Free Speech Monika

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Conversation with Kathleen Dudley Part III

What a pleasure it has been for me to have these enriching conversations with Kathleen Dudley @SeasideReflexology. Kathleen is a fellow Albertan by birth and grew up in a small town not too far from where the big city of Edmonton where I grew up. She now lives in New Mexico. Her own journey of awakening to true history of WW2 (and so much more) has been relatively recent, and so I find it particularly inspiring that she has so whole-heartedly launched herself head on into this epic struggle that we find ourselves in!

Here is part 3 of our conversation in the series which she has aptly called “True History: A Conversation with Monika Schaefer”. We touched on a little of everything that is going on these days, including the attack on our children.

Check out Kathleen’s bitchute channel or her odysee channel for many more fabulous videos and interviews.

19 Responses

  1. I enjoyed the conversation,Kathleen and Monika. Wanted to bring up something I had heard a few times over the years that makes sense. Kathleen brought up that the Arabs are Semitic as well, which is correct. (people are defined by their language) Now I wanted to extend this thought into Palestine. Palestine was never a Nation. It never had its own government, flag or people. Palestine was a name of a Region. Syria was making claims to it from the former Ottoman possession. During the mandate period in 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference, Arabs in the region considered it to be a Region of Southern Syria. 150 years ago Mark Twain wrote about this area being desolate. In 1868 there was land purchased by George David Hardik in Northern Israel, Mount Carmel that began to develop the area. Then further development in infrastructure in 1898 by Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany in Haifa and Jaffa. It was a spiritual cooperation to rebuild the Temple in the Holy Land. These areas flourished until the arrival of Britain in 1920 and tossed the Germans out that were helping the jewish community’s with low interest loans and man power. What we have here since 1920 is this build up of lies that extend into the Arab community making false statements as “Palestine” this, “Palestine” that. They don’t exist. There is no Palestine people or language or culture or history. They are just Arab squatters working on behalf of Propaganda to continue this false narrative. They went as far as building a $24 million Palestine museum in 1998 that remains empty today.

    1. The German Kaiser Wilhelm refused Zionist Theodor Herzl’s approach for support of the Zionist movement to create a Jewish state in Palestine – and so did the pascha of the Ottoman Empire.

      And we know how the Zionist Jews turned against both the Germans and the Turks to destroy their monarchies and empires. The international Zionists sought after and found the British support. The Rothschild-Balfour Deal called Balfour Declaration prevented peace in Europe in 1916. The peace proposals made by the German Kaiser were refused by the British government. The Deal with the Devil, the deal between the British Empire and the Talmudic Satanists (Zionists, Communists) caused two world wars to reach their goals… In 1948 a Jewish ethno-state called ‘Israel’ was established in Palestine… turning the whole region into a permanent battlefield.

      The Jews are not Israelites; they are not the ethnic descendants of the biblical Israelites. They have no rightful claim to the land of Palestine. They are imposters, master liars, deceivers, thieves… of land, of identity’, of the riches of the world.

      By now, all of humanity is held hostage by the fringe minority of psychopathic Jewish supremacists.

      1. Freya, I don’t dispute these historical points you are drawing out, however I am simply drawing out that Palestine was Never a Nation/Country. It was desolate land till the Germans showed up in 1868. That if any one group that can make a claim it would be Germany, which I am not recommending, just making an observation.
        These Arabs send squatters so there won’t be any peace, they are part of the problem, and so is defending a Nation/people that Never was, Palestine. We fight against one Semitic group that lies about us, while we are allowing another Semitic group to lie to us, so help their cause….
        As far as England/Britain is concerned, the zionist jews didn’t have to look very far to get their support, considering they were right there in London Banking since June 1694, under King William.
        King Charles I execution January 30th, 1649 that was arranged by the Dutch jew, Isaac Dorislaus, paved the way for this “creating money out of nothing usury program” that is coming to an end.


    Enough is enough – Not any further!

