Free Speech Monika

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About the Nuremberg Trials, David Irving & Ongoing Vilification of Germans through False Comparisons

We have all been exposed to so many lies and non-stop German bashing since WW2. Actually, the lies began well before WW2, and like most wars, the actual perpetrators and causes of the war were very different than what we have been told by the mass media. They call it the “Good War”, but nothing could be further from the truth. They say that the world had to stop Adolf Hitler from taking over the world, and again, that is a lie. The war was forced upon Germany.

Many men from many different countries joined Hitler’s army to try to stop the Bolsheviks from overtaking all of Europe. Those people understood the Communist (Jewish) threat and they knew what was at stake. The Bolsheviks (Jewish) had tortured and killed millions upon millions of Russians and Ukrainians.

Because of the lies, and because of the incessant conditioning and programming of our minds by endless Hollywood films and “news” stories and false education, certain words trigger a Pavlovian response in the general population. References to “Nazi”, “Hitler”, “Dr. Mengele” are such words which are constantly being used as metaphors for evil.

These days, during the Covid Hoax crisis, there are many good truth tellers who are exposing the lies of the scamdemic, but unfortunately, so many of them are pulling that “nazi” card, saying that this is just as bad as “the Nazis”. They are reinforcing the BIG LIE by using those trigger words as comparisons!

The Nuremberg Code is also being invoked during this Corona satanic agenda. Yes it is good that there is a prohibition against doing medical experimentation on people without their informed consent, however, the implication of the origin of the Nuremberg code is that the Germans did evil experiments on the hapless victims in the so-called death camps. That did not happen! Thus the hallowed Nuremberg Code comes out of sham trials, the completely corrupt kangaroo court Inquisition, the military tribunal show-trial known as the Nuremberg trials. Evidence and witnesses for the defence were not permitted, and the so-called trial was born out of vengeance and hatred against the Germans. So now we have this “good” Code which originates from the Nuremberg Trials and reinforces the lie that those trials were great because they purportedly took care of those “evil Nazi” leaders. Again, a reinforcement of the BIG LIE about German villainy.

Fred Leuchter and Monika Schaefer discuss the Nuremberg Trials, the Nuremberg Code on Blood River Radio, aired on 22 May 2021. They also discussed David Irving and how he has seriously compromised himself in recent years, a terrible pity, because ingratiating yourself to your enemy never gets you anywhere, and is a lose-lose-lose proposition.

Blood River Radio with Eddie Miller Hour 1 please begin at minute 30.

The broadcast continues here in Hour 2.

Better yet, to listen to our interview all in one 1 hour 11  minute video, compiled by Diane King for Jim Rizoli’s channel (thank you, Diane!), click here.

The Historian David Irving of the past has done so much good work, has given us so much valuable information based on his meticulous research. Unfortunately, since his Lipstadt trial loss in 2001, he went back on some of his own findings, talking about “partial gassings” and other such nonsense.

In spite of what we discussed on Blood River Radio about David Irving’s back-stepping in recent years, I would highly recommend this video of his excellent speech about the Nuremberg trials. From what I could gather from the speech, it took place in the mid 1990s, perhaps 1994, well before the Lipstadt trial and well before he compromised himself as a historian. It is a powerful presentation, and you are sure to learn something about the Nuremberg trials.

20 Responses

  1. Similar general subject matter:
    “Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich – a timely documentary on how health professionals have been historically coopted to commit government atrocities”
    This strikes me as opportunism. Everything mist be measured by the “holocaust”, in order for the “holocaust” to always be in the news.

    1. I started watching the video that you linked in your comment to see what it was about, and could not stomach more than a minute. It is all LIES, about the Third Reich. “They started by killing children, then they killed adults…”. Complete BS.

      You are right that they are always keeping the holohoax in the news by making all these comparisons. They are false comparisons, because they lie about the Third Reich and about Hitler and about the “holocaust”. The true holocaust was against the Germans, in all the fire-bombed cities, and then the millions more Germans who were deliberately killed, tortured, starved AFTER the war ended in 1945. The war never really ended.

