We are in a war. It is not a war of our choosing, but we find ourselves in it. We had better recognize that fact if we are to survive the full-on assault against Europeans and people of European decent worldwide. “World War Two” did not end in 1945 just because the bombs stopped dropping.

I had the great pleasure of spending the better part of an hour discussing the critical issues of our time in the context of our falsely taught history with Eddie Miller on Blood River Radio. Click on the following link to listen.
20 Responses
dear sparrow – God bless
Thank you, Monika – if the heart is full it flows over…
and I have some more (apology if too lengthy)
A long list of errors about Christianity – too long to remain unchallenged here – I’ll keep it as “short” as possible:
1st error: It’s not the gospel of Jesus which does any harm – It’s falsified doctrine, subverted churches, human error, intentional subversion by Jewish operatives who hate Jesus Christ and his true followers
The subverted churches don’t preach and don’t live Jesus’ gospel but Communism/Cultural Marxism about “Buntheit”, “Vielfalt”/”diversity” destroying the true diversity of nature, nations, races, cultures – Jewish slogans, Jewish lies, Jewish deception aiming at destruction
2nd error: Christianity is not a “Jewish sect” – First of all, Jesus himself was not a “Jew”, he was an Israelite of the royal tribe of Judah, the House of David – “Jew”/”Jewish” and “Judah” are not the same, don’t mean the same!!!
3rd error: For Christians i.e. the followers of Jesus are his teachings (NT) the decisive part of the Bible – Apart from the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule nothing is of major importance of the Old Testament – The OT contains truly abhorrent stories and teachings – I would say completely alien to the inner nature of the Germans/Germanic tribes and unacceptable – and I mean the better part of that nature
4th error: Therefore it’s certainly not true – and cannot be said that “Every Christian is in fact a Jew!” In fact, the polar opposite!!! That’s why Jews HATE Christians. Jews HATE and REJECT Jesus Christ and his followers, especially the true ones.
5th error: The milliards of Christians are not foremost (if at all – exceptions mentioned above) supporters of the Old Testament (OT). The New Testament (NT) is central to the Christian belief. The New Covenant between God and his people, his chosen ones. Only God knows what’s in the heart…”Viele sind berufen, nur wenige auserwählt!”
6th error: The Jews don’t have this amount of political influence BECAUSE OF Christianity but they have sought political influence and power THROUGH the western white Christian nations because there was the power center – and the Christian belief is the religion of the white people – and in order to gain power over the white nations to destroy them from within, the Jews had to destroy the churches from within and to contaminate the source of spiritual wisdom: the gospel of Jesus Christ – The Jews concentrate their subversive efforts on the nations of the white race (but not exclusively) because the Whites have been the leaders, the creators of most of the civilization we now live in (for the better and worse), and the Jews as a unified destructive force have played a nefarious role as destroyers in all of this – by planning and instigating two world wars and permanent war ever since – the international Zionist, Communist Jews interrupted and destroyed our timeline, the positive trajectory the white race and all of humanity was on, we could have developed to a true light onto the world – if it hadn’t been for the Jews, their hate, envy, viciousness and greed for global power.
7th error: Not the Christian churches teach that “the Jews are the Chosen Ones” – that’s what the Jewish rabbis teach… and they mean worldly power – global rule – that’s what Satan promises…
Again: The New Testament – The New Covenant is at the center of the Christian belief. Jesus taught that God, our father, calls those who belong to HIM, they can hear HIS voice and follow HIM, they are obedient to HIS teachings – spiritual discernment – nothing about “inclusion” of Talmudic Satanic Jewish perversions (L-G-B-T-Q-P) and destructiveness, nothing about “tolerance” towards the intolerable – The opposite: Set apart!
8th error: The Jewish influence and power over Muslim countries is not less than in white Christian countries. One exception left: Iran. That’s why the Talmudic Jews (all of them?) want to use the white shabbos goys (USA/EU) to wage war against Iran to make them destroy one another, and plunder all of Iran’s wealth. They want to do to Iran what they did to Zsarist Russia and the German Reich. Destroy the country and kill as many people as possible. It’s all about global power.
