Free Speech Monika

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Ernst Cran – “Alfred”

Originally in German, this excellent piece (transcript and video) can be found at this website: I have translated the transcript into english below.

Screen Shot 2020-08-22 at 8.45.06 PM

Ernst Cran – “Alfred”:

Has there ever been a complete orchestra in convict clothes? I’m just not sure. But I am sure that the following literary image of an orchestra comes from a convict – from the Landsberg am Lech prison and from a letter dated 29 July 2020, written by a thought-crime inmate who is incarcerated there. I quote freely from the text, edited only for linguistic form:

“Imagine: A large field full of wild barbarians. You give everyone an instrument: a violin, a cello, a piano, a drum, a flute – whatever. In the beginning, it’s just a terrible noise and everyone argues with everyone because nobody plays together – and the noise hurts. Suddenly, these people begin to understand how real sounds can come out of the instruments – and they even begin to play together. Suddenly everyone wants to participate because it’s beautiful music – and everyone wants to be there. Now a harmonic, melodic symphony can be heard from what used to be just noise.

That is how it is now in 2020 with the truth. Suddenly everyone sings and plays from the same song sheet and everyone harmonizes. Arguing is a thing of the past. This is the case now with the subject of Israel, Jews, lies, history, etc.; there is no one who can still bear the old noise. Everyone wants to play the new beautiful music. The last noisemakers are chased away. They are also not difficult to find because they only make sour tones. 

Nothing can stop what is coming. No one wants to be too stupid not to have recognized the sinking ship as such. Everyone wants to be on the right side, not on the wrong side, when the curtain rises. The wrong side consists of lies, betrayal, criminal evasion, cowardice, greed, theft, murder, etc.

This music resembles every biological healing in nature. If you have a wound or an infection, it takes a little while for your cells to find the right notes, and then they play all their instruments together to make you healthy again. The foreign bodies are fought resolutely with full force!

No one asks about the feelings of the other. A lion does not ask about the feelings of the gazelle, but simply kills it. The lion does not consider whether he would rather be a transvestite and bring the gazelle some grass to eat. Such a lion would quickly be an outcast and thrown out of the pack.

We white Aryan people are now under scrutiny, whether we are a transvestite lion or a real lion. I bet on the real lion. The other races will curse the fact that they took advantage of the feast without asking the host. They must – if they wish to survive – run as fast as the gazelle when the lion is awake and hungry. Otherwise, the gazelle will not survive.

We are waking up, and that is a good thing. One needs to experience the disease before acquiring the emotional energy to drive the healing process. A good sign. This is happening all over the white world now.

Heartfelt regards,

So this was a small excerpt from a “literary orchestral concert”. And this is “Alfred”. It looks like a clothes-hanger – of oak, made in the carpentry workshop of the JVA (prison) Landsberg am Lech and can be obtained at “”. In reality, however, “Alfred” is an instrument – a partial sound of that large orchestra described earlier. Let’s give “Alfred” the last word, or rather the last note. But before that I say, “Thank you, Alfred!”


Even if you do not speak German, I encourage you to watch the last 30 seconds of this video of the letter reader in prison attire. “Alfred” gets the last note.


10 Responses

  1. I know what Alfred is talking about. When I was in middle school, I took orchestra. No one except the pianist knew how to play an instrument. By the end of the school year, we were pretty accomplished in some classical and pop music. By the end of the second year, we were ready to give concerts.

