Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Alfred Schaefer — Support Details

UPDATED: November 24, 2019

Prisoner of Conscience — Alfred Schaefer


Alfred was sentenced to 38 months imprisonment in Germany, starting from July 2018, for  “incitement to hatred“, i.e., for telling the truth about the so-called “Holocaust“, and Organized jewry’s false flag attack on America on 9/11, 2001.

He also faces possibly further charges for making statements in his defense during his trial.

UPDATE 1: On August 8th, 2019 Alfred was given an additional 18 month sentence for his actions in his original trial. Please see this post for details:

Alfred Schaefer Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Forbidden Speech During the 2018 Trial

Show your support for Alfred by writing (letters and/or cards) to him at the address below.


— There are strict rules on what a prisoner can receive, i.e., letters, cards, postcards, photos, drawings, and stamps are the only permitted items.

— Please do not send stamps from abroad, as only German stamps will work for Alfred.

— If you wish, you can write anonymously, with no name or address, or use an alias. If you do put a return address, please ensure that it is genuine (if not, then mention that in your letter) so that his reply can get to you.

— Please write the date on each letter, card, etc. Also number them (letter/card 1, 2, 3, etc.) so that Alfred can see whether he is missing any.

— Please hand write clearly, or use slightly larger font if typing, to make it easier for Alfred to read. His eyesight is not the best, and they do not allow him to have a magnifier.

— Do NOT include swastikas, or other pro-NS imagery.

— Books, magazines, objects, food, clothing, etc., should NOT be sent as, if even permissible, it involves a long and troublesome procedure to receive such items.

If you can, please try to send a letter or card on a regular basis, say, once a month or so! It’s a real morale boost for prisoners to know that they haven’t been forgotten about. And especially in Alfred’s case, as a political prisoner, it sends a message to the “authorities” that he is not alone in his views. Also don’t feel there’s a need to write anything profound of insightful, as even a simple “Hello” message is fine.

If you have any queries, etc., don’t hesitate to leave them in the Comment section.

Thank you.

*****Update 2 — 24 November, 2019: Alfred has been moved to Landsberg am Lech. The appeal from both sides regarding the new additional sentence for speaking in court has resulted in 8 additional months. See this post for an update: 

Alfred Moving…

Here is the new address to send letters or cards:

Alfred Schaefer

Hindenburgring 12

86899 Landsberg am Lech



Other political prisoners that would also welcome supportive letters and cards: (updated November 22, 2020)

Ursula Haverbeck

Was released November 5, 2020, only to go back to court on November 17, 2020

Horst Mahler

was released October 27, 2020

Sylvia Stolz

(was released November 20, 2020) 

91 Responses

    1. In their relentless desperation to keep the Lie going, they stop at nothing. Will they go after the children of the SS guards, when there are no more SS guards still alive? And they call us the “haters”, when we ask for proof of gas chambers.

  1. regarding the approaching endarkenment, listen to the background music of the aforedisplayed video Frankfurt – Weimar – before the bombing terror.

    1. Hello Truthweed,
      Can you please send another comment with the aforementioned video Frankfurt – Weimar – before the bombing terror, so that we can listen as per your suggestion. I cannot find it right now.

      1. Greetings Monika and Freya, Yes, I meant the video displayed below. Just before being carpet-bombed those fiendish Frankfurters listened to jazz.

  2. Do you believe in “coincidences”? It’s about a stunning video I came about accidentally…

    Pro-White Activism: How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    #They forbid demonstrations… want to abolish the right to assemble, the right of free speech. They don’t want protests against the global tyranny, the Jewish Zionist, Communist agenda of white and global genocide, totalitarian enslavement and world domination – RED TERROR TYRANNY, gone global.

    Bronstein alias Trotsky, Bolshevist mass murderer and one of the Jewish usurpers of the Russian government, 1917: “We must turn Russia into a desert populated by WHITE NEGROES [WHITE SLAVERY in the Siberian gulag – a Jewish specialty – Jewish slave traders brought Africans as slaves into the Americas, and now they are behind the relentless flooding of all white nations with millions of multi-ethnic migrants – armies of invaders to do the raping, plundering and killing – and create the same chaos and racial conflicts as they did in America] upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamed of. The only difference is that this will be a LEFT-WING TYRANNY, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a RED TYRANNY and not a white one. We mean the word ‘RED’ literally, because we shall shed such FLOODS OF BLOOD as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The BIGGEST BANKERS [of the City of London, Wall St, NY – Jacob Schiff, the Rothschilds were the financiers of the Jewish Bolshevik revolution, the Communist take over of Russia] across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the POWER OF ZIONISM upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a POWER BEFORE WHICH THE WHOLE WORLD WILL SINK TO ITS KNEES. We shall show what REAL POWER is. By means of TERROR and BLOODBATHS we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and an animal existence.”

