Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Farewell Love-Letter from Jasper & Update on the “War Zone”

Such a sweet and loving letter was sent to me just days before I moved out of that fairy-tale town called Jasper, that I thought I should share it with you all. I picked up a pile of mail from my post box on my way out, and the return address and name did not even tweak on me at first – it just remained in a small pile with other mail for a few days before I even opened it.

After finally getting around to reading it, well then the little play on words on the envelope dawned on me.

The return address on the envelope:

Al Lofus    [….just change the spacing]
6 Mill Dr.  [hahahaha 6 million haha’s… oh aren’t they clever]


TRUTH is HATE to those who HATE the TRUTH. Those who HATE the TRUTH are in fact the real HATERS, as amply demonstrated by the following letter.


…heard you’re leaving town.

That’s awesome for everyone here!

Also heard you’re devoting more into your hatred of Jews and trying to show the holocaust was a fake or some bullshit like that.

Also awesome, because that means another failure added to all your other failures.
– parenting               L
– politician                O
– music teacher          S
– warden                    E
– sister                        R   !

When you die, you and whoever else supports you will not have convinced the world about any of your sick-minded shit.

You totally suck.

Have a miserable life, you pathetic turd.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha … fuck you.

Faceless and nameless – what cowardice! There is no surprise in that though, as the real haters like to hide behind a rock while they sling their mud and spew their venom. They puff themselves up and make a lot of noise and pretend that they are everyone everywhere. That is what gives them their feigned strength. Alone they cower and tremble in fear. They can never provide logical argument or evidence to counter what the truth-teller says. That is why they resort to their pathetic tactics like this letter. That letter demonstrates their fear about the fact that we are waking up!

It gave me a good laugh – so I had the last laugh!

In the upside-down world that we live in where war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength, then that was indeed a love letter. 

UPDATE on the War Zone in Jasper

A while back I promised an update on “The War Zone in Jasper” article of August 10th. The Jews and their Quislings in Jasper did not like my busking success.

On August 14th while playing my fiddle downtown I felt a presence close behind me. When I turned around, I saw two young women, one of whom was holding a sign right above my head. I recall it saying something like

This woman is a holocaust-denier.
Do not support!

I laughed and carried on playing, but after a while I confronted her about being in my space. I asked her name. She told me Julie Carr. Her friend would not identify herself – too cowardly. I told them I was happy that they did not confuse me for someone who still believes in all those lies. She kept repeating,

the holocaust happened… the holocaust happened… the holocaust happened…

I told her to prove that it happened. Where is the proof?

A man came along and challenged these young women. He defended my right to speak. He talked about Iraq and the lies which were used to trigger / justify that war. He spoke about the 30 million Russians [it was actually far more – he understated that one!] who were killed by the Bolsheviks [and who exactly were those Bolsheviks – overwhelmingly Jews!].

Other people came along and honked their horns – was that for Julie Carr? or was that for me? The jury is still out on that one. Tourists sat down on the bench nearby to listen to the tunes – they shared their appreciation with me afterwards.

Our conversation escalated. Julie’s face came within an inch of my face, both of our voices were rising. Her friend was nudging her,

c’mon, c’mon, let’s get out of here! let’s go..

Soon another man came along, presumably a friend of hers, who led Julie Carr by the arm, saying, “let’s go, let’s go…”.

As they were leaving, Julie Carr hauled out and kicked my violin case hard, throwing the contents, the busking money, all over the sidewalk and street. She turned to me and oozed sarcasm with:

oh I am soooo sorry…

When I called the RCMP on this matter, two officers showed up with two big police cruisers blocking the area in front of my home. The cop station is right next door and they could just as well have strolled over and rang the doorbell. The first thing I said to them was,

That’s a really good show you are putting on here with your two great big marked cruisers, demonstrating to the whole neighbourhood what a dangerous criminal lives here!

The female officer:

We are not here to discuss our parking practices. 

While I made the complaint about the Julie Carr incident, Constable Theriault told me they have another matter to discuss with me. She handed me a violation ticket for an alleged trespass that I made six weeks earlier! I called the RCMP officer out for this “Tit for Tat” manoeuvre!

Remember the photocopy shop story? That was back in January. There never was a court order, there never was a piece of paper or anything formal that said I was banned from entering the shop forever. There was a phone call from the RCMP explaining to me that once the shop keeper tells me to leave then I am trespassing if I do not leave. Fine. That was then.

I was working for the fruit vendor at the summer market in early July when I was asked to make 10 copies of the price list. The first place I went to wanted to charge an-arm-and-a-leg for the copies, so I went to the 3 Sheets Shop. Doors were unlocked, I entered but all was dark and quiet. 

Anyone here? Hello?


Half an hour later I returned. Sonja the shop owner’s jaw dropped upon seeing me. I first informed her about the open doors, thinking she might appreciate knowing that whoever closed shop the night before forgot to lock the doors and that they could have been robbed blindly. She seemed oblivious. Next I showed her the fruit list that I wanted copied but she remained obstinately hostile to my presence. We exchanged a few words, perhaps a little bit of comedic sarcasm on my part, and I left. Later she visited the fruit stand and complained to my boss. Evidently she also called the RCMP – which I was to find out 6 weeks later, with the violation ticket. 

Two days after the Julie Carr incident and my complaint, the constable left me a telephone message that there would be no charges laid against Miss Carr. If I had any questions I should call them. I did call them, was put on voice mail, asked my questions, but I never heard back from the constable.

Every complaint I have made during the last three years has resulted in zero action by the RCMP.  Yet, one little peep from the real perpetrators of hate, and charges against me are the result.

I of course had no intention to pay the $287 trespass violation ticket, nor would I have paid even a $1 fine! So we went to court on October 10th, and my representative Frank Frost said “let’s go to trial”. They set the date for December 12th, the same date as another trial regarding “a disturbance”. Bring it on, we say. They have nothing.

