It has been over a year now since my brother Alfred was put in solitary confinement because of his insistence to breathe [link to the story]. Recently his isolation has become even more acute, as he refused to be tested. It must be noted that he was perfectly healthy when they demanded the Covid test. They did not accept his offer of saliva or other sample on a dish.
Alfred’s letter is in German to a German patriot. I will rather let him tell the story directly, through my rudimentary translation, than for me to describe the situation. His humour and his way with words are far better than anything I do. Here is an excerpt of the letter.
Updated on December 13th, compiling what Alfred wrote to another friend into this one.
30 November 2021
Dear [friend],
On November 24, an astronaut came to my cell and asked me if I wanted to cultivate a Pfizer fungus in my nose. But he asked this in a confusing way, something like: “would you like to have a Corona-snake and Covid-monster test?” But I recognize these tricks, and allow nothing into my nostrils. I offered him fresh snot, or a fresh stool sample. Because the Astronauts are also waking up, this interaction all transpired politely and I was not beat up or thrown in the Bunker like I was on Dec. 3, 2020 just because I needed air. Since that date I have been in isolation, a whole year now. Wow!
Okay, about an hour later I was told that I am moving to the Covid Death wing, since without the fungus plantation from Pfizer in my nose, I would be a hazard for all the others. So, now I am in a somewhat quieter wing, which is not as loud as where the Orks are all running around during open-cells. I am served by Astronauts, because the Covid Regime wants to create fear. They’ll inject the people until they are dead.
In your letter, you told me that I should avoid the test at all costs. Yes, for criminal investigations they are capable of analyzing the DNA off an object out of an old dump, but for the Corona Genocide of Mankind they have to use a specially-prepared stick which they must twist and turn deep in your nostril. I am not stupid and I will defend myself to the death. Many people get sick after the test.

Now to my recent experience, which was for me as significant as the butterfly meme.
My first “Hofgang” courtyard hour in the Covid wing with astronauts, I was supposed to be alone in a section of the courtyard, fenced off with metal mesh. On the other side of this fence, there were about 7 men, and we could talk pretty well through the fence. Maybe too well, at any rate the next day, Friday the 26, there was only one grumpy man on the other side and he spoke not a word. I was essentially alone. The Hofgang started at 7:10 in the morning, so it was still dark. It was cold and there was snow on the ground.
The roof across the way was covered with many crows, really a lot. In the air there was a cloud of low-flying crows circling around, cawing loudly and incessantly. It was a pandemonium. It reminded me of Alfred Hitchcock’s horror film “The Birds”. What in the devil’s name were they trying to tell me? Was this a bad omen? I became anxious because I couldn’t understand it and it didn’t end. There I was, in the cold winter air, the twilight of the dawn sky blackened by hundreds of crows, more than I had ever seen in my life, and one mute man on the other side of the courtyard, and one astronaut in his watchtower. This spectacle went on for about 30 or 40 minutes,
Gradually the sky lightened, and from one corner of the courtyard, I could see the old chimney where two storks always live, they built themselves a huge nest there. I hadn’t seen the storks since months, because I don’t see the chimney from my cell anymore since they moved me in April. But before that, I was in a cell for 4 months where I could watch the storks right through the bars of my window, and we befriended each other. I loved them. They were my best friends. In any case, there stood the two storks high up there like a pair of soldiers or sentinels. The crows became fewer and fewer, until just before the Hofgang hour was up, all the crows were gone, and my beloved storks looked down at me, then one of them threw back his head and rattled his long beak once. I had tears of joy in my eyes. My heart and my soul rattled back at them, I was just so happy.
This coincidence with the crows, more than I have ever seen in my whole entire life, then my beloved storks replacing the crows so to speak! Crows = death, and storks = life (the stork brings the baby).
The end of the song is this. Only without the Pfizer Fungus plantation in my nose did this miracle happen. How many people will also have their Crow/Stork experience as soon as they steadfastly draw their boundaries. Two days after my refusal of the plantation up my nose, I was rewarded with this Godly experience. It was surreal, like a film.
Our whole lives we learned that if we ever experience such a thing as we now are, then resistance is obligatory. If you do nothing, you are complicit.
herzliche Grüße,
Think about being locked up alone in a tiny cell 23/24 hours a day, deprived of so many sensory inputs, and then having this experience. It would be remarkable at any time, but in those conditions, we can imagine how the intensity of what Alfred experienced would have been enormously amplified. ~Monika
End of that Story
Update: Recent Shows
27 November, 2021: Blood River Radio with Eddie “the Bombardier” Miller, and guest Paul Fromm in Hour One, and we were joined by Fred Leuchter in Hour Two.
