Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Alfred is Free

After four years of incarceration for speaking truth in the occupied FRG (Federal Republic of Germany), Alfred Schaefer has been released! 

Out of those 4 years, he was held in solitary confinement for one and a half years, simply for wanting to breathe. Yes, you read that correctly. He insisted on breathing freely, without a face diaper covering his nose. He also refused any and all testing or poking or jabbing they wished to do to him. He stood on his principles. He is a free man. That is what free men and women do.

Here are some past articles about his incarceration: – from 11 June 2021 – from 27 March 2021 important article from 17 March 2021 about how the solitary confinement all started. There are more articles, just put ‘Alfred Schaefer’ in the search bar on this website.

Let us imagine a world in which the fireworks on display in Canada (July 1st) and the USA (July 4th) are to celebrate the release of Alfred Schaefer, and by extension all other political prisoners. It is time to take back our world and exercise our God-given natural rights and freedoms.


please scroll down for comments…


89 Responses

  1. >After four years of incarceration

    Note the contrast:

    Kind vergewaltigt: Afghane kommt mit Bewährung davon

    An Afghan who came to DE as (we’re supposed to believe) an unaccompanied minor (when?) without any identifying documents raped an 11 y/o girl — since the Germans make no attempt to determine the age of such people, the proceeding was held under juvenile law — for the crime of raping an 11 y/o (there was no dispute about what happened, i.e. it was a rape), he was sentenced to two years probation.

    Germans call this kind of thing the ‘migrant bonus’ — migrants are often sentenced much more leniently than a German would be for the same crime; you see it all the time — it is a symptom of the sickness that is rotting the country.

    1. This just another war on white Christians;including cowidhoax food immigration politics media banking etc.. Germany has also 14 million islamist pedophile worshipers turks etc. Rape is punishable by death in KJV1611 Bible. If you don’t scum will reaped talmudic crimes over and over again and they do. My resent visitation showed eg. in airport where more and more islamist getting jobs pushing Native Germans out. I’ve spoke with German guards the islamists in mafia style exerting guilt on Germans fake history provoking every step. Taxi’s are run only by islamist. Don’t use any of theirs businesses.Do not employ them at all cost. Then I spoke with “brazilian” who called police on me for wanting “cleaning up” Germany. We must be free from nose islamist etc.etc. and other scum. Do it for your children and children children, if you can’t protect your children you must stay home as Bible and Adolf Hitler policy was. Have weapon of any type and fight back. This is yet anther war. Do something unite and fight. Separate yourselves from those scum. If not you will be replaced and gone as is in the book from 1941 “Germany must perish”written by nose. They must immigrate to Saudi Arabia, israhell,china india

    1. Exactly THE SAME international mafia scum (“elites”) mass murderers at work – hiding behind labels “green”, “environmentalist”, “neo-conservative”, “democratic” bla bla…

      They are liars, deceivers, thieves, plunderers, mass murderers, hard-core RED TERROR Communists, Trotskyites, Stalinists, Bolshevists… anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-life, anti-God, anti-self-sustainability… anti-nature, anti everything good, beautiful, healthy… anti-human…

      (((They))) are the enemies of God’s creation – inhumane beasts – the Beast system (666)–Small-homesteads-next-

      1. There are only 2 sides to “Flip of the Coin” on this video
        1. Miller Chicken Amish Farm has imposters at his property claiming to be from FDA and the Marshall’s. Which means they are Trespassing.
        2. We have a clown making Propaganda video’s (and making money doing so). Considering it’s legal for the government to use Propaganda against the public, its only logical to believe its legal for anyone to make video’s based on anything.
        Now the reason I came to this conclusion of 2 choices, is that I was just at Mariano’s Grocery store and I am a consumer of Miller Farm chicken and I just stocked up on 3 chickens, and they had plenty to choose from.
        Let me tell everyone how our system works here in America, if there was FDA/& Marshall’s at Miller’s Farm to shut him down there would have been a recall within hours! Fact! Everything would have been pulled!
        Furthermore, I am not buying the reasons this clown is reporting why they were there in the 1st place. Mariano’s is a huge grocery chain and there is no way they would have had a contract with Miller Farm unless everything was in order to begin with, & they have been selling Miller for years.

        1. I am going to emphasize that if there was anyone at Miller Amish Farms property, they are Imposters and Trespassers because our Federal government is shut down!

          1. Just returned from Mariano’s grocery and they had new batch/different dates of Amish Miller Chicken.
            The video said Miller is from Pennsylvania, so arriving here in Illinois. Our State & Local governments are operating just fine!

  2. @LaVerne + eah: You are right that Bishop WIlliamson oppoeses the official Holocaust story even he is in the false belief that Jews are a subrace of us whites. However this does notchange the ideological orientation of Christianity in general, and this is the point at issue: Christianity does not know different races. Therefore for the catholic church it is important that in a church marriage both are catholic and it is completely irrelevant if the husband is a Negro and the wife is a white woman. Moreover you can see that even today all Christians are proud to be anti-Fascist and the Catholic church in particular. You are right that the Catholic church adopted pagan rituals. The reason for taking over pagan rituals was to increase the chances for the Christianization in Germany and the rest of Europe which was forced by brute force by Charlemagne in cooperation with the allgegedly “peaceful” pope Gregor III. So the uprooting of our origin pagan Indo-germanic religion and European culture began with the Christianization which is a much stronger weapon against the white race as a guilt cult than the Holocaust story. Without the submissive Christianity the Jewish lobbygroup would have never had the power to establish the Holocaust story as a so called “historical fact” in a sense of a new guilt cult.

    The consideration that the Jewish politcial power is only caused by the Holocaust story that allgegedly prevents the party AfD to stand against the interests of Israel which are mostly against the interests of us Germans and Europeans is too superficial. Christianity is the strongest weapon that Zionist lobbygroups can direct against us it is indeed the precondition that we as the white race do not defend us against the attacks of the globalists respectively communists.

    I can promise you that the party AfD will never be able to save Germany against the communist attacks by the globalists and I would like to briefly explain you my assessment:

    first of all the AfD confession for the unconditional support to Israel is not caused by the Holocaust dogma but by the lack of a clear worldview (in German: Weltanschuung). The AfD is not a national party with a clear worldview. You say that the AfD is the only hope for stopping immigrants to Germany. Are you really sure?

    Please check the Jews side ” Juden in der AfD e.V” proclaiming the party AfD for fighting against the “islamic anti-Semitism” linked here

    And you want to tell me that this party wants to stop immigration and represents German interests? You can’t be serious if you’ve really seriously researched this Jewish website.

    Have you or the AfD ever asked the question WHO is responsible for the masses of refugees to Germany and Europe? Who are the persons who finance the wars in the middle east, Syria and Africa? Who are the responsible persons who finance the the smugglers and traffickers of illegal immigration? Isn´t it the Zionist George Soros who at least spent 500 million USD for bringing immigrants to Europe? Why doesn’t the AfD ask who is actually responsible for these streams of refugees and calls Rumpelstiltskin by nameas for me also in cyphers if they do not want get in conflict with the FRG penal law?

    The AfD beats about the bush and prefers – as you did in your comment as well – to beat about the bush, isn´t it?

    The reason for that beavour is that the AfD has no plan, no conviction and therefore the AfD has no plan to make biological Germans to home loving conmpatriots who would be ready to die for the future of their own country.

    In that context I want to give you a quote of Adolf Hitler´s book My Struggle where he analyzed Bismarck´s politic which is one to one transferrable to today’s AfD:

    “This was also the reason why Bismarck’s anti-socialist legislation failed and was bound to fail in the long run, despite everything. It lacked the basis of a new Weltanschauung for whose development and extension the struggle might have been taken up. To say that the serving up of drivel about a so-called ‘State-Authority’ or ‘Law-and-Order’ was an adequate foundation for the spiritual driving force in a life-or-death struggle is only what one would expect to hear from the wiseacres in high official positions.

