Free Speech Monika

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CTD with DiaMonJim and Letter from Alfred

The unfolding of events in the world is accelerating. The devil dances ever wilder while a good many people wake up to the fact that we have been lied to about pretty much everything. Many are still fast asleep and carry on believing everything they are told on the Tell-lie-Vision. The Covid scamdemic has taken a back seat, for now, to the war overseas. It is breathtaking how (((they))) switch gears overnight, and so many good people go right along with the mainstream narrative; it is as though the good people have been put under a spell.

Here is the latest CTD with DiaMonJim (that’s Connect The Dots, with Diane King, Monika Schaefer and Jim Rizoli). This is our third episode.

There have been other podcasts and shows that I have been involved in since my last post here. I had the pleasure to go on with William Repillem and Jeremy, as well as Blood River Radio with Eddie Miller. Events are passing us by, and I’ve also been busy on the home front, so will just leave you with the above most recent video with Diane and Jim. In that conversation we made reference to this letter from Alfred.

Letter from Alfred to Diane and Jim, February 11, 2022

Dear Diane, Dear Jim,
we are well into the explosive part of the biological response that the parasite was predicted to elicit. It will be as controllable as when you vomit to clear out the poisons in your stomach.
Thanks, Diane and Jim for your letters from January 22 and for the Christmas letters and card. I had received notice that I got a letter from you in October, but it was held back because of a “HITLER TEST.” Then about 1 month later I get a “HITLER TEST” authored by Diane King from someone else’s. Oh it came from you, it was the same address but I didn’t know it was from you – now I know. So this shows us how pathetic and doomed for failure any attempt to censor truth and common sense is. It is as likely to succeed as if in all seriousness, you try to fend off the next hurricane by farting against it. Don’t even try. The best you can do is soil your trousers if you press too hard. The hurricane won’t even notice and you would stink like s***. Sorry for being crude, 
but that’s what the Jews are doing with the “hate speech.”
The absolute latest point in time that the broom of fire will sweep out the treason and rot from our civilization, is when the lights go out and the matrix of death and control no longer has power. We do, however, expect to have the diaper faces account for treason and genocide before the lights go out. A “president-elect F*** Joe Biden” and a FU Castro Trudeau with coward-19 and a little w**** who sold pictures of her tits for money from Germany – these abhorrent misfits are not our future. Those criminals try to scare us by wearing silly diapers over their faces while telling us about Anne Frank’s diarrhea. Honest to God, on BBC for World News, they recently featured Anne Frank’s diarrhea I thought it was comedy hour.
The parasite thinks that with filthy lucre, lies, and False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR), it can rule the earth. Not on our watch. The lucre doesn’t get any filthier than forced poison injections and the immense profits from this trade in death. And all this time a constant howling about some “Holocaust (TM) “myth” while turbo censoring every truth and any questions.
I have some good news from here: The next Muppet show they had lined up for me has been canceled with some flimsy excuse because they knew they’d lose far more than FEAR they may generate like when they put 96-year-old people to trial because they lived in 1945, and turn 25,000 parasites into soap and lampshades single-handedly. I wrote openly in my letters how I look forward to them picking me up to take me there and how I’ll offer the security the golden opportunity to stand on their own two feet like real men, take their fingers out of their asses, get off their bellies, take their diapers off their faces and accompany me to the Inquisition as real men, rather than crawl and slither on their bellies till the day they die. Then I wanted to ask him about the insurance fraud of Larry Silverstein with the Munich Re, which is smack dab in the middle of their territory. Their silly “Holocaust” mythology doesn’t interest me.
The insurance fraud is well known to them because their colleagues returned my computer to me 4 months before I was arrested and right there on the desktop, Larry gloated how he had the new WTC plans in planning, on his desk, and April 2000, (and that is 17 months before he “pulled it.”)
I was generously rewarded by God for refusing to submit to a painless little test – “covid test,” with the crow/stork spectacle two days later and now I am again rewarded for not bending to their nonsense. The end of my “time served for heresy “ is exactly 23:59 on 3rd of July 2022. We are fighting a war of independence, worldwide and I get out on Independence Day for America. In the last scene in my first video, “9/11 gatekeepers and controlled opposition,” I have the American Constitution behind me and before I walk off the screen, I say something like: When you deal with this treason, you will find the whole world on your side. Now I ought to be out on the 4th of July. Perfect timing.
When I see how the healing is basically firing back with the same technique that we were manipulated, then this is truly game over. For example, the words: VAXtastrophe in the Sky and then the contents of that article tell us so much. All these people are not just going quietly into the night, they are all activating every single person who is near and dear to them. This is the chain reaction – a nuclear chain reaction. Every single person activates two or three or 20 people and before you can say “amen,” all the world will know and then the rage starts. Like a little fire, and it will consume the traitors just like the Jews predicted: “We will know the exact moment and quickly hide and then our administrators will all be killed.”
These are people like F*** Joe Biden or Justin Castro of Canada with his coward-19 disease, or the w**** from Germany, the one who said sold pictures of her tits for money. ” I did it because I needed the money” – every w**** says that. Once a w**** always a w****. At present no new or real value is being produced. All value is being consumed by the parasite to destroy and subjugate us. Of course, we will rise to the task and God help anyone standing in the way. Only complete morons who know nothing of biological reactions would continue to support the covid terror regime. The last X% to realize this will be utterly destroyed. They will burn in the houses. They will beg to be killed quickly. Did you know that the magma rising beneath a dormant volcano will produce precisely the amount of energy required to blow off the top? Because pressure and polarization have had so much time for this eruption, we expect a mega blowout.
The white race has an awful lot to collect on — 100 million dead in the Soviet Union. The holohoax, the world wars, the French revolution, etc, etc, etc, the covid scam. One can really feel the increasing rage at those criminal diaper faces telling us what to do. No human being, black or white, should allow a F*** Joe-diaper-face Biden to tell him anything. Why did God give us a fist if he wanted us vaccinated? I tell them here openly that I will kill the fake “doctor” who tries to inject me. Self-defense! You will not kill me if I kill you first.” Dr. Deaths need to be neutralized. ( Then they dropped my new trial… Hahaha.)  
I’m including two useful cards in this letter. The vaccination pass together with a good fist will get you into any “vaccine passes only” area, and the dog s*** info card is to point out the side effects that eating dog s*** may cause, for unsuspecting lower IQ fellow people. (Low IQ and dysfunctional nose, the same types that get vaxed.)
Not even the dumbest butterfly I’ve ever met would get an injection of insecticide, so it surprises me that any human, with a brain that is 6 million times bigger than a butterfly brain, would get a rat poison injection that some Jew is peddling, when we all know that Jews want to genocide, “the best of the goyim.” I guess big brains do not mean big smart. Onwards to victory! The sun is rising!
My best regards and love, WC88, Alfred.  