9th error: Jews hate the Muslims who are in their way (Palestine, Israel’s Arab neighbor states) but they like to use them as weapons against the Christians, all white countries by flooding them with Muslims – the cooperation between the Jews and the Muslims in Germany is excellent… Jewess Merkel opened the doors into Europe for the Muslim invasion… Jews opened the doors for the Moors into Spain…
It’s very likely that Mohammed himself was a Jew – Islam is very similar to the Babylonian Talmud. Mohammed copied Talmudic teachings, had Talmudic “advisers”, his ties to the Jewish Talmudic community in Medina was strong… The House of Saud are crypto-Jews posing as Muslims, the most fanatical version of “Islam” is Wahabism – an ideology not about peace but global conquest and submission, slavery – very Jewish, Talmudic indeed…posing as “religion”
10th error: The Christian belief does not promote race mixing! To stay apart, to keep among one’s own people is the natural order – There is nothing wrong with “apartheid” – only Jewish propaganda said so to destroy white South Africa – Race mixing happened in biblical times as there were different peoples living in the not too distant neighborhood – but race mixing was forbidden for the Israelites, a religious commandment – and the Christians didn’t race mix either – the Germans did not – every family is proud of their German “Stammbaum” – the problem didn’t arise that much as it does now when distance does not keep the different races apart (e.g. nowadays ten-hour flights from Sansibar et cetera to Germany are no problem when all the bills are paid by the nation targeted for destruction through miscegenation)
11th error: That the Christian belief is not exclusive but universal is not the reason for race mixing. The Christian belief is about healing, salvation not about destruction – race mixing means destruction of one’s bloodline… no good…
12th error: “Christianity is egocentric as the individual finds only his or her salvation in the afterworld.” (what kind of illogical nonsense is that!?) – Christianity is individualistic and universal at the same time – the individual has highest esteem as has the community – one’s own nation and the universal community of mankind – if we were all Christians subservient to God… not greedy for power to subjugate others as Jesus taught – world peace could be secured…
13th error: “This kind of religious belief is a huge poison for building up a National community” What kind of religious belief? Obviously, you have no inkling what the true Christian belief is about – there are no people in the world who are more socially-minded, more altruistic than Christians – totally white communities are high trust communities, virtually zero crime rate – This kind of strong national cohesion has been systematically destroyed by the subversive Jews by destroying the sovereign nation states and white homogenous nations by taking away all protection -> slavery! genocide!
14th error: “The Christian morale creates guilt complex” – Having a conscience and the feeling of guilt (sin, of having done something wrong) can be exploited by those who are greedy for power and financial extortion by infusing a false guilt complex, fear (failure of the subverted Roman Catholic church “Ablasshandel” which led to Luther’s Reformation – falsified Jewish version of WW1+2 to create a false German guilt complex)
However, the solution to that problem cannot be: throw your conscience over board! Christians are not Jews! They have conscience and care. Not only for themselves, for aliens too. However, the Golden Rule does not allow for what is being done by the churches and governments now! You don’t love yourself when you don’t protect and defend your own family, nation, country. No nation can live without safe borders. “No nation/s – No borders” is a Jewish slogan aiming at destruction, not a Christian one.
15th error: The church asylum was a last resort for innocent victims (of injustice) Everything good can be exploited. Should that be reason enough to abolish everything good? That would be absurd. Ergo: The church asylum is not such a big problem, the Jewish usurpers of the governments of white countries are the huge problem. They break all the laws, change the law, bring in bad Talmudic (Sharia) law.
16th error: Christianity is not responsible that “the majority of prison inmates are blackamoors and Arabs” – Is is not true that “these criminal people are only in our country as many Germans consider themselves as Christian and therefore they are indoctrinated with the Christian guilt complex which brings them to accept these criminal people in our country”
Nobody has ever asked the Germans, the Christians before the Jewess A.Merkel took away all border protection (2015) by breaking all the laws in place. Neither anti-German, Jewish politics nor criminal invaders are accepted by anybody! The Jewish tyranny is forced upon the Germans (who are way too patient, and the growing furor may well erupt eventually). “Refugees Welcome” is Jewish propaganda. It equals “Jews for White Genocide!” The German women’s reply is: “RAPEFUGEES NOT WELCOME!”, “WE WILL NEVER FORGET” (Cologne, WW2 etc)
17th error: “Moreover Christianity is very similar to communism” (total nonsense!) – No, Communism is the opposite of Christianity/of how a Christian community should be organized. Communism deceives the people, the laborers – promises freedom, the “classless society”, and delivers despotism, slavery, poverty, the abolishment of private property, compulsory collectivism, the suppression of all opposition, mass murder of dissidents…
18th error: “the Christian belief refuses a hierarchy and therefore Christianity is actually against a civilized sovereign State as a State can only work if a specific order of precedence exists” (total BS) – White Christian societies have always had a hierarchy – a king, an emperor, the ruling elite – the government is always on top (right?) – the problem is bad government… bad rulers – bad puppet-politicians in present-day demoncracy/plutocracy
19th error: “Moreover Christianity is full of altruism which leads to the situation that Christians have more empathy to criminal bogus asylum seekers than to their own nation so that the afflux of Africans to Germany and to the rest of Europe will be promoted by Christians which you can see in the slogan “Refugees welcome” of brainwashed Christian people.”
