Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Alfred to Frederick

I received copy of very moving letters from my brother Alfred to a man in the USA named Frederick. Alfred makes reference to Frederick’s letter in which he tells of his late uncle’s wartime stories. I do not have copy of Frederick’s letter to Alfred at this time, but I am including segments from a letter which I received in 2018 from Frederick, while myself a political prisoner in Germany. Those excerpts follow Alfred’s letter below.

Here are Alfred’s two letters sent two days apart:

June 26, 2020

Dear Frederick,

Today I only want to quickly let you know I got your letter from Nov, 2019. Yesterday it arrived in my cell here in Landsberg. Obviously they held it back and now decided to let it through because they know they have been betting on the wrong horse. This matrix is so evil and so sophisticated and so deadly, and yet it is what it is and we either defeat it or it defeats us and then we have hell on earth.

I’m only writing you a short acknowledgement that I received your letter for now and will send you another shortly. I will go through your letter. I just started reading it and had to just let you know it got through. Seeing events as they are now unfolding in all of our white countries puts your letter in perspective. It allows us to understand the role this strange behaviour played in the Big Picture. Believe me Frederick, within the System people are also waking up and are terrified by what comes to their senses insofar as they have any, and the great backstabbing begins within their ranks. […]

In the big picture we can also be satisfied to have this epic challenge land on our plate. We are not here for fun and games and childish trivia. We will now learn what pain is good for. Our pain level will reach the threshold it takes to respond in whatever way is necessary to deal with this. Or we die. That is Life. Every single organic healing begins with the host, or victim, recognizing that it has a problem. We are well into / past this phase. […]

P.S. I just saw now that the post mark is June 1, 2020. I’m so so glad you sent this out. I’m just going through your letter and it makes me cry. This is so very important. Your letter is exactly the same as my own thoughts. Proves we are winning big time.

Jun 28th, 2020

Dear Frederick,

Your letter gave me great satisfaction because it so enriches the clarity and depth of the high resolution image that is now coming into focus around the globe. The image of who we are and what has been done to us over time and space.

When I started working in Germany for IBM in 1985 at age 30, intending to stay only for 2 years or so and then go back to Canada, one thing that always struck me was how the Germans’ behaviour reminded me more and more of a beautiful woman who has been raped and beaten half to death and since regaining her consciousness had her attacker hammer down on her and all she could do was offer everything she has left while crawling on her knees. At that time of course, I did not yet really understand enough of what the truth was and was very involved in my work and other activities that I loved; my IBM work had me move about a lot. I spent 3 years in Boulder Colorado in the IBM development lab there.

Getting to your point about heartache and depression that I feel – it absolutely floors me to think what is happening to the White Race. It depresses, enrages, breaks my heart, and energizes me to do everything I possibly can until my very last breath. Everything in my life (65 years) somehow has led to this. As if I have had help from my guardian angels. I was born on the 10th anniversary of the world’s worst and biggest maritime disaster of all time that is never ever mentioned and few people know of it. On 30th of January 1945 the Wilhelm Gustloff was sunk by a communist submarine killing about 10,000 mostly terrified women and children fleeing the murdering raping onslaught from the east. I never knew anything about that until recent years, and I thank people like Mike King “The Bad War” for their excellent work.


Let me be very clear about one thing: the time I’ve now spent in prison (2 years) may not have been the most pleasant time of my life, but the MOST valuable in the long run and now, since the Jew has seated himself on top of us with the pathetic self crowning “Operation Corona”, everyone on planet earth is now in prison. But not for long. I have never heard of a restaurant staying in business for very long when the chef cook shits on the plate for his customers. And forces them to pay a high price for it. Also, a child raper that wants compensation for his sore penis does not qualify for Life insurance. So you see, in practical terms, the Jew is not in an enviable situation. So you may also see and understand that the Jew now wants us to win because the Jew knows its game over. The Jew got Jewed by his own kind.

We are now witnessing the initiation of the biological response that the late great Eustace Mullins foresaw already before Jews did 9/11. Throughout history, when the Jews get rounded up they come crawling out with claims of,

I’m not one of the bad ones, I didn’t do anything, bla bla bla…

(((They))) are now already indeed laying the seeds to be able to make that claim. We all know that the cowboy with one bullet in his Colt, and one traitor and one enemy before him, will use that one bullet for the traitor.

Corona makes sitting on the fence impossible. Nobody can be that stupid, NOT to understand this nonsense. So anyone who works in the media, government, etc, etc, and claims not to know or understand, is a traitor or a Jew. In either case, they will be dealt with, sooner or a tiny bit later.

