Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Alfred: Letter Series to Leslie

This is a series of 5 letters in a row that Alfred Schaefer wrote from his jail cell to a friend in Canada. I have done some minor edits and cuts for publishing purposes. ~M.S.


Dear Leslie,

Thank you very much for your letter which I received on my first day back in the bunker where I landed for the third time, this time because of the bizarre scene during my telephone call with the Canadian Consulate. Question: have you ever tried to carry on a civilized dialogue while being water boarded? I’m glad I experienced that because something that bizarre, if someone told me about it, I would not believe it. The lunatics are running the prison, just like all the “once civilized” countries now under CORONA tyranny. After receiving your letter on the 15th, I immediately started writing a reply, in the bunker, where I never had a chair to sit on, so I made points that I wanted to expand on, and decided now to start a new letter and send you one letter at a time, maybe every week until I get through the points. Otherwise it is too much at one time. [the bizarre telephone call episode is described later…]

The first point I’d like to talk about is why people like Dr. James Sears or LeRoy St. Germaine will not likely ever give up no matter what. Now this is speculation on my part, but it is the conclusion I have come to based on my observations and experience with people like Monika, myself, and an exploding number of other people. It is the reason why our opponents can only be called retarded fools for thinking they can win. It is the same reason why you ought to get your hat trick quite soon, maybe a lot more than a hat trick. Let me use a slightly crude example to make my point to open this subject. [This crude example is highly symbolic of what is being done to us, it is just allegory, so please take it as such. ~M.S.]

Let’s say you have a favourite dining lounge you like to take family and friends. The owner and head cook at some point realized it is easily possible to stretch the soup of the day by pissing into it. Nobody notices this as nobody would suspect such insane behaviour and the owner is pleased to make a little extra profit. As time passes, his greed and his chutzpah goes up, notch by notch, until he actually shits on people’s plates right before their eyes. Now I ask you, will you take your spoon and eat his shit just because a few brain dead lunatics at the other table are doing so? You don’t even need a brain to know that his shit is no good for eating. Only a nose. So you don’t have to put it in your mouth and complain about the taste. Your nose is connected to your root code which is your DNA, and whether you are a mathematician, or a musician, or smart or stupid, you will figure this out.

With Corona, the Jews have now overlooked the “red line” that existed between pissing into the soup behind closed doors and shitting on the customers plates before their eyes. So I can understand their panic to give all the customers the Jew Shot to kill them before they realize they are eating shit and demand their money back. Lets look at a hypothetical question. Let’s just say we (you and I , James and LeRoy), weren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer, and we were eating the freshly dumped steaming shit, and subsequently rolled up our sleeves for the Jew shot because it was sold to us as strawberry flavoured Corona anti-puking 100% guaranteed anti-shit vaccine. Question: would our rage be more or would it be less than it would have been had we learned the inevitable truth before we got the Jew Shot?

This response that is now only beginning, is the biological response that Eustace Mullins predicted already before Jews did 9/11. When Mullins made that prediction I was a happy-go-lucky Zombie eating the pissed-in soup. I noticed a funny taste but could not put my finger on it, so I kept eating it. I had to actually know what it was before I got serious. And I bet that every one of you will have gone through a similar experience. That is WHY it is NO problem for me to go into the Bunker for whatever time, because I don’t like eating shit.

Back to the Greek Mythology because I believe James Sears has Greek roots. He has decontaminated himself from the layers and layers of poison that we have all been subjected to from before we were even born, since our parents were already also subjected to this mind numbing rot. I can hardly imagine that James has always been like he is now, but I am only guessing. After he succeeded in discarding the rot he had been wrapped in, he was now receiving his behavioural instructions from his root DNA which is similar to, or the same as where the ancient Greek Gods got their instructions from. Or do you see any of the Greek Gods wearing diapers over their faces eating steaming shit that some Jew put on their plate? 

What I am trying to say is this — once you realize for what an utter fool someone has taken you, you will respond. As you say: When the penalties for using violence and speech are the same, violent expression may become the go to for people who wish to communicate.

