Upon returning from the United States of America on 24 April 2019, I was detained by the Canadian Border Guards [CBSA] in the Calgary Airport for three hours.
Three Border Guards spent those hours perusing through my possessions, especially the books that I was carrying in my small suitcase. They were looking for “hate propaganda“.
The five books which they seized from me for further inspection are the following:
- Government by Deception by Jan Lamprecht
- Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled Vol 1 by Eli James & Clay Douglas
- The Great Inpersonation – The Mask of Edom by Pastor Eli James
- The Commission by Richard Barrett
- Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust” by Germar Rudolf
Jan Lamprecht’s book was published in 2002 and has never had any complaints against it nor any bans on sales, whether in South Africa or America or any other place where it has been sold. Government by Deception is a critique of the black South African government, yet no black person, nor anybody else, has ever complained to the author. It was sold in several branches of the Exclusive Books chain in S. Africa, as well as through the online book distributor Amazon for a number of years. It was not taken down by any distributors.
The Commission I know very little about, it was given to me by acquaintances, and I was intending to do my own research by reading it.
Germar Rudolf’s Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust” is a book [Download as a PDF] I had taken with me from home to read on the airplane.
I had read 2/3 by the time of seizure. It is a scholarly analysis and critique of Deborah Lipstadt’s book “Denying the Holocaust”, nothing more, nothing less. Rudolf points out statements made by Lipstadt and discusses her sources or lack thereof.
The two books by Pastor Eli James are about religion and religious views. Will the Bible be next on a “danger” list?
I happened to be carrying the Quran in my suitcase – it was given to me by a street preacher in Union Square New York City a few days earlier. I intended to check for myself some of the allegations about the Quran and learn first hand what all the fuss was about. This book they did not touch, though it clearly does have sections which incite hatred and preach violence. Many examples can be found online, and now that I have the physical book in hand, I can verify. Here is just one example:
5:33 Those that make war against God and His Messenger and spread disorder in the land shall be put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the country. They shall be disgraced in this world, and then severely punished in the Hereafter..
These Border Guards were looking for “hate propaganda“. Setting aside for the moment the meaninglessness of that term, how is it that single copies of books in my personal possession are deemed harmful or dangerous to anyone? What I choose to read is my business and no one else’s. It is not as though I were importing commercial quantities of books. We seem to have reached the stage where we are being dictated what to think, let alone what to say. This is Wrong-Think in George Orwell’s world of 1984.
Contrast this harassment of those of us who question the “politically correct” version of history to the mainstream teaching about Karl Marx (birth-name Moses Mordecai Marx Levy). Considered to be the “father of Communism“, Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto in 1848. I do not recall having learnt at school or university that Communism was an evil system which resulted in the murder of countless millions of people, nor did I learn that it was a Jewish endeavour. I recall having been left with a generally benign impression of Communism from my mainstream education. Would these Border Guards have passed over the Communist Manifesto, were it to be found in my suitcase?
Is there a list of forbidden books that has been issued by the Canadian Government? It is doubtful. These three guards were having a terribly difficult time determining whether my books met their “hate propaganda” threshold. They leafed through them over and over, hummed and hawed uselessly. They decided to send them to Ottawa for someone else to make the determination. I suggested to them that they would receive a good education by reading the books themselves. However I also informed them that I did not consent to their actions.
The authorities seem to be in a panic about Truth being revealed and the general Awakening that is coming. The fact that they are so afraid of a few books that Monika Schaefer carries in her suitcase, shows how far down the road of total tyranny we have gone. Communism seems to be upon us. In Bolshevik Russia people were shot for having the wrong books. Let us pray that our present trajectory change course quickly, or we could end up at that point in the not-too-distant future.
I could not have imagined this when I was growing up in a seemingly utopian world in which they told us we had total freedom of speech and freedom of the press in our perfect democracy.
36 Responses
That first photo has a striking resemblance to Trudeau!
“When the Messiah comes, Israel will reverse the Final Solution. Twenty, thirty atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Dortmund and so on to assure the job gets done. And the land will be quiet for a thousand years,” (Chen Ben-Eliyahu, 11th of March 2015, in the Knesset, quote from The Times Of Israel)
A scandalon! Something like that should make headlines worldwide! But have you ever heard about it before… That’s what DEMONIC JEWS intend to do when their “Moshiach” comes i.e. when they stage-manage his “Coming“. Jews openly talk and brag about their GENOCIDAL PLANS; they write about them in their newspapers, while at the same time pointing fingers at the “evil Nazis“!
