Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Dear Arthur,

by Monika Schaefer

The world owes you an Apology and a great big Thank-You.

First the Apology. For ten years of harassment, invasion and intrusion, and a giant legal battle. All for telling the truth. In a world where truth and lies are inverted, in a world where everything is turned upside-down, your truth-telling has been deemed a crime.

Now the Thank You. Your principled and valiant truth-telling , unwavering in the face of huge obstacles, has been momentous! You have enlightened and inspired untold many of us. The ripple effect of your work will grow into a tsunami of Light and Truth.


Great Truth Teller Silenced, but Message is Unstoppable

Arthur Topham of Quesnel B.C. has been sentenced to silence for now, after a 10 year legal battle. His crime is that he fearlessly wrote about the state of the world in his online website, and that was just too much for the Zionist Powers to bear.

Those who feel threatened by a peaceful man expressing his views online are obviously very nervous and afraid. If there was nothing to hide and if these online publishings were so erroneous as they would like us to believe, this group would not feel threatened. Arthur Topham would simply be ignored. The reaction alone should be enough to trigger people to question: what is it that is so taboo to say?

Trying to stop the truth from coming out is as futile as if you were trying to drink the lake dry to prevent drowning in it. Even the modern-day book burnings cannot succeed in vaporizing the truth. The truth is emerging at an exponential rate, and these desparate attempts by the Powers-That-Be to silence truth-tellers are a show of their panic. 

Danger? For Whom?

Harry Abrams and Richard Warman are the two men who initiated the legal assault against Arthur Topham. Those are their names. Arthur was not allowed to ever mention their names during those years of legal battle because somehow they feared it might bring danger to their lives. Now what about the danger they posed to Arthur, endlessly defaming him?!

In a trial by jury in October-November 2015, Arthur Topham was found guilty on one count and not guilty on another count of exactly the same charge, namely, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promoting hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to section 319(2) of Criminal Code of Canada. The identical two charges were for different time periods.

In the Canadian court of law, the burden of proof switches to the defense to affirm that there was no ‘hate’ under CCC  section 319(2). The prosecution need not produce victims of the alleged hatred. What is ‘hate’ but an emotion? How does anybody know what is in someone else’s head?

One of the defenses is 319(2)(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true. Again, how can anyone prove that Arthur Topham did not believe what he was writing? Are they mind-readers?

For an interesting commentary of the extraordinary trial and background, please see this article by Eve Mykytin. She is an American lawyer who attended the second week of the trial. She covers, for example, the story of Len Rudner who was established as an expert witness for the Crown. His written expert opinion was identical to the written expert opinion submitted by Bernie Farber who was originally supposed to be the Crown’s expert witness. (Farber pulled out of his commitment when he learned that he would not be permitted to appear via video-link.) Yet Len Rudner told the court that he himself was the author of his “expert opinion”. Rudner also had tried to have Arthur Topham’s website shut down before the trial. Conflict of interest, is it not? Still, he was permitted to be an expert witness. Very strange, to say the least.

Arthur’s Crime

It can be fairly assumed that Arthur Topham’s parody on the infamous book Germany Must Perish was the item which caused the jury to give a guilty verdict, as the publishing of that parody fell within the “guilty” time period. Germany Must Perish was written in 1941 by an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman, and it was generally praised and promoted at that time by the mainstream media (MSM).

The sheer monstrosity of the book is breathtaking, and even more shocking is the fact that it was not condemned when it appeared in 1941. Theodore Kaufman concocted a sick plan to annihilate the German people, the stated goal being that Germany must perish. The plan was to hire thousands of surgeons to sterilize all German men of reproductive age, and voilà, no more Germans. Gone Forever.

The hateful book was subsequently almost forgotten, until Arthur Topham found a provocative way to bring attention to the hideousness of that genocidal text. He reproduced portions of the book word for word, except that he replaced “Germany” with “Israel” and “Germans” with “Jews”. Germany Must Perish became Israel Must Perish, and so on. The two texts, original and parody, appeared side by side on his website.

In a trick of Orwellian Doublespeak, B’nai Brith Canada now tells the world that Arthur Topham called for Jews to be forcibly sterilized. No context, nothing. It is crazy making! It is just another glaring example of how B’nai Brith and the MSM engage in deliberate deception to turn reality 100% on its head. Unless someone has been following the case very closely, the uninformed general public has no reason to doubt the story they are told about how Arthur Topham called for sterilization of the Jews. People cannot even check for themselves, because the website has been taken down, as part of sentencing.

In these times of universal deceipt, the messenger who seeks to warn us about the villain, is himself labelled the villain. 

Perhaps the members of the jury did not understand the meaning of satire or parody. Or perhaps the convoluted court proceedings or the instructions given by the judge curtailed their ability to perceive it this way. The jury members are also not immune to the mind-contaminating effects of all the toxic lies and atrocity propaganda we have been subjected to since birth. We have been programmed to respond in specific ways to certain words, these words being the number one weapon in the psychological warfare being conducted on us without most of us realizing it.

Judge Admits There Was No Incitement

He does not call for violence; his views were political satire. It is not his intent to indirectly incite violence.

