Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Alfred Moving… updated

….  out of jail?

Unfortunately no, not out of jail. But he is being moved to a different jail – Landsberg am Lech. I will confirm this in a few days (see below), but this is the word from yesterday (November 21st), his third and last court date for the latest trial – the trial for speaking forbidden words in his defence in the courtroom, and for making forbidden gestures in the courtroom.

Related articles – the August sentencing, and the update last week.

The 18 month additional sentence for speaking in court turned into an 8 month sentencenot what the prosecutor asked for (24 months!!)! Are the winds changing?

Here is a link to a 10 minute video by Spiegel TV in Germany entitled “The bizarre World of Holocaust Deniers”. It is from 20 November 2019, one day before Alfred’s verdict, and makes no mention of his current trial. That would have raised too many questions for ordinary thinking people – the fact that someone can be jailed simply for speaking in court, let alone for speaking at all.

They try to tell us how “freedom of speech” is supposedly being “used / abused” by “Nazis” to “falsify history”. Everything on its head! There is some nice footage from the 2018 Schaefer Sibling trial. Ursula Haverbeck also stars in this video, before she went to jail in 2018. Sylvia Stolz and the Volkslehrer (people’s-teacher) and many other Patriots appear. There is of course a “holocaust survivor” in there too.

If someone would like to give us some translation (or a summary) of the above video, feel free to put it into the comments under this article.

For now I just wanted to get the word out there about the latest development: Alfred has received an 8 month sentence to be added to the 38 month sentence given in October 2018. That is just short of 4 years jail time for speaking truth. 

Truth is Hate for those who Hate the Truth.

*****UPDATE 24 November 2019: Alfred has been moved to Landsberg am Lech. Here is his address:

Alfred Schaefer
Hindenburgring 12
86899 Landsberg am Lech

94 Responses

  1. When you have put a pic and profile on your gravatar it comes up on a hovercard. Anything else you want to embed sometimes works if the image has an URL depending if the website allows. Youtube video links display as they are allowed in WP.

  2. Freya, you need to take a chill pill. I have no hold on anyone here nor do I want one, and I try to keep my negative spew to a minimum. You take anything I have said to the extreme even when I have tried to look at both sides, offer an olive branch or give a concession to you. I think you like to use me as the whipping boy in your vitriolic descriptiveness which I guess gives you satisfaction seeing there are no Jews on this site.
    If you want to convince others ( Europeans, Canadians etc) in this age of “political correctness” of your position you could try a little diplomacy (I’m trying!)- or (a little humour) marry Jorg! lol. At least try not to call me “names” as you accuse me of doing. Anyway as a “white” European Christian I still say good will and blessings of the season.

    1. PS: as I said before here as well, I think it’s wrong to imprison people for their opinions whether I agree with them or not but it is democratic to be able to speak out for or against or to question or accept or reject.
      I also have a very innocuous (non political) blog site where my hope is to uplift and inspire and not insult anyone. Just because I do not endorse the extreme white supremacist ideology does not make me a “hater” of anyone.

      1. Dagmar: Thank you for reading the others side. Maybe, someday, Neptune willing you will change, reading the other side, as I did 40 years ago from 1st hand meets, logic and science. Public schools forced me to see the jew side, Nazis I met nicely asked me to look at the other side. It took me about 5 years of reading, meeting, chemistry, and logic and now. 88

        1. @David: …not realy FreeMatch… It’s not free. It’s about very good writing and saying thank you to the writer (Freya).
          I have a little picture, that I would like to put in here. Anybody who knows how to do that? Thanks. Jörg

          1. I haven’t heard from Freya yet, on your proposal. How many carats is the picture you wish to post? You will note, my picture comes up with every comment.

          2. The Picture is just the outside of my christmas letter to Alfred.
            No, I’m not an artist, but my grandfather was.
            Sadely he didn’t survive WW2. He made it out of Stalingrad as POW, but after long marches through Russia he died in a POW camp as a slave worker with nearly no food surrounded by a brutal cold and bugs.
            But maybe Monika can put it here… ? It’s to send strength to Alfred.

          3. Please Jorg: Excuse my teasing a few days ago. I sometimes feel about things I read, as you did/do.

            I was on the jew side of WWII 40 years ago and teasing a German paratrooper working for me, that had gotten out of Stalingrad by plane. He very nicely explained there was another side to the story, so I started reading. His (and my) boss, younger than me, had been forced by USArmy to watch his father hanged at Nuremberg. Shortly after reading “War on the Eastern Front”, I heard about Zundel and started showing his videos on local TV. My teasing Ernie Piez helped me to learn what I’m sure is the truth of WWII today. May I add your dad’s death could have been prevented if Von Poulos had broken out in late December 1942 when Manstein was within gun hearing range of Poulos. My belief (no facts) Poulos had already made arrangements with the Russians for an easy life in Russia and Eastern Germany.

            Those Schaefers, Stoltzs, Haverbecks, and late Zundels certainly are the brave Germans after WWII that give their all, such as your Dad did during WWII for the truth of Germany people.

            Thank you Jorg for your respectful responses.

  3. I always liked the German people. (D for deceiver/dune mouse)

    D for deceiver – You did like them? ….and that’s why you have repeatedly smeared the Germans, the normal people, the white nationalists and Christians here on this site as “haters”, “Nazis”, “holocaust deniers”, “anti-Semites”. Spewing the same “sick-minded shit” the Jews use to ritually defame and criminalize the truth tellers for simply telling the ugly truth about the Jews and their sick-minded shit, the Jewish lies about history, the Jewish ideologies on how to destroy the white, Christian civilization and to enslave the world (Judaism, Talmudism, Satanism, Communism, Zionism, Cultural Marxism) Speaking the truth is not a crime. It’s free speech, our inalienable, God given right to criticize the not so “harmless” Jews, their sick-minded shit nobody in his right mind would have any respect for.

    Interestingly, David, has no problem being called a Nazi – he says and feels justified to be a holocaust denier. (D for deceiver)

    ….and interestingly that’s exactly why you think you have a hold on him, right?
    You keep calling David a “Nazi” and “holocaust denier” although you know perfectly well that such misnomers are twisted, sick-minded shit invented by Jewish haters, liars, deceivers to do harm, cause confusion and put a seal on the Jewish lies to preserve them. Poisoned words used as weapons, as if casting spells and curses. Marked cards in a rigged game which must be called out for what they are: marked cards! (Alfred Schäfer)

    It’s better not to use them at all! They must be refused to take away their power and break the spell!

    You have proven that point! Much appreciated.

    ” I’d like to see a real historic debate by scholarly people who present their evidence for and against of what they believe happened to be able to be examined on both sides” (D)

    Hear, hear… would you believe it!
    That’s exactly what we truth seekers all want: a real open debate on the Six Million Hoax. Show me the evidence. So far the Jews have produced none. NONE.
    But lots of laws to protect their lies and for jailing the truth tellers.

  4. In answer to your questions David, Alfred’s letters are moving fast now, as they do not get screened by the prosecution anymore. The only check will be in the prison itself. So yes, letters from Alfred in his new location have already reached some people in Germany.
    Landsberg is west of Munich, but still accessible. Trains run almost everywhere in Germany.

    1. Hi David, I do not know for sure why he was moved. But the timing coincides with the culmination of Alfred’s trials. The verdict is final as far as I know.

      1. Oh! Another David, but good question David. Also, has anyone received a letter from Alfred since he was moved? Where are all these places in Germany? Would someone draw a map and put it on this blog? And Alfred’s wife, is she nearby and then has to travel farther now to see him?

        In the USA, most large prisons are built far from cities to make it difficult for the prisoners to receive visitors and some small towns reject prisons being built nearby, even though it’s good for the economy. Also, after serving sentence, prisons make sure you have NO information on your friends that you met there, except memorized.