Now, back to the dining lounge that served us shit. If the owner slithered out to hide but one of his servants is still there, and he was doing his thing wishing you Bon Appétit, that servant will be the target of the wrath that needs to be unloaded. So ALL those people who find themselves as servants to the snake, can expect the wrath that is meant for the snake that slithered out the back door. In the Protocols: We will know the exact moment and our administrators will be there to take the blows. We will be gone… ha ha.

OK, I want to get this letter out to you as an acknowledgement that I got your letter. We need to reach our people with words they can understand, this may be offensive to some people, so what, we need to get through to them. Everything is making good sense, we are winning big time, I would not want to be our enemy.

We are not alone — we are strong — we are growing at an explosive rate.

Your comrade, (WC)88 Alfred

Letter #2           


Hi Leslie,

Things are looking good. Just came back from my Hofgang, which is the 60 minutes fresh air, and on the way there I dropped my letter #1 to you in the letter box. I’ve got to start this followup letter right away to keep the thread going.

I talked about finding our way back to our root DNA. Question for you: Is James Sears more closely related to the DNA of the Greek Gods, like Poseidon for example, or is he closer related to the worms that you may find glued to the belly of the snake with their own slime? If you answered Not worm, Poseiden YES, then you got 100%. Great, let’s move on.

Point 1) was: Sensitization of natural DNA signals, and

Point 2) Allergic Revulsion to contamination as a function of time and healing.

One small comment I want to make before moving on is about the “lowering of status”, when our men have exchanged the swords they used to carry by their side ready to defend our home, for a subservience and fear diaper to hide their face behind. I know of not one single hero in our past who wore a diaper to hide behind. Do you?

The Lockdown, Suffocation Masks, and Rat-poison Injections are supposed to knock us out before we heal and deal with “it”. They want to turn our temporary sleep into a permanent long cold rest. The Jew wants to deal with his hated enemy, the White Race. “Kill it before they wake up, or else!” “We sucked them dry, now we blow them away.”

Sensitization of DNA signals.

Think about how we came to be. We did not become who we are by sitting on a soft couch eating sugar while watching JewTV. Our present condition is an anomaly. Like a broken leg for an olympic runner. It can heal. It needs to be treated and it will heal and be as good as new. Don’t scream at the olympic runner that he is useless at running while he still has his leg in a cast. 

On December 3 when I moved into the “Bunker Total” for wanting to be heard, I was deprived of all distracting signals, even day/night was the same because the light stayed on so the video camera could better watch my every move. Even when WC was on the WC. [Alfred was referred to as “Worst Case” in the German MSM. He wears his adopted title WC proudly, and so he should, because in this inverted world where everything is opposite, that makes him the BEST case! The second WC is a reference to toilet in Germany ~M.S.]

To make a long story short – after my plea for a pen and paper were declined, I was determined to leave that coffin free as a bird, in a box by whatever time it takes, and ate no more. This was actually a lot easier than I had anticipated and was a lot easier than eating “only a little”. I would console myself each day by promising myself to just wait till tomorrow, but today I have 10,000 people, one of them is only 1% of 1%, and for each and every one of them, for me not to eat today, is nothing, zero, compared to their sacrifice that they made on their attempt to flee the hordes egged on by Jew Ilya Ehrenberg with his:

“kill every German you can, and if you have not killed a German today, then your day has been worthless. And if you have killed a German today, then kill another, and another and another. Rape them, kill them, torture them.”

On the 30 of January 1945 a Russian submarine sunk the Wilhelm Gustlov in the ice cold stormy Baltic Sea and these terrified German Civilians never had a chance. If they were surplus Negros in search of fun and games in 2021, they would be picked up close to the shore in North Africa and taken into our “refugee centres” so their party can begin. Have fun in those racist Nazi countries and if you have not killed a racist today, your day has been wasted. Extreme Prejudice indeed. The Jew does not fight his own wars, he gets other people to do it for him. And now it is time for Whitey to die. His brain has been marinated properly, he is sick and confused, just kill him now, quickly before he wakes up!