~ the judge said during the sentencing proceedings.

By these words, does the judge basically exonerate Arthur Topham? Methinks so. 

Topham told the court,

I felt that I had a duty as a Canadian citizen to alert the general public of an imminent threat… the interests of the Jewish lobby.

He also expressed gratitude that his concerns had been brought to the record.

B’Nai B’rith Very Disappointed

From the Times of Israel article: B’nai B’rith was not satisfied with the sentence, tweeting that it “is very disappointed by lenient sentence for Arthur Topham, convicted of promoting #antisemitism.”

The CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, Michael Mostyn, said that

the timing is especially disturbing, as Canada’s Jewish community reels from a series of bomb threats against our community centers, inspired by the same hateful ideology that drives Mr. Topham. [He] is a committed and unrepentant Jew-hater, who persisted in publishing lurid anti-Semitic content on his website throughout this legal process. Canada’s laissez-faire approach to hate crimes continues to fail minority groups and puts them at increased risk of attacks against their lives or property.

This is interesting in light of the news that an American-Israeli Jewish teen has just been arrested in connection with a series of bomb threats against Jewish institutions on several continents. Good timing Mr. Mostyn, very disturbing indeed.

 Canada’s Hate Speech Laws – Who Do They Serve?


Well said Arthur! If some things are not permitted to be said, then we do not have freedom of speech. Period.

I have heard seemingly intelligent people repeat the mantra which has been programmed into their heads “but hate speech is not the same as free speech”! I say to them, who determines what “hate” speech is? Who controls the Mass Media? Who controls Hollywood? Who controls our law-makers? 

Truth is Hate for those who Hate the Truth.

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. ~ Voltaire

THANK YOU ARTHUR TOPHAM for your service to humanity! Enjoy the imposed quiet time. The torch is being passed forward. There are countless torch carriers.

arthurtopham_Begg'sGulchnear WellsBC

Mehr Licht!

10 Responses

  1. ” When you believe something, you have made some authority into the truth. When you seek, truth is the only authority for you.” Sadhguru

  2. The Jews always do this. They can not step back and acknowledge that the path they are on leads straight to hell. This culminates in the mass slaughter of all thinking and working human beings, as we witnessed in Russia and all of Europe over the past 100 years. Just look at how the Jews managed to incite the “Allies” to HOLOCAUST German cities like Dresden. The Jews themselves survived these horrors better than any other race, since they knew beforehand when it was best to get out of town. Sort of like the Odigo message to stay out of the World Trade Center on September 11 2001. They get the Jew call, and watch at a distance as the goyim get burned to death. Then, afterwords, the Jew emerges to hold out his hand for money.

    This time the Jews have bitten off more than they can swallow, as they do have on their agenda the extermination of not only the German people, but all the European peoples. I suppose that if the European people don’t wake up and deal with this parasite, that the Chinese race, or some other race will.

    Fortunately for us, the Jew is gagging and choking on the twin towers, stuck in his throat like a chicken bone. While the Jew is gagging on the twin towers, the world is figuring out all the other crimes that this parasite has perpetrated against all of humanity. It is understandable why the Jew is so fearful. The Jew knows that if he does not kill or disable the white race, that the retribution may be painful. So, the Jew will now proceed to clamp down and try to exterminate us all via the invading hordes of third world criminals. The Jew thinks that the world is his, after we sink in a quagmire of warfare and death. But, serial criminals always slip up at some point in time.

    So the clever little parasite thinks that “hate” laws will stop anything bad happening to them. That is like writing a law against gravity after falling out of an airplane. It will make no difference whatsoever. The landing is equally hard, with our without “anti-gravity” laws.

    I have no doubt in my mind, observing the explosive awakening, that the European peoples are easily able to deal with this pathetic parasite once a critical number have awakened, which we expect very soon indeed. If I were a Jew, I would prove my loyalty to the human race by openly supporting Arthur Topham in his historical battle to expose the truth and the crimes.

    Throughout history, when the Jews become intolerable, they get tossed out. This has happen well over one hundred times that we know of. Now why would they think that this time is going to be any different?

  3. Their side is all about “winning”regardless of truth.”OUR” side seems to be totally preoccupied with “TRUTH” with little or no regard to winning. Is it any wonder “WE” are facing extinction via Marxist multiculturalism aka Death by Diversity? There is a famous quote that goes something like “Truth is the first causality of war. This is war man and not some high school debate. Intellectual posturing around great and august principles is very impressive and all of that, but when your house is afire you grab a bucket of water and when your country is taken over by traitors and tyrants you grab a gun.

    1. eyam321 … your comment is quite amusing, set against my decade-or-so activism in the (so-called ) Pro-Life movement … now about 1/4 of a century away in the rear-view mirror. After the first couple of years, it became clear that my antagonists in govt. wouldn’t let me win, even when I did win a round in their ballpark, ie Court.

