Free Speech Monika

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Criminalizing the Question

Nothing illustrates more clearly the absurdity of the speech-crime laws in Germany than the fact that I was criminalized for my answers in this short video in which I responded to the question:


Why do you support open debate on the holocaust?


In German there is an expression “wenn schon, denn schon”. Indeed, if they are going to put someone on trial for peaceful expression of their views, they may as well go all out and really do a thorough job of it. Seeing as how I was on trial anyway for breaking their “speech laws“, I was very glad to see that this video was part of “the crime“. 

Replace the word “holocaust” with any other subject, and ask yourself if it makes sense to criminalize supporting debate or discussion. Most thinking people would exclaim:

Well of course we should be able to debate and discuss ALL topics!

The more absurd the charges, the more obvious it becomes that “they” are hiding something big.

Truth does not fear investigation.

Video here . Less than 4 minutes.

Ask questions. More importantly, if what you are instructed to believe makes no sense, ask more questions, and do a little research. 

23 Responses

  1. Jimmannella, you seem to be another brainwashed individual who believes there are mountains of evidence of German crimes during World War Two. There were crimes on all sides during that war, but, the Allies’ crimes outweigh the Axis crimes by a hundredfold. The supposed crimes of National Socialist Germany are the planned extermination of the Jews of Europe and the killing of these Jews in homicidal gas chambers. There has yet to be found a Hitler order for the extermination of Jews and more importantly, there is no forensic evidence of homicidal gas chambers in any of the work camps in Germany and Poland. Add in the fact that close to five million Jews have gotten reparation payments from West Germany and Germany and over 150,000 Germans of Jewish blood fought for the Reich including two Field Marshals, your Holocaust narrative is nothing but drivel. As Arthur Butz most succinctly said, it is the Hoax of the 20th Century.

    1. Hi papascha, thanks for browsing the website. Jim Mannella has been blocked now from my site, after he repeatedly used foul language and threw a whole lot of insults, and never contributed anything of value to the conversation. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Let’s talk about the hidden truth – Let’s talk about
    (imo some provable FACTS – open for discussion if someone knows more about the subject)

    “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (1980 Jewish Almanac, p.3)

    FACT: Jews know that they are self-confessed liars and deceivers. They do know that they are NOT the descendants of the true Israelites of the Bible…

    FACT: There are two main branches of ‘Jews’. The so called Ashkenazim and the Sephardim. Most of modern-day Jews are so called Ashkenazi Jews; they have Asian, Mongol,Turk DNA; their ancestors never set foot on the land of Palestine, the land Zionist Jewish liars claim as their own…

    FACT: In the true biblical sense Israel is NOT a land mass, NOT a territory, NOT the Rothschild Zionist, anti-Semitic state of ‘Israel’, NOT a “Greater Israel“ from the Euphrates to the Nile (Yinon Plan)… That’s another gigantic Jewish scam, the stealing of the Holy land and identity theft…

    FACT: The true Israel in the biblical sense is the man once called Jacob, and his descendants, the 12 tribes of Israel, a multitude of nations… and who are these nations? Where are they now? Is it possible to identify them?

    FACT: International Jewry has NEVER been a multitude of nations… International Jews are only “one nation“, a mongrelized “Jewish nation“, a mixed race of internationalists who live a parasitical existence among the homogenous white nations, and among other nations and races worldwide…

    FACT: International Jews are NOT the descendants of the ancient Hebrews and Israelites… Jews are identity thieves, impostors, impersonators… who pretend to be what they are not.

    FACT: Jews are the haters, infiltrators, subverters and destroyers of racially homogenous, white Christian European nations worldwide by forced upon world wars and non-White mass immigration – White Genocide!!!

