Free Speech Monika

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Green Party of Alberta and the Holohoax

Recently a registered letter came to me via Canada Post from the Green Party of Alberta. This is a separate political entity from the Green Party of Canada, from which I had already formally separated myself over a year ago. I had forgotten that I was still a member of the GPA. They took care of that. I will respond in due course to the contents of their letter, but in the meantime I thought I should share. Here is their letter to me.

August 19, 2016

Dear Ms. Schaefer,

The Executive Committee of the Green Party of Alberta has reviewed the video you recently posted on YouTube in which you claim that the attempted extermination of European Jews by Nazi Germany (the Holocaust) was a hoax. The Committee’s response to this is as follows:

(1) The extermination program, in which approximately six million Jews were murdered, is historical fact and is supported by massive evidence, including the testimonies of survivors and German perpetrators and documentary evidence from contemporary German sources. To maintain otherwise requires a determined effort of willful blindness. A suggestion: check the Wikipedia entry for Rudolf Höss.

(2) Denial of the Holocaust is a denial of justice to its victims and survivors, and is contrary to the Green principle of Social Justice.

(3) Your video does not address the question of who has perpetrated the hoax and why. In fact, it is impossible to do so without invoking a Jewish conspiracy of some description. This constitutes anti-Semitism, and is contrary to the Green principle of Respect for Diversity.

(4) Article 4.1(a) of the Green Party constitution requires that members support the objectives and principles of the Party. Since your actions have placed you in contravention of the principles of the Party, the Executive Committee has voted to terminate your membership in the Green Party of Alberta, effective immediately, in accordance with Article 2.5(c) of the Party bylaws.

(5) The Green Party of Alberta supports the right of free speech, including your right to advocate for Holocaust denial. But in so advocating you have shown you are not eligible for membership in the GPA.

We regret that this action has become necessary, and we urge you to reconsider your opinion on this matter, and to be open to the evidence to the contrary.

Carl Svoboda, President
Green Party of Alberta

4 Responses

  1. The extermination program, in which approximately six million Jews were murdered, is historical fact and is supported by massive evidence, including the testimonies of survivors and German perpetrators and documentary evidence from contemporary German sources. To maintain otherwise requires a determined effort of willful blindness. A suggestion: check the Wikipedia entry for Rudolf Höss.

    This is why you can be imprisoned in many countries for denying the well documented autrocities of the holocaust & why you are facing such a backlash from your community of jasper. It is only the small group of international conspiracy theorists that you have aligned yourself with that support you. When your long time friends in your home community of Jasper, the Green Party, the Fiddlers Association etc pull their support, do you not question why?? Do you just pull out the “freedom of speech” card to prove us all wrong? It’s rather pathetic how much one person will give up in order to support a “theory” & denounce documented evidence, and Monika, you have given up alot. Many jasper locals had an opportunity to know Frederick Kofin, view his auschwitz number tatoo & try to understand the horrors he experienced at the hands of the Nazi’s. You dishonor him, all the holocaust survivors, victims & the world, with your holocaust denial rhetoric or “revisionist” jargon. The truth is right in front of you, only if you are willing to open your eyes.

    1. Hi Cheryl, thanks for engaging. It’s not a popularity contest. I am confident that I have truth on my side. Gandhi said speak the truth even if you are a minority of one.

      Aside from that though, there are far more people who understand the truth than you can readily be aware of, because there is huge disincentive to speak out about it. As you have seen, a person gets shunned and ostracized for questioning “the holocaust”, and questioning anything about WWII official history.

      Fred and Gertrude Kofin were dear friends of mine, and in fact I had them over to my home to give us “the talk”, because I wanted very much for my daughter and my german visitors at the time to hear his story. I did that for all the conscientious reasons that motivate me now, i.e. working for peace and harmony. You can listen to my account of that survivor story in this video of a talk which I gave in Toronto in August. That part of the story starts at around minute 32, for about 5 minutes.

      By your statement “that is why you can be imprisoned….”, are you implying that that is a good thing, that you can be imprisoned for peaceful expression of one’s differing conclusions about history? Cheryl, is that not terribly repressive, tyrannical and Orwellian? Only lies need to be protected by laws, the truth stands on its own.

      I cannot be 100% wrong and you cannot be 100% right. One example of discrepancy in the prevailing dogma is that the Auschwitz museum changed their death numbers from 4 million to 1.1 million, yet the 6 million number stays the same. How do you account for this? Another problematic element for the official holocaust story is that in the tons of government documents seized by the Allies in Germany at the end of the war, not a single document was found which had a plan or intention to kill Jews in camps or anywhere else. Expel, yes, but not exterminate. Judea had declared war on Germany in 1933, so they were a self-declared enemy within Germany. They were destroying Germany from within. It is very reasonable to try to expel the enemy which declared war on you.

      You can look up the Transfer Agreement, in which the German government negotiated with German Zionists the migration of German Jews to Palestine.

      Please watch in the next day or two, I will post my reply to the Alberta Greens on my blog. I just wrote to them few days ago, and haven’t had a chance to post it here yet.

  2. Just heard your Jim Rizoli interview, well done Monika! (I refuse to get a google account, that’s why I’m commenting here.) Keep up the good work! — CGM

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