It’s interesting that both “Mein Kampf” and the “Bible” are both absolute historical bestsellers and both deal with the parasite Jew. The Bible has been filtered by the Jew and altered to remove all the facts about himself. The restaurant owner does not write on the menu “plate full of fresh shit”, he calls it “Menu of the day”. But its the taste and the smell that gives it away. Word of mouth and angry customers soon has the restaurant owner hanging from a tree. And nobody wants to help him.

One thing that my priceless sister Monika has proved to me is how functioning heart bonds and functioning brains have an exponential force multiplying effect. In other words, for this moment in human history it is the highest priority to get not only our people, but every person on earth to comprehend what our present situation is. Sentimentalities will not play a role in the cleaning out of the disease. The white race will not be bred down to extinction because the parasite wants it that way. The difference between understanding the facts and believing the lies is comparable to the difference between a small child playing in a sandbox and a grown man standing on his feet. That is why

I Corona!

Because Corona tosses the kids out of their playpen or sandbox.

They will now all have the opportunity to be slaughtered while crawling on their bellies or get on their feet and die standing on their feet with their sword in their hand. On their feet they may even survive.

Frederick, can you imagine all of our people with sword in hand standing on their feet?

It was here that I learned the true value of a white face. The best remedy for the whining lobotomized castrated politically correct 2 legged worms would be to let them spend some time in a prison full of surplus niggers.✴︎ Watch them change their tune as they yearn for nothing more than just one other white face. As they go down they weep for that which they failed to protect when they had the chance. That is why Corona is the best thing since Apple Pie.

✴︎[Before you cringe upon seeing this non-politically-correct term, consider the fact that “nigger” was once a commonly used term by black people themselves. In fact, it stems from Africans coming from the Niger region who considered themselves higher class and more intelligent than other Africans, and they wanted to distinguish themselves from other tribes. 

It is yet another example of the Orwellian inversion of our language to confuse and shut down our ability to think straight. Editor ~ MS]

What you write about your own awareness about our true history is so very important. It all fits in on the other side of:

We will go where the grapes are the biggest, we will slowly move in and take control, and when we have taken everything and they get restive we put them to sleep and we destroy them utterly, and we delete even the memory of them.

Everything changes when our comprehension goes from “Evil Nazis are bad because they gassed to death 6,000,000 poor innocent Jews for no reason and wanted to rule the world with Nazi terror,” to understanding the role of the Jew in divide and conquer the white race and subsequently breed them down to extermination now that (((we))) have stolen everything from them.

In German there is a little saying that goes like this: “If you are a bird and you don’t fly when the cat comes, then you belong to the cat.” To that I add: If you are a human being and you don’t think when the Jew comes, then you belong to the Jew.

That fits very well with the protocols instructing to

go into the people and take total ownership of these people.

Money is the base on which the parasite operates, and money is the abstraction we have become dependant on to exchange true values we create and need to survive, and the Jew claims entitlement to our true values with the money he has stolen and tricked us out of.

When I read your late uncle’s accounts it becomes clear why so many people did not want to talk about the war afterwards because of the deep shame of what they had to feel when they came to their senses. The Jews learned a great deal when they engineered the “American Civil War”, and applied what they had learned to the Germans in the “World War I and II” which is really chapter 1 & 2 of the 30 year war to lead up to the final elimination of the white race since it has now been bled dry. The descendants of those American soldiers who spat on the German corpses will now all be wringing their hands craving for proper white men and women to help us defend our lands and our future as wave after wave of dark skinned testosterone laden low IQ invaders storm our civilization.

I cried when I read your letter. At the same time these tears give me great hope because of the fact that we both are only two individuals on different continents who have recognized the very same high resolution image of who we are and where we come from and what is happening. A very good diagnosis of the cause of our problem, and this very image is now exploding like a volcano into the awareness of people Everywhere! The little children will all be lining up when they can’t play anymore and will be thirsting for proper direction. Many will stab their former playmates in the back to prove they themselves are on our side, and not one of “them”. The men will rise from the hysterical little brats. The last of the zombies will be destroyed by the next-to-last in their frantic effort to climb on board the lifeboat of truth. They very last will feel a boot in their face from their former playmates who are a tiny bit faster. What I am describing is the behaviour always seen when a ship goes down. Human behaviour. You cannot change the past. It is what it is. But you can learn the truth and influence the future. You can pay for that plate of steaming fresh shit, or you can string the cook up in the next tree. Whatever you want.

When I read your letter it simply makes me infinitely happy that I did what I did to get myself right here in Landsberg into this cell writing you this letter. I don’t know what else to say. It would have been a disgrace for me not to have done what I have done.

When I was young, 15, 16 years old I was at war with my dad because I fell hook, line, and sinker for the demoralization of the times. Thank God I recovered from that and have been able to do a minimum to restore our honour and some truth. At that age, the early 1970’s, it was the lovey-dovey peace hippy “movement” with the inverted Rune symbol and we thought we are entering the age of enlightenment, and war is a thing of the past and thank God the Nazi’s were defeated. 

