Dear Reader,
(scroll to bottom of this article for the update and his address, and also,*** here is a link ***to a letter from Alfred from over 2 years ago, very pertinent to his current situation.)
Shortly before noon on 2023-08-23, the thugs in uniform came to pick Alfred Schaefer up at his home to give him his “taxi service” to jail. He is to serve a 6-month jail term for showing his buddy in the courtyard of the last jail he was in, how high his dog Pavlov could jump. [please read ‘Another Postscript’ below]
Alfred’s wife heard a commotion and so she opened their front door, to see that the police had already entered the building. They had some strange tools, such as a rusty old spade, and they were on the phone telling headquarters that they had entered the building and were in front of the door of the targeted person. It seemed they had no intention of ringing or knocking. Lucky that his wife was already there, or they might have broken the door down, like they did to the old wheelchair-bound man Tom in Munich where they crashed his home in the middle of the night with a dozen police officers, to be sure they could contain him.
Alfred’s wife told these officers that Alfred was down in the garden, and she escorted them there. Two more police officers approached from the other side of the yard. Clearly they were ready to ambush Alfred in case he should run.
Alfred had no intention of running. Background information for people who may not be aware: he was supposed to present himself at the jail on August 3rd, but he simply did not go willingly and voluntarily to the jail on August 3rd as per their orders, as that would have been a traitorous thing to do, to go to the enemy and say here I am, your prisoner of war.
Have you ever seen police officers carry rusty spades as part of their tool kit? I wonder what they had in mind. It was good that Alfred’s wife was present to witness all, because you never know what kind of story they might have concocted, just in case somebody got hurt, and then plant the “weapon” and call it self-defence? I’m only speculating. Nothing of that sort happened, but the rusty old spade got my imagination going.
That is my news for the day. Please feel free to share this around.
Monika Schaefer
PS: We do not know at this time which jail he will reside in, but as soon as I have his whereabouts, I will post his mailing address on the “political prisoners” page of this website.
Another Postscript August 27th: A couple of people have written to me to express their incredulity about anyone being thrown in jail for showing how high a dog can jump?! Indeed, for those who have not been following Alfred’s story, how can I expect them to understand the meme? Here is what I wrote to someone who asked for explanation:
Sorry for the cryptic nature of the message. A lot of people who have been following Alfred’s story are aware of his meme associated with what has been called the “Hitler Salute”. That is the straight arm gesture which is so highly forbidden in Germany. It used to be the Roman Salute, and signified “I come in peace and friendship”, and then later the same gesture became terribly demonized along with everything else associated with Hitler.I apologize for not clarifying what exactly was meant. I should have expanded the story. I sent the message out shortly after I got the call from Alfred’s wife, and did not take time to think about the fact that not everyone will understand the Pavlov dog meme.

Update 2023 September 2:
For an entire week, not even Alfred’s wife knew where he was. She had done her digging, believe me, but nobody could tell her where he was. Now we know, from a letter he sent out to her. He has been moved twice already. They initially brought him to Landsberg, then transferred him after a couple of days to Stadelheim prison, and then he was moved after a few more days to the Bernau prison, which is where he stays for the duration of the 6-month sentence. Here is the address (also posted on the political prisoners page):
Alfred Schaefer
Baumannstr. 81
83233 Bernau
31 Responses
I have not read all the comments, so perhaps mine is superfluous, in which case I apologize.
Reiner Füllmich was incarcerated for exposing the Covid lies in Germany and the rest of the world. He was kidnapped last year in Mexico by the German authorities and flown back to Germany. There he has been held incarcerated, often in solitary confinement, while he has to appear in a kangaroo court to give it a false sense of following legal procedures.
Although it was not his objective to do so, but by getting put away dictatorship-style, Reiner has proved that the German judiciary is completely corrupt, rotten to the core. He said it numerous times before his abduction Mafia-style, he has proved his point beyond a shadow of doubt.
It seems to me that the German authorities, NOT the German people, have reverted back to the black old days of the Third Reich, although today they go out of their way to protect the Jewish genocidal sewer in the Middle East and come down hard on anyone who so much as dares to criticize the Palestinian genocide, never mind questioning the veracity of the “holocaust”.
Peter, I am very confused by your comment in which you demonstrate that you understand that the “holocaust” is a lie, and yet you talk about the German authorities going back to the “black old days of the Third Reich”. This is contradictory, and a false comparison.