Altruistic people can build strong cohesive, homogenous communities, egocentric people can’t. Altruism can be exploited as all good values can be exploited – and they are being exploited. And that’s the reason why the Christians, the Christian churches (the authorities) are being used, exploited, seduced into self-destructive behavior. “To become agents of their own destruction” according to the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, of Talmudic Jewish rabbis (hell bent to destroy the old Russia and all white nations by meticuously working out the methods of doing so)
20th error: “All in all we can say: in the first step we have to liberate us mental and spiritual of the Jewish doctrine which can only be successful by liberating us from the Christian morality which we can obviously recognize in the guilt complex.”
The Christian belief i.e. the teachings of Jesus is not a “Jewish doctrine” as he was not a “Jew”.. It’s the opposite of all Jewish – Talmudic – Satanic – Satanism/Luciferianism – Judaism – Jesus opposed the Talmudic rabbis and pharisees, he called them liars, hypocrites, the Synagogue of Satan – They were the ones who sentenced him to death in the Sanhedrin and tortured and crucified him. And most Jews (Ashkenazis) don’t follow the Mosaic law, they are converts to Talmudic Judaism – bloodthirsty, genocidal, no conscience.
The Christian morality is not about a guilt complex.
21st error: (deutscher landsmann) How do you know where Alfred’s inner strength stems from? You think he is “connected to the spiritual power of the German gods”? Might well be – however, in a deeper spiritual Christian sense…
You have a gift Freya…and it blesses me. That’s the difference between jews and Christians. Hopefully there is coming a great revival of the true Christian belief, walk and life without the usurping of all that is evil. Even though the USA (my nation) is called a Christian nation I just smh because of the great falling away that has been caused by all jewish takeover in every aspect of life as we know it. The accurate way to describe the USA now is quite the opposite which includes self, selfish gain and all the evils that go with it Jesus warned us about. Thank you for your words of accuracy in the spirit of Truth. God bless.
Dear David Westerlund et all,
let me tell you something about what I’ve experienced quite recently. We happen to have more and more dark brown skinned and black people here in the city where I live in – an unusual sight until “quite lately” (2015) – but the “new normal” if the organizers of German and White Genocide cannot be stopped – and if we won’t manage to repatriate all these men and women too, with always two and more children – back to their own homelands. We will be drowned if this is not stopped and reversed.
I talk to these mostly young men/women whenever the situation arises – and we have had quite interesting conversations. They understand very well where I am coming from – and that it is nothing personal when I tell them that they don’t belong here and that they should live in their own homelands, build them, live their own culture, marry women/men of their own race, and have children who look like them.
I ask them where they come from, how they came here, what they are doing – and I explain to them for what reason they are being brought here. The numerous Jewish Zionist plans to EXTERMINATE the German people and all white nations by two world wars and now by flooding the white countries only (a one-way road) with multi-ethnic migrants from all over the world and heavily propagated race mixing. An agenda of genocide. Nothing “humanitarian” about it. Anti-German politics by the Jewish usurpers of the German government. Germany and the Germans (survivors of the HOLOCAUST & GENOCIDE of WW2), an occupied and enslaved country and people since 1945.
They are Blacks and they are Muslims – and it is possible to have civil, decent conversations. At least with some of them who are diligent enough to have learnt German or speak English, or both.
They come from all over Africa – Senegal, Mali, Somalia, Mozambique, Sansibar, Tschad, Eritrea – to name a few. And there are the Arabs from North Africa – Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Egypt, and the Middle East – Syria, Iraq, Libanon, Palestine, and lots of Turks from Turkey. The Turkish men are the most arrogant ones who think that Germoney already belongs to them, as a Turkish colony. And there are the Indians, the Chinese, the Vietnamese, Pakestanis, Kurds, and the peoples from the Balkans… and more and more American Blacks who came over as military personell and want to stay here for good.
