There seems to be a never-ending series of apologies being issued by our government for real or imagined wrong-doings of our ancestors, those being the people of European ancestry. The latest one caught my attention as it related to a period of time with which I am probably more familiar than the average Canadian. The following is a letter which I wrote to the CBC journalist who wrote the story about the Canadian apology and 45 million dollar payout. I also copied it to several federal political leaders as well as MPs of the Nunavut and northern Quebec jurisdictions.
2024 November 30
The recent story ( about the Canadian government apology and compensation of $45 million to the Inuit for the “slaughter” of over a thousand sled dogs through the 1950s and 1960s peaked my interest. My father, Dr. Otto Schaefer (recipient of the Order of Canada), together with his young family lived and worked in the Arctic during the 1950s. I was steeped in Inuit culture all my life, growing up mainly in Edmonton during the 60s and 70s. We loved the stories, the home movies, the slideshow evenings, the Inuit artwork which filled our home, and our frequent Inuk guests from the north.
Something that I remember from what our parents told us was the fact that many Inuit were buying snowmobiles as those became available, because the people found them to be convenient and easy, compared with maintaining sled dogs. I remember that my father was not at all happy about that change, and he encouraged the Inuit to stick with their traditional way of life as he recognized the many advantages to travelling with sled dogs. Many did exactly that, but there were of course others who enjoyed the modernization of their travel and hunting excursions. Rifles and skidoos seemed easier than spears, harpoons and sled dogs.
Another memory I have is of the toddler whom my father put back together again through several hours of painstaking surgery, many dozens of stitches to the head and face, after this youngster had been attacked and severely mauled by a dog. The parents were extremely grateful to my father for having done such an excellent job which enabled that child to recover quite well. I do not know what happened to that particular dog. But if it was indeed shot, is that one of the slaughtered dogs for which the Inuit are now receiving an apology and compensation?

Dr. Otto Schaefer with daughter Monika in 2005.
Post Script: It must be noted that this apology to the Inuit comes during a time when the Canadian people have been flogged with false guilt for the so-called genocide and alleged unmarked graves at the former Indian Residential Schools, in particular in Kamloops BC. In spite of millions of dollars and several years time to investigate, no evidence has been found to substantiate their claims.
There is no question that there is a larger agenda being played here. False claims and accusations, apologies and reparation pay-outs, the UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), Critical Race Theory, imposed White guilt, open borders, where does this all lead? Are they aiming to dispossess us of our lands?
I dedicated an episode of “The Flip-side with Monika” to this unfolding saga in Canada of the “mass graves” and drew some parallels to the creation of that holy cause from WW2 which we are not allowed to question, but which similarly has no evidence to back up the official story. You can listen to that episode in the archives at RBN here: This is certainly not the last of it. I will be talking about these issues again.
9 Responses
Hello Monika, since you mentioned the residential schools in Canada on RBN, I pulled out a book I hadn’t read yet, called, ‘Cross in the Wilderness’ by Kay Cronin, 1960, it’s about the Oblate Catholic Fathers whom started the residential schools in Washington state and British Columbia. They also serviced the Spiritual needs of European pioneers and the Railroad workers coming across Canada, in the beginning of your Country. My previous comments to you stand, I just finished this book to make sure.
It is my opinion that the powers that shouldn’t be are discrediting the work of these Catholic Fathers with more victim porn and destroying the Sanctity and good they bestowed upon the Natives. Just as you believe.
I would Love to send you this book, it is signed by the Author to a Father McCann. Can I send it to your P.O Box?
God Bless your Heart Monika.
You are always in my prayers.
Love to you all.
Hello “Outside looking in”, thank you for commenting once again. I’ve just reread your previous comments on my other posts to remind myself what you wrote. Always thoughtful and always knowledgeable. Thank you.
I will write you an email, so please look for that, to discuss the book. By the way, Canada Post has been on strike for a month now!
Thank you Monika.