    It was because there were no adequate spiritual motives back of this offensive that Bismarck was compelled to hand over the administration of his socialist legislative measures to the judgment and approval of those circles which were themselves the product of the Marxist teaching. Thus a very ludicrous state of affairs prevailed when the Iron Chancellor surrendered the fate of his struggle against Marxism to the goodwill of the bourgeois democracy. He left the goat to take care of the garden. But this was only the necessary result of the failure to find a fundamentally new Weltanschauung which would attract devoted champions to its cause and could be established on the ground from which Marxism had been driven out. And thus the result of the Bismarckian campaign was deplorable.”

    In a nutshell: the immigration caused by the globalists realizing presently Coudenhove-Kalergi-plan to destroy the white race is in fact only a symptom of the uprooting of our biological and cultural roots. The same phenomen you can observe in the present Covid-scam where our people were educated to spoiled communist Zombies who do neither know the story of their country nor customs and traditions.

    If the AfD were really interested in retaining Germany, they would maintain an extensive cultural program that would encourage young people and adults to be proud Germans again. That is defintly not the case.

    It is precisely the Afd that wants migrants to become like us Germans and to “integrate” in our “German community” although this German community is momently not existing even by biological Germans as the most part of our people are spolied and philistine Zombies who are ignorant towards their own origin and not even know that Wrocław is actually a German city?

    Without fighting for the cultural identity it is useless to fight against the miscegenation and mass of refugees. The fight of teh AfD is only on the materialistic level and not for the German respectively European spirit for liberating us from the communist degenarted American way of life. The AfD and other organization want only preserve our spolied materialistic life and are afraid that the refugees will rob our wealth. But I can assure you that our communist enemy will not allow this development in that drastic manner as their goal is to make us to satisfied, spoiled slaves who are happy to have nothing more but still have enough to cover their spiritual emptiness with consumption as our enemy learned from his “mistakes” during the Weimar constitution where the German people rose as they sank into poverty. Therefore they will not give us this through pass a second time and by the way their goal is a communist raceless, cultureless, propertyless and uprooted slave society according to the model of Bolshevism which should be spread worldwide. Therefore the streams of refugees will not be caused by our communist enemy to bring us in material poverty but in authoritarian communists with a social credit account for which they need to destroy the different races by miscegenation to which the immigrants are victims themselves without knowing it in th the most cases.

    Therefore we can only prevent this development in Europe and especially in the FRG by an alliance of nationalists of all nations who have the goal to preserve the different races and cultures. Therefore this movement must build up a party who firstly wants to change the scoolsystem by separating the classes to ethnic to nationality so that in schools kids can be taught by their teachers to home loving and freedom loving Germans.

    I would like to emphasize at this point that final secondary-school examinations and diploma have NOTHING(!) to do with intelligence, quite the contrary: the higher the level of education and the more PhDs people have, the dumber they are here in the FRG (and in the rest of the so called “Western civilization”). The best proof for that fact is the above-average vaccination rate among students and teachers in the obvious Covid-19 pandemic fraud. That’s no wonder, since our school system doesn’t promote performance, but rather memorized bully learning. This brainless learning by heart at schools and universities is precisely the reason why fake pandemics and the high vaccination rate are not questioned because one has not learned to think freely oneself.

    By the way: I know many comrades who get Hartz IV because they lost their jobs for political reasons and now have to live on Hartz IV. So this no reason to believe that soemone who gets social care in the FRG is lazy or useless, it is often quite the opposite the case as you can see by famous cases such as Horst Mahler or Sylvia Stolz who will never be supported even in the legal area in the FRG by the AfD who has actually had made no serious attempt to abolish the paragraph or even to put pressure in the public that the “educated” students who cry “Bomber Harris do it again” a get a fair sentence which is in comarison disclaiming the so called “Holocaust” incitement to hatred against us Germans. Here you so how “educated” the students are really are in the FRG.

    Therefore the Afd can be used by the Zionist lobby as a perfect tool to spread hate by German patriots against the German-friendly Muslims while the rest of the FRG anti-German systemparties and communist Antifgroups spread simultaneously hate against nationalists respectively patriots.

    At the end will see who runs the race and will save our Europe: either you with the AfD or possibly a nationlist political national movement founded with legal actions who manages to create a partnership of all different races nad nations in a meritocratic leadership where only effort and achievements play a roleand snobbishness will be condemned and whose goal is to liberate us from the hedonistic communism that we can save our racespeople back to patriotic and self-sacrificing compatriots .

    1. David
      If I may I would like to add some considerations… I want to keep it short. I think I can very well understand your worries, – however, I have some caveats

      I certainly do not share your anti-Christian stance. This kind of criticism (not intrinsically false though) is way too superficial. Purely materialistic. You feel angry, furious at the errors and mistakes made over the centuries… When I was in that stage of criticism I had a very vivid dream… about das “Kind nicht mit dem Bade auszuschütten”… and to concentrate on the essentials – mich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren: the spiritual meaning of Jesus teachings…”Wer sucht, der findet. Wer anklopft, dem wird aufgetan” – Wer nicht sucht – aus ganzem Herzen, mit ganzer Seele, der kann auch nicht finden.

      For example – To understand the meaning of the “original sin” is easy (I have already explained that) So what is there not to understand? FREEDOM needs limitations… Do you think that is a contradiction in itself? It is not. Freedom without any limitations, without any restraints leads to total destruction! Not to obey God’s law is unhealthy… self-destructive – the “original sin” scientists who know no limitations… should feel guilty of… Their hubris (HAARP, Chemtrails, 5G, CERN etc) threatens to destroy all life on earth…

      WHAT does your pagan belief system consist of? Can you explain that?

      WHAT do you believe in (in a positive sense) what a nature loving Christian does not believe in? WHAT is the difference between the two? WHAT do you think is the difference between the two of us?

      Do you think Christians must be stupid?

      1. @Freya + LaVerne: The Christian original sin is very threatening for the continued existence of the peoples – in particular for the white race – in two respects: first of all the dogma has its origin in the Old Testament that is the Early Jewish Writings. Being the original sin the central of aspect in Christianity and simulatenously having its basis in Judaism the consequence is that by that Christian guilt gives Judaism a massive spiritual power against Christians. In reality a guilt can never be inherited by your ancestors but in Christianity it is an unquestioned dogma that every human being is debited by the original sin and – that is very important – not by a crime committed but since the beginning of his life. And so you have to ask yourself how a Christian child can develop self-confidence and love of its country if their Christian parents and teachers tell him or her that races do not exist respectively are completly irrelevant as we as human beings are a so called “human family” which are all equal before God except the Jews as the “chosen people” according the the Old Testament and is told by its parents that is charged by this sin without having done any criminal or further offensive action.

        And do You really believe that the catholic church is supporting us by our political fight against the white race when we see how Pope Francis kisses the hands of Jews in Jerusalem on May 26, 2014, promoting the displacement of white peoples and is simultanoeusly encouraging illegal infiltrationaccording to the Christian dogma of Charity which is in reality farthest love?

        Your argument that due to motral reason such a Christian guilt cult is necessary reminds me to the argument of the Jewish lobbygroups who are telling that the guilt cult of the so called “Holocaust” has to be under punishment and freedom of speech needs to be restricted otherwise the morality and the hate against Judaism could raise and might develop in a “dangerous pogrom mood” against Jews.

        By the way: are you recognizing the remarkable similarity between your argumentation to stick to the guilt cult of the Christian original sin and the Jews lobbygroup to justifiy the prosecution of so called “Holocaust deniers”?

        The reality is that guilt cannot be bequeathed from one person to another person and and certainly not from our ancestors. Thus both Christian original sin and that developed Holocaust dogma can be described as a very destructive element which forces all believers of at least one of these two dogmas to feel guilty and developing a bad relationship with their ancestors either believing in the fall of mankind caused by Adam and Eva or believing that the ancestors are convictable to kill Jews or Negros in times of slavery.

        And as long as we cannot build up a strong relationship to our ancestors we will not have a future as a white European race which has its heart in Germany.