    FREEDOM is not the freedom to do anything you want – “Do what you want shall be the whole of the law” is the motto of the Jewish Freemasonic Talmudic Satanic death cult – They want to inject and kill as many of us as possible…

    FREEDOM – Our God given right is the freedom not to be forced to do what you don’t want to do – It is the freedom of choice – the freedom to say No to lethal injections & tyranny

      1. Excellent! THE TRUTH IS OUT – the truth about the ‘COVID-19’ KILL SHOT reached the parliament of the Jew-controlled ‘EUdSSR’

        The FORCED INJECTION of a potentially lethal so called ‘experimental vaccine’ IS MURDER – a death sentence for the ‘vaccinated’ (poisoned)

        (((The perpetrators))) of a massive fraud and premeditated mass genocide will not be able to push that through much longer, in total defiance of the will of the people as in Austria – abolishing the freedom of choice – and self-determination

        No death penalty in the EU – No capital punishment, not even for traitors and mass murderers?

  3. If there were smoke or not smoke from the chimneys is not so important.
    We have to point out that it was only from the crematoria , not from gas-chambers.
    People tend to mix gas-chambers and crematoria.

    1. You are right, that people mix up “gas-chambers” and crematoria. But nevertheless, modern crematoria (which they had) do not emit smoke at all. The whole hollywood story is just fantasy.

      1. I have study a little bit about the religious history of cremation.
        Before judaism , the religions often practise cremation and burning of the corpses.
        When judaism came along they forbade it as a heathen practise.
        Influenced by judaism the Catholic Church forbade cremation for centuries , and for years it was even punished by death penalty.
        I mean this background and the prejudice against cremation has affected the witnesses in the camp.

        1. Today’s crematoriums use a monumental amount of energy and as such are grossly anti-ecological. Burying a body makes more sense, especially in a socalled “natural” cemetery, where no non-biodegradable substances are allowed in the grave.

  4. Thank you Monika and Kathleen for another pleasant podcast to be enjoyed here in my own cold winter setting while sipping a cup of (spiked) hot tea this evening cuddled up in a plush cozy chair. Always a pleasure to listen (and watch) you two chat away. Hopefully you ladies will make this quite a regular affair and continue to keep me “entertained”, educated and informed.

    Once one realizes that most everything we hear from the government and the MSM is either completely false or mostly manipulated to the extent that it becomes perverse the overwhelming sense of release one feels within oneself is truly a constantly unfolding and evolving revelation. Whether it concerns the “kill shots” with regards to the fake Covid virus scamdemic, the forced hell being unleashed upon us via weather manipulation as well as the daily fake news fed to us via the mainstream news sources on any number of issues, including the constant rewriting of our histories mainly by those whom we are not allowed to name. That distinct quality of DISCERNMENT I find in myself, for example, has grown immensely. This is naturally reinforced as I enjoy experiencing you two discuss the issues so relevant to our world, and done so in a manor that is so honestly down-to-earth and comforting. Where else can one listen and watch other free thinkers speak so freely, honestly and openly about those issues that are always there in the back of my mind – if you know what I mean. Your informality, sense of humor and naturalness speaks volumes – and is so very much appreciated. You lend sanity where it is needed most.

    Despite the deteriorating circumstances that seem to be manifesting more and more around us everyday I, personally, feel more free in my thinking and my ability to understand and critically interpret this world around me, and it is always so very comforting and soothing (if that is the word) when I know others, like you and Kathleen, are out there contributing your much-appreciated effort in uncovering the greater truths so necessary and needed in this warped, upside down world we have to deal with both individually and collectively. The fact that there are others out in this world whom actually “see” what is going on lends legitimacy (and immense comfort) to my own life and ever-questioning mind. It is so good to not feel so alone and misunderstood. More so, I feel more reassured that truth will ultimately prevail.

    Keep safe and warm, Monika. And Kathleen, keep slapping away at those mosquitoes.

    1. Thank you so much, Frederick, for tuning in and thereby supporting what we are doing, and thank you for your kind words. Resistance is growing every single day! You are definitely NOT alone in this struggle.

  5. One more Jewish man singing about the future (((the Self-Chosen))) have in store for us white non-Jews


    The lyrics are from the song “Future” in which the toxic Jew Leonard COHEN tells us what Jews have planned:

    “Give me back my broken night, my mirrored room, my secret life. It’s lonely here. There’s no one left to torture. Give me absolute control
    over every living soul. And lie beside me, baby. That’s an order. Give me crack and anal sex. Take the only tree that’s left, and stuff it up the hole in your culture. Give me back the Berlin Wall, give me Stalin and St. Paul. I’ve seen the future, brother.


