Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Jim Rizoli on Blood River Radio tells it like it is

Jim Rizoli has interviewed just about everybody who has publicly questioned the official WW2 narrative about the so-called Jewish “holocaust”. He and his partner Diane King have produced many many videos over the years, and even when their channels get taken down, they just dust themselves off and keep on going.

In Jim Rizoli’s first appearance on Blood River Radio, he joins Eddie “the Bombardier” Miller and Monika Schaefer to give a most fascinating account of how he initially got into the world of historical revisionism. He more-or-less stumbled in through the back door while he and his brother Joe were outspoken critics of the massive immigration problem (illegal migrants) in their home-town. Suddenly there was a middle-aged white guy who was being deported from the USA because of some visa technicality, and this peaked his curiosity. Have a listen to what happened next.

Here is the link: 8 of May 2021, BRR Hour 1 (The interview starts at minute 8:50.)

The interview continues in the second hour, with lots of excellent discussion about the real story of what happened in the concentration camps in Germany. Everything was inverted, as “the victors write the history books.” Jim tells it how it is, and does not hold back. During the last quarter hour, we talk about the sham of the Nuremberg Trials. It was riveting.

Link to part 2: BRR Hour 2

3 Responses

  1. I’m very happy to see another Radio podcast that champions free speech. I’m a fan of Jim and Diane King, and Monika and Monika’s brother Alfred. I pray Alfred is doing O.K. in his current Gulag. Monika, please tell Alfred that many people think of him often and truly admire his courage. As far as the silly holocaust story goes, what kind of truth needs a law to protect it? If the holocaust is applied to any people it should be applied to the German people during and after the Second World War. What they endured was monstrous and horrific. Just for the record, over 150,000 Germans of Jewish blood fought for the Reich during WW2. Though most were half-Jews and quarter Jews, approximately 4000 were 100% Jewish, Ashkenazi and Sephardic. The National Socialists rounded up Communists and economic criminals and for their labor camps. They didn’t target Jews as a belligerent force if they were Christianized or totally secular. Unfortunately, during that period many Jews were belligerent agents in the Reich.

  2. The same transgenerational Freemasonic “New World Order” agenda – the pre-planned “Great Reset”—3-3—Adolf-Hitler

    The ongoing destruction of western Christian civilization – Comintern – international Communism – Zionism – Judaism – Talmudism – Satanism – Luciferianism – global genocide – totalitarian enslavement of humanity – hell on earth

    The same perpetrators

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