        The world does need even more prisons, but for the real thieves of the world, not the ones revealing the thieves as we see today. The rich thieves get richer, and the ones exposing them go to jail. Welcome to the N(j)ew World Order

        1. …didn’t see Your answer Monika, …
          David, Landsberg am Lech is situated some 40km west of Munich and 60-70km away from the southern border of the OMF-BRD to Austria.
          The OMF-BRD is a construct advised by the victorers and layed out by something like a pre-goverment of the BRD called “Parlamentarischer Rat” (parliamentary council).
          The leading member of this body said in front of the council, being in session inside the Villa Rothschild in Frankfurt / Main: We don’t have to make a new state, we don’t have to make a new constitution. It’s just a way of organizing a contruct of the foreign rulership. In German this gives the abbreviation OMF.
          The audio is still available. The OMF-BRD is explicitly not the legal successor of the last german state existing till 1945. This is the valid statement of the Parliament of the OMF-BRD.
          They enacted a “constitution light” named “Grundgesetz” (Basic law). Article 143 says: if Germany will eventually get’s rid of foreing rulership and becomes a sovereign nation again, a new constitution will have to be made.

          This is the reason, why “german justice” (victorers justice) isn’t accepted by a small but increasing number of Germans living at the territory of the last resp. gone german state. To express this rejection, some of the victims of this apparatus (like Alfred and Monika) do not sit inside the court room, but stand all the time. This is an old way of rejection – don’t aks me what it comes from.
          But older people or when the trial goes days and week can’t stand all the time.

  5. historical truths? It seems like everyone on all sides, is very self righteous and thinks they have the monopoly on what is the truth of the whole history of mankind since Christianity began. No one is willing to give any concession or an even “perhaps there could be some truth to this or that” instead of all this “absolutism.” I’d like to see a real historic debate by scholarly people who present their evidence for and against of what they believe happened to be able to be examined on both sides. But I doubt that will ever happen so… for those here on this site that believe in the spirit of Christmas I wish all the good will of the season, and solstice blessings for everyone as well.

    1. Somewhere I read the birth of Jesus was in August and believers moved the time of year to December to coincide with THE SOLSTICE, THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. I do celebrate the Solstice. I do “believe” in that sun, and the change of the earths axis to give the North longer days.

      1. hmm the Ukrainian church celebrate the end of January but I have never heard it was August. Hippolytus of Rome wrote that it was December as the conception had ocurred in Spring! But who knows. It seems likely that the early church replaced the Roman Saturnalia those last of the year leftover days of their calendar which also was a time of gift giving and good will. Seems plausible. I like the Solstices too and I think Father Christmas was an old English folkloric tradition dating back to middle ages. All very interesting.

        1. Monika’s Jasper problems, xmyth (Christmas), holocaust lies, historical truths: So important for better documentation. Zundel’s trial with the Leuchter report, Schaefer, all needed hidden camcorders that would date events. Even Mary & whomever, which could be on Bit-Chute today for all to see and know the date of conception and with whom. Then some way to keep the jews from circumventing the evidence on the camcorder. Did we evolve or did god create us to lie? It is my belief the jews did it to us.

  6. Translation of the german SPIEGEL newspaper TV

    “The Bizarre World of Holocaust Deniers” / translation german-english
    Speak(er):For four months, the Munich Regional Court will hear about the limits of freedom of expression.

    Accused, the siblings Alfred and Monika Schaefer. The two German Canadians are Holocaust deniers. The mass murder of the Jews by the Nazis never happened for them.

    Reporter: “Mr. Schaefer how are they?
    Alfred Schaefer (AS): “Everything is fine. Confident”
    Monika Schaefer (MS) put this disturbing video on the net two years ago.

    MS: “There were no gas chambers, the only gas used was to destroy the lice”.

    Speak: Brother Alfred is also a conspiracy theorist with a racist view of the world. In the trial, he recorded that the Holocaust was an invention of the Jews to fight the white race.

    AS: “So I would be ashamed if anyone would accuse me of believing in such a Holocaust now, in 2016, just because somebody says I should believe”.
    Speak: A statement that is punishable. Because according to section 130 of the Penal Code, anyone who denies or trivializes the Holocaust in public or in a congregation faces a prison sentence of up to 5 years or a fine.

    Speak: Supporters have also travelled for the trial. Nicolai Nerling was a primary school teacher until recently. In the meantime, he has been suspended because he had spread crude conspiracy theories on the Internet. Now he lives on donations from his sympathizers. On youtube, Nerling started a second career as the folk teacher. Here he has over 50,000 subscribers, his videos have high click rates. Sometimes he reports about neo-Nazi festivals, then again he offers a platform to confused convicts like the Schaefers.

    Nicolai Nerling (NN): “These are fighters for freedom of opinion, one can say. They put up with personal reprisals, it’s not like they have to do what they do. Because if the (Alfred) Schaefer shows how high the Pawlow dog jumps, I have to ask why the guy does that. Yes, do you know this cutout, where he raises his arm so accordingly, I’m not allowed to do that. Maybe he could show it around with his left hand, yes, he showed it that way, that’s how high the dog jumps. With the other arm the other way around. „

    Speaker: What Mr. Nerling here so covertly describes is, by the way, the Hitler greeting. Alfred Schaefer showed this quite unabashedly during the trial.
    NN: “I think they are also interested in saying the things that they think are right. And that’s what they’re fighting for. So respect.”

    Speak: Because according to constitutional protectors, the extreme right-wing scene has recently been increasingly focusing on the history-laden topic again.
    Stefan Kramer, President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Thuringia: “Solidarity with Holocaust deniers without actually denying the Holocaust itself is a wonderful instrument to serve the topic in the area of criminal law borders, which are very narrow in the FRG, which is also well known, and which then lead to the fact that you once again show yourself in the scene through community feeling, through solidarity, these are all so-called values which are not reprehensible in themselves but play a very special role for the scene.“

    Speak: A phenomenon that one could also observe in Bielefeld two weeks ago. 500 neo-Nazis had come to solidarity with Ursula Haverbeck. A convicted Holocaust denier who is currently serving a 3-year prison sentence. The right-wing extremist is a fervent admirer of Adolf Hitler. Apparently, the 90-year-old has great memory gaps of the years 38 – 45. Until recently, despite controversial statements, she always got away with fines. This video on her own homepage was also her undoing.

    Ursula Havebeck: “This shows that the Holocaust is the biggest and most lasting lie in history. It took her to finally complete the world domination of the chosen ones that had been strived for for centuries”.

    Speak: The fairy tale of a Jewish world conspiracy is at the heart of the scene. With Haverbeck’s support, the neo-Nazis are betting on provocation. This is Thorsten Heise, National Director of the NPD.

    Thorsten Heise: “First of all I would like to ask the Gaskommando to keep on working, not to be stopped, let gas into the balloons”.

    Speak: Nicolai Nerling, the folk teacher, is also there. For him, the fight for Mrs. Haverbeck is also a fight against the rule of law.

    NN:” I stand up for free speech, for freedom of opinion, that is a fundamental right that applies to everyone. Also for right-wing people. „
    Rep (off): “How far does Holocaust denial have anything to do with expression?”

    NN:” As far as I understood Mrs. Haverbeck she really believes that this did not happen. It seems to me that this is her deepest conviction and expressing her deepest conviction is a fundamental right, as far as I understand it. Maybe she may be wrong or not, but I don’t know, she says her opinion.”
    Speak: In fact, freedom of expression is protected by Article 5 of the Basic Law. But if you push it too far, you will be punished according to paragraph 130. For many here a small degree.

    Rep (off): “What do they say when they see these pictures here of murdered Jews”

    CB: “Yes, it’s bad that there are people where they see who that is, I just see that
    unfortunately there are a lot of corpses.

    Rep: “6 million murdered Jews”

    CB: “So I see in the pictures that they are dead people, who they are, I don’t see. There are also pictures of starved soldiers, or victims of Dresden, of the bombings, I can’t assign the pictures to who that is now.”
    Speak: The gentleman with the lack of knowledge of history is, by the way, Christian Bertel. Recently sentenced to probation for Holocaust denial.

    Rep: “Why do you stand up for a woman who denies that?… That was 6 million lives…”

    Demo participant: “I don’t doubt anything, I just don’t know any better. I don’t know anything, I
    only know one thing…”

    Rep: ” Just take a look…”

    Demo participant: “I know I don’t know”

    Dp: “We can’t afford to judge. We were told it was, but I wasn’t there, I don’t know.”

    NN: “Have you ever gotten anyone?”

