Free Speech Monika

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Alfred Schaefer Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Forbidden Speech during the 2018 Trial

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On August 8th, 2019, Alfred Schaefer was hauled from his prison cell into the courthouse to face the Inquisition once again. What were his charges? Speech crimes which he committed during the 2018 Schaefer Siblings Trial for previous speech crimes. Another Muppet Show, as Alfred had called our trial, this one for things he said and did right in the courtroom in 2018.

How can that be, you might reasonably ask. Is it not normal for both sides, the prosecution and the defense, to present their evidence and argument to the judges for them to weigh the evidence and make a “judgement” based on what they have heard and seen? Can a person not defend himself while in court? Can you not explain how you reached your conclusions – the ones they deem illegal to speak out loud? Can you not provide evidence to the court of law to support your conclusions?

Not without committing “New Crime”! When you speak in court in the occupied Federal Republic of Germany, you are supposedly speaking in public. (Even that is questionable, given the intimidation tactics in the courthouse and the non-existence of a court transcript.) Since you are prohibited from publicly speaking the truth about certain subjects in Germany, in particular the fake jewish holocaust, it is impossible to defend yourself with evidence and argument even whilst facing charges for speaking about these forbidden subjects. A completely circular situation – a Catch 22. Can this still be called justice? Can it be a fair court? Can there ever be a verdict other than the predetermined one?

To be fair, Alfred was also being charged with a certain gesture which he dared do in court on Day 1 on July 2nd, 2018. After I had been brought into the courtroom in handcuffs, Alfred jumped out of his chair and gave quite the spirited speech to the media, the public gallery and the whole court. He spoke of how we are winning, and that the Truth is coming out. He also jubilantly gave the Roman Salute, while saying,

Look how high my dog Pavlov can jump!

Prozess gegen die Geschwister Monica und Alfred Schaefer u.a. wegen Volksverhetzung
Not sure why my eyes have been blocked out in this image which I found on-line. The Jasper newspaper “The Fitzhugh” published that picture and an article entitled “Racist Filth: Schaefers sentenced in Germany” just in time for my return home, to remind the local population what a “hater” I am.

This makes him a particularly “dangerous man”, the fact that he could brazenly and fearlessly make this salute. One has to wonder why a simple body motion – non-violent and non-threatening – can be so frightening to the PTSNB (powers-that-should-not-be). They call it an evil crime and the person doing it is deemed highly dangerous.

Compare that to the background of rapists and murderers getting off with the lightest of sentences, particularly if they come from a culture where “they just didn’t understand our culture”, as some judges are reputed to have said.

The 18 month verdict is not what the prosecution asked for. They wanted 24 months. They are appealing the sentence as it is “too light”! Remember, this is on top of the 38 months which Alfred was already sentenced with, simply for speaking.

Alfred’s lawyer is also appealing this new verdict. The original sentence is under appeal as well. No verdict is legally binding yet. By their own rules, Alfred should not even be in jail at all, except that he has been deemed a “flight risk” because of the severity of his alleged criminality. He never has been a flight risk, he has been married to a German woman for decades, and has expressed his keen desire to stay and fight this injustice that is befalling Germany. They simply did not like that he continued to talk to the world.

On August 10th, the day I learned of this latest blow, I had a conversation with Brian Ruhe to talk about it. Here is the 8 minute video of that interview.

On 21 August 2019 I was on the Realist Report with John Friend. We not only spoke about Alfred’s situation, but covered other topics such as the music industry influences, psychological warfare, and the holohoax being the lynch-pin of deceptions holding up the house of cards. Podcast here.

Another show I would like to tell you about is one that I had the privilege of being a guest host on. The Sonny Thomas Show of August 1, 2019. This was a two hour show during which I gave some background to my story about our “speech crimes”, the Schaefer sibling trial, jail, the verdict etc. I also spoke about how Ritual Defamation is such a key element in keeping the deceptive narratives going. In the second hour I was joined by special guest Frank Frost, who spoke of corruption at the very highest levels of government, police and the so-called justice system. It was a very powerful conversation.

29 Responses

  1. The ‘Roman salute’ means “I am unarmed and come in peace.” Hitler initially forbade its use by the military but after some soldiers were punished for using it during a parade and confined to barracks for two weeks, he relented and allowed the salute in the military because he did not want any more loyal soldiers to be punished.