      I learned to hold my peace when frustrated anti-abortionists would come up to me and vent their frustration … culminating in asking “what the answer?” I’d pause for a long theatrical moment, then say “guns”. I got a kick out of the shocked looks as they realized I meant it. And seconds later it sunk-in, too, that I knew they’d reject that idea.

      by 1994 in my ( so-called) career, it was overwhelmingly clear that Americans had been so Jood-Da-Doo-Dah-ized by those who held sway in the (so-called) Christian churches, that the whole nation is entranced in “learned helplessness”. The understanding of white Christian American is so utterly perverted, that when a true hero stepped in to the gap and – as a last resort – used deadly force to save innocent lives … namely Paul Hill …. the ( so-called) leaders of the anti-abortion movement set a new landspeed backpeddling away from him.

      So = you’re not going to see the a-Moral Majority pick up firearms anytime in this century. The Powers-that-Be are gloating, waiting for the lone individual who will find out the hard way : “Who can make war with the Beast?” But there are many different ways to wage war, especially = on the spiritual plane. Siegfried Gursche said “Find a way to tell the Truth”

  4. the major mistakes in the defence to the charges, were : first – not putting the Accused on the witness stand in his own defence. A jury needs to see and hear the Defendant in order to form their opinion of him. After which, they then come to their decision about the legal matters.
    Second : Dr Henry Makow ought to have been called to the stand. Dr Makow is a Phd in English literature … accepted by the Court as an expert witness, he could’ve reeled-off the top of his head, half an hour’s worth of a tutorial as to what satire is about in the Western tradition of scholarship and political activity. Dr Makow’s website publishes material a hundred times more pungent to do with ‘anti-semitism’ [ sic ] than that for which Arthur Topham was convicted. When I asked Dr Makow to come to the trial, he said he would, if subpoenaed.
    but = as my old man used to say = “there’s nothing so useless it cannot at least be used as a bad example”. The way the anti-christs have mis-represented the facts of the verdict, is comical, for how low they had to stoop / how childish are their lies.

    1. Thanks for your comment. As a retired lawyer, I can say that it is VERY SELDOM sound policy to put the accused person on the stand; it is up to the prosecution to prove he is guilty. Accused persons usually only testify if there is ZERO % chance of their testimony being used against them. Also Dr. Makow may indeed be very learned, but he is also highly controversial, this may have precluded his usefulness as expert witness.

      1. in response to the retired lawyer : your name is all Greek to me. If you practiced law in a British Common-law jurisdiction, then please trot-out the won-lost record of INNOCENT people who took the stand, versus those whose lawyer prevented them from doing so, to substantiate what you say. Your learned opinion is only subjective, anyway. In Canada, we are not allowed to know what the jury thought, or if they thought at all ; thus, your reply is nothing but conjecture.
        the travesty visited upon Edgar J Steele, is the all-time example of how a professional lawyer prevented the jury from getting the information they needed. Juries, especially, form an opinion of the Accused, first. After which, they then start considering the facts of the matter.

  5. Radical Press Remembered

    Thanks Monika for the public service you have rendered in putting on record your perspective on the life, work and times of Arthur Topham up to his 70th year. Your account is very different from the power-serving propaganda that unfortunately forms a staple of many mainstream media reports these days.

    One thought that comes to mind is that Arthur addressed a wide array of subjects in Radical Press. Whenever and wherever he saw abuses of power, he investigated and courageously reported his findings. He opened strategic space for other investigators to do the same.

    A frequent subject of his investigative journalism pointed towards the terrible treatment frequently afforded the First Nations. He also sometimes addressed the difficult subject of corruption within federally funded elements of First Nations leadership.

    For instance Arthur has written frequently in Radical Press about his investigations into the role of the RCMP in covering up and possibly even taking part in the rape, murder and disappearance of First Nations women in BC. He was one of those journalists who highlighted this subject effectively enough to help set in motion a formal federal investigation by the Trudeau government into missing and murdered Aboriginal women.

    In the late 1990s Arthur’s Radical Press was one of the few places where we could report the story of RCMP/BC government wrongdoing in the modern-day Indian war at Gustafsen Lake in 1995. That conflict involved the use by the Canadian Armed Forces of land mines and the firing of 70,000 rounds of federal bullets into the Ts’peten Defenders camp.

    In those days one of the most outspoken Native activists, the Mohawk Attica Brother named Splitting The Sky, was articulating loudly and clearly on the issue of the unceded Aboriginal title to much of BC. Radical Press was one of a very few venues where we could tell STS’s side of the Gustafsen Lake story. Our account detailed the significant wrongdoing on the part of the RCMP, the media and politicians at the provincial and national levels.

    My friend and colleague, Prof. Robin Mathews, was another unrelenting truth teller that found an audience because of Arthur’s willingness to open the content of Radical Press to erudite mavericks of many backgrounds. The list of those given a published voice to speak truth to power at Radical Press is very long. Now these voices are no longer allowed to speak. They have been silenced. Why? Who takes responsibility for this repression of free expression even of those such as Splitting The Sky who are no longer with us? When will the censorship extending to some of our most principled Canadians stop?

    This abuse of law to flush down the memory hole a rich treasury of primary sources on little reported news pertaining to many aspects of Canadian history does a profound disservice to the public interest and the common good. Canada is not well served by this repressive action that discredits the institutions and individuals responsible for the crackdown on Arthur Topham and Radical Press. Cry the beloved country!


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