  2. A German-American lawyer currently in Germany has gone off the deep end with the Hitler cliché:

    “Nuremberg Trials 2.0 The Int. Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity, July 4th 2021”

    Hopefully, this fellow’s “Fourth Reich” will fizzle, but he has been looking for world attention, and has been getting it, so damage control may be in order.

    Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich grabbed attention a year ago with public statements that are entirely accurate concerning the pandemic fraud. Many have been waiting for him to launch powerful litigation to expose the fraud and its criminal perpetrators.

    What he seems to have done instead is launch a tacky high-school movie on Nuremberg 2.0 using masks from Greek tragedy, entitling the whole thing “Hitler’s Fourth Reich”.

    The man is obviously well intentioned, but a badly brainwashed German, and his artistic efforts are a travesty of cliché, including most importantly the Hitler cliché.

    1. I noticed that about Fuellmich, myself. It’s truly unfortunate that so many Germans are brainwashed with Allied and Jewish/Zionist propaganda. I’m still hoping he gets some attention about the Covid faux vaccines that governments are flogging on their citizens. I’m not sure if it is about greed, (Looting operation by Big-pharma) or a depopulation operation.

    1. Morekill ist not Germany.

      She is the Jewish Communist usurper of the German government who does everything in her power to harm and destroy Germany, the ethnic Germans.

      She wants the kill shots for everyone.

      It is mass murder – planned, deliberate, on an industrialized scale
      Evil beyond words. Demonic. Hellish.

      Too many fall victims to their indoctrination – Out of fear and in blind trust, wilfully ignorant, confused
      “The best news” are the worst – and she does not even realize what she and her husband are doing to themselves and their children

      Terribly disturbing.
      Already too late to warn them.

  3. It has taken 80 years for a smattering of people to recognize the corruptible influence of the Zionists.
    Brought up in NW London I always wondered how easy it was for Kewish families to prosper in comparison to their Gentle counterparts.
    And then the penny dropped — They own everything.!
    Property, businesses The press and TV.
    Why did they want their own country?
    To Lord it over the rest of us.
    The banking system sees to it that they do.
    They are not Kews they are Bolsheviks.
    Can’t touch them, unfortunately, unless you have an answer.

  4. Who were the victors of two world wars – planned, instigated and orchestrated by international Zionists?

    Who was “liberated”?

    In 1945 Germany fell back under Jewish rule backed up by the US military. The occupiers have never left.

    By now the whole world is in peril.

    History does not repeat itself, is is repeated by the same perpetrators.
    is increasing. The purge is on

    The AfD (Alternative for Germany) has two wings which are extremely opposite in nature – which is somehow strange from the get go. Why create an allegedly pro-German patriotic party which has such opposing ‘wings’ /forces within?
    Is it a bird which is not supposed to get off the ground, never to fly high…

    The “liberals” are the Jewish fifth column headed by party leader Jewess Alice Weidel, ex-Goldman-Sachs – the ‘German’ equivalent to France’s Macron.

    Björn Höcke is a pro-German AfD patriot, member and leading figure in the parliament of Thuringia.
    The Zionist media constantly smear him as “right wing extremist” – “Nazi”

    The purge is on. Turn coat Morekill did the same when she took over the conservative party CDU (Christian Democratic Union) positioned as new party leader by predecessor crypto-Jew Henoch Kohn alias ‘Helmut Kohl’. The party was turned into a COMMUNIST Zionist lobby organization with anti-German, anti-Christian, pro-multicultural, genocidal policies – always pretending the opposite…. NEVER FORGET
    The Jews are the saviors of humanity, right?–Vaccines-

  5. Hi, Monika! Didn’t realize this was a new post. Glad I clicked the link. Great points. Sad about Irving but I think I understand his retreat. Michael Hoffman has pulled a similar move. Both have invested a lifetime researching and done GREAT work.

    Irving’s Nuremberg is a must read.

    Be well and God bless.

  6. We must police each other in uprooting the lies. Once you learned how the truth is attempting to be compromised, you can NOT unhear it and in this condition of feeling betrayed, you feel compelled to do something. THANK YOU MONIKA, for DOING SOMETHING. Diane

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