I’m just now seeing this, sorry to hear of the misfortune, but I’m also happy he’s standing up to the Talmudic-System.
“We Will Never Capitulate!”
Thanks Joey. Yes, agreed, we will never capitulate!
Hello Monika. I live in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. I was intrigued by your video confession to your mother about falsely accusing the Germans of the Holocaust
It makes sense to me that the concentration camp administration fought the spread of the typhus epidemic through disinfection to ensure the best possible health of the prisoners. Please tell us how the camp administration treated prisoners who died or were infected with typhus. In my opinion, they had to be cremated to prevent the typhus epidemic from spreading.
Hello Waldemar,
Thank you for your comment. You ask a good question. Those who died were indeed cremated in order to prevent further spread of disease, and also because burial would have been difficult in an area with such a high water table, which was the case at Auschwitz. There was a delousing program in place and that was to PREVENT typhus, as lice carried that deadly disease. The insecticide Zyklon-B was used to fumigate clothing. There was a hospital at Auschwitz to take care of sick people. This is a very brief answer, but I hope that helps.
Nur in Diktaturen gibt es Meinungsdelikte, Meinungsverbrechen und politische Haft. Mich hat das Verhalten der weisungsgebundenen BRD-Justiz und die erneute Inhaftierung Alfreds nicht gewundert. Wurde dies doch bei Ursula Haverbeck und Host Mahler genauso versucht bzw. angedroht. Was mich jedoch wundert ist, das Alfred nach 4.5 Jahren Kerker-Haft dieser BRiD nicht den Rücken gekehrt und das Land verlassen hat?!
Kristallnacht wikipedia entry
Good Afternoon, there is nothing I say without backing it up with sources and documentation. Everything I say about the Jews is forensically sound and can be entered as evidence in a valid court.
I’ve done research for over 30 years I pretty much know what I’m talking about or I don’t say anything. I might speculate but I will say I’m only speculating and observing.
“Nazi propaganda alienated the 500,000 Jews living in Germany, who accounted for only 0.86% of the overall population”
“By the time the conference took place, more than 250,000 Jews had fled Germany and Austria, which had been annexed by Germany in March 1938; more than 300,000 German and Austrian Jews continued to seek refuge and asylum from oppression.”
550,000 jews went to America and Britain. And of course they have to bandy about the “6 million figure” to keep people emotionally and psychologically anchored to the false narrative. Its hypnosis suggestion.
In Germany we call Wikipedia *LÜGIPEDIA* (lies = Lügen – It is a compendium of lies, not a source for research of factual truth) –
Actually, no physical harm was done to the Jewish shopkeepers during “Kristallnacht” (crystal = Kristall), only the glass of some shop windows got smashed in – Public anger boiled over at the Jewish impertinence (chuzpa)… to DECLARE A WAR OF EXTERMINATION against the German people on March 24, 1933, plus an INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC BOYCOTT on German goods to destroy the German economy and starve the Germans to death – and to keep running their shops in Germany…. expecting Germans to buy *their* goods… instead of immediately leaving the country Jews went into hiding playing the role of *persecuted victims* while committing sabotage and political assassinations: von Rath, an official of the German embassy in Paris and Wilhelm Gustloff, a National Socialist leader in Switzerland had been murdered by Jewish assassins before “Kristallnacht” happened – an outburst of publich anger, immediately stopped by the Hitler government… …
Here is a newly published interview with Ursula Haverbeck by Nordic Front.
Thank you Maxx, for this link! I had heard about this historic meeting of these two giant matriarchs of our movement. I look forward to the documentaries that Nordic Front will produce from this.
The WHOLE world should be made aware that TODAY a man is staying 4 1/2 years in prison for speaking his mind freely!!
Dear Readers and Commenters,
Please accept my apologies for being so behind on “approving” i.e. publishing your comments. I formerly received alerts by email whenever comments were submitted, but for some reason have not been receiving those alerts lately. I will be checking the website directly now until I figure out how to get the alerts again. Thank you for your understanding.
