Free Speech Monika

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CBSA Confirms Modern-day Book Burning

The Canada Border Services Agency has now unequivocally demonstrated to the world that they are fully engaged in Orwellian Bolshevistic thought control. Against all logic, reason, common law / common sense, they are (literally or symbolically) burning books, books in your private possession, if said books are deemed politically incorrect, or “wrong-think”.

Pictured here is a screenshot of a short email from the Canada Border Services Agency, in response to my open letter about this tyrannical thought control being exercised by the so-called authorities.

Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 9.49.00 AM

They say their previous standpoint remains. If I do not appeal, I may abandon the material to the Crown, in which case (according to their August 7, 2019 letter) the goods will be destroyed.

Their actions beg the question: are books a security threat at the border??? Bombs would be a security risk, but books?

My open letter of January 16, 2020 was sent to all Members of Parliament and Senators in Canada, copy to the CBSA. I received not a single response from Government representatives, other than many automated confirmations of receipt of the letter, and one assistant who personally emailed to say she would be passing this on to the MP. That was the end of that. Not a single one dared address this absurd situation.

The next day I sent the following email:

To B’Nai Brith Canada,
Here is a copy of the open letter that I just sent to all MPs and all Senators of Canada. I thought you might be interested, since I made reference to your holy book, the Talmud.Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 4.30.20 PMsincerely,
Monika Schaefer

The B’Nai Brith stayed conspicuously silent. Could it be that they do not wish to draw attention to the Talmud? I had pointed out the inconsistencies in their determination of “hate speech” and found it curious that the Talmud has never been targeted by the enforcers of “hate speech” laws.

Truth is Hate to those who Hate the Truth.


16 Responses

  1. Sounds typical of government responses to any really important issue. Like when I wrote to all of them on your “jailed self’s” behalf, and only a couple of them responded with the same cookie-cutter non-answers to evade the issue! So much for “people’s representatives”!

    1. I see but one synonym for such “people representatives”: “cowards”… and absent -minded too… as they don’t seem to remember that they are your employees…

      1. Monika & Ivernazza: Canada does not have a monopoly on poor workers in the government. The USA is the same and it spreads to industry and banking. It is the N(j)ew World Order way. And it is getting worse almost daily.

        1. You might find Amazing Polly well worth listening via https:

          // .

          [index 44:20.00] When charming Polly mentions “foreign funded ‘insurgents’” adding “If they waved the flag of the countries [and there she simply is shy to use the term “origins”] they were from and stood on their railway tracks, they would be seen as committing an act of war” we then have the key to the “narcistic triangulation” with which she carries on – the motto “By ways of deception” immediately comes to mind – but should the delightful Polly be more explicit… one would probably swiftly find the bird lying cold on the bottom of its cage with a twisted neck. Still, what follows is obvious to understand – thanks to Amazing Polly mentioning the NGOs and the “elements of language” which are being served to us ad nauseam by the usual political puppets.

          Courage is one thing. But the instinct for self-preservation is equally of value (especially when it comes to people of value).

          We definitely need to teach our own to correctly read between the lines…

          1. Monika: In a previous letter I made a bid for your books. Canadian customs says you may have them exported under section 102 of the customs act (or something like that. Export them to me in the USA. I would gladly accept them and pay you for your time/trouble.

          2. Great idea David. I will give it a try. Will send you a private message via email.

          3. I find it a brilliant idea. I wonder if they will not tell you, however, that they have lost or rather “misplaced” (as it befits cowards) these books.

          4. To Ivernazza & Monika: Look into the future what these books and Monika’s and Canadian paperwork’s value may be? Please Monika: Save all the paperwork from Canadian customs and copies of what you sent them. All readers: What is an original (printed copy) of Mein Kamph selling for? Or an original painting of 88? Or if that book was signed by the author?

          5. Dear CW,

            I generally tend to favour open questions and suspension points in many of my articles as I like to send my reader(s?)’s mind(s) on a fitness trip. In a few of my other trades there are no such antics in my reports (colleagues of one specific trade in various parts of this “mostly harmless”* planet of ours know why and why they shouldn’t ask for an autograph either).

            Knowing that you are one of the ever dwindling number of humans who have taken the brain option before your coming to the light of this world, I wish you good luck in all sympathy.


            * The late, genial, Douglas Adams.

  2. Monika: Your stoic resistance is (so much) greatly admired. Now the books they confiscated will have a greater value for some of us in the USA. I bid $100.oo US if you have Canada ship them to me. Monika’s readers: (those bidding against me). What will be the value of these books for history someday? Like having a copy of Mein Kamph signed by 88?

  3. I respect your courage and tenacity! Of course they don’t want THEIR hate speech outed to the public. The proof of the evil of Jewish power is demonstrated by the current state of society today.

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