    It’s everywhere the same now – long planned over generations – Jewish Hollywood catastrophe fantasies put into reality – psychopathic insanity terrorizing the world.
    #a movie named “CONTAGION”, a Warner Brothers production from 2011 promoted back then as “intelligent catastrophe thriller on how a virus changes the world”… “Nothing spreads faster than fear”… Freemasonic Kabbala “magic numbers” 11 and vaccine 33 (the chimpanzee died)… vaccine 57 (self-injected by the Jewess as the “life saving formula the world was waiting for”)

    The movie follows almost EXACTLY the same idiotic narrative which is now being foisted upon the whole world as reality, as a “true pandemic”.
    They truly take us for complete idiots and treat us as such! Story line: outbreak of the “virus infection” in China – Hongkong – Macao – rapidly spreading around the world – main places of theatrical “action”, as always the main targets of propaganda manipulation, used to enslave the rest of mankind (WW I, II continued): China – Japan (Tokyo) – the U.S. (Chicago – Minnesota – Minneapolis – pointing at the heartland?) – England (London) – Germany (Frankfurt) – Egypt (Cairo) – (flu and “pandemic”) symptoms: severe headache – difficulty to swallow – high temperature – sweating – one has seizures – another one black spots (to make you think of the Black Plague) – all deaths are blamed on a “novel pandemic” – Counter measures: keeping distance to other people – the strictest hygiene regulations – isolation – the cutting off of communication – Exactly as it has been rolled out by the tyrants since March 2020! – the same media hype – the same mandated masks and hygiene regulations which don’t seem disproportionate with people in Asia, African or American empoverished areas who don’t care for the most basic, common place hygiene standards – when cooking for instance in Chinese restaurants – or in open spaces near traffic and while trash is lying around everywhere… in fact, the breeding ground for infectious diseases – there is a “pandemic” (so they say), and they show Minneapolis where they don’t even collect the garbage? how stupid or unreal is that? They turn everything into a slum, the people quickly degraded to an animal existence…

    The tools of the perpetrators of genocide in full force mode: “FEMA” – “Homeland Security” – the equally Zionist controlled NGOs “UN” and “WHO”, World Health / Homicide Organization – the National Guard and US military enforcing martial law – the US president and government gone underground (D.U.M.B.S Deep Underground Military Bases – a system of underground cities which have been built over decades for the Self “Chosen Ones” and a certain number of slaves – That’s where the embezzled trillions went into? dark “NWO” shadow government projects, kept secret) On the surface: quarantine of cities – making the people prisoners in their homes – long lines of people waiting to get food and/or the homeopathic antidote – run on banks, supermarkets, petrol stations – plunderers looting supermarkets and pharmacies hunting for food and the allegedly “life saving vaccine” – fear porn by the media – “estimates” of millions of victims – 25 million – up to 75 million could die – rumors – panic – Only those who consent to be used as guinea pigs and take the vaccine are allowed to move about freely – their life goes back to seemingly “normal” – What happens to all the others is left to your imagination – left to die, imprisoned in their homes? left to die in the long prepared “FEMA camps”? “pandemic deniers” guillotined for “terrorism and manslaughter”? an accusation made by a “homeland security” official towards a blogger criticising the pharma industry and promoting a homeopathic antidote (played by the actor “Jude Law”) – millions left dying? not of a pandemic but starved to death? and what diseases the vaccinated might develop in the future is being left to your imagination too – lots of vaccinated people got seriously ill or died during the “swine flu epidemic” (rehearsal) – the pharma industry, banks have always made huge profits – and no indemnifications for the victims

    The hazardous Polio vaccine is promoted as is Fluoride in the water supply – indoctrination trash produced by Hollywood, for your entertainment, a “thriller” for you to enjoy – rather for the demons to enjoy, a nightmare their sick minds have in store for us normal human beings – in the video the “cure for the pandemic” is “found and self-tested” by a Jewish female scientist, the devoted daughter of a “Dr Sussman” (Süßmann – how sweet!) – “self-tested” is actually not true as she is not infected by the “disease” herself – she just injects her “formula” (whatever that is) which doesn’t prove anything, does it? – but they call it the “life saving formula” – an illogical fraud, just as they do it all the time – and the story procedes – as the production is not as high as the demand, the Chinese kidnappers of a female WHO official get deceived, they are given placebos in exchange – obviously, the video serves many ends, it’s anti-Chinese, and promotes thinly veiled anti-white racial hatred – the black doctor of the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta, Georgia) is wearing a “Netanyahu blue” tie (Freemasonic Zionist color symbolism) and is shown as the elevated, benevolent guy who without any qualms would contaminate the water supply with the “vaccine” not bothering about asking for consent – The movie shows how good slaves (of all colors) behave: Take the vaccine! Be most eager to take it! while those who are healthy and don’t see any necessity to take a “vaccine” get persecuted – a lottery determines who gets the vaccine first… all who were born on March, 10th.

    On March 16th, 2020 (March 15th, the Iden of March) they started off with staging the Hollyweird movie in real life – We are all right in the middle of that movie now… culmination point during winter (when people usually catch a cold) around Christmas time… just like in the video? It’s so weird, insane and evil beyond belief. Who believes in such a “coincidence”? It’s all planned and staged, like 9/11, the “war on terror” (war of terror). They turn the world into a “holodeck”, virtual reality. Jewish (lies) fabrication forced upon everyone as “reality”. And all over again, the “zombies” fall for the official narrative – the dumbest are the enforcers of a tyranny were insanity reigns – you cannot argue with idiots or psychopaths.

    We must take the Jews seriously! (the judge to Alison Chabloz)
    Taking the truth and reality into account (something the judge failed to do) this can only mean: EXPOSE the lies, the deception, the agenda of global genocide and total enslavement – to STOP them. There is no alternative to that, is there?

    The tyranny is no longer hidden in plain view.
    It’s now out in the open, the masks have fallen.