From the Show notes:
First Hour
Host: Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller
Guests: Paul Fromm and Monika Schaefer
The Bombardier is joined by our two superb guest in the following topics: ZOG’s hatred of all things White/Christian, manifested in the continued, annual suppression of the most American of all Holidays – Thanksgiving. The Jewish Cabal’s hijacking of the ongoing Unite the Right trial (UTR) Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Second Hour
Guests: Paul Fromm, Monika Schaefer and Fred Leuchter
Fred Leuchter joins the trio of Eddie, Monika Schaefer and Paul Fromm in continuing the hour 1 discussions. Plus, we breakdown the Jew’s use of the so-called climate change hoax. We discuss several other pertinent topics.
True History, Part II:
On November 29, 2021 I had the pleasure of having a second conversation with Kathleen Dudley. It can be found here on bitchute. Youtube banned this video within an hour of posting it there, and Kathleen has now had 2 strikes against her on that channel that censors inconvenient truths.
We covered a range of topics, always connecting the dots about (((the bankers))) who are doing an all-out assault on the people. We talked about weather warfare, in particular what is happening in British Columbia Canada now with the “atmospheric rivers” and the flooding. We spoke about not being allowed to present evidence in speech-crime trials in Germany, which reflects on (((their))) fear of the truth. We spoke of Covid being the “boot across the neck” which is awakening the people.
9 Responses
Very good post Monika. Thank you. Alfred has a strong spirit and he is playing his role in the overall picture of raising awareness. Great that you are getting his words out there.
When I read Alfred’s story of the two storks, I was reminded of something that someone once said to me, and that is, “Miracles are real”. I am so glad that Alfred found his two feathered friends again and that they made it known to him that they were watching out for him. Thank you for posting this Monika.
Enjoyed Alfred’s letter here, and glad he’s still able to see the bright side! We remember him in our prayers, and write when we can.
What an absolute pleasure it was to both watch and listen to the podcast featuring you and Ms. Kathleen Dudley. This is the second one the two of you have held together and I must say they have both been most enlightening and thought provoking. Perhaps not so much for injecting anything new into the equation, but rather, in discussing issues on a sane and commonsense level and just reinforcing the knowledge we have each gathered through these previous years of individual study, freeing ourselves from established dogma and opening ourselves to a higher truth and deeper understanding of what is really going on in this world. I almost felt like I was there and the three of us were sitting around a table in a cozy kitchen sipping hot tea or a good cup of coffee, nibbling on little nothing snacks and just bantering back and forth, reinforcing and enlightening each other and comparing notes. So very down to earth and so satisfying to the soul. Dear Monika and Kathleen, I do hope this is just the beginning of a regular podcast series between the two of you. I, for one, am deeply appreciative.
Your comment is very much appreciated! Thank you so much. Merry Christmas to you, Frederick.
“Masks are falling…”
Yes, the masks have fallen… for everybody to see the truth…The ugly truth – too uncomfortable to many… and they turn a blind eye…–Lock-Vaccine-Skeptics-In-Their-Homes-and-Deprive-Them-of-Food
The depravity (Jewish chutzpah) is simply staggering – mind blowing – Listen to what Noam Chomsky says and you learn all you need to know about Red Terror Communism –
He openly calls for the DEATH of all opponents – His message: “Either you take the kill shots or we starve you to death!”
If you want to be a “responsible and decent ” person in the “Jew World Order” you have ONLY two options: either you give your consent to murder by injection or to murder by starvation…
That is the “moral code” of “Antifa” Communists, “humanitarian social justice warriors” – They do love “community”, all of humanity so much that to “quarantine” i.e. imprison, do bodily harm and even kill healthy people comes totally natural to them
Who are the true haters, racists, supremacists, mass murderers?
Thank you so much for sharing this letter of Alfred’s. These letters should be published in a book someday, hopefully someday soon.
When the crows of death are banished and the storks of life prevail.
Wow, what an inspiring story to share! Your brother is a strong person. We pray for him regularly. Thank you Monica for the news/ information. I try to share your info with all like minded people that I can. I can proudly say I’m unvaxed, don’t and never have worn a govt. muzzle, and my wife and I had and survived this covid flu last Nov. Much love to you and yours. There’s still hope for us. Mike
till this moment ….I surely underestimated the psychochological effects of a reduced sensoric input – …which a political prisoner in “the best Germany ever” is confronted with … right now … this moment.
It’s great that Alfred has that strength. His knowledge about the TRUTH at various fields of our times and lifes gives this strength to him – like a battery, that will never run empty.
So his sences are sharpened to see positiv signs.
I wish Alfred all the best.
As he has forseen a long time ago, he will return …. from jail … into a completely changed world.
Masks are falling at an ever rapid path.