Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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ACH podcast, Kevin Barrett video, CTD, RBN and more – with Alfred and Monika

Stay up-to-date, I tell myself every morning. Okay, here are some interviews that my brother Alfred and I were involved with over the past month or so.

The first is a video interview which Kevin Barrett did with us a few weeks ago, called Alfred and Monika Schaefer Reflect on Imprisonment for Exercising Free Speech. It was published a few days ago and can be found on the Unz Review here, or on Rumble here.

From the show notes by Kevin Barrett:

Alfred Schaefer was released from a German prison last July 1st. He had been imprisoned since 2018 for “Holocaust denial” and “incitement to hatred.”

Alfred’s sister Monika Schaefer was also convicted alongside Alfred and spent most of 2018 in a German prison. The Canadian siblings were prosecuted after various Judeo-fascist organizations complained about their June 2016 video “Sorry Mom I Was Wrong About the Holocaust” which quickly garnered six figures worth of YouTube views, and elicited mostly positive comments, before it was taken down.

The West endlessly harrangues the rest of the world about “freedom.” It insists on forcing gender madness and other forms of moral turpitude down the throats of that vast majority of the world that wants no part of such degeneracy—all in the name of “freedom.” But historians who question victors’ history face imprisonment, as do the ordinary people who read and talk about their scholarly books. Erudite and well-sourced interpretations of what actually happened during World War II in general and in the German internment camps in particular are actually illegal.

I don’t agree with Alfred and Monika Schaefer about many things, as you’ll discover by listening to this interview. But their view of the world is vastly more humane, compassionate, and (overall) accurate than the moronic hate propaganda of the psychopathic mainstream media oligarchs, who have the blood of tens of millions on their hands. Passionate voices of dissent like those of the Schaefers should be aired and debated, not silenced.

On November 30, 2022, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock aired this interview, audio only. I want to apologize for interrupting Andrew mid-sentence near the end, but I was so excited about his reference to watermelons – you’ll hear it if you have a listen. Also, my apologies for a few puppy noises.

From the show notes:

In today’s show originally broadcast on November 30 2022, Andy is joined by Alfred Schaefer and Monika Schaefer for a show entitled, “Censorship Updates From Germany And Canada.”

We discussed: Alfred’s recent experiences with the authorities in Germany; trust and empathy; Alfred’s upcoming court date on January 3; how engaging the system is revealing the writing on the wall; why the word “gaslighting” is Merriam-Webster’s word of the year and the significance of this; the plans to label anti-vaxxers as mentally ill; Canada’s Emergencies Act inquiry; why Alfred read all the Alexander Solzhenitsyn books he could find during his time in prison; and many other topics.

My regular Connect the Dots rendezvous with Jim Rizoli and Diane King is here. We discussed Ursula Haverbeck, what her current situation is and what her “crime” was, and we also talked about other political prisoners such as Philip Hassler in Austria, and Matthew Hale in the US. We spoke about the case of Kathleen Dudley in New Mexico. Other topics: German New Medicine, the cancer industry, some US politics, resistance against the eternal well-poisoners, and more. The hour-long conversation with Diane and Jim always flies by – I think that means it was not boring.

On November 16th, Alfred and I were invited onto John Stadmiller’s National Intel Report on Republic Broadcast Network, with host William Repillem and guest host Erika from Coincidence Retort. Hour 1 and Hour 2. We had a stimulating two hours of lively discussion about the jewish crime syndicate, virology, and lots of interesting stories. It was great to reconnect with Erika, formerly known as the Citizen Reporter. And of course, many thanks to William, and all the good folks at the RBN.

Lastly just for fun, and if you understand German, there is a nicely reworked version of my “Entschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft” (that is the German version of my “Sorry mom, I was wrong about the holocaust” video. I do not know who created this 4-minute video, but I like it. They took my video and put a different background in, and it really adds power. Here it is.

20 Responses

  1. CONGRATULATIONS Monika on your book being published by Barnes Review History Magazine, WOW!
    “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong about the Holocaust”
    I just received it from Barnes Review, I had to go to the family photo’s first.