    “Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860“ (Encyclopedia Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23)
    “Edom is in modern Jewry.” (The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol 5, p.41)

    FACT: The Jewish Encyclopedia identifies modern-day Jews as Edom, as Edomites. The Sephardim Jews were Edomites that migrated to North Africa and Spain after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The Ashkenazim Jews treat the Sephardic Jews as inferior…

    FACT: As admitted by Jewish authorities, Sephardic Jews are descended from an ancient tribe known as the ‘Edomites’ (descendants of Esau, Jacob’s brother, who polluted the pure racial blood line by marrying mongrelized women – thus violating God Yahveh’s law which FORBIDS race-mixing) The Edomite Sephardic Jews founded Judaism/Talmudism.
    Approximately 90-95% of modern-day Jews called Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the tribe known as the ‘Khazars’, who converted to Judaism/Babylonian Talmudism in the 8th and 9th centuries AD while living in ‘Khasaria’ what is now southern Russia around the Caspian Sea. They have Asian, Mongol,Turk DNA, as proven by DNA-tests…

    FACT: Most modern-day Jews are of the mixed, mongrelized race of these Ashkenazim Jews… who nonetheless claim “Jewish racial supremacy“ and that “Jews are born to rule over the Goy“ (all non-Jews) What “Semites“ are these fraudsters talking about when calling their critics “Anti-Semites“?

    The knowledge of WHO ARE THE JEWS is crucial to counterattack the audacious claims of the Zionist Jewish impostors. Chronic liars and deceivers.
    FACT: As Jews are NOT the descendants of the biblical Israelites, they do NOT have any rightful “biblical claim“ to the land of Palestine… The God of Abraham, Isaak and Jacob did NOT promise and give this land to the Jews – Jews are impostors who pretend to be the descendants of the true racially pure Israelites of the Bible… but they are not.

    FACT: Since 1948 Jewish Zionist impostors have stolen and occupied more and more of Palestinian land; although they do NOT have any right to claim this land as their own; the Zionist claim for a “Greater Israel“ from the Euphrates to the Nile… and the claim to “world domination“ (with Jerusalem as centre, re-building of the temple, Coming of the Jewish Messiah (Anti-Christ!!!), Crowning of the Jewish “King of the world“ who all the nations on earth must serve) are most preposterous claims… most dangerous to every White, Christian man, woman and child.

    The Satanic Babylonian Talmud is all about most horrific, Satanic evil rabbinical teachings (perversions), Jewish supremacy, Jewish world domination – and GENOCIDE OF WHITES & CHRISTIANS to reach these goals… “Anti-Semitism“ laws, “Noahide“ laws!!! Death penalty for opponents… “dissidents“, patriotic activists/nationalists treated as “homegrown terrorists“ …

    The same as in Bolshevic Russia where Jewish revolutionaries murdered tens of millions of anti-Communist Russians, orthodox Christians – the RUSSIAN GENOCIDE… And Stalin moved west, and the Jewish Communists committed the GERMAN GENOCIDE with the help of their western All lies… celebrated as the “Good War“… the Bad War… all these endless wars for over a hundred years at the behest of Zionist Jews are bad … really bad… It’s MULTIPLE GENOCIDES for Zionist Jewish world domination… SATANIC RULE over the world…

    The suppressed historical truth we must talk about – and warn about…

  3. The jews gave us Jesus. Stop believing in Jesus. It’s a soul trap (jeffreyschaefer2)

    “The Jews gave us Jesus?“
    How so? Didn’t they murder him… Didn’t they hate and murder everything he stood for? Isn’t Jesus the man most hated by Jews? The SATANIC BABYLONIAN TALMUD teaches that Jesus Christ boils in hot excrement in hell… Jews hate Jesus, and Jews hate his followers, the Christians. Jews are the destroyers of white, Christian civilization. They are guilty of WHITE GENOCIDE, of multiple genocides! Of endless terror, revolutions and war mongering!

    Jews don’t recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
    They are waiting for a warrior king who helps them to bring the whole world under Jewish domination! The JEW WORLD ORDER. Jews love Donald Trump (a self-declared 1000% Zionist & state of ‘Israel’ supporter) and compare him to the ancient King Cyrus… The extremest Jewish Messianic “end time“ Chabad Lubavitcher sect (Trump has himself surrounded with) is about to stage manage the Coming of the false Jewish Messiah, the ANTI-CHRIST Jesus warned about ! ! !