22 Responses

  1. Hi Monika! Thanks for sharing Alfred’s latest letter, I’ve taken screen shots of it to share with my best half later. But it’s great to hear that he’ll be released soon! Wonderful news! Independence Day, how fitting!!

  2. The Polish thieves not only stole the ancient German land, keep it illegally occupied, and falsify the history – they even steal the German patriotic songs! No honor, no shame. Here they sing the anthem of Pomerania (Pommern) in Polish! – Deeply insulting for every German

  3. For non-Ukranians – legal students or illegal migrants – fleeing the war it is time to return to their own homelands in Africa, Pakistan, India, the Middle East, Asia or whereever.

    The Ukrainians are about to lose their homeland, the Ukraine!!! These Ukrainian women and their children get temporary residence permits in western European countries to wait out the war.

    It is a completely different situation in the case of the non-Ukrainians – For them to demand “equal treatment” is totally inappropriate:

    It is the usual Jewish propaganda and hypocrisy – Send the non-Ukrainians to Rothschild “Israel” and see what happens – if they are welcomed there – Nope.

    The non-Ukrainians ought to know by themselves that they cannot demand entry into any white country and demand everything for free…

    Such weird ideas are planted into their heads by Jewish propagandists who want all white countries taken over and destroyed (see: South Africa as a warning example), the white race EXTERMINATED – replaced by a racially mixed Eurasian-Negroid slave race (Zionist Freemasonic Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan)

  4. Not looking for an argument or debate, but I yet to see any reliable footage on this (suppose) invasion of Ukraine, either side. I also yet to see any convincing footage of refugees, just a lot of empty cots. & The footage of Russian POW’s seems rather contrived as well. I believe we are dealing with a Psychological Warfare and the most important question would be Why? and What is the End Game??

