Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Catching up: Shows over the past month

The month has flown by and I am somewhat behind on posting podcasts and shows. I had always intended to keep a log of my interviews on this website, so I had better catch up. Summer has been beautiful in this part of the world, and there is always much to do outside at this time of year.

Starting with the most recent, then listed in reverse chronological order:

24 August, 2022 on Blackbird 9’s Breakfast Club.

First hour was “Bad Dinner Theatre”, “Why the Chicken Shack Songbird Sings”, we had some fun with this as we were joined with older brother Dr. Alfred Chan, “art school babe” Monika Chan and Mr. Fritz Murdoch. Second hour features just ourselves talking about the war on Whites and other related topics.

The conversation with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, linked below, was aired on August 23, 2022.

ACH (1887) Alfred Schaefer & Monika Schaefer – Alfred’s Prison Lottery Wins – Part 2

From the show notes – We discussed: why people are waking up in droves; the treasonous behaviour being unleashed upon us; the interesting story of Paul the dog; Alfred’s predictions for the long term health of the vaccinated; the guilt cult in the West; the hyperinflation that is coming; what political prisoners learn from their prison experiences; and many other topics.

20 August, 2022, Alfred and Monika Schaefer were the guests on Hour 2 of Blood River Radio, hosted by Eddie “the Bombardier” Miller. We spoke about the treason being committed by the system-followers and system-enforcers. We discussed the 9/11 connection to Munich RE an insurance company and how the German people are on the hook for that monstrous fraud. This is what Alfred talks about to the parole officer whom he is obliged to visit monthly, thereby informing him that by ignoring this new information, he himself becomes complicit and a traitor to his people. Alfred considers these obligatory meetings with the parole officer a blessing and an opportunity. We spoke about how everyone is now obliged to “engage the system”, all hands on deck.

10 August, 2022 This was my first appearance on George Hobbs’ show called The Fact Hunter which airs on This was Episode 47 on The Fact Hunter. We discussed: circumstances which led to jail and trial in Germany, including the story about Sylvia Stolz, and how the pattern of corrupt courts is now manifesting in many countries including the US especially with regards to the Jan 6 event. We spoke about Alfred’s additional trial for the “crime” of speaking in his defence in our trial. We talked about prison conditions, and the prison population which reflects the open borders politics that we are confronted with. We talked about many things, including even the high school principal in Florida who was fired for his stance on the “holocaust”, whom I went to bat for on behalf of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society. George Hobbs was a great host to talk with.

9 August another episode of Connect the Dots with Diane King and Jim Rizoli (CTD with DiaMonJim)

We talked about Native issues in Canada, forbidden language Orwellian style, and an update about how Alfred is doing.

On July 30, 2022 Alfred and I had the honour of jointly receiving the George Orwell Free Speech Award. I was in Vancouver in person and Alfred joined us via Skype late at night for him in the time zone 9 hours ahead. The video is in two parts, the first one covering Paul Fromm’s speech and part of mine, the second one then finishes with Alfred speaking.

Part 1 here  Paul Fromm speaks until minute 43 , then Monika speaks.

Part 2 here. Itemized:
Monika until about minute 11, then Paul gives greetings from Grace-Eki Oyama from Japan
Minute 13:30 Paul presents award to Alfred Schaefer
Minute 14:50 Alfred speaks via Skype
Minute 18:  Frank Raymond gives very moving tribute to Alfred. If you don’t have time for the whole video, please do watch this 2-minute part starting at minute 18.
Minute 24:30 Brian Ruhe talks about the Truth and Justice for Germans Society.
Minute 26:30 Diane King and Jim Rizoli tribute via video – thank you!
Last few minutes starting about minute 34 violin music

29 July, 2022 The Butterfly has Flown from the Cocoon of Prison – Alfred Schaefer is Free. That is the video which Brian Ruhe did with myself in person in Vancouver and Alfred via video link in Germany. Alfred tells us how the Butterfly meme came about. He also talks about the big awakening, prison stories, people he met, and more.

July 26 The Daily Rake interview, from which articles were written. The author has a humorous and witty writing style and is quite entertaining. These links are to written articles. Part 1 article – OverviewPart 2 article here.

July 25 Fakeologist podcast here. This was my first time on this venue, and so this was an in-depth discussion about many topics including the background to my story, family history including about my father’s desire to go to the Eskimos, about Germany, and true history. We had a very enjoyable discussion. The website is rich with podcasts, streams, and resources. I keep learning about new websites and podcasts and video producers – it is very encouraging.

75 Responses

  1. Author: Sidney Langford Hinde, sent to end the 1,000 year Arab Slave Trade in Africa. European intervention against the Arab Slave Trade, against the Black Africans started with the International Association in 1876.
    This Slave Trade by Arabs had started after the first incursion of Muslims into North Africa in 640 AD., and lasted till the 1920’s. It had encroached all the way to Central Africa.
    In terms of the 1884 Berlin Conference, Central Africa was turned into the “Congo Free State.”
    This book reveals the equal ferocity by both Africans & Arabs. This suppressed history by Establishment Historians reveals the Anti-White Racist sentiment among Arabs & African’s who damn well know who was enslaved by who.
    Book title: The Fall of The Congo Arabs

  2. Freya, I must ask you, considering the Muslims were largely involved in the Slave Trade, not just the Negroid race. After all it was Arabs that were absorbed into Judea. My guess is these are the “fake Jews” we hear so much about. Why is it we don’t hear anything coming from our movements pertaining to these Snakes…?
    I feel were living in some illusion where “Jews” don’t really exist & Muslims are left out of the picture, while they take over our communities, along with our Governments.
    I am aware that the Israelite’s were not the same “Tribes” as Judea.

  3. LaVerne
    Excuse me – I don’t know what you are talking about by claiming:”So you are one of those Christians.. ”

    You keep putting things into my mouth the scope of which I am obviously not intelligent enough to grasp…🤯🙄😳

    1. LaVerne – Enough said already. Agreed? You are free to believe whatever you want as long as you do not impose your “New Age” opinions on others. The same goes for everybody.

