Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Shop Refuses Photocopy Service

The owner of a small-town local business in Jasper Alberta refused to provide a simple service today, the 31st of January 2019, based on the idea that she did not want to serve a person who “hates“.

download3 Sheets Jasper Inc. triples as a stationery, print shop and laundromat.

Upon my entry, Sonja L. Dickey asked me what she could do for me. I said I needed something photocopied. She replied that she needed to see what it was first. I asked if she was controlling and censoring everything first, before providing service. Is that how she runs her business, I queried?

There is a back story. About two years ago when I had brought in a two-sided color book review of Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil by Gerard Menuhin, to have copies made, she stared trance-like at it for a long time, until I wondered whether she had had a stroke.



She then informed me she did not want to “participate” in this. She refused to make copies. Since that time however, I have been in the shop on several occasions to make purchases, or have other things copied. I was always friendly and even cracked jokes with her. I thought that dispute we had over the copy refusal had been somewhat amicably resolved. She was certainly willing to take my money for subsequent services and purchases.

Upon my protests today regarding her refusal to provide service in exchange for a fee in a shop which advertises this service, she stammered some incoherent things which made no sense to me. She said she did not want anything to do with something that might involve the police. I explained to her that she should never think we actually live in a free country with freedom of speech if this is the kind of fear she feels. She retorted:

I am NOT afraid.

I explained that if you have a shop, there is a simple exchange of goods or services for money, and that is what I was there to do. I dropped the document on the table and invited her to look at it. (Ironically it was a court document in German, nothing that I could or would be distributing anyway.) It could have been my mother’s kitchen recipes for all she cared at this point, because she did not even look at it. She simply declared that she did not want me there, she would not serve me and that I must leave. I remained standing. She declared, with glowering eyes, she did not want to serve someone…

who hates!

“Oh gosh! What does that mean?”, I asked. She could not answer. They can never answer. She showed me the door. When I did not move quickly enough for her little tantrum, she threatened to call the police. I said: “Go ahead!” I laughed and went on my way.

[While it was public business information, I have removed Ms. Dickey’s contact information from this article here, as a gesture of good will. If she has been receiving any “hate” mail, it was likely coming from my detractors in order to smear my position.]

If you write or call, please remain polite and informative, and do not resort to smear or insults, as that is what hasbara* trolls do and we are not them.





1) While hasbara literally means “explanation“, its exact import in its current usage is debated. Gideon Meir has said that there is no “real, precise” translation of the word hasbara in English or any other language, and has characterized it as public diplomacy, an action undertaken by all governments around the world with the growing importance of what Harvard professor Joseph Nye termed soft power. Gary Rosenblatt describes it as “advocacy“. Individuals who engage in the practise have been called hasbarists.

Hasbara has been described as “pro-Israel propaganda,” and “the new user-friendly term for Israeli propaganda” but while “propaganda strives to highlight the positive aspects of one side of a conflict, hasbara seeks to explain actions, whether or not they are justified.

2) The power of an argument is not always in the truth it contains, but rather in whether it will convince the listener to agree with it, which sometimes, unfortunately, involves deception and emotional manipulation.

Deception is the goal of the Zionist hasbara (a Hebrew word meaning “explaining”, i.e., explaining the Israeli situation the way it wants it perceived).

Its aim is to spread Israeli propaganda among people who are already complicit in the tripe produced by mainstream media outlets, so convincing them is not difficult. In fact, Israeli hasbara preys on an acquiescent population.

Outlandish propaganda is used by Israel to cover up its inhuman occupation and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians for over five decades.

Paid online troll groups like the Jewish Internet Defence Force always play the “Israel is misunderstood”, “Israel is defending itself” or “both sides are to blame” cards.




198 Responses

  1. I don’t understand the big deal here. Shouldn’t we all just focus our attention elsewhere? I don’t get it. I just don’t go where I’m not wanted.

  2. This blog has become a cesspool of insults and rants.

    Admin really ought to remove all the threads with Freya and jimmannella attacking each other. [removed]

  3. ADMIN wrote:

    “To “right to reply” on her blog is decided at Monika’s discretion, or those acting on her behalf, such as myself.
    The name of this blog, “Free Speech Monika — Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!” refers to her right to speak on controversial topics dealing with such important things as; WWII, ”Holocaust” revisionism, the Jewish Problem, 9/11, etc.
    Common sense should inform you that it does not extend to giving free reign to insult and abuse people here expressing views that you don’t agree with, even allowing for some “hot under the collar” outbursts.
    Anyone is free to comment here on relevant topics, providing it is done in a non-abusive manner, even if that means not being able to tell us how you “really feel“.

    Common sense informs me that the “controversial topics” this site traffics in is in itself a form of abuse and insult to the Jewish population. I mean, it is the *common* consensus that what y’all peddle here and elsewhere is hate and a disconnect from reality. Why do you think Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms are banning hate filled, conspiracy branded, white nationalist speech?

    I’ll say it again, I challenge anyone on this site to post your beliefs and convictions on FB, Twitter etc and let’s take measure of what “common sense” informs you. I predict y’all would not like the results.

    It is hypocritical that you and others on this site would hide and cower under a logical fallacy that I’m “abuse(ing)” and “insult(ing)” members of your cult when you’re all abusing and insulting the Jewish population and the rest of society, myself included. But sure, go ahead and censor me because you have to protect the feels of your tribe.

    Oh, maybe you can help me out. I have tried 3 times in the past month or so to register with CAFE so I could comment on their site. I have even contacted Paul Fromm on Twitter asking why I can’t leave comments on the CAFE site. It all seems like free speech isn’t what you all think it means.

    1. Mannella, your comments show that you seem incapable of dealing with the central issue, that of jewish control over our societies. You know, the people who put Monika away for 10 months for expressing a heart-felt opinion on the “Holocaust”.

      Organized jewry, for just one example of its criminality, is in the driver’s seat that is behind all White countries being invaded by non-Whites. This, if carried to its conclusion, will result in the racial and cultural destruction of Whites. What’s your opinion on that? Do you favour open borders?

      Organized jewry runs the MSM, (Main Stream/Sewer Media), so of course they will suppress any mention exposing their crimes. So your suggestion that people who understand what is going on should expect a harsh rejection if they comment on FB, Twitter, etc., is expected, obviously.

      So, Mannella, stop talking fluff about how you are being “censored” and start discussing things of substance.

  4. #The Communist Manifesto

    Red Communism (Bolshevism) moved west… under the guise of “green“ environmentalism and “colours of the rainbow“ leftist “diversity“, “tolerance“, “No border – No nation“, multiculturalism, “political correctness”, LGBTQP-perversions, the “Cultural Marxism” of the “Frankfurt School” (Jewish think tank, methods on how to subvert and destroy western, Christian civilization)

    (((International Jews))) all work together and plan for the day when their “chosen race” by their demon god Satan/Lucifer “inherits the earth”. Karl Marx (real name: Moses Mordechai Levi) was descended from a long line of rabbis, so-called Talmudic scholars. His grandparents were related to the Jewish Rothschild family through marriage. Rothschild would also partially fund Karl Marx (German sounding name to deceive the Germans), known as the “Jewish father of Communism”.

    The Communist Manifesto laid out the ideology of Communism. Its key points include:
    – A (Jewish owned world) central bank with monopoly on money and credit
    – Abolition of nations and sovereign nation states/Extermination of the White race (seen as impediment to Jewish world domination)
    – Abolition of the traditional family consisting of a man, a woman and children
    – Abolition of private property, i.e. no rights for the people
    – To make it impossible for people to earn a livelihood by introducing heavy taxation
    – Confiscation of private property
    – Abolition of the right of inheritance
    – A communist state, i.e. Jewish monopoly on credit and banking
    – The media under total Communist control
    – Women should not focus on family and children anymore. In their own words Communism wants to do away with the “status of women as mere instrument of production“ (i.e. giving birth to children is disencouraged; abortion allowed and pushed)
    – Abolition of Christianity and morality

    “The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions must give way. They must perish in the revolutionary Holocaust.” (Moses Mordechai Levi/Karl Marx)
    …and the Jewish revolutionaries/mass murderers killed tens of millions of Russians, orthodox Christians. Judaism is a murderous, genocidal ideology of world domination. Jewish racism and supremacy.

    “A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.“ (Chabad-Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson)
    Talmudic madness in a nutshell.