    1. Subservient, insanely corrupt Anglo-American puppet “politicians” keep on giving the (((ZIONIST Jews))) all the wars the (((DEEP STATE predators))) want – to reach their goals – what the demons call “Heavenly New Jerusalem” is HELL ON EARTH for every decent human being – “Jew World Disorder” – “The Great Reset” – “Build Back Better”…–WHY-NOT—destroy-Ukraine-build–heavenly–new-jerusalem

      The mafia club of Jewish billionaires and trillionaires want to steal all the wealth (natural resources) of all the nations in the world…

      Ukraine is actually an extremely rich country and attracts the Jewish oligarchs and their shabbos goy lackeys (Biden, Johnson, Macron, Scholz et cetera) who are CORRUPT TRAITORS and greedy for riches and power…

      What is going on in the Ukraine is not only a psychological (“war game”) operation – It is the fomenting of FULL-BLOWN WAR in Europe (after the Middle East) to push the Zionist agenda to the next level…

      JEWISH ZIONIST perpetrators are in control on all sides (Z for ZIONISM on the Russian tanks!) From start (2014 US-Israeli dual citizens’ ZIONIST coup d’etat in the Ukraine) to finish…

      Step by step, co-ordinated with Rothschild Israel – all sides under ZIONIST (Z) – National Zionist (short for “Nazi”) control!!!

      Life-threatening for all Ukrainian nationalists (defiled as “neo-Nazis” to detract from the only and true “Nazis”, the National Zionists)….

      Putin, a Communist and Zionist, certainly not a Christian – wants to EXTERMINATE them all!!! Putin and his Zionist Talmudic masters want all the highly motivated Ukrainian patriotic fighters (nationalists) dead…

      This war is extremely dangerous for all of Europe!!! Again, especially for occupied Germany – recklessly turned into one huge US military base – and used for the endless US wars at the behest of the Jews

      The US bases and the rest of occupied Germany will become the nearest and prime targets for Russian military attacks! To counter the permanent US provocations – the insane offer of EU and NATO membership to the Ukraine which ought to stay neutral!!! The DELIVERY OF WEAPONS makes the US (and the EU) to war parties!!!

      Anti-war demonstrations all over Germany!!! Are there any anti-war demonstrations in the Jewnited Kingdom and the Jewnited States of America? None at all?😭😭😭

      France has declared that the Russian-Ukrainian war is of no concern to France… No weapons from France!!! No money to buy weapons either?

      Deep State Rothschild agent Macron faces an election…and is (at least for now) cautious not to infuriate the French even more… Deep State agent Olaf Scholz however has already promised money… a HUGE AMOUNT of money (created as debt) Blackmail money. The golden cow keeps giving… now allegedly for financing the Ukrainian war effort…

      While at the same time there is no own German defence force to speak of in existence… The German people are defenceless in times of war. Exactly as intended.

      The US military budget is the largest in the world – The US wars have never reached the American soil – The North-American continent has always been far away from the war theaters.. Now far away from the Ukraine.. and the British Isles are farther off than the US bases in Germany…

      These US bases will be hit and Germany around them – if the MADNESS continues. No sign at all that the INSANITY will be stopped.

      All the brave men are gone.
      None left. Too few left.
      The white race is dying out.
      Too stupid…🙈🙊🙉

  5. Dear Monika,

    (stöhn…🥶 ächtz…😥uff…arrgh😵) Allow me to come straight to the point…😉 The two vids are definitely not “propaganda pieces”! Neither by definition nor by intention – They were not made with the intention to “tug at our emotional heart strings”(although they may have that effect – which in principle is not a bad thing as it is always good to help people in need! That is what Christians should do – and these young people are not faithless as far as I have understood following their adventures in Germany and beyond)

    Just bits and pieces taken out of real life!

    The first one comes from a young American family from Utah, living here in Germany for some time; he got a job working for the US army (our military occupiers you know… The propaganda calls them “liberators”😭) They are enjoying the time of their lives here, exploring Germany and the neighboring European countries while they are here, living a kind of highly privileged life style – and they do know it & very much appreciate it – Everything is being paid for, the house they live in is huge and here’s the point: They are lovely, kind people! They are grateful themselves and ready to share with others in need… They took in an Ukrainian family of five with the help of the community they have created around themselves… their German landlord, neighbors, internet community – They are kind, lively, communicative, not living isolated – The best conditions to help others who are not as fortunate.. and they are ready to share… The video is about communicating their personal experience… and they are doing it in a natural and honest way… It is deeply felt.

    The second clip is simply an informative piece about the DB initiative to regularly transport private donations from all over Germany directly into the Ukraine to support the people in need there…

    Why not report about that? Why not appreciate the efforts of all the helpful people involved? Isn’t it a natural thing to do?

    It is all about supporting the people in need! It is NOT about politics!

    (It is NOT about support for the Jewish Zelensky regime – certainly not)

    And above all…
    The war is REAL… It is not all fake…

    1. Dear Monika

      however, I must add – I understand your “nagging feeling” very well… and I share your caution. Your more rational considerations. And what one truly dislikes and rejects is the prospect of being taken advantage of by individuals who might be dishonest. That is always the risk taken. Generosity might be misplaced. Very sad. ☹️☹️☹️

      And hundreds of thousands, or even millions more refugees in the coming months… all heading west, again mostly to Germany (?)

