Free Speech Monika

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Arthur Topham forbidden from mentioning Jews


“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” ~ Kevin Alfred Strom, 1993

Arthur Topham

In the case of Arthur Topham, it matters not if he would be criticizing or praising, he is not permitted to publicly utter the word “Jew”.

The CBC reports:

For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about  the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and  the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.

Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin. 

According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.

These are some of the probationary rules inflicted on Arthur Topham, for allegedly breaching sentencing conditions after the 2015 trial in which Topham was found guilty and not guilty for two counts of the exact same charge under Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, “… did… wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group…”

Arthur Topham’s satirical treatment of the book “Germany Must Perish” by the Jew Theodore Kaufman was one of the focal points of that trial. Topham simply replaced “Germany” with “Israel” and “Germans” with “Jews”, replicating the book word for word. It was clearly a satire and was identified as such, and was intended to shine light on the horrific 1941 book in which Kaufman advocates for and describes the method (mass sterilization) by which the German people should be annihilated out of existence, forever.

Fantastic News: The Radical Press is back up and running!   Update: See next paragraph.

[I have removed the link as Arthur tells me there are concerns of a possible legal nature. He no longer has control over the domain name and whoever has it is also using it to advertise Rolex watches and who knows what else and could post inflammatory articles which would be attributed to him. ~ MS. Updated December 1, 2020]

Some of my previous articles will help to give background to Arthur Topham’s work over the years.

Please see my 2017 “Dear Arthur” letter/article, in which I said the world owed him an apology and a great big thank-you. 

Following that, I published this article in response to a genuine inquiry by a friend who wished to understand how and why I was defending Arthur Topham. It is called “The Lies They Tell about Arthur Topham: a Thinking Person’s Query”

One more article which explains to friends and family about the state of the world, the deceptions, Arthur Topham’s case regarding the Kaufman book and how the media twists everything.

Please see this excellent article on the Christians for Truth website covering the latest Orwellian development in this saga that has dragged Mr. Topham through the corrupt court system for many years.


23 Responses

  1. We should all make up for Topham’s absence and ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ by mentioning his story often and by saying the Jew word ten times every day. It will make us all more Jew-conscious.

    Remember that in the former Soviet Jewnion the death penalty was imposed on those who mentioned Jews.

    1. They also murdered any Russian who dared to have a copy of “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” in their possession. I read later that the translator, British journalist Victor Marsden was lured to see some royal bugger in England and they ended up killing him off there. Reading “The Gulag Archipelago” it disgusts me to see how the Zionist Freemasons in power in the USA, England and France were so helpful to the Communist Bolsheviks and brought them to power with money and technology.

  2. To confound the communist censors, can they use a euphemism like, “juice” instead? This is what happened in Communist Russia when the Zionist Checkists took over. Only a trickle got out about how they tortured, robbed raped and killed off over 100 million Russian people during the 70 years of Communism.

  3. This is Canada not the scumbag Zionist state of Israel, so not permitting someone to say Jew for three years is anti-Canadian. If being anti-Canadian (like Zionist scumbags are) is permitted in Canada, then why do we put people in cages for being anti-scumbag?

  4. Well done, Arthur Topham: it’s called, ‘How would you like it back ?’

    The shocking fact is that Theodore Kaufman was not alone in publishing his hate-filled call for the genocide of the Germans. Kaufman’s call for the genocide of the German people was supported publically in 1943 by no less a figure than Professor Dr. Earnest Hooton of Harvard University. In 1945 at the end of the War, Roosevelt’s Treasury Minister, Henry Morganthau issued his notorious plan to de-industrialise Germany and thereby deprive the Germans of their livelihood.

    That this hate-filled campaign continues to this very day, was shown by the presence at the Wailing Wall, Jerusalem on “Holocaust” day, 27th. January,(anniversary of the capture of the Auschwitz camp by the Soviet Army), of the current representatives of the War-time Allies ( = All Lies), President Putin of Russia, President Macron of France, Prince Charles of England and Vice-President Pence of the USA. The hapless German President Steinmeier was dragged along as the whipping boy.

