Free Speech Monika

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Hitt it out of the Park with Nancy Hitt and Paul Fromm

It has been a while since I have posted anything here. Life has been busy. Many distractions and so much going on, both at home and on the world stage.

Here is a radio show that I would like to share with you. We ‘Hitt it out of the Park’ with Nancy Hitt and Paul Fromm on Blood River Radio on April 23, 2022. Our show was aired again a week later. 

Link to Hour 1 and Hour 2.

We talked about a few forbidden subjects, for example, Occupied Germany, holocaust laws, political prisoners, H-laws coming to Canada and Tennessee, ‘The Curse of Anti-Anti-Semitism’ booklet, parodies of ‘Germany Must Perish’, and who are the real haters. 

Every time we turn around there seems to be a new unlawful legal construct, a.k.a. Bills, Acts, and Laws, being passed surreptitiously by night in the guise of anti-hate or the greater good or for our health and safety.

Canada is getting its own holocaust-denial law, adding a section to the already existing “hate-speech” law in the Criminal Code of Canada. This is being embedded in the budget bill. 

In Ontario they snuck a late-night vote through for Bill 100 making protest illegal. They can seize your vehicle and you have no right to be heard. Check it out for yourself.

In Quebec they passed Bill 15 which is an Act to amend the Youth Protection Act. The principle of parental primacy is out the window. The government can take your children away from you if you are not taking care of their health. We know what that means in this day and age of forced injection of an experimental gene therapy. They say it is all voluntary and of our own free will to get “vaccinated”. Right.

In Tennessee they are trying to pass a law against anti-semitism. What does that mean? I think it means (((they))) don’t like it when we point out facts about (((them))) that they themselves brag about. Just bare-bones facts. They really are afraid of the truth. 

Truth is Hate to those who Hate the Truth.

15 Responses

  1. Culture Wars .com website, E. Michael Jones, title: Gemma O’Doherty & Michael Jones Saving the Christian West by Uncovering The Holocaust

  2. ‘State of the Nation’ website title: “False Flags are Legal Propaganda, produced by the Department of Defense.”
    Pertaining to the Uvalde, Texas school shooting, and the original statement coming out of Robb Elementary school at 11:43 a.m. May 24th 2022. “Disgruntled teenage shoots one round with a handgun in the parking lot, a concealed and carry citizen shoots and kills him.” Fox News reported, “Staff and Students are Safe.”

  3. Want to add further insight regarding James Forrestal, Secretary of Defense that Nancy mentioned. Forrestal led the mission ‘Operation High Jump’ into Antarctica in 1946, chasing down a break away German civilization. The team was to invade Antarctica with 3 aircraft carriers & 4,000 armed men & encountered a humiliated defeat when they were attacked by Unidentified flying objects. James Forrestal spoke of this to the public and was committed before being tossed out the window. I see this Antarctica event as Hope that there has always been The Reich working on our behalf.

  4. Hi Monika, Nancy & Paul, Just wanted to say on part 2, when discussing new laws, I feel that “Denial” is a good word to make in reference to the allege jewish holocaust when we are discussing it. Because frankly their has never been any substantial evidence ever presented to the public that there was a jewish holocaust made by Germany’s Third Reich. As soon as one says, as Paul did “Yes there was executions of jews” there is your mistake, it was War, if there was alone soldier that executed jews it is not noteworthy because it was Not being carried out by Germany’s orders, quite on the contrary the Germans were executed by German’s themselves if they did misconduct towards any group they were occupying, I know Monika knows that, I’ve heard it discussed before I believe on Carolyn Yeager Radio show long ago. Great Show, Thanks Monika, Nancy & Paul

    1. Very good point, LaVerne, about the Germans’ strict rules against abuses towards their prisoners. Like you say, Germans were executed by Germans for misconduct. The Germans are known to have been the most disciplined of any armed forces anywhere in all time.

  5. All over AGAIN?

    WHERE are the anti-war protests WORLDWIDE? What are the people waiting for? Only looking on? Until it is all too late?

    The Ukrainians are being set up – and it is obvious, the German people as well – targeted for extermination by FORCED poisonous INJECTIONS and the threat of WORLD WAR3 in the heart of Europe – staged AGAIN by the same transgenerational international Jewish Mafia syndicate – responsible for the biggest mass murder genocides of the 20th century and known human history: The genocide of the ethnic Russians, the ethnic Ukrainians, and the ethnic Germans! A war on the white race. Unprecedented in human history. Sytematically orchestrated and executed. Utmost evil.


    STOP the war/s! STOP the mass murder genocide/s! STOP the global tyranny! STOP the perpetrators!