      Hopefully, we can agree here: It is most important to turn the coming season of Advent and Christmas not into a “holiday season” of Halloween – “Santa”-Satan/ism Saturnalia parties with slutty “Santa” costumes dancing around the Golden Calf of consumerism…

      And although you doubt that Jesus Christ ever existed, you won’t doubt that erroneous humans are in dire need of God’s mercy…

      Amazing Grace

    2. I did not put anything in your words, you typed it yourself Freya, Oct. 1st 10:11 p.m.
      “Demonic forces have evil plans”
      “Massacre of non-Jews” but you fail to mention the uprising had to do with the destruction of the Temple by non-Jews.
      the Christmas season contrast of the two religions, “gross and bizarre” of course, like your first statement “Demonic forces have evil plans” Christians dish it out just as hard! That is also evident, as I have already stated by the fact certain Christian groups that take the holiday season & ruin the “Spirit” of the real Ancient meaning. Its meaning is about the Winter Solstice.
      So, that’s what I mean about “So you are one of those Christians” This is not about intelligence, this is about misplaced trust & faith in what we have been told by people we trust. I have a lot of time & energy invested in this. The Jews are no different, they cannot prove their belief system either, in one God. Islam can not prove Muhammad existed either. Besides Islam is also based on Celestial movements, just happens to be the Moon & a particular Star.
      I am Not trying to be harmful to any of these religions. I am trying to put matters in its respectful place so people can choose which Mythology best fits their life. We are at a cross road in history that some leaders intended to abolish all religions. Not a good idea, it leaves a hole for stupidity. We have had enough of that in this last “Age” when Christianity & Islam came on the scene & gave us Muslims fighting Christians.
      Look at Ireland, they sought to destroy the Irish because of their deep roots in the true Nature of Christianity, the Celestial bodies. The Celtic Knot = “Infinity.” The Celtic Cross= the Zodiac cross.
      Work with what we have & speak truth of past events, All religions! All people of All Races! & Stop making more religions every 2,160 years.

      1. LaVerne
        I truly cannot understand what your problem is. I mentioned the spiritual meaning of Christmas, of the Christian faith based on genuine Jesus’ words, in contrast to what is the polar opposite: Satanism – “Luciferianism” of the “Illuminated ones” by the false light of Lucifer (the fallen angel in rebellion to God) – Babylonian Talmudism – Kabbala – Judaism – Communism – Zionism … …

        And your comment (conclusion – Oct 4, 2022, 9:03am) is: “So you are one of those Christians that are angry at Jews for not accepting the new mythology of Jesus Christ figure by combining all the Roman/Greek God’s into one religion called Christianity”

        That is NON-sense. Your claim of what Christianity is about.

        Not what I have explained here.
        And I mentioned it before: the phenomena of nature are in no contradiction to the Creator – ie There is no harm in the symbolism of the Celtic cross and the Celtic knot, no harm in the celebration of summer and winter solstice

        The RED LINE is Satanism! “Luciferianism” (the Serpent’s looong trail… see above) All sorts of witchcraft magic…

        “Halloween” originates in Ireland?
        We did not have that plague on the European continent before 1945. But since then “Satanism light” has been imposed on our Christian children as early as Kindergarten age, in combination with that equally disgusting new Coca Cola (666) “Santa”/Satan figure – topped by “drag queen” perverts also reading “stories” to them about the “new normal” of pedo-world…

    1. Thank you,Laverne, they are there. Before I had a chance to look at them all and give you a response, we had quite a long power outage. Will try to catch up today.

    1. Hi Amos, I think the BRR site was down for a few days, but I just tried that link now, and it does indeed work. Thanks for alerting me to this.

  4. Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany, 16.09.2022

    Germans protesting…

    determined & peacefully, demanding PEACE (with Russia) – FREEDOM (from RED TERROR Communism) and SELF-DETERMINATION (“NO!” to making POISONOUS INJECTIONS /”vaccines” mandatory by law! which would be no less than legalizing mass murder)

    … are defamed as “far right extremists”, “Nazis” – By who? The true haters, the usurpers of power. Interesting, isn’t it?

    Video Title: Gemma O’Doherty & Michael Jones: Knowing the Truth About WW2 Will Set You Free
    As Papasha & Amos pointed out regarding about Dr. Jones new book coming out soon regarding the “Holocaust Narrative Propaganda.”
    Interesting (new) Interview regarding today’s timeline, important for ALL Germans to watch & listen.

    1. I don’t know how to move the comment to that thread, so I published this one to indicate that your comment was part of that conversation. No problem, and thanks!

  6. Your first video, in my observation in the past six years, are the clowns “who say they are Jews, but are not” as written in the book of Revelation. These are the same dressed clowns that make their way to Washington D.C. after a new President has been Sworn in.
    Any photography of the crimes against the Russians through the Bolshevik, were these demon type looking Jews, they are the Hasidic Jews. (and Mongols were reported as well, against the Russians & Germans).
    David Duke has many of the photo’s and names in his books. One book titled: The Secret Behind Communism, one particular typical photo of a Hasidic Jew, Julius Martov, whose real name was Yulliy Osipovich Zederbaum , born 1873, became the leader of the Mensheviks.
    The Hasidic men see women a a threat. They are always in groups of men, just like your first video, creepy! The women grow up believing they are disgusting and dirty and a source of evil. But yet the Hasidic women are a necessity for their survival and are forced to reproduce as many as 10 children. These Jews have tight knit communities in New York City, with their own security. Muslims do the same. & Both religions women wear head gear or the Hasidic’s shave their heads and wear wigs, go figure… Deborah Feldman exposed the community in an interview on DW News for her book titled: Escape from Brooklyn to Berlin. She stated “the Holocaust identity crises that is forced upon of the newer generations, that creates a lot of irrational fears.”
    Robert Sepehr goes into Judea, Southern part of Israel, in ancient time in regards to the Edomites, who had been absorbed into the kingdom, (who are in the old Testament). Keep in mind he states “absorbed” not conversion, such as the Marranos or Sephardic.
    Robert Sepehr also draws out in most archaeologist sites the Swastika & the Star of David are side by side on buildings, rock formation, wood carvings and more. Those symbols were also on the gold coins during the Transfer Agreement 1933-1939 (also known as Haavara).
    I’m not saying to make friends with these people, I am saying that there is some group that is desperate to make sure that we are enemy’s of someone we were not long ago. I say look around, who is invading your Country & mine, Hasidic Jews & the Muslims/Arabs.
    Stop believing the Russians were unjustified for actions in Ukraine. The Russians & Germans are Not enemy’s. They worked hand in hand after WW2 in Russia. Who do you think lives there… Watch Roberts Sepehr DNA video, you will see Russians always welcomed Germans on their land.