    “The Jews gave us Jesus“? That’s a Jewish lie.
    They murdered him. No need to glorify RITUALISTIC MURDER. And they continue murdering him… which doesn’t keep them from falsely claiming that Jesus was a Jew himself, only to confuse gullible, non-thinking, ignorant fools who forgot what Jesus taught and warned them about. “Christian Zionist“, “Judeo-Christian“ are contradictions in itself; Christians can’t be Christians and at the same time support the Satanic Zionist entity falsely named “Israel“. The Christian belief and Judaism-Talmudism have nothing in common. Christian churches & denominations have been infiltrated and subverted by Satanic Judaism-Talmudism. Evil Jews are sly liars, deceivers, imposters, impersonators, identity-thieves. They pretend to be “Semites“ and accuse their critics of being “Anti-Semites“, a senseless misnomer! Jews pretend to be of the tribe of Judah but they are not. Their God is Satan-Lucifer. Jews follow the most diabolical writings written by dark evil pharisees. Learn about the Baylonian Talmud and you’ll get to know what Jewish racial hatred and Jewish supremacism is all about !

    Jews are NOT Israelites.
    They are NOT descendants of Jacob (the man called ‘Israel’); Sephardic Jews are Edomites, a mongrelized people, Canaanites, Hittites Jacob’s brother Esau race-mixed with, thus breaking Jahweh’s law. And Ashkenazi Jews are proselytes who converted to Judaism/Talmudism in the 8th and 9th centuries AD; they are descendants of an Asiatic Mongol, Turk, Khasarian tribe. They are a mixed race, with no rightful claim to the lands of Palestine.

    Jesus was NOT a Jew.
    He was a true Israelite from the royal tribe of Judah, the Messiah as prophesized. That’s the Christian belief. Jesus critisized the Talmudic pharisees for making God Jahwe’s law obsolete. He opposed & exposed them as liars, deceivers and hypocrites, as “Children of their father, the Devil“, the “Synagogue of Satan“.

    Christians and Jews do NOT worship the same God.
    Christians and Muslims do NOT worship the same God either. Christians and Jews (Muslims) do NOT have the same father. The father god Jesus taught about, the Muslim god Allah and the Jewish demon god Satan-Lucifer are NOT identical ! ! ! Christians do NOT worship demons, they do NOT serve the demon god Satan (Lucifer-Molech-Baal-Baphomet), Talmudic Jews do! Jews and Muslims share the same kind of perversions (all allowed by their gods, deeply detested by Christians), and call that their “religion“ & “culture“ which is totally incompatible with Christian ethics and values.

    And again: Jesus was NOT a Jew.
    And Christians have never been “Jew worshippers“. King Herod, an Edomite Jew wanted to kill the baby Jesus… who was from the royal tribe of Judah. The biblical blessings which God Jahweh promised to the descendants of Abraham, Isaak and Jacob – Jews love to refer to… do NOT refer to them! They are usurpers who pretend to be the descendants of the true Israelites of the Bible although they know that they are not. Jews use falsified biblical scriptures like a Hollyweird script… to stage manage Jewish world domination….

    1. The jews CRUCIFIED Jesus. They’re still trying to finish the job, but they will never succeed. Every truly born again believer is a full representation of Jesus, and the devil (working through the jews) cannot kill Jesus. And all who truly believe in Jesus ARE FREE.

  4. “The more absurd the charges, the more obvious it becomes that “they” are hiding something big.” The more absurd the demands, the more obvious the Jewish insanity. The over the top absurdity is all too self-revealing.
    (((They))) tell us IT’S NOT OKAY to oppose the horrific JEWISH AGENDA OF WORLD TYRANNY & MULTIPLE GENOCIDE, they call “religion“. The unholy rabbinical teachings of the Satanic Babylonian Talmud. The horrendous hate speech of their rabbis & erroneous discernment of their judges.