    1. You really said a lot! I wish there was some formula to combat the propaganda that has been mesmerizing the sheep for the past year. I wish more would realize how controlled we truly are. This is so easy to spot in every day life if you know what to look for. As you mentioned Hell-ywood California and the Zionist control of all the movies and media, you can almost always spot in any Hollywood movie a secret ‘mark’ of the Zionist Freemason satanic symbols. I see them all over the place now, and I’m not paranoid. Just watching movies like “How to Murder Your Wife” with Jack Lemmon- when he is trying to stuff the mannequin in the cement chute, you will see behind him (on the left) a neon red 666 on the building in the background. Obelisks and pyramids are seen frequently- if you ever saw “Revenge of the Pink Panther”, at the one hour mark (you have to pause your player at it as it’s very quick) you can see a huge obelisk on the far right side of the screen before Peter Sellers and Dian Cannon burst into her apartment. In “Weekend at Bernies”, you will see obelisks in the background on a shelf in Bernie’s mansion. You will see the “devil’s wings” behind one of the space guys in “Alien” (it’s behind him on the duct work). There are many other examples, but there truly is a conspiracy.

      Like on the website, the Communist world order is based on Judaism. There is no questioning anything! Either obey or be punished.

    1. Hello Lewis, sorry for the delay in answering. Yes, the address listed in this article is the current one. Here it is again:
      Alfred Schaefer
      Hindenburgring 12
      86899 Landsberg am Lech

  3. Monika,

    I don’t know if you remember Hans Schmidt, but he was imprisoned in Germany also under similar circumstances. He was an American citizen, and had to endure the same treatment. He wrote 3 books, Jailed in Democratic Germany, Hitler boys in America and SS Panzergreanier. I will be praying for you and Alfred. May God bless both of you. Deutschland Uber Alles!

  4. Oh, also, the three people you also mentioned who need our support- Ursula, Horst and Sylvia, are they all in jail because they said that the holocaust is a hoax?

    1. Thanks for your comments.
      Yes, they are all in jail for violating Par. 130 of their “law” in the occupied territory of Germany. Sylvia is an attorney and was doing her job too well defending Ernst Zündel. Ursula asked where did the crime (the 6 million) take place. Horst all of the above plus he speaks about (((their))) “holy books”. All very dangerous thought crimes.

      1. I would offer for them to come to the USA but I don’t know if it’s getting any better here! At least “the Protocols of Zion” aren’t banned- yet! And Texe Marrs’ books are still allowed to be read.

  5. Dear Monika,
    I got referred to your blog by Canadian Wildflower. It saddens me to see that the book by George Orwell (Eric Blair), “1984” has come true for the most part. Any country that jails citizens for ‘thought crimes’ is a communist state. Jews who have integrity and dare to tell the truth because they know what happens eventually when the truth gets out are few, but they are out there ( and Norman Finklestein “The Holocaust Industry” spring to mind.

    I read “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, translated by Victor Mardsen into English. On the cover it says this book is banned in Europe, but so far the USA hasn’t banned it. They’re working on formenting blacks to destroy whites right now, so they’re a bit busy with that and the “plandemic”. The devil is the temporary ruler of this world, but Christ will free us if we stay loyal to Him. You and your friends who have the guts to speak the truth are way ahead of most of the sheep out there. I deeply respect and admire your courage! What a great thing it would be if more and more people did this and they couldn’t handle the influx of truth-tellers!

    Most can’t handle the truth. The Zionist Freemasons (Illuminati/Luciferians) who are the ones really running the world. Gary Allen who wrote “The Rockefeller File” was correct as was Carrol Quigley. People have been brainwashed by the controlled media into believing a false reality. I’m sure you know all of this though! 🙂

    Thank you for being such a strong person and not giving in to the tyranny that is the government. In the US they are trying to pass laws that destroy our rights. I don’t know if any of you want to move to the US but if you do, please let me know and we can maybe work something out. Though not like it’s much better here, but at least they won’t chuck you in prison for being a ‘denier’, at least not yet.

  6. Hello Monika, not sure if I commented on this post or not, but just wanted to mention that the photos showing the prison (above) depict a VERY BEAUTIFUL building! Can’t imagine a more romantic setting than this for a prison. 😊

  7. Thank You for YouTube comment Monika! Maybe you might compose that song on your Violine?

    1. “…Körper gefangen… doch der Geist und die Seele sind frei…” so fühlte ich mich als ich dort war!
      in english, one line: “… the body is jailed… but the soul and spirit are free…” yes, that is exactly how I felt! And I know that Alfred feels that way too. That is how it is when we have the truth on our side. Our conscience is clear, and we are truly free, no matter what they try to do to us.

  8. Sausages

    Respect Monika to you and your brother for standing “firm”… xxx

    Put “Autarky” into the equation …It will prove how money is attached to race otherwise why would the capitalists send forth opposition to nationalists as nationalists get closer to introducing an interest-free banking system that will make unemployment history. They only have racism and anti-antisemitism guarding their scam. Don’t waste opportunities if you can stand firm with your convictions. Make sure the audience knows “Autarky” is coming to the whole of Europe and you intend to stake your claim.

    Autarky is the real protector of diversity because it protects the indigenous folk and the future of other nations by nullifying pointless wars thereby ending mass migration and makes it more attractive for non-Europeans to leave and head back home.

    Autarky is the way forward and the capitalists are teetering on the edge of toppling.

  9. Alfred’s eyesight is not the best, so when you write letters, please write with clear handwriting or if typing, use slightly larger font than usual. Thank you!

  10. And once again, just as a reminder for all, Alfred’s address is: Alfred Schaefer, Stadelheim, Stadelheimerstr 12, 81459 Munchen, Germany. There’s a good chance you’ll hear back from him, too; this delightful gentleman remains positive, upbeat, and talkative! 😉

  11. Is there any way to utilize email to write to Alfred?

    I live out in the country & rarely get into town to mail a letter.

    Plus I’d want to send photos of animals & beautiful sunsets & reminders of natural beauty outside the prison.

    If I sent email to you to be forwarded to Alfred, would that be hugely inconvenient?