    On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 1:14 PM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: “Originally in German, this excellent piece (transcript and > video) can be found at this website: I have translated > the transcript into english below. Ernst Cran – “Alfred”: Has there ever > been a complete orchestra in convict clothes? ” >

  2. Pro-White Activism: How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    A quote from Netanyahu’s infamous “Fink’s Bar diatribe” of 1990: “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of god [the Talmudic Satanists’ demon god is Lucifer /Satan] and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” (credit to the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States Department of Defense) (Google search)

    “The purpose of history, as I see it, is to uncover the forces which move the pawns on the chessboard of the world. This and only this is real history, and anything else, in the final analysis, is of no intrinsic value.” (Willis A. Carto)
    “If the Marxist teaching were to be accepted as the foundation of the life of the universe, it would lead to the disappearance of all order that is conceivable to the human mind. And thus the adoption of such a law would provoke chaos in the structure of the greatest organism that we know, with the result that the inhabitants of this earthly planet would finally disappear. Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world, his CROWN will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, without any human life on its surface, as it did millions of years ago. And so I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.” (A.Hitler, Mein Kampf)
    “CULTURAL MARXISM” – COMMUNISM – ZIONISM – JUDAISM – TALMUDISM – SATANISM – LUCIFERIANISM – whatever term – all serve the same goals – a true pandemic – a global plague – “CORONA PANDEMIC” – GLOBAL JEWISH TYRANNY
    What do protesters against the forced wearing of masks and nationalists have in common? The protest against tyranny. – What’s the difference between the two groups? The degree of consciousness about the reality we live in.
    THE COMMON PROTEST AGAINST TYRANNY – locally and globally – unites the protesters against the forced wearing of masks (allegedly “necessary and effective” which is extremely doubtful – against the dangers of a “Corona pandemic”) and nationalists who protest against the tyranny by Jewish usurpers using transnational NGOs as their tools such as the “UN” and “WHO” (World Homicide Organization) to stage a “pandemic” and exercise global power (Jew World Order)
    White nationalists/patriots want to regain freedom from global Jewish Communist Zionist tyranny and (debt) slavery by re-establishing national sovereignty. The protesters against the insanity of totally over the top, Draconian “pandemic” regulations want to regain sanity and normal life conditions.
    Was haben diejenigen, die gegen den Maskenzwang protestieren mit Nationalisten gemeinsam? Den Protest gegen Tyrannei. – Was unterscheidet die beiden Gruppen? Der Grad an Bewusstheit, in welcher Realität wir leben.
    DER GEMEINSAME PROTEST GEGEN TYRANNEI – lokal und global – vereint diejenigen, die gegen den Maskenzwang (angeblich “notwendig und effektiv” gegen eine “Corona Pandemie”, was extrem zweifelhaft ist) demonstrieren und Nationalisten, die gegen die Tyrannei jüdischer Usurpatoren protestieren, die transnationale NGOs wie die “UN” und “WHO” als Werkzeuge benutzen, um eine “Pandemie” zu inszenieren und globale Macht auszuüben (Jüdische Weltordnung)
    Weiße Nationalisten/Patrioten wollen sich durch das Wiederherstellen der nationalen Souveränität von der globalen, jüdischen, kommunistischen, Zionistischen Tyrannei und (Schulden) Sklaverei befreien. Diejenigen, die gegen völlig überzogene, drakonische “Pandemie” Vorschriften protestieren, wollen ein gesundes Maß an Normalität zurückgewinnen.
    However, protests only against the wearing of masks are highly suspicious – too dumb to be real – they might as well be controlled opposition – as fake as the whole “pandemic” business – Protests where nobody asks who the perpetrators are (Cui bono? Who benefits? Who exercises global power over us?) serve the purpose of creating new scapegoats: “pandemic deniers” will be blamed for “spreading the pandemic” by not following the strictest, most senseless regulations… i.e. by not succumbing to the open tyranny… The charged word – newly invented by the inventors of “Holocaust deniers” – will be used as a weapon against everybody who dares to protest an extremely tyrannical set of rules imposed upon us locally and globally to “protect” us from the “virus”.. in reality, to enslave us totally. By imposing a cash-free society, forced “pandemic testing”, forced vaccinations… The multiple deaths will be blamed on the “pandemic” not on the poisonous vaccines… And the Jewish (Israeli) inventors and profiteers of the latest huge global fraud will commit genocide and go scot free – as always? The “zombies” will hail them as “saviors” while being led to the slaughter. If something is real about that “pandemic”, it’s biological warfare by the perpetrators of genocide. After all, they want to EXTERMINATE – ABOLISH – DESTROY the white race. They want to “get rid of every single antisemite [i.e. Jewish slur to denigrate and heap hatred upon everyone who criticises Jews and their crimes] and nationalist left in this world” (“ADL” quote) They want to silence, imprison, kill all their opponents as they did in Bolshevik Russia. They have announced it – repeatedly.