The people on the Wilhelm Gustlov had a hard time on that fateful night of 30.01.1945. Every time I thought of eating the food placed into the corner of my Coffin I had one percent of one percent, one of those 10,000 people breathe down my neck, and I let it be. I was born on 30.01.1955, exactly 10 years later, and I will not forget those drowning German women, children and elderly.

After 5 days I was taken out of the coffin and given a pen to write with in another filthy cell with video monitoring. [please see this article for a more complete account of why Alfred ended his short hunger strike, and his riveting story about the Dec 3 incident]

Sorry for this long winded sidetracking, I wanted to tell you about sensitized DNA signals. I believe it was about Day 3 during my 5 day “Bunker Supreme”, when I was being led out to my 60 minutes of fresh air, we passed by another prisoner who was cleaning. He spoke two words through his mask to me:

“Stay strong.”

These two words, only audible for me – nobody saw anyone move their lips – these two words energized me and filled me with pure unadulterated joy for several days, in my coffin.

I believe it is this same energy that powers the salmon to seek and find their place of birth in some mountain creek after swimming around the endless ocean having fun, when he is reminded of his reason to be; by a single molecule only he can even detect, and this energizes him and fills him with more joy than he ever thought existed in the whole world. His own DNA ensures that.

Without my time in the “Bunker Total”, I would have missed this priceless experience. For that I am very happy.

Point 2) Allergic Revulsion to Contamination as a function of Time and Healing.

That will come in my next letter, so hang tight. Short message from our sponsor: Sale! Sale! Sale! Shrunken Jew heads, Soap guaranteed 100% Jew Fat, and Lampshades with original tattoos, get ‘em now, clearance sale! Real Nazi work. Hand made by real Nazi. 20% off on bulk orders.

Sincerely yours,

(WC)88 Alfred.

Letter #3


Hi Leslie,

it’s me again, Worst Case. You’ve been selected for carpet bombing with letters out of the gulag.

My final video in my official series was what I thought would make my appointment with the inquisition an easy afternoon: hello – thank you – goodbye, but I failed. It was the presentation of the “anti-Holocaust” Meme. [Please watch this 15-minute highly entertaining Memes video by Alfred.]  I thought I would show them this and I’d be on time for my afternoon coffee and cake with my wife, but I’m still locked up after 963 days, so I obviously failed miserably. When I made that video I had only just learned what Memes are, I had no idea until about a month or two before making that video in May of 2017. I clearly understood How Very Important Memes are, and now I am in ecstasy every day when I see the memes being generated by OUR people. OUR Beautiful Noble White people. My God, how I LOVE white people.

Do you know why I failed at the inquisition? Because they absolutely refused to present my last 2 videos — they were so afraid they would turn very red in the face. 1984 + 33 = 2017 and Memes. [See above for Memes link, and here is the excellent 1984+33 video.] I demanded that we see them but they just laughed. And yet they had them all there. Those low life f**k wads. But its like you say, if the penalty for words are the same as for violence, then those words will reach their target with violence. Period. Full Stop.

I was supposed to talk about point #2 from my list that I made in the Bunker. That’s the place you go if you smash someones head or kick a guard, but I had to go there because my face diaper wasn’t seated properly and I had demanded to talk to the Zombie-guard’s superior.

Point #2) Allergic Revulsion to Contamination as a function of time and healing

The longer one has lived after successfully decontaminating the toxic poisons of the lies, the more sensitive one becomes to those poisons. It will make the entire bowl of soup revulsive, as if a piece of dog shit were found in it. You no longer carefully spoon around the piece of dog shit to eat the “good” parts. You toss it out.

Let me give you another graphic description to illustrate the point. I think in letter #1 I gave you the example of the Jew overlooking the red line from just pissing into the pot of “Soup of the Day” to increase his profits and started to actually shit onto the customer’s plates right before their eyes. That’s what Corona is. Well, to spice it up so we won’t notice the fresh shit on our plate, he gets Anne Frank to sauce it up a bit with her diarrhea, that ought to cover the taste and we won’t notice. 