    Rep: “I’m not here to convert to Holocaust denial, I’m asking normal questions.”

    NN: “Yeah exactly, has anyone fallen for that?”

    Speak: The outwardly serious Nerling has already met several times with Haverbeck. A perfect symbiosis. She delivers the opinion, he ensures the distribution via youtube.

    NN: ” Yes, hello dear friends, today I have the great honour to sit next to the Grande Dame of the Freedom Movement.”

    Speak: The Holocaust denier as a freedom icon, the survivors of the concentration camps can only shake their heads about it. Esther Bejarano. is 93 years old, has survived Auschwitz and regularly gives readings. Her parents were murdered by the SS, her sister died in Auschwitz. Only the memory survived.

    EB: ” Auschwitz. We were sent to a so-called collection camp. Within a few days we were already over 1000 Jewish people and were sent on transport in cattle wagons.”

    Speak: More than a million people died in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Many were forgotten immediately after their arrival. A murderous extermination machine. Bejarano is shocked that the falsification of history in the right-wing scene is en vogue again.

    EB: “That the people who have experienced all this, yes, like me, that they still have to experience something like this. That so many Nazis are allowed to walk the streets without being harmed, yes, … against, … that is simply impossible. Yes, here, freedom for Ursula Haverbeck … laughs … bullshit.”

    Speak; Back to Munich for the trial of the Schaefer siblings with their inciting videos. The loyal right-wing followers have gathered outside the door. For some here Adolf Hitler is apparently not a mass murderer, but rather something like a normal employer.
    Process observer: “He needed workers, those were labour camps. He had nothing to do with the dead. They were not helpful to him, they were labor camps.

    Sylvia Stolz (SS): “They only want to lead them on ice.” NN: “The journalists yes”….
    Rep: “A perfectly normal question”

    SS: “The question is normal, but why does the answer lead her to prison? That’s the point, think about it.”

    Rep: ” I didn’t invent paragraph 130. It’s not my fault if somebody wants to question the existence of gas chambers. Is that my fault then?”

    NN: ” No, this is not their fault, no.

    SS: “Alone the kind of question…”
    Passant: “Whether they earn their money honestly again…?!?”
    Speak: In the end, the Schaefer siblings are sentenced to prison. Alfred was sentenced to 3 1/2 years and 2 months, Monika to 10 months. Freedom of expression came to its legal limits here.

    Passant: “Whether they earn their money honestly again…?!?”

    Speak: In the end, the Schaefer siblings are sentenced to prison. Alfred was sentenced to 3 1/2 years and 2 months, Monika to 10 months. Freedom of expression came to its legal limits here.

    1. Too confusing. HOW did the people die? Who should the German in charge of food, give the food in WWII. Food, water, medical supplies were being bombed. Feed the prisoners, or the troops trying to stop the bombing? Article’s questions are not well thought out. Bottom line, NO FREEDOM of SPEECH in USA/jew occupied Germany today. WHY? Too much control by US and jew. Laws are now pending to have such laws in the USA. Where will it stop?

      1. Hi David, there might be the occasional bit that got lost in translation. But I appreciate the work done on this. I had invited someone to give a translated summary of the news link in the article, and Hubert answered the call. Thanks Hubert!

      2. I don’t know the precise path of the development, but I know for sure, that the final situation will look as it always looks, when repression, lies and inhumanity surpasses it peak, looses it’s grab on the events and the people.
        The ugly ones will be wiped out – but not in the sence of early times beaten and deported or something like this.
        This time all the world knows the enemy and it’s way of humiliating the world just for the sake of their satanic culture, greed, hate …
        There will be not one single place to hide. This time no nation will show the mercy that especially german communities granted to them in the name of common, peaceful living. Handing over a chance – again and again to this sort of people…
        After all the events of the last centuries the worst case has approached: no people left, that can be lied to – for escaping the communities which realised the devastating results of trusting the wrong people, just letting the hating enemy inside the walls.
        This final phase of loosing grab has began. You can see and feel it in Germany. You can ask 90% of the people wether they reject all the things, jews implemented by force to destroy the white race and especially the Germans, the “Saint/Spirit of Schiller”.
        There is a polling showing this in 02/2018. In my surrounding and live there is not one singe person I could tell of, not getting angry the hard way.

  7. (Blog problem), but continues until Jan 1st, so money can be made buying unneeded presents to give as the “wise men” did. To me, it is a 2 month money thing to enhance the banks, merchants and industry of the USA. THE SOLSTICE IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON, not xmyth. It is the turning point of the earth (in the north) to give more sunlight. What a glorious day about Dec 21st each year. Next week Saturday, may I wish all a glorious SOLSTICE.

    I love spending xmyth at the Sea of Cortez, Mexicans used to spend 2 days for their xmyth holiday, which is perfect. This year, maybe, but looking for a significant other female to join me.

    1. I agree with you David Christmas is way beyond over-commercialized, but like Dagmar, I love the festivities and Christmas carols.
      No Caribbean vacation this winter for me and my wife. Plenty of snow to shovel though. Have a great Solstice. Would Be better with a companion, and cheap internet is available just by walking in to an Oxxo convenience store.

    2. I didn’t see this end bit. don’t disagree with the rampant and shameless commercialization. I still love the symbolism of good will and feasting at this time of year and the dream of peace on earth!

      1. Feasting for the poor and peace on earth should be throughout the year, not just at xmyth. In my “humble” view, xmyth is a commercial holiday enhancing the jew pockets.

        1. no disagreement but it is a traditional holiday through the centuries that as mmalt2000 says is quite beautiful in it’s symbolism-lights and carols etc and a spiritual meaning also for many. I like that people gather together as at the end of the year also for Hogmanay and auld lang syne.

  8. The Greek Nickolas of Bari or Nickolas the wonder worker is the archetype for Santa Claus and with good reason. He was a secret gift giver as well as the patron Saint of sailors. I for one will never give up these wonderful old traditions even those that digress a bit into fantasy like Santa’s sleigh and reindeer and I pass them to my children. Germany gave us the tree and of course there are certain pagan elements that were incorporated such as Yule, holly and mistletoe etc. But all rich in spirit and history and let us not forget who we celebrate amidst all the consumerism, whether it was created in those ancient changing times from Saturnalia to Christmas tide, the baby who was called the Prince of Peace.

        1. Oh Dagmar: I disagree with you on Christmas. Being a born again Atheist, I must today in the USA call it xmyth. Xmyth starts on a jew holiday of halloween, goes quickly by the Solstice, and ends

          1. Too bad you spoiled your lovely endorsement of my comment. I like it all from an historic viewpoint and tradition. Halloween is a actually an offshoot of the pagan Samhain- a very old Celtic feast and also one traditional especially to Eastern Christianity as the feast of all souls. – nothing to do with Jews at all in my memory.And of course there are the Solstices too,. The early church fathers were no slouches and often replaced pagan holidays with Christian ones to keep the people happy. But there you go again, everything that you are against or do not endorse or believe in are all part of the grand Jewish conspiracy. Sighs. I do know my history of these old traditions but yes, if you mean they have been commercialized I agree. Enjoy your xmyth holidays.

  9. The Jews celebrate mass murder on their “religious” holidays – and most non-Jewish people don’t even know about that!

    Our common, truly diverse white, Christian European culture needs protection and appreciation.
    When Christians celebrate Christmas, Jews celebrate “Hanukkah” (in remembrance of a massacre on Greeks who treated the Jews too well), and erect giant menorahs in our cities and open spaces – actually celebrating their genocidal intentions! At the same time Christian symbols (crosses, nativity scenes) are already forbidden in public in America.

    The Jews want to destroy Christmas, the spiritual meaning of our Christian traditions by foisting Satanism upon us! “Halloween” is Satanism light for children. The fat old man in Red “Satan Claus” (“Weihnachtsmann”) was invented as a business idea by the American Coca Cola (666 logo) corporation, a pedophile figure “reading stories” to children, frightening them. The ”Men in Red” have been flooding European Christmas markets and malls after 1945; but they have nothing to do with Christmas! They are there to destroy the original European Christmas traditions and make everything Satanic. “Liberal” and “all inclusive”.