  5. Fraulein Freya says:

    “It’s really a good thing that this is a platform for publishing the truth, for exercising one’s human right to free speech, even for trying to debate a hater of white nationalism. That’s finished now. As for me I don’t “reply to JM”; I simply would like to give information about historical truth. Here’s some more:
    #“….your quest to restore Nazi glory and Aryan domination“ (JM)”

    Despite your hilarious attempt to persuade anyone that would believe your codswallop you are *replying* to me. Get a grip Nazi girl and stop trying to frame your argument within biblical authority and Aryan purity. You are a [insults removed — ADMIN]

    Put your beliefs on display at your business. Let’s see what transpires. I suspect you are too cowardly to display your convictions for the public too see.

  6. It’s really a good thing that this is a platform for publishing the truth, for exercising one’s human right to free speech, even for trying to debate a hater of white nationalism. That’s finished now. As for me I don’t “reply to JM”; I simply would like to give information about historical truth. Here’s some more:

    #“….your quest to restore Nazi glory and Aryan domination“ (JM)

    One needn’t be a National Socialist and/or “white supremacist“ (smeared as “Nazi“ by Jews) It’s okay to be a white nationalist, a patriot who loves his people, nation and white race. And: Every decent human being should be interested to know the historical truth & trash the Jewish lies, not only historians (revisionists)!

    We can’t and won’t go back to former times – however, we could use some of the ideas that really worked very well for the German people. Abolition of debt slavery for starters… abolition of the debt based financial system preached by Karl Marx (real name: Moses Mordechai Levi) in his Communist Manifesto! Abolition of the Jewish run “Federal Reserve“ money fraud system worldwide! Abolition of Communism created to abolish private property in order to concentrate all wealth and power in the hands of a Jewish global central banking cabal! Jewish world domination & Jewish supremacy which destroys human civilization! Endless Terror & War! White Genocide! Multiple Genocide! Satanic Jews want a “world for their own“ with 500 million slaves left to serve their needs… (Georgia Guidestones – Jew World Order guidelines)
    From Adolf Hitler’s Speech made at the Reichstag (21 May 1935):

    “The Germany of today is a National Socialist State. The ideology that dominates us is in diametrical contradiction to that of Soviet Russia. National Socialism is a doctrine that has reference exclusively to the German people. Bolshevism lays stress on international mission. We National Socialists believe a man can, in the long run, be happy only among his own people. We are convinced the happiness and achievements of Europe are indissolubly tied up with the continuation of the system of independent and free national states.

    Bolshevism preaches the establishment of a world empire and recognizes only section of a central international. We National Socialists grant each people the right to its own inner life according to its needs and its own nature. Bolshevism, on the other hand, establishes doctrinal theories that are to be accepted by all peoples, regardless of their particular essence, their special nature, traditions, etc.

    National Socialism speaks up for the solution of social problems, issues and tensions in their own nation, with methods that are consistent with our common human, spiritual, cultural and economic beliefs, traditions and conditions. Bolshevism preaches the international class struggle, the international world revolution with the weapons of the terror and the violence.

    National Socialism fights for the reconciliation and consequent adjustment of the differences in life and the union of all for common benefits. Bolshevism teaches the overcoming of an alleged class rule by the dictatorship of the power of a different class.

    National Socialism does not attach importance to an only theoretical rule of the working class, but especially on the practical improvement of their living conditions and standard of living. Bolshevism fights for a theory and, for it, sacrifices millions of people, immense values of traditional culture and traditions, and achieves, compared with us, only a very low standard of living for all.

    As National Socialists, our hearts are full with admiration and respect for the great achievements of the past, not only in our own people but also far beyond. We are happy to belong to an European cultural community that has so tremendously embossed today’s world with a stamp of its mind. Bolshevism rejects this cultural achievement of mankind, claiming that as found the beginning of the real cultural and human history in the year of birth of Marxism.

    We, National Socialists, do not want to be of the same opinion as our church organizations in this or that organizational question. But we never want a lack of belief in religion or any faith, and do not wish that our churches become club-houses or cinemas. Bolshevism teaches the godlessness and acts accordingly. We National Socialists see in private property a higher level of human economic development that according to the differences in performance controls the management of what has been accomplished enabling and guaranteeing the advantage of a higher standard of living for everyone.

    Bolshevism destroys not only private property but also private initiative and the readiness to shoulder responsibility. It has not been able to save millions of human beings from starvation in Russia, the greatest Agrarian State in the world. It would be unthinkable to transfer such a catastrophe into Germany, because, at the end of the day, in Russia there are 10 city dwellers for every 90 country dwellers, but in Germany for only 25 farmers there are 75 city dwellers.

    National Socialists and Bolshevists both are convinced they are a world apart from each other and their differences can never be bridged. Apart from that, there were thousands [tens of millions!] of our people slain and maimed in the fight against Bolshevism. If Russia likes Bolshevism it is not our affair, but if Bolshevism casts its nets over to Germany, THEN WE WILL FIGHT IT TOOTH AND NAIL!“ (caps added)
    …and they did. National Socialist Germany fought a righteous fight in self defence, for the very existence, for freedom and survival of the German people. (((International Jewry))) in control of the British Empire, the United States of America and the Soviet Union had declared Holy War, financial war and international economic boycott against Germany as early as March 24, 1933!

    We must expose the Jewish crimes, Jewish power, Jewish guilt… the heinous lies of Jewish hate propaganda. Not “evil Nazis“ declared war on the world in the quest of world domination, evil Jews did! It’s Jewish “religious“ tradition to blame their own crimes on their victims (scapegoats).

  7. ADMIN&Monika – As it takes you days to publish my short response (of April 7, 2019, at 9:56) the following might help you to understand what you obviously get mixed-up…

    “…understand the gravity of this anti-white, anti Christian, jewish control of humanity conspiracy, and that is we must gain the strength to resist what is possibly the most clever psy-ops propaganda tool used against the White Christian world, and that is the term “hate speech”. Don’t be afraid to be called a “hater”. Because you know you’re not, but on the other hand, a human being has the right to hate [i.e. strongly detest, critisize, show deep contempt for] anything they want, and no one has the right to dictate to another person what emotions that person will experience or entertain. this has been a very very clever and effective intimidation trick to deter us away from expressing the truth, when we find something wrong with someone’s actions.“ (Jim Somers, RealityReport)

    Jesus spoke the truth when he called a liar a liar, when he called a spade a spade. He doesn’t hate the liar (the sinner), but he does hate the lies (the sin). Jesus didn’t mince words. ADMIN&Monika – Do you want to appear more righteous than Jesus by calling that an “insult“ and by restricting my right to free speech and expression? By editing out the “foul-mouthed liar“.

    Freya speaks the truth when calling JM a “foul-mouthed liar“, a fact he has proven again and again in his postings. You allowed him to lie even more, you did not censor his derogatory remarks (ad hominem insults above), thus his imaginary assertions grew more and more preposterous and brazen (“I received your weaker-than-Jesus-words via email“ JM)

    “Freya persists in calling me evil“ [that’s a lie – Where and when did I ever call him that? The truth is I have critisized JM’s evil ways of telling pernicious lies, using smear words, ad hominem insults instead of factual arguments] “because I dare call her out for her false beliefs.“ [ that’s a lie – JM has produced no evidence whatsoever that Freya’s beliefs are false beliefs; he repeats nothing but lies and insults] “The fact she calls me evil isn’t the point.“ [that’s a lie – JM makes it his point to repeat the same lie again and again] “I couldn’t care less about hers, or anyone else’s insults to me on this site.“ [that’s a lie – JM couldn’t care more. Otherwise he would have stopped harassing other people (here: Freya) for their convictions; it’s not about “beliefs“, it’s about one’s conviction you have arrived at after thorough research] “But Monika, if you continue to allow her to call me evil [the same lie repeated] and a liar [yes, because that’s the truth] “when even you would have to admit that I am not an evil person [Telling evil, pernicious lies IS evil! That’s being critisized! JM’s wrongdoing is being critisized & despised] then the gloves are coming off and you’d better allow what I have to say to stand, insults and all.“ [that’s a fiendish way of lying, of distorting the truth – The truth is: To keep telling pernicious lies IS evil. To call JM out for his wrongdoing is NOT an “insult“ but telling the truth, following Jesus’ example] “I received your ‘weaker-than-Jesus’-words via email“ (JM) [a most brazen lie on top of it all]

    “As I’ve stated above – Evil can’t be appeased, the lie only grows worse and more brazen.“ (Freya) Point proven.

    1. This blog is a platform, not a publisher. Please disable the Reply function for both of them.

      1. What does this even mean? This is a “freespeechmonika” platform which by its definition should allow anyone to exercise their freedom of expression unimpeded. Denying the right to reply is antithetical to Monika’s stated mission on this site.