    1. LaVerne
      no disagreement with what you say here – apart from the quote at the beginning. I think it is illogical, it contains an often repeated translation error (CORR.: Judahites instead of “Jews”! As these CREEPY creatures are truly JEWS! The point is they are NOT Judahites! NOT of the royal tribe of Judah (Jesus Christ is of Judah, a true Israelite), Jews are NOT Israelites, Jews are NONE of the “lost tribes of Israel”, Jews are NOT the descendants of Jacob, the man named ‘Israel’ – Jews are liars, deceivers, identity thieves … …)

    2. Monika
      Do you want my reply – or don’t you?
      You seem confused – or do you REALLY understand… what LaVerne is claiming? I haven’t understood. Hence I have asked for clarification. THAT’S ALL. REALLY.😬

      I don’t put anything into other people’s mouth. You did it – again. And I find that sickening.

      I sensed something (You Monika, obviously did not) from LaVerne’s contradictory comments …

      thanks – this last comment of yours makes it clear/er… Clear enough.

      LaVerne – I am not sure if you are really aware of the fact yourself… But what you are stating comes straight from the Freemasonic Satanic Script – “belief system”!!! It is all in their “new age” plans … to force “Luciferianism-Satanism-Talmudism-Kabbalah-Judaism-Communism-Zionism” on all if humanity – as their “New World (dis)Order religion” based on “Jewish values”: ANYthing goes! – Do whatever you want shall be the whole of the law! – There is no God, WE (Jews) are the gods of the planet/universe! There is no Good (God) OR Evil (Satan)! Everything is THE SAME! – We are ALL EQUAL….

      … …

      Clearly: NO.
      That is not the truth.

      LaVerne – you keep asking for the “branch”? – I am just listening to Jesus’ words, the genuine one’s spoken into the heart – It is that simple.

      1. Freya, It took me 2 hours to clarify my thoughts. I hope you will put just as much effort to understand what is being conveyed.
        So you are saying you have No experience in any Christian branch… Everything has a beginning, where are you getting your Bible? Who is the Publisher? Your willing to defend this Christian faith that you have no idea of the daily workings of this faith. Is that what we call the “Blind leading the Blind?”
        I am Truly trying to bring the original origins back to our people, which in my humble opinion can be done through its original inception, Catholic Church.
        We need to let go of the part that does Not belong, that turned Christianity into this “Death Cult” that celebrates this every Christmas in the most bizarre way. Sincerely LaVerne

        1. LaVerne
          Let’s not distract from the claims you have made above:

          There is no *Satan* – No *Lucifer* – No *Beast*(system) =

          There is no Evil = ANYthing goes! ANYthing is *good and right* if it serves *our* interests! The end justifies the means! (crypto-Jewish-Jesuit motto) There is no *Good OR Bad* – There is no *God/Good OR Satan/Evil* – WE (Jews) are the gods of the planet/universe! =

          That is exactly the Talmudic Freemasonic *creed – religion” the Satanists follow – It is their definition of *freedom* (hence: mass murder genocides, transhumanism, transgenderism, destruction in any shape or form without any remorse / conscience) – It is the *death cult* of their Jew World Disorder – It is what Christians call the *Beast system* (666), the Bible warns about – Jesus Christ and his followers fight against…

          1. Freya, You do Not need a “Satan” or a “Lucifer” to have Evil, Period. Evil people exist because they have free will to do evil, Period.
            No one on this platform or on Culture Wars platform dares to answer what a “Jew” is (except one, Jay) If you cannot answer a simple question, then who are you fighting??
            Furthermore, I Never said there was No “Good vs. Bad”. I Never said there is no God. I did say “I found God in a Catholic Cemetery”. You must fine humor in that.

          2. LaVerne
            “Satan – Lucifer – Baphomet – Molech – Baal – the Serpent – the Dragon – the Beast” etc are names (!) to name the Evil in the world, the seen and unseen.

            And it follows logic:
            Your claiming that there is NO “Satan – Lucifer – Beast” …. is as if you wanted to say that Evil does NOT exist.

            The ludicrous Freemasonic claim: “There is no Evil! No “Good OR Evil”! No “right OR wrong”! Do whatever you want! ANYthing goes! EVERYthing is “right and good” if it serves the Jewish interests! = The Freemasonic Talmudic Satanic “Credo” – That is what the Satanists / Satanic Jews claim. They see it as their mission to “fix” the world and make EVERYthing “better” (hellish).

            Good that we can finally agree:
            God exists. Evil exists.
            And there is a fight going on “Good vs Bad” – “Good vs Evil” = God vs “Satan (Lucifer etc)

        2. Freya, I would like to extend my thoughts on my statement of Christians being a death cult, pertaining to the way they celebrate Christmas. I am Not just referring to Catholics & their 12 Stations of the Cross, that has the Junior High level students dramatizing the event step by step. I was visiting a Baptist church several years ago, for the Christmas mass. So as I was not expecting anything unusual, I was wrong. As the Pastor was doing his usual readings, all of a sudden in the background their was this Very loud clinging of a hammer hitting Iron, to represent the nails going into Christ, this went on the entire reading. I was very shocked and wanted to walk out, but I didn’t. The woman behind me muttered hmm, as if to be taken in by the “drama.”
          If you look up this other branch of Christianity, Presbyterian Church 13401 Wolf Rd. Orland Park, Illinois, you will see the Zodiac Cross on the Altar. It too, is beautiful. I loved the Pastor’s sermons. I was visiting this church for a summer until I realized that they condone gay marriages.
          The Catholic Church has always been firm on a Marriage is between a Man & a Woman, which procreates children. & The Catholic Church has always stood behind Protecting the unborn. These are strong reasons why I feel the Catholic Church is the one Christian faith to lead the way into this “New Age” of Aquarius.