    “Story reading drag queens” in libraries, schools and kindergartens are dragging Christian children into the hellish world of the Jewish LGBTQ etc perversions. Talmudic Satanic Freemasonic Jews want to “normalize” their perverted life style by foisting their poison on the majority of non-Jews (non-Muslims) to make us “all the same”. Equally insane. Equally perverted. Equally lost. (For us Germans it’s a repetition of all the debauchery forced upon the public during the Jewish dominated “Weimar republic”)

    NEVER FORGET: Not what we do to the Jews – what the Jews do to us is evil! The Jews hit us but they cry out in pain! Jews repeatedly stage terror attacks on themselves (using patsies) to point fingers at white nationalists (patriots), vilifying us as “domestic terrorists”, to garner sympathy for Jews, and make us feel pity for “Jewish victims”. It’s all about creating a perception, a falsified reality. We never see any evidence if the incident actually happened. Jews never produce any evidence. More and more people can see through the scam/s. The “Goyim” know.
    The spell is broken.

  10. Freya, I do not disagree that European culture is diverse and rich. And believe it or not there are some things that concern me in the clash of different cultures and values today. However all cultures have a richness and a history that is interesting of course. I just don’t come to the same conclusion that you do.
    I think Germany is beautiful and I always liked the German people.
    Interestingly, David, has no problem being called a Nazi – he says and feels justified to be a holocaust denier.

    Now it’s interesting you brought up art and music as I think there was a post on this site about that. I do not like abstract art but I’m fine with impressionism and some surrealism. Modern composers? I think there are many fine ones. I am very impressed by Klaus Badelt, a young German composer, Karl Jenkins and James Howard Newton and of course Ennio Moriccone who have composed music for film today that is comparable I think to any classical symphony or opus. I encourage anyone to take a listen and not pre- judge all modern composers.

    1. Dagmar: To clarify your comments about me (David), to a jew I’m called a holocaust denier, to an educated person knowing the holocaust history I would be called a holocaust TRUTHER. Dissidents to the 3rd Reich did die in great numbers, not by gas chambers or killing by German soldiers, but by Allied bombing of supplies going to the work camps.

      Yes, I’m not ashamed to be labeled a Nazi. The National Socialist in Germany 1933-1945 seem to be the best government in history. I must admit, the jew propaganda was/is the best in history, but such lies, humans should have evolved enough to see through. Regretfully it has not. If you wish to label me a Nazi as most history lies and Hollywood portray a Nazi, my lifetime history would prove it wrong. I spent 18 months in prison for refusing to kill innocent people, politicians use. I refused combat in Korea.

      Although these comments by you Dagmar, Freya and myself are supported by Monika, I feel they should cease. This last letter you wrote was admirable and to the point BUT open debate face/face with a mediator would be a better solution. On the flip side, we now have laws specifically mentioning NO OPEN DEBATE on I$rael or jews. There is NO other ethnic group, religion or politics with these laws.

      Reading jew controlled media, a Black jew killed a cop and others and they wish to pass more laws against antisemitism. Because one jew kills it’s antisemitism? jews do control the laws of the USA totally today. The USA also has the elite jew population, while the lesser jews go to i$rael. The richest country in the world is the haven for the rich jew, while the rest of us are in a free fall down. On the healthy side, Europe, especially Hungary seems to see the light, as Germany saw ~90 years ago. That may be the silver lining for the world.

  11. It’s ritual defamation to call white nationalists and Christians denigrating names: “haters”, “Nazis”, “holocaust deniers”, “anti-Semites”, “racists”, “domestic terrorists”, “bigots”, “homophobes”, “islamophobes” etc
    The Jews have been targeting the German people for over a hundred years with vilifying hate propaganda ganging up the world under their control on Germany twice, the vilest brain-dead, sick-minded shit! Most detestable, and the Jews should expect to be detested for what they have done to the Germans, to all white nations, and the white race. Do they really think they will get away with all their crimes against humanity?

    D for dumb/dune mouse: I am curious as to what North Americans might mean by preserving their white “culture.” Yes, there is German culture, Italian culture, French etc etc. but most North American who have been here for a couple of generations or more cannot claim a single culture.

    Yes, we can. White people (wherever they live) can claim a single culture: It’s our common, truly diverse white, Christian European culture! Europe is our birthplace, our cradle. The European nations, all white nations of European descent have a lot in common, and we have true diversity. That makes Europe a vibrant and beautiful continent. The beauty the Jewish haters hate and want to have destroyed (two world wars to destroy Germany, in the heart of Europe), now flooding us with multitudes of alien invaders, races, languages and cultures from all other continents. If you keep flooding the whole world into the white countries, no white country and culture will be left… only a boring, ugly “Mischmasch”, “Kuddelmuddel”, nothing really worthwhile, dumbed down masses, idiocy… all dragged down by Jewish insanity, all over the place, wherever you go, wherever you look (art, music, architecture, film, pseudo-science, etc) EVERYWHERE – repulsive – revolting.

    And people are getting sick of it! Truly fed up!

    White European culture is rich, full of knowledge, wisdom. We must regain our freedom, and the cultural bloom will be phenomenal.

    1. Freya, it seems, they don’t get away with their ugly, demoniac lies.
      It’s even the german Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Court) being worried about the possibility, that “the asserted liars” eventually could become the targets, the victimes of a raging mob …, if the mob would think, that the “asserted lies” maybe could be the truth – somehow.
      Note: the judges, bound to jewish guidelines (London Statut 8.8.45), byself lied to by jewish propaganda from childhood on, don’t say anymore: the revisionists are liars. They see a potential revenge of people realising or arguing they would be lied to – decades.

    2. Freya, The Talmudists have been targeting all Europeans. But, the Germans get the brunt of all these attacks. Eighty years of brain-washing have turned many decent human beings into naive sheep. During the first world war and during the thirties and forties, Germany was the one Western country seriously trying to obtain peace against terrible odds. Adolf Hitler’s great sin was throwing the Jewish Central Banks out of Germany and limiting their ownership of the Media.

  12. D for dumb/dune mouse
    Your statements are too superficial and as if you don’t really know what you are talking about.

    It’s simply NOT true that “the past is the past”, as the present is being poisoned by the falsification of our past history. It’s simply NOT true that “there are never any decisive answers to anything”, “never black or white”. The answer to Judaism, Babylonian Talmudism, Satanism, Communism, Zionism can only be a clear and decisive “NO!”. There is nothing good at all about these Jewish –isms, ideologies to enslave the world! You write that you “don’t hate or blame a specific race for everything.” And yet you have repeatedly smeared the white nationalists and Christians on this site as “haters”, “Nazis”, “anti-Semites”. You claim that “Harm no one if you can help it and be blessed” is your motto and you do harm to others by ritually defaming them…

    Don’t you realize how contradictory you sound? And how Jewish?

    “love letter” from Jasper:
    “When you die, you and whoever else supports you will not have convinced the world about any of your sick-minded shit. You totally suck. Have a miserable life, you pathetic turd. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha … fuck you.“

    D (for dumb)/dune mouse is singing from the same sheet, the same tune as the Jewish hater/s:
    “…you are not going to change history or the perception of Hitler.” “You may soon be gone but most of the young today will not be interested in this biased rhetoric and blatant prejudice. No one will care about WWII except historians.”

    “I don’t care if Americans think we are running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.” (Joel Stein, “Who runs Hollywood? C’mon”, Los Angeles Times, December 19, 2008)

    “Truth has to be repeated constantly because error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few but by the multitude in the press and encyclopedias, in schools and universities. Everywhere error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having the *majority on its side.“ (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

    *a majority being deceived and dumbed down over centuries by the Jewish subversive influence on western, white societies – by the Jewish control of finance, media, education, film, music, politics, government – by p$ychological warfare – by the Jew media & Hollyweird’s $ick-minded $hit

    The vitriol and Jewish death wish for the normal people, the white nationalists and Christians is appalling. They wish us all dead, gone soon and the Jewish lies living on. They think nobody wants to know the factual truth. They think they can keep suppressing and ignoring the evidence. They think they can go on verbally abusing, persecuting and prosecuting the truth tellers for simply telling the truth, ritually defaming them as “haters”, “Nazis”, “holocaust deniers”, “anti-Semites”, “racists”, “domestic terrorists”, “bigots”, “homophobes”, “islamophobes” (anything missing?) A barrage of weaponized w o r d s to drown us under. They think nobody will care about WWII any more, the falsification of history, the injustice, the demonization of the German people and all the suffering. They think nobody will care – and that nobody will stop them evil Jews, war mongers, slave masters, perpetrators of multiple genocides. They think nobody will care because t h e y are the ones who do not care at all, and that nobody will take notice that organized Jewry openly and tirelessly works for the extermination of ALL nations of the white race! They think nobody will care about the Evil-doers and their evil deeds.