        1. Hi Citizen Reporter – can we communicate by private message about these things – I think we are Fb friends, yes?

  2. I want readers to pay close attention to what the Ecological National Socialists in and out of the German government are saying about each other, and remember that when you see the Libertarian option on the ballot next election. –Libertariantranslator

  3. Dear Monica and Alfred Schaefer,

    the following might be of interest to you. Unless i know that you speak German, I try to write it in English in order that the interest of non-German speaking people may be aroused.

    Section 130, Paragraph 3 of the German Criminal Code (§ 130 Abs. 3 Strafgesetzbuch) reads in an english transaltion like this:
    “Whosoever publicly or in a meeting approves of, denies or downplays an act committed under the rule of National Socialism of the kind indicated in section 6 (1) of the Code of International Criminal Law, in a manner capable of disturbing the public peace shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding five years or a fine.” (ref. to )

    This law was passed in 1994. It was however tried to do so already in 1984 (in another section, namely sec. 140) and at that time it was rejected by all state justice administrations for its imprecise formulation and risk of arbitrariness. In consequence it was also rejected by the legislative for the same reason and in addition because of unconstitutionality.

    In 1994, the law was passed in the parliament (with minor editorial changes), although nothing had changed for the legal assessment, but only the political atmosphere was different.

    In fact, according to German constitutional law, a restriction of freedom of expression is only permissible if
    (a) the expression violates a legal right protected by a “general law”, that is, a law which does not expressly prohibit that opinion, and
    (b) the court carries out a balancing of the two legal interests, that is the injured property and the legal right of freedom of expression.

    This important constitutional interpretation of freedom of expression
    is regularly completely ignored by German criminal courts. The judges simply submit that paragraph 130 (3) is a special law that unconditionally prohibits the “denial of the Holocaust”. Some judges do not even know the exact meaning of a “general law,” as I myself had to learn as a defendant. My judge “decided” nolens volens, that paragraph 130 (3) is a “general law”, but didn’t obviously even think of any kind of balancing the different legal interests.

    At that time, the Federal Constitutional Court had simply failed to classify the law with regard to the status of being a “general law”, but but the major legal commentaries did not see it as a “general law”. Meanwhile, the Court has actually stated that it is NOT a “general law”, i.e. that it is a SPECIAL LAW, that expressly forbids a certain class of opinions/ expressions. THAT IS HOWEVER ABSOLUTELY CONSTITUTIONALLY ILLEGAL IN GERMANY.


    Please ref. to the letter which Horst Mahler recently wrote to a Criminal Court concerning his own case and to my comment to that, all of that unfortunately only available in German:
    (Alternatively: just look for my name on facebook)

    In my comment I also mention a report I wrote 1999, concerning the case of Guenter Deckert, the KEY CASE of the whole Holocaust legislation. In that Article I also prove in detail that the legislation is severely unconstitutional. – As a non-lawyer however! I studied mathematics, economy and computer science.

    With my best wishes for both of you,
    yours sincerely
    Per Lennart Aae, Görlitz, Germany

    1. Many thanks Per Lennart Aae.
      Yes there was a remarkable response from the prosecutor to my lawyer’s excellent speech in which he documented in meticulous detail why this law is completely bogus, unconstitutional, illegal, based on thin air… basically elaborating on what you have outlined here. She could not argue against a single thing he said. Instead she complained that he was “too emotional” in his tone. It was breath-taking!

      1. Dear Monika Schaefer, thankyou for answering! The history of the German Holocaust legislation, going back at least to 1983, is rarely known in Germany and concequently most of the time left aside, although it is extremely well suited to demonstrate the corruptness of German Law in this area. The importance of this public Information has an importance going further than the individual case. We are talking about a judicial scandal with giant political implications. Please read my German text on facebook. I would also like to send you my report from 1999, “Der Fall Günter Deckert”. It has 14 pages, so it can easily be sent as an email attachment.
        Sincerely Yours
        Per Lennart Aae

    2. this special law thing is just another rule they just don’t care about. there are countless constitutional rules the german bolsheviks don’t care.
      there’s no way to reach your goal through german courts.

      the last hope is the european bolshevik court.
      sometimes strange things happen e.g. in may 2019, since then german prosecutors can’t issue european arrest warrant

  4. Dear Monika, I am so sorry to hear of this new attack upon your brave brother. What an outrageous situation Germany is in due to placing the chosenites in power after the War. Thanks to my land of liberty for that madness. Germany deserves to be free and sovereign.. free of it imposed US laws. You and your brother are both heroic figures in my opinion. Suffering for our rights to speak freely on any subject. All the best, Nancy Hitt

  5. Thank you, Monika, for this important update on Alfred.

    On the subject of mail with Alfred, I have sent and received about four letters. All were long delayed in both directions. However, the most recent is the most noteworthy because of a crime committed with it:
    On 8Aug2019, I received in my mailbox an envelope from Alfred. It’s end had been ripped open and contents taken. It was an EMPTY envelope in my mailbox. I immediately printed a photo of the envelope and used the same piece of paper for a very brief letter to Alfred notifying him of this crime against us. I mailed it on 9Aug.