      2. Jim Mannella wrote:

        What does this even mean? This is a “freespeechmonika” platform which by its definition should allow anyone to exercise their freedom of expression unimpeded. Denying the right to reply is antithetical to Monika’s stated mission on this site.

        To “right to reply” on her blog is decided at Monika’s discretion, or those acting on her behalf, such as myself.

        The name of this blog, “Free Speech Monika — Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!” refers to her right to speak on controversial topics dealing with such important things as; WWII, ”Holocaust” revisionism, the Jewish Problem, 9/11, etc.

        Common sense should inform you that it does not extend to giving free reign to insult and abuse people here expressing views that you don’t agree with, even allowing for some “hot under the collar” outbursts.

        Anyone is free to comment here on relevant topics, providing it is done in a non-abusive manner, even if that means not being able to tell us how you “really feel“.



    You have both had ample opportunity to express your differing views here to the point that they are becoming repetitious and personal.

    You both have each other’s e-mail addresses, it appears, so please take up your discussion privately — ADMIN.

  9. Admin – if you think it’s suitable
    The Bolshevism & Zionism Dialectic
    A disinformant, either from ignorance, anti-German sentiment or knowingly. Bjerknes repeats the Jewish Zionist “Holocaust“ propaganda, promotes Chabad Lubavitcher fabrications called “prophecy“ as legit. Half-truths and blatant lies (Warsaw was not “completely destroyed by Nazis“) B. repeats the MOST PERNICIOUS LIE that “Nazis killed 6 million of the best Jews“. B. allegedly doesn’t know the difference between socialism (acc to Jew Mordechai Levi/KarlMarx: forerunner to Communism) and National-Socialism. BIG difference: National-Socialism served the German people, Communism NEVER does! Communism is a Jewish ideology destroying nations… and the National Socialists fought AGAINST the threat of Communism (Operation Barbarossa) to defend Germany and western Europe against the Communist Stalinist aggression…

    “According to this guy, Hitler was a Zionist Communist at the same time and made the holocaust happen. I’ve heard some BS, but this is next level BS. I’m sorry Adam, but this was really really bad. I love your work though man.” (Doug T.) The Transfer Agreement (1933) makes Hitler a Zionist? According to Bjerknes… It was not Hitler’s idea to bring German Jews to Palestine! B. likes to make Hitler responsible for everything (the Zionist line of propaganda). Zionist Jews wanted them there as settlers! Decided upon as early as 1916/17 Rothschild-Balfour Deal (Balfour Declaration). B. doesn’t know about Hitler’s Madagascar Plan? And several other options, all rejected by the Zionists! It was never German politics to bring Jews to Palestine; the Kaiser rebuked the Zionist Herzl…

    The fact that the “evil Nazis“ DID NOT kill Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis (Schneerson et al) makes them their supporters (Zionists)? Instead of simply not Jew murderers? Again: Bjerknes’ “logic“ is extremely flawed. Not rabbi Schneerson and his entourage were killed but nevertheless “6 million Jews“? Bjerknes calls Hitler a “communist informant“ but his “explanation“ (as to “Why“?) is unfounded. False interpretations abound. Bjerknes uses the Zionist propaganda term “antisemitic“ in a way which fits his narrative; he says Hitler was “not antisemitic“, insinuating he was a Zionist and hated the Germans… that he helped the Zionists to destroy Germany and the German people… He claims that Hitler hated the Germans and did everything to DESTROY them… B. draws false conclusions. Illogical and contradictory. He says Hitler was not “antisemitic“ (which means per Jewish definition: that he didn’t hate Jews) but claims at the same time that Hitler’s regime “gassed 6 million Jews“… The truth is: NEITHER (was he *“antisemitic“)… NOR (were 6 million Jews killed)

    Bjerknes doesn’t even know the difference between Jesus and Lucifer!
    Such a horrible mixture of half-truths and lies is the most dangerous kind of disinformation.
    Effort and discernment is needed to see the truth through all such fog…

    *nonsense talk!! (Who is truly anti-semitic? The Zionist Jews are! Ask the Palestinians)

  10. The truth should never be censored (edited); if anybody feels insulted by the truth he should consider to change his evil ways… If no criticism is allowed, if everything is tolerated (“Anything goes!“ the Satanists’ credo of “inclusion“ and boundless “tolerance“) there will be no reason left to seek one’s betterment… You won’t appease Evil. Evil must be confronted the way Jesus did.
    The choice between Good and Evil must be made clear; and the responsibility for the right decision is always an individual one.

    “I received your weaker-than-Jesus’-words via email“ (JM)
    As I’ve stated above – Evil can’t be appeased, the lie only grows worse and more brazen.

    The Best is to keep yourself separated; there comes the point when you must say: Enough is enough.

    #“German guilt“? “White guilt“? Let’s talk about Jewish guilt (for a change)
    The PLANNED WHITE GENOCIDE through non-white mass immigration into white countries
    to create a mongrelized NEGROID-EURASIAN SLAVE RACE ruled over by a Jewish “spiritual elite“ dates back to the nineteen-twenties, the Count COUDENHOVE-KALERGI PLAN (by a Jewish Austrian-Japanese aristocrat and Freemason)

    Some say, THREE WORLD WARS were planned on the FIRST ZIONIST WORLD CONGRESS in 1897. Since then we have had TWO WORLD WARS instigated by Jewish Zionists to kill off the best of the white race by making white nations/empires fight and destroy each other…

    Satanic Babylonian Talmud: “The best of the Goyim must be killed!“ In their twisted mind Jews think they are without guilt if they kill indirectly, by proxy. Jews are guilty as hell; without Jewish hate propaganda, intrigue and influence on politicians & governments, lobbying and blackmail, there wouldn’t have been all these wars!

    “Full responsibility for the First World War lies squarely on the shoulders of the international Jewish bankers. They are responsible for millions of dead and dying.” (US. Congressional Record 67th Congress, 4. Sitting, Senate Document nr. 346)
    “The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.” (The Chicago Jewish Sentinel, October 8, 1942)
    “Even if we Jews are not bodily with you in the trenches, we are nevertheless morally with you. THIS IS OUR WAR, AND YOU ARE FIGHTING IT FOR US.” (Les Nouvelles Litteraires, February 10, 1940) (caps added)

    World War II was a JEWISH PLOT to make way for the foundation of a Jewish nation state in Palestine, a “Greater Israel“ with Jerusalem as capital of the world. Jewish world domination (NWO). Non-Semitic Zionist Ashkenazi Jews blame the Germans (“evil Nazis“) for what have been Jewish plans all along. The falsified history taught at universities and schools is an inversion of reality. An inversion of the historical truth. Jewish lies.

    The ‘Holocaust'(TM) was invented by Zionists, and has permanently been pounded into the hearts and minds all over the world 24/7 for over 75 years, while the multi-million White Genocide and true Holocaust of WW II through firebombing the German cities, the raping and starving of millions to death is being suppressed. Nobody is supposed to talk about the tens of millions of genocided white people. Only Jews are shown as the sole victims of a crime “unequaled in human history“. The takeover of rest-Germany (about the size of Montana, one of 50 US states), and of all white countries by millions of alien invaders is said to be “Karma“ and “revenge“ for “6 million gassed Jews“. Jewish propaganda. Nothing could be further from the truth.
    The “Holocaust” testimonies you DIDN’T hear

    1. Monika Schaefer: I am going to submit a profanity, insult laden defence of myself since Freya persists in calling me evil because I dare call her out for her false beliefs. The fact she calls me evil isn’t the point. I couldn’t care less about hers, or anyone else’s insults to me on this site. But Monika, if you continue to allow her to call me evil and a liar when even you would have to admit that I am not an evil person then the gloves are coming off and you’d better allow what I have to say to stand, insults and all.

      Fraulein Freya says:

      ‘“I received your weaker-than-Jesus’-words via email“ (JM)
      As I’ve stated above – Evil can’t be appeased, the lie only grows worse and more brazen.’

      Freya, Freya…dear little rich Freya. You feeling any success in your quest to restore Nazi glory and Aryan domination? Ever wonder why you’re restricted to espouse your beliefs on a rather obscure blog sites like this and not on more prominent, main stream sites? Are you curious as to the real world acceptance of your views? Care to know what “normal” people think of your delusions and quackery?

      How about this Fraulein Freakshow: Why don’t you try posting your shit on Facebook and Twitter. See how how long you last in the “normie” world. It would make for a highly entertaining and informative sociological experiment. And deep down you know the real world society would shun you like the despicable human you are. Come on Pepe….show some courage and stop hiding behind your veil of anonymity.