Clever clever those Jews. Monika and I have a relative who asks us “what reality do you live in?” and he parrots the Jew lies. How is it possible that he has forgotten our mothers voice asking: “Why Dresden? It was the Venice of Germany, crammed full of women and children, why Dresden?” Our relative prefers to believe the Jew lies, and the ice he is standing on is melting fast now. These are the lobotomized eunuchs that can only restore a modicum of honour by hanging themselves in the end. Nobody will want them sitting at the same table, when they grasp that their entire life has been a lie and they are the last fools to see it, the rope is an attractive end to their pathetic existence, and nobody sheds a tear.

Your accounts do need to be documented, they are so moving. They are so very important. They are priceless. This entire episode will teach us our true worth. If we fail then the only distant memory that the Jews will inject into their new dark skinned slaves is that the nazi racists are finally gone. But it won’t come to that, because Corona is like a catalyzer waking people up, and every single fiat money in all of history has its EOL (end of life) and this one now is way overdue.

Adolf Hitler and Jesus Christ and Henry Ford and Dr. William Luther Pierce and Eustace Mullins and so many more knew what they were talking about.

The Parasite Jew thought that by reminding us of how bad any opposition and resistance to their madness is, we ought to believe it eventually. That is what they inject into our awareness through the control of the media and all organs of the state they have infiltrated and subverted, and puff up all the traitors who did their bidding, until the rot collapses the system. That is where we are today. The “Jewish Faith” instructs the Jewish leaders to rape and kill non-jewish girls of 3 years and one day. The “Jewish Faith” is the Operating System of a race of Psychopaths. Including the trauma at 8 days of ripping off the foreskin to destroy any modicum of trust and empathy. OK, reaching end of paper, I could write a book but got to stop now. I want to say again how very much I love your letter and it gives me strength and great satisfaction. We are not doing this to lose. We are on track and we grow in numbers, quality, and strength every day minute() now. I would not want to be our enemy.

All my best regards,

Alfred Schaefer


Here now is an excerpt from Frederick’s letter to me in March 2018:

[…] As an individual whom has long been an avid student of history ever since I was in high school back in the sixties I have been questioning the official narrative about World War 2, including just about everything from the Spanish-American War forward. I have had more reason than most since my one late uncle was stationed in Europe both during and after the war and he often shared with me vivid, intimate accounts of his experiences while in Europe. In my early twenties he sat me down and finally shared with me what he had witnessed in vastly more detail, feeling I was mature enough at that point to handle what he had to say.

He was so shocked from what he had seen what both Britain and the United States had done to Germany, particularly with regards to the horrific bombing of its great cities and the torture, execution and mistreatment of both civilians and soldiers that upon his return to this country he never again throughout the rest of his life ever once honoured our flag or would have anything to do with any veterans or political organizations. It tore him up something fierce and his talks to me about the destruction of so many magnificent buildings and priceless cultural treasures lost to humanity forever, including countless millions of German civilians now lost to all memory, often left both of us in tears. As he saw it there was no justification whatsoever for what we had done. His stories remain burned within my mind to this very day.

Most especially the one story when he came upon the badly charred bodies of a mother clutching her infant child to her chest, with two other small children clinging to her side amidst the burned rubble of their small cottage home, the look of shear agony still visible upon each of their faces. American soldiers would walk by and spit on the carcasses, stomp on and kick them and shoot random bullets into them, laughing and joking about it. What kind of deranged, indoctrinated mind could ever do such a thing? Personally I feel this country, alone, owes Germany so very, very much. May God forgive us for what we have done.

Some day in the near future I hope to be able to share with you in detail yet another story about an individual who lived through the hell of the allied bombings of Berlin. It is a rather lengthy story I recorded from a blind and partly disfigured man I met nearly thirty years ago. As a young lad he alone in his immediate family survived the horrific bombing and war and was forced to live in filth and squalor on the streets after the war for several years before distant relatives in America tracked him down and brought him to this country. His story remains so profoundly moving that I hope to someday see it developed into book form or perhaps even a movie. I would be very hard-pressed to find a person more worthy of heroic honours than he for what he had to live through and endure. Were it ever published I can nearly swear to you the impact it would have would be a game changer.

