Free Speech Monika

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Blood River Radio Holocaust Truth Series Third Instalment

Why is it so important all these years later to be exposing the Big Lie, and telling the truth about the so-called jewish holocaust? Why is it still relevant?

Well my friends, it is about our very existence. It is an existential crisis.

Jewish Power is their ability to stop us speaking about jewish power. They pretend to be the eternal victim whilst killing and victimizing their hosts. They wield the power to incite us (the “goyim”) to kill each other, as they did during the two world wars. They have the power with their control of the mass-media to completely reverse reality and invert the truth.

How can we escape the fate they have planned for us, if not by putting ourselves right-side-up in this upside-down reality – and thereby destroying jewish power over us. Understanding the truth is the ultimate key to freeing ourselves from the shackles of enslavement.

The first two instalments of this radio series with Birthe Voss, hosted by Eddie “the Bombardier” Miller, can be found in the links in this article.

The third show took place on May 9, 2020, and can be found at the following links.

Hour 1:

Our dialogue begins at minute 25 in this first hour. We got right into the meat of it, the impossibility of the gas chambers, starting at the beginning as Robert Faurisson said.

Hour 2:

We continue in this hour with the jewish declaration of war on Germany, their intention to annihilate the Germans. We talk about the “singularity” of jewish suffering, war propaganda, German deaths AFTER the war, jewish admission of their own lies, their lack of evidence for their story other than locking people up, and more.

To bring it to our present situation where the masses are blindly and fearfully OBEYING tyrannical orders to lock themselves up and stop all ordinary life – this would NOT be happening if the people were awake to the truth about our history, our political structures, and almost every aspect of our world. That is why it is important to know the Truth! The people would NOT obey such orders that lead to their own enslavement. 

Our fear = their power.
We do NOT consent to their ill-begotten power.
Let us shed our fear.
The Truth will set us Free!

8 Responses

  1. This is great website Monika. After I listened to what you had to say on the blood river shows , it occurred to me that the American CIA has really done a number on multiple generations of German people. Not only do they own the German government and media ,the CIA have totally destroyed the real narrative of the war, destroyed German national pride, and polluted the minds of the people with consumerism and sexual degeneracy. The bright side is this. There are real cracks showing in the empire of the Washington D.C occupiers. The United states is crumbling as a society ,and as a nation. The US economy is collapsing and soon America will implode into internal conflict. This will be the opportunity for German nationalists and those such as yourself and Alfred to free your people from this evil spell. . The same thing happened when the Soviet Union came apart. I have written to Alfred a couple of times in the last six months but got no reply, which makes me think they are not passing on my letters. Maybe I am on the verboten list. I will keep trying.
    best wishes

    1. Hello Sturmgewehr, do you have the current address for Alfred? It is
      86899 Landsberg
      I will ask him in my next letter if he has received your letters. I can send you a private message.

  2. Thank you for what you are doing, Monika. You and your brother are heroes to me and some of the bravest people I am aware of.

    Sometimes I think it would be so much easier IF the lies were real:

    But they are not real. My tact has been to use snarky, parody humor to teach others about these lies. I have been making these types of videos for a decade (this one is obviously older, before that lying liar, eLIE Weasel, died… thank goodness).

    I see the recent Corona scare to be the final attempt to squeeze the remaining wealth from the Americans (really, the entire western world, including Canada) and to put the final destructive boot on our throats. It cost me my very well-paying job and I have few avenues for income, other than the small rental properties I invested in over the years.

    At least I had enough foresight to plan to that extent.

    I will continue to make these videos, many right on the edge of offensiveness to jews that garner me strikes (and many videos have been taken down entirely). This is my 4th and final YT channel. If it ever gets taken down again, I will continue with other platforms like Bitchute (where our mutual friend Jim Rizoli was my first subscriber).

    But all this that I do and have done are meaningless in comparison to what you and your brother have done.

    I can discuss any potential projects you and yours may want to pursue. Perhaps I can be of service at some point.

    Just so you know, my Mom was born in Germany in 1942, raised at the end of the war and during their reconstruction/brainwashing. I have several good stories to tell of her undying need to protect the jew from the likes of me. That brainwashing was total for her and it is one of the main catalysts for me doing what I do.