      Or better yet, post your beliefs prominently on your shop windows for all your customers to see. Advertise in your local town paper with those beliefs in the advert. Display them for a year at least. Wouldn’t want to miss the busy season now would you. Display the same advert with your beliefs on internet business websites. Then tally up the huge hit your business takes. I would volunteer to help you out.

      Sweet dreams Fraulein Pepe.

  11. Jesus called the Talmudic pharisees ‘liars’, ‘hypocrites’, ‘Synagogue of Satan’, ‘children of their father, the devil’. He didn’t mince words. The truth is the truth, and he simply spoke the truth.

    It’s the same liars and deceivers, hypocrites and haters, destroyers of all which is good and beautiful we are confronted with today. JM is in support of the Satanic Jewish Agenda heavily critisized by everybody who is in his right mind. JM claims not to be a Jew, although he very much behaves like one.

    Admin – Please, don’t edit. I’d like to call a spade a spade, and JM is a [Deleted insults — ADMIN]… he has given ample proof for that fact.

    I don’t care if he responds by giving me all sorts of names. He has done nothing else so far. Smearwords and attempts at ridicule are the only ‘arguments’ he has to offer.
    He paints Nuttyyahoo as someone who does NOT want to destroy America… such a ‘nice guy’ – right? so ‘peace-loving’ and ‘honest’, the epitome of a ‘good Jew’

    Yeah? Hahahaha…

    1. Evasion, diversion, false equivalencies, religious bigotry, anti-Semitism, conspiracies, deceit, palpable hate, intellectual dishonesty, fear-mongering….these are some of the stock tools you use to peddle your BS.

      Did you even read what I wrote re “Fink’s Bar”? Do you understand you would rather believe the words of TAC and VT, two purveyors of white nationalism and conspiracies? Ahhhh….of course you do.

      I feel sorry for you. I really do. To live with such hate for Jews can’t be an easy way to live your life. But I’m sure your wealth gives some comfort.

    1. Judaism certainly is a crime against humanity.

      “One thing is clear: it will take someone outside Republican-Democrat paradigm to end Jewish parasitism in this country, as both major political parties are utterly subservient to the pro-Israel lobby & organized Jewry.“ (Realist Report)

      Quote from Netanyahu’s infamous “Fink’s Bar diatribe” of 1990: “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of *God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” (Credit to the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States Department of Defense) (Google search)

      (((The international Kosher Nostra))) are mafia criminals, liars, deceivers, thieves, imposters, identity thieves, hate-filled anti-white racists, the worst anti-Semites, extremest nationalists (Zionists), Christ haters, and Jewish supremacists who are playing “gods“, and think they are above the law (Talmudic double standard of Satanists) The demon *god of Judaism – Talmudism – Jewish Freemasonry is Lucifer-Satan (Molech – Baal – Baphomet)
      (((They))) are the haters of humanity, the destroyers of nations, mass murderers.
      To rebuke such filth is the healthy, the normal and right thing to do.
      JM prefers having a cup of coffee with the likes of Nuttyyahu. A normal person; one with commonly held beliefs, tastes or interests wouldn’t make such a bad choice.

      1. Ok Freya, let’s play.

        Here is The American Chronicle, on AUG 29/2015, writing about the “Fink’s Bar” BN alleged statement:

        ‘Veterans Today has CORROBORATED FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES the conversation recorded by the US DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY in which Netanyahu called for the destruction of the United States.

        “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”’

        All-caps is mine

        Now here is VeteransToday on FEB 14/2017:

        ‘This is what Bibi Netanyahu said while sitting at the head of that private table in Fink’s Bar (transcribed from a secretly recorded audio of Netanyahu at that meeting – words that few Americans, Israelis or others have seen or heard until today):


        Asterisks are mine.

        I’m assuming your Google search to find your “Nuttyyahu” quote began and ended with VeteransToday and The American Chronicle, two notorious conspiracy and rabid anti-Semitic, Truther sites.

        Now take a look at when both these pieces were written. See a difference?

        Now take a look at the “sources” that were used for both? See anything wrong? No? Well imma help you out: Take a look here at this VT nugget of a Pulitzer Prize for Journalism worthy claim:

        “(transcribed from a secretly recorded audio of Netanyahu at that meeting – words that few Americans, Israelis or others have seen or heard until today)”.

        This is what TAC said of sources,18 months previously mind you:

        “Veterans Today has CORROBORATED FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES the conversation recorded by the US DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY”

        So, on Aug 29, 2015, TAC quotes VT having multiple sources and convo was recorded by US DIA.

        18 MONTHS LATER, VT states convo was transcribed from secret recording of Benny, and then utters the bombshell “WORDS THAT FEW……HAVE SEEN OR HEARD UNTIL TODAY” Hahahahahahahaha… cant make this shit up folks!

        Are you starting to get the picture Freya? That maybe you’re just a [Deleted insults — ADMIN]? A peddle of logical fallacies (because I won’t have coffee with Monika ergo I would have coffee with BN)

        Also, know any place where I can exchange some old Deutsche Marks into New Shekels? Asking for a friend.

  12. “Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism“ (Rabbi Steven Wise)


    “Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism“ (Jewish Voice, July – August, 1941)


    “Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860“ (Encyclopedia Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23)



  13. Hi Monika, thanks for the offer to allow me to write a guest post.

    I might in future take you up on the offer, if you allow, but for now I respectfully decline. However, I hope you will continue to allow me to respond to you and your followers on this site as I have been doing all along.

    1. For someone who has made the most comments on this blog, I would have thought that you would have jumped at the opportunity at doing a guest post.

      But never mind, I’m sure you won’t let us miss out one bit on your thoughts here in the comments!

      By the way, I am still waiting for that coffee, when we can have a civilized dialogue face to face, during which we can discuss issues without slinging mud.

      1. I have already replied to you that I will never sit down with you for a cup of coffee, or anything else for that matter, as long as you hold the hate beliefs you do.

  14. Jim Mannella.

    You’ve been prolific on this blog making critical comments, going against the grain, arousing indignation and stirring up the “locals”, that overall, from a glass half full point of view, has probably been a good thing, in that it has prevented the blog from becoming an “echo chamber”, as I think you once said.

    Yet your comments tend to be reactionary and perhaps don’t do justice to your overall viewpoint towards what has occurred since those fateful days when the “Sorry Mom” video was released on YouTube, causing a bit of a stir in Jasper and elsewhere, and all the rest that followed.

    So, in the spirit of open debate — please recall that I participated in a video for CODOH (Committee for Open Debate On the Holocaust) — I would like to offer you the opportunity to write a guest post for this blog.

    Feel free to write on anything relevant to topics discussed on this blog, providing it is of substance. In other words, the floor is yours.

    This is a sincere offer, only requiring that your potential post is done in the same spirit.

    Over to you Jim.

    NOTE: Simply submit your blog POST as a comment anywhere here. If it meets the requirements it will not be shown as a comment but will be made as a separate blog post.

  15. President John F. Kennedy
    Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City
    April 27, 1961

    Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen:

    I appreciate very much your generous invitation to be here tonight.

    You bear heavy responsibilities these days and an article I read some time ago reminded me of how particularly heavily the burdens of present day events bear upon your profession.

    You may remember that in 1851 the New York Herald Tribune under the sponsorship and publishing of Horace Greeley, employed as its London correspondent an obscure journalist by the name of Karl Marx.

    We are told that foreign correspondent Marx, stone broke, and with a family ill and undernourished, constantly appealed to Greeley and managing editor Charles Dana for an increase in his munificent salary of $5 per installment, a salary which he and Engels ungratefully labeled as the “lousiest petty bourgeois cheating.”

    But when all his financial appeals were refused, Marx looked around for other means of livelihood and fame, eventually terminating his relationship with the Tribune and devoting his talents full time to the cause that would bequeath the world the seeds of Leninism, Stalinism, revolution and the cold war.

    If only this capitalistic New York newspaper had treated him more kindly; if only Marx had remained a foreign correspondent, history might have been different. And I hope all publishers will bear this lesson in mind the next time they receive a poverty-stricken appeal for a small increase in the expense account from an obscure newspaper man.

    I have selected as the title of my remarks tonight “The President and the Press.” Some may suggest that this would be more naturally worded “The President Versus the Press.” But those are not my sentiments tonight.

    It is true, however, that when a well-known diplomat from another country demanded recently that our State Department repudiate certain newspaper attacks on his colleague it was unnecessary for us to reply that this Administration was not responsible for the press, for the press had already made it clear that it was not responsible for this Administration.