Years later […] I happened to come across an old book featuring many black and white photographs of street scenes in late nineteenth century Berlin. Later I took the time to study the photos and compare those old street scenes of splendid buildings and other beautiful structures with more present day Google street view. Of course, comparing before and after views of street scenes in Berlin was no easy emotional effort on my part. Looking at bland, contemporary streetscapes of today when compared to the photo images of magnificent buildings crafted from before the war left me feeling very sick to the stomach, somber and disillusioned. So much beauty, hand-workmanship and design brilliance lost forever and essentially lost to all memory as well. Today it seems almost impossible or surreal to think such magnificence ever existed on those busy, modern city streets now filled with cars and so much plastic, cheap-looking, machine-age buildings. More so, what possible mindset could ever justify such wanton, indiscriminate wholesale destruction and slaughter in order to “win” a war? What mindset was behind this concept of total war and unconditional surrender? What were the allies so very very afraid of that they required such complete and total destruction, cruelty and annihilation towards the civilian German population and its exquisitely built environment crafted over a thousand years?

[…] Having to imagine nearly all of it destroyed and gone forever, including so many, many lives of those within who could not get out or would not leave behind what they so dearly loved and cherished. Why should they have left? Could it have ever crossed their minds such barbarity would befall them from the sky? What historical context in western civilization could ever have prepared them for such a hellish nightmare? Do supposed civilized countries ever act this way?

On still another later occasion while visiting that archive imagine what a moving experience it was for me to confirm my acquaintance’s story when coming upon one specific photograph of one exquisite fountain and sculpture ensemble within the Tiergarten Park. In his story as told to me he explained how he had hid under the raised lip of a very large and elaborate circular fountain basin during an air raid in 1944. Today no such structure exists there[…] Intently studying that photo in the library I could then so clearly visualize and feel the reality of that frightened lad hunkering down in shear terror in that horrible time afraid for both himself and his family and wondering what would be his and their fate, never imagining in his worst nightmares such wickedness could ever descend from the sky against unarmed men, women and little children.

And it was after hiding under that very fountain for nearly an hour rushing home in a break in the bombing that upon reaching home he witnessed his family’s home blown apart in a gigantic, fiery explosion killing everyone and everything he loved within – his mother, grandmother and younger sister – including his two pet dogs, the family cat and his grandmother’s beloved caged song birds, including all of his mother’s hand paintings, his younger sister’s porcelain doll collection, his older brother’s written manuscripts and poems and other beautiful family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation. In an instant a family and their whole world was mostly lost for all time. And it was that very moment after entering the building the explosion that blinded and disfigured him for life, leaving that moment of destruction and horrific death of loved ones, as the last image he would ever see again for the rest of his life.

Later while in hospital care outside the city he would learn his father died while in the service. When we spoke he told me he has never been able to get the cries and screams from his family members out of his head after all those many years. Can you imagine living with that? His one older brother whom he was so close to, a proud member of the SS, was never heard from again. (It was his belief his brother either perished in a Soviet gulag or executed and buried in a common grave by the allies.)

The people most beloved and cherished in his life all gone. Again, can you imagine? Then multiply that one tragedy many millions of times over. The lives lost – so much of German culture – all lost to our common civilizational memory. There were times in the past I thought my brain would explode just trying to wrap my mind around such unrelenting horror. 

The one benediction he stated to me – if you can call it that – was that after losing his sight the vivid, pleasant memories from before managed to remain so vivid and real to him, becoming more front and centre as time went by. These included the images of his family members still alive within his mind, their lovely home with its fine wall paneling, the garden room with its many lush potted plants and large caged song birds located in the centre of the space, their library of countless books, the distant view of the great park from their upper balcony where he said “he would often read and contemplate existence”. He said even the sound of the grandfather clock and the feel of the furniture remained with him, including the smell of the paint from his mother’s art studio. Even the toys in his room, and the smell of the sheets upon his bed. At times he said he would still wake up many decades later and just lay back in his bed and fondly immerse himself into that other world as if living there for real once again talking to his mother or spending time in the kitchen with his grandmother – all to help maintain his present-day sanity and “the loneliness that was with him constantly”. He further stated he “longed for his heart to just stop so he could die and once again be with his family” as he missed them so. 

I could sense his life had stopped those many years before and would never move forward outside of that other world lost to him. 

Since told to me I have occasionally wondered what the pilot and crew that dropped that one bomb on his beloved world must have felt knowing that they were destroying so many innocent lives and priceless history far below. Did they ever imagine in at least some small way that their actions would have consequences?

I pray that someday soon Germany will wake up from its long and imposed, forced coma and begin to realize it is a great country with a glorious past. It has nothing to be ashamed of. For one brief and inspiring twelve-year period (1933-1945) it shone forth a new beginning for this world that despite what happened it nonetheless remains a shining example for future generations to endeavour to emulate. History will ultimately prove Germany and Adolf Hitler right in so many, many ways. You cannot convince me the truth will remain buried forever. Perhaps I remain naive about many things but I just cannot convince myself mankind can allow itself to remain blind to truth indefinitely. […]

respectfully yours,

19 Responses

    1. No, sorry, not unless you put it into a translate mode on your computer. I simply transcribed the letter as written by Alfred, same thing with Frederick’s.