Stay tuned. Life is never boring!

51 Responses

  1. #False perception of reality – Falsified history – Jewish tyranny

    “Jews like Dagmar” think the world should be deceived… and we all should share the misconception of reality Jews want us to have… believing in Jewish fables, endless lies, idiotic “smart” fabrications, only “real” in the distorted Jewish imagination! a total lack of common sense and credibility… but Jews think we should believe and envy them. Who would be as dumb to believe and envy Jewish psychopaths? Nobody in his right mind!

    No ethnic Norwegian, Scot or Icelander could possibly be as hopelessly zombified as that… ignoring ALL the factual evidence disproving the Jewish narratives (lies). 
    WHERE are the memorials, the museums, the movies, the books, the documentaries, the feature films, the TV programs about TRUE history, the diaries (no forgeries, the real ones!) translated in memory of the tens of millions of innocent people persecuted, murdered, tortured to death by Jews (and their useful shabbos goy proxy idiots)? WHERE? If they are going to willfully ignore the evidence… continuing the fraud… which is what they are doing… a fiction they insist upon… building shrines worshiping Jewish mass murderers… the potential escalation will be as bad. NEVER FORGET what Jews have done to the innocent! ruining the lives of opponents, murdering tens of millions, hundreds of millions over the centuries… in continual conflict, revolutions, endless terror and wars staged by Jews… multiple genocides without the slightest human remorse!

    “THE JEWISH QUESTION is being discussed by statesmen in a way more acute and compelling than ever before in the history of the world. They can do whatever they want, but the nations of the earth will never be able to get away from this question. The Jewish serpent will show its hydra’s heads everywhere, blocking the way to a relaxation of international tensions. We Jews will not allow peace in the world, however hard statesmen and peace advocates try to bring it about.” (London Jewish Chronicle, March 3, 1939)

    “Jews will not allow peace in the world…” WHO is the agitating force behind WHITE GENOCIDE, WWI, WWII, endless “War of Terror” since 2001, and the push for WWIII!? The whole world can see: it’s international organized Jewry! Jews “giving advice” to puppet governments – using corruption, bribery, blackmail, everything at their disposal to destroy what they can destroy

    Not only the white minority race, ALL of mankind is the targeted victim of mass murdering Jews! THE JEWISH TYRANNY is no longer hidden! Jews are openly boasting about having the upper hand! NEVER FORGET how the Jewish slave masters and controllers have treated the Whites (White Slavery), the Blacks (Black Slavery), all the other races as their inferiors, using them as proxy armies against each other! Taking away the God given, inalienable rights! Treating non-Jews as slaves! worse than cattle, starving millions to death! Non-Jews are cockroaches to them…

    The following is a quote attributed to … alias “Menachem Begin”:“Our race is the master race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by a leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as slaves.“

    That’s not Hitler – it’s Begin, Israelite impersonator, Nobel peace prize laureate, AshkeNazi Jew terrorist! AshkeNazis are the only “Nazis” there are, liars & hypocrites who blamed their own plan of world domination on the Germans (“evil Nazis”). Jews always blame their victims as scapegoats. They change their names and appearances like snakes their skin. “Peace” by Satan’s terms is not peace at all!

  2. #The white race “only a myth”? we are “all the same” – “all related” – “all mongrels”?
    #No white race – No white nations – No white genocide – and “innocent Jews”?

    Avatar “Dagmar Ronaldsdottir” playing the role of  “shabbos goy zombie” (imho too dumb to be real) calls Jews “clever”… echoing the Jewish script, the Jewish self-perception…Wishful Jewish thinking… claiming the white race is only a “myth”! That’s like wishing us out of existence, and denying the horrific Jewish crimes of multiple WHITE GENOCIDE (Russian Genocide, Ukrainian Genocide, German Genocide, Boer Genocide, Armenian Genocide, and more…) by revolutions and wars, by flooding the white nations with multi-racial invaders, and enforcing miscegenation – all staged by Jews!

    No white race – No white nations – No white genocide – and “innocent Jews”? There is something wrong with this equation, right? The Jewish mass murderers won’t get away with that one! How stupid do they think we are!

    Jewish Zionists and Communists are the perpetrators of wars and genocide! They openly announced their intention to exterminate the German nation (Hooton Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Kaufman Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan) while staging WWI + II, and now they are openly demanding the extermination of ALL nations of the white race (UN-EU-Replacement Migration Plan) while pushing for WWIII! The multi-racial invasion of white nations is war by weapon of mass migration! Artificially engineered by Jews! Lots of effort to exterminate what is “only a myth” We are “all the same”? “all related”? “all mongrels”? Jewish false claims, lies, trickery!

    We can see how stupid Jews want us to be! Look at what Jews like Barbara Lerner-Spectre are doing to the Swedes! To all white nations! Making them agents of their own destruction…

    That’s evil, demonic! (Jews call it “clever” – warping language)
    “Dagmar” allegedly “studying” Norse mythology does not care at all… mutilating and destroying the race, culture and heritage which is not theirs, is what Jewish usurpers do…. attacking (Freya’s) Pro-White Activism to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide, the destroyers of white Christian civilization… calling the love to one’s own people, race, culture and heritage “reminiscent of Goebbels and Nazi rallies”… is the usual derogatory Jewish garbage! History repeats itself – meaning the Jewish genocidal insanity will always meet opposition and resistance!