    Nevertheless, my purpose here tonight is not to deliver the usual assault on the so-called one party press. On the contrary, in recent months I have rarely heard any complaints about political bias in the press except from a few Republicans. Nor is it my purpose tonight to discuss or defend the televising of Presidential press conferences. I think it is highly beneficial to have some 20,000,000 Americans regularly sit in on these conferences to observe, if I may say so, the incisive, the intelligent and the courteous qualities displayed by your Washington correspondents.

    Nor, finally, are these remarks intended to examine the proper degree of privacy which the press should allow to any President and his family.

    If in the last few months your White House reporters and photographers have been attending church services with regularity, that has surely done them no harm.

    On the other hand, I realize that your staff and wire service photographers may be complaining that they do not enjoy the same green privileges at the local golf courses that they once did.

    It is true that my predecessor did not object as I do to pictures of one’s golfing skill in action. But neither on the other hand did he ever bean a Secret Service man.

    My topic tonight is a more sober one of concern to publishers as well as editors.

    I want to talk about our common responsibilities in the face of a common danger. The events of recent weeks may have helped to illuminate that challenge for some; but the dimensions of its threat have loomed large on the horizon for many years. Whatever our hopes may be for the future–for reducing this threat or living with it–there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security–a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity.

    This deadly challenge imposes upon our society two requirements of direct concern both to the press and to the President–two requirements that may seem almost contradictory in tone, but which must be reconciled and fulfilled if we are to meet this national peril. I refer, first, to the need for a far greater public information; and, second, to the need for far greater official secrecy.


    The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

    But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every newsman in the nation to reexamine his own standards, and to recognize the nature of our country’s peril. In time of war, the government and the press have customarily joined in an effort based largely on self-discipline, to prevent unauthorized disclosures to the enemy. In time of “clear and present danger,” the courts have held that even the privileged rights of the First Amendment must yield to the public’s need for national security.

    Today no war has been declared–and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired.

    If the press is awaiting a declaration of war before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent.

    It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions–by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

    Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

    Nevertheless, every democracy recognizes the necessary restraints of national security–and the question remains whether those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion.

    For the facts of the matter are that this nation’s foes have openly boasted of acquiring through our newspapers information they would otherwise hire agents to acquire through theft, bribery or espionage; that details of this nation’s covert preparations to counter the enemy’s covert operations have been available to every newspaper reader, friend and foe alike; that the size, the strength, the location and the nature of our forces and weapons, and our plans and strategy for their use, have all been pinpointed in the press and other news media to a degree sufficient to satisfy any foreign power; and that, in at least in one case, the publication of details concerning a secret mechanism whereby satellites were followed required its alteration at the expense of considerable time and money.

    The newspapers which printed these stories were loyal, patriotic, responsible and well-meaning. Had we been engaged in open warfare, they undoubtedly would not have published such items. But in the absence of open warfare, they recognized only the tests of journalism and not the tests of national security. And my question tonight is whether additional tests should not now be adopted.

    The question is for you alone to answer. No public official should answer it for you. No governmental plan should impose its restraints against your will. But I would be failing in my duty to the nation, in considering all of the responsibilities that we now bear and all of the means at hand to meet those responsibilities, if I did not commend this problem to your attention, and urge its thoughtful consideration.

    On many earlier occasions, I have said–and your newspapers have constantly said–that these are times that appeal to every citizen’s sense of sacrifice and self-discipline. They call out to every citizen to weigh his rights and comforts against his obligations to the common good. I cannot now believe that those citizens who serve in the newspaper business consider themselves exempt from that appeal.

    I have no intention of establishing a new Office of War Information to govern the flow of news. I am not suggesting any new forms of censorship or any new types of security classifications. I have no easy answer to the dilemma that I have posed, and would not seek to impose it if I had one. But I am asking the members of the newspaper profession and the industry in this country to reexamine their own responsibilities, to consider the degree and the nature of the present danger, and to heed the duty of self-restraint which that danger imposes upon us all.

    Every newspaper now asks itself, with respect to every story: “Is it news?” All I suggest is that you add the question: “Is it in the interest of the national security?” And I hope that every group in America–unions and businessmen and public officials at every level– will ask the same question of their endeavors, and subject their actions to the same exacting tests.

    And should the press of America consider and recommend the voluntary assumption of specific new steps or machinery, I can assure you that we will cooperate whole-heartedly with those recommendations.

    Perhaps there will be no recommendations. Perhaps there is no answer to the dilemma faced by a free and open society in a cold and secret war. In times of peace, any discussion of this subject, and any action that results, are both painful and without precedent. But this is a time of peace and peril which knows no precedent in history.


    It is the unprecedented nature of this challenge that also gives rise to your second obligation–an obligation which I share. And that is our obligation to inform and alert the American people–to make certain that they possess all the facts that they need, and understand them as well–the perils, the prospects, the purposes of our program and the choices that we face.

    No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.

    I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers–I welcome it. This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said: “An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.” We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them.

    Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed–and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment– the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution- -not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.

    This means greater coverage and analysis of international news–for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security–and we intend to do it.


    It was early in the Seventeenth Century that Francis Bacon remarked on three recent inventions already transforming the world: the compass, gunpowder and the printing press. Now the links between the nations first forged by the compass have made us all citizens of the world, the hopes and threats of one becoming the hopes and threats of us all. In that one world’s efforts to live together, the evolution of gunpowder to its ultimate limit has warned mankind of the terrible consequences of failure.

    And so it is to the printing press–to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news–that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.

  16. “A normal person; one with commonly held beliefs, tastes or interests.“(JM)

    You must be a pervert to have beliefs, tastes or interests commonly held by Jews. You must be a pervert to love and defend such beliefs, tastes or interests – and NOT to critisize and reject them as any normal white person and/or Christian would do – JM doesn’t want to be called an “anti-Semite“…
    Just horrible. Deeply revulsive. Warning. Not for the faint-hearted to watch.
    That’s not the norm, that’s NOT normal for the majority of white (Christian) people, and will never be.

    TERRORISM & WAR is a Jewish tradition.
    Causing destabilization, upheaval, crisis, revolution and endless wars is a Jewish tradition. GENOCIDE is a Jewish tradition. WHITE GENOCIDE is a Jewish tradition. Jews call it their “religion“; successful massacres are being celebrated on their “religious holidays“ (PassOver, Purim, Hanukkah) JUDAISM is a Satanic cult (ritual blood sacrifices – animals are tortured to death for “redemption of sins“; non-Jews are seen as “animals in human form“; the murder of Tsar Nicholas II & family was a “human blood sacrifice“ committed by Jewish murderers) An international mafia of ruthless criminals posing as “Semites“. Con-artists.

    Ashkenazi Jews started off in Asia; they are of an Asiatic, Mongolian, Turk stock. Most of contemporary Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of Khasars who took on Satanic Talmudic Judaism (Kabbalah etc) as their “religion“. Sephardic Jews are descendants of Canaanites, Hittites and bear the features of the races Esau (Jacob’s brother) intermixed with (against God Yahweh’s law). Jews are liars, deceivers, imposters, identity thieves.

    Jews are the worst anti-Semites (ask the Palestinians and fake Israel’s Arab neighbours), the extremest nationalists (Zionists), anti-White racists, Jewish supremacists, and haters of Jesus Christ and Christians. Jews are not the racial, ethnic descendants of the biblical Hebrews, the Israelites. They are Edomites, a mixed race of thieves. Internationalists. Globalists. Everything they call their own they have stolen, even white DNA which enables them to hide even better among the peoples of the White race.

    What are parasites without host nations? Nothing at all. All their power comes from the white race they have infested and sucked dry the most. Critisizing Jews for their crimes, and for what they are, speaking the truth about the Jews, they call “anti-Semitism“ (an invented misnomer to silence critics), and they want “anti-Semitism“ to be punished as a crime by death…

    Jews want to repeat the same in the west (in all white countries) what they did in Bolshevic Russia. Jewish revolutionaries killed tens of millions of white Russians, orthodox Christians…, and following the successful Jewish “Russian“ Revolution (in 1917), Jewish anti-German hate propaganda instigated the ALL LIES to kill tens of millions of Germans (in WWII).

    MULTIPLE GENOCIDES, DIVIDE & RULE are Jewish traditions.Creating division among nations (races, religions, cultures) to make them fight and kill each other… while the international Jewish “elite“ (worst scum of scum) stand aside counting the shekels they profit from the wars they are guilty of…. Jews claim to be the “smartest“, the “most intelligent“ people. The truth is: Jews are the vilest, the most malicious, the most heinous ones, completely devoid of morals and conscience. That’s the kind of supremacy Jews can rightfully claim.

