Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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CBSA Book Theft Saga continues…

It took nine days for their letter to reach me on July 25, 2019, and in that letter they said I could “submit evidence, in writing, regarding the admissibility of the material”, and it had to be received by them “within 14 days of the date of this letter”.

CBSA letter

The background: The Canadian Border Services Agency stole 5 books from me at the Calgary airport on April 24, 2019 upon my return from New York. My first article describing what happened is here. My first letter, then their response, and my second letter to them can be found in those links.

My third letter to the Canadian Border Services Agency follows.


Monika Schaefer

2019 August 12

Canada Border Services Agency
171 Slater Street, 7th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0L8

Traveller Compliance Unit / Prohibited Importation Appeals (address below)

RE: Seizure of personal property (books) at Calgary Airport on 2019/04/24
Regional Control No: 2019-7011-K19-0001
File#: CD2019-001
TRS#: F0358395

This is my third letter to the CBSA regarding your seizure of my books.

The level of absurdity has reached astronomical proportions. It leaves me speechless. Let me try to find words to describe the paradox.

First, the deadline for rebuttal is impossible to meet. Your letter, sent by ordinary mail, was dated July 16, 2019, and I received it at the Jasper post office 9 days later on July 25th. Keep in mind it is the height of summer. Your letter stipulated that you must receive, by mail, my evidence and arguments within 14 days of the date on your letter, which would have put the deadline at July 30th. If my letter took just as long to reach you as yours to reach me, it would already have been too late, and would have allowed a negative amount of time for me – in your words – “…to submit evidence, in writing, regarding the admissibility of the material. Such evidence should include any arguments that you might choose to make with respect to artistic, literary, or other similar merit (e.g. educational, scientific, etc) of the material in question…”

The more serious matter is that the onus of proof is reversed. You say I should provide evidence that these books do not constitute “hate propaganda”. If something does not exist, it is a moot point to prove it does not exist. If it does exist, then the person alleging that it exists should prove that it exists. The onus MUST be on the accuser to prove their accusation. Your logic is false.

The next flaw in your case against me is that you have stolen the evidence! You have taken away my personal possessions, the books that you deemed offensive. How am I supposed to gather and submit evidence regarding the “admissibility of the material” when you have taken the allegedly-offensive books away from me???

I have not read the books. I do not have copies of these books in my possession. You seized them. Explain to me how I am to gather evidence about an object that you have stolen from me. Would these books not be the very source of “evidence” with which I am supposed to prove that they are NOT something that you allege that they are?

I would like to underline the utter duplicity and outright criminality of your agency and the master that you serve, with an example of something truly hateful and offensive, which is not only available (still to this day), but was also lauded in the mass media as a “sensational idea” (Time magazine) when this book was published in 1941. Theodore Kaufmann, a Jew, called for the complete genocide of the German people in his book Germany Must Perish. The term “hate propaganda” would be far too mild a descriptor for this blueprint for genocide.

Neither Kaufmann, nor his descendants, nor any of the beneficiaries of this “hate propaganda” have ever been taken to court or charged with any “hate crime”. Why not?

By your actions you are showing utter contempt for civilized society. What an insult to our intelligence, that you expect us to respect “Canadian laws and regulations”, when the so-called authorities exhibit this type of behavior. You have already been judge and jury on the books, and you follow your theft of my books with this charade of justice. It is a joke!

Monika Schaefer

cc: Traveller Compliance Unit, Prohibited Importation Appeals c/o CBSA Mail Processing Unit, 2215 Gladwin Crescent, Entrance C, Ottawa ON, K1A 0L8


Just after dropping this letter in the mail box on August 13, I received another letter from the Traveller Compliance Unit, on behalf of the CBSA in my P.O. box. I guess I was not quick enough with the “gathering of evidence” and their decision was made.  The 3 books that they still have in their possession were deemed “hate propaganda”. I have 90 days from the date of that letter (August 7, 2019) to file an appeal to the court.

Some excerpts from their letter:

Ms. Schaefer,

[…] it has been determined that the one (1) book entitled “The Commission“; one (1) book entitled “The Great Impersonation“; and one (1) book entitled “Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled! Volume 1“, fall within the provisions of Customs Tariff item 9899.00.00. Their importation into Canada therefore remains prohibited.

The book entitled “The Commission” was reviewed in full and was found to contain descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is to blame for serious economic or social problems; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is inferior; and descriptions alleging that an identifiable group weakens or threatens society.