    1. If you haven’t yet, read “The Gulag Archipelago”, it shows how during the World Wars the US, Britian, France and other “allied” countries helped the Zionists in Russia take over. They helped the Bolsheviks big time with loads of $$, if they hadn’t the communist Bolsheviks would never have gotten into power. Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Marx and many more (all Jews or half/Jews by the way) made Hitler look like a choir boy!!

      1. Made Hitler look like a choir boy??? Are you kidding? Not only did Hitler do nothing wrong, he was The Greatest national leader of all time who gave all in a valiant doomed effort to save, not only Germany but, the entire world from communism (aka zionism, aka the jews). The slaughter of Germany was attributable to Hitler’s blood brothers (the All-lies) stabbing Hitler and his beloved German volk in the back.

    2. At the last Dresden commemoration Steinmeier made the utterly false and defaming statement that Germany started WW2 and therefore Dresden was the consequence.

      1. Is it not obvious at this point in time, that the two world wars and the current on-going , genocidal swamping of the White West with millions of Third-worlders are part and parcel of the same planned destruction of our White race and civilisation.

        The key moment in this history was the entrance into the First War by the Internationalist-minded, Banker-dominated USA in 1917. Till then the European powers might have come to their senses. After that the die seems to be cast

    1. Unfortunately it did not show up at my end either. I know how frustrating that is when it happens, and believe me, I have experienced it too! Have a wonderful day with your grandson – you are right, that is more important than anything.

      … I take that back – it did show up, but in my spam box. Yay! So now it is published here.

  5. Well Monika I just wrote you an incredibly long comment. I hope you got it! The wordpress folk interrupted sending and I see nothing here. Sniffles! Blessings. I will look back later to see if it showed up.

  6. Hi Monika! Thank you for the piece on Arthur, he is so very very missed in Canadian information circles! Or anywhere else to be honest. However there is nothing new in that blog you give the URL to, nothing since last January and that in itself is a little worrisome. Why is Arthur still silent?

    The funny thing is….I posted the very materials that got Arthur into that mess… and nada happened. It all still stands. So far my blog has slid below the radar, thank the gods.

    I was also a regular contributor to his stellar blog on chemtrails, long before people even noticed the skies. Pity that one went down too. Sometimes I think of Arthur sitting in his favourite cozy chair thinking about our insane world at this time, calm on the exterior but his fingers quivering with his need to voice his thoughts for his readers!

    You, Miss Monika, I have followed since things began to heat up in your life. Inspirational. I used to live a few houses down from Mr. Zundel in Toronto and your first ditty was a refreshing breath of honest air to a seeker like myself.

    Canadians to be proud of are few and far between. And there you are!

    Blessings upon both you and your brother. And Arthur ~ wherever he might be.

    1. Hello Snippits: Alfred faced the inquisition in Germany. You surely know this area, where still the law of the winners says, what one is allowed to talk about.
      No! I’m not just came out of an icy coffin, sleeping frozen for 500 years.
      It’s just here – this moment – this nonsence – this crime.
      Alfred went to prison and stands for truth with an upright mind and unbroken by inquisition.

    1. thanks! I appreciate knowing. At some point in the past I thought I heard it might have been somebody else altogether, longer ago than Kevin Strom. But I’ll read the article you sent.

      1. Elena, I have updated the article with that correction, and used the quote word for word from Kevin Strom’s 1993 broadcast. Thanks again!

  7. I was not “allowed” to put the term “Jews” into the categories or tags sections. WordPress blocked it from publishing, saying there were prohibited terms. I unchecked the term “jews” and voilà! it published.

    1. May there aren’t any jews at all and You are publishing fake news?
      ..sorry, I can’t take this nonsence serious.
      The question is:
      a) are there no jews on this planet or
      b) are there jews but they don’t want to shine any light on what they’re doing?

      Sorry, I wasn’t taught well or let’s say (nearly) taught anything at all about jews in school. So I have to find out everything on my own.

      So I ask: what the hell these people have to hide? They are described as people without materially or financially or any other aims and wishes.
      I don’t know one single person in real, fitting this description. So what are the aims and wishes of jews?
      This is an important question because this are the things, leading the actions of any person and any animal on this planet.
      It’s a great miracle … 🙂

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