    1. “American Intelligence Media” was useful in 2016 when they fully disclosed WW2 and how United States brought that War into fruition. About one year after that very important video, they swerved out of their lane. They are useless. & Calling the Jews a word derived from the “Rhine” really, what an insult!
      David Duke has great photo’s & names of these idiot’s, see for yourself what I have been trying to convey that they are Arab’s/Muslim’s. “The Secret Behind Communism” can be purchased on David Duke’s site.

      1. Dear LaVerne, you’ve aroused my curiosity. I’m now pondering what exactly your message is saying, lol. It will keep my mind occupied this morning while I prepare some food in the kitchen. Maybe you can throw me a hint, something about the “Rhine”. Sorry I am so slow to understand.

        1. I would think you know all the history of the Rhine and the significance of this place with the Germans.
          If you listen to Amos video posted from American Intelligence Media you will hear these clowns testing out a new made up version to replace the “Jew” term. They are going through the vowel’s and each one of these clowns are pronouncing there new made up version differently to see which one sticks. So one says it “Rodinites” another says it Radinites” next is Rhininites. Either way they are full of crap in the entire video because they are misplacing the entire significance of the scriptures in itself, coming across as some kind of Scholar’s. It’s quite humorous this late in the game.
          Look at the way they came out with the Kazarian Mafia. “They” have always said “We will twist the story/history so many times you will never be able to figure it out.”
          I say follow the Skin tone & Hair & Language & patterns of Slave Trade, and you got yourself an Arab.

  2. Barely stomach Jim Rizoli & Dianne King on Connect the Dots when they were discussing Ernst Zundel 19885-1988 court trials. I am sure that Jim & Dianne didn’t mean to deflate Ernst Zundel trials, but that is how it came across.
    Carolyn Yeager has beautiful writings on the subject that is worth further reading on her site (Carolyn Yeager .net) search bar Ernst Zundel’s name. She has many informative writings throughout the years, but I want to mention title: Sylvia Stolz, The German Joan of Arc written Sept. 27th, 2011.
    Sylvia Stolz was the defense attorney for Ernst Zundel in the Federal Republic in Germany. She too was arrested for holocaust denial and she brought out in her own court room defense: “The Federal Republic is not a sovereign state and exist under foreign rule imposed on Germany, by allied victors of WWII. Since the elected government of the Third Reich never surrendered, that constitution is still the valid law of the land in Germany, but is prevented as functioning as such.” And she pointed out the legal question’s resulting military defeat of the German Reich. This might be why Alfred’s local government didn’t have a clue as to him having to register with his police department when he was released.
    Details of Ernst Zundel’s Canadian trial can be heard on Blood River Radio dated March 6th 2021 (I believe this site published it, Monika were you a guest?).
    Fred Leuchter was a guest on Blood River Radio, who was the Execution Specialist that Ernst Zundel hired from the United States and was certified to testify in the Canadian court. Fred Leuchter and his team, accompanied by court assigned team went to Poland to examine Auschwitz/Birkenau and one other camp site. Took chemical samples of the sites and considered the architecture of these physical sites, concluded these “were strictly housing and work camps.”
    Let us not undermine or minimize these great heroic people: Ernst Zundel, Sylvia Stolz and Fred Leuchter and their efforts made. And to those who have picked up the torch, and all of those willing to publish the truth.

    1. Hello Jon, if that is how Jim and Diane came across with respect to Ernst Zundel, then I can assure you that it is not how they meant for it to come across. I know that they both have the deepest respect and reverence for the late great Ernst Zundel. We have talked about him many times. In fact, it is because of Ernst Zundel, that Jim woke up to the holohoax. Before that, he knew nothing about it. It was because of the deportation of this White man, EZ, that Jim and his brother Joe got curious – why are they deporting this White man? The rest is history as they say.
      About your question regarding the March 6, 2021 BRR radio show, very likely I was on that, but I’d have to look it up. Blood River Radio has all their shows archived, for any of you readers who would like to have a listen to past shows. And yes, I have often linked them into posts on this website. Thanks Jon, for listening and for commenting.