        Moreover a believing society in Christianity or an other dogma which is against our ancestors will prevent us getting the spiritual freedom. Therefore I guess that Monika produced not only her famous video for saying sorry to her Mom but also to relieve herself of the atheistic “original sin” (developed by the Christian orginal sin) that was told to her by her teachers when she was a child for becoming more spiritual freedom by expressing her thoughts of history. In that context it makes sense to me when Monika told that she felt free although being imprisoned in a prison cell.

        You are asking for my belief system and and I can tell you that I am very earthly minded and that the value of my own life is measured by how valuable I am to my German people which is by the way the basic requirement for the white race. As more power I am ready to give to the presistence of my folk the more power and spiritual energy I get back by the unearthly power.

        Moreover I am firmly convinced that we not only have a duty as a people to preserve ourselves racially and culturally, but also have a divine duty to live in harmony with nature and the animal kingdom and that this spiritual powers will sooner or later us give a biological reaction if we are getting arrogant agains nature and animals by taking advantage of them. Therefore I am not only opposed against racial defilement and degenrated bevahvoiur against our cultural roots but also I see my personal goal to prevent damages in nature as less as it is possible for me. Therefore I do not eat animals or other animal food for living in harmony with nature and animals as far as that is somehow possible for me in our communist western civilization.

        In doing so, I not only try to be mindful of nature, but also try to make my contribution so that the livelihoods of our descendants are preserved and my people and the race from which I descend can continue to exist.

        Furthermore for me as a pagan I do not believe in a hereditary guilt but in karma so tha every action doing in my life has an impact on me and on my folk and in in the broader context also on the rest of the world.

        I believe as a pagan that our main task in life is to maintain the freedon of our folk which is the condition precedent for the freedon of ourself! That means without having free peoples there are no free individuals and therefore my goal is to fight for the existence freedom and of my own people as this is the most important basic prerequisite for being a spiritual free being myself.

        On that point it will be clear for me that political and religous belief can never be separarted as in a total communist society where free peoples are not existing free indiviuals are impossible and therefore in a communist-globalist nations citizens are brought up to be submissive subjects of the state in order to serve only the filthy lucre as rootless slaves and thus be driven into absolute dependence and faith in the state which you can see in a clear manner now where spoiled and selfish slaves are wareing mouth diapers for getting further to participate in cheap consumer life as minus souls whose who are completely indifferent to the livelihoods of their descendants and thus jeopardize the existence of their people which is completely against my pagan attitude of life which is first of all for the racial dn spiritual preservation of my people.

        Therefore as a pagan I see courage, truthfulness and faithfulness as my first duties against my folk which is simulaneously my code of ethics in comparison to the Christian moral attitude where charity equals distant love and thus we see Christian actions such as the famous theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer who prayed to God every day that “my people will lose the war” and was even quoted by a priest who spoke at a funeral which I visited shortly. Here you can see how strictly Germanophobe Christians really are due to their anti-grass roots ideology.

        Therefore I am convinced as a pagan that we must transform the current deomcracy into a meritocracy where the best, most capable, bravest and strongest personalities must take over the leadership of a people instead of as now in the Christian-Communist slave society where parliamentary democracy is only a means to undetectable slave drivers and there all people without class conceit and financial situation will place these operating position where they can serve at best their own people in comparison to the christian-communist ideology where onlx the most goody-two-shoes weakened in character and most anxious personalities are raised in governments to have a weak leadership that can rule the people with fear and terror and can only exploit the top performers in order to privilege underperforming people according to Christian-Communist egalitarianism.

        1. Sorry Monika –
          hosting disputes about the Christian belief is not what your blog is about – You said so once – sorry, a reply to David seemed necessary.🙂

          1. Yes, Freya, I would indeed prefer that the comments here are related to the article under which they appear. I published your response to David with reluctance but did so as a courtesy to “give equal time”. You are right, I do not want this blog to be a hosting place for disputes about the Christian belief. You both have made some very good points, and I am not taking sides on this at all, but what I sense in your response Freya is a deep frustration that others see things differently from you. David never said “Christians must be stupid”, so if you understand it that way, that is your choice. Your next statement is basically telling anyone with a different opinion on this that they are stupid. Enough already.

          2. Monika
            “David never said “Christians must be stupid”, so if you understand it that way, that is your choice. Your next statement is basically telling anyone with a different opinion on this that they are stupid. Enough already”

            My reply is to David’s confusion and falsities – He is obviously not using discernment – IT CANNOT BE a reply to ANYONE. How can you even imply that?

            Your “conclusion” that my next sentence is an insult to ANYONE – is totally false. Beside the point. Illogical.

            The following is a neutral statement (universal truth):

            [Addressing David] “Well, [if you think so – anyways] it is [certainly] stupid to STOP THINKING for yourself, not to use discernment.”

            It means what it says – nothing less, nothing more – not what you, Monika, chose it to mean.

            Yes, enough already.

      2. David
        I understand your ramblings as saying “Christians must be stupid” – only paganism is the right way to go

        Well, it is stupid to STOP THINKING for yourself – not to use discernment. Universal truth: Nobody is without fault. Or do you think you/pagans are free of errors, mistakes (“sin” – “original sin”)?

        What makes it quite difficult (utter senseless?) talking/arguing with you is the fact that you obviously are not willing to listen

        You keep repeating the same misconceptions! You keep using certain terms with a falsified meaning attributed to them (by our enemies)! No matter how often you have been told otherwise – Are you unwilling (incapable?) of learning?

        1 – There is no such thing as a “Christian original sin” –
        There is only the ONE universal truth that human beings of all races and cultures of all times have been “sinners” = fallen creatures

        David – you keep ignoring the universal truth that human beings can NOT “become gods themselves” by disobeying God’s law… Human hubris, how Satanists define “freedom” (“Do whatever YOU want shall be the whole of the law!”) IS was is meant by the “original sin”… as a matter of fact, and has nothing to do with a “guilt cult” – Freedom needs restraint – If you don’t (want to) understand that simple truth…

        2 – The Old Testament are NOT early “Jewish writings” – the terms “Jew/ish” did NOT yet exist…

        3 – The term “Judaism” has nothing to do with ‘Judah’ and the Israelites of the Bible…

        “Jews” are NOT the descendants of the biblical Israelites…

        “Judaism” = Babylonian Talmudism = Satanism “Luciferianism” – Jewish Freemasonry – Communism – Zionism…

        So, better keep all that in mind…

        4 – “guilt cannot be inherited” – of course not individually! However, it is a matter of fact (universal truth) that children are made to suffer from what their parents did do wrong… a transgenerational burden…

        5 – It is NOT “Christian teaching” that “races do not exist”
        It is Christian teaching that you should have mutual respect towards all human

        6 – “We are all equal” – “We are all the same” is Jewish Communist indoctrination/propaganda!

        It is Christian teaching that we are different! Precious individuals in the eyes of God – God’s children. We are of different races. And we are NOT allowed to destroy God’s creation by mixing everything and everyone together!

        God’s command is: “Stay apart! You are a special people!”

        7 – Those who call themselves “Jews” are NOT the “Chosen ones” according to the Bible…

        They are only the self-chosen ones, “Luciferians” Talmudists Satanists in rebellion to God – Their hubris is their downfall

        8 – The Catholic church has been a very compromised vessel right from the start – to carry on the gospel of Jesus – but has been used by God anyways – God uses human beings – Our hands are his…

        “Pope” Francis is a heretic – a false teacher, an abomination! ethnically Jewish, a Talmudic infiltrator… one in a long series of subversives through the centuries – An ongoing battle between right and wrong… The sheeple are without good shepherds… error abounds…

        9 – Dietrich Bonhoeffer was blinded by the most atrocious anti-German (anti-“Nazi”) allied war propaganda – especially after the massive losses of lives at Stalingrad…

        10 – We do NOT have a “Christian-Communist slave society” – We have an anti-Christian, Communist slave society! The RED TERROR is Communist, anti-Christian!

        11 – “Christian-Communist egalitarianism” ???