    …and they will be proven wrong.

    1. please quote all this ritual “defammation” of which you keep accusing me. Because I do not endorse fascism- or communism or religious oligarchy?
      You mean you don’t hate the Jews?
      Also I don’t know anyone who thinks Germans are demons either!! Get a grip !

  13. D (for dumb)/dune mouse: “Such a dour, ill humored lot of followers you [Monika] have … slandering those you do not like”

    What are you whining about? About you being slandered? It’s the other way around!
    It’s you (with Jewish profile, the “rock” you are hiding behind) who is constantly slandering ‘the people on this site’ as “haters, Nazis, holocaust deniers, anti-Semites” repeating brainless anti-white nationalist, anti-Christian Jewish hate propaganda. Superficial statements, accusations which don’t hold any water. “Open communication” and “real listening” is not what you are doing.

    And we (Germans) should “like” the MASS MURDERERS of our people and our race, I guess. Is that what you are suggesting? You are accusing ‘the people on this site’ of slandering the Jews. The “poor innocent Jews” who are so harmless… do nothing wrong and do no harm to anybody…

    Telling the ugly truth about the Jews is not slander. Jews have been expelled from many countries with very good reasons! Devoid of any introspection the Jews never ask “what have we done wrong?”, “what have we done to the Germans?” and denounce all opponents as “evil Nazis” for the “offense” to defend themselves. Jews know no shame, have no conscience. Thus it doesn’t occur to them that all the nations have good reason to dislike Jews for all the Evil they have done to them.

    MASS MURDERERS, SLAVE MASTERS, TORTURERS, EXTORTIONISTS, DESTROYERS, LIARS, DECEIVERS will always be most disliked and detested! Criminals who call their victims “haters” for not licking their feet are deranged perverts.

    What does D (for dumb) like about perverts? Normal people don’t like perverts.
    D (for dumb) is “open-minded”, “liberal”, “tolerant”, “all-inclusive” and likes deranged perverts! D “does not hate”… but hates normal people, white nationalists and Christians! No logic with “open-minded” libtards… The doors and windows of dune mouse’s house in the dunes (built on sand) are always open for all aliens to come in at any time and take over dune mouse’s home! “Welcome the strangers” “ALL of them!” “That’s enriching!” But not for dummies! They will learn the hard way.

    Communist Manifesto! The kind of enrichment greedy Jews want to happen in all white countries. A takeover by alien invaders, dispossession, mass murder of the home owners. But no “warm Welcoming” in Israel! “One shot. Two hits” is the slogan Israeli soldiers shooting pregnant Palestinian women have on their T shirts. What happened to Tsarist Russia (1917 Jewish Coup d’Etat, “Russian” Revolution, genocide, plunder), the German Kaiserreich (1919 Zionist Dictate of Versailles, hunger blockade, hyperinflation, death by starvation, plunder), and the Third Reich (1945 Jewish lynch trials, genocide, plunder) is happening in South Africa (Jewish Black take over, Boer genocide continued, plunder), and will happen on a large scale in ALL white countries – if the Jews, the perpetrators of genocide, are not stopped.

    D (for dumb) cannot understand the simplest things or is just playing dumb… D (for dumb) loves to have “all-inclusive views”: Never criticize the Jews!
    D (for dumb) likes the international Jewish CRIMINAL SYNDICATE occupying Palestine, Germany and the western world pretending to be Hebrews and Israelites (but are not)! D (for dumb) likes the Jews who terrorize all white nations (nationalists) and the Palestinians (Afghans, Iraquis, Libyans, Syrians etc) and accuse them of being “terrorists” if they defend themselves! D (for dumb) likes the Jews who enjoy watching phosphor bombs raining down on the Palestinians in Gaza! D (for dumb) likes the Jews who ordered the firebombing of the German cities to kill as many German women and children as possible! D (for dumb) likes the Jews who find crucifying Jesus and Christians amusing! D (for dumb) likes mass murdering Jews and their plans to dispossess and exterminate all nations of the white race! D (for dumb) likes the Jews and all the Evil they are doing! D (for dumb) likes Evil-doers and their evil deeds! A mad character that D (for dumb) must be.

    What Jews do (generally and in particular) is most detestable! Exposing the ugly historical truth is not slander. JEWISH LIARS have slandered the German people for over a hundred years! culling us down in two world wars! now flooding all white countries with hordes of Muslims and Blacks, all sorts of criminals, rapists, murderers, indoctrinated to hate and exploit white people and Christians… and TO KILL them for the Jews! “religious, righteous, holy, saintly, innocent, pure hearted” Jews… like that Chabad Lubavitcher assassin Goldstein (physician serving in the Israeli army) who shot 29 Muslims praying in that mosque in Jerusalem and wounded 125 others; he didn’t act alone, but the official narrative says so. Goldstein was beaten to death by Muslim survivors and declared a “saint and martyr” by “religious” Jews. Jews kill and make others kill for them and dare screech “innocence”! Jewish “religion”. TO KILL “Amalek”, all non-Jews who stand in their way. Jewish lunacy.

    No one can claim innocence who stays silent and does not oppose the (Jewish) hypocrisy, the lies and the Evil!

    1. dear Freya and all, oh boy!! Visit my blog for a little about me and maybe you will stop calling me names and see I’m just another human being trying to get through this life with a creative purpose. The past is the past and never black or white nor are there ever any decisive answers to anything. What happened during war was terrible for everyone and everyone suffered. I never said the German people didn’t suffer. An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.
      I’m not going to change your mind about the Jews of the world or even about people like me who don’t hate or blame a specific race for everything.
      Harm no one if you can help it and be blessed is my motto.

      1. To the mouse: History repeats itself, and Freya is asking for the truth to at least be discussed like Monika and Alfred suffered. Prison is a waste of one’s short time on the earth. i$rael is a country built on lies, by jews for now world domination. Too few have enough sense or intelligence to see what is happening and this jew world order that is upon us. Yes all, maybe the battle is lost (in my thinking), but I will fight for freedom of speech to my last breath as Freya is doing with you.

  14. ah, the new adress of Alfred. The letter can be sent away. It’s just 31 pages with nice pictures and unbelievable news from the zoo of Germany.

    1. Comment to ALL, but lastly to Jorg: Are you asking for Alfred’s address or do you have it? Your comment is not clear for me.

      All: My head is spinning trying to figure if Dagmar or Freya is writing. Please Freya: (I think, maybe Dagmar) Click on my picture to get a brief profile. I am a confirmed Atheist, believe JC was a prophet 2,000 years ago, the jews started christianity 1600 years ago to control. Atheist use the word BELIEF as MAYBE true, maybe false. Atheists are beyond BELIEF. We use science, facts, hard evidence i.e.TRUTHS.

      1. Hi David & all, just for clarity, Alfred’s new address is in both this article and the “sticky post” which stays at the top of the website at all times.

        1. All: there is a recently imprisoned man in Germany. It’s just years not for murder, raping ect. being brought to us by the “Enrichers” (the Africans, Arabs, Afghanis), but for helping the truth out.
          He is forbidden to receive my letters as long as they include any text or picture taken from the internet.
          …but even mainstream media publicate via internet.
          No problem for the red, jewish, left, green “Better-People”: they guess and determine by intuition.

      2. I got the adress … from this blog …yesterday.
        The letter is ready to leave to Alfred, but I have no more stamps. This will be my task tomorrow (MO).

  15. [comment added]
    Dagmar/dune mouse to David: “lack of open communication and real listening… How many times do I have to say I am not a Jew… my baptism in the Church of St. Mary’s in Killarney. Not that it matters.”