  1. “awareness about our true history” (Alfred)
    awareness about the real issues – discussion with young people, demonstrators at a “sit in” in a parking lot – Q (to myself and them): What is their problem? A: make the inner cities friendlier – Q: is this really a pressing problem now or rather a fabricated one (as a lot has been done to make the German inner cities friendly by keeping most of the car traffic out) to distract their attention from the real issues (e.g. the “Corona” scam which has turned our cities into ghost towns for months)? Q: What do they think about “Corona”, the “COVID 19” fraud, 19 years after the 9/11 fraud? The “leader” of the crowd, the only one wearing a mask outside parroted the Jewish propaganda – another “Antifa” mob? No, just unknowing, dumbed down student folks – we have lots of them here, a university town – Q: What reality do they live in? What do they know about what really is going on? – an engineered “pandemic” scam used as the perfect pretense to exercise unprecedented global power…

    ~~~ Who are the perpetrators behind the scenes? ~~~
    “Everything changes when our comprehension goes from “Evil Nazis are bad because they gassed to death 6,000,000 poor innocent Jews for no reason and wanted to rule the world with Nazi terror,” to understanding the role of the Jew in divide and conquer the white race and subsequently breed them down to extermination” (Alfred)

    ~~~ We didn’t get quite that far… Q: Are they aware that things are terribly wrong in this world? (as I was when I was of their age starting my search for answers?) – young folks, totally unaware of the real dangers we are all in – their replies were extremely naive – believing in media propaganda – taking the lies for the truth – a great lack of knowledge – not their fault, as the truth is intentionally hidden from them, being left out – lots of gaps left in the falsified official narrative/s – I know all too well how that works – it takes some efforts to fill in the gaps – I mentioned the movie “Contagion” they can get from the local library, a Hollywood production from 2011 – “we are right in the middle of that movie now!” – Q: WHO are “they”, the ones behind? Talking about CONSPIRACY REALITY – WHO runs Hollywood? WHO runs the media? WHO created all these transnational organizations such as the “UN”, “WHO” etc? to use them as their tools to exercise global power? WHO are the private owners of the “Federal Reserve”? WHAT is the “Federal Reserve”? WHO are the richest bankers /capitalists? WHO has the MONEY POWER? WHO has the right to issue/print money? WHO has POLITICAL POWER through the money power? WHO financed the so called “Russian” Revolution which was in fact a JEWISH revolution, a takeover by Jewish revolutionaries (Trotsky, Lenin, and hundreds more) coming from outside? At that point when it became clear that the driving force behind all of this was and is JEWISH… the “leader” of the crowd asked: “Are you “ANTI-Jewish”? – although he didn’t use the slur “Nazi”, it was all too obvious that his programming had kicked in, his facial expression was gross disapproval A: I am just stating facts! The historical truth! Are you realizing that? – But he could not take it, abruptly and ostensively he turned his back on me – not an impressive behaviour… the others kept listening – One single thick chemtrail right above our heads ploughing through a blue sky… helped me to bring the next real issue to their attention: Our problem is not “climate change through CO2” but weather manipulation by geoengineering (chemtrails – chemical, electromagnetic manipulation, poisoning of air, water, soil, food), a US-NATO military operation against us… it’s not about “protecting” us, our health and well-being… They even want to EXTERMINATE THE WHITE RACE! They have openly ANNOUNCED it! Q (by an attentive listener): WHAT are they spraying? For what purpose? I mentioned some of the highly toxic components and recommended websites – And his statement was: “I want true science!” – A: Exactly! But you won’t get real science from the UN, WHO… – Eventually they will come up with a “vaccine against Corona” which is vodoo-science, not true science and medicine – DO NOT TAKE IT! A: He won’t. He remembered the “swine flu epidemic”… and how the vaccinated got injured and even killed by the vaccine – He was the one who shockingly had uttered before “I wouldn’t mind!” when I mentioned the intentions/plans to EXTERMINATE us – he clearly didn’t know what he was saying at that moment – the SUBCONSCIOUS SPELL he was put under by the usual crap… – How relieved I was to hear that in his conscious mind he is determined to defend and protect himself! – The young people are not lost – we need to talk to them… Tell them the truth whenever possible. Breaking the spell. Sowing the seed of truth, and it will grow.

