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Recently a registered letter came to me via Canada Post from the Green Party of Alberta. This is a separate political entity from the Green
This article had been prepared in DRAFT form on my old website on January 10th, ready to publish the next morning. Alas, the censorship world
It is a work in progress and there is much yet to be done. But I would like to let the readers know that the
4 Responses
Welcome back, Monika! My prayers — I regret, not those of many if any of my family or friends — were with you from the get-go. May Alfred also emerge vibrant and alive, despite the ordeal. I note that AT was somewhat of a “pitbull” in advocating and working on your behalf. He even snapped at me, not knowing I had contributed to HIS legal defense before. Not to worry, no offense taken. GOD bless and keep you and Alfred with us, healthy, wise, and free of persecution.
Thank you Alan!
Monika is a heroic woman. One in a billion.
Sehr spannendes Interview.. Compose/play a song “Holocaust Breakdown”!
Merry Christmas, happy new year!