    I wonder if any other writers to Alfred have suffered the same?

    1. I have received two or three letters from Alfred which had been opened at the narrow end, enough to have removed the contents and put it back in. The letters were still there for me to read. I made a complaint (just verbally) at my local post office, and it has not happened since. So I am quite suspicious that it was the local folks who opened those letters.

    2. The last letter I received from Monika was CUT open (whoever did that, it was very brazen to do so) and obviously sent this way. The letter itself was not taken.

    3. I received about 30-40 letters from political prisoners being inmates of german prisons.
      I live in Germany. Not one of them was opened in a way I could recognize.
      The postal traffic to and from Alfred is delayed 9-10 days in comparison to letters to or from other prisoners in other german prisons.
      It’s all about the “haters”: The psychologically attacked Germans are confused and damaged in a way and to a degree, they by themselves couldn’t detect.
      These people realy think, they would do a favour to some idea of “the Good”, by humiliating the Non-Believers of the dogma. It’s just a common religion. The gifts to the god of the dogma are just crimes against “The Others” – just for the sake of the Dogma – just to demonstrate, to testify infront of the mob: I am ready to do even bad, bad things to show, that I hate bad things.

  6. “racist filth“? “haters“? Who is?

    Food for thought…
    “THE JEW ALONE REGARDS HIS RACE AS SUPERIOR to humanity, and looks forward (…) to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah.” (Goldwin Smith, The Jewish Question, October 1881)

    “WE JEWS, WE, THE DESTROYERS, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God world, which it is not in your nature to build.” (Maurice Samuels, You Gentiles)

    “You have not begun to appreciate THE REAL DEPTH OF OUR GUILT. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.” (Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish author, January 1928 issue of Century Magazine)

    “IF THE MARXIST TEACHING were to be accepted as the foundation of the life of the universe, it would lead to the disappearance of all order that is conceivable to the human mind. And thus the adoption of such a law would provoke chaos in the structure of the greatest organism that we know, with the result that the inhabitants of this earthly planet would finally disappear. Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world, his Crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, without any human life on its surface, as it did millions of years ago. And so I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord.” (Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf)

    THE SATANIC BABYLONIAN TALMUD contains the most racist and evil rabbinical teachings… they replaced the Torah that is why Jesus contended with the pharisees and said their traditions nullify the Law of Moses. (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) The Christians are being hated and persecuted by the Jews because we are the chosen people; Jesus Christ fulfilled the Old Testament. Why do Jews specifically hate the Germans? Hitler removed them from power! But he never tried to genocide them. Vice versa: The Jews have been genociding the Germans (using proxy armies) More Germans were killed by the All Lies than there are Jews on the planet. The British premier Churchill, the US presidents were actually Jews. Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower were all Jewish Communists. The Talmudic Jews worship Lucifer/Satan just as the Freemasons do. America has ‘Seven Noahide Laws’ signed by George H. Bush in 1991, with the death sentence for Christians who don’t take the Mark of the Beast… who don’t succumb to the Jewish terror. Many musicians and actors sold their soul to Satan and are Luciferian Freemasonry controlled and they are successful. But to lose your own soul for a place in this world is not a very good trade.

    Talmudic rabbinical law teaches that Jews can do anything they want to the non Jews, and are encouraged to lie, cheat, steal and kill any non Jew… and go unpunished…
    which practically explains it all

  7. This is an outrage, it goes beyond even the nonsense we must deal with in America. The Thunderbolt e-zine will continue to comment on Alfred’s case ( and, of course, continue to maintain communication with Alfred. So, he can be sentenced for his testimony, or sentenced for “contempt of court” if he said nothing at all. Welcome to the Zionist dictatorship.

    1. Coming? It’s been here for a while already, but people have been so distracted by the addictive “shiny things” on their multitude of “devices” that hardly anybody noticed its arrival.

  8. Thanks for your update Monika.

    On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 8:56 PM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: ” On August 8th, 2019, Alfred Schaefer was hauled from his > prison cell into the courthouse to face the Inquisition once again. What > were his charges? Speech crimes which he committed during the 2018 Schaefer > Siblings Trial for previous speech crimes. Anot” >

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