    “When I was young, 15, 16 years old I was at war with my dad because I fell hook, line, and sinker for the demoralization of the times.” (Alfred)

    ~~~ There are parallels and differences in our biographies – My father died when I was seven – I’ve never accused my parents, my people for what had happened – they didn’t talk about the war at all – however, I saw and knew somehow anyways what they had endured – hard times with my mother, I couldn’t understand why she was unable to defend herself – hard to learn for oneself if there is not the example you wish for – it was very much later in life that I learned to understand her much better when she finally talked about (hard pressed by me to free herself) what horrors they had lived through, back then in 1945, and onwards ~~~

    “The people most beloved and cherished in his life all gone. Again, can you imagine? Then multiply that one tragedy many millions of times over. The lives lost – so much of German culture – all lost to our common civilizational memory. There were times in the past I thought my brain would explode just trying to wrap my mind around such unrelenting horror.” “He further stated he “longed for his heart to just stop so he could die and once again be with his family” as he missed them so. I could sense his life had stopped those many years before and would never move forward outside of that other world lost to him.” (Frederick)

    ~~~ The survivors had to shut down the war memories in order to be able to move forward and build a new home and life somewhere else, in the west, where the cities had been bombed into rubble. My mother remained traumatized for the rest of her life, as if both her arms had been amputated, she managed to do what was most necessary to survive but mentally she was somehow made unable to defend herself and us. We children had to learn and do early what she was unable to do. Why not? I asked her and did not stop until she finally started talking – a process of healing and forgiving I am very grateful for – shortly before she died. ~~~

    1. Thank you Freya, yes you are right we need to talk with the young people directly, give them information and give them courage and encouragement to question what they are being told. We need to plant the seeds, and they will run with it. I agree, the young people are not lost, but they certainly are under the spell.

      I spoke with a girl about 15 years old (grade 9) the other day, she was serving food from behind a counter. I commented that I was happy to see she was not wearing a mask. She told me how they had to sit at their desks all day long at school, wearing masks, and they hated it. I encouraged her to talk with her friends at school, and they should all together stop wearing them. Just take them off, refuse to put them on. What are they going to do – put you in jail? No! Of course not! Will they send you home? Then get up and leave, and say to the teacher, “enjoy your unemployment!” I told the girl that the government is lying to us. She eagerly listened to things I was telling her. It was a good interaction.

      Even if that kind of encounter does not lead to immediate action in that young person (although it might), it will certainly get her thinking, and the seeds that were planted will germinate, take root and grow. We never know the ripple effects our actions have…

    2. Once the penny drops with the youth, realising what is being/has been hidden from them …a volcano will erupt!

      Don’t give up on the youth…”Many” are searching for roots and starting to evangelise.

      The simple solution to take down this parasitic rat system that has us in this Phony Coroni lock-down is “Autarky”

      Autarky is the way forward; “Autarky” = Protectionism and distributionism = interest free banking which must be absent of the well poisoners/money changers (((Central Banking))) which is being held up by blind faith Military and Marxists, Police and civil service, Anarchists and the indoctrinated public who are clueless to it all ….

      Democracy is the Zio-Communist trap that sustains chaos.

      Autarky will allow for 100% employment through public works and “agrarian production”, interest free mortgages which will neutralise evictions and all bully boy bailiffs at your door.

      The Gottfried Feder economic model/money is (((their))) best kept secret…..Bingo!! 

      But this won’t happen if the solution is silenced into obscurity in order to keep it from public knowledge who are kept in a continuous firefight loop of endless issues.

      # Peter Quiggins “EU is not Europe” or # Peter Quiggins “not so kosher holocaust business part 2-4 the antithesis”

  2. Thanks for also sharing excerpts from Frederick’s letter to you, along with Alfred’s. Sometimes I wonder how those “All-lies” bombers could still look at themselves in the mirror after what they did. I couldn’t watch much of Hellstorm; it was far too painful. 😪
    My grandfather went to war later on in WW2, ending up in Holland, awaiting the invasion of Germany. But by the great mercy of God, he contracted mumps (or something like that) and had to be held there until better; in the meantime the war ended, and he was simply sent home. Knowing what I now know about WW2, I am grateful that he was prevented from seeing action, and that he never killed anybody. That is an example of God’s great mercy!
    My friend’s grandfather (as much a grandfather to me as to her), was a POW in a German POW camp, having been captured during the horrendous D-Day invasion of Germany. He never had a bad word to say about the Germans, he even learned to knit with wool while there, and made everybody awesome wool mittens, sweaters, socks, etc. But during a televised anniversary “celebrqtion” of the D-Day invasion, held on location in Germany, in which all the remaining vets were assembled, when it was his turn to speak, all he could do was cry. I will never forget that. He was crying for all the evil done on that day and during that war, all the countless lives lost, both “enemies” and Canadians, he could not bear to remember it. It showed that not all the “All-lies” were evil people, simply decent people caught up in an evil period of history.

    1. Of course the soldiers were not evil people. They were incited by that certain tribe that is behind all these wars, in which cousins kill cousins, brothers kill brothers, whites kill whites. Rabbi Reichorn said in 1859, “Wars are the jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100-million of them and the end is not yet.”

