I am not technical at all. We can only keep our prospective when we align with AH and WWII, what he was up against and what we are now…IS THE SAME… in different words but same actions. As we stand with our arms straight out, we not only form a cross but we form a scales…with the Truth in the right arm weighing/discerning the lies and deceptions in the left. This is what Jesus our Savior has given us and is what we are to use with the confirmations of the Holy Spirit. The Light is and will shine bright, revealing lies and dropping masks.

    God Bless dear sister, Alfred and the prisoners in this war of Faith.

    1. Thank you dear Sparrow for this comment and all the information in it. What you say about that terrible winter snowstorm which stopped the Germans in their tracks is very very interesting. Wow, could it be that it was engineered? I have seen documents online which go back decades, in which they talk about weather modification as a weapon of war. I remember my mother telling us about that terrible storm, and how it was the very worst winter in memory.

      The reset (((they))) now are wanting to engineer will be nicely packaged in green, like a trojan horse. Nice packaging for their program, they will call it saving the planet. Their climate change story is entirely engineered, literally geo-engineered. When they are confronted about the chem-trails, they pretend that geo-engineering might be something they will have to resort to in the future to “prevent runaway heating”, while in fact they are totally manipulating the weather now.

      1. Greetings Monika.

        Human-produced CO2 consists of one molecule per 85,000 molecules in the atmosphere. It’s nothing!

        Please see the chart in:

        The Earth’s atmosphere has been influenced by solar cycles for at least 10,000 years. We are passing the current peak and heading towards global cooling.. International financiers are instituting nature-trading based on carbon so they will have something to seize if countries cannot repay the fake money that they pretend to lend to them..

  7. #The Satanism of the Jew World Order…
    The NEW BABYLON(DON) – ZION(IST) Olympics opening ceremony was a Satanic ritual hidden in plain sight! The whole world was made to take part by watching – They use black magic symbolism to force everybody in – It works subconsciously on those who are still under the spell – If you are awake, you are aware of what really is going on – you are an observer – a warning voice – Do you all remember?
    The British (Jewish?) architect Norman Foster remodelled the old Reichstag building in Berlin… a glass dome, a roof made of glass… it’s like walls made of glass – and signals: no protection…


    … and a thorn right into the heart, a dagger, a Damocles sword… is hanging right from above over the heads of the so called “representatives of the German people” (in reality nothing of that kind) – negative, destructive energy by architectural design – black magic by the “architects” (freemasons) – evil, demonic influence on the subconscious – The British talk about the “elephant in the room” which nobody can see and nobody talks about – subconscious message: “Do not criticise the Jews!” the elephant in the room – The spell must be broken by naming the Jew – Do you all know the tale of Rumpelstielzchen? – the “Rumpelstielzchen effect”? (old wisdom, altes Wissen)

    Since April 19, 1999 (one day before Hitler’s 110.birthday) a PERMANENT TERROR ATTACK has been taking place on the Reichstag, on Germany and the German people. The remodelling of the Reichstag building had come to an end and the first parliamentary session took place – under that monstrous thorn (dagger). Anti-German politics extremely devastating for country and people.

    Video in the Reichstag building:

  8. What a wonderful conversation between Monika and John! And Yes, Monika is absolutely right by emphasizing that we are still in the 2 world war only by changing the weapons from guns and bombs to psychological weapons for suppressing us such as history lies and corona fake pandemic. That’s the reason why we will not win this war by peaceful remedies alone. Of course we do not presently can defeat the enemy with armed force due to lack of military and police power, however we have to start to resist the laws which are against humanity such as mandatory mask-wearing in the way Monika proposed.

    John is right with his points that we have a lack of leadership which stands up for its nation. You can see in the corona fake pandemic that the parliamentary democracy is not endangered by corona claimed by many anti corona protesters but it is in fact the chief cause why the suppression of human rights is so successfully realized as the governances and parliaments of the so called “western world” realizes the secret orders of the Zionist dominated globalists for creating a One World dictatorship with fearful and egocentric people.

    Therefore we need a kind of real aristocratic leadership which is only engaged for its own folk and has the sole political power without corruption and feels only obliged to its people. This kind of aristocratic system was the former National Socialism in which slave masks had been practically impossible. Slave masks are only possible in a parliamentary democracy where corrupt “democratic politicians” feels only obliged to their personal advantage and not the public welfare of the nation. Therefore this corrupt political system in the form of the so called parliamentary democracy is the breeding ground for corrupt politics who are the most important precondition for creating such a fake pandemic with inhuman provisions such as mandatory use of face masks and other crazy restrictions which we indeed must not to obey as Monika asked us in that talk. This is the reason why I become very angry to see that most of people are mask carriers and that is the reason why I – in comparison to Jon’s recommendation – discuss with people when they call me to wear a mask as they are responsible for strengthening the dictatorship where the future generation will have to live except we prevent this plan by disobeying their laws! Although John recognized the fact that everyone who obeys the Jewish laws is himself not better than the Jews themselves he should logically confront with that argument all subordinates who try to prohibit us access to shops when we have no mask over our mouth.

    And the reason why the most of our fellow human beings obey these crazy corona “laws” can be seen in a huge lack of firmness of character which should us “awakening people” to strengthen our spiritual fight for our German chivalry, fidelity to our race and to our nation and to become more courageous by overwhelming our decadent selfishness and “minus soul” which is in my view the evil of all and has been created in our folk since 1945 by the liberalistic Zionist dogma.

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