        Communism (coming from Jewish brains) has proven to be the most atrocious, inhumane ideology! It has been the root cause of the greatest mass murder genocides of the 20th and 21st centuries!

        12 – Jesus was NOT a “Jew”, he was an Israelite of the royal tribe of Judah, the House of David

        His followers believe that he was/ is the Messiah predicted in the Old Testament – the messenger from God – He said he was God’s son, God was his father and that WE are ALL God’s children… (no problem there, or is there?)

        Jesus’ teachings are THE OPPOSITE of what the Talmudic Jew “Moses Mordechai Levi” alias Karl Marx taught – Certainly NOT “the same”!

        David – Such a claim is ridiculous – to say the least…

        THINK AGAIN… deeper – much deeper….

        1. As Monika wrote in her last comment, I didn’t claim that all Christians are stupid, which everyone knows who has takes the time to read my comments here.

          I made Christianity as subject of this post, because in my opinion it is the reason why we are experiencing unprecedented anti-German agitation here in the FRG and in the rest of the Western countries. A direct consequence of which Christian ideology is the so-called “obvious fact” of the so-called “Holocaust” which developed through the Original sin and to my observation Christianity is in general the main reason for the enormous politcia power of the Jewish lobby here in the FRG which can push through such laws as the anti-German paragraph 130 for which Alfred was sentenced.

          I assume we can all agree here that Alfred’s four-year sentence is an injustice that cries out to heaven. But we have to ask ourselves how we can get get out of a mess and become a German people and in general the white race of strength again, for which Alfred fought his political battle and was imprisoned for it. This is the connection between Alfred’s arrest and Christianity, which I have commented on extensively here.

          Alfred’s arrest cannot be seen in a vacuum but must be seen in the context of the ideological environment of the FRG which is Christian-Communist where people are get frightened to think freely and to fight for the existence of their own race and European culture for implementing an obedient slave society which would be in a pagan Germanic freedom spirit never be possible.

          As a pagan, I would never have come to the idea that I know the “universal truth” for justifying my belief system. However I want to do my best for inspiring for Germanic-pagan rituals as it gives our German folk and the white race spiritual power and energy for liberating us from the chains that the enemy has put on us. However I do not claim the wisdom to be eaten with spoons and that my belief system is the “universal truth” as many Christians are telling to us pagans.

          However, I am also convinced that paganism is a religion that can give us, as the white race, the energy to liberate us from the guilt that our enemies have imposed on us and that we Germans in particular can become a freedom-loving people again. Without being a proud and cultural and racial folk we will not have any future and for that goal for which Alfred is fighting for in a higher sense we will not have any future and is in my view without breaking away spiritually from Christianity not possible.

          At this point it would lead too far to go into Freya’s last contribution, since that would go into too much detail and these ambiguities and largely incorrect statements cannot be clarified at this point. This is not necessary at all, since I have addressed the essential points about Christianity and do not want to go into more details at this point, out of consideration for Monika’s desire not to go into greater depth on the subject of Christianity here.

          I just think it’s a pity that exactly those writers here who diligently comment here were not present when Alfred was released on July 1st. I traveled more than 500 kilometers with another comrade to receive Alfred at 9 am when he was released and we would have been happy to meet other comrades-in-arms in front of the prison entrance, especially in a time of the communist “9 Euro Ticket” where you can travel momently in the whole FRG for 9 euros by train for a whole month.

          1. David, that last comment is completely unfair and misleading. There would have been a million people at the gate to receive Alfred had they known the details of when he would be released, but there were less than a handful who had this privileged information, and I think you know this. There were a number of reasons for the dearth of information on Alfred’s release, and I will leave it at that.

          2. David, Paganism of today is going to cause a vacuum, which we do Not need. Build on what we have. As I stated Catholicism is Paganism, and the Church is there for the taken! Do not judge by what they have the (dead) Pope doing or saying.
            Everything you see in the symbology about Catholicism is Pagan, so what if some people that attend believe otherwise. We need stability, and we can wipe out all these other branches of Christianity, that are child’s play!

          3. “Less than a handful to have this privileged information…”

            and David was one of them

            Oh – you choose your anti-Christian Friends

            Yes, enough said already.

          4. David, wanted to mention from your July 19th comment regarding your Pagan beliefs in not eating meat. I have never encountered that being a Pagan belief. On the contrary it would be our people who spread out Agriculture and domesticated animals, such as the horse, cow, sheep. The Scythian Tribe of our people were known for Not eating Pork, for good reason!
            I respect the reasoning people give for not eating meat or meat byproducts, but I find it difficult to maintain a healthy outlook. I have known people that have ended up in the hospital for certain blood count depleted because of their Vegetarian practices. One lady ironically owns a health food store.
            One way to look at it, when the animals stop eating each other….
            I remember reading claims that Adolf would have made Germany a vegetarian nation, and the writer laughed at the idea.

          5. “At this point it would lead too far…” (David)

            How convenient for a provocateur to hide behind “Monika’s desire…”

            You have not addressed any essential points – as you are unable of doing so.

            Your claim “It is not necessary at all” sounds familiar – the usual evasiveness, btw very Jewish indeed.

    2. David, Catholicism is not Christian in the same sense as the other Christian groups I mentioned that are crap. Submissive Christianity the Jewish Lobby groups control are all the other crap Christian sects. There will be a return to our Catholic faith because we Pagans won the Church. It belongs to us, our Indo- European/Germanic/Celtic (tribes). & I can prove this to you if you come to Chicago IL. (USA) I’ll take you on a tour of a beautiful Catholic Cemetery that was Consecrated in 2005 with our Pagan Symbology of the Solstice. This was not a small project.
      And once our people wake up & remember who we are, the Church will not have a Negro marrying a white because of our Pride in who we know we are, we as a community will not tolerate any longer within ourselves.
      The Vatican sits on the ancient Mithra site. Why does the Vatican continue to hold onto 2,000 year old Pagan graves. It is said that they have the books from the Alexander Library that was burned down in 391 AD (to hide the true origins of Christianity). So our People have preserved this knowledge well. The Vatican has kept all the ancient knowledge, we are the “Time Keepers”, look at the Prague Clocks, do you understand what it all entails? Alfred should because he is a Seaman, that knows about following the Stars.

    3. LaVerne 🙂🙃🙂

      You are one of a special kind, aren’t you. There is (universal) truth in what you say – however my caveat is as follows:

      WHAT is so hard to understand❓ Why should it be impossible to follow the Golden Rule (Do not do onto others what you do not want to be done onto yourself) That’s the same as Jesu Doppelgebot: Liebe deinen Nächsten wie dich selbst (Love your neighbor as you love yourself)

      Is this about self-destruction❓And the destruction of others?

      Certainly not!

      Such a misunderstanding and misinterpretation is extremely misleading – simply moronic, right?

      IF you do love yourself, your family, people, race, country etc you will NOT do anything which is destructive and detrimental to them, right?

      Regarding interracial marriage. It happens – among Christians, too. But it is not Christian policy.

      Not Christians are the destroyers. It’s the Satanic Talmudic Jews. They are bragging about it. The anti-white racist Coudenhove – Kalergi PLAN TO EXTERMINATE the nations of the white race by miscegenation (race mixing) is Jewish-Freemasonic. Anti-Christian.

      1. Freya, I’ll take your first statement as a compliment. I’ll add that my Universal Truth comes from family principles, which how I grew up in a Solid European family/culture, my father was French/Irish, my mother was Polish. This environment included our Church & neighborhood, we were all European and many families in our community were German. (Chicago Illinois suburbs/ 1962 era).
        Wisdom can only be drawn by Experience, which I have much of. I know what it is like to be surrounded by your People, and I know what it feels like to be surrounded by strangers. I am 60 years of age, married 3 times, once to an Irish, due to teenage pregnancy, once to a German that ended after 5 years due to difference in achievements in life (he wanted a boat & Corvette, I wanted a house & children). We both got what we wanted and achieved them with great sorrow. I miss my Kin folk/volk. You see Freya I married outside of our European Blood (Hispanic/Mexican 1985). And I can tell you and everyone that will listen, Yes there is a difference that matters and it’s in the Blood! Self Destruction is marrying outside of your Race.
        It is silly to argue about difference in something our Creators created, Race. We are the ones that show arrogance to change what God/Gods have put forth.
        Bare your own Cross Freya, and Stop yelling Satanic Jews, We Choose….We choose to self destruct or Procreate with our Own Blood.