The book entitled “The Great Impersonation” was also reviewed in full and was found to contain [same as above with one addition, bold mine] descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is to blame for serious economic or social problems; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group manipulates media/trade/politics/government to the detriment of society; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is inferior; and descriptions alleging that an identifiable group weakens or threatens society.

The book entitled “Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled! Volume 1” was also reviewed in full and was found to contain [same as above] descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is to blame for serious economic or social problems; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group manipulates media/trade/politics/government to the detriment of society; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is inferior; and descriptions alleging that an identifiable group weakens or threatens society.

As a result, these materials have been determined to constitute hate propaganda under our current guidelines. […]

… please note that the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the prohibition of hate propaganda is a justifiable infringement upon the right to freedom of expression guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in accordance with Section 1 of said legislation. The court stated that Parliament’s objective of preventing the harm caused by hate propaganda is of sufficient importance to warrant overriding the constitutional freedom. […]

Traveller Compliance Unit
Canada Border Services Agency

Section 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms simultaneously gives us rights and limitations to those rights:

 The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Simple question:

What if those

descriptions alleging that an identifiable group is to blame for serious economic or social problems; descriptions alleging that an identifiable group manipulates media/trade/politics/government to the detriment of society; etc. etc.,

are true? Is that what they hate? Do they hate that we point out the truth? It seems to me that …

Truth is Hate to those who Hate the Truth!

21 Responses

  1. #The massacre of the Saxons to force the Christian belief on them
    was clearly in contradiction to Jesus and his teachings: No use of force and violence if they don’t want to hear you! No abuse of God’s name!

    ivernazza – why your conclusion to reject the Christian belief instead of rejecting the primitive use of violence, the disobedience to God? Rather illogical, quite confused, don’t you think?

    The greed for power, the abuse of power, the use of violence and force was undoubtedly wrong! That’s what fills the dark pages of history! The failure is all about abuse of power, greed for power over people, taking away their freedom! Obviously, a lesson which has been particularly hard to learn! Christians (as everybody else) have always made lots of mistakes – but they did not do everything wrong.

    However, in the long run the churches have all been subverted and have betrayed the people.

    Jacob H. Schiff (Zionist leader, financier of the Jewish Communists who took over Russia and committed the RUSSIAN & UKRAINIAN GENOCIDES) financed the rewriting of the Bible done under Jewish auspices. (JACOB H. SCHIFF, HIS LIFE & LETTERS by Jacob H. Schiff, p. 63, also AMERICAN MERCURY, 1958, p. 120)
    Jewish Zionists falsified the Bible! Falsified Bible translations (Scofield Bible) created “Christian-Zionism”, “Judeo-Christianity”, a contradiction in itself! Judaism-Talmudism-Satanism and Zionism reject Jesus Christ as true Messiah, the Christian belief confirms him! Polar opposites don’t mix together! You cannot serve two totally different masters at the same time: God (Jesus Christ taught about), the Forces of Good – and Satan-Lucifer, the Forces of Evil.

    Judaism – Talmudism – Communism – Zionism – Islam – Talmudic law and Sharia law are all intrinsically Satanic! They are ideologies of conquest, subjugation, enslavement and world domination hiding behind the cover of “religion”! Jewish Freemasonic buzz words being used like hypnotic spells: “equality”, “social justice”, the promise of “freedom” before enslaving everyone… is psychological manipulation… deception, endless lies…

    The Christian belief is about truth, not about gaining power, not about enslaving people but about freeing and healing them. It’s about a peaceful way of life and how to protect it. Not at all easy and even impossible, if your neighbors are being lied to, manipulated into hating you, instilled with envy, greed and hatred, in alliance with Jewish Satanists, insatiable greedy, murderous parasites…

    But it’s never the nations, it’s never the ordinary people who want war, and not the existence of nation states has been responsible for the wars of the last hundred years; it has always been the hidden instigators, the war profiteers who happen to be Jewish. Proven historical facts.

    It’s the (((genocidal Jews))) who wage war on the nations of the white race – on white, Christian civilization! Jews and Muslims sexually abuse and rape children, they rape their souls and destroy them for life – and call that “religion” and “culture”! Jews are the driving force in wanting to legalize and “normalize” the Talmudic Satanic perversions by forcing the LGBTQ-agenda on the Christian white nations and use Muslim mass immigration into white countries as weapon of mass destruction!!!

    So – what’s the alternative to Christian values? Certainly not Judaism – Talmudism – Kabbalah – Zohar – The Jewish version of Satanism! Certainly not Islam – The Muslim version of Satanism! Certainly not International Jewish Freemasonry – The International Jewish version of Satanism (foisted upon gullible “goys”)! Certainly not the Satanic Jew World Order…

  2. *Jewish psychological warfare

    “hate speech“ – “hate speech“ – “hate speech“…
    for everything the Self-Chosenites hate to hear…
    hate to hear – hate to hear – hate to hear!