    US Judge Jewess Ruth Bader Ginsburg promotes Jewish “morals & values“, among other perversions, “normalizing“ the SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN!!
    There is no such thing as “Judeo-Christian values“, “Judeo-Christianity“, “Judeo-Christian culture“! There is no such thing as “Christian Zionism“, “Christian Zionists“. Contradictions in themselves (oxymorons) Jewish deception to deceive gullible Christians. It should be obvious: It’s simply impossible for a Christian to be both at the same time. A follower of Jesus can’t be a follower of Satan. Satanists (Jews, Freemasons) can’t be Christians at the same time. They are liars. Deceivers. True Christians don’t support the enemies of Jesus Christ, the enemies of God’s creation, not even unconsciously. Judaism has always been the undercurrent, the subversive counter-force.
    Ask Torah Jews if they love Jesus (spirituality). They don’t. They are not really different to other Jews. The goals are the same.
    (((They))) tell us IT’S NOT OKAY to critisize, expose and oppose the viciousness of SATANIC TALMUDISM & JUDAISM (Freemasonry is Judaism/Kabbalah for non-Jews! Kabbalah is a form of Jewish black magic which originates from Babylonian demon worship, linked to Egyptian magic and sun worship, that’s why you see similarities in their controlled music industry, the use of symbols – the All seeing eye, pyramids, pharaohs, hexagram, pentagram etc.), the ideologies of Jewish COMMUNISM (dispossession & total enslavement of all non-Jews) & ZIONISM (Greater Israel – Jewish supremacy & world domination) – you are not allowed to critisize…
    (((They))) tell us IT’S NOT OKAY to critisize, expose and oppose the infiltration, subversion and destruction of white, Christian civilization through poisonous Jewish ideas & ideologies. Talmudic depravity! Sexual (ritual) abuse of children! Abortion at birth! Legalized Infanticide! The Harvesting of humans by Satanists!

    Can it get any worse?
    (((They))) tell us IT’S NOT OKAY to oppose the vile and destructive nature of Jewish anti-Christian, anti-Gentile, anti-White Racism & Genocidal Hate…
    (((They))) tell us IT’S NOT OKAY for Whites to protect their own…
    Clearly, the TRUTH, like light to vampires is an anathema to these “pillars of intelligence, integrity & virtue“. They’ll lose every open and honest debate about the issues at stake. They must run for cover as weasels do… As a group they use brutish force, devoid of all empathy and conscience.

    Who wouldn’t be delighted to be proven wrong.
    An open debate! Bring it on!

    1. Uh, yeah Freya, you’re well on your way, if not already there, of being the nuttiest of nuts 🥜 on this site. I give you exhibit A:

      “US Judge Jewess Ruth Bader Ginsburg promotes Jewish “morals & values“, among other perversions, “normalizing“ the SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN!!”

      It doesn’t get more deranged than this.

      1. …as deranged as Talmudic Satanic Jews are!
        These are the abominations forced upon the majority by a minority of perverts

      2. jimmannela, You asked for my name and personal info/history through my contact page. For your information, I don’t supply that to just anybody. That’s why you couldn’t find it on my page. So now you still don’t have my email, either. Nice try. 😉

        1. Oh wow. You got me! 🙄
          I don’t care to know your email. I don’t care to know your contact information. I asked you who you are. Simple question you can answer here. There is a lot of anonymity on this site. I question why you and others don’t want your personal information revealed and yet y’all swooped in when Monika revealed Sonja Dickey’s information to harass her and her business? What are you guys so afraid of?🤔🤔

  5. Uh, Monika, guess “they” don’t want anybody to know why we support open debate on the Hollow Hoax! Already it has been completely disabled, and though we are told “some” features have been disabled because the crybabies might get offended, it seems the entire thing has been disabled. Hmm! Just goes to show how desperate “they” are to suppress the truth!

    1. Uhhh, CW, nobody is suppressing the truth. You have the right to free speech and expression and should expect the rest of society to freely analyze, opine and exercise their own judgement on your beliefs. Just like I’m doing now when I state I have seen your “evidence” and my opinion is y’all are a bunch racist, lying hypocrites.

      When you guys say the “truth will set you free” you’re actually saying “our version of the truth has set *us* free”. Because that is what it is mostly about. Redemption. False reparations. Pent up German guilt that have rendered you people as deceivers and advocates of conspiracy theories to mitigate your guilt and heritage.

      Oh, and who are you Canadian Wildflower?

        1. Hey Freya, still avoiding my questions I see. You would rather post a meaningless video, in German, to claim that Germans are not guilty.

          It’s not the Germans that are guilty. It was the Nazi regime that slaughtered millions, Jews or otherwise. So suck it up, own up to the voluminous evidence that within your heritage an atrocity against mankind occurred. And stop lying by trying to blame the Jews so you can feel better about your past. Suck it up Pepe and move on.