People who don’t notice these things are – for the exploding numbers of healing people – no longer taken seriously. And in our general condition of being “taught” to be part of the herd no matter what, what do you think will suddenly happen when the last of the worms see the herd has changed direction? The price to pay to be accepted after the herd changes direction will be very high for the slower ones. If it was OK to bash Germans for the “hollow cost” lie, what do you think will happen as the TRUTH unfolds?

I ran a test here in the prison system because I wanted to get a sense for what we can expect. The result was always the same. 100%. The test? A little role play:

I played the bad guy. I asked the men what they would do if it was revealed that I had raped all of their little daughters when they were about three years old. Now they approach me about it, and I demand money from them because my penis is so sore. All of them wanted to kill me before I took one more breath of air. Is it any wonder?

That is what the Jew knows will happen and that explains the bizarre behaviour the Jews are showing us.

Leslie, it is our good fortune to be so well positioned in this unfolding narrative of human history. They could kill me today, and I have NO regrets and I thank God that I woke up and will not go to my grave as a Zombie. To die a Zombie is to die as a rat. There is no honour in that. A retarded rat, because rats are not that stupid. The greatest force of nature in all living organisms is the will to survive. The Jew has put our survival-will into a coma through the lies, and now we find ourselves at just that point in time where the trajectories cross. A child with an IQ of 30 can figure it out. Only fear can delay the inevitable by a few seconds, and this eruption will be the end of Judaism on planet earth. I can now turn people on a dime on this subject. That was not possible 2 years ago. “Corona” is our friend. The most spectacular own goal in Jewish history.

1969: One small step for (a) man in Stanley Kubrik’s Moon Studio, one giant leap off the cliff straight to hell for mankind.

2021: One small drop [slide] of the oxygen-reducing idiot mask for (a) man, one giant breath of fresh air for mankind.

Okay, next letter Point 3) Extreme Polarization and TREASON.

Alfred (WC)88 Schaefer

Letter #4


Dear Leslie,

The total insanity of our present global predicament is way beyond what I would have ever thought possible, and this reality will leave not one person on earth untouched. When all the functions of the state are Negative it can only self-destruct. This self destruction will produce (is producing) the prerequisite pain to jolt awake ever more of the Zombies.

This leads into my Point 3), Extreme Flipping of Extremely Polarized People, as they reach a threshold and understand the price for TREASON.

Because the vanity driven herd mentality is a big factor for otherwise intelligent people, to choose to remain blind and ignorant (and treasonous), the inevitable direction change of the herd will make the stragglers in this ‘about-face’ willing and eager and desperate to prove to the rest of the herd that they are not as stupid as they appear. A child raper in a functioning neighbourhood may not live long.

The very gloating of the Jew that now they can finally deal with the remains of what’s left of us – WOW – “The destiny of the White race is now in our hands” and “What could possibly be more desirable than to cleanse this planet from Whiteness!” “The White race does not exist, like Palestinians never existed.” Unlike the 6,000,000,000,000 gassed jews.

I cannot express in words what the reaction is going to be, it is beyond anything we have ever seen. If FEAR is still keeping many from speaking up, what do you think the stragglers will do once they understand that silence is complicity to treason and treason carries the DEATH penalty – it always has.

Point 4) Facts / Beliefs

Understanding what beliefs are as opposed to facts. I could talk about this important subject for hours but its hard to keep it short here. The Jew leads us to believe things to make us easy victims to his parasitical extraction of our values, moral and physical.

Point 5) Money as a placeholder for physical value

I read Karl Marx’s book “Das Kapital” to get an idea how these people tick. Marx really did write a good “how to jew the world” with his work. With money control and Cultural Marxism to erode Moral Strength.

Point 6) A fire dies after it has exhausted its fuel supply if it is not replenished

The total communist fire that is now devouring the earth will run out of fuel and will self destruct. This may result in rivers of blood but it is a force of nature. It is our objective to put this fire out before we experience a total collapse of our civilization, leaving a world where the few remaining people will envy those who have died, thereby escaping the living hell on earth this collapse will produce. A population overshoot of biblical proportions.