    2. Yes Wildflower: Tears come when the horror of what our jew inspired politicians tell us we must do for the N(j)ew World Order. Try to kill an innocent person, just like our self, on the other side that has been taught to kill for the same N(j)ew World Order. Education without the jew influence can reverse that trend, but in today’s world, the jew controls the minds of most, especially in education.

      Our hope today is the internet to bring us together, but already the jews are learning to control the internet too. There seems to be no end as to how much the jew controls. The sad part is there are too few educated that are resisting.

  3. “…one thing that always struck me was how the Germans’ behaviour reminded me more and more of a beautiful woman who has been raped and beaten half to death and since regaining her consciousness had her attacker hammer down on her and all she could do was offer everything she has left while crawling on her knees” (Alfred)

    ~~~ Yes, Germania is beautiful under all her scars – brought to her knees but always proud and upright inside, always with the truth on her side, taking up the sword of truth – her attackers and abusers taking to flight at her sight ~~~

    “I was born on the 10th anniversary of the world’s worst and biggest maritime disaster of all time that is never ever mentioned and few people know of it. On 30th of January 1945 the Wilhelm Gustloff was sunk by a communist submarine killing about 10,000 mostly terrified women and children fleeing the murdering raping onslaught from the east.” (Alfred)

    ~~~ I was born on the 8th anniversary of the world’s first dropping of atomic bombs by Americans on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and two days later on Nagasaki on August 8th. Cities where mostly Japanese Christians lived. And what a world to be born into, cast into – torn apart by allied barbarity, destroyed by the horrors of a “war to the death” – as the seventh child, the sixth did not make it, no child can live if the mother is starved from hunger, deeply traumatized from war experiences, her people driven from their homes in the east, with virtually nothing left in their hands – a German population of about 16 million made homeless – the history of 800-1000 years of German(ic) settlement in the eastern parts of the Reich made forgotten as if they had never happened, left out from the history books to erase a glorious past from memory – that’s being done with the help of Christians only by name [“Judeo-Christians”, a contradiction in itself – as Babylonian Talmudism/Judaism and the Christian belief are polar opposites and do not mix – “You cannot serve two masters at the same time” (Jesus)] who ally themselves with the enemies of Jesus Christ!! Jewish capitalists, Communists, Zionists, Talmudists, Freemasons, Satanists, Luciferians, “illuminated” by the false light of Lucifer… For over a hundred years the Anglo-Americans under Zionist rule have kept fighting the Zionist wars, not for “liberty” and “freedom” [against the “godless huns” (WW1), the “evil Nazis” (WW2) and “Muslim terrorists with boxcutters” (since 9/11)] as the Zionist media has made them to believe [who CAN believe in such blatantly idiotic Zionist narratives, endlessly spun and exploited for political and financial gain?] but for the enslavement of the whole world under Satanic rule (NWO). ~~~

    “and now, since the Jew has seated himself on top of us with the pathetic self crowning “Operation Corona”, everyone on planet earth is now in prison”, “it is the highest priority to get not only our people, but every person on earth to comprehend what our present situation is”, “now all have the opportunity to be slaughtered while crawling on their bellies or get on their feet and die standing on their feet with their sword in their hand. On their feet they may even survive. Frederick, can you imagine all of our people with sword in hand standing on their feet?” (Alfred)

    ~~~ Yes! What an uplifting sight that is! And imagine, the mighty armies of our ancestors – and those who know better now – all unified in spiritual battle – now all fighting on our side with the sword of truth in their hands! Yes! ~~~

    Freya*, weck die Toten!
    (the walking dead/zombies – the spiritually dead need healing)

    Freya* – the Germanic gods are archetypes who encapsulate ancient knowledge, wisdom – all coming from the one source of creation – no contradiction there – “You will know them by their fruits!” (Jesus) – that’s always the qualifier, the guideline – spiritual discernment is always needed… i.e. a clear “NO WAY!“ to any form of witchcraft!!! – Christian morals are certainly not “poisonous”, the Satanism of the Jew World Order is… deadly poisonous.

  4. Both letters are emotionally wrenching….

    Alfred.. you are an inspiration!