    [Exactly! Baptism does not matter to the faithless and CRYPTO-JEWS! Jews who pretend to be Christians but are not! They don’t renounce Evil! Jews stay what they are: Jews! Atheists, Satanists, Communists, Zionists! Destroyers! such as Henoch Kohn alias Helmut Kohl, the “great European” and Communist Stasi CIA agent, … alias Angela Merkel (since 2005) playing the role of “conservative Christian German” chancellor. Crypto-Jews are an alien, malicious, deceitful species destroying Germany, and ALL white nations. The “EU” is the nucleus of the JEW WORLD ORDER, destroying national sovereignty, the diversity of independent European nation states and nations]

    Dagmar to Freya: “not one bit of evidence

    [has ever been produced by the Jewish accusers] proving the [six million] holocaust… but you have not proved it did not exist either [Revisionists have done an extremely good job proving exactly that]….
    and you have to have some faith in those who eyewitness it” [No, you better don’t have any faith in Jewish liars! Jews have no credibility at all! Jewish liars don’t follow the Ten Commandments! For Jews “Anything goes!” if it benefits the Jews. KOL NIDRE! – Few exceptions from the rule]

    Dagmar to David: “You seem very narrow minded

    [not an “open-minded” libtard! conscious of what’s really going on!] and not able to meet or converse on any other level except that of pro Nazism [name calling! PRO NATIONALISM IS OKAY! IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE! pro one’s own people, nation and white race, one’s own culture and heritage! smeared as “Nazism” by evil-minded Jews and shabbos goy fools] and down with the Jew.” [D. pitying and defending anti-white Jews! how insane is that! Jews are responsible for revolutions, wars and multiple genocides! a lack of real listening indeed! totally ignoring irrefutable historical facts! the ugly truth about the Jews]

    “They [The Jews] are out there playing tennis and violins with their children

    [enjoying life at the expense of the “goy” forced to pay billions of “reparations” for an “Extermination of European Jews” only “real” in the imagination of Jewish liars. HOLLYWOOD MEDIA DECEPTION. Hate propaganda. Anti-German, anti-White agitation. Multi-billion extortion rackets. Organized plunder. Extraction of wealth. Organized crime. The Jewish specialties, and only superiority Jews can claim]
    and practicing medicine [poisoning and killing as many “goy” as possible, following the advice of Satanic Talmudic rabbis. ORGANIZED MASS MURDER through pharmaceutical & abortion industry, poisoning of vaccines, air, water, soil, food, deadly contamination by radiation, 5G but not in Israel] … actually contributing positive things” [like what?]

    “There have been 902 nobel prizes – Jews won 203 of those”
    [Jews are “smart” and “superior”? What did AshkeNazi terrorists, Kosher mafia criminals such as Begin and Kissinger do to “win” that prize? What did Obama (mother Jewish) do? This Nobel prize business is being run by the same criminal lot. The Whites and all of humanity would do extremely well WITHOUT the Jewish “contributions”! The Jews in control want to enslave all of humanity, they stage catastrophes (economic, financial, environmental etc), kill millions of people to force the world into submission! Jews are slave masters and mass murderers. CONSPIRACY REALITY no longer hidden! Jews have turned America into the worst terrorist state (GOyLEM) and use all of America’s (and Europe’s) resources to wage the ZIONIST WARS for them (since 1917)! Self-destructive. Weather warfare (Geoengineering) are high tech military operations! War on the people, war on the nations of the white race hidden behind “climate change” propaganda! (Chemtrails, HAARP, 5G, DEW, electromagnetic manipulation, weaponization of frequences etc) GENOCIDE. MASS MURDER. Jews have taken their plans to exterminate the white race to every extreme… and dare screech “anti-Semitism! anti-Semitism! innocent! innocent!” They are neither “Semites” nor “innocent”. ORGANIZED CRIME of the worst kind! Satanists, the “Chosen Ones” of their god Satan/Lucifer, are terrorizing the whole world, and think they are the gods of this planet, above the law, and can do whatever they want. EVIL beyond words!]

  16. “We have work to do! We need to resurrect a love of our culture and our traditions. We need to learn and regain the natural respect for our elders and ancestors. So not only do we need to dispel the lies about our history and our ancestors, we need to learn about all the positive achievements, and the beauty of our rich heritage.” (Monika Schaefer)

    Dagmar/dune mouse: “I hope people like the Scots! After all there were some who thought they were the lost tribe of Israel. Nahh – just bunch of warlike Picts and Celts who painted themselves blue.”

    #The JEWISH PROFILE – Who are the Jews – and Who are they not?
    (((Jews like Dagmar))) Jews pretending to be Scots are definitely not “the lost tribe of Israel“… Freemasonic, crypto-Jewish imposters on the English throne aren’t either. Just in case D. does not know: The Israelites, the descendants of Jacob (named Israel) are described in the Bible as a multitude of nations.
    The Scots might well be one of these nations (belong to one of the tribes of Israel)
    Jews have never been a multitude of nations! Jews have always been nomads, wanderers, nowhere and everywhere at home. They are the Jewish globalists who want to own the whole world! And work tirelessly to steal the wealth of the whole world! Jews are the master thieves in three piece suits, trillionaires financing the Jewish Communist revolutionaries. Communist Manifesto! Satanic Babylonian Talmud! “Every Jew a god, every non-Jew a slave to the money masters!“ The Rothschild state in Palestine (since 1948, brought into existence by the British Deal with the Devil, and two world wars to destroy the German nation; quid pro quo Deal between Baron de Rothschild, Jewish and Lord Balfour crypto-Jew) is the refuge for Jewish criminals on the run, the operational base for JEWISH WORLD DOMINATION (Jerusalem/ZION as world capital). Jews have never been nation builders! Jews are the destroyers of (the white) nations! The nations of the white race have been the creators of the white Christian civilization enriching the whole world. If it weren’t for the destructive Jewish forces within, the white nations would truly be the light onto the world. So far we have failed our true destination (Jesus: “I am the way, the truth and the light!“)

    The so called (((Jewish nation))) is a racial mixture (mongrels), an artificial social construct invented by the Zionists to rally world Jewry around, with DNA from all over the globe… especially white European DNA. Rich Jewish heiresses marrying into the always cash stripped European nobility. The House of Lords and the English monarchy have been taken over by Jews. Genetic hybrides (mothers Jewish) can hide even better among the white nations, taking over leading positions pretending to be Christians and white but they are not. The inner core of THE ALIEN POWERS in control of the white nations are presumably Satanic Zionist AshkeNazi Jews (the only “Nazis“ there are) of Asiatic, Mongol, Turk, Khasarian origin, the Black Nobility on the very top hide their names and faces, families owning the “Federal Reserve“. Well known names: ? alias Bauer (farmer, though Jews have never been farmers) alias the Rothschilds (after the red shield hanging in front of their house in Frankfurt, Germany), ? alias the Harrimans, ? alias the Rockefellers, ? alias Kissinger, ? alias the Bushs, ? alias Begin, ? alias Ben Gurion, ? alias Golda Meir, ? alias Netanyahu, ? alias the Goldmans, Finesteens, Silversteens etc, ? alias György Swartz alias George Soros; Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Churchill Lenin, Trotzky, Stalin etc reptilians, predators, SERPENT PEOPLE always changing names and identity; yet, these kind of characters are recognizable for what they are) AshkeNazi Jews are proselytes to Talmudic Satanism, not Israelites. Identity thieves. An international Freemasonic Satanic cult. Luciferians hiding behind “religion“ and atheism. Judaism, Communism, Zionism. Jewish ideologies on how to take over the world.