      2. Freya, Since I am airing out my life experiences I will continue, because I feel I have much wisdom to offer. & Keep in mind you can only posses this wisdom through intelligence drawing on experience, which then leads to foresight, leading a person to avoid error or danger.
        I will begin with why I, LaVerne ended up pregnant at 15 years of age and gave birth at 16 in 1978. My oldest sister in 1974, just turned 17 and was pregnant by a boy in our neighborhood. My parents decided for her to get an abortion, even after the priest warned we would get excommunicated. So all went accordingly. & What I witnessed at the age of 12 is the demise of a strong European family walking away from Light and entering into darkness, & still this day it has never left. I didn’t hear or see any Jews banging on my parents door insisting my parents kill their first grandchild!
        So as years go by the household is no longer a family & my father became a drunk and died in 1982, at the age of 44.
        After my second divorce in 1985, there was this Hispanic/Mexican that worked in my building that asked me for a date. I really didn’t want to nor was I attracted to him. I have tendency of feeling sorry for people, so I did. So when it came time that I would marry him, my grandmother (whom did not know about the family secret) said “why do you want to marry him.” My mother replied to her mother, “oh mother.” You see Freya, we still had the strong characteristics of what is needed for the survival of our people through my Polish grandmother (whom was an aristocrat). It is only through this type of attitude that we will create solid family units, once again.
        So my advice to all Slavik/European bloodlines young enough to procreate, associate with your own, and you will marry within your own. Stop believing Slavik’s & Germans or any Indo Europeans are enemy’s. People that Pray together Stay together. Bring back as many traditions/customs as possible. Teach your children Mythology, Robert Sepehr has a wonderful website: Atlantean Gardens. We still learned Mythology in elementary school in late 1960’s/early 1970’s. Mythology is a huge door for our ancient belief system of “story telling” with lessons. That is what the Parables of Jesus are for as well.
        On my last note Freya, I love what God has created, which includes other Races. But that does not mean we need to be associating with them on a personal matter. It’s dangerous when you put a group of teenagers together with raging hormones going on. I am from the same area my whole life and I despise watching our young 12-16 year old boys strutting like a nigger and playing nigger music. I despise watching our teenage girls dating anyone of ANY other color.
        Since you make mention you are a devout Christian, may I ask which branch?

      3. LaVerne
        Thank you. I would like to give you a warm embrace – a spontaneous gesture if we met in real time.

        I fully agree with you: WE choose, we make our own mistakes, often they have to do with family history though. My personal errors in life didn’t have to do with direct Jewish influence either – The direct Jewish influence on the lives of my parents and relatives is undeniable though; they lost everything through the war/s forced upon the German people twice – by international Jewry. Their experiences were horrible.

        You certainly know and understand how totally destructive that Jewish influence has been, and how crucial it is now to name the perpetrators and STOP them. The criminals MOST WANTED all happen to be subversive, genocidal Jews – a matter of fact statement.

        If the dead and mute victims of the most horrible crimes all came alive and started yelling… crying out loud in pain – the whole world would freeze… from the terror, tremor and shudder

        But the world is quiet, ignorant – the old and new victims ignored…

        1. There is change in the Air Freya, you can feel it out here, It’s Silent. It hasn’t been this silent since we bought this house 34 years ago.
          Our Creator/Creators heard their cry’s.
          Revelation 6:9-11 When he opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and the testimony they maintained. They called out in a loud voice “How long sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they have been was completed.
          What matters, is they matter to us.

  3. Monika,

    Since you sent me the email this previous weekend informing me (and so many others) of Alfred’s release from prison I have taken it upon myself to periodically sit back and ponder these previous several years of his incarceration, perusing back over the numerous letters he has shared with me, including the letters I have written to him. With the advantage of hindsight what strikes me most is the perpetual positive spirit and soundness of mind that carries through in every word, sentence, paragraph and drawing Alfred shared with me. The growing spirit and clarity of mind that permeates each letter now seems to impress me all that much more. These are not communications coming from a man who has been defeated, beaten down and/or allowed himself to feel degraded. With each passing month I sense here is a man who has grown in nearly every conceivable way into a better human being then was the case before. I also sense a growing humbleness, intense empathy, clarity of mind and unwavering sense of humor within his being that speaks of a greater love of life and a level of inner growth that transcends what most of us will ever be fortunate enough to know. Like Jesus the Christ’s suffering of so many centuries ago and the great (and almost unbelievable, heroic struggles Herr Hitler lived through but a century ago) I do most assuredly believe Alfred is today that beautiful butterfly that has evolved through the evolution from his previous life that has now made him into a higher level of human being and more beautiful soul.

    Now that he is once again back within his own, intimate home world, surrounded by his loving wife, immediate family, dearest unwavering friends and neighbors (and beloved dog) I hope and pray his physical being can recover fully from the tremendous abuse and cruelty he has had to suffer through. May he regain his strength, nourish his spirit and continue to inspire us all in our endeavors towards truth. I know he is a most exceptional inspiration to me.

    The world continues to wake up from the lies and deceits inflicted upon all of us by way of the jews and their numerous goy minions these many decades since World War II. Growing numbers of us are finally opening our eyes. Alfred (and you, Monika, his dearest sister) have been symbols of eternal strength as I, for one, walk my own path through this difficult journey.


    1. Thank you for articulating so beautifully your observations and thoughts about Alfred’s strength and growth, and about the world waking up.
      Just a little aside: his “beloved dog” is the symbolic dog Pavlov, who can jump 1.8 meters high. Or at least, that is the height that Alfred is supposedly not allowed to show anybody. He can show us if the dog jumps only 3 feet high, or 8 feet high, but not 6 feet. I forgot to put Pavlov’s name into my announcement last week, hence the misunderstanding that many people had about Alfred having a real dog:-)

  4. To All, Dr. Michael Jones is an interesting individual, who also works to expose Jewish power for many decades. His recent interviews are worth viewing, although he repeats himself a lot I recommend viewing all recent interviews on the first page of his site. The subject of Germany comes up and he does have a history of Germany & the German people because he taught there in a University for many years. & He speaks German language as well, out of respect to the German people he learned it well.
    On these recent interviews he discusses the mistakes the Jewish power has done in their overreach of goals & how these mistakes has led to their demise of power in the United States.
    Culture Wars .com website
    Dr. E. Michael Jones is a big Catholic, so Please do not let that be a trigger to not hear what he has to say.

  5. >He insisted on breathing freely, without a face diaper covering his nose.

    Regarding wearing masks, I saw this story yesterday:

    Maskenverweigerer fliegen aus dem Staatsdienst

    Eine Beamtin who refused to wear a mask was fired, and a German court has upheld this — civil servants in DE normally have very strong job protections, so this has some significance.

    Generally, courts in DE almost always decide cases in ways favorable to the government.

    1. The administration of the FRG courts is the responsibility of the justice ministries and thus of the government. The respective Minister of Justice is therefore not only the representative of the interests of the judiciary, but as a member of the government also belongs to the executive and legislative branches and thus represents the combination of the three state powers in one person.

      Accordingly, it is not surprising if the judgments are made in the interests of the government.

      Moreover these “laws” in the FRG are not German laws but laws of the enemy who occupies Germany since 1945. Therefore it is completly false to decribe the “law” 130 in the FRG criminal code as a “German law” as it directs against the interests of German perple.

      1. >Moreover these “laws” in the FRG are not German laws but laws of the enemy who occupies Germany since 1945.