          1. Jim, if there was “voluminous evidence”, then why don’t they simply produce the evidence? Instead they throw people in jail, and they FORBID evidence in court. If you present evidence and explanation of how you reach your conclusions in court, they press new charges against you. How much sense does that make? You see, it is all rather circular, isn’t it? Verdict first, show trial later, evidence forbidden.

          2. Monika, you can’t possibly believe that there has been no evidence produced, can you? It’s all out in the public domain and has been for 75 years!

            Here’s the thing….the point is not that you haven’t seen the evidence (and, please, don’t insult my intelligence by claiming you haven’t seen it), it’s that you all willfully ignore and distort said evidence to satisfy your narratives and soothe your souls by subscribing to conspiracy theories when the accepted evidence is overwhelmingly damning to your cause.

            I know exactly why you are portraying yourself as a victim of German jurisprudence which led to your incarceration. You have no choice. They deemed your “evidence” as non-evidence. BS if you will.

            Just move on Monika, take your lumps and stop playing the aggrieved martyr.

  6. Do we live in freedom or under Jewish tyranny?

    Jewish tyranny is the result of two world wars forced upon Germany by the All Lies at the behest of international Zionist and Communist Jews, the profiteers of European White Genocide. If our western world was now free, “liberated from the evil Nazis”, it should be okay to ask questions. It should be okay to question and debate ANY subject. Anything other is tyranny. JEWISH TYRANNY.

    A world where the truth is no defense. Truth is “offensive” only to liars and deceivers. They make speaking the truth a “criminal offence”, an “anti-semitic hate speech crime”. No evidence, no defense allowed. Jews want a world without truth. A world completely turned upside down:

    (((They))) tell us IT’S NOT OKAY to critisize Jewish genocidal maniacs, the likes of ‘honorable’ Harvard professor, criminal and Jewish psychopath Joel Ignatiev. He demonizes the White Race as the “Cancer of Mankind” and openly calls for WHITE GENOCIDE as “desirable”, a “Service to Humanity”… Has anybody heard that he is behind bars yet? For Incitement to Genocide? For the most atrocious, anti-white racist Hate Propaganda? Nothing happened to the Jew Theodore Kaufman either who openly called for the Genocide of the German people in his book “Germany Must Perish”, 1941. All German peace proposals were ignored (1916/17 and 1940/41).

    Zionist, Communist Jews in high places saw to it; Jews were responsible for instigating and orchestrating WWI and WWII! Jews are guilty of multiple genocides! Jews Churchill and Roosevelt ordered a multi-million Holocaust of the German people by firebombing the German cities.

    Jew Eisenhower ordered the mass murder of Germans by starving them to death. Over one million German POWs died in the Rhine meadow death camps in open fields from exposure to the elements, starvation and disease.

    To add insult to injury their emaciated corpses were shown to traumatized German civilians and the whole world as JEWISH victims of Nazi death camps! The Hollywood version of history was born! About 16 million Germans were driven from their homes in the eastern parts of the German Reich. About one third of German land was stolen. Konrad Adenauer, the first chancellor after 1945 spoke about six million Germans who didn’t make it to the west; they perished.

    The list of anti-German war atrocities is long. The war criminals do everything in their power to make their crimes forgotten, and blame the victims. IT’S OKAY to break the silence, honour the victims, and clear their names from the dirt and false guilt heaped upon them.

    1. Any honest study of the pre-war WW2 years and during the war indicates it was Hitler making numerous peace proposals and very generous ones such as the one to Britain in July 1940. Of course it all fell on deaf ears, as the All-lies target was the complete destruction of Germany and its amazing economic miracle. To further the vilifying of Germany, out came the hoax of all hoaxes(until 9/11), the gassing of six million.

  7. The basic question put forth by 90yrs old Ursula Haverbeck:“Where did the six million Holocaust take place?“ was criminalized too; she’s imprisoned since 2018 for asking questions, called “Holocaust denial“ (§130, StGB). German citizens (even in their eighties and nineties) get thrown into prison for asking inconvenient questions while in Israel “Holocaust survivor queens“ are being celebrated

  8. Please do no say “Germany” when you speak of the FRG NGO, occupational construct of administration for the German slaves.
    This is a huge difference.

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