      Former Berlin Tegel Airport used to shelter Ukrainian refugees

      … are going to be a heavy financial burden – a spike in the increase of the already high national debt…

      More shekels to the joy of the Jewish banksters… In their rigged game they are always the winners…

      What is the alternative? No help?
      Impossible. Germans know all too well what it means to have lost everything… The horrors of the war are present in the collective memory. In the nineteen-sixties there were still lots of ruins left in the German cities. Rebuilding takes time.

      And now the centers of Ukrainian cities with their beautiful old buildings are being destroyed – what a crime! And lots of innocent people find a senseless death.

      The refugees will have to be distributed all over Europe and North America – the burden shared. The Ukrainians are true refugees who want to return to their homeland as soon as possible… to rejoin their relatives and the fighting men they had to leave behind. They do not want to give up on the Ukraine!
      They are different to the invaders of 2015…

      1. Yes indeed, these refugees are different than the invaders of 2015 and beyond. I guess I am just tuned in to the fact that there is at least a partial element of “Wag the Dog” going on here. We know that many images of the war in Ukraine are actually stock images of other wars at other times. So it is hard to say how many of these millions of refugees are actually war refugees. I do not know. All I know is that we are being lied to big time.
        Anyway, I am very busy these days with personal stuff, so I cannot spend oodles of time on this.
        Herzlichen Gruss.

      2. Treated as non-events by the Jew owned media…

        The fate of the German refugees from East- and West-Prussia, from Pommerania and Silesia in 1945 fleeing the unimaginable horrors committed by the invading Russian Bolshevik hordes…–WLP-

        Honor to the honorable Americans the likes of William Pierce who care to get to know the truth



        A thousand years of German history wiped out…

        That is what dehumanized butchers do – they slaughter defenseless women and children, and disarmed men – That is what Communism – Judaism – Zionism – Talmudism – Satanism is all about

      1. Dear Freya, I don’t always have time to open all the links that you post in your comments, because I have a deep trust in you. But I did take a look at the videos here, and I just get this nagging feeling that these pieces are propaganda pieces really meant to tug at our emotional heart-strings to serve a very one-sided purpose, manipulating how we think and feel, while the truth of what is going on between Russia and Ukraine is being veiled. I do not profess to have all the answers about what is really going on there, but I can say that the promotion of these kinds of videos does not sit well with me.

  6. Firstly, Congratulations with Alfred release date. Secondly, its wonderful to hear all of you. Lastly, I feel there is something more amazing going on with this Ukraine (cover) story. I have found people admitting in there news video’s, out in Britain, that “In Europe the buzz is that WW1 never ended” I found that rather peculiar since I had just read & left a comment about Russia & Prussia’s gold returning from the Romanov Dynasty & Prussia under Kaiser Wilhelm II. As I wrote that this treasure was stashed away by Tsar Nicholas & Kaiser Wilhelm before the supposed execution of the family. I say suppose because there was only a confession and no bodies for decades. And when we take into account that Kaiser Wilhelm II had already fooled the public into believing he abdicated the office of kingship, when he instead Crowned his Heir Prince Friedrich Wilhelm, which still has descendants. Which means the Prussia Government still exist and Germany itself is part of that Empire, and the rumor is that they are in negotiations with Russia. Germany is requesting there Territories be returned to them from 1914 map boundary’s.
    We can only imagine the possible reason why The Third Reich never signed any peace agreements, which made them occupied still to this day, but the higher Generals/Commanders knew??

    1. LaVerne – British “Angst” of a competitor? Get over it – The reality is: The Allies fought for the victory of Communism – Jewish madness – Talmudic perversions…–Judaism-s-Holiest-Book

      That’s what we have got. The problems are legion. No backseats – only front burners for the desire of

      PEACE – FREEDOM – TRUTH – JUSTICE – UNITY, the foundation of happiness…

      PERMANENT RESISTANCE has become a matter of life or death!

      To overcome an OPENLY anti-German, genocidal Jewish Communist RED TERROR regime (not a German government) of corrupt madmen who are obviously ready to maime and kill as many Germans as possible by forced poisonous injections!

      Freiheit, die ich meine

      1. Freya, I don’t have to “Get over it”, whatever “it” is. I am reporting what I hear and read that applies to what I See. They are deliberately destroying the Petro Dollar/Federal Reserve Note, through Sanctions. Since you don’t want to understand the contents of my writings, move on.
        As of March 24th 2022 the Federal Reserve Note has been Ceased from the Printing Press!