          1. LaVerne
            Your September 25, at 9:00 am comment is not yet the reply to my September 24, 10:31pm comment (as both were published at the same time)

            This discussion could be extended endlessly – Let’s concentrate on essentials.

            Please, do not ignore my explanation (Sept 24, 10:31pm) as to what the death cult truly is!


            THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN IS THE DEATH CULT. Freemasonic Talmudic Satanists “Luciferians” – “Baphomet”* worshippers…

            (*Symbolically depicted as a transgender goat creature with female breasts and a male sexual organ)

            Hence – Goats leading the guards at the Lizard Queen’s funeral were not something “innocent” – It was a bizarre and open display of who the (((Powers that should not be))) actually are – certainly not Christians!

            All the Christian churches have been infiltrated and subverted by the Satanists.

            “Pope Francis l”, ethnically Jewish, is an abomination. A false teacher, Jesuit,Talmudist, Freemason… the last in a series of subversives – He has nothing in common with Jesus Christ he claims to be serving. The churches are distortions of the body of Jesus Christ most brutally tortured all over again and again…

            I cannot see any harm in how the German Christmas has originally been celebrated.

            However, there is lots of harm in how the positive meaning of Christmas gets lost, by the way it is nowadays internationally being celebrated, incrementally being transformed into a prolonged “holiday season” of Luciferianism (“light feasts” of the false light of Lucifer), early start with “Halloween”, which is grooming children for Satanism ‘light’, and a “Santa Claus” figure which has nothing to do with the Christian counterpart St Nicklas (in Germany only celebrated on December 6) Halloween and “Santa”(anagram: Satan) has been foisted upon continental Europe since 1945 – by the victorious Satanic Freemasons… to destroy the Christian tradition and meaning of Christmas (the Light coming into the darkness / Jesus Christ the Messiah and Saviour was born)

          2. Ironic Freya, Christians were the ones fighting on both sides during both World Wars.
            Baphomet is from the Age of Capricorn, the goat = Planet Saturn, where “they” interpreted it as Satan, for control. It is the 2nd brightest of planets.
            Lucifer = the Roman God, Jupiter the planet = “The Light Bearer” Jupiter is Supreme, the brightest of the 5 planets, lined up along the ecliptic after sunset, & is considered the “King of the Gods” for this reason.
            Define “Freemasonic” Freya…
            The Transgender “Goat creature” explanation can be found an Robert Sepehr website: Atlantean Gardens, Title: Lucifer & Astrotheology.
            The Queens Goat has been bred in Britain for over 200 years.
            Not all Christian Churches are worth a Pew sitting. But one can certainly gather valuable information from each one.
            In my experience the worst is “Born again” Christians, & Evangelical Christians because they like to play this silly “End Times” game for control over your Mind & Life.
            Jehovah’s Witnesses does the same, but in a calmer setting. I do not like the way they pin family members against each other. & They are big on Not Procreating because they are waiting for the New Earth.
            Presbyterian’s have endorsed gay marriages. The People did this! They operate on a system of voting among the Parishioners.
            The (Ashburn) Baptist Church that did that Christmas “nailing on the cross” noise, I do not like because they have the Pastor & his wife adopting an Negroid child. I feel it was deliberately arranged to corrupt whiteness more.
            Watch Robert Sepehr titled: Legend of the Amorites, on his Atlantean Gardens site & you will see the real Pope Francis in 2012. An interesting episode as well. I don’t think you understand the History of Language, and the importance of what that entails.
            Define Jesuit….
            Prove there was a Christ named Jesus that was tortured by the Jews! You cannot, no more than the Jews can prove a holocaust of 6 million by The Reich!
            I Never said there was harm in how the German Christmas originated, I am pointing out how it evolved once the Roman Empire took over the Mithra Temple that the Vatican sits on. Beauty behind it and how that beauty needs to be restored, and how to restore that is to take down the body off the cross and stop the”12 Stations of the Cross.” It’s really that Simple!
            Stop yelling the “Jews Killed Christ” & they will stop yelling “Holocaust.”
            Yes, get rid of Santa clause, cause he is creepy to teach children to sit on strangers laps, Period.
            The “Light” that Jesus represents on Christmas is the period From December 21st – 25th involving the Sun.
            On December 21st the Sun descends Southward till midnight.
            For 3 days the Sun stops, it is the December Solstice. The Sun will rise on the Horizon for this 3 days.
            December 25th the Sun starts moving North = The Star Sirius, that the 3 Kings follow = Orion’s Belt to the East.
            Sirius & Orion Belt marks where the Sun will rise on December 25th, this only happens once year, these Stars travel further on the night sky then any other night during the year.

  7. For anyone who wants to study the history of the German people by (real) archaeologist work, Robert Sepehr has a beautiful website (who is a descendant of a grandfather who served in the SS Third Reich).
    Atlantean Gardens org (video’s)
    Title: Bloodline of the Serpent Seed (relates to Merovingian Dynasty)
    Title: History of the Royal Dragon Bloodline (relates to 5-6,000 years ago, sons of Noah)
    DNA Results (Robert Sepehr results, lots of fun, he goes into the history of the areas his family tree, from the results)
    Please note:
    has two of his channels, the one with the photo of him and his dog are the older ones, and easier to find.

    1. The Jews are the serpent seed – and they are not Germans.

      The mythology of the Germanic tribes and their true history tells us about heroes slaying the Dragon (the great Serpent, the Beast), always fighting Evil and resisting slavery

      1. Did you watch it? If not don’t comment. Robert Sepehr is Germanic all the way & is exposing truth by what recorded history shows the world through Anthropology & Archaeology.
        I have spent 50 years of my 60 year life chasing God & am Very capable of puzzling things others do not see. View as many that looks like it has to do with Aryan/Indo European & at the end you will see who is who & who stole what & who got it all back recently.
        This cannot be done in one day nor one week…
        P.S. your taking the Serpent out of context.