Jews have always openly declared their GENOCIDAL INTENTIONS before they carried them through (March 24, 1933: JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY; Theodore Kaufman, GERMANY MUST PERISH, 1941; Kaufman Plan, Nizer Plan, Hooton Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, UN-EU “Replacement Migration“ Plan / UN-“Migration Pact“ – GERMAN GENOCIDE / GENOCIDE OF WHITE EUROPEANS through non-White, Muslim mass-immigration / Unlimited alien invasion into white countries worldwide!) They want to bomb the German cities all over again! They want to repeat the same carnage, the same mass murder of millions of defenseless civilians / HOLOCAUST OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE again! They have WW III all planned. Such evilness leaves any normal human being speechless. An unimaginable depth of Jewish wickedness.
… and don’t you ever forget: You mustn’t ever dare to hate them… for what they are doing to your people… to all of humanity…
They have even made your emotions of deep disgust, any self-defence, any resistance, any opposition to their most horrific crimes a “criminal offence“, a “hate crime“ punishable by law … They can’t take the slightest criticism, you know… The precious feelings of Jews must NEVER be “offended“… You are supposed to kiss their feet; Jews are “gods”, you must know… and mustn’t forget it – EVER!
”We have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe [surely, you DID FAIL miserably! You have never liberated any people, you have helped to genocide and enslave us]; we have lost the war!” “I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing to the Germans is ‘liberty’, then give me death. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic [“Semitic“? It’s JEWISH!], and I am sure of it.” (General George Smith Patton, 1945, murdered by the enemy of all peoples, non-Jewish)
“Israel wird am Brandenburger Tor verteidigt!” (Dr. Anton Friesen, AfD)
Another anti-German shabbos goy who wants Germans to “defend Israel at the Brandenburger Gate“, the most prolific historical site where the Jewish genociders of WWII celebrate “CHANUKKAH“ every year at Christmas time, displaying a giant MENORAH, their symbol of successful Genocide in the centre of Berlin!
F. might even be a Jewish mole from Russia; the direct question if he is Jewish was not answered. All political parties are Zionist lobby organizations. The “AfD“, the “Alternative for Germany“ party, allegedly the first choice for German patriots / nationalists, defamed by the Jewish media as “Nazi“, “far right extremist“ (just like the CIA-MI6 founded “NPD“, German Nationalist Party) is infested with Jews, Blacks, Browns, immigrants from everywhere/ “refugees“ / “asylum seekers“ / the “new Germans“, feminists, liberals…. Otherwise the “AfD” would be “racist”, wouldn’t they? Ambitious feminist liberal Jewess Alice Weidel is in leading position. Weidel wants to follow in Communist, ex-Stasi-CIA (Oy vey!) Jewess Merkel’s footsteps. Merkel 2.0. The least needed for Germany. And the question is: Why are they all flooding this new party (like locusts), and why don’t they choose one of the others that fit their political leanings much better… The answer is blatantly clear: They are all there to subvert, undermine and sabotage the genuine efforts of conservative German patriots, truly pro-German politicians and their voters base working hard to put things right. Genuine efforts of many truthful people are being used to promote the party… and to betray the voters in the end… A bird with such extreme opposite wings can’t fly… Not really… It’s bound to crash sooner or later… the intention from the start. It’s the same foul game as everywhere. Alice Weidel (ex-Goldman-Sachs banker employee – Oy vey!) is the German version of America’s Donald Trump, of France’s Macron (ex-Rothschild banker employee – Oy vey!) They work all for the Satanic Jew World Order. For the destruction of sovereign European nation states, for Genocide, in any shape or form. The worst hypocrites, liars, deceivers. They turn politics into the dirtiest business as usual… to the detriment of the people. The same everywhere.
It doesn’t look good…
Oh, Monika! Book-seizing border guards! One has to shake oneself. But that ends up not helping at all: ‘Human Kind cannot bear very much reality.’
You really have lived through rough times, and you did it with an impressive grace and dignity. You and your valiant brother are striking blow after blow for truth and decency.
There is a wonderful photograph that Alison Chabloz published: You and she sitting on a couch, giggling carefree happiness. You had just performed a Chabloz song together.
You have both done, and are doing, so much good in the world. But I should like to wrap you both in cotton wool and hide you from harm by the Golums of the philosemitic frenzy who dog you both.
PS: I have to confess that, giddy with the great finds I was making in the revisionist world, I confused you with a ‘Sister Monica’ on another blog. The upshot was that I did not even recall that I had been on your real blog. But evidence of that arrived by email in the early hours of this morning. Thank you for having put up with my first incursions into the world of real history.