    The so called (((Jewish culture))) is also a mixture taken from other peoples and cultures, especially the white race but Jews mutilate and weaponize everything. Jews envy their white host nations, the rich white culture and heritage, and work tirelessly to destroy the true diversity of nations and races! The uniqueness, the homogenous racial makeup of the white race through mongrelization to drag us down and make us “all the same“, a lower IQ, mongrelized Eurasian-negroid SLAVE RACE ruled over by the Jewish “elite“, the worst scum of scum (Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan). The Jews want us all to share the same boredom, ugliness, insanity. HELL ON EARTH. That’s what Jews create and where they can be the rulers, the demon gods terrorizing the planet. Psychopaths, international Zionists, Communists without any borders, morals and scruples, driven by an insatiable greed for power, envy, and hatred towards the nations of the white race. Predators, destroyers, Talmudic Jews of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN who despise God’s laws and think they are gods themselves…
    John 8:44: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    Jesus warned about them in no uncertain terms. God’s warnings reach as far back as to Genesis, the Garden of Eden. The Serpent promising “You will be gods yourselves” if you break God’s law… and eat from the forbidden tree…

    1. great text ! I don’t know so much details in religios matters, but the core is: jews are the NO to the life of the nations.
      We know that saying. It’s just the truth. I have no words to describe the ugliness of such minds…. just reading the lines these “chosen ones” have given to us. It’s satanic in the way I believe “satanist” would be – me being a non-religios human being.

  17. just in case anyone wonders, The Dune Mouse and Dagmar are one. The old Norse and Celtic mythology blog is defunct but the profile was updated for the new travels. (I don’t want to be accused of hiding under a rock on the dune.) lol

  18. Since when did Indigenous Europeans begin to identify as White? What kind of identity is that? If we let ourselves be reduced to this category are we not building our future existence on sand rather than Terra Firma?
    I am French| Irish| German| Canadian Christian Catholic, or, simply, Christian. The “White” label does stick quite easily however..
    Hope Alfred receives better treatment at the new Inn. He’s one positive force, like his sister.

    1. Malt: Are you trying to divide the Whites into Scots, French, German, Irish, etc.? The jews already have divided us into Chosenite lovers, numies and Nazis. Let’s all unite against the jew. The jew has been the world’s problem for millenniums.

    2. I’ m not a follower of any religion. But I agree, that christianity is the only clamp which can unify the Whites. Hitler said once (28.4.45) to his secretary Traudl Junge:
      „Nein, der Nationalsozialismus ist tot. Vielleicht wird in hundert Jahren einmal eine ähnliche Idee entstehen, mit der Kraft einer Religion, die über die ganze Welt geht. Aber Deutschland ist verloren. Es war wohl nicht reif genug und nicht stark genug für die Aufgabe, die ich ihm zugedacht hatte.“
      “No, the Nationalsozialism is dead. Maybe in 100 years a similar idea will arise, with the power of a religion, which will spread across the globe.
      But Germany is lost. It maybe was not mature enough and not strong enough for the task, I had for it.”
      I found a lot of text originated from Adolf Hitler. And I have to confess, that the most important of it (to me) are completely true or very closed to it – seen from a recent point of view.
      The reason of this is maybe a fact another secretary of him stated: she called him a “intuitiv genius”. Reading her book I found, that she was clearly the one with the highest IQ / knowledge of his 4 secretaries.

      1. Jorg: From your not capitalizing christianty and stating “not a follower” you (and I) should be expected to follow the Christian religion in our quest for truth? I do NOT agree. Too many Christians “believe” jews are god’s chosen. For over 80 years I have questioned the god concept, but having GR8 parents and a GR8 minister in their church, I followed (not accepted) their religion for 40+ years.

        The people of the world must follow logic, science, math and TRUTH, maybe TRUTH being paramount. Belief is of the mind, logic, science, math and truth are facts. I have many beliefs i.e. Jesus was a prophet and the jews made him the son of god, giving them status as both being children of god. That is my belief, not necessarily true.

        THE TRUTH I wish to see? About WWII and the TRUE history, not that written by the victors.

        Quoting M.M.O’Hair (American Atheists) “Religion has done more damage to this world than any other single idea.” Is the holocaust of WWII a religion? Is Zionism a religion? Is Christianity a religion? I believe so. O’Hair was a holocaust truther and lost many supports when she published an article in her newsletter why the holocaust was a lie. WE must unite on FACTS, not BELIEFS. When I use the pronoun “WE” I believe all Blacks,Yellows, Browns, Reds, Christians, Muslims, even j(J)ews that see the truth must unite against the liars. WE are too divided to win as only Whites or christians.

        1. You’re completely right. We have to unite against the lies of … every lie … but first of all the evil lies of the jews.
          Yes, facts should be our religion.
          Yes, religions are a massive problem as nuclear arms race is a problem – but: … what otherwise …?
          I consent to using the “battle flag of christianity”, because mankind is just to simple minded to understand any “religion of facts”.
          It’s a dual use tool. It has done evil things, does evil things, but seems to me the most suitable, able tool or flag to unite the necessary army against the jews, which clearly and explicitly wants to erase the white race from the surface of this planet.
          The enemy of my enemy has to be my friend – in our times – whether this group is nice or not.
          We have to deal with the most dangerous problem first. That’s it.

      2. Not at all . In my opinion A Jew will always identify as a Jew no matter if they are religious, atheist, agnostic, or they convert to some other religion. In that way they stay united.
        Christianity converted the majority of our “White” ancestors because we recognized the Logos ( word, or truth) in the moral law of Moses and divinity of God’s son, Jesus Christ.
        If we practiced a more based Christianity in our lives this would attract people. Of course The Catholic Church needs a purge to rid itself of the inverted, sexual deviants and the idea of Women priests etc. This notion that Jesus was a Jew( as in the meaning of the name following the destruction of the temple by Rome) is nonsense
        I would like to see us united as Christians (implicitly “White”, Ayrian, Caucasian and people of other races who are attracted to it.)
        Trust me, I prefer to be around my own people.
        So, I am Christian foremost and Jesus has commanded me to love(tough) the Jew and not accept his loans , pornography, etc.
        This is not to say I don’t appreciate people who protest ,and raise awareness about Israel’s and Jewish schemes, crimes and the like. I think you people are great and to be admired.

        1. You surely know the thesis, that god must be shizoid, when he commands the jews to kill all other “not-animal-lifeforms” (like the white race) including women, children and cattle (the Amalek) and at the same time commands these victims of that evil religion to love that evil people – insisting on being the only humans at this planet.

  19. First off – a big “Thank you!” to Richard Edmond.

    Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    #Demonization of Germany – The Jewish Plans to Exterminate the German People
    #Ritual Defamation of ALL Whites –  The Jewish Plans to Abolish the White Race

    “The Europeans / Germans are starting to assert themselves. They are starting to question and to oppose the whole concept and practice of the Globalist and liberal One Word Order. There are serious objections to the presence of the war-mongering US military NATO alliance in Europe; there are urgent calls for the closing of Europe’s frontiers to mass-immigration. The Germans in particular are calling for an end to the demonization of Germany, derived as it is from the Allies’ Second World War propaganda; in particular the Germans want the right to examine by employing the latest scientific, forensic, objective techniques the allegation that the Germans murdered millions of Jews in homicidal gas chambers during that Second World War” (Richard Edmonds)