    In that case, of course, photos would be kept to a minimum.

    1. Absolutely no access to internet for prisoners.
      Because of the amount of emails and other correspondence that i receive, it would be difficult for me to do that for you. Plus, i do not own a printer (by choice).
      Your mail to Alfred, and others, will be very much appreciated, even if it is only once. Thank you!

  12. Dear all,

    for encouraging you all to write Alfred letters I want to link these nice song of the best and most courageous soldiers which we have had up to now in the world composed by Frank Rennicke.

    I would say that Monica and Alfred are indeed a part of these great soldiers: the only difference is that we are now in a psychological war which is actually a continuation to both World Wars.

    So if you are interested to know who these courageous soldiers are please listen to the music linked here

  13. Thank you for that. The link is here:
    This is a rich resource!
    Ernst Zündel, as well as his wife Ingrid Rimland Zündel are heros of our times. One day there will be plazas, parks and mountains named after them.

    1. There will be indeed. Do you know, Monika, that the german (small g here as we are talking about kneeling kleinstdeutschland) authorities have forbiden Ursula Haverbeck from having His Excellency the bishop Richard Williamson as a confessor? It just shows how low they are crawling…

      1. Yes, they really are crawling low. They are convulsing in what seems to be their death throes. I plan on writing to the jail authorities about their egregious behaviour. (The jail address can be found in this post.)

  14. hallo,

    es gibt eine kopie der alten und sie heisst

    bitte teilen.



    There is a copy of the old and its name is]

    Please share.”

  15. Hi Monika,
    I have been following your situation since the release of your video of the heartfelt apology to your mother. The reactionary fury you faced which was a knee jerk impulse set in play by the powers that be was to be expected. It culminated to you being incarcerated for 10 months. I’ve also viewed many of Alfred’s videos on political indoctrination and agree whole heartedly. That he is incarcerated now is a dark page in the narrative of civilized society. I’ve worked for 30 years in the educational field and have experienced similar predicaments. Thankfully, I never had to write out any letters of apology or been threatened with jail (only termination, lol). The search for truth can make for a hazardous journey. I would like to write to Alfred. I’d like to share my experiences. Is the process to write still as per the beginning instructions of this post? God bless you Monika, may the light of your consciousness be eternal.

    1. Thank you Ang Maria, yes this post has correct information about how and where to write letters or postcards. Alfred (as well as other political prisoners) will appreciate the support.

    2. So say we all, my friend, so say we all. This matter is given consistent mention in the new Thunderbolt e-zine, among many others I’m sure. Hard-core White Nationalists are welcome to a free sub by writing 8-88-14. And keep those letters to Alfred (and support for Monika) flowing!

    1. Much to the chagrin of the creatures which do not wish us well, we ALL write to Alfred. And believe me he knows the significance and the value of what is to be read between the lines.

  16. Greetings Monika…

    I’m very sorry to hear the bad news regarding Alfred’s 18 months “extended stay” at Stadelheim. I will write to him. The good news is that the global awakening is proceeding and gaining momentum… the JEWS are very worried, as they should be. STAY STRONG..!

  17. How about some music for a change?
    Children’s songs… White culture developed over thousands of years
    Jeden Morgen geht die Sonne auf – Every morning the sun rises
    The mood of the Germanic peoples… singers, musicians, poets, forrest dwellers… love of nature… city builders… nation builders

    You may want to add the missing “h”

    Im Frühtau zu Berge wir zieh’n – Fallera –
    In the morning’s dew towards the mountains we walk
    The Christian belief… God may grant it – He has the grace…

    Was dich auch bedrohe (sung before 1945, before “re-education“)
    Whatever threatens you – Never let yourselves be disenfranchised – Do not let yourselves be held down – God gives to the righteous true heroism – Stand up to the homeland’s earth – Stay as strong as roots – Fight, bleed, speak up for your highest inheritance

    Nichts kann uns rauben Liebe und Glauben – Nothing can take from us love and faith

    Unsere Heimat – Our homeland

    Blaue Donau Grüner Rhein – Blue Danube Green Rhine
    (envy, greed lead to the Genocide of the German people in two world wars instigated by Joos, they are the bullies, gang leaders of the dissatisfied, the manipulated)

    Komm mit auf’s Land – Come to the countryside

    So a Wahnsinn’s Sommerg’fühl – Such a crazy summer feeling

    Und weil’s so schön war – And as it was so beautiful

    Jootube doesn’t seem to like such kind of music; the tyrants, the alien occupiers even block folk music now. We know what they are up to: German Genocide. White Genocide. “Chuzpa Overreach” (Dennis Fetcho): Committing multiple Genocides while whining about a “H” which never happened

  18. Hi Monika,

    I am so glad having obtained Alfred’s first letter from Stadelheim!

    Ironically Alfred and you are being arrested as a political prisoners in the same jail as the resistance group “Weiße Rose” who are officially acknowledged in the BRD as political prisoners got the death penalty for their alleged glorious courage against the National Socialist government.

    As you were a political prisoner in the same jail where the members of the group “Weiße Rose” had been executed it would be interesting for me if you share the opinion that You and Alfred are in a similar situation as the resistance movement in the Third Reich or do you believe that the situation of the so called “Holocaust deniers” is not comparable with the situation of the resistance movement “Weiße Rose” in the Third Reich?

    I read some of the Weiße Rose leaflets and I am asking me how they got the information about the informations about the state of war at the front although they stayed the whole wartime in Germany? Had been any connection to the enemies of Germany or who did inform them about the “hopeless victory” for Germany and the alleged fabricated German atrocities to the enemies?