Take care, and God bless.
Hi, Monika.
My favorite comment, above, is the one by an “anon,” short and sweet, saying that next time you ought carry a Talmud with you. ha ha. very good.
As music lovers — you and I, and probably most of your readers — I offer the following.
Off topic but right on (((target))):
We all love “Hoax Train” by Graham Hart. Right? I doubt that Graham will put out any more such good rock stuff since he has complained about getting local jewsmedia coverage against him.
MEANWHILE, there is good rock stuff being produced, though maybe not to Graham’s high studio-production standard. I have found “PATTON.45” to be a new artist/band with a pro-White anti-jew set of songs and a video on archive.org . The link:
ENJOY! (surely there’s at least ONE song there to like, eh?)
Looking forward to reactions.
And looking forward to your next article, Monika, as I await Alfred’s reply to my most recent letter to him, if the jews deliver it to him. Let us all remember Alfred!
I enjoyed the Talmud comment too. That would have been interesting to see how they handled that book, with all the “love” it has for the gentiles.
Hoax Train by Graham Hart, a great song, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LITjCiBz0kY&bpctr=1557544526
This one is still available (with original images of cultural life at Auschwitz labor camp)
I wonder what your Canadian Border guards would have thought if you’d had the book “Germany Must Perish” by Theodore Kaufman in your suite case? I certainly could be wrong but have my doubts this would be the case
Die Voraussetzung zur Lösung aller deutschen Zukunftsfragen:
Hi Monika,
Why do you refuse to post my commentary on your free speech site? Have you been on FaceBook lately? I’m sure you’ve been notified by your minions regarding my FB
posts. Maybe you can step outside your cult bubble and defend yourself on FB if you wish not to publish my commentary here in your lion’s den.
Hi Jim,
I will reply here to your question of why I am not posting any more of your comments on my website. And no, nobody else but you notified me about your FB posts.
You have been given a lot of time and space on this site (esp. photocopy shop article) with your commentaries, even when they were low on content, and full of hot air, insults and profanities. Some had to be edited and some comments were simply not allowed because they were so profane. Several people (myself, Admin, and a couple of other commenters) asked you repeatedly to provide meaningful content and engage in the issues, rather than character assassination. You carried on with character assassination and you never did get into meaningful dialogue or debate about the subjects at hand. You were even offered the opportunity to write a guest blog. You turned it down.
Again and again you cry about my “free speechy…” site not allowing YOUR free speech. It was explained to you, more than once, that free speech does not mean a free run on insults and profanities, rather it is about an exchange of ideas, a discussion of the topic at hand, a dialogue about sources, information, research and inquiry. Freedom of speech of course means the freedom to disagree – that is what it is all about – but it becomes meaningless when you try to apply freedom of speech to mud-slinging and spewing hatred at the person you disagree with. Your cry about hypocrisy is yet more hot air, and is rather manipulative. It was enough. You had ample time and opportunity to engage meaningfully.
Reblogged this on TORONTO News & Views.
Oh! Forgot something… Yes, the bible will be a banned and “dangerous” book not too long hence, sad to say. It’s the one they’re really after — the “jews” absolutely HATE the King James bible (especially the NT) because it condemns them and all the evil they have committed.
Hey, Monika. What an ordeal you had to endure! Glad you made it through in one piece, and without any additional “forced vacation”! Keep smiling that delightful smile of yours, and keep your chin up!
Gees Monika, sounds like we live in some tin-pot dictator’s country. And i get so angry when i hear Germany owes reparations to this or that country. After what i’ve researched the past three decades, it’s just the opposite.
I could not agree with you – and as a side note, I am not German. From what I understand, to this day, reparations of one kind or another continue to be paid out to families of “Holocaust” survivors in Germany, and I believe it’s fair to say this is outright extortion and theft in the most basic of forms. I have seen the numbers in too many places now, showing that what they say as far as numbers of dead is just not physically possible.
I first started learning of the Holocaust when I was perhaps 10 or 11 in middle school, yet I never heard of the Holodomor until I stumbled upon it 4 years ago at the age of 44 – and I am half Ukrainian. Not only will there never be reparations for the millions of Russians and Ukrainians executed and genocided by famine, we can all continue to look forward to paying for even more Holocaust Memorials/Museums, etc., for years to come.
I pray I see the day Germany gets the retribution and vindication it deserves. Still hard to swallow most days this is the world in which we live.
We have to stop playing nice with Satan’s Children. Watch my videos in BitChute and learn more about the creatures who are trying to take over the planet.