    We must take the Jews seriously! So better watch out! – Protests are only useful if the necessary questions are not being deliberately avoided and suppressed but asked – and answered – out in the open..

  3. Der Feminismus ist unsere Erfindung aus zwei Gründen: Vorher zahlte nur die Hälfte der Bevölkerung Steuern, jetzt fast alle weil die Frauen arbeiten gehen. Ausserdem wurde damit die Familie zerstört und wir haben dadurch die Macht über die Kinder erhalten. Sie sind unter unserer Kontrolle mit unseren Medien und bekommen unserer Botschaft eingetrichtert, stehen nicht mehr unter dem Einfluss der intakten Familie. In dem wir die Frauen gegen die Männer aufhetzen und die Partnerschaft und die Gemeinschaft der Familie zerstören, haben wir eine kaputte Gesellschaft aus Egoisten geschaffen, die arbeiten (für die angebliche Karriere), konsumieren (Mode, Schönheit, Marken), dadurch unsere Sklaven sind und es dann auch noch gut finden. – N. Rockefeller

    Wir deutschen müssen wieder lernen im Einklang mit der Natur zu leben und die Lügen aufzugeben:
    – Wahrheit statt Lüge
    – Familie statt Homosexualität
    – Reinheit der Rasse statt Rassenvermischung
    – Liebe zum Vaterland statt Haß auf Eltern und Großeltern
    – Goethe und Schiller statt Marx und Engels

  4. This is very like what Alfred wrote in his last letter, received the very next day after we arrived home from your place. I agree with Dave, above; Alfred does entertain some VERY high hopes, but the reality is that we are at “The End”, as prophesied in God’s infallible word. The Lord himself is going to bring judgment upon all wicked evil-doers, and all unrepentant unbelievers who still love any sin. We need to recognize this, and seek to be properly reconciled to God before it happens…

    1. Utter lunacy, spoken like the worst example of feminine pacifism killing our race. If your God exists, your God is AWOL. If your God exists, he/she/it obviously favors the enemy jews. The jews have been winning, and us losing, since the jews poisoned and killed the White-founded White-built Roman Empire. If your God exists and punishes “wicked evil-doers,” why has he let the jew Rothschilds mass-murder for 200 years, generation after generation?

      1. First of all, God is real, and he will judge the jews for all their evil deeds, as he will judge all others who refuse to repent of their OWN wickedness, such as mocking and blaspheming him…
        Second, God is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish (for eternity), so he mercifully waits to bring this sure and certain judgment, giving mankind time to repent. Unfortunately, most will not…
        Thirdly, SIN and decadence (de-CAY-dence) brought about the fall of the debauched Roman empire, a just recompense from God, and it is coming upon North America, who, despite its having been originally founded (more or less) upon true biblical principals, has fallen away from truth, and has become just as debauched as ancient Rome, if not worse, because of its profession of Christ! North America has shamelessly used the holy name of Christ to “justify” its own wickedness, and believe me, deserves the judgment that is coming. The jews are not the only evil people in this world!

  5. It is good Alfred is in such good spirits. I do NOT have the same high hopes as Alfred. Example: Last month went to a birthday party of maybe most maligned “White Supremacist” in the USA. There were about 50 people, NO MASKS, but we had to lock the ballroom door. Our main subject was the US rodent that is now controlling us. At least in No. Europe, the Truthers are able to demonstrate in public like those on Ursala’s birthday and the Nordic Resistance Movement. We are not able to do that on the Left Coast of the USA. (B. party was in Mississippi.)

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