        Uhh, no — but I see this authoritatively stated all the time, offered up a some kind of great truth — like all Western countries, at the moment DE suffers from an idiotic, incompetent (or malevolent, if you’d rather see it that way) ruling elite, with Habeck and Baerbock (a nitwit plagiarist) perhaps the best current examples.

        Courts in DE are nominally independent intermediaries, as in the US; at least they are supposed to be — the biggest difference I have seen is that courts in DE are far more lenient in sentencing of violent criminals, e.g. lebenslang basically means the person will be out in 15 years (link).

        Ehrlich gesagt, Ihr Kommentar ist absurd.

        1. in all federal states of the FRG judges are nominated by political institutions mostly of the Ministry of Justice such as in Bavaria where Alfred was sentenced to prison. Therefore the judges in the FRG are not even formally legally independent not to mention the enormous influence of the communist enemey being responsible for the legislation of so called “Holocaust denying laws” suach as 130 crimninal code which is strictly against the interests of German people and therefore can never be legitimized by a German government.

          1. David, I feel it is more appropriate to refer to Arab’s in the context of these migrants because Muslim technically is someone who practices Islam.
            Arabs are a problem in (what was once) European Nations. (your July 8th comment below to eah)
            Many European people do not realize Iran used to be an Aryan Country, the Persian’s were Aryan. The demographics in the Middle East have changed drastically for thousands of years.

      2. David, what did you mean by “spreading hatred against Islamic immigrants” (posted the 8th). I am asking because I am concerned that Muslims either are the Donmeh/Crypto Jews and disguise as Muslim’s or they (Islam/Muslims) work well with the European enemy’s due to the fact they brag about out numbering us in our own land. One can certainly see that playing out here in the Chicago Land USA.

        1. The Muslims and migrants as such are not the enemy of us Germans and white Europeans in general. Our enemy are all people who are on the side of building up the world communism an destroying our European culture and white race according to the plan of Coudenhove-Kalergi.

          You are right that immigrants are used by our enemy to to destroy us biologically by miscegenation and devastating our culture.

          However in facvt these immigrants are victims of our enemy as well as their identity and race is destroyed by the communists as well. Therefore our enemy prentend to act out of charity to immigrants and in fact immigrants are only a tool for them to destroy us by flooding us with these people not belonging to the white race.

          The party AfD is a useful tool of the Zionists to incite us against these immigrants who are in fact only a iseful tool to destroy us while the enemy simultaneously uses the Antifa and the other anti-German FRG system parties for inciting the immirgrants against us Germans respectively the white race according to the truism when two persons quarrel, it is usually another person who profits from it and these person is our enemy!

          Therefore we need a national and anticommunist party in the FRG who wants to strengthen and obtain the different cultures and races and bring not only our German children but also the children of the foreigners back to their cultural origin and fight against the destructive American way of life and implementing a school system where the youth is seprated in etchnic classes so that our children and teh youth of foreigners and immirgrants regain patriotism and love of home and their own culture as only immigrants who are faithful to their home country are ready to go back to their countries.

          Therefore my goal is to establish a kind of “Holy alliance” between the reasonable immigrants and the awakened home-loving compatriots in a party to regain with legal remedies the political power back in our countries.

          In that context I want to mention that Christianity as a Trojan horse is our greatest problem in Europe and not the Islam which you can see in the fact that on average Islamic countries are much more friendlx to us Germany than so called “Christian countries” such as the USA and Great Britain whose leaders were and are the greates enemey of us Germans.

          1. David, as long as Migrants are used to destroy us European/Slavik biologically and devastating our Culture, they are indeed our enemies as well because they do it willingly. We cannot win this war if we cannot identify the enemy. Your a fool for believing that “these migrants are victims” when they indeed get pleasure of conquering our lands with infrastructure!
            “Zionist” is also a useful tool to incite us against each other. Zionism is a joke, it is a cause to have us looking somewhere else. Go with what can be seen, I see Arabs taken over our lands. Don’t try and figure out who put the damn pile of shit in our cross way, just get rid of it, stop welcoming it like we owe anyone of color anything.
            Pick up your Cross White Man & Stop Killing your young (abortions) to Sacrifice to their gods.
            “Immigrants go back to their homeland” on a “Holy alliance” does it look like they are leaving Iran anytime soon…No, they made themselves quite comfortable in Aryan/Persian homeland and adapted the new State religion Islam! Does it look like they are leaving England? Ireland? United States? Germany? No. You want to believe that Christian countries are the enemy when it is the leaders of these Christian Nations. Don’t forget it was Pope Pius XII that fought on behalf of Germany along side Adolf Hitler. What about Bishop Richard Williamson that exposes the holocaust for what it is Yb7Dd79ACukstSR.html
            So once our “Good Stock” that is left decides to procreate, then send your children to Catholic schools and stop letting them befriend our enemies children at the playgrounds. This is how we fix the problem. It starts at Home, Church & Community. But make it the Catholic Church, they are who we are, Pagan! None of this Evangelical born again crap! or Lutheran crap or Protestant crap or Presbyterian crap, they All let the Gays/Lesbos in. It has been for decades the “Church” who had stood by their faith in Pro-Life & the Sacrament of Marriage is between a Man & Woman. The Catholic Church has always been European and has never hidden the history of our Paganism, most just were not paying attention. Embrace it and enjoy the beauty of it. Look at the Symbology. Find old Churches/Cathedrals. Go for walks in Catholic Cemetery’s and find newer Catholic Cemetery’s as well.

          2. It has been a long time since I read something as ridiculous as this comment.

            One need not necessarily see non-European migrants as ‘enemies’ to conclude they don’t belong in Europe and their presence is, for many reasons, a problem.

            As I said below, if you want to stop, or at least slow, the demographic catastrophe happening in DE the AfD is worth supporting.

            I doubt immigrants who come to Germany and live off German taxpayers (Hartz IV) see themselves as ‘victims’.

            I’m not aware that kids with Migrationshintergrund are put into separate classes — if they are, it could be because they do not speak German — later, compared to Biodeutsche, very few of them complete an Abitur — this is because as a group they have a significantly lower IQ (which is why their home countries are less developed) — if you want to see the extremely low quality of human capital now streaming into DE, go visit any Realschule or Hauptschule (or whatever else they call them now) in any major German city or town.

            I have no idea what you mean by ‘bringing the children of the foreigners back to their cultural origin’ — they are not German and they do not want to be German — as Merkel said 10 years ago, ‘Multikulti ist gescheitert’ — you cannot make Germans out of non-Germans (‘Integration’); decades of failure show this.

            Good luck with your ‘goal’ — but it reminds me of what Alice Weidel said about migrants possibly working as Pflegekräfte in DE: ‘I don’t think the young muslim and African men coming to DE want to wipe the asses of elderly Germans’ — so good luck with your project.

          3. @’eah’: “It has been a long time since I read something as ridiculous as this comment”. Hey, this has been a good stimulating discussion among friends I thought, who all have very valid points. While I see philosophical points of disagreement, I see agreement on the fundamental problem and on our common desire to save our race, and ensure our existence and our future. To put that insult at the start of your comment actually does nothing for this conversation other than to lower the level of our discourse here. Completely unnecessary, and counterproductive.

          4. @Monika Schaefer

            It’s your blog and from now on (after this post) I will respect it — but people who spread nonsense should be told that it is nonsense — with the fate of nations, even an entire continent, at stake, people like David should not be humored.

            The demographic situation in DE is very serious and deteriorating quickly:

            Deutschland wird nicht deutscher

            Wenn fast jedes zweite Kind unter zehn Jahren in Deutschland einen Migrationshintergrund hat, dann ist das eine dramatische und folgenreiche Veränderung der Bevölkerungsstruktur. Vor nur 15 Jahren traf das nur auf rund jedes vierte Kind zu. Das Tempo dieser radikalen Umwälzung ist also erheblich gewachsen und wird, darauf deuten alle Faktoren hin, sich künftig noch beschleunigen.

            A recent population survey shows almost 50% of kids under 10 have a migrant background — only 15 years ago it was 25% — the speed of this demographic transformation has increased dramatically, and will likely continue to increase.