~ Monika
Thank you, Monika, for keeping us informed about Alfred’s and your work, his most recent incarceration, and the flagrant actions by tyrannical governments for attacking lawful CITIZENS such as Alfred and you, who assert your lawful rights to remain free, your rights to speak your mind, your lawful rights to redress every and any government who treads upon your rights. Being the lone ones in the midst of the masses seems not to daunt either of you, and while I cannot say that I possess your strength and courage, I do say that I stand with you, and am doing my very best to hold the tyrants here in New Mexico to their crimes against humanity.
The point of this editorial thats its easy to prove, with jewish sources, that this so called “holocaust” is a completely fabricated fiction “blood libel” from the jews.
There were hardly any jews in the camps, they all came to America. Forensics, crime doctor Charles Larson witness and testimony was, the bodies he autopsied, died from starvation and typhus. Not zyklon-b. MOST who died in the camps were non jews. There were barely any jews in the camps. Just enough for photo ops.
The occupying forces controlling the German legal system have schizoid optical nerves that no longer recognise
or connect their brains with humanity.
I’ve been following the public appearances of Alfred and you for a few years. After that, until a few years ago, you were rather apolitical, became professionally active and mostly stuck to what was officially disseminated by the media. Then you recognized the threat to the whites from influential Jews and understood National Socialism as a means of fighting the enemies of the whites. The ideas of the communism and National Socialism of that time can only be of a theoretical nature for those born later, since there is a lack of experience – what is reported is often distorted in one direction or the other, since the narrators themselves often thought ideologically and, above all, acted, which is why real things are often presented differently or omitted becomes.
Here is the brief account of a politically largely unsuspected person born in 1924 who belonged to a small church sect and lived in Thuringia: One morning in October 1961, a troop from the GDR secret service stood in front of his door and explained to him that a new apartment had been found for him and that he had to leave his place of residence immediately – the reason for this was “interfering maneuvers by the Ultras of the FRG”. At his new place of residence, he reports to the authorities, who cannot believe the reason for his expulsion. The person concerned replies that he can only imagine that some former National Socialists wanted to settle an old score with him. As a youth he had once smashed the window of a box in which the notices for the hours of service in the Hitler Youth were posted. The NS-authorities at the time wanted to take him to a concentration camp, but since he was still young, he was fined 100 marks. He gave the names of these former officials and also in which rooms they were now sitting in the city and district councils of the GDR.
Many a later-born cannot believe something like that, since the dividing lines between communism, national socialism and liberalism were brought into his head – and he can only understand the constructs as different from each other. Yet a parasitic (left) communist is much more likely to bring in a parasitic liberal, democrat, Nazi than a decent (right) communist – because of the same approach, same goal of misleading and oppressing others whose work they make a living from. The dividing lines do not run between imagined constructs (ideologies), only between characters.
Alfred and you, Monika, should be regarded as
the finest examples of freedom of thought craving individuals
who, through their courage and perseverance, should be
admired and respected.
No need to add that you should defend your positions as I know
that there is not a present human on earth who would be able to
make you falter.
Gott mit uns.
In 1938 the National Socialists had renounced South Tyrol and – with the exception of Danzig – also eastern German territories and replaced old Prussia names – Darkehmen became Angerapp, Stallupönen Ebenrode, Pillkallen Schloßberg etc. After 1945, surviving East Prussians were surprised that they found the new names better at the time. Today, Supporters of the National Socialism see the renunciation of territories as proof of Hitler’s peacefulness. Neither supporters nor opponents doubt that Hitler was an opponent of the Jews – they argue about whether that was good or bad.
The following sentences are taken from two articles in a German newspaper and translated into English:
This funeral causes outrage! Right-wing extremists buried a neo-Nazi in the former grave of a Jewish scholar. With the permission of the Church. The bishop apologized on Tuesday. Now the scandal becomes a case for the prosecutor. Berlin’s anti-Semitism officer, Samuel Salzborn, has filed a criminal complaint against unknown persons for disturbing the peace of the dead. The reason: Around 50 neo-Nazis, some with previous convictions, buried a well-known anti-Semite in the Stahnsdorf Protestant cemetery. Under the tombstone of the Jewish musicologist Max Friedlaender – with ribbons in the colors of the Reich and right-wing slogans. Unbelievable: The former Berlin NPD chief and anti-Semite Uwe Meenen (57) had previously selected the grave site. “The intention is obvious that right-wing extremists chose a Jewish grave in order to disturb the peace of the dead by burying a Holocaust denier,” said Salzborn. Berlin’s Bishop Christian Stäblein canceled his vacation. “I am shocked and stunned,” said the church leader. He will examine all legal steps to reverse the process. The anti-Semitism commissioner of the Evangelical Church, Christian Staffa, said the urn had to be reburied. Nazis and Holocaust deniers should not be buried in church cemeteries “unless they have signaled repentance before their death.” But: The case can still happen again at any time. It is common for graves to be used more than once, according to the church: “If a grave site has expired, it can be cleared and reassigned.” Friedlaender’s gravestone was left standing because the cemetery is a listed building. “Our mistake was that we didn’t do enough research,” said a church leader. For the burial of the Holocaust denier in the southwest churchyard Stahnsdorf (Potsdam-Mittelmark), Friedlaender’s gravestone was covered with a cloth. According to the Brandenburg Public Prosecutor’s Office, no preliminary investigation was initiated. An examination revealed that neither the cemetery administration nor the neo-Nazis knew about Friedlaender’s background.