They all enjoy living in the rebuilt Germany very much… all enjoying a better life than before… Three of them black young adults said they intend to go back to their homelands after finishing their study (IT, textile industry) or apprenticeship (as an auto mechanic). The Turks say they will leave Germany only if it should be bombed into ruins again… They don’t care about Germany at all, only about themselves and how they can profiteer from the Germans in whatever way possible. I’ve mentioned it before, they called me “Nazi” for stating that Germany is the homeland of the German people. The boredom of hearing these trigger words endlessly repeated makes me yawn… and I ridiculed them for the stupidity of using that word, for even trying to insult me – and it was them who got silenced.
All these invaders have a homeland to go back to – the Germans won’t have a homeland of their own if they allow themselves to be robbed of the only one they have left. They will be made homeless and more violently suppressed as they are now. The fate the Jews want for all of us Whites.
David, You know, I wished all these invaders would leave – simply GO AWAY – if possible as friends – although quite frankly, they don’t behave as such – they behave like “bloodsuckers”, they take whatever they can from the country and the German people but they don’t give anything worthwhile in return (always a one-way road) They have the chance to stay here for years, to learn and study here (for free, at the expense of the German tax payer slaves), or do business here – and they ought to leave eventually to start a better life in their own countries – and refrain from any plans of take over and genocide.
But most of them don’t want to leave. Never. They say so. They claim to be the “new Germans” now… triumphantly waving a “BRD” identity card. That’s a very strange sight – Blacks and other aliens claiming to be Germans! They are so serious about it, and it’s so platantly ridiculous. But they do understand very well when I explain to them in no uncertain terms that they will always belong to the African tribes, to whatever nations they were born into. And that they don’t belong to any Germanic tribe, and never will – nothing “discriminatory” about it. Just a matter of fact.
It’s obvious, the indoctrination they have all received. They are parrotting the same Jewish Freemasonic Communist “Antifa” slogans: “We are all the same”, “We are all human beings” bla bla – My reply: No, we are not the same, we are all very different human beings who live best among their own kind, in their own homelands. Mixing all races, nations and cultures together destroys them, foremost the white race, the white Christian civilization and the others too (in the longer run). And they do understand and they know perfectly well beforehand who the perpetrators are – behind the permanent wars in the Middle East, the conflicts in Africa (South Africa! Somalia etc), who was behind the slave trade into America, and they know who keeps bringing them into Europe, into all white countries now: The international Jews. They are well aware of the JQ. At least those I’ve talked to so far. Some want to meet again, talk more, learn more. But I leave it at that. Only the Syrian man I’ve met more often – we ran into each other in the library several times. We have had serious talks about the ideology of Islam (why Islam cannot belong to Germany).
No need to be unfriendly, just straighforward and clear. It’s much appreciated – and ought to be done officially, before starting the repatriation. A matter of bureaucracy following the principle “the last in, the first out”. No threats needed, just efficiency. No false leniency. It’s about white genocide, and how to stop the nefarious plans of the genocidal Jews. The truth must be talked about openly and acted upon accordingly. Everyone can do that, and ought to do that. If not, it’ll be hell on earth for white people. The Whites are the slaves – exploited to the maximum – and it needs to stop.
What the criminal, genocidal Jews do ALL THE TIME is not only hate speech (by using weaponized trigger words – grossly offensive) heaping hatred on their political opponents (nationalists, patriots, Christians, Whites in general), they are guilty of the most serious crimes (libel, ritual defamation, the most outrageous lies, hate and atrocity propaganda ganging up the world on the German people twice, instigating WW1+2, to EXTERMINATE us – now using Third World mass immigration into Germany and all white countries – for CONTINUED GENOCIDE, now by replacement migration and heavily propagated miscegenation) Crimes punishable by law, and certainly not protected by the right to free speech! War by proxy – the Allies were used to do the raping, the plundering and the mass murder. And now the Muslim hordes and the Black hordes are being used to destroy all nations of the white race, to totally “ABOLISH THE WHITE RACE” (Jewish Zionist, Harvard Prof Noel Ignatiev – to name only one of many such Jewish voices)
The Jews have ANNOUNCED it. “We must take the Jews seriously!” (the judge to Alison Jabloz)
Yes, indeed.
i.e. this can only mean that we must expose the Jewish lies and crimes by whatever means possible – in order to stop the perpetrators of genocide and global enslavement. Alison says it’s “bad law”, yes, it is. We have bad (Talmudic – Sharia) law and bad “anti-pandemic” rules – bad law, bad rules, bad results – tyranny not a free society – and our PROTEST & RESISTANCE is against the Jewish tyranny – locally and globally.
