Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Two Shows: TradCatKnights and Blood River Radio

Jim Rizoli, Diane King and Monika Schaefer join Eric Gajewski on TradCat Knights for this podcast on July 14, 2021. Among other updates on current events, we talked about the Natives in Canada, the recent news about so-called unmarked graves, the UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), Bill C-15 which (between the lines) spells out their desire to dispossess us of our lands, and the Queen’s involvement.

The TradCat Knights show can be found on Jim Rizoli’s bitchute channel: this one.

On July 17, 2021, Hour 2 Blood River Radio, Eddie “the “Bombardier” Miller talks with Jim Rizoli and Monika Schaefer about Solutions to our current Dilemma, the War that we find ourselves in that we did not start and did not want but had better understand exactly what is at stake. If we use force against those who come knocking on our doors to administer the injection, that is called self-defence. We must fight back.

Click here for the Blood River show.


One Response

  1. We all need to relax once in a while –

    Let us do some time travelling and enjoy some nasty “Naaazi propaganda” – shall we?—Volkswagen—KdF-Wagen-1939-40

    Our forefathers knew what they fought for – what they defended – what they cherished – what they wanted to protect with their lives

    The British and all the “Common wealth” nations were duped – terribly betrayed by Allied propaganda – The Americans were even more betrayed – kept in the dark, misled and ignorant of what was really going on in far away Europe – they were dragged into a European conflict twice which was not theirs – They should better have minded their own business – It could have been peace in all of Europe in 1916, and a completely different time line opened up. The Deal with the Devil (1916/17) prevented this from happening…

    And again in 1940, there could have been peace in western Europe – peace at least on the western front if the German peace proposals had not been refused all over again.

    In 1941 the “good boys”, the “liberators” came to “bomb the hell out” of continental Europe to “stop these evil “Nazi”-Germans from conquering the world with their nasty wicked ways” (sarcasm OFF)

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