The report is contradictory. It is doubtful whether the “neo-Nazi” was buried there at all. Perhaps only the staging is real – for the pity of the Germans for strangers and the arguments of the whites about unworldly ideologies set in their heads.
All the best to Alfred – also to the others who stand up for the whites.
Ursula Haverbeck
Ursula Haverbeck is a 91-year-old German woman serving time in a German prison for so-called “Holocaust denial.” She doesn’t deny it, she just doesn’t believe it. Use of circumstantial evidence and expert opinion. Everything verifiable. Let’s recap: 1) The Red Cross, in accordance with the rules of the Geneva Convention, visited each camp once a month to ensure that the prisoners were properly fed, clothed and housed. The Red Cross put the total death toll at 273,000. 2) “Crime Doctor” by Dr. Charles Larson (1975), who performed a forensic analysis of the corpses while a German soldier protected him, concluded that prisoners died of typhus and famine as a result of Allied bombing of supply lines. 3)Kristallnacht-Wikipedia, entry, Let’s get the numbers first, states: “Nazi propaganda singled out the 500,000 Jews in Germany, who made up only 0.86% of the total population.” “When the conference took place, they were more than 250,000 Jews had fled Germany and Austria, annexed by Germany in March 1938; more than 300,000 German and Austrian Jews continued to seek refuge and asylum from oppression. Hitler allowed 550,000 Jews to emigrate to friendlier countries. That leaves far fewer than 20,000 for the “Holocaust” That the Hollywood news reels were directed by Billy Wilder and Alfred Hitchcock. A film entitled Memories of the Camps is evidence of blatant fraud and slander. It’s almost ridiculous. According to Michael Schermer of Skeptic magazine, it was admitted that the “shrunken heads, lampshades and bars of Jewish soap” were all fake. I know Germans who would never wash themselves with soap made from Jews. The word “Holocaust” by definition means not surviving. Not to mention many other errors presented as facts. The whole story is ridiculous and Ms. Haverbeck must be released immediately. Going to jail simply for having a nonviolent opinion is criminal in itself and highly suspect. Regards, Maxx
Maxx, I do not think that Ursula Haverbeck is currently in jail. Where do you have this information from, that she is in jail? The rest of the comment is good, but as far as I know, she is NOT in jail at this time.
As far as I know they have refrained from putting her in jail again… presumably because of her age; our steadfast heroine Ursula Haverbeck was born on Nov 8, 1928. Hopefully, in freedom and good health she will be able to celebrate her 95.birthday on Nov 8, 2023.
It’s an old editorial. I heard she went back but I wasn’t sure.
Great, glad to hear. I got a bit worried there for a bit, thinking maybe something new had happened that I just hadn’t heard about. But no, Ursula H. is not currently in jail.
My editorial as translated by google into German. If there are any errors let me know. Ill post the English version below.