    And that’s what JM calls “normal“…
    JM must have totally missed the Jewish insanity terrorizing the whole world.
    That will never be the commonly accepted norm. The normal behaviour for healthy people is to detest and critisize such abominations….

    And: Germans have certainly NOT MISSED over a hundred years (75 years?) of documented falsified history i.e. hate-driven, anti-German, JEWISH PROPAGANDA LIES – and moreover: We are fed up with it.
    JM – Produce evidence for your accusations or shut up – you foul-mouthed liar.

    1. Hey Freya,

      Apparently I “must be a pervert to have beliefs, tastes or interests commonly held by Jews”. Ok then. Anything else Freya? Oh yeah, you sure do. Foot-in-mouth-disease seems to a common affliction amongst the Jew haters:

      “You must be a pervert to love and defend such beliefs, tastes or interests – and NOT to critisize and reject them as any normal white person and/or Christian would do – JM doesn’t want to be called an “anti-Semite“…”

      I won’t even comment on the rest of your post. I’mma just focus on the two above quotes of yours. That should be enough to make my point that your are a really bad Holocaust denying Jew hater. I mean, your first instinct is to call me “pervert” and I can’t be a “normal white person and/or Christian would do” because I don’t reject Jews. Is the premise of the rest of your again long-winded post that I am not a normal/white person? I could just leave this all here but I know you’re preaching to your own choir and I appear to be the only to have crashed your preachy site, out of tune.

      So you’ve admitted and implied Jews are perverts. You’ve called me a pervert. Great. No big deal as I didn’t expect that insult to meet Monika’s low bar of insults. No offence taken.

      I’m olive skinned. Would that be considered normal? I was raised in a Roman Catholic household. I’m an atheist now. Is an olive-skinned atheist a normal person? Am I a normal person because I disagree with your every anti-Semitic, Holocaust denying utterance and refuse to criticize and reject Jews.

      Since you refuse to answer the questions I’ve asked of you (save for the ones you’ve clearly answered above), let’s have some fun, shall we?

      Do something for me Freya. Call it a social experiment. Post your anti-Semitic, Holocaust denying beliefs and screeds on your business website. Let’s see what kind of response you get. Let’s see what the local business community has to say about it. Let’s see if your profits are impacted. Let’s see if you are the coward I suspect you are.

      1. JM – Produce evidence for your accusations or shut up – [edited].

        There is nothing to add.

        1. Hi Freya. Good to see your pithy response as opposed to your usual lengthy screeds. It is refreshing.

          I know full well that the burden of proof is on me Freya re accusations. Oh yes, I have done my research on you guys but you all hide under the anonymity of your posts. I have asked some of you the question “who are you” but guess what? You guys don’t want to reveal yourselves or even reveal contact info (yeah, I’m looking at you CanadianWildflower). The big question is *why*? It seems that if you all have the courage of your beliefs you’d want them out in the open, no?

          I’ll tell you what. In the spirit of openness, here is my email:

          Maybe you’d all like some more privacy.

  17. Me Yet Again says what:

    “A wingnut? Truther? “Common knowledge” – priceless that is. Really?, that’s it? That is all you have? I do not believe ” gas chambers”, used to murder people during good ole WW2 existed at all. I do indeed believe that the entire story is complete and utter bullshit. Please show me some evidence that they did exist. Just point out where I may find it. I must be pretty dimwitted indeed because I can not find this common knowledge you speak of? Pray tell, Jimmy. Are you a squirrel? Lots of provoking but you will not get the nut James. Amateur.”

    Hey Pepe Wingnut. There is so much evidence out there that gas chambers existed but you want me to show you the evidence? Priceless! And I agree, you are dimwitted if you honestly believe you can’t find proof of gas chambers. Please, don’t insult me and others with your intellectual laziness and dishonesty.

    Have a swell day Pepe.

    1. Hello Jimmy,
      Thank you for your courteous and timely response. It appears that you hold the key! Fantastic!
      Ok, So, where do I find all this evidence of the so called gas chambers? I have read almost everything, I have stood beside the swimming pool and a certain show piece and admired a chimney which has never been connected to anything, let alone a gas chamber; where oh where do I find this evidence? I am quite willing to alter my opinions and views on any subject, I just require proof. Pray tell? I await the Grande Revelation.
      Tis a lovely day, do enjoy your day James.

      1. Hey Pepe 👌!

        You keep asking me for evidence and say you’ve read “almost everything” regarding the gas chambers, including admiring “a chimney which has never been connected to anything”. You then declare that’s all the proof you need and then holy fuck if you just didn’t reduce your deductive reasoning and logic to imbecile levels.

        You’re trying to be coy and you’re failing miserably. You absolutely know there is evidence of the existence of gas chambers. I mean, you claim to have read “almost everything” hahahaha! How could it be possible that you’ve missed 75 years of documented history and evidence if you claim TO HAVE READ ALMOST EVERYTHING!

        It’s not that you want evidence from me to prove anything. It’s that you want to have an opportunity to rebut me with your unbelievable conspiracies. It’s not that y’all KNOW the evidence is out there; it’s that y’all choose to IGNORE it because it doesn’t fit your narrative. So don’t give me your BS that you want evidence from me, just me, when it’s been out there for decades.

        I’ll leave you with this: my wife worked in a long term health care facility in Edmonton 20 or so years ago. She was an LPN that took care of the residents. 2 of them had concentration camp tattoos on their arms. Both of them were terrified of taking showers. They had to be calmed down and comforted by my and her co-workers.

        You all should be ashamed of you guys are peddling on this site. Absolutely disgraceful.

        Have a swell evening Pepe x2

        1. I will give the same comment here that I posted in my reply to Jim under the “Criminalizing the Question” article.
          Jim, if there was “voluminous evidence”, then why don’t they simply produce the evidence? Instead they throw people in jail, and they FORBID evidence in court. If you present evidence and explanation of how you reach your conclusions in court, they press new charges against you. How much sense does that make? You see, it is all rather circular, isn’t it? Verdict first, show trial later, evidence forbidden.
          I will add this Jim. Please take a look at the 90 minute documentary called “Questioning the Holocaust – Why we Believed”. It explains many of the propaganda techniques and deceptions that have been used to peddle the story.

  18. Hey Freya, why are you ignoring my questions? You scared?

    Hey Monika, here is Freya agreeing with Rabbi Finkelstein that goyims are stupid and then she defines the word Goyim/Goy as cattle. How does insulting Jews and then referring them to cattle fit in with your no insults/no provocation on this site campaign?

  19. #WHO are the “Jews“?
    “Esau-Edom is modern Jewry.“ (Jewish Encyclopedia, volume 5, page 41)
    Edomites are from Edomea NOT of Israel (the man once called Jacob) and not of Judah (his son). Jews never were slaves in Egypt with Moses: John 8:33, “Jews“ cannot be the racial Israelites (of Israel the man once called Jacob) of the Bible.

    “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew“ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew“ (Jewish Almanach 1980, page 3)
    Thus, Jews know that they themselves are self-confessed frauds!
    Most of those who call themselves Jews are Ashkenazi Jews; they have Asian, Mongol,Turk DNA; their ancestors never set foot on the land these frauds now claim as their own… ‘Israel’ is the man once called Jacob, the tribes of Israel are his descendants – the true Israel is NOT a land mass, not a territory, not “Greater Israel“ (Yinon Plan) That’s a Jewish fraud, the stealing of land. Identity theft.

    … and Jesus Christ was NOT a “Jew“. Of course not! Jesus was a true Israelite from the tribe of Judah (House of David), as prophesized. That’s why king Herod (an Edomite) was afraid of him and wanted to kill the newborn child (the message Christians hear at Christmas time)

    Right from the horse’s mouth
    Take your time and listen. Here’s rabbi Finkelstein for once telling the truth… truly extraordinary.
    The Jewish mindset: If nobody stops us… why should we stop? Why shouldn’t we profit off the *Goyim’s stupidity?