    2. O my gosh! (((They))) display openly who they truly are: Jewish Freemasonic Baphomet – Molech – Baal – Lucifer – Satan worshippers – Great pomp for their “Liz”(ard) Queen – The Serpent seed, usurpers to the throne – who want to crown their “King of the Jews” – “King of the (Jew) World (Order)” in Jerusalem…

      Their symbolism tells it all

      1. Monika & Freya & All, Last Christmas I ran into this very lovely website that had a particular video of a Nordic woman. She spoke softly as she explained the “Old World” historical mythology/symbolism. The “Goat” came up as innocent symbology, it was technically the first rein deer’s. They used to dress up like a goat before it was changed to St. Nicolas. She sung songs that were stolen from our “Old World” people. I’m sure someone remembers “Emmanuel” Christmas song. She sang it with different words. She also showed an angel blowing into a trumpet. All these things that I started having flash backs from my childhood.
        The most remarkable item she showed, where I was able to connect the dots, was an old Pagan Temple. It was small, but was designed in the manner for the winter Solstice. The doorway/window was only about one foot wide and no more than 6 foot tall. This is indeed why I have said in recent comments “I found God in a Catholic Cemetery.” What she showed is the design at the outdoor Mausoleum, here in my home town, that was Consecrated in 2005. There are 4 walls on 2 sides to equal 8. Each East side Walls meets up with the West side walls, for the 2 Solstice and the 2 Equinox to display the “Sun” through these thin doorways. They, the Catholic Church was preparing for this moment in history, we entered the “New Age” at the Summer Solstice June 2020. This only happens every 2,160 years. This is truly a “New World.” The “Old World” must be shed.” Jesus spoke “I will be with you until the end of the Age.” That’s why you don’t see the Pope wearing his “fish mitre” any longer representing Pisces. This is why in the Garden of this cemetery they put in these beautiful fountains to represent the “New Age” of Aquarius.
        P.S. Anyone know the Zodiac Cross…Iron Cross… Our ancient ancestors were brilliant. I was so excited to see all of “Atlantis” still before us. You won’t see as much as I would like you all to, but look it up, Good Shepard Catholic Cemetery: Orland Park, Illinois. (from a sky view/ on the map, hit layers and you will see “Atlantis” in the Garden.

        1. Thanks for sharing this interesting story. Another friend of mine has talked to me at length about the ages, about the 2,160 years, and our transition into Aquarius. I didn’t know that it happened in June 2020.

      2. LaVerne
        What I cannot understand – What do you mean? Do you really think that Jewish Freemasonry – Babylonian Talmudism – Luciferianism – Satanism under cover of a “New Age of Aquarius” is about creating a better world?
        Do you truly believe that?

        The slogans of the Jewish subversives, war mongers, destroyers of our world are: lat “Ordo ab Chao” (Order out of self-engineered chaos… The banksters left their program on the one dollar bill! Transgenerational planning) – “6uild 6ack 6etter” (666 is the number of the Beast, the Bible warns the Christians about), a paradise on earth (rather hell on earth) – a new “Atlantis” (self-destroyed by human hubris?)?

        The destroyers are all about destroying innocence – purity – beauty …

        The innocence of children, the purity of nature, the beauty of art, music, the harmony of all things

        They want to mutilate everything! Take away the soul – the spark of Godliness in all of creation

        Destroy the innocence of words, of symbols, of meaning… and turn everything upside down

        Bad people – destroyers have bad intentions – The fruits are bad.

        1. Freya, of course I will let Laverne speak for herself if she would like to reply to you, but I just have to say that I do not see where you are getting the idea from, that somehow she thinks that jewish Freemasonry, Talmudism, etc, is about creating a better world. You are putting words and/or ideas in her mouth, in my opinion.

          1. Monika, I am sick of it
            that *you* are intervening

            Enough said already.
            I cannot understand what LaVerne is saying – and I am asking “her*… THAT’S ALL.

          2. Freya, my astonishment (expressed in my previous short comment “wow.. really?”) was about your attitude towards me, not about any contents about religion, about Jesus, or any of that. Check your attitude please. You reprimand me for “intervening” in a conversation that is being held on my own website, and tell me you are “sick of it”. I don’t think it would be unreasonable if I should reciprocate with that same language, however I shall refrain from that.
            As for the order of comments, they don’t always appear in the order we intend, and I think it has something to do with the “reply” function. For example, I am writing this after I read your “Monika, Do you want my reply – or don’t you? You seem confused…”, but I am “replying” again to the “I’m sick of it…” comment.

        2. I find it peculiar Freya, you never answered my question “Which Christian branch have you been involved in, past & present?” Yes it matters because, 1.Satan doesn’t exist. 2. Lucifer does not exist. They both are representations of the brightest, steadiest Planets, Saturn & Jupiter, worshiped by Aryans in antiquity.
          666 is a year. & There is “No Beast.”
          The Bible is about the Creation of the Heavens & Earth, what that entails, what I’m pointing out about the movement of the 7 Celestial Bodies (Sun, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury) with the rest of the Constellations (12 Zodiac/12diciples), and how it effects the Earth.
          The Bible also covers Ethics & Law, Literature/Poetry, & History spoken through Mythology (which involves these Celestial bodies & the Constellations).
          The Bible is an overlay of 4 Ages (one age = 2,160 years) & 4 religions, Taurus=the Bull, which Moses was destroying, we were exiting, that’s what the “Exodus” was really about. Next, Aries=the Ram=Judaism, is the beginning of the “New Age” where the 10 Commandments were ushered in from the “Exodus” of the old.
          Next, Pisces=two fish=Christianity, where I believe a lot of this miss information & Blinded Faith got out of control by developing Jesus a character, that was crucified on a cross. We are dealing with Mythology of an older Mythology story, “Krishna” being repeated, and based on the December Solstice & the Southern Cross.
          But we also got Islam out of this Age of Pisces, who worship the Crescent Moon, and a man named Muhammad who is also based on an “Allegory.”
          The Bible ends with the 4th Age being ushered in, the Age we just entered June 2020, The Age of “Aquarius” is where Jesus, the “Age of Pisces” ends.
          Does not mean the “Faith” has to end, I feel it is best to keep it & evolve this information to the Source, the Light, Jesus is representation of the Sun. “Jesus is the Light.” The Bible does Not hide this, religion does, but Catholicism does Not hide this, they tried in the beginning and chose not to, mainly because our ancestors were infiltrated into the Roman Empire.
          The best jester I have is to take down the “Body” off the Cross, its gross and causes strife between Real Judaism and Christians. It also takes away the real meaning of our ancient ancestors First Christmas.
          Book of Revelation: “And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, the former things have passed away”….