    Vilifying all which is good and beautiful… “Dagmar” is as Jewish as it can get! most likely related to Mongols and Huns as most Jews are! parroting Jew Joel Ignatiev, the anti-white racist who calls the white race a “social construct”… denying the biological reality of different races is as stupid as it can get! Jewish rubbish! The white race is neither a “social construct” nor “only a myth”. The love to one’s own people, the wish to preserve one’s own race does not mean to “hate” all the others! It means love to God’s creation, the true diversity of nature, of different races and nations! It means the love of freedom and self-determination! The opposite of what the Jewish slave masters and destroyers want to achieve, driven by envy and hatred, an insatiable greed for power!  The racially-mixed Jews want the extermination of all the beauty and excellence of homogenous people by mixing all races together in ONE BIG MELTING POT, calling such a JEWISH HELL ON EARTH a “Universal Brotherhood of Nations”: “The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teaching and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations, a greater Judaism in fact — all the separate races and religions shall disappear.” (The Jewish World, February 9, 1883) Jews want to become the rulers of a JEWISH WORLD of mongrels, lower IQ slaves… of zombie robots…

    To intelligent people this doesn’t seem “clever” at all… rather extremely idiotic! insane!

    It’s Jewish insanity and idiocy which terrorizes and degrades the whole world! dragging civilization down to its lowest level. The “Jewish race” is a mixture of different races! The “Jewish nation” is a social construct! And the “purity of the Jewish race” and the claim of “Jewish victimhood” are myths indeed! Incest and marriage between very close relatives and hereditary illnesses is prevalent among Jews (and Muslims); to psychopaths and sexual predators the Talmudic LGBTQP (pedo-criminal)-perversions are the “normal”. Explains a lot, doesn’t it?

  3. #Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    #2020 is going to be a “Holocaust Remembrance Year”…
    (((The falsifiers of history))) are ramping up their relentless anti-German, anti-White psychological warfare propaganda! The most pernicious Jewish lies – non-stop – until you only want to throw up! Let’s make it a “TRUE History Remembrance Year”! Let’s learn about reality! Provable historical facts! The Jewish mass murderers want to repeat in all white countries what they did in Bolshevik Russia: They slaughtered tens of millions of ethnic Russians, orthodox Christians (RUSSIAN GENOCIDE), and starved to death millions of Ukrainians (UKRAINIAN GENOCIDE – HOLODOMOR)!

    #“ANTI-SEMITISM” LAWS for anti-Communists! ANTI-COMMUNISM is “Anti-Semitism”: death penalty! The Jewish Communists made “ANTI-SEMITISM” LAWS carrying the death penalty before they murdered tens of millions of anti-Communists, dissidents, opponents to the JEWISH RED TERROR regime! Expose the truth about the enormous Jewish crimes! That most of the world is still ignorant about the RUSSIAN & UKRAINIAN GENOCIDES is proof that most of the media are in the hands of the Jewish perpetrators! We need truth & justice! The truth is “hate“ only for the haters of truth! Speaking the truth is not a crime, it’s free speech, our inalienable, God given right! Use it or lose it! Who are the haters? Who are the terrorists? (((Genocidal Jews, Communists, Zionists, Jewish supremacists))) are the haters, the terrorists and mass murderers!

    #International “ANTI-SEMITISM” LAWS for anti-Zionists! ANTI-ZIONISM is “Anti- Semitism”: death penalty! That’s the goal behind the Jewish lobbyism for an INTERNATIONAL DEFINITION of “ANTI-SEMITISM” and ANTI-BDS-LAWS: To make criticism of Zionist crimes an “anti-Semitic crime”! To use the law to outlaw the truth about the enormous Jewish lies and crimes! To criminalize, imprison or sentence to death the opponents to the Jewish tyranny! And (((Satanic Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis))) have worked for so called “NOAHIDE” LAWS demanding death by guillotine for Christians (for “idolatry“)! They intend to kill tens of millions of opponents as they did in the Soviet Union Gulag! In the US a system of “FEMA camps” has been set up, open spaces fenced in by barbed wire like the Eisenhower Rhine Meadows death camps where German POWs were starved to death in open fields, treated worse than cattle! True history hidden away.

    #(((Deep State US-Zionist “neo-Cons”))), Jewish international terrorists, “secret intelligence services“ engineered the FALSE FLAG TERROR ATTACKS on 9/11, and others, and blame them on Muslim patsies to wage war on Muslim countries… and on white patriots smeared as “white domestic terrorists“ to play Muslims and Whites off against each other (Divide & Rule – Clash of Cultures), and to push for anti-free speech & anti-gun laws! (((Jewish terrorists))) want CHAOS, MARTIAL LAW & TOTAL CONTROL to disarm white patriots (nationalists) and kill them off most easily. (((Genocidal Jews))) have been culling down the white nations for hundreds of years! Name the perpetrators: Talmudic Freemasonic Satanic Jewish haters and mass murderers! Since the Jews were allowed to leave the ghettos they have been the destroyers of white nations!

    #(((The Jewish Deep State SPIDER))) has spun a SPIDER WEB of international organizations and movements, international Jewish Freemasonry, Communism, Zionism, “Federal Reserve” private Jewish central banking syndicate, ADL, UN, EU, NATO, World Bank, IMF, AIPAC, The Council On Foreign Relations (US), The Royal Institute Of Foreign Affairs (UK), Trilateral Commission, “Bilderberger”, The American Jewish Congress, The European Jewish Congress, The World Jewish/Zionist Congress, lots of Jewish foundations and lobby organizations! Since 1913 (Federal Reserve Act) Jewish private central banks have printed money out of thin air, charging interest on it, a PARASITIC SYSTEM OF DEBT SLAVERY, manipulating the financial markets, causing inflation, financial crashes, corrupting, controlling the media, politicians, governments, all sectors of white societies! An unbelievable folly to allow that to happen! Since 1914 the wars and revolutionary coup d’etats (regime change) have never ended, and international Jews have been the engineers and profiteers! They have created lots of tools to push for JEWISH SUPREMACY:

    1. instead of holohoax remembrance we need an Holodomor education year

      or we could just ask what happened to the supposed 4 million at Auschwitz that mysteriously turned into 1 million, the supposed 1.5 -2 million at Majdane that turned into 48 thousand. And then there’s all those lampshades and bars of soap that never were

      the holohoax is a liar’s paradise

  4. The replies of “Jews like Dagmar” are reminiscent of the usual Jewish lies, and ritual defamation… the exact same empty-headed blah blah so typical of Jews – always confident to find fools who fall for their “stories”

    And BTW – those “evil Nazis” needn’t invent propaganda lies, they just told the truth about the Jews, the threat of Communism

    “Jews like Dagmar” are Communists, Zionists…

    1. I guess I just don’t understand this mission of destruction of any group of people. I am against all extremism, Jewish, Christian, political etc. I don’t understand being consumed by it. Life is too short to be continuously angry and rant against all of it. I feel privileged to be alive and am grateful for the few freedoms and blessings I do have in my own country. I may not accept all ideologies and political stances.My mission if I have one is to try to understand others and know we are all fighting a hard battle in life. We as human beings on this earth, all suffer, experience grief, loss, families, friends, love and joy Most of us are less than noble a great deal of the time. In the end only we know if we are right with God and only he can judge us. God bless you Freya and may you find peace with it all too. I just don’t believe it should be at the destruction or vilification of any group or race.

      1. re Dagmar (totallynotajew) Goldbergstein –

        white countries and homelands are being overrun and destroyed all over the globe

        your inablilty to see and acknowledge this reveals who you are

        1. I love how you bandy about truth as though you had the only monopoly on it hence calling me a jew because I don’t agree. Just because I believe in the rights of all peoples and don’t fall into your own hate campaign which consumes you. However, as I have said before, I don’t think you should be jailed for what you believe but I also say that nothing is ever black or white. History is written by the victors of course and as for this myth of white- ism well I’ve already said my piece on that one. what you call as being overrun is something that has happened throughout history by many races such as mongols, huns, visigoths, Anglo Saxons, who now are dealing with the aftermath of their dealings in the Middle East during the last century – read about it sometime if you really want to understand history.

          1. You’ve gotta be kidding. You’ve got blinders on. One look at South Africa gives ample proof, there are attacks against Whites there EVERY DAY. And if you can’t see the hordes of “migrants” pouring into European countries, well, I don’t know what more I can say.

          2. Migrations have been happening throughout history. Jeez I wonder why the whites are so disliked in these areas like S. Africa? Could it be because of the way they treated the native populations as they took over? It’s all very sad and I don’t condone it. However, in the larger scheme of things I think the Whites have a lot to answer for as well. Besides that, we are either a humanitarian people who respond to the plight of others or not.

      2. >>>”what you call as being overrun is something that has happened throughout history by many races such as mongols, huns, visigoths, Anglo Saxons”

        that’s what it is, an INVASION you POS

        what will you say when it happens to your beloved israel???

    2. ““Jews like Dagmar” are Communists, Zionists”
      Nahhh, just a seeker of “truth” and believer in humanitarianism and world peace, a storyteller and photographer non political, and have a profile unlike most here.

  5. PS “Jews like Dagmar” actually live very fulfilling/creative lives looking at all sides and opinions before forming their own. By the way, my Scottish heritage was discovered to be the very same viking /gaelic mix they find in Iceland with a certain percentage being Norwegian. I do have some other surprising though smaller percentages there as well which leads me to believe the whole world is related to each other. You can hate other races all you want of course and perhaps discover you might be distantly related to them anyway. All very interesting. 😀

  6. Just for the record,
    1. I don’t believe a person should be jailed for what he believes unless it’s a call for physical or emotional violence against a person or group of persons that gets acted upon such as torching a church or synagogue etc . Sometimes that is hard to determine.
    2. you have to be careful though of what you accuse others of doing without direct proof, ie. ( hearsay) you can’t accuse the Queen of murder or a gay person of being a pedophile unless you are willing to take the backlash that comes with it. The Queen is being asked to acknowledge the role of the Anglican church in the abuse ( and deaths) of many aboriginal children in residential schools as is the Pope and so they should. Also in a democracy everyone has rights and you must respect that. The First Nations peoples are speaking up and being heard. This is a good thing.
    In comparing Nazi Germany with the present day most ordinary German citizens claimed that they didn’t know about what was happening to their Jewish neighbours. England, “a white race” perpetrated many injustices against the countries it took over to “bring civilization to the inferiors”. Most Canadians also did not know about residential schools. History repeats itself always.
    Also let’s look at this myth called the White race. If you are brave enough to get your dna done you may discover that your ancestors migrated from many places to Europe- ie. Scythians from Asia, North Africa into Spain, the Mongols into present day Europe, no one is pure anything unless you are an Inuit etc.from an isolated for thousands of years area.
    Freya your speeches are reminiscent of Goebbels and Nazi rallies etc and this fear of Nordic annihilation etc. so history repeats itself again and again in so many ways.

  7. Jews like “Dagmar” – admitting and/or denying her/his Jewishness – like it both ways at the same time… Jews like “Dagmar” hate the suppressed truth being repeated… That’s too bad. Shall we feel pity for them? It must be hard for them, the haters of truth who keep drowning the world with their lies…The world will throw up and spew them out…Jews like “Dagmar” ought to think about it very hard:

    Through history Jews got banned from countries on many occasions for very good reasons! Predators and destroyers of the worst kind cannot claim to be “innocent victims”. The “victimhood” ruse won’t work much longer.

    Genocide by deception! (Mossad: “By way of deception thou shalt do war!”)