      1. There is an interesting fact that I should not undermine or minimize that Jim Rizoli said: “Ernst Zundel was finally released (March 1st 2010) by the Judge, on grounds that his being in prison was unconstitutional.” Which in reality makes the entire circus of his arrest and court trials unconstitutional. Sounds like anyone else arrested or will be arrested for holocaust denial now stands tall on the same grounds that this Judge has made clear, it is unconstitutional in Canada to arrest anyone for holocaust denial.

        1. Good observation. I have to listen to that again, or ask Jim about it. But something doesn’t add up with the dates, because EZ was in a German jail during 2010. After spending 2 years in solitary confinement in a Canadian penitentiary, he was extradited to Germany (which the government over there had been trying to achieve for years!), and there he spent 5 full years in jail, from sometime in 2007 to 2012, to the best of my knowledge.

          1. Sorry about the 2010 date, I didn’t realize it belongs to Germany.
            Jim did say the Judge (in Canada) in 1991 released Ernst.
            We shouldn’t be surprised that someone in Germany was waiting for him when he sought to go back to his hometown.

          2. I confirmed the date on Carolyn Yeager’s site of the article: Report, Ernst Zundel died on Saturday Aug. 5th (posted August 6th 2011)
            Carolyn stated: Ernst was born 1939 in Wilbad Germany. Since March 1st, 2010, when he was released from prison in Germany after his long persecution for telling the truth. He has been living back in his Black Forest homeland in Baden-Wurttemberg. He is native in the same area in that my (Carolyn) ancestors migrated from, Kraichgau, a farming area north of the Black Forest.

          3. I must make a correction to what you are saying. No, Ernst Zundel did NOT die in 2011. He died in 2017. Also, in your other comment, if I understood you right, the implication is that he wanted to go back to his ancestral home and then he was arrested. That is not how it happened. Ernst Zundel spent 2 years in a Canadian prison from 2003 to 2005, then he was deported by the Canadian authorities to Germany into the hands of the police there. He was arrested and jailed. Then his trial took place in 2007 (possibly it started in 2006, I’m not sure), and he was given 5 years sentence, which he had to serve fully, to the last day. That ended in 2010. He then lived out his final years at his ancestral home in the Black Forest of Germany.

          4. Yep Monika, my notes do say 2017, the year Ernst Zundel passed away. Must have been looking at Sylvia Stoltz article title: German Joan of Arc dated in 2011, on Carolyn Yeager’s site. An article I encourage all your listeners to read. It shows the legality behind the fact that the German
            people are answering to laws that do not apply to them. Alfred proved that when he went to register with the local police department when he was released. The local police department didn’t have a clue to what he was talking about because there are two governments operating in Germany. Just as there are in the United States.

          5. Yes, that is a funny and good story, about the local police department who had no idea why Alfred was there!

            He uses those monthly visits to three places (local police, parole officer, and the “de-rightwinger” folks) to his and our advantage. He lectures them how they should not want to be the last to come onto our side, the winning side, as this is going down fast. He tells them that their superiors are all coming over to our side. He feeds them important information, such as the 9/11 Munich Re insurance fraud, and how they are now complicit if they do not deal with this. Alfred looks forward to these monthly visits. It is all very exciting. We are living in interesting times!

          6. Try to be careful and not get caught in the echo chamber, a big effort is underway to keep us in digital slums, where we just talk back and forth to each other, while our knowledge/message is contained in an echo chamber….the digital world is completely controlled by jews, with the ability to “spoof” the internet aka create a fake audience, block certain videos, comments, people etc etc …all while their targets are none the wiser.
            interviews are fun, but the only way to be sure you are being heard, that your message is getting out there is to do IRL activism and/or putting the information into people’s hands yourself.

          7. Really good point, Canadian. You need to spell out though, what is IRL activism? Even after asking the computer, I still don’t know. New terms every day it seems, or maybe I am just slow. As far as talking to real people, and trying to get information into their hands, that is something each and every one of us can do locally, in our local circles. And yes, I do my best in that regard, although I could be doing much more. Thanks for your comment.