    “If you are a bird and you don’t fly when the cat comes, then you belong to the cat.” German Saying

    The following quote cheered me up xx –

    “If you are a human being and you don’t think when the Jew comes, then you belong to the Jew.” – Alfred Schaefer Sept 2020

  5. Dear Monika, Alfred and Frederick!
    Let me put in some words from an article on “israel heute” (translation: Israel today).
    The article is dated 26th november 2019.
    It throws some dirt at a conference in Jordan, held by “researchers and journalists” – so the article.
    Subject of the conference: “The Holocaust: the biggest lie of present history”
    At least the article comes to some conclusions. One of them is the most terrible thing ever that managed to drilled itself it’s way through my ears/eyes into my awareness:
    “Events like this not even promote the denying of the Holocaust within the arab world, but also antisemitismus, which is growing on the streets of the arab world and worldwide more and more.”
    This is bad, bad news! We all should go at these streets and talk to these confused people. They have to know, that Jews never ever lie deceive and that Jews not even have any sorts of interests they represent and safeguard.
    So there can’t be any motive to deceive anyone. I will light up a candle to save this moving moment some minutes to the future.

  6. Hi Monika,

    Thank you for posting Alfred’s letter to Frederick and segments of Frederick’s 2018 letter to you. Frederick and I must be about the same age. The difference is that at age twenty he had an uncle who told him about what happened to millions of Germans both during and after the war, while I did not even begin to question the myth of German villainy until my early sixties after finding Eustace Mullins on the internet. Now I am trying to get through HELLSTORM by Thomas Goodrich. When darkness has been put for light during your whole life of trusted teachers and movie & TV watching, if somebody starts telling you the truth it looks like heresy. It is astonishing how so many people can be in such ignorance for so long a period of time.

    But Alfred gives me hope this scandemic from hell will backfire and be the downfall of the powers of darkness and this spell they have had us under.

    God bless you and Alfred for your heroic part in exposing the darkness.

  7. Monika/Alfred/Frederick/ALL in the choir: Your comments are inspiring. I live in the USA and see USA as the jew police force for the N(j)ew World Order. In 2020 COVID-19 lockdown and wearing a mask is an honor for the sheep. jews and i$rahell are the shepherd as church & school has taught us since “The Good War” (WWII).

    Your views (& mine) in the USA are NOT TOLERATED by over 90% of the people and acceptable by far under 5%. Legal gatherings of Truthers when confronted with anti-fa/BLM Soros paid terrorists with eggs/urine/, etc. are fined for defending themselves by the left wing police. Last year, at 85 I had to give up my anti-iSrahell quest in Portland Oregon because the anti-fa & jews knocked me unconscious from behind.

    I do see in No. Europe a will to fight back. The march outside Ursala’s prison on her 90th birthday, the Nordic Resistance Movement marches in Scandinavia, etc. In the USA this is not tolerated by that 90% of the people mentioned above.

    YOUR people (No. Europe) have seen the Bolshevik (jew/communist) compared to National Socialist. In the USA we have only gotten 2nd hand information filtered by Hollywood and the rest of the jew controlled media. Somehow, the truth must prevail over the lies of the N(j)ew World Order. HOW?

  8. Hi Monika,

    I reply thru email, since commentary on the site gets things messed up. What a gripping, sobering letter! Could you confirm Alfred’s current address? The last time I wrote, my letter came back to me marked “not deliverable as addressed.” Thank you!


    Seth Tyrssen

    On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 12:21 AM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: “I received copy of very moving letters from my brother > Alfred to a man in the USA named Frederick. Alfred makes reference to > Frederick’s letter in which he tells of his late uncle’s wartime stories. I > do not have copy of Frederick’s letter to Alfred at th” >

    1. Hi Tyrssen,
      Check the sticky post on this website for his current address. He was moved to Landsberg last November. Here it is, to make it easier:
      Hindenburgring 12
      86899 Landsberg am Lech

      Thanks so much!









    Den 19.09.2020 06:20, skrev Free Speech Monika:

    > Monika posted: “I received copy of very moving letters from my brother Alfred to a man in the USA named Frederick. Alfred makes reference to Frederick’s letter in which he tells of his late uncle’s wartime stories. I do not have copy of Frederick’s letter to Alfred at th” > >

    1. Hello Nicholas, your lines … are moving me, too.
      It’s the same in Germany.
      We found out, that older people especially former citizens of the GDR have more knowledge and experience than all other citizens of the recent FRG.
      Reason: they know propaganda and they don’t trust the government.
      These people know, that there is virtually no kind of crime, governments would refuse to apply, to ensure and prolong their power.
      To count the lies of a government is the wrong approach. Count the true statements instead if you want to get work done eventually.

      The younger ones don’t live long enough, to have collected enough knowledge and practical expirience with life and rasses and lies.
      That’s why these people are unable to only image, which criminals inhabit this place.

      The Corona-Bullshit is believed by these young people and very old people only, because these 70+ aged persons mostly are unable to reach alternative media (internet based information).
      So they are helpless victims of the lies from Pill-Bill and his folks and the traitors of the peoples residing in government offices. Don’t try to change things you can’t change.
      Concentrate on the people, neighbors, custumers, pupils and so on, where you can bring in the sead of truth. This will be the gamechanger sometime soon.

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