            Note: looking at crime rates and school performance, 25% is already very bad — now it is 2x that.

            How bad this is cannot be overstated — e.g. many of the problems you see in the US now are due to its declining white majority; it’s a racial struggle for political control of the country, an ongoing effort to subjugate and demoralize Whites — now Europe is following the same path of doing away with its mehrheits Gesellschaft — already in DE you see more and more the same practice of blaming Germans for the problems of migrants, i.e. their low SES.

            To denigrate the AfD under these circumstances, which is what the treacherous German state media does constantly, while at the same time proposing silly, pie-in-the-sky ‘goals’, is absurd — the AfD is the only party with a chance to stop or slow Germany’s national suicide.

          5. @eah: All I was trying to say is that the conversation is excellent, but didn’t think it was necessary to preface your comment with that remark about the ridiculousness of the other person’s viewpoint. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. Maybe I was oversensitive and too quick to say that. I really appreciate all the comments here. And your most recent comment here is totally respectful, so I don’t know what you mean when you say you “will respect the blog from now on (after this one)”. Huh?

  6. Really?
    Can you explain that? How, in which way and when did Alfred

    – “deny the Holocaust” (WHAT is meant by the word “Holocaust”? The mass murder of millions of German civilians, women and children, the old and sick, and millions driven from their homes – killing them in cold blood by firebombing the German cities – holocausting them alive – Bad enough?)

    – “minimize the crimes of the Nazi regime” (WHAT are these crimes “minimized” by A?)

    – “incite racial hatred”? (WHAT do you mean by that? HOW did he show and “incite hatred”?)

    WHAT did Alfred actually and precisely do – to “convict” him of a “crime” so bad to put him behind bars for four years!?

    You seem to know more than I do – would you be so kind as to explain yourself?🙂

    On principle – Is it allowed to ask some questions?

    – Should there be anybody above the law = allowed to commit the most horrific crimes against the nations of the world, and all of humanity with IMPUNITY? (NO or YES)

    – Is there an identifiable “group of people” who claims exactly that IMPUNITY as a “right”, exclusively for them?

    – WHAT “law” do their rabbis refer to – when inciting racial hatred against the German people, and in extension against all white people – calling for the death of all Germans, and in extension for the EXTERMINATION of the white race…

    Bad enough? – of course?

    1. The placement of this comment by Freya should be in response to the “eah” which appears below. Like LaVerne commented, it is ambiguous. I read it a few times and could not discern if the writer “eah” was favourable to Alfred and our position or not. It could very well be a language barrier. “eah” if you see this please clarify.

    2. Freya, assuming your comment here was in reply to me (as suggested by Monika): I find it a bit too pedantic, and am tempted to regard your questions as rhetorical — but a brief reply below.

      >– “deny the Holocaust” (WHAT is meant by the word “Holocaust”? …)

      The planned, deliberate extermination of Jews, especially via gas chambers located in ‘death camps’ specifically built for this purpose (at least in part, i.e. some were also labor camps, e.g. Auschwitz).

      >– “incite racial hatred”? (WHAT do you mean by that? HOW did he show and “incite hatred”?)

      This is a typical English translation of Volksverhetzung, which is basically anything the Germans decide was intended or likely to stir up resentment or hatred against a specific group of people — it’s a crime in Germany — so it’s not a matter of what I mean by it, all that matters is the subjective determination by German authorities of whether what someone said or did amounts to Volksverhetzung — normally, if you deny the ‘Holocaust’, the Germans will charge you with ‘inciting hatred’ of Jews — this is idiotic, but that’s how it is.

      >– “minimize the crimes of the Nazi regime” (WHAT are these crimes “minimized” by A?)

      Generally the ‘Holocaust’, but it can be anything the Nazis were accused of, or found criminally culpable for after the war, e.g. use of slave labor, medical experiments, etc — it’s also illegal to display or glorify Nazi symbols — it can be risky to praise anything about the Nazi regime, as a woman named Eva Herman found out — she was a well-known newsreader on German TV, but after expressing approval of some aspects of family policy (Familienpolitik) in the Third Reich, she was basically banned from public life.

      >– WHAT “law” do their rabbis refer to …

      Not sure what you mean by ‘rabbis’ — but most prosecutions of people like Monika, Alfred, Sylvia Stolz et al (there are many others) happen due to what’s known as §130:

      Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) — § 130 Volksverhetzung

      >You seem to know more than I do …

      Tja, wahrscheinlich.

      1. Oh really?

        Well, if you had understood my comments you would have known that my questions actually refer to what Alfred is TRULY “guilty of” 🤔Speaking the truth in public has been his only “crime” – which in fact is NO CRIME at all! Only in the eyes of mafia criminals of the worst kind!

        They are the ones who belong behind bars – segregated from society. And the punishment would be death by rope for high treason and premeditated mass murder genocide – according to German law (which is out of use).

          1. …I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

            Otherwise you wouldn’t have to state what normally goes without saying

  7. Congrats to Alfred for fighting the good fight and showing strength and courage facing unjust persecution in this Weimar 2.0 Communist Germany. This is exactly what Hitler warned would happen if Germany lost WWII, and he proved to be prophetic. The German people are now becoming a minority in their own country, and it’s time for a new führer to rise up and free Germany once again.

  8. Congrats to Alfred, he is a real hero and an inspiration to all of us who value free speech, and deplore the holohoax lies. Wiemar 2.0 Germany now exists in name only. The German people are becoming a minority in their own country which is thoroughly controlled by the Jews. This is exactly what Adolf Hitler warned would happen and he proved to be prophetic. Germany needs another leader like him to help overthrow this Bolshevik/Judaic Government so Germany can rise again.

  9. I’m so glad for Alfred! And thank you Monica for the updates/steadfastness that you have provided. May God bless you and your family. In this world of filth y’all are a light of hope and strength! Mike.

  10. Fantastic news, although shouldnt have been there in the first place, how barbaric are these zionist jews, Germany needs a new Adolf, and kick these parasites out. Maybe Alfred is the new Adolf.
    God bless Alfred and Monika, who never gave up.

  11. Monika, that is how I will see the fireworks on the second of July. We had some yesterday at the fireworks contest here in montréal.
    I was not to go but something told me to go. Fireworks for Alfred every year from now on !
    What a good spirit you brother has, and you too. Thank you both for what you do and how you do it.

    Weissbier zeit alles, für Alfred!

  12. God bless Alfred and thank you Monika. Great news indeed.
    I hope he can steer clear of all the “listening” devices such as cell-phones and televisions: ((they)) will be listening in to everything 24/7.
    God bless you both.

    1. Alfred lives in Germany with his wife of many years, so that is where he is. I don’t think he plans on coming to communist Canada anytime soon, but I do not know.

      1. Monika, you ought to at least suggest to Alfred that he not do anything further to give German authorities a reason to harass him again, or worse arrest and imprison him — as a man of principle and integrity he may chafe at this, but as a practical matter it would serve little purpose for him to spend even more of his life in court or behind bars — there are enough people doing revisionist work in countries where it is not illegal.

        >the occupied FRG (Federal Republic of Germany)

        I often see this rhetoric, but I disagree with it.

        Some time ago I left a comment here saying that in reviewing German media reports of your arrest in München, on the sites that allowed comments all of them were of the ‘lock her up’ variety.

        From everything I see, the Germans are doing all of this to themselves — blanket condemnation of the Third Reich, as well as obeisance to Israel and Jews, are both litmus tests for politicians in Germany today — adherence to the ‘globohomo’ world order has practically the same status — while the AfD is often skeptical of the latter, they fully support the former.

        Jews do not seem to have the same direct influence in DE as in the US, where they are prominent in public life, largely control the media, and heavily influence politicians via campaign donations.

        1. Somewhere in the protocols it says: they (the goyim) will become agents of their own destruction. This quote by Sefton Delmer is appropriate here:
          “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we’re only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even one good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, when they begin to pollute their own nest, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final. Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again — those indestructible weeds of historical truth” – Sefton Delmer, former British chief propagandist, commenting after the capitulation in 1945 to the German expert on international law, Prof. Grimm.