    It’s true – Germans are calling for an end to the demonization of Germany. The Jewish Zionist plans to exterminate the German people are going into high gear. Germany is being flooded with armies of multi-racial migrants, especially from the Middle East, Africa and Asia (Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, UN-EU Replacement Migration Plan) JEWS FOR REFUGEES equals WHITE GENOCIDE! It’s evil and deceptive to hide the mass murdering intentions behind a feigned “compassion” for so called refugees. Organized Jewry is the agitating force behind White Genocide through world wars, multiculturalism, race mixing. Jews are not shy to show their pride of dispossessing the native white people by replacing them with alien invaders! Jews keep destroying the nations of the white race! WWII has never ended. Speaking for myself I’m truly fed up with the ongoing ritual defamation of the German people! In the 20th century World Jewry made the world under their control gang up on Germany twice! The reason for doing this was German economic success and the refusal to be slaves to the Jews, to the Jewish money masters of the City of London/Wall Street New York. The Jewish anti-German hate propaganda lies directly led to two world wars staged against Germany, the total destruction, savaging and plunder of the German nation, German Genocide and Holocaust of WWII. But why even bother about tens of millions of innocent victims slaughtered… As a rabbi said “One million Palestinian lives are not worth one Jewish fingernail!“ The Russian Genocide, the  Ukrainian Holodomor are not worth mentioning either… We better NEVER FORGET: “Religious“ Jews consider the mass murder of non-Jews (Christians &Muslims alike) as “fulfillment of religious Jewish law“! “Even the best of the Gentiles must be killed!“ (Babylonian Talmud) Jews are guilty of multiple genocides and false flag terror attacks to push their “New World Order“ agenda: Jewish world domination. For more war, for anti-gun, for anti-free speech laws! The US-Zionist false flag terror attacks of 9/11 were staged to kick off the endless War of Terror since 2001 (PNAC). Jews falsify our history! The narrative of “Six million Jews gassed in gas chambers by evil Nazis“ and the equally ludicrous official 9/11 narrative of “Osama bin Laden and 19 Muslim terrorists with box cutters“ were invented by Zionist Jews to hide their own enormous crimes behind and blame their victims instead! Jews keep the anti-German WWII hate propaganda going to keep profiteering from preposterous lies being hammered into the public mind worldwide! The Germans are pictured as the evil villains, the Jews as the innocent victims, the only ones worthy to be remembered, and Jewish hoaxsters keep producing more of the same! False accusations are a most serious offense! They ruin the lives of countless people.  Alfred Schaefer (as many others) is falsely being accused, already imprisoned although the verdict is still on appeal, the prosecutor wants an additional 18 months jail time – four years eight months in total – for educational videos, for speaking the truth in public and in court, a trial basically kept secret. Too bad but better than 18 – Alfred has received an 8 month sentence to be added to the 38 month sentence given in October 2018.

    Speaking the truth about falsified history (WWI + II, Holocaust, 9/11) is punished as “criminal offense”! Truth tellers are treated as “criminal offenders”. Truth is the offense! Presenting scientific evidence is committing “more crime”! Truth is no defense! That’s a war on truth, a war on God, a war on truth tellers! Talmudic law(lessness). Jewish tyranny. White nationalists and patriots are being persecuted and prosecuted. Ridicule and name calling. Accused of being “haters”, “Nazis” “holocaust deniers”, “anti-Semites”, “racists”. Paradox misnomers. Ursula Haverbeck, smeared as “Nazi Oma” had to celebrate her 90th and 91st birthday in a prison cell.

    THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED, of course it did!
    What do the perpetrators of genocide think happened to the German civilians in the firebombed cities and to prisoners in labor camps when over 160 German cities and the infrastructure of the country were bombed into ruins, supply lines destroyed. They know perfectly well what happened, they made it happen, they planned it to happen that way. The Genocide of the German people was the war goal. TO KILL as many German civilians as possible to destroy the strength of the German nation! Millions of Germans died in the bombings, hundreds of thousands were burnt alive, starved to death, were raped and tortured to death or died from disease. Millions more died after 1945, civilians as well as disarmed German soldiers were deliberately starved to death, and led into slavery, worked to death in the Jewish Gulag of Communist Russia. The stories of the German victims have never been told. In the last months of the war labor camp prisoners died from hunger and typhus, too – like Anne Frank who died from typhus in a hospital. Her father Otto Frank, so called “Holocaust survivor” made a fortune from a diary fraud. The impertinence and hubris of the Jewish liars and accusers who falsify history and turn reality upside down, the hypocrisy and insanity is breathtaking! It’s time to set the records straight, right?

    1. Ah Freya: You write like a true Nazi. Take that as a compliment from me, as when people unknowingly call me a Nazi they get a thumbs up and a true smile. Your discussions with Dagmar, you may as well discuss with a brick wall.

      As Monika did on her USA visit somewhere is preach to the numies**. With her Salem visit she preached to the choir (where I was seated). She did inspire us, but we need to get the word out to the numies, not the choir. Maybe the choir does have to become stronger, difficult to say.

      Free speech in Germany today about the jewish lie gets time in jail. In the USA, of course no jail, but covertly murdered sometimes as George Lincoln Rockwell, John F Kennedy or deported like Ernst Zundel, or we have to move out like Bradley Smith or hide like Germar Rudolf. Why did Monika move from Fraser? How can we stop this oppression? and it seems to be getting worst every day. I understand Malaysia’s president is a holocaust truther. Comments?

      **[“normies” is the term sometimes used. And why I moved from Jasper – moved out onto the land, where I have long wanted to be anyway. ~Monika]

      1. this poor brick wall. I find it interesting that it’s all or nothing here. I did say a few things in favour that might have brought about at least a discussion but instead I am called a rodent etc and you have other names for those who may not agree with you- numies etc.
        Free speech- is a joke on this site.- I guess it only works one way here. You want everyone to agree with the Nazi regime of Germany, hatred of jews, all conspiracy theories and that there was never any persecution of anyone . Are you only trying to rid the world of the evil Jew by the way?
        Who is really delusional here. You are entitled to think how you wish of course- Of course, no one knows how many died and eventually no one will care. as all records and accounts must be lies or false ( according to you).
        Because I don’t agree with everything you say I must be evil, horrible something to be not trusted ,exterminated even, if I’m a rodent. Very ironic. However, this seems to be the whole very polarized atmosphere in America today- so actually understandable. . In reality I;m a very fair minded person who gives everyone their say whether I agree or not

  20. Thanks for update,Monika. I lived in Germany for a total of 8 years and loved it and the German people. Of course, it is still occupied and in more ways than just militarily. It’s so incredibly sad. Best wishes to you from Henrik Ibsen’s hometown. Alles Gute!

    1. I think when you click on the article title, then all those options show up at the bottom of the article, as well as the comments. But if you have arrived at the website as a whole, and not on a specific article, then those things don’t show up. At least that is what it looks like for me (while signed in).

  21. Thanks Jorg: For that information. In the USA justice is more equal, perhaps even against the Muslims or Blacks OR maybe I see it from a different angle. USA media is bigoted against Muslims as the jew controlled USA media has branded Muslims as the terrorist. Most of USA Muslims are hard workers, peaceful, educated and have my view of the jew liars. Our Muslim community had to fly here, have immigration papers to fly and money to relocate. Europe has gotten those forced out of the Mid-East by USA/jew bombing.

    THE PROBLEM IS: i$rael and the jew! What Century has this NOT been the problem on this earth?

  22. It’s much worse than stated here. You can even kill a German and get away with it or receive 2 years in prison. BUT: you have to be an african or arabic person.
    It’s widespread that the justice system in Germany releases murderers of Germans because “there is no risk, that he will leave Germany”, IF… the murderer is a colored person.
    Of course these people always leave Germany, buy another falsified passport and betray another peoples nation off their taxes – just by lying the word “asylum”.

    Me too need Alfreds new address, because on Monday (in 2 days) I want to send a letter to him, which is nearly finished.

    I watched the video Monika has linked. Nearly every word of the professional lier (the speaker) is … a lie. *surprise* 🙂

  23. A demonstration like Spiegel shows, if done in Portland Oregon USA would probably NOT be given a permit by the city. If the demonstration (march) still took place it would have been countered with the anti-fa throwing eggs, urine, and such at the demonstrators. If the demonstrators tried to stop the eggs, urine and such the Portland police would arrest the demonstrators.

    In some ways, German police protect everyone. I have seen the same in Nordiska Resistance Movement (Sweden) pictures. The police at least protect in Europe. My feelings are the jew has more control in the USA than Europe.

  24. Please update us when he has his new address. I just finished writing a letter and would like to send it to him.

    Thanks again sincerely for your efforts.

    The truth shall set us free.

    1. Hello Gunnar, yes I certainly will post the address as soon as I have confirmation that Alfred has actually been moved. I know from first hand experience that you do not know for certain until it actually happens. Women in the prison where I was were told to pack up to move, then they were not moved. Totally arbitrary. Hang onto that letter for now. Thanks for writing.

      1. Hello Monika. The Orwellian nonsense passing for Jurisprudence in Germany and many other European countries is disgraceful and I’m afraid instigated by Zionist pressure. You and your brother have shown great courage by not bowing to these powers. I consider you both to be heroes and you are in my heart and thoughts often. Please keep us updated about Alfred’s condition. My best wishes to you and yours.

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Monika Schaefer

Alfred is Free

After four years of incarceration for speaking truth in the occupied FRG (Federal Republic of Germany), Alfred Schaefer has been released!  Out of those 4

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