    It’s a war of conquest and genocide
    – to destroy white Christian civilization by using multiculturalism as weapon
    – to destroy the true diversity of nature, the beauty of different races, nations, and cultures by mixing everything together into one big melting pot
    – by using multitudes of alien invaders as proxies, pretending to be “refugees”, “asylum seekers”
    – by using multi-ethnic mass immigration into white countries and miscegenation as weapons
    – by implementing the Jewish Zionist plans to exterminate the German nation: Hooton Plan, Nizer Plan, Kaufman Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan
    – by pushing the most vicious, relentless anti-German hate propaganda lies, demanding German Genocide (Kaufman: “Germany must perish!”, 1941)
    – by engineering WWI + II, ganging up the world on the German people twice: German Genocide – Holocaust of WWII by firebombing the German cities; by expulsion, starvation and disease; by killing for the sake of killing
    – and now by targeting ALL white nations: UN-EU-“Replacement Migration” Plan to make the white race extinct!

    Jewish haters, Jewish supremacists, Jewish psychopaths, Jewish anti-white racists, Jewish terrorists are openly demanding, promoting and organizing White Genocide throughout the world! They have been culling down the white nations over centuries by making them fight and kill each other. Nothing “innocent” about that at all. It’s evil-minded, demonic.

    Let that sink in: It’s all about WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
    Anyone who claims that we are “not allowed” to expose the suppressed truth about the Jewish crimes (through history) in order to stop the Jewish perpetrators of multiple genocides – must be totally insane!!! As mad as the Jewish psychopaths are!!! Jews and their minions must fear that they will be treated exactly the same as they have treated their victims. They must be horrified. The Jewish crimes are horrific. The Jewish guilt is horrendous – beyond words.

  8. PS: I find it very ironic that you deny the holocaust and yet your very words and sentiments suggest that you wish it had taken place because the Jews through history deserve to be destroyed!! I find it very strange.
    Also you pretend to care what’s happening in Palestine when in reality you don’t want any of them either in Europe or North America and think it’s a jewish plot to have these other races immigrate and eventually eradicate and destroy your white Nordic-ness. so the Jews can take over the world!!??? There is hardly enough Jews to do that! Hard to fathom.

  9. “They accuse the Jews or the allied (WWII) powers of propaganda yet they are doing the exact same thing and claiming truth. This is my own opinion” (Dagmar)

    Dagmar (avatar) – a Jew/ess hiding the Jewish identity behind an Icelandic sounding name is repeating the usual lies by claiming that there is “no difference” (“all the same”, “exact same thing”) between spreading propaganda lies and telling the truth (TRUE history based on provable facts)

    The word ‘propaganda’ stems from lat propagare, engl to spread, to propagate and is essentially neutral in meaning. The meaning becomes negative when lies are being spread as if they were the truth. Jewish media propaganda lies. Hollywood fabrications to falsify history. The daily fake news, the same ludicrous anti-German Jewish lies – repeated 24/7 ad nauseam for decades, over a hundred years! To create a false reality…

    Telling lies is what Jews usually do. To deceive and scam the “goy” is what Jews call “religion”. Identity theft. They hide their Jewish identity behind stolen or invented names pretending to be what they are not. Hiding behind German names pretending to be German but they are not; behind English names pretending to be English but they are not; behind French names pretending to be French but they are not; behind Irish names pretending to be Irish but they are not; behind Scottish names pretending to be Scots but they are not… even the Icelanders are not being left alone… and so on… Jews are being taught from childhood on (summer training camps in fake Israel) to function as parasites in white societies. They take on the identity of white nations to dispossess and replace the indigenous people in all important functions of society, and take over what is not theirs. That’s what parasites do. Jews are parasites in human form.

    Claiming that there is “no difference” between telling lies and speaking the truth – between fake and the real thing – is like claiming that there is “no difference” between black and white, night and day, right and wrong – but of course there is! Polar opposites!

    It’s the usual Jewish (Freemasonic, Talmudic, Satanic) insanity and idiocy foisted upon the white nations: We are “all the same”. We are “all equal”.
    (meaning: Jews want to make us all equally depraved)

    No, we are not “all the same”! We are not all “equal”! We are doing not the “exact same thing”. We are not as dumb, we are not all mongrels and not equally degenerated as evil-minded Jews want us to be (become). How are thieves, invaders, parasites “equal” to the builders and owners of the houses – the white homelands!? Thieves, rapists, murderers breaking into houses, alien invaders flooding into white countries, Jewish parasites bringing millions more parasites in are all enemies, and must be treated as such.

    We can see how Jews force their idiocy, insanity and immorality upon all white nations to drag them down to the lowest level, the poisonous “ideas”of “Cultural Marxism” are designed to subvert white Christian civilization, the LGBTQ etc agenda, transgenderism, sexualisation of children pushed in kindergartens, schools, universities, public libraries to destroy Christian values; the spiritual, physical, sexual abuse of children traumatizing and destroying them for life, to make us “all equal”, equally depraved sexual predators preying on women and children, to “normalize” the perversions prevalent among Jews and Muslim invaders (who worship a sexual predator as prophet). The backlash is coming. It’s not wise, it’s not normal for intelligent people to “include” greedy parasites, murderous predators who prey upon you and your children, the most vulnerable ones. We are not supposed to accommodate and serve the forces of Evil that are out to destroy us. We are supposed to reject them (Christian spiritual meaning of baptizing with water, and the Holy Spirit), and cast them out! Not to allow them in in the first place (and not to be manipulated into self-destructive behavior by Jews and their lies).

    Jews (like “Dagmar”) ought to think about it: Through history Jews got banned from countries on many occasions with very good reason. Predators and destroyers of the worst kind cannot claim to be “innocent victims”.

    1. how did I miss this gem! Dearest Nordic Freya, You really do pontificate on the same cr– over and over. So all who do not agree must be Jews? You are laughable. Guess what? I am not, though I know many who are. I hail originally from The Scottish Hebrides with a Literature degree where I studied Celtic and Nordic Myth and a minor in History. I traveled through Turkey, Israel and Lebanon etc and have a keen interest in how events unfold. what’s your story?