    1. Our German forefathers of the 20th century – perpetuously smeared as “evil Nazis” and fascists by the Jew-owned media… tried very hard to STOP THE GENOCIDAL ONSLAUGHT of Communism – Zionism – Judaism – Talmudism – Satanism on Europe and the world…

      They fought bravely to free Europe from the Plague…

      The Jewish Bolshevik butchers had taken over the Russian government in their Coup d’etat of 1917…

      and (((they))) kept butchering the Russian people opposing the Communist RED TERROR regime of the likes of Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, et cetera for decades to come…

      In 1941 the German soldiers came as liberators from Communism and were greeted with joy by the Ukrainian people:

      Alas! The Satanists – Talmudists – Zionists – Communists – Freemasons won…

      THEIR VICTORY is remembered and celebrated every year on May 9th! The JEWISH LIES are being repeated ad nauseam, hammered relentlessly into the minds and hearts of the nations worldwide…

      The Russian and Allied soldiers are honored as heroes… who saved their nations… from – what? Right – from Fascism, “Naziism” – The most horrific Allied war crimes are completely hushed up… neither mentioned nor criticized by a single word… while the German soldiers and their multi-national combatants are dishonored and vilified in the most malicious manner.

      The patriotic Russians of today are waving a Red Communist flag with hammer and sickle and a flag with Z for Zionism… They are all “Antifa”…

      What is wrong with this picture?

      Didn’t the Russians become Christians! The miracle happened under Putin’s rule – right? Did they, really? Something does not fit at all…The deception runs very deep

      It is a fact – Nobody – neither in the east nor the west – can claim to be a true Christian and at the same time show allegiance to Communism and Zionism… by waving their flags:

      The inhumane ideologies of Communism and Zionism, the perversions of the Satanic cult and the Christian belief are polar opposites! THEY DO NOT MIX.

      Putin is a freemason… pretending to have become a Christian (You CANNOT be a freemason and a Christian at the same time!), and he allegedly claimed that Communism and the Christian belief were essentially “the same”! Which is echoing the Jewish mantra… totally absurd and the most ridiculous lie…The opposite is true.

      So called “Christian Zionists”, “Judeo-Christians” are extremely confused people… the victims of horrendous lies – not realizing who they truly serve: the haters and enemies of Jesus Christ! The anti-Christ. They are deceived by the FALSE LIGHT of Freemasonry – Babylonian Talmudism – Luciferianism – Satanism… Zionism – Communism!

      It is ugliness. False promises – endless LIES. The stench of hell… hidden behind a thin veneer of “virtue”, “honor”, “humanitarianism”…

    2. Hi Monika,
      we haven’t heard from each other for quite some time – I hope everything is going well – As for Alfred, it is roughly three weeks now… Counting down the days… till he is released and able to breathe more freely…😊😊😊

      All the while the most serious stuff… keeps hanging over us like a Damocles sword…

      and some more:

      (I hope you don’t mind the cross-reference – as we don’t have oodles of time for writing the same again multiple times – as important as it is 😵😥😉)

        1. Oh – I wonder how that could happen –

          Your brother Alfred should never have been imprisoned! – So many sacrifices, and all for naught?

          And the subconscious telling me it is all a SHAM – an ERROR – a huge DECEPTION: There is NO true American independence since July 4, 1776… And NO true liberation for continental Europe either… since June 6, 1944 (“D-Day”), the landing of the American troops in the Normandy – which should never have happened, and the British came back again… after they were let go at Dunkirk! – It was always about more of the same: MASS MURDER GENOCIDE of the white race, DESTRUCTION of the white Christian civilization, and TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT to the “Hidden Hand”, the Powers that should not be, supported by extremely corrupt and stupid shabbos goy minions – a deadly Plague – deeply infested over a loong period of time…


          The true culprits…

          1. Wow, that was quite the elaborate masonic ritual in the video you shared here.

          2. There was “No true American independence since July 4 1776” because the agitators and supporters of King George never left. Their descendants in the South caused the American Civil War. They were Moonlighting with England (and France) which was against the ‘Articles of the Confederation’ Article VI: “No State without consent of of the United States Congress assemble, shall send any embassy to, or receive any embassy from or enter into any conference, agreement, alliance, or treaty with any King, Prince or foreign State.”
            The American Civil War was a Trade War, The South was making a ton of money trading cotton with England and France. It was never about Negroid slaves, the Negroid slave trade was already illegal since 1808 under Thomas Jefferson and replaced with Irish slave trade, White Cargo.

        2. Very good news! I miss hearing Alfred the great and learning from his presentations, a real talentuous and generous clarificator.

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