    You may take a look at the official website “Bundeszentrale für politische Aufklärung” linked here all six leaflets

    It would be interesting for me to get confronted with your thoughts of the resistance group “Weiße Rose” as you are politically persecuted as well in the BRD.

    Although you do not be feared to get punished with the death penalty for speaking out an alternative view about the so called “Holocaust” you are exercised in the meantime with civil disobedience. Therefore your thoughts to that topic are very interesting for me.

    Best wishes,

    1. I was singled out and humiliated during a memorial service to the Scholl siblings last year, apparently because the guard thought I might act out. I went into the service thinking I was attending a regular church service. I quickly recognized the irony of the situation, being a political prisoner for telling the truth, while they were glorifying these subversives and at the same time treating me like the demon.

      1. The behavoiur of them is the classical double standards of do-gooders which is so disgusting. Did you attend the church service at home in Canada or here in the BRD?

          1. Oh my goodness, are there regular commemorations in Stadelheim prison for the siblings?

            Alfred wrote me that “here in prison I am treated with the greatest respect and everyone knows”. Without being misogynistic, I nearly assume that in the field of free speech the male employees might be more open minded in Alfred’s area than the female ones around your prison cell in women’s prison?

          2. I think you are absolutely right David. And it is not at all misogynistic. I think that there is a natural reason for women to be less “willing” to have their eyes opened, because as the primary carers and nurturers of children, the primary drive is for safety and stability. Usually that means keeping the status quo. Of course we know that continuing with the status quo is deadly dangerous for us, but if one does not know that, well then, it is easier and feels safer to assume everything is okay. That is just my own theory.

    2. Kindly do not compare the Schæfers siblings to the Scholls ‘team’…

      I am afraid that after taking time to study in depth the episode of the „Weiße Rose“ I have a very different reading of it than yours. Should you put some distance between the Hollywoodian version and the basic facts of the “White Rose” incident, surely you will gather that these kids were part of a relatively favoured stratum of society: we may speak of a rather comfortable « bourgeoisie de province ». They studied medicine and/or philosophy – while others were being under the hardships of a very different life on the front – practiced horse-riding; went to concerts and theatre and lead quite a good life… Both the Scholls had once held some – admittedly basic – leading positions within the Hitler-youth system… Yet on the other end all of the youngsters within the group had some reasonable front experience as medics. Still not a first-line experience but a superficial vision of it. While detailed to further their medical studies in Munich, as medics, they also had easy access to Pervitine (NB: the Allied ‘liberators’ had their Benzedrine)… Excitement through amphetamines; boredom in the context of an unwanted war and the hardships and imposed restrictions inherent to it; generosity of a privileged youth combined with the immature idealism of youth and the ongoing game of national versus foreign propagandas were a recipe for losing contact with hard, dry reality and eventually… one’s head in all the meanings of the word. Clearly as an adult, their philosophy professor Kurt Huber had the highest share of responsibility in the adventure and indeed he was at first very reluctant to act as a mentor.
      Also, when one takes the time to read their six pamphlets the influence of the communistic ‘mantra’ and phraseology is clear.
      Altogether a simple, banal, story turned sour and deemed very useful for post WWII winners’ propaganda. Contrary to the case of the Schæfers siblings (and many other martyrs of the revisionist cause) Nothing heroic really…

      At least this is how I look at it.

    3. You might also find of interest the following statement: „Ich konnte meine Kinder noch im Gefängnis, eine Stunde vor ihrem Tode, besuchen und mit ihnen sprechen. Beide erklärten mir unabhängig voneinander, sie seien von der Münchener Gestapo gut, ja vornehm behandelt worden.“ (“I could visit both my children as they were still in the prison, one hour before their death, and speak with them. Independently both stated to me that they had been well – they even specified ‘exemplarily’ – treated by the Gestapo of Munich”) Source: Bassler, Sybille: „Die Weiße Rose. Zeitzeugen erinnern sich“ (“The White Rose. Witnesses remember.”) – Reinbeck bei Hamburg, 2006, page 151. If you read German, I can heartily recommend to you Frank Sturms’ book „Die Weiße Rose – Die Geschwister Scholl und der Studentische Widerstand“ (ISBN 978-3-86539-314-2 – all the more as the author is of a very different stream of thought than mine.

  19. Dear friends, you suffer on behalf of all of us. Even those sheeple, gulled by their Masters and fooled by the miseducation System, who do not even know of your Struggle for the Truth. Stay strong.

  20. Hi Monika — Just a quick note to let you know that I write to Alfred, and have published your story in both “White Voice” and “The New Thunderbolt.” Stay the course, keep up the fight!

  21. Hi Monika, I followed your persecution with interest and at the time, speculated you may have intentionally gotten arrested.

    I wanted to comment on your slogan, “Exercising our right to free speech”. Number 1, we know there has never truly been free speech, just different lengths the powerful go to censor it.

    Did you know this whole concept was but one more Jewish con that slowly took popularity during the downfall of the monarchs (Check the protocols for Jewish backing of this idea)?

    Jews who wanted more power naturally taught that concept as a way to get support for their own liberation and as a way to undermine the Catholic Church and the European Monarchs and sadly many aristocrats were fooled
    We can all determine that now with Jews, for all practical purposes, being in charge, they have “Jew lawyered” the concept to meaning nothing at all and it became more of an imperative for them to do so with the internet exposing behind the curtain rule

    I mention it because our ppl often support Deep State cons accidentally believing whatever notion that they belove is of them and not given to them to enact the coming NWO (Ruled by Jews) such as the American Revolution catalyzed by Masons, WW II the supoposed “good war” that wasn’t, democracy being preferrable to king rule.