        1. LaVerne – I am sorry – that you took that remark personally – it was not meant that way.

          But I think that the British I was refering to (the British political establishment) ought better refrain from the traditional foreign policy of meddling in the affairs of continental Europe – causing division and war to set the nations against each other – making them fight each other in order to weaken and destroy them… Pulling the United States of America in twice (1917, 1941) has always made things worse, ending in total catastrophe (for the Germans) – not in liberation!!!

          Liberation – is the myth falsely propagated by the Jew media. The Jews on top have always been the true winners and profiteers – Serving the Jews (“best friends and allies”) has backfired for the Anglo-Americans. It proves to be extremely self-destructive.

          Anglo-American – NATO – military intervention in the Russian-Ukrainian war would be the worst case scenario! It would turn continental Europe into a TERRIFIC battlefield – again! Specifically Germany would be destroyed – a wasteland – again!

          I wonder if the Anglo-Americans would want to take that risk? A political establishment as corrupt to the bones as it is… irresponsible enough not to care in the slightest – Obliteration by war is certainly in the Jewish plans – as is the destruction of the western economies. The sanctions against Russia are more harmful to the German and EU economy than to Russia. Russia is as self-sufficient as Germany has never been.

          The artificially fabricated hyperinflation will destroy the currencies (dollar – euro) and make us all poor – what (((they))) call the “Great Reset” – If everything goes to their plan, the Jews will be the only winners ☠️☠️☠️

    2. “It is not that we be alive to influence the future of our People. Germany will out live this terrible war. In the future you must know only one duty, to Prove yourself of the great sacrifice.
      Do not let yourself be confused by the uproar that will now reign throughout the world. The lies will one day break down under the weight and the Truth will again Triumph.
      The hour will come when we shall Stand Pure and undefiled, as our Aims and Beliefs have always been.”
      Dr. Goebbels, Berlin, April 28th 1945


        NO to the Jewish EXTERMINATION plans – NO to war, destruction, obliteration, loss of lives – NO to slavery of mind, body & soul – NO to debt slavery – NO to digital “currency” slavery – NO to mass murder genocide (by any means) – NO to the Jewish pharma death jabs… The RESISTANCE is permanent…

        Genug ist genug – Enough is enough

        1. FORCED BIOWEAPON INJECTIONS (“Covid-19 vaccinations”) for all Germans over 60 got no majority in the “German parliament” (a bad joke – miracles do happen)

          However, such a partial success does not mean that the Jewish GENOCIDAL PLANS have now come to a screeching halt… Ignoring all arguments against, the (((Jews in power)) keep pushing hard for forced “vaccinations”… now for all Germans working in the health system!! For all doctors, nurses et cetera… No exemptions. They want a total break-down.

          The treasonous, corrupt lackeys (“politicians”) serving the Jewish tyrants have not yet given up on the anti-German REPLACEMENT and genocidal EXTERMINATION plans…

          The fight against the Communist RED TERROR regime is not over yet!! The RESISTANCE must go on… It is understood by a growing number of people that our CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE has truly become a matter of life or death!!

          Augsburg – April 9, 2022

          All the German cities where the resistance movement is showing and growing… were heavily bombed in ww2 – The HORRORS and MISERY caused by war has not been forgotten – hence the GERMAN OPPOSITION TO WAR is mighty strong

          Death by rope – for high treason, rampant corruption, incessant war mongering, premeditated mass murder genocide… would be well deserved…

          Bilderberger NWO agent, EU commissar Ursula von der Leyen and National Zionist, Jewish Ashke “Nazi” Zelensky met in Kiew

          Both are anti-Russian provocateurs – Bad actors reading from the Jewish Zionist script to prolong the war, and eventually to escalate it? Despicable individuals who sold their souls to the demons

          Help us God!

        2. HAPPY EASTER!!!

          To all of Christendom – celebrating Jesus Christ – arisen from the death


          The Dresden Frauenkirche was slowly rebuilt after 1990, finally finished in 2005

          Under (undisguised)Communism the destroyed churches, cathedrals, and other historic buildings were not rebuilt… The ruins of 1945 were still there in the nineteen-nineties

          Lots of ruins not only in the former Communist GDR (“German Democratic Republic”) but all over western Germany – The rebuilding is still going on after 77 years

          The “unified Germany” (all the eastern provinces missing) is now a comparatively very small land – only the size of Montana, one of 50 US states – and it is the most densely populated territory in Europe… left over, without any protection – to be overrun by invaders from all over the world

          International Jewry declared a WAR OF EXTERMINATON on the German people in March 1933, and that war has never ended…

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