Ursula Haverbeck
Ursula Haverbeck ist eine 91-jährige Deutsche, die wegen sogenannter „Holocaust-Leugnung“ in einem deutschen Gefängnis sitzt. Sie leugnet es nicht, sie glaubt es einfach nicht. Verwendung von Indizienbeweisen und Sachverständigengutachten. Alles nachweisbar. Lassen Sie uns noch einmal Revue passieren: 1) Das Rote Kreuz besuchte gemäß den Regeln der Genfer Konvention jedes Lager einmal im Monat, um sicherzustellen, dass die Gefangenen richtig ernährt, gekleidet und untergebracht wurden. Das Rote Kreuz bezifferte die Gesamtzahl der Todesopfer auf 273.000. 2) „Crime Doctor“ von Dr. Charles Larson (1975), der eine forensische Analyse der Leichen durchführte, während ein deutscher Soldat ihn beschützte, kam zu dem Schluss, dass Gefangene an Typhus und Hungersnot infolge der alliierten Bombardierung von Versorgungsleitungen starben. 3)Kristallnacht-Wikipedia, Eintrag, Zuerst geht es um die Zahlen, heißt es: „Die Nazi-Propaganda hat die 500.000 Juden in Deutschland herausgegriffen, die nur 0,86 % der Gesamtbevölkerung ausmachten.“ „Als die Konferenz stattfand, waren es mehr als 250.000 Juden waren aus Deutschland und Österreich geflohen, die im März 1938 von Deutschland annektiert worden waren; mehr als 300.000 deutsche und österreichische Juden suchten weiterhin Zuflucht und Asyl vor Unterdrückung. Hitler ließ 550.000 Juden in freundlichere Länder auswandern. Damit bleiben weit weniger als 20.000 für den „Holocaust“ übrig Dass die Hollywood-Nachrichtenrollen von Billy Wilder und Alfred Hitchcock inszeniert wurden. Ein Film mit dem Titel „Erinnerungen an die Lager“ ist ein Beweis für eklatanten Betrug und Verleumdung. Es ist fast lächerlich. Laut Michael Schermer von der Zeitschrift Skeptic sei zugegeben worden, dass die „Schrumpfköpfe, Lampenschirme und Seifenstücke aus Juden“ allesamt gefälscht seien. Ich kenne Deutsche, die würden sich nie mit Seife aus Juden waschen. Das Wort „Holocaust“ bedeutet per Definition, dass man nicht überlebt. Ganz zu schweigen von vielen anderen Fehlern, die als Tatsachen dargestellt werden. Die ganze Geschichte ist lächerlich und Frau Haverbeck muss sofort freigelassen werden. Allein wegen einer gewaltfreien Meinung ins Gefängnis zu gehen, ist an sich schon kriminell und höchst verdächtig. Grüße, Maxx
Dear Readers,
It has come to my attention that the “this is how high my dog Pavlov can jump” meme is not universally understood. Of course not. I apologize for not expanding on that. I posted this quickly after the event. I will update the post shortly, but in the meantime, here is what is meant:
While making a straight-arm gesture with his right arm at a slightly higher than horizontal angle, with open palm facing down, Alfred exclaims “look how high my dog Pavlov can jump”. The gesture looks exactly like the old Roman Salute, which later became demonized and recognized as the “Hitler Salute”.
please, would you give Alfred my best regards?
There is no other choice. There is no better way than battling on.
All over the country – on a regular basis – since 2014
Contrary to the Jew-media claims and clamors – There is NO unified “West against Russia” – There is NO “US-NATO war against Russia” – NATO is not at war with Russia, the US-British-Israhellish Jews are – It is their proxy-war using mercenaries – IT’S JEWS (internationally organized Jewry & shabbos goy traitors mouthpieces) who keep demanding MORE ARMS – MORE WAR/S – MORE DEATHS of white men fighting each other… They need to be stopped.
PROTEST FOR WORLD PEACE, Berlin, Germany, August 5, 2023 (not teLIEvised)
Where are the PROTESTS FOR PEACE in the English speaking world?
We need more grassroots resistance everywhere.
Im so sorry to hear this news Ms Monica. Sending you my regards
Dear Monika,
I am sad to hear that Alfred is again unable to move about freely although I imagine that he knew it was coming ….. I trust that he will not be mistreated during these next 6 months and know that he will use his time wisely ….. We are all being imprisoned, in a sense, in so many ways, but it is our blessing to be able to see clearly and speak the truth during these trying times. God Bless You and Alfred.
Respectfully Yours, Divad.
Sorry to hear this. I hope & pray God will protect him (again). It’s a sad world with lies being the basis of the ruling corrupt. Thank you Monica for all you do! We all will stay strong.
God bless you BOTH.
He will be strong I know. I just hope that they don’t do a “General George S. Patton” EVENT on him.
Many thanks indeed.