PS: Have you ever been called “racist”? My asking completely normal questions was labelled “racist” by some “Antifa” neo-Trotskyite (I had already run into him before – he might be a Jew) who was suddenly there like a Jack-out-of-the-box, impudent enough to interrupt the conversation I had struck up with a pair of black people, a woman and a man at an art vernissage – the artists. As I don’t allow myself be labelled and insulted with a weaponized word invented by Bronstein alias Trotsky, the Jewish mass murderer, slaughterer of the Russian people, one of the usurpers of the Russian government (1917), he ran off again when confronted with these facts… These “Antifa” types know all too well why they follow the rule: Don’t debate…! They know nothing to say. Interesting the question why he was there at all, and I realized that this “art cafe” was something else – a camouflaged trap by Communist agitators not a normal art exhibition And these same Jewish agitators use an outwardly German cultural institution (“accidentally” right in the neighborhood of the synagogue) as one of their many tools to bring in all these aliens from Africa and all over the world (labelled “Kulturaustausch”, effectively a hub for Communist subversive activities, anti-German indoctrination) to use these foreigners for mutilating the German culture and ancient heritage. During the summer a play (“Odin’s Song”) about Germanic mythology was displayed by CHINESE actors – simply horrible… nothing Germanic about it at all… the words which repeatedly come to mind are: MUTILATION… THEFT… IDENTITY THEFT… ALIENATION. The PLAGUE – the real pandemic, the infestation with a truly deadly “virus” we are all suffering from is now being buried under a fabricated one. Only the totally blind cannot see the obvious. The TYRANNY is no longer hidden. The slaves can’t even breathe any more behind the mandated masks… muzzles telling them “Keep your mouths shut!” The people being made sick… are getting sick of it – and when the pressure gets too high, the whole thing will explode, and the tyrants will be wiped away by their own doing.
Thank you so much Freya, for this most excellent letter! Please, everyone, read this.
The trouble with most folks today is that they have no clue what Christianity really is. The jew has infiltrated and subverted all the so-called churches, mainstream and otherwise, and totally shipwrecked the meaning of Christian. Most of today’s so-called “Christians” are a sorry bunch who neither know Christ nor his teachings. Christ himself was the most vocal against the jew, but how many who call themselves “Christian” even know that today? To lump every Christian into the same package is the same as what the jews do to every German!
And to say that Christian morality is somehow evil is even to deny the good that Hitler did. Did he not bring Germany back from the cesspool of iniquity into which it had fallen, and return it to the purifying influence of Christian morality? Yes.
Dear Canadian Wildflower,
I do know very well that religion belief, sex and nutrition are the most personal topics of everyone.
However in my eyes it is important to make a research of the causation why the still existing war against us Germans and the whole white race is so strong.
And due to my opinion the main reason is the huge political influence of Jewish and Zionist organisations. So we have to ask us in the next step how could the political Jewish influence become so influential? And for answering that question it makes in my eyes sense to ask in which countries Jewish organisations have political influence? And you can observe that the biggest Jewish influence is in all countries where Christians are in the majority. And to avoid misunderstandings I mean with Christian not only members of Churches but all people who have a spiritual connection to the Christian moral values.
And this makes sense to me as mentioned before the bible consists than more of 80 percent of the old testament which is exactly the Jewish Tora. Therefore every Christian who believes in the bible believes also in the Jewish mosaic laws. And this spiritual connection between Christianity and Judaism is in my eyes the main causation how Zionist organisations were able to strengthen in Christian countries their political influence which is used to continue the ongoing war against us Germans and the whole white race.
Your comment to Hitler I have a different opinion than you: actually National Socialism was not Christian but it was a pagan worldview which was nothing but the practical implementation of Nietzsche’s philosophy. Just take a look to the activities of the Hitler youth or the whole German architecture in the Third Empire with splendid Germanic figures of light or the pagan solstice celebrations of the Hitler youth!
The only reason I can see for the Christian religious denomination of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party is not splitting and endangering the intention to create a unified German ethnic community.