    [exploitablegoy, your comment was languishing in the SPAM bucket — sorry about that — ADMIN]

    1. E. Michael Jones wrote a monumental history of jews doing this for 2000 years in his monumental The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit .
      In the US their cultural takeover started with Brown v. Board of Ed., 1964-1965 voting and civil rights laws, Roe v. Wade, feminism, and then with homosexual marriage the takeover was complete. Family values totally destroyed. All from the jews and jewish lawyers. Of course there’s a book by a jew putting a positive spin on the very same thing: Goffman & Joy, Counterculture Through the Ages.

  22. Doesn’t quite look as if THAT was “the darkest era of German history“ (JM)
    Frankfurt – Weimar – before the bombing terror
    Beautiful was the world
    before insatiable greed, envy and hate destroyed everything –
    “Too bad“ an example for others to follow ….
    The Zionist Jews couldn’t have that.

    The National Socialists wanted the Jews to leave. To simply GO AWAY. Jews had betrayed Germany and were a security risk. The desire to have a German Reich for Germans and all of Europe free of the Jewish bondage was understandable. Free at last! Free of the Jewish “Federal Reserve“ debt slavery system. The freedom EVERY nation on earth deserves to enjoy…

    The British didn’t want to lose what started as a European conflict (1914 – 1916). The German Kaiser made generous peace proposals in 1916 – and there could have been peace in Europe…. as early as that. However, the Zionists wanted a Jewish “homeland“ in Palestine. That’s where they wanted the German Jews to go as settlers. 1916/17 Balfour Declaration!!! The British quid pro quo Deal with the Zionists who promised the British they needn’t accept the German peace offers… Zionist influence on the US government would bring America into the war on Britain’s side to defeat the German Reich… and that’s what happened. The British agreed to “give“ Palestine (they had turned into a British protectorate) to the Zionists as booty… and the Germans (“evil Nazis“) got all the blame – again – and all the bills… The Germans as traditional “warmongering“ scapegoat… allegedly “guilty of two world wars“, and a Holocaust.
    Pernicious anti-German, allied Jewish war propaganda.

    The Zionists didn’t want every Jew to go to Palestine; they were very choosy, and wilfully brought their own people (the poorer Jews; those most innocent) in danger. Zionists wanted a Second World War to totally destroy Germany and genocide the German people, and they needed Jewish victims of the war, too. That was the lynchpin of their future plans: the “Six million Holocaust“ exploitation & extortion racket, “Jewish victimhood“, central to Jewish identity, and to “justify“ allied genocidal war crimes against the Germans (“they got what they deserved”), committed at the behest of international Jewry.

  23. The Jewdicial system in what is called Germany now is not German, it’s Jewish-Talmudic. There is no justice to be found for the ordinary German man, woman or child. The extraordinary §130StGB (penal law) is not German either. It’s forced upon the German people by the Zionist Jews who have returned back in millions(!)since 1945 to occupy the country and replace the indigenous Germans, the survivors of the Genocide and true Holocaust of WW II… the firebombing of the German cities… the starvation to death… all instigated and ordered by Jews. The war criminals and mass murderers Churchill, Roosevelt and Eisenhower were all Jews. Maybe Stalin too (who spoke Jiddish, and had several Jewish wives)

    The Jewish Zionist Plans for German Genocide & White Genocide are well known! Only ”hidden” and unknown to fools and wilful ignorants who don’t want to learn about true history & reality: Hooton Plan – Nizer Plan – Kaufman Plan – Morgenthau Plan – Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan – UN-Replacement Migration Plan …

    A “Plan to exterminate the European Jews” never existed. Expulsion was the intended “Final Solution to the Jewish Problem”. 1933 Transfer Agreement between the National Socialists and the Zionists – KdF (Kraft durch Freude – Strength through Joy) cruiser ships transported German Jews to Palestine – Zionists eventually boycotted the agreement with the help of the British. The international Zionists wanted war! As early as March 24, 1933 the Zionist World Congress had declared HOLY WAR on Germany in the name of World Jewry, and an INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT on German goods to starve the German people to death…

    GERMAN GENOCIDE – WHITE GENOCIDE – JEWISH WORLD TYRANNY is not “Conspiracy Theory” It’s CONSPIRACY REALITY! Proclaimed publicly (by Zionist Jews such as Hooton, Nizer, Kaufman (“Germany Must Perish“), Morgenthau, Coudenhove-Kalergi, Harward professor Joel Ignatiev, Barbara Lerner-Spectre, and numerous Jewish rabbis) and carried out in plain view…

    To denounce such facts is worse than stupidity, it’s malicious. It’s evil.

  24. Hi Monika and Alfred.

    I have a question(s) (ok, a lot) regarding yours and Alfred’s current incarceration in Germany:

    Were you aware at the time of your incarcerations of Germany’s Holocaust Denial laws? If so, why are both you and Alfred, and your followers, trying to portray yourselves as victims of German Law when you willfully decided to break said Holocaust Denial laws?

    Do you both think your parents would be proud of your pursuit of restoring Aryan White supremacy and maintaining Jewish vilification? Do both of you at all feel guilt for your parents having to live through the darkest era of German history? Do you or Alfred or both feel the need to make amends for that vile history and rationalize historical events to conform to your narrative?

    Do you agree that 6 million Jews were killed, by various means, as part of the Nazi regime’s Final Solution policy? Do either of you think that greater atrocities were committed against Germany during WWII than Germany committed during the war?


    P.S. Monika, if you could pass these questions to Alfred I would appreciate it.

    1. You make it sound like we are looking for pity, as in being “victims“. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are political dissidents, fully aware of the criminal nature of the tyrannical system we are up against.