  10. Hi Monika, I think it is smart and brave that you publicly call out these cowards and bullies. I find it shocking how the police mishandled your concerns for your safety. It disgusts me to see how ugly some people can be and how far we have fallen as a just society. What is next – are they going to start beating you up, or burning women at the stake? We all have a right to our opinions and your opponents have already extracted a hefty price for your opinions. They should leave you alone and let you live your life in peace and safety. Good luck in your new home. Peace be with you.

  11. #Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    #How to stop them by exposing them. Who are the haters?
    Obviously, it’s (((Jewish haters))) who have a death wish, and brazenly demand WHITE GENOCIDE! The MASS MURDER of all opponents to JEWISH SUPREMACY & WORLD DOMINATION! It’s (((Jewish psychopaths))) who want to totally destroy the true diversity of races and nations! It’s (((Jewish haters))) who systematically destroy sovereign white nation states to ultimately exterminate all nations of the white race! It’s (((Jewish haters))) who want to rule supreme over a world of lower IQ mongrel slaves by destroying the true diversity of nature, the beauty of God’s creation! By pushing race mixing on the white nations to make them extinct. The “Jewish nation” is a mixture of races, and Jews fear the competition, superiority and opposition of homogenous white nations. The Jews want to gain world domination by mixing all races and cultures together into ONE GLOBAL MELTING POT. Like demons straight from hell, (((Jewish haters))) create hell on earth! They mutilate, uglify, pervert, distort, degenerate and weaponize everything they touch. Is there anything Jews have not degenerated yet?

    The Jewish goal is GLOBAL GENOCIDE / GLOBAL SLAVERY / GLOBAL WASTELAND / GLOBAL GULAG! ZIONIST (WORLD) WARS since 1914 (1917)… WAR OF TERROR since 2001… The Anglo-American (and after WWII: NATO) military forces used as GOyLEM to fight the Jewish Zionist wars… against the interests of the white minority race!

    Remember the JEWISH ALLIED PROPAGANDA LIES to the world about German soldiers “raping women, killing babies”, behaving in the most gruesome ways… to manipulate the world into two world wars to “exterminate everything German”… “The Good War – ending all wars”?

    Remember the JEWISH ALLIED PROPAGANDA LIES to the U.N. assembly (created after WWII, allegedly to “prevent further wars” but used as platform to “justify” more wars) about Iraqi soldiers “tearing babies out of incubators”, Saddam Hussein’s alleged “weapons of mass destruction” to lie the US and UK into war against Iraq! “Bliar and boy Bush” as obedient Jewish Zionist stooges. Ludicrous lies and pretenses for war and genocide! Not to prevent war but to wage more war!

    The 500 000 Iraqi children who died as result of the IRAQ boycott! The genocidal depleted uranium that pollutes Iraq! The horribly disfigured children being born! The Jewish high priestess of Molech “All bright” said “It was worth it!” Luciferian “angel” Merkel, playing the role of “helpful mother of Muslim refugees” (since 2015) tried hard to get Germany involved into the Iraqi war at the earliest stage… which met the opposition of chancellor Schroeder (SPD, “Social Democratic” Party) “Labor party socialists”, “peace loving” leftists in coalition with the “Greens” party had been the first to illegally drag Germany (as member of NATO) into war again!

    A new allied war destroyed YUGOSLAVIA at the behest of the Rothschilds, as usual all based on war lies! Chancellor Schroeder (not Jew-obedient enough) was later forced to step down by the Jew-dominated “Bilderbergers” (Council On Foreign Relations, US, Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs, UK – Zionist Deep State organizations since 1919, “giving advice” to governments; the Zionist Dictate of Versailles, not a peace treaty but a declaration of war! preparing WWII!) to make place for Merkel (CDU, “Christian Democratic” Union), B’nai B’rith serving, Coudenhove-Kalergi prize receiving, Zionist Communist “German chancellor” impersonator since 2005. Selected by the Bilderberger “king makers” in 2004, at the Bilderberger conference in Rottach Egern, Bavaria. The Jewish witch does an equally good job in destroying Germany and the German nation as her hidden Jew predecessor Henoch Kohn alias Helmut Kohl (CDU) for 16 years… the “Great European” (international Jew) who sold the “unified Germany” out into “EU” slavery!

    (((Parasites extraordinaire))) very much alive after 1945… have come back in droves to deeply infest and firmly occupy all sectors of society, pretending to be Germans and Christians but they are not! Pathological Jewish liars, deceivers, destroyers, mass murderers, alien, cold-blooded, inhumane creatures with no conscience, hypocrites claiming moral high ground…

    Jewish psychopaths pretend to be the “righteous”, the “Chosen ones”, “light onto the world” with “compassion” for children, “refugees”, “minorities” while the blood of tens of millions of victims is dripping from their hands… Talmudic rabid rabbis boast about hundreds of millions of slaughtered victims over the centuries… and that the end is not yet. / That’s DEMONIC… EVIL beyond words!

  12. You’re crushing it, Monika(that’s a good thing).
    Hope everyone votes for The People’s Party candidates. Only Party to stand up for Free Speech.

  13. Dear Monika, I am so sorry you are being treated so badly by the self-chosen ones. Glad you are getting away. Wish I could help in some way. Feel free to phone me at 502-290-4482. Best wishes my brave sister, Nancy

  14. Dear Monika ,
    I am very angry. Not at you of course. But not even entirely at those hypocritical or ignorant(has to be one or the other in displaying such behavior) people harassing you. I am very angry at the lack of courage and sense of fair play – that MUST be among those who live close to you in your area.