          1. Thanks for these references — I was not familiar with them.

            >they (the goyim) will become agents of their own destruction.

            This is what I see happening in DE.

            I was shocked when the AfD lost support in the 2021 election compared to 2017; I regard them as the only hope for DE, as all the other Systempartein are totally useless, whereas the AfD is good on many issues, including migration — I used to think Sweden would be the first European country to fall demographically, but now I think it will be DE.

          2. Germany — Population cohorts — 2019

            Above is a link to a graphic showing population cohorts in DE (2019) — note that almost up to age 20, those with a migrant background outnumber Germans (Biodeutsche); you really see this today in larger and mid-size German cities — in the future the same will be true of older and older age cohorts — this is happening very rapidly due to high migration, especially since 2015, and very low German birthrates.

            Deutschland schafft sich ab

          3. You mean the party AfD whose leaders want that German soldiers should die for Israel’ s interests is a hope for Germany?
            The AfD is the worst party in the FRG as their leaders pretend to support German interests and in fact they are the alternative for Israel by spreading hate against islamic immigrants instead of telling that Israel and their communist-Zionisten interests is the elephant in the room.

          4. @ David July 8, 2022 at 11:19 am

            Your obtuse belligerence surpasses that of Freya — the AfD is not an ideal ‘alternative’, but if you want to save DE from a demographic catastrophe via migration from the third world, they are by far the best party.

            44 Prozent mehr: Asyl-Ansturm auf Deutschland

            There were 44% more asylum applications in the first half of 2022 compared to the first half of 2021.

            Due to the ‘Holocaust’ extermination story, which is officially stipulated historical fact in DE, every party in DE will support Israel; that is a given — you just have to accept that, and if you want to vote/participate in elections, choose the party that is the best on other important questions — right now that is without question the AfD.

            As a concrete example, it is largely due to the AfD that the COVID vaccine mandate failed to become law earlier this year.

      1. Strictly speaking, he didn’t lose his liberty for ‘not believing something’ — he was charged, put on trial, convicted (usually a foregone conclusion), and then jailed for publicly denying the ‘Holocaust’ in a way the Germans felt was designed to influence others; in Germany this can be prosecuted as either minimizing the crimes of the Nazi regime, or as ‘inciting racial hatred’, which is bad enough of course.

          1. You know, after posting the comment I also thought that might be misinterpreted — so to clarify: I think laws against ‘Holocaust’ denial are disgusting and wrong; they are contrary to everything the West has stood for since the Enlightenment.

            It’s ridiculous that any stigma whatsoever is attached to investigating the ‘Holocaust’, which ultimately is just an historical event — we are all entitled to know what did and did not happen, to assess the strength of the evidence supporting the extermination claim, and to reach our own conclusions about how convincing it is, all without legal and moral intimidation.

        1. Just to make it 100% clear:

          I said ‘which is bad enough of course’ because it is terrible that he was persecuted (along with Monika and many others) just for voicing his views — meaning it would be a lot worse if they could also actually persecute someone for ‘not believing something’, e.g. by maybe reading minds or spying on private (electronic) correspondence — that remark was just part of making a distinction between a private conclusion and public rhetoric.

          But I want to make sure people understand: as long as you keep your mouth shut, there is little risk — still today in DE you can access and review revisionist material (not as much as before), and make up your own mind.

      2. Stricly speaking… Alfred was jailed for four years for not believing in the most heinous propaganda lies

        What ideologies are the root cause for the greatest mass murder genocides of the 20th century (Fascism – National Socialism OR Zionism / Communism / atheism – Talmudism / Judaism / Satanism “Luciferianism”)?

        The war on the white Europeans is now escalating in the Netherlands – Massive farmers’ protests:–Q&start_radio=1

        The culprits are the same. The WEF (“World Economic Forum”) one world government billionaires / mafia criminals and their shabbos goy lackeys want global “depopulation” (mass murder genocide) to “save they planet” – They engineer fake “pandemics”, famines, hyperinflation, death by starvation… They want empty shelves in the supermarkets, disrupt the food supply by shutting down farms under the pretext of “saving the climate” – They dispossess farmers, take away their livelihood… They did the same before, they are doing it again!

        1. >Alfred was jailed for four years for not believing in the most heinous propaganda lies

          Sorry, but that’s not really true — as I said, he was jailed for *publicly* denying the ‘Holocaust’ (‘Holocaustleugnung’ auf Deutsch), i.e. for speaking publicly, or producing/appearing in material (video) German authorities felt was either designed or likely to influence others.

          While censorship is increasing (NetzDG), and some sites either ban revisionist content entirely (Amazon, YouTube), or for IP addresses inside Germany (Bitchute), revisionist material is still widely available online, even to people inside Germany — you can do your own research and reach your own conclusions — and as long as you keep your conclusions to yourself, or confined to private, discreet circles, you do not face much risk of prosecution — but the Germans do go after people they think are trying to proselytize others.

          It’s a shame people have to live this way, but that’s the current reality, not just in Germany, but in nearly all European countries — and even if not illegal, you still risk social ostracism, as Monika experienced in Canada.

          1. Exactly – Alfred was jailed for not believing the most persistent propaganda lies repeated 24/7 for decades… AND for talking about his insights and conclusions TO THE GERMAN PUBLIC –

            as for the Jewish owned government / “authorities” it is vital for the survival of their tyranny TO KEEP the German people DOWN, IGNORANT, virtually IN THE DARK about the true history of the world wars – They need the Germans ON THEIR KNEES, feeling deeply GUILTY for what their forefathers (“evil Nazis”) DID NOT DO – They need them tolerant to the intolerable…

            However, the oppressors have crossed the RED LINE far too often – and those who want to know the truth (whatever that might be) and hate being lied to, are waking up… and once awake they won’t go back to sleep again – The RESISTANCE is here and it will grow.

        2. War on the farmers – War on the cattle (under the pretext that nitrogen is “detrimental to the climate”) is WAR ON THE PEOPLE – War on the food supply to starve millions to death!

          Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death (Holodomors) by dispossessing the farmers (collectivisation) and taking away all the food, all the grain – Stalinists (Communists – Satanists) won the war!

          The EVIL FORCES kept centralizing and consolidating their Powers – They created transnational organizations (UN, WHO, EU, IMF, WEF etc) to weaponize them against the nations! They implement everywhere the same destructive policies against we, the people – to kill as many as possible – “culling of the cattle” / mass murder genocide…

          Farmers protesting in Italy

          German farmers joining in


          Buy locally – Support our farmers! The destiny of the Boers is ours…

        3. Stricly speaking…
          ought to mean speaking the truth – not repeating defamation, the false indictments by the jewdiciary, the propaganda lies to destroy the reputation and life of people who have been courageous enough to speak the truth in public…

          The business man Michael Ballweg from Stuttgart initiated the demonstrations against the POISONOUS “Covid” injections – and now has to suffer under persecution – legal prosecution under trumped up charges…




      3. Strictly speaking… What is fiction, make-belief by the (((magicians))) and what is reality? What is the truth about reality…

        “It is not a matter of what is true that counts [for Talmudic Satanic Jews] but a matter of what is perceived [by the stupid goy] to be true” – “Russia must win this war” (quotes attributed to Henry Kissinger which tell it all)

        Putin number 1 offered peaceful co-operation to western Europe… and he got executed, replaced by-Putin number 2, a double – And a different choreography is being played out… in unison (not “in opposition”) with international US-Israeli Jews the Ukraine and mainland Europe gets torn apart by war… A huge divide… separating Russia from the western world – Exactly what the international Jewish mafia cabal wants… (((They))) don’t want to destroy Russia, they want it all – They want to destroy western Europe and the US. The sanctions “against Russia” work perfectly well against all white western nations… It all fits together–part-1-Ex-wife-testifies-all–MIRROR-

        There is a part 2

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