The following is a letter which Alfred wrote to some friends in answer to their Christmas card and greetings. In an email accompanying the transcription of Alfred’s letter, the friends said they had not even noticed the swastika on the card, as it was so tiny.
Dear B & A:
Thank you very much for your letter. The communist censors removed the contents of what you sent and put it to my things for when I get out of this gulag, but it shows us how in panic they are. They said there was a “Hakenkreuz”, and Swastika and that is ‘BAD.” Can you imagine? The Swastika is an ancient symbol of love and unity and the Jews who are now injecting everyone with rat poison forbid a symbol of love and unity. I want you to know that we are on track to totally defeat this eternal enemy of all like itself.

As people are waking up and beginning to understand with what they have been injected, they will rise and when they rise, they will not stop until they have found the person who is responsible for what has been done. All people involved in this mass murder of our beautiful white people will have a short moment to talk if they want to live. If they don’t come up with good information, names, etc, then they will be held accountable for mass murder of civilians, children, for genocide. I am absolutely pleased with how rapidly the global awakening is now progressing. This is an exponential natural organic process and cannot be stopped. Nobody likes being murdered. Nobody likes being raped. Nobody likes being made an ass of. Nobody wants to be the very last person to figure this out. Even all the “doing-level” of staff in this prison are all waking up and hoping this will soon be over. Those who have already been injected once or twice are now very pissed off and worried. This anger will fuel the retribution and I would not want to be the “doctor” who injected them.
The first oath that every doctor makes is to promise not to do harm. How does injecting people wit RAT POISON fit with the Hippocratic oath – DO NO HARM! And children who always believe what grown-up people say. This betrayal has a price. We European people have tossed out the jews hundreds of times. This time it will be off the planet. We will do whatever it takes to survive. The jew thought the extermination of the European Aryan people will be easy, but we were only sleeping. Now we are rising and we are angry and we know what needs to be done. If I wasn’t white, I would rather be our friend than our enemy, because our enemies will not survive.
About 100 million people were murdered under the Bolsheviks who were all run by jews under communism over the last century. Now the jews think they can poison the rest and make a negro slum out of Europe …
I knew that the people would all wake up as soon as the party was over. Thank God. Now they can fix the problem and make Europe white and beautiful once again. All those other people can go home and fix their shit-hole countries themselves. I LOVE white people. To poke a lion to see if it is sleeping … that is pretty stupid, but to keep poking it as it is waking up is pure suicide!
Best regards, your [Kamarad], Alfred
P.S. It took a month for this letter to get to me. Hope this letter is faster.
12 Responses
Alfred’s recent letter to his friends, “B & A”, responding to their recent Christmas correspondence to him proves to me how much Alfred continues to grow in both wisdom and intellect during his present incarceration at the “Padlock Hotel”. As I read back over the numerous correspondences I have received from him I confess I am continually amazed how much his mind remains fresh, full of passion and grace and so very, very engaging. Here is a man who seems to be growing in intellect and energy with the passing of each day, week and month. Of course, there is no doubt he is struggling immensely to maintain his sanity, physical well-being and composure due to those holding him against his will. Yet, nonetheless, I sense an evolution in his thinking that in a strange sort of way makes me grow stronger and more enduring in my own understanding(s) and take on life. Just knowing there is a fellow human being out there in this world like Alfred helps me, personally, to continually gain strength, repose and the ability to reflect on life that I probably would not even think about if not for my own communications with this very decent, compassionate and very obvious great man. Even during these more senior years of my life I continually find myself growing more human and humane for just having those many shared letters between us. Dear Alfred seems to have SHED HIS GRACE ON ME.
I find myself now thinking back upon that historical period in time when Herr Hitler was incarcerated during the nineteen twenties. Instead of wallowing in self-pity this great man took it upon himself to utilize the time most productively to write his inspiring “Mein Kampf” – a work that continues to inspire the world over. If I am not mistaken, this written masterpiece is today only second to the Holy Bible in its world-over total readership and popularity.
I pray daily for Alfred’s good health and eventual safe return. History will prove this fine and gentle man one of the best amongst us.
Beautiful words, thank you Frederick
Thank you for posting the letter Monika.
It was so great for us to receive a letter from Alfred , to him totally unknown persons.
It says something about how great person he is.
His spirit is so strong , and he gives encouragement to other people , so they can go on fighting.
Looking very much forward to him getting out of the cell.
We need him as a inspiration .
Dear Birgitta, I am so glad you saw the post here! Yes, his spirit is strong, and I know from my own experience that the letters he receives from people like you help greatly to keep him strong. Today is his 67th birthday, the fourth birthday spent behind bars. Today is also the day the Wilhelm Gustloff was torpedoed and sank, 77 years ago. Today is also the anniversary of the day in 1933 when Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. It is a big day.
Thank you again!
Yes , it is important to celebrate the past.
We have much to celebrate.
We can not forget the past which our culture is standing on.
I mean .
We have to celebrate the past they want us to forget…
NEVER AGAIN , shall we be ashamed of ourselves , and the culture we stand on.
We have to be proud of our ancestors ; whom is in our blood and soul.
Today people are living in a vacuum.
They have no past . No future.
People are getting weird of all kinds of weird destructive ideology.
Nothing is normal anymore.
Yes , we all in a way have been infected by this , but we have to come out of it , and be free.
By the way , my husband and I got married on 20 of April , 10 years ago.
Our regards to Alfred for a Happy Birthday , and may he soon be free.
They jail the best men today.
Happy 67th birthday, dear Alfred!
Here in Germany we are already eight hours into January 30, 2022.
Breakfast time! Thinking of you… Have a nice day, Alfred. Lots of letters and birthday cards to bring some light and entertainment into the dungeon…The thoughts are free…
Love to you both.
The symbols they hate and abhor are the symbols they fear.
The TRUTH will make us free
Good shepherds tell the truth. They are extremely rare.
Wonderful letter, wonderful words and Thank You Monika and Alfred (of course): he is a true hero.
Yesterday and all this week I have seen (on Rumble) the fine spirit of Canadian Truckers in action (they’re even coming in from Texas and Florida too) and so I hope that THAT news can filter its’ way to dear Alfred: it should give him extra hope and hope for all of us.
Thank you, God Bless and Wohlan !
Thank you Warren. Yes, through the letters that people write, Alfred is definitely getting the real news about current events and goings-on. If he wants to see and hear what the MSM spews forth, he turns on his TV, but says he has to hit the OFF button very quickly to avoid having to spend the next few hours cleaning up the vomit which happened as a result of seeing the garbage they are telling the masses. He keeps his sense of humour!
Canada Go!
Health workers in Dresden (Germany) are standing up against “medical” tyranny