    “anti-Semitism“ – “anti-Semitism“ – “anti-Semitism“…
    for everything the Self-Chosenites see as “offensive“…
    “offensive“ – “offensive“ – “offensive“!

    “racism“ – “racism“ – “racism“…
    for everything which protects the survival of the white race…
    the survival – the survival – the survival!

    “anti-Semitic tropes“ – “anti-Semitic tropes“…
    weaponized terms are there for fools… useful idiots and Jews…
    are very bad news – very bad news – very bad news!

    The truth – the truth – the truth
    is most offensive only for Jews… the haters of truth…
    the haters – the haters – the haters of truth!

    Such an idiotic ruse… of destroyers so fearful…
    of competition and opposition… they call it “smart“ for retards…
    for retards – for retards – for retards!

    *is like waving a magic wand – intellectual terrorism – mind control by language manipulation – non-sensical, illogical misnomers are being used as if casting a spell – to disrupt the clear thinking process of the unaware – awareness breaks the spell – and the silence

    1. Dear Monika, please find hereunder a copy of my comment on Freya’s text (in case it doesn’t go through) on an all important question puzzling Ursula Haverbeck:

      On the last part of her March 2015 Duisburg interview:

      – a comprehensive summary of the revisionists’ work, findings and victories, „Frei-Frau“ Ursula Haverbeck, came up with a matter which was still puzzling her: she couldn’t account for the ancient (much anterior to NS times) privileged hatred of the rodents for the Germanic peoples. I believe that I have the answer which, by my understanding, could be twofold: firstly, the Germanics are « par excellence » inclined (as I personally do) to abide by the laws of nature. A thing which, « par excellence », escapes their haters’ mentality and grasp (one just has to consider the talmud to understand this). Secondly, since the initial „Karl der Große“ ‘s destruction of the Irminsul (772) and his obvious war crime at Verden-an-der-Aller (the beheading of over 4,500 Saxons in October 782 with the clear goal of getting them to embrace the Christian faith), the Germanics were never great enthusiastic about Christianity… which, with insight, could well be assessed as an initial clever Jewish religious trap (it being for them a religious dead-end street along the line “be good, do as you’re told, and suffer to keep our agenda going”) for the Gentiles (see for instance the US Christian Zionists phenomenon).


  3. You are perfectly right and none of this (includind the rodents pictured — isn’t the aptly named Spectre great to watch with her dead fish look and her ritual swaying of the head so typical of a psychopath) is new / is ‘news’. But the good news is that they are loosing ground at a tremendous rate. Mostly because of their mental inability to understand why. Times are coming that you ar going to thoroughly enjoy. And then, as Alfred put it in one of his recent letters… we will enjoy a quiet Earth for a few thousand years…

  4. #Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    “The HOMOGENEITY of European nations is fundamentally against the interests of the Jewish people. We are at a critical turning point in history. The West is becoming more and more diverse, and soon the White Race will be forced into SUBMISSION. The future of the West is that of an ethnically diverse MELTING POT, where the evil divisions of race and white supremacy no longer reign. This is all thanks to the tremendous power of our social movements and institutions. This great change will be catalyzed by Moslem settlement. From the land of Israel, Jews will forever be a light unto the new MONO-RACIAL world as guaranteed by G-d“ (Rabbi Abarron Haviv, at the World Jewish Congress Summit, 2011)

    ((( Genocidal Jews ))) are bragging about the LEADING JEWISH ROLE IN WHITE GENOCIDE through multi-ethnic mass immigration into white nations and miscegenation. “Diversity“ is the Jewish code word for White Genocide, the destruction of the true diversity of nature, of racial cohesion and identity by race mixing. Jews want to enslave the white indigenous people by making them a minority in their own countries. Jews want the expropriation and replacement of Whites by millions of alien invaders, the creation of a “melting pot“, a mixed race of low IQ slaves, ruled over by Jewish supremacists!!! “evil divisions of race and white supremacy“? Homogenous white nations and sovereign nation states are the natural order! Multiculturalism is unnatural and the Jewish recipe for endless conflict and destruction. Jewish double standard: Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural… Israel is an EXCLUSIVELY Jewish ethno state. Multiculturalism is forced upon white nations ONLY to destroy white civilization and the white race. Poisonous Jewish “ideas“ destroy the white Christian societies. Jewish “foundations“ and lobby groups are the Fifth Columns within. Jews use Moslems as a weapon against Christians. Jews are a racially-mixed,mongrelized “nation“ and jealous of homogenous races, and want to destroy the true racial diversity by miscegenation and mongrelization. The demon god/s of the Jews is Satan (Lucifer – Molech – Baal – Baphomet). Satanists turn the world into hell; the destroyers serve the Forces of Evil.