My family on my Mothers side went to the Hawaiian islands when it was the Hawaiian Kingdom, in 1879, sponsored by King Kalakaua, they were contract laborers brought to work the sugar plantations and operate the steam plows and tractors, it was a 3 year contract, we came from the Madeiran islands off the coast of Portugal, the next wave of workers came from Japan, the phillipines and other places, the reason I say this is because you mentioned a land grab, of all those above, there are millions, I’m sure, whom have homes built over 50-100+ years ago, just like the ones that burnt in Lahaina Maui not so long ago.
Now, the insurance companies are saying, get up to code or we will not insure you. If anyone who has a mortgage and cannot afford to get up to code, will be forced to sell at a major loss. This is a similar game they are trying to play in western N.C and Tennessee right now with the flood survivors.
I live next to the Lummi nation right across the border from you, those Natives were given a house upon coming of age, now, they will be given an apartment that they will have to pay rent on. Even though there is a giant casino on their reservation. Chief Bill James of the Lummi Nation has just recently passed away, R.I.P, he was their last Chief, i have a basket he made with an Orca whale on it. So beware Canadian Natives, this is not a people with the spirit of a Loving God taking over, let me tell you.
Bill Clinton apologized to the Hawaiian Natives for the yankees stealing their land back in 1898, and the US Federal government wanted to make a treaty With them about 20 years ago, the Hawaiians told them no and have a case pending in the international court because of that apology.
No tear jerker sob story for the Hawaiians.
Thank you again Monika.
I have never felt guilty about things other than moments in my life when my pirate nature showed itself and I did some plundering here and there. I have made amends so I am not walking about with guilt. I also never have felt guilty over the torture death of Jesus of Nazareth at the hands of the international clique of parasites. I have never wallowed in the blood of Christ and accepted my sins for what they were or are and have had the conversation with my Father in Heaven and have been forgiven. I also have never felt particularly concerned over the slavery story about negroes. Growing up in an, at the time, ALL WHITE nation, that being the Netherlands in the 1950s, the only negroes I saw were in some photos in a book about Africa on my parents’ book shelves. Even as a child I saw no real connection to them and never bought into the, ‘we are all equal’ bull shit that came out of the jewish French Revolution. The only indians I saw were in cowboy movies. Even in school I never bought into that nonsense regarding us all being equal as I attended the public fool system in Canada and noted a distinct difference between me and the normies.
When I emigrated to Canada in 1960 the only aboes I saw were some Indians who had wandered off the reservation and were hanging about 97th street and Jasper Ave. There were only White Children in the schools I attended. Most of them were Christians and we all got along pretty well. There were never any stories of inter racial turmoil until much later in the history of Edmonton. Now, the city has become an increasingly multi cultural nightmare and humanoids are pooping on the public transit units. Of course we know who to blame, don’t we? The usual suspects.
Now, regarding yet another payout to aboes because of false allegations, namely the article in question. Aboes, no matter where you find them, are not known for their gentle treatment of animals. Once Bombardier presented the ice dwellers with Ski Doos, a lot of huskies were left to their own devices and many starved to death. That is a fact and alas, due to a lack of knowledge our people are being defeated because most of our brothers and sisters think they were fully educated when they graduated from the public fooling they were subjected to for twelve years. So, because most Canadians do not know the real story regarding the dead sled dogs, they don’t even wink an eye when another multi million dollar pay out comes out of the public purse and most of us are living hand to mouth; White People living hand to mouth whilst Somalis with an average IQ of 60 are given over FIVE THOUSAND dollars per month to come live here and continue their criminal activities or just drive around in brand new vehicles looking for something to steal or some White Girl to shack up with for a while; maybe impregnate the bitch and make a vanilla nigglet.
We have to stop putting up with the depletion of our treasury under false pretences. We allowed drunken sailors to control our public purse and have continued to believe in demon ocracy (sic), a top down tyranny of the masses. I stopped supporting that failed political system in my early 20s, the last time I voted. I’ll be 74 on Boxing Day. The only political system which ever proved itself worthy of human beings is National Socialism to which we should return if we are to put a final end to the infernal jewish question and terminate many of our burdens. Hail Victory! and FtJ
Thank you Gertjan.