    For I CAN ASSURE YOU that if you were living in any of a number of NH usa towns -ALL of Which- I have spent time in and know the general ambiance of mature political level in – those 2 people trying to interfere with your right to either Speak or make a living – would have been shut down and vocally driven off right away. And in this State in this country they would have been driven off in Shame.

    Problem is – even in this country were you in an ethnic area where that type of lying Bias is tenet of their ethnicity – even such vulgar rude expression is permitted to a point – as their freedom of speech to express their opinion. But soon the police would probably drive them away if they were too loud -for “Causing a Public Disturbance” or for the kind of speech that approaches ‘Stalking’.

    But generally most of us would be really Outraged about that unprovoked abusive behavior – and would speak up MORE FORCEFULLY than those 2 yahoos who were trying to disturb your playing.

    I don’t know what the level of cultural understanding or world sophistication is in Jasper – but there are towns in mid-country US and especially in the South, Mid-West and the West – where there are large badly educated entry-manual-labor populations – most of whom are unhappy with their own lives – and who at times divert themselves by mocking others. New England is the most safe well educated civil area of this country.

    But in those places where the population have absorbed all their really impacting cultural education from the Media – one can expect offensive behavior unless you have a couple of strong guys with you. Those are bad facts – but I think in the deterioration of national populations the US and Canada – that is becoming normal.

    Of course there is a particular GROUP of people in this country PROMOTING this general deterioration of not only the manual labor working class but even the now poorly educated ‘college class’.

    The men in my family have been brought up for generations under the Code that is our obligation to defend ANY who are unfairly attacked.
    Had I been there at the time – those people who began disturbing you would have been very glad to leave once i got started. But any of my sons would do just as well.

    To MY Family you are an ‘Icon’ of courage and ethics, who also is an inspiring violin player. I hope to contact you in other ways later.

    Evlynar Johanson

  15. Monika, you’re absolutely right; only cowards do such nasty things anonymously! I know how it feels, but I’m glad you’re taking it in the right spirit. Don’t let them get your goat! 😉

  16. #Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    #2020 is going to be a “Holocaust Remembrance Year”…
    (((The falsifiers of history))) are ramping up their relentless anti-German, anti-White psychological warfare propaganda even more! The most pernicious Jewish lies – non-stop – until you only want to throw up.
    Let’s make it a “True History Remembrance Year”! We need truth & justice. The truth is “hate“ only for the haters of truth. Speaking the truth is not a crime, it’s free speech, our inalienable, God given right! Use it or lose it! Who are the haters? (((Genocidal Jews, Communists, Zionists))) are the haters! Expose the truth about the Jewish crimes! The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about these enormous crimes is proof that most of the global media are in the hands of the Jewish perpetrators!

    RUSSIAN GENOCIDE – The “Russian“ Revolution was a Jewish Coup d’Etat: “You must understand the leading Bolshevics who took over Russia were not Russians [they were Jews], they hated Russians, they hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the Russian Revolution. It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of humanity. It cannot be overstated: Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media are in the hands of the perpetrators.“ (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years Together – writes about 60+ million slaughtered Russians!)

    GERMAN GENOCIDE – JEWISH SOVIET WAR PROPAGANDA: “KILL! The Germans are not human beings. From now on the word German means to use the most terrible oath: WE SHALL KILL. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you wasted that day. If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with a bajonet. If there is calm on your part at the front as you are waiting for the fighting to resume kill a German in the meantime. If you leave a German alive the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you killed a German, kill another. There is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days, do not count kilometres, count only the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the German! That’s your grand mother’s request. Kill the German! That’s your child’s prayer. Kill the German! That’s your mother land’s request.“ (Jew Ilya Ehrenburg, head of Soviet war propaganda, spewing Talmudic hatred)

    JEWISH BRITISH ALLIED WAR PROPAGANDA: This example of below-the-belt, literal demonization of Germans that circulated in Britain was responsible for the distorted views that the public actually adopted as true. The belief that Germans were out to murder babies, children and women was encouraged in both World Wars. (Carolyn Yeager)

    HOLOCAUST of WWII – Carpet Bombing of German Cities – Heaps of German Corpses
    NEVER FORGET!!! (((Jewish liars and falsifiers of history))) turn reality upside down and want to erase the truth from memory. (((Genocidal Jews))) have been most successful in making the white nations fight and kill each other. (((Jewish financiers, Communists and Zionists))) were the perpetrators of WW I + II, ongoing. They always blame their own crimes on their victims. Heaps of German corpses from the Rhine Meadows death camps were shown off as “Jewish victims of Nazi atrocity“ The depth of Jewish depravity, Jewish impudence, arrogance and hubris is beyond words…

    (((Jewish supremacist))) Noel Ignatiev is openly urging WHITE GENOCIDE!!! Ignatiev is a Jewish hater. Should you interview a Christian professor at any university who held similar views about Jews… he would be hounded out of his job in short order and the media would be swamped with Jews howling about “anti-Semitism“… and yet this Jewish psychopath proudly tells his interviewer that he has heard NOT ONE WORD OF DISSENT among his peers. His peers would be Jews of course. (((Jewish haters))) claim that white nationalists are the ultimate evil but they are not! White nationalists don’t advocate for the destruction of non-white races! White nationalists simply want to have and keep their own countries, just as the Chinese have theirs, Mexicans have theirs, Nigerians have theirs, Arabs have theirs… They all have their own homelands – Whites need theirs too.

      1. I would like to know, if there are jews living in Jasper at all and behaving as described. Jews are rare, just around 15 million world wide!

        1. They sure seem to be everywhere, and in control of finance, media, and culture. They’ve filled up Palestine, butchered the Palestinians they haven’t squeezed into ghettos, and control “political correctness” everywhere in the world. If there are only 15 million world-wide, they show amazing industry.