  8. Presented on Forbidden Knowledge .net website
    Titled: Jim Willie Dumbest People are Being Eliminated (Howe Street is the host)
    Pertaining to the Ukraine Mop Up Operation of Davos/Cabal Money Laundering income & Trafficking Center. (37 min. in)
    42 min. in Germany needs to decide whether they will continue to commit suicide or Trade with their Russian counterpart.

  9. What is wrong with you people in the English-speaking world? Don’t you ever care? Where is YOUR protest?

    Zürich, Schweiz, 02.09.2022

    Take your mercenary soldiers (‘good boys’) and all your weaponry back home, stop occupying, enslaving us and leave us at peace!!! All the US- occupied nations who have done nothing to you want their freedom back – Leave the Middle East and continental Europe at peace!!! STOP SERVING the Jewish mass murderers – STOP SERVING the slave masters – STOP TAKING poisonous injections/bioweapons (“vaccines”)!!!

    1. The Middle East was once Aryan Nation. Perhaps that is part of the problem. They seem to have always been looking for something & the Arabs always prevented the find.

  10. Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 27.08.2022

    Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westphalen, Germany, 27.08.2022–Q&start_radio=1


    The war mongering sanctions against Russia are effectively sanctions against Germany! Imposed by the anti-German, outwardly anti-Russian Jewish overlords from behind the scenes – intended to destroy the German economy! Starvation policy! NO to forced upon poisonous injections (bioweapons)! Genocide continued… If not STOPPED…

  11. “stupid anti-Russian nonsense from the German government”

    stupid – yes
    nonsense – yes
    German government? – no, strictly speaking

    The militarily Anglo-US occupied territory called Germany has an anti-German, alien infiltrated and subverted, less or more openly vile – since 2015 increasingly destructive – Jewish dominated RED TERROR Communist regime – Since 1945 the Germans have been enslaved again, not liberated…

    The western Allied occupiers (“liberators”) have never left, they have turned Germany into a huge military base of their own. They created the EU and NATO, and the various US governments and NATO under US command keep provoking Russia…

    And everyone (who wants to know) knows by now who is in control of the US governments… The Jewish ‘deep state’ is to blame for the Jewish Coup d’etat in the Ukraine (2014), and for the provocations against Russia…

  12. Monica and Alfred, It is with great pleasure that I inform you that Catholic Scholar E. Michael Jones is writing a book on Holocaust Narrative Propaganda and will be out by the end of the year. I wish Alfred would leave Germany and come to Canada as things will get pretty bad this winter with the stupid anti-Russian nonsense from the German government. I wish you both the best.

    1. Thank you for the good news about E.Michael Jones’ upcoming book. Thank you also for your concern about Alfred. Germany is home for Alfred and his wife, and Canada is not exactly a place to run to these days anyway. There is nowhere to run, so we stay where we are and fight the beast, resist their shenanigans, and live our lives. We wish you all the best as well.

    2. My understanding is that Dr. Jones is collaborating with another writer. Jones talks about the propaganda narrative and the other writer focuses on the actual historical events of Europe and the world during that period. Hopefully more and more people will be open to the truth as they awaken to the deceptions of our own times. In the long run the truth always prevails over the lies.

      Dr. Jones talked about his book during this interview with Jim Rizoli. The actual interview begins just after the 7 minute mark in the link below

      1. Very good, perhaps than it will come out loud & clear that the “Cross was empty” & Dr. Jones can stop babbling on about “the Jews killed Christ”
        Then this “tit for tat” about the “Holocaust” can come to its end.

    3. “…things will get pretty bad this winter…”


      We need peaceful and determined protests in the streets everywhere, on all continents to turn the tide. What are the PEOPLE waiting for? To be led like “sheeple” to the slaughter by the UN-WHO-WEF-Schwab-Fauci-Gates etc big pharma mafia criminals? Capitalists and Communists at the same time who want to monopolize all the resources of the world, greedily devour all the wealth and dispossess everybody else, empoverish and starve the masses to death… and/ or “vaccinate” to death…

      Albstadt, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 28.08.2022

      Wuppertal, Nordrhein-Westphalen, Germany, 28.08.2022

      Dessau, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, 28.08.2022–Q&start_radio=1

      The Germans are being fed up with being slaughtered/holocausted… at least they keep showing RESISTANCE (and self-irony: “Früher hatten wir Ehre und Stolz, heute haben wir Habeck und Scholz” – “Earlier we had honor and pride, today we have (puppets like) Habeck and Scholz”)

    4. Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany, 28.08.2022

      Nürnberg, Bayern, Germany, 29.08.2022–Q&start_radio=1

      Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany, 29.08.2022

      Pforzheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 29.08.2022

      … … and more to come

      How did the (((international mafia criminals))) stop the grassroots Yellow Vests movement in France?

      (((They))) launched their long pre-planned global “Covid” scamdemic… and managed to shut down the whole world! Incredible.

      The same lockdowns and police terror again in the coming autumn and winter? For the third time and year? Inconceivable, right?

      Most people won’t take the monstrous lies any longer… and there will be open revolt against the mass murder madness…THE RED LINE.

    5. LaVerne – Why do you bring up – in a controversial way – what Monika prefers not to have discussed on her blog?

      Jesus Christ was murdered by his worst enemies, the Talmudists, the Synagogue of Satan (historical fact).

      The same haters who call themselves ‘Jews’ today (fact)

      JEWS who certainly did not “invent” who and what is totally different and alien to their inner nature, the polar opposite… and who and what is most hated by them…(fact)

      JEWS ARE THE VERY ONES who have always insinuated themselves on the white people who happen to be mostly Christians – never the other way around (fact)

      TO AVOID the haters of Josuah, the Christ – TO LIVE APART from the Jews – was the advice given to his followers. Certainly the best advice (fact)

      Why would you not avoid having anything to do with the haters of God, the haters of everything good and beautiful – who call it their “religion” to subvert and totally destroy the non-Jews!