      Your third paragraph contains a lot of false assumptions regarding our history, rendering the questions mute.

      Your question “do you agree that 6 million Jews were killed….” has been answered in the negative by many “official” Jewish holocaust historians themselves. Would you like them to be charged under these “holocaust denial” laws as well? If not, why not? One simple example is Auschwitz. According to the altered numbers there, it seems that Jewish math states that 6-3=6.

      Regarding your last question, yes of course Jim! If you actually do the research, you will reach the same conclusions. There is ample material and links or references, just on this small website to get you started. You could start with James Bacque’s book called Other Losses. Or you could read the book or watch the documentary Hellstorm. Or spend a bit of time on the documentary The Greatest Story Never Told. Or read The Hoax of the Twentieth Century by Arthur Butz. Or the book called Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence by Wilhelm Stäglich. Or view the three videos which I list at the end of my 6 minute ” sorry mom…” video. Have you ever taken the time to do that? The first is called Questioning the Holocaust – Why We Believed. The second is The Greatest Problem of Our Time by Ursula Haverbeck. The third is Off Your Knees, Germany!!! – Ernst Zündel.

      There are countless more books than I have mentioned. But of course these books are apparently so dangerous to the ruling elite that Amazon caved to the pressure and has stopped selling them. But what are they afraid of? Truth does not fear investigation. Your refusal to have a face-to-face civilized dialogue with me, as stated in one of your other comments, is a cop-out. You are simply parroting Deborah Lipstadt’s mantra: “never debate a holocaust denier“. Why not? I know why not. You will lose the debate. Truth does not fear investigation.

      Why do they not allow evidence into the court? You read correctly Jim. They charge you with further crime in the FRG court if you explain how you reached your conclusions or if you bring evidence to support your conclusions! Should that not be one place that you are allowed to defend yourself? So you see, it is circular. Say XYZ – they charge you. Explain in court how you reached your conclusions of XYZ – bingo, another crime! Then describe that situation of the German courtroom, in another country yet, and you have just committed another crime. Look up Sylvia Stolz and the speech she gave in Switzerland in 2012 for which she was convicted to 18 months jail-time. Bizarre, or what?

      1. The ” 6 millions ” is a hypothetical number . To this day ~ NO Jews could direct us to the burial grounds of those millions .

      2. Chère Monika,

        Why is it that your correspondent (@jimmanella) brings to my mind Hieronymus of Prague (others say it was Jan Hus)’s last words on his stake upon noticing a little old lady contributing with her own modest little firewood bundle: “Holy simplicity!”?… The French have a saying: « Les bras m’en tombent » (lit.: “My arms are falling to the ground”).

    2. First, by the Jew’s own reports there were 3- 3.5 million Jews in all of Europe.
      Germany was not the only country dealing with the “Jew problem.”
      Red Cross was visiting all of the labor and prison camps and put the number of dead (Jews and non Jews) at 291,000. Mostly from typhus which had been spreading throughout Europe at the time.
      Germans and Soviets invaded Poland together, see the Frontier Treaty.
      Though the Soviets (Bolshevik Jews) showed up three weeks late only to split the spoils.
      Germany only took back the German speaking towns of Danzig and Bolmburg.
      Germany had filed over two dozen grievances with the League of Nations and had made six peace offers to Poland. Germany invaded Poland to save fellow Germans who were being slaughtered by Polish Jews.
      Roosevelt and Churchill were funded by and surrounded by Jew(ish) advisors.
      England bombed Germany for five months before Germany responded in kind.
      Roosevelt could not bait Hitler into war, but was able to do so with Japan by blocking Japan’s shipping lanes. Then used the treaty between Japan and Germany to attack the Honorable German People.
      That is a matter of Congressional Record and facts that you can research yourself.
      There were no death camps, those were transitioning camps to Palestine and later became labor camps to support the defense against a war forced upon Germany. And all it took to force that war was a good PR campaign. It was the Zionist’s idea to have them wear the yellow stars.
      If Germany did anyone wrong it was the people of the Middle East.

    3. “Do you agree that 6 million Jews were killed, by various means, as part of the Nazi regime’s Final Solution policy?”

      Do you agree, jim, that your side used to claim 4 million dead at Auschwitz and now they’re all the way down to 1 million?

      someone has been telling BIG lies

      1. What side am I on? Did “my side” used to claim 4M dead and and now claim 1M? Idk. From where and whom did these my side statistics come? Are you saying that because my side allegedly dropped the death toll at Auschwitz from 4M to 1M Jews dead that my side are telling “big lies”? Do you not understand the depravity of you’re statement?

        I guess in your world, 1 million dead Jews is lot better that 4 million dead Jews.

        Have a nice day Pepe.

    4. Israel News/Haaretz revealed that this time around the ‘six million’ figure was invented by Eliezer Unger at a Zionist conference in Palestine in January 1944 before any dead Jews had actually been counted. HE LIED!. His lie was three times greater than Rabbi Steven Wise’s lie, that two million Jews had been murdered in the German camps. Wise attended the same conference and also had no data or information to p0roduce this figure. Later when Wiesenthal invented the figure of five million dead gentiles, he also produced that figure based on no evidence whatever. HE LIED.

      Afterwards, Germans were savagely tortured to make them sign ‘confessions’ admitting to their part in the murder of Jews (who were never born). The Jewish population actually GREW during WW2 and the number of Jews who died during the war was 2% of the total, that is, their death toll was merely average, representing their 2%percentage of the total population,

  25. Hi Monika, I am glad you made it back to Canuckistan. I regret not having sent you any letters. However I showed my lady friend video updates done about you, and she cried.
    I have been reading Germar Ruldolf’s book “Hunting Germar Rudolf” and in it he states that he could get english letters back and forth without censor. Is that not true anymore?
    Thank you,
    Mark in Madison.

