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Alfred Schaefer letter from Prison November 2023

This short letter written to Milton Ellis in the UK is classic Alfred. He remains unbowed and is in good spirits. As I publish this on the 23rd of November 2023, he is exactly half-way through his current prison term. What was his crime this time? That friendly old “Roman Salute” which Alfred did in the courtyard during his previous prison sentence, while he was demonstrating to his prison buddy how high his dog Pavlov could jump. I am not kidding you. See this article for background, including his current address.

Scan1 Scan3

Alfred signs off with “WC88 Worst Case Alfred” – the word “worst” is a bit illegible in the reproduction of the letter. There is a story behind that “Worst Case” designation. In 2019 when Alfred was given more jail time for having the audacity to explain how he reached his conclusions during our trial in 2018, (see my article here) a mainstream German newspaper article used those words to describe Alfred Schaefer. Though it was an article in German, they used the english words “worst case”. Alfred wears that title like a badge of honour, rightly so in our inverted world where good is bad and bad is good. Naturally, worst is best, in that case.

4 Responses

  1. Ha ha ha……finger up the ass to keep out those sneaky corona snakes. F…..g brilliant!
    A so called “educated” man was telling me last week how he feels safer with a mask on. I told him there hadn’t been a pandemic and the largest corona virus particle was less than half the size of the smallest particle the fabled N-95 mask can filter out. I asked him to tell me how many bodies he or anyone he knew had seen in the street. He looked like a guppy gasping for oxygen.
    I must do the finger up the ass thing when I next see him.

  2. Alfred correctly said that everything is controlled and doesn’t just happen. Most white people were made slaves by the Jews but don’t know it.

    A shop owner advertised that his saleswomen were fully vaccinated. A retired couple got vaccinated twice so they could meet their relatives. Another pensioner, who had already recognized the solidarity with Africans, Asians and South Americans propagated there in the GDR as a hoax to the detriment of the Germans, had himself vaccinated several times 40 years later. The fear of alleged illnesses and/or rejection by the 80 percent sheep – created by a criminal, rich gang of Eastern Jews and their political and media clowns – has driven many white people crazy. They don’t want to be seen with straightforward people like Alfred. The friend who sought Alfred’s closeness may have been an informer. In four years in prison, at some point you do something that can be framed later. The media then reports the trial in such a way that the sheep become afraid again. This is how brave and stubborn people become tools of the gang without them knowing about it – and spend their lives behind bars. This doesn’t just happen – it’s wanted and planned by the criminals.

    1. Hi Thomas, I think you are reading more into this situation than is warranted. Are you talking about the Afghani prisoner who was in the courtyard with Alfred several years ago, when Alfred did his little salute? He was the lone prisoner who happened to be in the courtyard that day with Alfred. Other days there were other lone prisoners there with him. The salute was not a big deal for Alfred. He did those kinds of things ALL THE TIME, whenever he had an opportunity. Just before Alfred was released, the prisoners and even the staff were all saying in one voice, “Schaefer was right!”. They were mostly all on his side. Sure, there is always the odd one who is not, but this particular incident was not created by an “informer” for the purpose of “framing” Alfred later. In any case, Alfred laughs about this debacle, saying that “they want us to win”, because to charge Alfred with this idiotic incident when they could have charged him with many far more serious “crimes” in their upside-down inverted world, shows us they want us to win.
      Thanks for commenting.

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