          8. Whatever the case might be regarding what “Canadian” is saying about “digital slums” regardless, we know their are programs that track us, we can see that by what they “recommend” for us to watch, its always to counter us. The important thing is we are getting through to the masses. Why else would Dr. Phil have an episode on “Holocaust Denial’s” ?
            Don’t forget Monika & Alfred it’s not just this site and the radio shows you are a guest on doing the work, we all have your back, you know where we have been & how we heard your distress cry’s. I myself knew Monika was arrested through Carolyn Yeager’s site. That’s amazing, she is not only a publisher of “Auschwitz The Guided Tour” (find on Barnes Review), she went there to publish this handy little piece of gold. That’s not her only book regarding WW2. Besides the fact she ran a radio show for some time, that are archived on her site, as well as her writings. Her writings are a great place to go for quick answers, like I went to remind myself of Ernst Zundel’s court case.
            Keep up the Great Work, all of us, as it is said among our groups “They don’t intend to give up the holocaust & it is the Key to freeing the Europeans.”

  3. John Stadmiller’s Broadcast, Part one Alfred mentioned that the Jews were the ones involved in the “Slave Trade” I must once again emphasize that it was the Arab’s/Muslim’s that Controlled the Slave Trade in Africa’s Congo from 640 AD – 1920’s, which should become apparent to those who know this history, that the Arab’s/Muslims are the Jews. Look at their hair, they look like Hasidic Jews. They Castrated black African men (where have we heard that practice before before, during & after WW2) & bred with their enemy’s women.
    Follow the history how Europeans were putting an end to their 1,000 plus Slave Trade monopoly. 1808 United States President Thomas Jefferson made it illegal for importing any more African slaves. Europe intervention came in 1876 under “International African Association” & in 1884 in the “BERLIN Conference” central Africa was turned into a “Congo Free State.” Which led to the “Congo Arab War” of 1892-1894. Many European Nations did not want Black African’s in their homeland and wanted Africa to stand on their own by “Exploration” & the Jewish/Arab’s/Muslim’s were Pissed. We need to question this “Jew” phrase, I believe it is a cover for the Arab’s/Muslims. Renegade Tribune will not even let me post comments pertaining to this simple observation.
    Part 2 of Stadmiller’s Broadcast Erika mentioned after WW1 the “Ottoman Empire” was disbanded. We need to expose the implications of that history & connect those dots to today’s Saudi Arabia ( former Ottoman Empire boundry’s) & their enslavement to Russian women. Monika added an important point about WW2 that the allies were actually helping the Bolshevik/Communist spread, while Germany & its Axis powers were fighting against Bolshevik/Communist, for all of Europe. In the morning of June 22nd, 1941 a Coalition of eight nations, led by Germany ended Joseph Stalin’s planned Communist invasion of Europe, set for July 10th, 1941. With the “Wall Street” funded Bolshevik now in retreat & Stalin now in hiding, the United States Government plans for physical entry into WW2.

  4. John Stadmiller’s 1st. hour, speaking of Viruses & why we get sick, I always wash my hands when I come home. I never touch my eyes when in public, I use my shirt if I must. The Eye sockets & nasal are the biggest point of entry for viruses.

    That Wisconsin caller seemed to be a “Troll.” She was trying to put doubt into what we witnessed on 9/11, a “Controlled Demolition.” She needs to prove that “Direct Energy Weapons” exist in the first place.
    She, the Wisconsin caller also made reference to Citizens vs. Nationalist as people should be making their claim to their status in the United States, a Citizen ruled by Congress or a Nationalist ruled by self. I am familiar with Anna Von Ritz website, where the caller is getting her information from. I have come to this conclusion that even Ann Von Ritz stated herself, pertaining to a different subject, 2020 Election in the U.S., quote “They cannot hang Municipal Officers over Certifying a phony election process. The whole proceeding was moot from the start.” Anna Von Ritz quote 2022. That “Rule” will apply to ANY Law that was fraudulent. (Fraud: Criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain) & The caller is making reference to our governments enslaving us through our Birth Certificates, and we need to do all this “Filing” to get this straighten out. I would be afraid you might be throwing yourself out of your own Country, LOL.

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