    1. Hi Mark, all letters to and from Alfred still go through the court for “proof-reading”. He is still facing more trial dates for more “speech-crimes” in court while defending himself for other “speech-crimes”. Because of this he is still “under investigation”.
      English is just fine.

  26. I am ashamed to hear all this goings on. To be German, 88 years old, and still have to kiss backside and would go to prison if I tell the truth. I hope Gerard Menuhin can help, being Jewish, with his book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil. If not, Germany and all Western countries are lost.

    No government has the guts to speak the truth. 911 will most likely not amount to much even going to grand jury in New York soon. They say have massive new evidence of explosions, all three buildings.

    Good luck to Architects and Engineers — 3,000 of them!

  27. Hi Jim Russell,
    I’ll clarify about PHOTOS. We were permitted 20 photos in our cell at any given time. I think it might be the same in the men’s prison. Even if Alfred has his limit, you can still send photos, and then he can trade out some from his cell and send them into storage. They will be given back to him upon his release.

    So by all means, do send a few photos, not too many at a time. Alfred would be delighted to receive them. The ones you describe should be just fine. He will enjoy that. The kind of thing that would be stopped would be images of swastikas or a certain straight-arm gesture like the roman salute.

    Please keep in mind that Alfred is still facing more charges, so all mail goes through the court – either the judge or prosecutor reads it. Alfred is interested in the real news of the world, and it is of course a boost to his morale when he receives letters of support. It is also very important for the authorities to see that he has support and is not forgotten.

    Sometimes people sent me funny stories, adventures in nature, poetry, pet stories – all of these things were greatly appreciated. Even just a “hello” can perk up the morale of the man or woman behind the wire.

  28. Does Andrew have sufficient stamps to reply to new correspondents? Monika wrote that he can only be sent postage stamps as enclosures. There is an international prepaid reply coupon mentioned on USPS website for mailings from other countries. Is this necessary? I’d want to make it as easy as possible for Andrew. Please advise.

    The cost of a prepaid reply coupon is $2.10 at USPS per

    1. Hi Jim, thanks for the request for clarification on the postage stamp situation. I think Alfred probably has sufficient stamps to take care of his mailing needs, because the supporters within Germany are sending him stamps. That is how it was for me. Once I put the word out that I was in desperate need of stamps, I received many German stamps, and from then on I never ran out, never had a shortage. In early days when I did not YET have a lot of stamps, I had been putting 4 letters into one envelope and asking the recipient to forward the other 3, just to help out, but that practice soon became unnecessary.

      This is something that the people within Germany can help out with, and to my knowledge they are doing just that. Thank you so much, and please continue writing:-)!

      1. Thank You for your prompt reply as to prepaid reply coupons not necessary because supporters in Germany are sending stamps to the prisoners. It was difficult to even find that information which had the price in 2008 so I’m grateful to be spared the trip to a post office.

        I erred in saying only stamps for enclosures because you mentioned both stamps and photos as being allowable. Could you please clarify? If I could send a photo to Alfred it would be photograph(s) of the hand-painted signs in my frontyard performance art saying things like “Call it the Hollow Hoax,” OBEY, CONFORM, BELIEVE, VOTE, BUY, etc.

        German so-called law would say that I’m committing a Section 130 felony by sending such photos of my own front yard to Germany and their possession in Germany could also be a crime.

        Canada is still prosecuting and convicting people for thought crimes, witnessed very recently with Dr. James Sears in Toronto.

        Please tell us if we need to be careful in what we say in our letters to Alfred.

  29. Reblogged this on CanadianWildflower and commented:
    Help encourage political prisoners! Alfred Schaefer and others. Addresses included in the short article.

    Hebrews 13:3 (KJV)
    3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

    One day any one of us could find ourselves in the same fix, and will appreciate the same consideration…

  30. Yes, thank you for posting this. I will be sharing it on my own blog. The more who know, the more who can encourage Alfred and the other prisoners you mentioned. We must stand with one another.

    I found your “follow” button! 😊

  31. I was so proud to find your video online about a year ago. I am a Schaefer from Missuori, USA (now in Maryland). My own story reflects your’s in so many ways. It was in 2011 that I woke up about 9/11 and from there tuned out of all official story media. The more I started to learn, the more I started to unlearn.
    The plight of the Palestinian people led me to the book The Myth Of German Villainy and the reasons for all the wars began to make sense.
    I sent Alfred a copy of that book (and some snacks), I hope it gets through. Perhaps the guards might read it. I have ordered a copy of Air Photo Evidence by John C. Ball to keep on hand for future discussions.
    Much love for German people everywhere, we can stand proud in our heritage and stand firm with the truth.

    1. Hi Jeffrey, thanks for the thoughtfulness of sending a book to Alfred. I have to let you know though that it will unfortunately not get through to him. The rules are very strict about what can be received by a prisoner there. Letters, postcards and cards, photos, stamps, and that is it.
      To get a book sent to a prisoner is a very complicated process, whereby the prisoner must get court approval for said book, then he gets a book label, has to send it to you, then you would pay for the book but have it sent to him directly from the publisher. It is rarely done, and you can see why.
      On the other hand, there is a fairly extensive library that prisoners have access to (they do not browse through a physical library, but order off of the catalogue). Alfred has been doing a lot of reading, and from the sounds of it, he has found some excellent books there.
      Thanks for writing to Alfred!

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