      A death cult – all about destroying the Christian communities, societies, nations, the whole white Christian civilization, wreck the individual lives of all non-Jews, not only of Christians. All the others come next in line (facts)

      To maime, kill, EXTERMINATE them all. Global mass murder genocide and totalitarian enslavement is the Jewish “religion” (fact)

      The Satanic Jews like to call their murderous endeavors “REVENGE”

      Revenge for what?

      “Revenge” for the refusal of non-Jews to be enslaved, extorted and terrorized by Jews… The Jewish insanity, hatred and greed for power keeps ripping the world apart!

      (Monika – you may or may not publish my reply – Enough said already)

      1. Oh Dear Freya, I’m not bringing up anymore then a response to Amos, which Amos was a response to Monika & Papasha, which the subject was Dr. Micheal Jones book on Holocaust Narrative Propaganda. I know his work well & like his work for the most part, but if you knew his work, you then would know what I am referring to. We cannot continue with this ridiculous accusations without evidence, that’s why this “tit for tat” needs to end on both sides, Holocaust Narrative=Jews killed Jesus Narrative, & who gets injured in real time are the Germans & Russians. Know your history in the past 1,000 years & you will know why the Germans & the Russians. Know your history over 2,000 years ago & you will see an “Empty Cross.”

    6. “… the “cross was empty” & Dr Jones can stop babbling on about “the Jews killed Christ”. Then this “tit for tat” about the Holocaust can come to an end” (LaVerne)

      Such a choice of words is “not anymore than a response” (LaVerne) to what was written before?

      Sorry – I don’t think so. It is more like the opening of a can of worms (disrespectful, unclear, confusing)

      But you are right, I am not familiar with Dr M. Jones’ work. You claim to know his writings – why then didn’t you make yourself clear? Factual information would have been helpful…

      What exactly do you mean to say?
      Do you claim that Jesus Christ did NOT DIE on the cross (“cross was empty”)?

      We know about the various fictitious stories about Jesus Christ wandering to India… and/or France… establishing the dynasty of the Merovingian kings by marrying Mary Magdalene… and some even claim that Jesus wandered the green pastures of England… And even America!!! That’s the fictitious story invented by the Freemasonic founder of the Mormon sect… The founding of “churches” as lucrative business ventures is very American.

      Certainly not what Dr M.Jones’ work is about.

      What do you mean? Do you claim that the Talmudic Satanic temple priests and pharasees (called “Jews” today) did NOT KILL Jesus? (“Dr Jones can stop babbling about the Jews killed Christ”)

      What do you mean by “tit for tat”?
      Do you mean to say that the so called (six million) Holocaust (which the Jews claim did happen) was “tit” (revenge) for “tat” (the killing of Jesus Christ)? This would be an absurd way to see things.

      So – what do you mean by “ridiculous accusations”?
      Jesus Christ was murdered by those who call themselves “Jews”. This is by no means “ridiculous”. It is a factual statement. Simply the truth.

      No evidence for a “six million holocaust of Jews” has ever been found and/or presented in a court of law. Such accusations are not only ridiculous, they are evil.

      “Know your history…and you will see an empty cross” (LaVerne)
      Again – what do you mean?
      Why don’t you say right away?

    7. LaVerne – That is one of the differences between the two of us – I guess – We both “have been chasing God” – seeking the truth… a desperate, painstaking journey – For me most important have been certain spiritual experiences – the answers I got spoken into the heart

      1. Freya, the answer I got was spoken through my mind, soul & spirit.
        I found the last piece to the puzzle, the Sun Solstices and Equinoxes. As I said in a comment more recently, I found God in a Catholic Cemetery, that was consecrated in 2005. The garden and outdoor mausoleum clearly was built to dedicate it to the New Age of Aquarius. It made me cry in joy, the beauty and skill that surrounds the the walls and fountain’s was well planned out. This is without a doubt who we are, Pagan/Polytheism, Sun worshipers. It makes no difference to me if folks want to believe in Monotheism and cover it up by a Christ figure belonging to the Trinity, which makes it Polytheism.
        I found joy that our ancient ancestors knowledge & skill still lives on, and that many are still awake and keeping track of Time.

        1. LaVerne,
          when I say answers spoken to the ‘heart’ I mean to say what I experienced hit home right to the center of my existence, and I replied wholeheartedly, with all of my existence (mind, body, and soul / spirit) There was a time in my life when I screamed to God to give me a sign… which I would not be able to doubt… and I was given more than one of those signs impossible to tear them apart… “Three witnesses” (very biblical) spoke to me, totally independant from each other. They knew nothing about me, nothing about my inner struggle – and the messages they gave me were spot on – as if coming from ‘someone’ who knows me very well. So – I am talking about conviction not only about “belief” in what we cannot see nor grasp… I was STUNNED, in total awe. And I still am when remembering. Nothing and nobody can take that away.

          1. Freya, I came to my place in the same manner, (sort of speak). Just because our roads had different curves does not mean only one is correct.
            At the end of the road, they really have led to the same existence. How we choose to acknowledge the “Source” of our existence, makes no difference to me.

          1. Too funny. I fixed it, Laverne. When I originally read your comment, one eye brow went up but I glossed over it thinking that maybe my knowledge about these things is just not deep enough.

    8. LaVerne – I have watched the Sepehr videos you recommended

      The human race is the fallen race – Paradise lost through the original sin… rebellion/disobedience to God’s law… destructive and self-destructive…

      There is much more to say…
      Only this – most striking…

      These creatures are certainly NOT Germans… They are JEWS – AshkeNAZI-Khasar and/or Sephardic. Their “holy books” are the Satanic rabbinical teachings of the Babylonian Talmud – leading straight to hell. The polar opposite to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, about how to find the narrow path back home to God…

      The “Jewish nation” is not a nation per definition. They are NOT a people of one homogenous race, they are a racial mixture of all different races and peoples they have infested themselves in – That is the reason why you can find Jews with blond hair and blue eyes. Jews steal everything from others, even genetics to hide even better among their host populations.

