Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Update: Channels and Links – Where to Follow Monika and Alfred

Two friends from two different corners of the world called me in the last few days to ask if I was alright, because they had not seen new posts here on this website. Mea Culpa! All is fine, and it is high time for me to make this post. These have been fewer and farther between, while I am still active with various activities. My brother Alfred is also active as ever, fighting this war we find ourselves in. This short article will give you some platforms and places where you can follow or find us if you so choose.

My gab account is here: I generally post most of the interviews that I’ve been involved with plus other pieces of interest.

This is my odysee account: Occasionally I upload video interviews there, plus some of my brother Alfred’s older videos are there as well. It is a work in progress to get more of those educational videos up.

You can still find me on Facebook, however, that has become highly censored so it is of limited use.

I often co-host with Eddie ‘the Bombardier’ Miller on Blood River Radio, broadcast live through Liberty News Radio on Saturday afternoons 1 pm to 4 pm Pacific Time or 4 pm to 7 pm Eastern Time. You can also find old broadcasts in the archives.

Here is where you can purchase the book (click on the title): Sorry mom, I was wrong about the holocaust, which is authored by me, Monika Schaefer.

Alfred Schaefer does not have his own website, nor channel, page nor platform, but he says you can always use a search engine to put his name into and see what might come up. There are some places where you can still find his older videos, and I highly recommend perusing through and see for yourself what all the fuss is about. He spent four-and-a-half years in jail during two separate stints during the last six years. Apparently his words frighten the authorities a great deal.

Fortunately most of Alfred’s educational videos plus some of the older interviews have been preserved on this site:, and there are probably many other places too but this one has a good collection of them. His original channel was, of course, taken down by those who hate the truth.

A mix of old and new, German and English videos and interviews can be found here as well:

Please stay tuned, as there might be a new show coming up, hosted by yours truly, but nothing firm yet.

Thank you so much for your care and interest!


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