You can observe in our communication only in this blog how fast you can split people who have more or less the same political goals. Adolf Hilter and his party were probably aware of this danger as they knew that the most part of Germans were spiritually connected with the Christian belief. Therefore thy tried to find agreements with the churches such as “German Christs”. Adolf Hitler and his party had so many enemies abroad that they coundn afford to begin a spiritual and political fight with Christians who were in the majority in the former National Socialist German same as today. Therefore I believe the Christian denomination was the attempt to get a pragmatic solution with the churches and especially with all Christian believers except the Jehovah’s Witnesses who endangered with their strict belief in Bible Hitler’s plan to unify the German people.
Moreover you can also check teaching material of the SS where you can read that Christian belief caused a racial mixture which lead to the destruction of racial values and populaces. So in that literature you can see that the Nationalist movement did recognize the risks of the Christian morality.
In case we want to continue that important topic I believe it would be better to find another platform. Maybe we can write to David Westerlund´ s address for not “overcharging” Monika’s website with that topic. You agree?
I can also connect you on email, if Canadian Wildflower agrees to it. But I don’t mind the conversation to be here, as it is a very important and a very interesting conversation. I know that there are many truth-seeking good people on both (or several) sides of this argument.
Yes, I agree that this platform is not really the place to continue such a ponderous topic. 😊 Thank you for replying to my comment.
That was a great segment. Alfred is one tough determined man. He is a great leader even from where he is. You are doing a lot of good Monika.
The jews have been trying to “kill God” in all of us for a very long time. What was the first thing the Bolsheviks (predominantly jews) did in Russia? They burnt down the churches, murdered priests and nuns, and forbade religion. I always wondered why they did this. Now I have a better idea. People without a faith are much more easily controllable, especially through fear.
On this continent, they have done a virtual job of emptying out the churches. They infiltrated and did their damage both from within and without, through a general demoralization and indoctrination program and of course through scandals.
They were successful with this indoctrination in our family for a time. I considered myself atheist most of my life. It was only when I woke up to what is really going on in the world that I also had my Awakening to God. For that I am eternally grateful.
Monika & Freya: The Bolsheviks also stopped the Muslim religion, as they did with Christians. What percentage of Christian churches preach jews are god’s chosen? I think most of them do. Next time I meet a Muslim, I shall make it a point to ask him if any Muslim sects/churches believe jews are god’s chosen? I think NONE, but I’m not sure.
Hitlers good works still live in many Muslim countries. About 7 years ago Tehran had that GR8 holocaust truthers meeting for people from around the world. I know Bradley Smith of CODOH attended and spoke. Have you heard of any such large meets in Christian countries? NO, Christian countries put such people in jail, I thought you remembered?
The USA is somewhat known to be the most Christian nation. And what country is the best friend of i$rahell aka jew occupied Palestine? I also hear much about the USA being a Judeo-Christian nation. jews name FIRST? But then you are Canadian, EH?
“The USA is somewhat known to be the most Christian nation.”
Cannot possibly be true – only in a false self-perception. Not to the world anyways. If the USA were Christian – these Christians would care for the truth and would not fall for all the Jewish Zionist lies – waging endless war for the slave masters since 1917…helping them to enslave the whole world under their one world government (NWO)
The Americans are most easily deceived – or just don’t care for the rest of the world?
What’s the matter with them? A question hard to answer.
deutscher landsmann
Sie sind total verwirrt zum Thema “Christentum”, dass man gar nicht weiß, wo man beginnen müsste, um Klarheit herzustellen. Haben Sie sich jemals mit Jesu Evangelium befasst? Es wird zugegebenermaßen nicht von den Kirchen gepredigt und gelebt…Sie sind unterwandert und ins Jüdisch-Talmudisch-Satanisch-Zerstörerische verkehrt worden
You are totally confused with regard to what “Christianity” is all about – one doesn’t know where to start to make things clear… Have you ever thought about the teachings of Jesus? The churches – admittedly – neither preach nor live accordingly They have been subverted into Jewish-Talmudic-Satanic destructiveness
Freya: Forgive me, but I too agree with deutscherlandsmann. I’m willing to work WITH You & Christians working against the N(j)ew World Order. I donated last year $2,000.oo to a White religious leader (anonymous). I was trying to get him to work with Farrakhan (the Black religious leader) as they both are in Chicago (where I was born) and both understand how the jew is damaging the world. In past protesting against the jew in Portland Oregon (now w/riots for 109 days?) the Blacks & Muslims gave me more support than the White sheep. WE must all work together. The jew is our immediate problem in today’s violent world.