    Take care,


    1. Thank you my friend.
      It is so very interesting how the brainwashing affects different family members differently, or better said, why do some open their eyes eventually, while others dig in deeper. This is the case within our own family. My parents both died before Alfred and I woke up, so we cannot know for sure how they would have responded to the things we are talking about – but I do think they would have been very receptive, born 1919 and 1928 respectively – but other family members are very split on all these issues. I am quite sure this story repeats itself in many other families.

  3. I irresponsibly depend on inspiration from you Monica(and your imprisoned brother) – but soon I hope to make myseif a resource for you. Evlynar

  4. The remedy is Autarky, always has, and will be!

    Educate the mas with the Remedy………..

    “All European nations need an economy of “Autarky” being a closed economy for self-sufficiency, a protectionist economy which can, if needs be, temporally cease to trade with the outside world until it has reinvigorated internally it’s own industrious, in house economy of “labor and production” which propagandists (WWII victors within their zio-controlled literature) allude to (deflective intent) as being a Marxist doctrine which is the complete opposite to the reality that “Autarky” is the “unspoken of antithesis” to ((their NWO))).

    “Autarky” belongs to a nations last line of defense who’s social-conscience inspires the stance of Nationalism against economic and, or warring aggressors (all wars are bankers wars) who have passively created this Marxist need and greed, self-absorbed, “mummy state dependency” where the wielding baton of submissive guilt policy, statute rules and, regulations have caused the reduction of birth rates, killed off agrarian production and local-ism, as well as small/medium industry, faith and culture, and in its wake made us all demographically vulnerable to their stampede of capricious, grudge-bearing invaders who in ignorance, spurred on by zio-Marxists, are themselves clambering onto the same usury road to misery.

    Once again it’s not hard to deduce from all the cohen’cidental patterns that these unconscionable Jews have had an intoxicating influence within the Christian bible, still in its infancy this 2000 yr old submissive dogma has allowed them to plagiarize and achieve supremacy over the goyim, having construed and distorted “ancient” prophetic script in a dialectic, which shows us (the capable, spiritual Europeans, and our achievements) as the pariah over humankind and sees the Jew as the selective “dower” by legitimizing their usury scam. Once done, it only took a mathematical equation to conclude a global outcome for themselves using the guise of prophecy to deceive goyim/animals.

    Securing “the Shetar” within all guest nations out in their diaspora was another positive “increment” and by “accretion” supremacy was guaranteed by proxy, the crest wave arrived once a homeland “Israel” and two concepts had been secured within its Zionist politics “anti Semitism” and the fictional “6m” both secured into law, the two main conceptual scams that their agents out in their diaspora lobby into patent within guest puppet nations which has helped clear a route for their zio-Marxist, racially driven foot soldier, goy proponents who help secure Usury while rolling out “internationalism”.

    “They know if their COVID19 planned’emic fails to work by taking Europe or Britain into insolvency a Gottfried Feder system of Autarky is close which will reconfigure the world and respective national debts back to nil which brings all their plunder back into the equation to be redistributed back to its rightful owners ……Us! and they will be put on trial for mass murder for wars and genocide.

    Bankruptcy is their objective and Jew plunder because Jew receivers scramble to be your official so they can reconfigure a book keep back to naught. In doing so they end up with the total amount of the numerical figure that triggered the bankruptcy. In other words the Jew Bank of England and Fed share out the spoils with their brethren and a new cycle of fiat money is returned to the stock market e’con’no’money.

    Bankruptcy is our friend but the Jew nose we don’t understand how to securitise it. But show me a leader or political party/movement advocating a distinctive remedy such as this which is, and always will be within reach and a proven template.

  5. So great to hear you and Berte speak truth to an audience who have ears to hear, to whatever degree we may be healing from lifetimes of believing lies. You are so right – We have a vicious enemy who is hear to steal, kill and to destroy, whose desire is to erase our very memory from the earth. I don’t remember the name of the British Intel official who expressed the need to keep the atrocity lies ongoing & to never allow
    certain historical truths to be known.

    But the truth will ultimately prevail. Those who passionately dedicate all to preserving a lie are doomed to live a futile and cursed life on this earth and, I believe, for all of eternity.

    What a wealth of historical information the three of you have brought out. I plan to listen to this presentation several more times.

    May God richly bless.

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