    *Goyim/Goy (“cattle“) for all non-Jews (Babylonian Talmud)

  20. You Know Who (AKA Anonymous KKKoward) says:

    “JIMMY JIMMY JIMMY, Now, where-is-the-love my man? I thought we was gonna be pals!?
    Of course the bad ole Germans murdered 6 gazillion Jews…and let us not forget that they also murdered 5 or 6 million non-jews, did they not? Sure they did, because, we were told it was so, so it must be so. I, do indeed trust our governments, why would I not? The wee fact that there were no gas chambers is a minor inconvenience, of course, but we can forget about that, eh?
    Sorry Pal, but no airplanes whacked into any buildings in New York on 9 11. I have
    some Batman cartoons you may be interested in. How does this work jimmy? Why would you call anyone who disputes the holocaust an anti-Semite (whatever that be). I could not care less what group of people one claims to be from. All peoples have morons – you are a shining example, James. I’, fairly thrilled that 6 gazillion Jewish people and 5 or so million other people were in fact NOT murdered. Sounds like great news to me….mate. Lets hang out Jimmy, the fun we can have, eh? Come on pal, waddaya say?”

    Arguing with you dipshits is like stealing candy from a baby. Now, don’t get me wrong KKKoward, I don’t go around stealing candies from babies. I mean, babies have underdeveloped cognitive, intellectual and physiological capacities. That would be wrong!!

    However, like a babies’ undeveloped capacities, you have managed to carry those traits into adulthood. I’ll grant you that you have *probaby* advanced to grade school levels of intelligence and humor. I mean, I can see with your posts that you are capable of writing at an elementary level of communication. Kudos to you “pal”!

    To be fair to you, my analogy is a little unfair. You literally give the candy away with your every stupid utterance.

    So KKK, who are you? You have no problem mocking my name which is publicly displayed here and other sites. If you’re scared that I might return the mockery, rest assured I will not….oh wait, think I already have. Sorry, but in my defence I have to speculate through inference of your posts. My bad KKK.

    So, are you an anti-Semite? You’re clearly a 9/11 Truther. Do you believe that 6 million Jews were murdered during WWII’s Nazi regime, with or without gas chambers? Are you feeling the guilt of a thousand suns that your German heritage contains one of mankind’s worst atrocities? Are looking to soothe your soul by blaming the Jews for all the world’s ills to date?

    Yeah, I know….lots of questions. Of which I expect no answers from you. Because you’re a KKKoward.

    1. Hello Jimmy,

      Am a bit busy but I’ll give you a brief answer for you to mull over.

      No I am not an anti-Semite (whatever that is). No, I do not believe six million Jews were murdered during WW2, I do not believe there was a single gas-chamber used to kill any one, let alone Jews.

      What is it you do not understand about the words “work makes you free”? What is a truther? I most certainly do not believe one single word of the official version of so called 9 11 – only an idiot would believe it. Buildings blew up but not a single airplane hit them – all a video production for the fools. I can assure you James, I feel no guilt at all over my heritage (which is unknown to you), quite proud of it actually.- why would I feel guilty about anything? Why would I blame the “Jews”? Blame the Jews for what?

      I do not believe lies therefor I am a coward and KKK? Really?

      That’s the best you can do? Prove to me a gas chamber, used to murder people existed. Simply prove it. I await with bated breath…I’ll be waiting a very long time I am sure.

      Enjoy you day Jimmy.

      1. Riiiigghhht. You don’t know what an anti-Semite is? Am I to believe that in all the “work” you’ve done that has set you “free” you haven’t a clue what an anti-Semite is? Is that what you would have me believe? Hahahahahaaaaaa.

        “What is a Truther”? Seriously? You’ve never come across that term in all of your research on 9/11? Ok, I’ll humor you a little:

        Trutherism, a conspiracy driven belief system where common knowledge and facts are called lies and cover ups for the “real” Truth. Truthers are the wingnuts that sustain and propagate that narrative. You’re a Truther, hence a wingnut.

        Have a great day Pepe.


      You’ve been allowed to continue to comment here for the purpose of giving fair play to a “normie” view point, otherwise known as “conventional wisdom“. Yet you continue to abuse that by mixing in insults and provocative language within your dissenting views.

      Any future comments from you that continue like that, will NOT be approved.

      Argue the “ball” and not the “man“.

      1. Hi Monika,

        Here is a quick definition of “normie”:

        “normie (plural normies) (slang, usually derogatory) A normal person; one with commonly held beliefs, tastes or interests.
        normie – Wiktionary › wiki › normie”

        So I’ll grant you that you did not intend to use that term in the “usually derogatory” sense. But why did you even include that term if not to insult me? You could have just stated that I am coming from a “conventional wisdom” viewpoint. Also, adding scare quotes around the words “normie” and “conventional wisdom” belie your stated intent of keeping your site free of provocation and insult.

        What does “argue the ball and not the man” even mean? Are you trying to say argue the ideas and not the person holding the ideas?

        This is your site and you are entitled to moderate it as you wish. But I trust you will live up to your stated free speech slogan that defines this blog.

    3. A wingnut? Truther? “Common knowledge” – priceless that is. Really?, that’s it? That is all you have? I do not believe ” gas chambers”, used to murder people during good ole WW2 existed at all. I do indeed believe that the entire story is complete and utter bullshit. Please show me some evidence that they did exist. Just point out where I may find it. I must be pretty dimwitted indeed because I can not find this common knowledge you speak of? Pray tell, Jimmy. Are you a squirrel? Lots of provoking but you will not get the nut James. Amateur.

  21. Hi Freya,

    You continue with your long winded, arcane references. And yet you continue to evade the simple questions I have asked of you:

    Who are you Freya (alias?? haha)? Are you a wealthy shop owner? Are you a Canadian citizen? Are you an anti-Semite and 9/11 truther? As you and Monika have accused me of being….are you *afraid* to answer these questions in a very free speechy public forum? Are you afraid your business might take a hit because you *know* your beliefs willl impact your earnings? Do you understand what “courage of convictions” means? Are you a coward because you know that your views are not accepted by mainstream society?

    Please respond with your answers to these questions. Also, why did you lie and accuse me of being a “German” hater?

    Jim (Vincenzo) Mannella

  22. [Freya, I’ve let this one through as is, but in the future could you please try to keep your comments more concise. Thanks — ADMIN]


    (already passed into US law in 1991!) are the most poisonous weapons of our enemies. (((They))) hate free speech and a free society (as guaranteed by the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus) They want “ANTI-SEMITISM” LAWS like the Jewish revolutionaries had in Bolshevic Russia, carrying the DEATH PENALTY for criticism of the COMMUNIST JEWISH TERROR regime… and the JEWISH COMMUNISTS ”legally” murdered tens of millions of Russians (orthodox Christians). They want to repeat the same in all white countries. WHITE GENOCIDE is the Jewish Agenda. The RACE WAR ON WHITES (mostly Christians) is on… !!!

    #The “Russiagate” Hoax diversion – ZIONIST POWER games/trickery

    (((The Hidden Hand))), Jewish puppet masters from behind the scenes, the bankers launched a media campaign “against“ the “FEDERAL RESERVE“ ACT (1913) to muster congressional and public support for the law… and the law the bankers most wanted (!) got passed in Congress (shortly before Christmas when most of the “representatives“ had already left for the holidays). The trickery worked… and the BANKER MAFIA got what they wanted. The right to issue currency was transfered from Congress to an international private Jewish banking syndicate… and since then they have an unlimited money supply to corrupt and buy up any politician and government leader/s (((they))) select…. and the Zionist wars (starting with WWI in 1917) led by the US military have never ended… Two world wars were instigated and orchestrated to concentrate and consolidate ZIONIST POWER over the world. They made their first attempt at WORLD GOVERNMENT in 1815 (Congress of Vienna) and were refuted by the Russian Tsar (for which the Rothschilds took revenge with the Bolshevic Revolution (1917) & the murder of Tsar Nicholas II, his family, nobility, intelligentsia, and tens of millions of Russians); after WWI the League of Nations was created but didn’t fly… following WWII the United Nations Organization (UNO) was finally established as the Zionist tool for Jewish One World Government.


    The Zionists, the rabbis of the radical, Talmudic, Satanic Chabad Lubavitcher sect want to use both Trump and Putin (both “advised“ by Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis) to help re-build SOLOMON’S TEMPLE in Jerusalem and to usher in their JEWISH MESSIAH (the ANTI-CHRIST Jesus warned about), to crown their JEWISH KING, allegedly of King David’s bloodline… to biblically “justify“ their “entitlement to rule the world“ with an iron rod. Donald Trump is likened to King Cyrus right on down to having his image cast on a coin right along with King Cyrus!