Point 7) Exponential processes and feedback loops

Every organic healing has these. We must see what is now happening in the context of an Organic healing, and it all makes good sense and helps to understand how to most effectively focus our efforts for optimum results. Today it is possible to turn people from a negative (less than zero) into a positive (has value) in a very short time. It was with Memes that we have been brought down, and when I see the memes now in circulation, I smile because these new memes are catalyzing our path to recovery. Vanity driven people do not want to be worth less than nothing, they only want to be positive (high value), and these fantastic memes now being produced fast track them to becoming a positive. Remember, the Jew is an extreme negative, he only lies and destroys. We, the White Race, are extreme positives. We create, we build, we care for Nature, and unfortunately for us, we care too much for other races. Why would a white person make a donation to help fast breeding negroes in Africa so they can then come to our cities to BLM Burn, Loot, and Murder and rape our civilization? Do you feed little cockroaches so they can come to your kitchen? Little cockroaches are so cute.

Point #8) Sword in hand ➜ Diaper over face = deep fall

And: Half-life of the lies is now approaching Zero. (French Revolution for “Liberty, Freedom, Equality” Hollow Cost Nine Eleven Corona)

Corona was officially brought out last March, and only brain dead people still believe in it and “fear” it. Product launch was March 2020. The magic wand for FEAR and Rules, and stealing and killing on an industrial scale with bonus extraction of wealth. “The Nazis removed the gold teeth from the 6 million gassed jews”. After your Jew shot your “health” bills will remove your house and property.

Point #9) Your letter to me arrived in my Bunker on the first day and I did a song and a dance, it made me very happy. My 3rd time in the Bunker was my “Hat trick” and when I think of what brought it on I just laugh out loud. The event that brought it on is priceless for me, it has potential without end. I thought of Neal Armstrong and how I’d love to have a chat with him before he dies (if he’s still alive). I know he wants to do the right thing just like his producer Stanley Kubrik did, and free himself from the burden of the lie. Stanley confessed before he died and ordered the confession be kept secret for 15 years after his death to protect his loved ones. He did not want to die under the weight of that lie. Neal Armstrong has already spoken of the Parrot when talking about Apollo in the sense that the Parrot can not fly so good, but what else does the parrot do? And he spoke of the many questions we need to look at, with tears in his eyes.

“One small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind off the cliff and straight to hell!” ~ 1969 in Kubrik’s Moon Studio

“One tiny dropping of the mask during dialogue with a Consulate by (a) man, one giant breath of fresh air for mankind” (first POW to ever remove diaper during consular dialogue). ~ 2021 (WC)88 in Gulag while on telephone with Canadian Consulate

The diaper is water-boarding lite, the uniformed civil servant did not yet piss into it to reduce the oxygen fro 75% to 5%. Now many POWs get water-boarded while being asked about their health by their Consulate. (great scene for upcoming movie)

Look at the Cost/Benefit relationship on this. It f**king blows my mind! There I sat on my chair gasping for air, was handed the telephone and in order to be able to speak and still think, I did what any mammal would do, I removed the obstruction over my air intake and then the bitch  whore  satan’s little slut  Apparatchik  Uniformed Civil Servant that was behind the Corona-proof plexiglass and behind her own face diaper idiot mask, started screeching at me and threatening that the heavies will soon be here. Sure enough, she pressed the emergency button (for nuclear attack or WC problems) and a team of heavies dragged Opa out of the office.

That was a close call. One Corona was already on its way through the phone to attack Canada by stealth through the Canadian Consulate. The Gulag heavies and Lucifer’s little bitch will be awarded “Hero of the Day” special recognition for clear thinking and Bravery. We need role models, and they fit the bill. That scene could be titled “How I went from less than nothing (whore) to world fame in 10 minutes.”

Seriously now, I am grateful that the staff here does show their ability to look ahead and provide me with precisely what I need. We needed a scene just like that for our next movie production, “WC in the Gulag” coming soon to a theatre near you. And for their own people, what an opportunity for career advancement. I can see the tearful joyous revelations that would be perfect for the preview:

“I was nothing, I was Satan’s little whore, I would do anything Satan asked me to do, for a doggie biscuit, and now I am healed, I am famous, I was the little bitch in the Gulag and Opa was there, right in front of me, only 2 meters away behind the plexiglass and I had to call for help because I saw the Corona coming for me. I thought I was gonna die. I saw the end. I peed myself, I was so afraid.”