    Things are going to slide (slide) in all directions. Won’t be nothing (won’t be) nothing you can measure any more. The blizzard, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and it’s overturned the order of the soul.

    When they said (they said) “Repent!” (Repent), “Repent!” (Repent) I wondered what they meant.
    When they said (they said) Repent, (Repent), Repent (Repent), I wondered what they meant.
    When they said (they said) Repent (Repent), Repent (Repent), I wondered what they meant.

    You don’t know me from the wind. You never will, you never did. I’m the little Jew who wrote (add : a lie! falsified!) the Bible. I’ve seen the nations rise and fall. I’ve heard their stories, heard them all. But love’s the only engine of survival. Your servant here (add.: lies! Such demonic Jews do not love and they do not behave as servants do – to the contrary! They are the most vicious slave-masters), he has been told to say it clear, to say it cold: It’s over, it ain’t going any further. And now the wheels of heaven stop. You feel the Devil’s riding crop. Get ready for the future.


    Things are going to slide (slide) in all directions… … … … … … … … … … … …
    When they said (they said) Repent (Repent), Repent (Repent), I wondered what they meant.

    There’ll be the breaking of the ancient western code. Your private life will suddenly explode. There’ll be phantoms. There’ll be fires in the road. And the white man dancing. You’ll see your woman hanging upside down, her features covered by her fallen gown. And all the lousy little poets coming round, trying to sound like Charlie Manson (add.: the ritual torturer and murderer of pregnant Sharon Tate) Yeah, the white man dancing. Give me back the Berlin Wall. Give me Stalin and St. Paul. Give me Christ or give me Hiroshima. Destroy another fetus now. We don’t like children anyhow. I’ve seen the future, baby.


    Things are going to slide (slide) in all directions… … … … … … … … … … … … When they said Repent (Repent), Repent (Repent), I wondered what they meant.


    That is the “NEW EARTH” demonic Jews and their willing henchmen want to create – a Jewish “utopia”, a LIVING HELL for humankind.

  6. O my God…

    Fully “vaccinated” (poisoned) family

    There is a German saying “Mehr Glück als Verstand gehabt!” – “You have had more luck than insight (understanding)!” – So it appears to be – so far at least – but what will happen in the months/years to come?

    A “well oiled machinery which does her and her family so much good” – does it?

    1. The EUROPEAN spirit is what gives hope – Europeans won’t die on their knees

      … and how about you, Americans?
      Are you brave enough to break free?

      We need your numbers to free ourselves and the world.

      We certainly do not need the US military in Europe to threaten Russia.

      We do not need stupid mercenaries playing war on EUROPEAN soil again.

      The world is TIRED of Americans meddling in affairs which are not theirs – all the while serving Jewish interests which are detrimental to their own. How long? 🙄🙄🙄
      WAKE UP!!!!

      1. Death by rope for traitors and mass murderers? – No German law in place any more…

        for selected Bilderberger agents – serving the Jewish Talmudic Satanic overlords – destroyers of the sovereign German nation state and the ethnic German people – facilitating premeditated mass murder by forced lethal injections…

        Angela Merkel, the Polish Ashkenazi Jewess, Bilderberger conference attendee in 2004, Bavaria – She was never elected for “chancellor” in 2005 but forced upon the German people for 16 years… as was the crypto-Jew Henoch KOHN (COHN) alias “Helmut Kohl” before her, for 16 years…

        Ursula von der Leyen, shabbos goy “German minister of defense”, Bilderberger attendee in 2015, Austria, she did nothing to halt the invasion of rapefugees into Germany and the EU in 2015, and got rewarded with her new job…

        The same with Olaf Scholz, Bilderberger attendee, he as well got promoted in his career – He was made mayor of Hamburg – later transfered to Berlin and finally positioned as the successor of A.Merkel as “German chancellor”, puppet on Jewish strings

        Olaf Scholz demands forced injections by law, from the age of 18

        The Jewish Zionist anti-German EXTERMINATION PLANS are in full motion!!!

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