    “It is in the JEWISH INTEREST, it is in humanity’s interest [NO – not at all!] that Whites experience a GENOCIDE. Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated, murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorised; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.“ (Rabbi Ishmael Levitts)

    That’s exactly what ((( genocidal Jews like demons straight from hell))) did to the Germans in WWII using the Soviet and western Allied military forces as GOyLEM. German Genocide. The most horrific Allied war crimes. Who are the haters – the racists? Jews are the real anti-white racists, the real haters!!! Without Jews neither the Russian Genocide, the Ukrainian Genocide nor the German Genocide would have ever happened.

    resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that “transformation“ [Jewish code word for White Genocide], which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role.“ (Barbara Lerner-Spectre, founder of Paideia, a Jewish-EU fund in Sweden) It’s demonic to make the white European nations finance their own destruction.The Genocide of the White Race – systematically planned by evil Jews!!!

    Anyone who says you can’t call out the genocidal Jews because they are Jews – for the crimes against my people, the Germans – for holocausting and genociding them…

    Anyone who says you can’t call out the genocidal Jews because they are Jews – for the crimes against all nations of the white race…

    Anyone who says you can’t call out the genocidal Jews because they are Jews – for the crimes against all of humanity…

    must be truly insane!!!
    As mad as Jewish psychopaths are.

  5. What a blessing the book stealing, yet another chapter opened for writing now in this great woman’s life, an opportunity handed free from the authorities. What a pity, on one hand, viewed from GOD-fearing souls only out to serve others as best one can. What a waste of good energy and precious time! On the other hand, if we had no such opportunities, we could hardly speak Truth to “powers that be” and those sleeping still. GOD bless and keep you, Monika and Alfred. If one day i get called like you two have, I shall rise to the occasion with joy! Still striving to get over a sensitive target….

    1. I got an off-line communication that I think appropriate and worth sharing here and now.

      COMMUNICATION via private e-mail from a “Jim Mannella”.

      “I noticed your post on the freespeechmonika blog site praising Alfred and Monika Schaefer as martyrs for their anti-Semitic, Holocaust denying beliefs. I assume you are one and the same as Monika and Alfred.

      “Are you aware that Monika is awaiting trial on December 12 for accusing a local business worker, while he was at work, of being a pedophile? Even after the worker told Monika that the child she saw with him was his son?

      “Yeah, so let’s speak the truth, shall we.”

      I wrote the following back to Mr. Mannella.

      I appreciate your note, reproduced below by the e-mail systems that connected us. Lest I, by omission, or by silence, not respond to your missive, thereby implying agreement, or acquiescence to your assertions, your accusations, I answer your e-mail below.

      YOU wrote:

      I noticed your post on the freespeechmonika blog site praising Alfred and Monika Schaefer as martyrs for their anti-Semitic, Holocaust denying beliefs. I assume you are one and the same as Monika and Alfred.

      This is, and still is, my post concerning which you wrote to me:

      What a blessing the book stealing, yet another chapter opened for writing now in this great woman’s life, an opportunity handed free from the authorities. What a pity, on one hand, viewed from GOD-fearing souls only out to serve others as best one can. What a waste of good energy and precious time! On the other hand, if we had no such opportunities, we could hardly speak Truth to “powers that be” and those sleeping still. GOD bless and keep you, Monika and Alfred. If one day i get called like you two have, I shall rise to the occasion with joy! Still striving to get over a sensitive target….

      I would appreciate your expanding on your assertion that the above post, as you read it, means my “praising Alfred and Monika Schaefer as martyrs for their anti-Semitic, Holocaust denying beliefs.”

      I submit to you, great saints of many callings have praised suffering as GOD-given, a test of the soul. I speak from training and experience. Alfred and Monika Schaefer suffer indeed, for a cause greater than defending myths and falsehoods held by others as a threatening blade over one’s neck. Compared to ordinary folk, they have indeed demonstrated for all to see sainthood, a quality of soul rarely encountered, today, so rarely encountered no one “believes” saints real!