        2. This blog is quite fascinating as to the ideas put forth of world wide conspiracies mostly driven or fueled by communist Jews ( whom the call Edomites!!?), Zionists, ZOG etc. To me their ideology is ironic looking at the past historical viewpoint which they at the same time hotly deny. But it’s this idea of free speech that both interests and disturbs me, having personally known a lawyer who defended a famous case involving something similar. I think many of the posters on this site are much older people whose parents perhaps were part of the war time regime they are trying to vindicate and who feel Germany was (or the Germany of that era) was wrongly vilified. I have no idea where they get their “facts” or their own particular take on history. They accuse the Jews or the allied (WWII) powers of propaganda yet they are doing the exact same thing and claiming truth. This is my own opinion

  17. These disgusting anonymous message and Monica ‘s attitude towards these coward shows us who is full of hate and who is full of love:-).

    Moreover it seems to me that we should strengthen our social and financial network that people such as Monica, Mrs. Haverbeck and her brother are not left alone in the first row and get support of all proper people who have their heart in the right place.

  18. Those poor victims of jewish propaganda… right around You in Jasper.
    There are lot’s of them. But all these people don’t amount to one logical though or one evidence .. and they know it deep inside.
    So they are ashamed … deep inside. That’s why the resort to ugly tactics.
    As long as there are people like us, which know the truth and know the liars, the Jews will ever feel ashamed about themselfs … deep inside.
    with deep respect, lot’s of greetings and many wishes for a good start at a new town.

  19. Dear Monika,
    You are at the forefront of a massive worldwide awakening, the tip of the spear, that is going to expose the jewish cult as the mass murderers that they are and always have been. Many of us see the extent of their manipulations, lies and yes, even gang stalking of truth tellers. There will come a day when little twits like Ms Carr will once again be hiding in outhouses to avoid our wrath! Many are also starting to realize the National Socialists were correct in their analysis of the jewish problem and the most effective way of dealing with it. The new American National Socialist Party cannot come soon enough. Keep up the good fight and know you have the truth on your side and your fighting scared cowards.

  20. Dear Monika, what an sad, absurd collection of enraged nitwits. Nice to see you had some support. I do hope you’ll have a p.o. box in the future. I would like to contribute a little to the cause of truth and freedom. Be well and God bless.

  21. its a weak little worm that presumes to speak for the entire town of Jasper

    probably they know their own words carry so little weight

    apparently a lot of cowardly scumbags at the RCMP too

  22. These people wonder why antisemitism exist.. They just leave themselves one notch below humanity…Just makes me so mad to see you treated like this Monika…

  23. Good for you for showing exactly how alleged humans harass White Gentile women who refuse to be subservient to jews and their client parasites.

    Of possible interest re: Quisling:
    “In the article, he outlined ten points that would complete Nansen’s vision as applied to Norway, among them ‘strong and just government’ and a ‘greater emphasis on race and heredity.'[38]”

    Having been lied to so much re: WWII and Germans, I wonder if Quisling was another convenient personage for jews and their client parasites to vilify.

  24. (Hope this avatar doesn’t get in the way?) This “letter” is the sort of outrageous cowardice we can expect. And now that Trump has declared himself to be the Chosen One and the True King of Israel, y’may as well stay out of Amerika too. I’d leave, if I could. But you’re quite right: FIGHT. We all know what pre-determined verdict to expect (just because it’s you,) but raise Hell anyway.

  25. thats a bummer that you felt so impacted as to move. and my apologies for not elaborating in my last email on why i thought moving was a bad idea: im kind of an i ching junkie, so my comment was based on a reading I did.

    most likely, sticking it out in jasper would entail your adversary’s overplaying their hand and thus being taken less seriously by the general republic…as long as you maintain a modest outward demeanor and lay low for awhile. i realize neither moving or staying appeared to be rose-colored. anyway, i wish you the best, and im certainly willing to come through jasper and offer a lecture/slide presentation on the world wars at some point.


    On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 7:13 AM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: “Such a sweet and loving letter was sent to me just days > before I moved out of that fairy-tale town called Jasper, that I thought I > should share it with you all. I picked up a pile of mail from my post box > on my way out, and the return address and name did” >

  26. Oh, my God! What a lot of crap these people are capable of doing!! Bye Yvonne

    Le 15/10/2019 07:13, « Free Speech Monika » a écrit :

    > Monika posted: “Such a sweet and loving letter was sent to me just days before > I moved out of that fairy-tale town called Jasper, that I thought I should > share it with you all. I picked up a pile of mail from my post box on my way > out, and the return address and name did” >

  27. Gee, your ostracism is much worse in Jasper than it is for me in Vancouver, Monika. My heart goes out to you. Good you are strong. I think you move will be a happier one!

    1. Hi Monika, Its truly shocking how the enemy has been at work in your small town. Hideous. JEWS AT WORK!!! The garbage of Europe!

    2. Jasper is a smaller place, Brian. One rebel in a large Cosmopolitan city is just one of thousands of ‘crack pots’ which gravitate to such places. One rebel in a small, insular town stands out like a sore thumb, especially if they play subversive tunes such as ‘Dance Macabre’ on a fiddle. Screech, screech. I wonder if it would make a difference if Monika played tunes from Fiddler on the Roof? Jews love that musical. Perhaps play the melodies but add lyrics ala Alison Chabloz; another brave musical rebel who has run afoul of the International Parasite. Keep up the good work, Monika. You have (((their))) attention.

    3. Hi Monika, I think it is smart and brave that you publicly call out these cowards and bullies. I find it shocking how the police mishandled your concerns for your safety. It disgusts me to see how ugly some people can be and how far we have fallen as a just society. What is next – are they going to start beating you up, or burning women at the stake? We all have a right to our opinions and your opponents have already extracted a hefty price for your opinions. They should leave you alone and let you live your life in peace and safety. Good luck in your new home. Peace be with you.

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