Dear Monika and der other all who are interested in the liberation of our German nation!
Honestly it was quite hard for me to understand Monika’ s interview partner due to hos strong English accent. Thank you to Monika for speaking so clearly and slow that even me can understand you:-).
In case I understand he interview partner correctly he refers to the German Christians at a few places of the conversation and I couldn’t understand all his words.
However I want to take the chance to take my general position to Christianity: I believe that the Christian religion – independent of Catholic church, Protestant church, Jehovah’s Witnesses or Free Christian churches – harms us as Germans respectively the whole white race in the liberation struggle of the Jewish liberalistic doctrine in which we are captured.
There are many reasons why Christianity supports the war which is still going on against us Germans and teh whole white race.
As it is too extensive to list all aspects I want to mention only a few ones:
First of all we can say that Christianity is in fact a Jewish sect as the bible consists of the Old Testament to more of 80 percent! Therefore we can say that every Christian is in fact a Jew! So there are more than 2 milliard Christians who are in fact supporter of the Jewish Old Testament. In other words we can say that the Jews have only this political influence through Christianity as the biggest political Jewish influence is in the so called “Western World” where not only the white race but also the Christians are in the majority.
One further reason why the Christian belief supports the still going on war against us Germans is the fact that Christianity do not distinguish between races and the Christian belief has no connection to race or a certain nation. Christianity is egocentric as the individual finds only his or her salvation in the afterworld. This kind of religious belief is a huge poison for building up a National community which is in these days more necessary than ever under us Germans respectively under our whole European white race countries.
The Christian morale creates guilt complex that makes us Germany more fragile to self-destruction: a good example for that phenomenon is the famous Church asylum which is responsible that finally convicted deported asylum seekers stay in our country. Alfred tells us that the majority of prison inmates are blackamoors and Arabs. For these condition Christianity is responsible as these criminal people are only in our country as many Germans consider themselves as Christian and therefore they are indoctrinated with the Christian guilt complex which brings them to accept these criminal people in our country.
Moreover Christianity is very similar to communism as the Christian belief refuses a hierarchy and therefore Christianity is actually against a civilized sovereign State as a State can only work if a specific order of precedence exists.
Moreover Christianty is full of altruism which leads to the situation that Christians have more empathy to criminal bogus asylum seekers than to their own nation so that the afflux of Africans to Germany and to the rest of Europe will be promoted by Christians which you can see in the slogan “Refugees welcome” of brainwashed Christian people.
There are many other reasons why Christianity damages our German nation and the whole white race but I want to end the text now.
All in all we can say: in the first step we have to liberate us mental and spiritual of the Jewish doctrine which can only be successful by liberating us from the Christian morality which we can obviously recognize in the guilt complex.
In other words: actually we have a religious problem! As soon as we will liberate us from Christianity and come back to our pagan German gods and come back to our former German mythology we will regain spiritual power that no one of us would be so foolish to believe in corona slave masks or in the German guilt cult. Actually the corona slave mask works with the guilt cult too as our children will be told that they have to wear masks for not making other people ill. In case we would be connected to the spiritual power of the German gods we would be so full of spiritual power that all Germans would convert to courageous people as Alfred is presently exemplifying us through his own life in prison!
Very nicely worded deutscherlandsmann and thank you for allowing a view opposing your religion Monika.
I fully agree with you deutscherlandsmann on religion. I like to quote another holocaust truther, founder of American Atheists M.M.O’Hair “Religion has done more damage to the world than any other single idea”.
M.M.O’Hair lost many supports when she published her monthly newsletter on the holocaust, as many jews are Atheists.
In the expression “caught between a rock and a hard spot”, do I/we work with the religious against the jew or do we work against religion which would mean working with many jews that promote the alleged holocaust. I feel and ~advocate working with religion. (~ means “somewhat”). Rather than using Monika’s blog, email me turbotechwest@kalama.com
There are many with my 2 views, maybe get more information?
Dave Westerlund
The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2 | Full Documentary by Dennis Wise (COMPLETE VERSION)
by Dennis Wise
Monika: Watched about half of Blood River, as you were the only speaker that was clear. The man in the background, I could only hear about half of his words. I try very hard to leave a space between each word too, as maybe you do naturally. I did take a semester of “speech” in college, but I don’t remember IF the professor emphasized that.