Canada is a ‘lost’ nation. There will never again be a White Power in this multicultural, diversified farm. Most Canadians care more about a hockey game than the loss of their once proud nation. When I have suggested the type of therapy we need to turn some of the tribe’s shenanigans about face I was instantly banned from EuroFolk Radio by a pastor who likely wouldn’t recognize my warrior Big Brother if He had lunch with him. Jesus was no wimp and He knew certain types of therapy are needed to kick Satan’s Children back to Hell where they were spawned. We need to move beyond just speaking about the infernal question. We have done that for 3000 years! Grabbing Monika’s books, harassing her at the airport, denying her printing at a copy shop and on and on. The people doing the work for Satan’s Spawn are the sorts of goyim we need to recognize as enemies and not worth the air they breathe; empty headed, minimum wage border security people et al are not our friends. Look what sort […] they let in with Muslim hive mindedness hell bent on killing all of us. I suppose they are safe because so many of those creatures can’t read.
Hi Monika. Best to you. JD
>>>”The fact that they are so afraid of a few books that Monika Schaefer carries in her suitcase, shows how far down the road of total tyranny we have gone. Communism seems to be upon us. In Bolshevik Russia people were shot for having the wrong books.”
the ones behind the goings on in Bolshevik Russia are the same ones behind what’s going on today. Don’t be surprised when once again it becomes a capital offense to criticize you know who, just like in the good old days of the old Soviet Union
Sad but TRUE! Monika ~ You are a Shining Light in the darkness of these times! Keep on~ Standing with you and beside you!
Hey! Hoarder Guards!
Looking for hate propaganda?
Check out the Talmud or turn on the boob-tube
Listen to the hatebeat coming from the boobus
Waging War for israel and acting like a doofus
Joogle Twatter Apple JouTube facegook quite atrocious
They bring in teams of specialists
Steal your books if you’re on their lists
They waste your time while gettin` paid
They act like swine, think they got it made
Internet spies spreading all their lies
See the hate they generate by censoring our guys
Big time lying criminals should head for the confessionals
Their crimes are known to those who care
They leave their traces everywhere
next time Monika should bring a Talmud, lol
… und sprecht, Ihr sollt es haben: das freie, freie Wort!
Freedom of thought, freedom of speech – God given rights
I recommend a novel: “Hold Back This Day”.
Border guards? I thot borders are pure hate….
The Left & hostile elite in Eurosphere & overseas-Anglosphere hostile-elite mimic Orwell’s 1984 ” thought police “
Wow Monika, I do hope you get your books back!
People will pretend to believe anything if they’re given enough money but really…..They should buy their own books if they want to find out if there’s hate propaganda in them.
And if they’re looking for hate propaganda, all they have to do is check out the Talmud or turn on the television and listen to Shitstream Media create support for wars for israel for example. They should also check out Internet giants like Joogle and JouTube and see the hate they are generating by censoring anybody who refuses to buy their crap. Plenty of hate everywhere, yet they’re detaining and stealing from polite and respectful little old ladies who like to expand their knowledge by reading interesting books that are devoid of hate propaganda in comparison to Hollywood productions, for example.
They might bring in teams of specialists in the detection of hate propaganda to go over these books with magnifying glass and microscope with specially designed algorithms that quickly zoom in on hate propaganda thereby allowing our respected authorities to crackdown on hate altogether and finally usher in the long awaited reign of the zewish Moschiach messiah from the pits of israHell.
Hi Voltman, I just found the comment in the spam folder, a few days later..
Monika, it was great to finally meet you in person. I have been sending my two books to Canadian purchasers for two decades without incident. Obviously, you are a targeted individual and you will be watched by Big Brother until this globalist, anti-Christ, Bolshevik dictatorship is destroyed. We pray that this type of censorship by the Banking Bolsheviks backfires and helps to wake up those who think they are free. “None are so thoroughly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.” — Goethe.
Yahshua Messiah said “The truth will make you free.” The “government” says, “The truth will get you locked up.” Andy Hitchcock, Eli, and I do the “Signs of the End Times” show on EFR. This truly is one of those “signs”. Stay strong Sister, and play your lovely violin loudly. Pastor Stephen Anderson, EFR
9/11: Helluvahoax (TM) that has incurred for the gentile world a Heckuvacaust (TM)
Take back the narratives about our reality. Make our own human memes and terms.
So pleased you have some breathing room, Monika. You’ve done your part and then some.
Now is the time for all good human beings to be vocal about what is so.