And now? My name is there for all to see in that Blockbuster Movie “WC in the Gulag” and people want my autograph. From Nothing to World Fame in seconds. Wow! See? I played my role good didn’t I?

Now for a hypothetical Question. Lets just pretend that the screeching Uniformed Civil Servant was serious. I can’t imagine it, but lets just pretend. Then we have an interesting question with regard to long-term/short-term value add, cost/benefits, and so on.

What happened on that fine day? What would have happened IF Satan’s little bitch had just been Brave and kept her cool while under threat from Opa’s Corona while he spoke with the Consulate? This fantastic Scene in the upcoming movie “WC in the Gulag” would not exist. What a loss. For nothing! A tragedy. What price did WC pay for that? Five days with special service in another cell. That is a small price to pay for such a valuable scene. I’d do it again anytime!

Now for a comparison question regarding Value: My wonderful counterpart got a doggie biscuit for playing the role of Satan’s little bitch. By now the doggie biscuit has passed through her digestive tract and in all likelihood has already reached the sewage treatment plant, or, if she is an organic gardener and shits in her garden to fertilize her salad, then the very best long term value-add she gets is a tasty salad to share with her friends.

And what do I get? A dynamite scene for the upcoming movie: “WC in the Gulag”.

In everything we do we need to keep these value-add, long-term or short-term relationships in mind. As a final statement I want to express my deepest heartfelt thanks to the outstanding Staff in Landsberg. 

Sincerely yours, (WC) Alfred

Letter #5


Dear Leslie,

Important components of the psychological warfare against us is the framing of narratives and then triggering the emotions that these frames elicit when they are activated. Like program components in an operating system on a computer. The easiest example here is the “Holocaust”. The “Holocaust” lie was very carefully programmed into our minds after the trauma of the second act of Judaism’s war on our planet, branded as “World War II”. The spectacular success of the lie of the six million innocent Jews being murdered in an industrialized extermination program in what was framed as “The Holocaust” with a capital H, not only produced rivers of free money for the Jews, but also produced an emotional trigger for FEAR after the word “Denier” was programmed into us as extremely evil and punishable for its evil. Then it became quick and easy to capitalize on this programmed FEAR by applying it to whatever new scam was in the works, for example, in these days “Corona denier”.

Back in the first days of the State of Israel, I believe it was Golda Meir who said “after the holocaust we can do anything we want.” With the lie of a premeditated genocide of the Jews to cover and divert attention away from what “WWII” was all about, we now have de facto with the Corona Vaccination Scam precisely that which they had accused the innocent Germans of having done to them. A premeditated genocide of entire populations. This will only go so far before it boomerangs and flies into the face of the perpetrators, who are all Jews and their minions.

Another most important thing everyone needs to understand is the effects of compartmentalization and control-freak behaviour.

Compartmentalization is like working with blinders, and you only know what goes on in your department and you have no idea what the other departments are really doing. This happens in all the alphabet soup departments like NSA, CIA, FBI, NASA, etc. And those that do know because they are higher level are kept on a short leash with a large salary. But now as the rot is killing us all, more and more of the higher level are leaving the sinking ship and streaming over to our side, because they too, are learning. It’s not just you and me. Execution for TREASON will turbo charge this migration of talent to our side. These laws are natural laws that are founded on the will to survive.

Control-freak behaviour: If you’ve ever lived with a control freak, then you will know how they control you. With tiny details that are dealt with in a hysterical manner. We see that now with the Corona anti-infection bla bla bla. “Get your nose covered!” “Hey, keep your distance!”

The best way to end this insanity fast is for everyone to break all the control freaks laws at the same time and never again take them seriously. Everyone can join the fun in this game.

The entire family can go out on a Fridays For Fun event in the shopping centre that requires covering of oxygen intakes with water boarding masks, by doing a flash mob “I can breathe again” dance and celebration. Who is gonna arrest Grandma and the kids and all your friends?