  6. Canada has dangerous hate crime rules as was so well documented in the several trials of brave Ernst Zundel. Unfortunately, the same type of silly laws have apparently been passed by our controlled Amerikan Congress. Now the elected bought and sold are working on new arms confiscation before a crime has been committed..their “red flag” brainchild which will be mainly directed toward the Nationalist and Conservative folks. We are in deep dodo! Nancy Keep up the skeer Monika.

  7. I have had to remove a comment by Seth Tyrssen, because of technical problems with his avatar. Here is his comment:

    “Monika, it’s time to get the heck out of the People’s Republic of Canada. Or have a White Nationalist revolution, if you can find enough Whites there that arent’ completely brainwashed.”

    The reply from Ivernazza also does not show up here, because of the removal of the original comment. Ivernazza said this:

    “Never give way. Ever. Hold your ground. Courage impresses cowards… and we are dealing with cowards.”

    My reply to that comment:

    “I agree with you, “never give way”. People are constantly saying “Alfred should have left Germany while he could”. He knew what was likely to happen, but chose to fight the beast head on. So now people are telling me also that I should leave Canada? Where to, my friends? If we all flee, then what? Do you not think the snake is there where we flee to? If we all run, then they have won. I refuse that.”

    1. You have made this point a very clear one in your April 20th “Fash bash” speech. It is indeed one of the elements which make this speech crucial.

      Alfred knows… you know… I know… many others know… it is high time that the multitude of other right now busy wailing and shivering; omygodding a lot and meekly smiling to abuse, aggression and adversity start knowing it too (and practicing ‘game’ shooting).

    2. “I agree with you, “never give way”. People are constantly saying “Alfred should have left Germany while he could”. He knew what was likely to happen, but chose to fight the beast head on. So now people are telling me also that I should leave Canada? Where to, my friends? If we all flee, then what? Do you not think the snake is there where we flee to? If we all run, then they have won. I refuse that.”

      EXACTLY, Monika! There is no other place to flee, and fleeing only gives them the idea that they were right all along. We must face the problem head on, like true soldiers. Besides, as you point out, where will truth tellers flee to?? No, we must do all we can to withstand the evil, and when we have done all, just STAND. In the words of one really good southern gospel song, “We may go down, but we’ll go down standing up!”

    1. Just for your info, I had to remove the comment from Seth Tyrssen because of his avatar which was messing with my website. The comment read:
      “Monika, it’s time to get the heck out of the People’s Republic of Canada. Or have a White Nationalist revolution, if you can find enough Whites there that arent’ completely brainwashed.”

      And by the way, I agree with you, “never give way”. People are constantly saying “Alfred should have left Germany while he could”. He knew what was likely to happen, but chose to fight the beast head on. So now people are telling me also that I should leave Canada? Where to, my friends? If we all flee, then what? Do you not think the snake is there where we flee to? If we all run, then they have won. I refuse that.

      1. You have made this point a very clear one in your April 20th “Fash bash” speech. It is indeed one of the elements which make this speech crucial.

        Alfred knows… you know… I know… many others know… it is high time that the multitude of other right now busy wailing and shivering; omygodding a lot and meekly smiling to abuse, aggression and adversity start knowing it too (and practicing ‘game’ shooting).

  8. “Utter contempt for civilized society” indeed.

    One couldn’t have formulated it better.

    Such a remark would bring any decent human being to blush out of shame and the average Japanese to commit “Seppuku” (I believe that Japanese civil servants still have a sense of honour on par with their commitment to actually serve their own people and anyone happening to be on Japanese territory – but then again, Japan is a god and any Japanese citizen is part of this god).
    Quite clearly not so in Canada… but then again it looks as if “civil servants” prefer to be referred to as “public officers”… which explains a lot… even if both terms actually refer to the same obligation towards the people who are paying their wages…

    Clearly, Monika, you are dealing with cold snakes.

    Now for proper remarks:

    1. The info regarding this letter should have been made available ASAP – why the delay?

    2. Still I believe that this “King Ubu” case should be given maximum publicity all around the Planet… just to inform other peoples about how despicable the ‘troudeau’ ‘Canadian’(?!) system has now become in terms of crawling submissiveness. For anybody with but an ounce of common sense, it defies imagination. Canadians are tops… let it be known! The Russians, the Chinese and (what’s left of) the true Americans shall thoroughly enjoy this farce.

    1. Dear Ivernazza, yes you are correct that this info should have been made available ASAP. My responsibility! I have very much on the go, and it slipped onto a back-burner. Thank you for the friendly prodding.

      “crawling submissiveness” – oh that is such a perfect description for the little servants of the system. Truly pathetic.

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