Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Holocaustianity, the New Religion – by Monika Schaefer

There is one event in our history which appears to be off-limits to discuss, debate, ask questions, investigate, or ask for evidence. That event is the so-called Holocaust. It has become a belief system, and if you dare to speak something contrary to this belief system, beware! You may encounter “ritual defamation”. You may be viewed as a heretic. Facts become irrelevant; the main objective is that you are punished severely for going against the stream.

I have been experiencing ritual defamation in my home town of Jasper, Canada, population 5000. I am the perfect candidate for defamation, in that I have lived here most of my life and have been an active community member, which makes me locally well-known. Some of the elements of ritual defamation are shunning, ostrasizing, shaming, cutting off income, and character assassination.

A strange type of response that I get from many people, is that this topic of holocaust is “off limits” for them, even if they tell me they respect my right to freedom of speech. They tell me outright that they will not discuss or debate this issue, end of story. They refuse to look at any evidence, book, video, or hear any argument from me about why and how I have reached my conclusions. Is this reasonable? Is there any other part of our history which is treated in this way? The unique hold of the holocaust narrative on people’s psyche is what causes me to view it as the new religion of the masses.

Recently I was invited by the Canadian Association for Free Expression to go to Toronto to speak about my experience – how I came to my conclusions on the holocaust, and the aftermath of posting my “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust” video. There I met many people with interesting stories of their own, for example, there were several expellees from the eastern former territories of Germany.

Millions of Germans were expelled from those eastern European lands at the end of the war in 1945 in the largest forced migration in all of recorded history. Many were put into camps. It is estimated that 3 million died along the way, either of exposure, starvation, or outright murder. Many were raped and tortured. Where are the monuments to those victims? And why is this part of our history omitted or barely mentioned in school? I certainly never knew about it until very recently. But I do remember learning in school about the evil Germans making soap, lampshades and shrunken heads out of the bodies of Jews, all admitted and proven lies.

It has become perfectly acceptable in our society to denigrate the religions of Christianity or Islam, but going against “the Holocaust” has severe consequences, including incarceration. Many European countries have laws which make peaceful expression against the official narrative of the holocaust illegal. Canada does not have explicit laws against “holocaust denial”, but Ernst Zundel was jailed for just that under the notorious hate-speech laws, so in effect, it is illegal to deny the holocaust in Canada.

Only lies need to be protected by laws. The truth stands on its own. Is it not possible to have open debate on the holocaust? What are they hiding?


An extremely important court case is coming up soon. Arthur Topham, publisher of “digging to the root of the issues since 1998”, will be in the Quesnel Court during the week of October 3 to 7, 2016. This case to repeal the Orwellian hate-speech laws is important for all of us, for our freedom of speech. Who decides what is “hate” speech? If we are only free to express politically correct views, then we do not have freedom of speech, period. Without freedom of speech, we do not have a functioning democracy. Instead, we have tyranny.

11 Responses

  1. Monika – thanks for this and let’s hope you will not be bothered by the Canadian legal straight jacket for speaking out.

    I recall how German historian Ernst Nolte began the 1986-87 Historikerstreit when he dared to postulate that before Auschwitz there were the Soviet GuLags, and thus the “Holocaust” is not a unique historical event.

    Nolte: Ich stelle mich kritisch zu derjenigen These von der Einzigartigkeit, die als Fahne vor Heerhaufen getragen wird. Diese Art, wir sind im Besitz der Einzigartigkeit des Holocausts und damit brauchen wir über nichts mehr nachzudenken, brauchen keine Beziehungen herzustellen, sondern halten diese Fahne hoch – das ist der Übergang in eine neue Religion, wenn auch in eine Pseudoreligion.
    Nolte: I am critical of this thesis of the uniqueness [of a World War II Jewish genocide], which is carried like a banner before massed armies. This fashion: [that] we are in possession of the uniqueness of the Holocaust, and thus we no longer need to reflect upon it, need to establish no relationships, but hold high this flag—that is the transition to a new religion, albeit a pseudo-religion.

  2. Hallo Monika, here some links for German history, anti-Germany Hysteria started before World War I & The Physical and Cultural Destruction of Germany & Bombing Hell of German Cities

    This will hopefully support you in the fact that anti-German Hysteria and the planned destruction of Germany started long before “evil Hitler and the nazis”. The website has all the information that this vile anti-German propaganda ricocheted throughout the Anglo speaking world.

  3. Hi Monika,
    Just listened to you and Alfred on Red Ice.
    Very good.
    I have also just been “red pilled” about the 2nd War. I was already somewhat skeptical for the last few years, but it was Dennis Wise’s “The Greatest Story Never Told”, that really pushed me over the edge.
    I just wanted to reach out and let you know you have friends out here and I admire you and Alfred’s courage.
    Actually, we’re almost neighbours. I live in Whitecourt, and my wife and I often drive out to Jasper whenever we feel the need to see the mountains.
    Take care.

    1. Hello Kevin, thanks for commenting. It is becoming apparent to me that there are “red pilled” people, as you so nicely put, it in every town, village and hamlet everywhere. I find that very encouraging. The cabal knows that the truth is coming out very quickly, and of course that is why they push really hard to try to squash those of us who speak publicly about it. But the truth will win out. We will not be squashed. Our ranks are growing by the day.

  4. Hi!

    The problem with your busking permit is that in Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms every kind of discrimination is prohibited except the discrimination on the basis of one’s political opinion. Charter is not violated, it was made this way deliberately. Exactly the same thing was in communist Russia, for which Russia was excluded from the list of free countries. And exactly as it was in Russia, there is no freedom of the press in Canada (well, this freedom exists, but only for 2 or 3 people who own all this press).

    Look at my sites:

    If you write to me, use your comments. My email is not reliable at all. If you use comments on my first site above, see that the message appears because it may also be hacked.

    Michael Pyshnov

    1. Monika, I have a 1920X1080 handheld 🙂 cellphone video of you in London ON 2 wks ago. Excellent speech, but I don’t personally have resources to process the video for easy sharing. One single segment is 6GigB. I noticed the Toronto people put out a great video of same tour, congrats! Suggestions? — Chris M.

      1. Hi Chris, thanks so much for having done that recording. I don’t have any suggestions for how to process it, but the Toronto speech was very similar and like you say, it is available for viewing on a youtube. I think for now we can leave it at that. I want to thank you again for having come, and for having “held the fort” when we were stuck in traffic trying to get there on time!

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