For readers who might be wondering about the etymology of the term ‘aboes’ which Gertjan makes reference to, that is short for ‘aboriginal’. That term is most commonly used in Australia, but sometimes is used in reference to the Indians of North America as well. That is just fine, in my opinion, to call them aboriginals. Think in terms of what these words mean: ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’. Now think about ‘original’ and ‘aboriginal’. Exactly! Another grand deception to say ‘First Nations’ when referring to the North American Indians. That’s a whole another arena of research that has been suppressed and hidden from us, but this knowledge is spreading now like wildfire.
Okay, let’s get to the bottom line regarding race and the races of humankind. A long time ago, when the Earth was green and there were all kinds of animals like you have never seen there were giants and dwarves and beings from inner Earth trading top side and so on. All of this stuff is coming to light as the internet, which got away from ‘them’ reveals our world in ever more spectacular fashion to those of us paying attention. As it was stated, all things will be revealed and the Truth will be known. It is one of the reasons I am so excited to be alive every day because we are living in very interesting times right now.
So, what about races?
In the distant past humanity was differentiated according to the colours of the rainbow. Indeed, indigos are still with us in North Eastern Africa. The red skins are marginally still here. We also see remnants of the yellow race but the blues, greens, and oranges were exterminated in internecine conflagrations. The White Race is the Master Race for the reason we are an amalgamation of all of those colours combined. We are the Heinzenheimers, (I made that up). You know what I mean. In our DNA we have concentrated all the best traits of those other races and as a result are super smart, very adaptable and have invented the modern world. Indeed, White is all the colours. Black is not a colour. Indeed, blacks are not coloured. But, I digressed.
Since I am a quintessential White Man born in the exact middle of the 20th Century, in my very DNA I have always felt that it is, (pardon moi pour ma Francaise) FUCKING AWESOME to be White. As for the abo term, yes, it is mostly used in Australia, but on this planet we have a plethora of indigenous peoples, aboriginals who have been parasites on the White Race for a very long time. And, like parasites they consume but never give back anything of value. Abo is an apt term. It shows a complete lack of respect. The problem for the international clique of parasites is, for which I have nothing but the utmost loathing, if they succeed in exterminating us, the White Race, they also will die off because without us, they, like all other parasites can not live.
Hail Victory! and FtJ.
Latin ‘ab origine’ means ‘originally’, from the beginning
prep ‘a’ or ‘ab’ + Ablativ, 6th case in Latin
noun origo,-inis means origin, source
Lots and lots of English words are actually Latin, the influence of the Roman conquerors on language, culture was enormous
The word ‘abnormal’ has undergone a change of meaning into the negative
Such changes in meaning / manipulation of language has happened repeatedly:
lat ‘discriminare’ means to discern, having discernment, to differentiate – which is something positive
However, Jew indoctrination tells us: “to be discriminating” = bad ! Endless tolerance instead!
What is intrinsically good is called bad… and replaced by something equally bad if you tolerate the intolerable…
Good to call out all this white guilt Monika!
As always blaming false guilt on the targets, always shifting the blame to distract attention away from the true culprits.
Currently, “NATO” is being put under pressure – and blamed for “attacking Russia”… with long-range US missiles… to provoke Russia’s retaliation: WW3
Who controls NATO? – “NATO” is under US-Jewish Supreme Command, as are “EU”, “UN”, “WHO” (World Homicide Organization) etc
The EU-NATO nations have been under US-Jewish Zionist Freemasonic Talmudic Satanic occupation since 1945, and puppet “politicians” have been installed to do the bidding of the true perpetrators, as always pulling the strings from behind the curtains.
The global Jewish Communist Satanic tyranny (“New World Order – The Great Reset”) is all based on lies and false guilt.
Multi-dimensional warfare against all the nations of the white race in order to dispossess and exterminate, and totally enslave the rest.
Conspiracy reality.