Extreme punishment against individuals is supposed to keep the herd on the path to self-destruction, but if the entire herd disobeys, the jew shits himself. Once it starts moving, it will not stop until Corona is blown out of the water. Corona is already dead, they just don’t want to admit it yet.

Another subject of importance to understand is the seeding of dis-info on the other side of truth. Truth can be seen as a thread from the beginning of time to the end of time. It cannot be altered. It can be hidden or misinterpreted, but it is what it is for all time. I’ll give you one example of carefully seeded dis-info on the other side of truth, to make my case. The late great Bill (William) Cooper and his long-held beliefs that there were alien bases on the moon and that is the reason we do not go back there. He himself was misled to believe that and so he presented it that way, until he caught on to it, then he was killed, I believe.

Now in 2021, with ALL the lies collapsing at free-fall speed, after the dust settles, we’ll more easily be able to see what this thread of unalterable truth really is and use our ability based on our DNA to move ahead. Our DNA will also help us to choose with whom we want to live and who needs to be removed from our neighbourhood because of the Burning, Looting and Murdering they seem to be experts at. When I take notice of things like “Operation Black Vote” in Canada, I see we have a problem. The Jews are hellbent on Whitey’s extermination. Imagine for one second, “Operation White Vote”, how would the Jew media screetch hysterically at that? Having a Negro Immigration minister in Canada is beyond insane. If Whitey wants to die, he is on the right track. For my own self, I’ve spent a lot of time in Africa, but I don’t want my street, my town or my country full of negroes. Why? because I don’t want to be murdered. I want our women to be able to go outside without being raped. Is that too much to ask for? Also, name for me just one animal that gives its home away without resistance to a fast breeding competitor. You cannot, because that type of animal goes extinct. Try to imagine Canada as a giant negro slum. Europe as a giant negro slum. Fantastic!

“How did that happen?” Duhhhh…

Okay, now I’ve finished my letter bombing raid on you and I’ll wait for confirmation that they are reaching you. Here things are moving nicely. The proper Memes are spreading fast, we expect major changes soon, and it won’t be what the jews think. Only the magnitude of this waking up event is different than the hundreds we have experienced in our history. Otherwise, it is business as usual. Expulsion of the Jews follows, this time, from planet Earth.

Sincerely, (Worst Case)88 Alfred

10 Responses

  1. Hi Monika!
    Alfred does seem to be getting the best out of his “extended vacation” in the “rebar hotel”, good for him! As always, some of what he says is quite funny, and we are glad to know he is not giving in to any of their devious machinations.
    Recently we sent you a letter he sent to us, along with our reply.
    Let’s all keep swimming against the current in whatever way we know how, and may we be willing for the Lord to give us the TRUE Light!
    P.S. How or where can I follow your blog? I can’t seem to find anything to do with that (email notifications don’t work for me).

    1. Thanks so much CW, I received the letter from you! There is a subscribe icon, but if email notification doesn’t work for you, then I’m not sure. Maybe just bookmark the site? if you were to look about once a week, that should be plenty, as I don’t post every day.

  2. If you are still under the spell of false Jewish narratives you have a completely wrong world perspective.

    You cannot see the forest for the trees, and they want to keep it that way. That is why they never stop repeating their lies.

    Benjamin Freedman’s speech at the Willard hotel, 1961, was a warning to the Americans:

    President John F Kennedy knew the enemy – Talmudic Zionist Communist Jews in firm control of America since 1913 (Federal Reserve Act) – and JFK was murdered by the deep state conspiracy, in 1963.

    They would do to America what they keep doing to Germany.

    The betrayal and vilification of the German people was followed by the vilification of all peoples of the white race.

    (((Jews))) openly proclaim their goal not only to exterminate the German people but in extension all peoples of the white race.

    They have weaponized everything. The warnings have been ignored.

    Murder by Injection—Murder-by-Injection–Full-

  3. Nice job Monika, it’s good for the world to read what Alfred has to say. I will be sending 2 more letters your way soon. Keep up the good work. All of the best to you Monika, and the people who are supportive of this most important cause.
    Leslie Bory

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