      Jews hate Germans, Christians, in extension all white people, and have repeatedly and openly proclaimed their goal to EXTERMINATE us all.

      The worst HATE SPEECH ever is of Jewish origin – leading to wars and mass murder genocides Jews are responsible for.

      1. LaVerne
        to conclude our discussion …
        Some random thoughts –
        You came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ never existed, and demand proof.

        I mentioned the fact that I got the proof I needed – answers to my prayers – spiritual experiences involving three other persons – ‘witnesses’, all three were men – two of them had dreams telling them to give me specific messages, the third ‘saw’ what would happen before it happened and he told me about it, all things involving me individually! The messages I got were incredibly specific, and for me the proof which convinced me of God’s existence, the God Jesus taught about.

        LaVerne – Proven Jewish liars, false witnesses have ‘testified’ that a “Holocaust of the European Jews” did happen – Forensic evidence is proof to the contrary.

        Christians are not free of lies either, of error, of sin. The error runs deep in the Christian churches. The subversive forces have been extremely successful. The wars among Christians are the Jews’ harvest. Jews are the planners and profiteers.

        The difference is – There are lots of reliable Christian witnesses who are not liars! They even gave their lives for their conviction (more than belief).

        Why do you think Jews HATE Jesus and the Christians so much – that they want to EXTERMINATE them all?

        Do you think the Jews hate to the death something which is ‘purely fictitious’, something which is un-real? A ‘Jew-invented phantom’ haunting them, preventing their ultimate success (hell on earth).

        Jesus promised to be with us till the end of the ages, and he warned of the adversary

        1. Freya, you are Still missing my point, I am emphasizing that there is No evidence that the Jews are responsible for a “Crucifixion” of a Christ man named Jesus. Hence the Mythology of “Krishna” is the Same Parable as Jesus, without the Crucifixion.
          Why do you need a bloody body hanging on a cross…and blame a group of people for putting him there?
          What is important is the Message of the teachings of Christ.
          Time for you to get into some real “Leg” work & Sit in a Pew, before you continue to defend this subject. (no sarcasm intended)

          1. LaVerne
            There is not the room for such extensive discussions.

            You mention here what I have never mentioned before, and certainly not in the sense you insinuate by saying:

            “Why do you need a bloody body on a cross… and blame a group of people for putting him there?” (LaVerne)

            I don’t “need” any of that. Jesus teachings are the most important. Agreed.

            Don’t you know who “needed” Jesus Christ dead? Who wanted him tortured to death for speaking the truth – For opposing the synagogue of Satan…

            Jesus spoke about the end of the ages…

            certainly not about the “age of Pisces” and a following “age of Aquarius”

            He promised to stay with us FOR EVER. He promised to send his Holy Spirit to guide us – and he is the same now as he was back then.

          2. Hope you have “Church” cloths. It’s disrespectful to enter a temple in slippers or pajamas or even jeans.
            I have vested time & energy in the Lutheran church as well. When I was a teenager I babysat for a friend my mother worked with. I had spent the summer there and went to the Lutheran church with the mother & her 4 children. Good people, the Pastor did the ceremony when I married my German friend in 1981.
            Anyways, No Time to Waste, which Christian denomination will you begin your journey to collect real insight….

          3. LaVerne & all
            “Ich bin der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben” – “I am the way, the truth and the life” is a genuine Jesus word

            The movement of his followers was called ‘The way’ (back to God).

            Following Jesus’ example by taking up one’s cross is the hardest way… the only way – to salvation – It is not any easier – if you take Jesus word for it.

            Everybody knows that who dares to speak and defend the truth in public, against all odds…

            “Die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen”, “The truth will set you free”… is another genuine word spoken by Jesus, and promise given

            If the leaders, the ‘shephards’ of the herd had never forgotten to ask for guidance = to pray ON THEIR KNEES for enlightenment through the Holy Spirit… (you may finish the sentence yourself /yourselves)

            …and his apostles asked who could be saved…

            …and the reformer Martin Luther asked for mercy… God’s mercy is needed… or else most are lost – cannot make it.

            What the ‘churches’ made of it is of a completely different cloth, subverted, turned on its head… Talmudic-Satanic!

            What is holy gets desecrated – “drag queen” perverts get invited to drag everybody into the abyss…

          4. Freya, with the holidays coming, now is a good time to experience a Roman Catholic Mass. No other denomination I have witnessed can beat a Choir at a Strong European Mass, especially their Holiday Masses. They provide on the eve of, as well. Get their early for a seat, the regular parishioners deserve respect.
            Like I’ve said, Not all faith’s have fallen to the “Drag Queen, Homo marriage & abortion pro choice garbage”
            Get out the door & experience some Music with ancient Traditions.
            Sincerely LaVerne

          5. Dear LaVerne
            three months to go – The Adventszeit starts on the first Sunday of December

            Christmas songs are full of joy


            The demonic forces have evil plans, they always bring lots of drama, harm and sorrow.

            They celebrate “Hanukkah”, the historic massacres of non-Jews, of Christians –

            while Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Messiah and Saviour, most hated by Jews.

            The contrast could not be more gross – not more bizarre.

          6. So your one of those Christians Freya, that are angry at Jews for Not excepting the New Mythology of Jesus Christ figure, by combining all the Roman/Greek Gods into one religion, called Christianity…
            I myself prefer Roman Catholicism because it has, without a doubt, preserved the Ancient Knowledge of our roots that stem to “Atlantis.”
            It is also embedded in our Sacraments, traditions/customes, our Art work, Cathedrals, of our Aryan Race, known as European’s today.
            “Put down your Sword” Freya, & Start enjoying what “Christ” is to Represent.
            Your Germanic Christmas songs are indeed full of Joy, Beautiful. That’s what the Season is about.

        2. P.S No, to your last sentence, Jesus promised to be with us till the end of the “Age” (that they were in, Pisces)
          Also Freya, I wouldn’t be pushing so hard if I didn’t see this connection between the Jews & Christians, as being the underlying problem since the inception of this alleged crime.
          It’s been a problem in the Germanic Tribe as well, what do you think the 30 year war was all about that brought in “Lutheran”

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