    Even those who adhere perfectly to the NOAHIDE LAW are not fit to live because “gentiles“ are considered not human but “beasts in human form“, according to the Talmud. Noahide Law is enacted US Law, passed by both congress and senate in 1991! In the Satanic Babylonian Talmud, everyone non-Jew and Christians are considered IDOLATORS, and the PUNISHMENT FOR IDOLATRY, according to Noahide Law, is decapitation; the “FEMA“ concentration camps waiting for inmates… are stacked up with guillotines…


    The southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and the 10 northern tribes? Who are they? Where are they? If the Bible is right they left the Middle East and moved in certain directions. Some say the white European nations can be identified as the descendants of ancient Israel. They say that scriptures of the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation give specific proof for that claim. They say:

    The descendants of Israel (the man once known as Jacob) can today be identified in the White Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic and Nordic nations of America, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Northwestern Europe, Iceland, and the Scandinavians. Ephraim is the British Isles. Manasseh is the United States. Denmark is Dan, Judah and Benjamin, Holland is Zebulon, Germany is primarily Judah and Dan and Reuben. Ireland is Dan and Zarah Judah, The Scandinavian Countries are Dan, Benjamin, Judah, Northern Italy is Naphtali, France was Zarah Judah, with Gad(Gaul) and others. The Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred people are the Children of Israel. Only they have fulfilled every detail of Biblical Prophecy and World History concerning the descendants of the man once known as Jacob, and later surnamed Israel. This chosen line makes up today’s Christian Nations. (Genesis 35:11; Isaiah 62:2; Acts 11:26)

    I must say that I have never before heard about such a claim. A rather unusual perspective…completely kept hidden from us Germans.
    Hitler Returns From Austria
    Holland (1940)
    Hitler Returns To Germany From France (1940) (Zarah Judah?)

    Does that look like the tribe of (Pharez) Judah? Traditionally through German history leading the fight of self-defence against any foe. The Continental AXIS Powers (surrounded by the international All lies Jewish Zionist Communists who had declared HOLY WAR on Germany, as early as March 24, 1933, an international ECONOMIC BOYCOTT & FINANCIAL WAR of destruction) were united in the common struggle against COMMUNISM & Zionist Jewish MONEY POWER to defend all of Europe (and the Middle East; Turkish Muslims took part in the same fight), to defend the Christian civilization of Europe.
    German Youth – Physical Training And Sports Meeting (1937)
    Strength Through Joy (1938)

    A righteous fight virtually “David against Goliath” (The international “Federal Reserve“ System, the eighth Beast of the Book of Revelations, the Rothschild Money Power ruling over three Allied Empires: The British Empire, The United States of America, and the Communist Soviet Union; and all their combined ressources – Their peoples unwittingly fought for the concentration and consolidation of JEWISH ZIONIST POWER, and in the longer run… for White self-destruction) The Jewish method of DIVIDE&RULE. They have made cousins kill cousins, brothers kill brothers of their own tribe. They make the White race destroy itself. Truly demonic.

    #THE JEWISH IMPOSTERS (who want a “World of their own“)

    The Zionist Talmudic Jews (not the “Nazis”) want WORLD DOMINATION. Here come the Jewish British “Royals“ into play… and the international power of Ziomedia – Hollywood… the Anglo-American, international Jewish power circles double-crossed the National Socialists (Hitler). Do (((they))) intend to crown Prince William (or his little son) as their “Jewish king of the world“? (a child to tear at the heartstrings of the Europeans? To revive the monarchy after “demoncracy“ has so openly failed?) But these “royals“ left in power after WWII are Jewish Freemasonic Satanic imposters, intermarried with the Rothschilds (Khasars, Ashkenazi Jews), certainly not true Israelites (who they seriously claim to be?) They definitely are not of the seedline of the Israelites from the Bible. That should be evident: Rothschild descendants (Ashkenazi Satanists!) can’t possibly produce the “Saviour of the world“… whatever their propaganda will claim. They use the prophesies of the Bible as their Hollywood script. Jews don’t accept Jesus Christ as the prophesized Saviour/Messiah as Christians do.

    Unbelievable, but many people will be deceived.
    All these subverted pseudo-Christian churches, “Judeo-Christians“/“Christian Zionists“ (contradiction in itself) who don’t follow Jesus but false teachers and serve unknowingly the Satanists’ cause in supporting Israel, and the Jews as the “Chosen Ones“. Many more will fall for the false “Jewish Messiah and Jewish King” Scam. All their scams are utterly ludicrous! Too many are unable to see through the scam/s. Nevertheless – The people (the world) must be warned. We walk like sheep to the slaughter…

    (Apology, it’s “rather lengthy” but very important to know. It’s all happening right before our eyes, and the people just don’t seem to see)

  23. Hi Freya Says,

    Freya says:

    “ok-let’s have another try”

    What are you looking to try again Freya?

    Freya says:

    “Obviously you have NOT been “talking ideas and historical records“… You have only parotted evil anti-German war propaganda of WWII and used lots of smearwords.”

    Oh really? What evil anti-German war propaganda have I parrotted? If I were “parroting” why would you think I was “NOT” talking ideas and historical records? Are you really this dense?

    Freya says:

    “Don’t you understand Monika’s reply: ‘“You seem to think “free speech” is about allowing whatever personal insults you want to spew forth. What about talking about the subject at hand? Contents, Jim, contents that has something we can debate and discuss. Let’s talk about evidence, let’s talk about sources, let’s talk about the subject. That is what free speech is about. Like I said, enough already.“‘“

    Yeah, here is the f… problem with the “content” on this forum that you and Monika want. The actual “content” that you want is content that y’all hope to use to persuade the rest of normal society that has the vast resources of social media, standard education, personal history to render your “truth” to the ash heap of history. So stop with your assumptively disingenuous stupid argument that disallowing sweary and insulty words is in the service of free speech. Do *you* understand that Freya?

    Freya says:

    “Don’t you see what is missing in your posts & that your communication skills are lacking? Your extreme unwillingness to learn about the historical truth made me wonder about your racial and religious identity. That’s all. You say you are Italian – so you are not a Jew who hates Germans. Well then – why does a Canadian of Italian descent hate Germans so much? Why is it not good news for you to learn that the National Socialists are not guilty of a “Six million Holocaust“? To accuse the German people collectively is absolutely absurd in itself…The ONLY people ever to be treated in such a way. Or can you think of any other nation that has been vilified in such a persistent and pernicious way – worldwide, 24/7 for decades? For over a hundred years? … …”

    Ok great Parser of language and communication skills? Tell me what I’m lacking. Please do tell and I will refrain from describing the abyss that is “your” reading, comprehension and logic ski…..oh wait. I have to walk that back a bit. I think I will rip into your lack of comprehension and logic skills after all. Here we go. Are you ready for some loud, fiery, sweary and insulty words that Monika might ban:

    DON’T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH YOU f… DOUCHE. Where did I say I “hate Germans so much”? Are you that dense that you think sane people wouldn’t catch your attempt at false equivalency? I don’t hate Germans. I only hate anti-Semitic, conspiracy mongers, some of which, happen to be GERMANS. Do you understand the fucking difference?

    You know how some of you like to propagate the conspiracy theory that Jews control the currency and wealth globally? Tell me Freya, how’s it feel being an anti-Semitic, Holocaust denying, wealthy German shop owner? Feeling a sense of guilt haunting your memory? Feeling like you might want to make amends and blame the Jews for Germany’s Nazi past? Can’t get over the feeling that you are your own person despite your heritage but just can’t shake the guilt of a horrible era of German history?

    How do you feel holding all that unforced, false guilt while being a wealthy German in a free society that allows you to spew your hatred of Jews, wealthy or not? Does the money soothe your evil soul?

  24. #Jim Mannella – jimmannella
    Lets state some facts – No normal communicative skills – non-communicative methods of ridicule, distraction, diversion, evasion – foul mouthed name calling instead

    1 JM is not interested in scientifically proven facts i.e. not interested to learn the historical truth – ridicule instead “… and then I will be so amazed at your research and scholarship that I will have no choice but to become a card-carrying member of your cult“ (speaking to Veterans For Truth re non-existant “gas chambers”)
    2 JM is unwilling and/or incapable of thinking straight – contradictory statements instead, the reference to what “the majority thinks“ and then “where did I say I speak for Canadians?“ JM obviously DID repeatedly refer to a majority – of Canadians, even of world population when claiming “Your insult to the majority of a free society that largely denounces your words and beliefs.” (speaking to Monika)
    3 JM is not interested in content – all JM knows are derogatory terms “Seniors for BS“, “anti-Semitic“, “Hitler apologist“, “Holocaust denier“, “conspiracy driven“ “conspiracy theorist“, “non-talented “strawman arguments“, allegedly NOT “coherent and valid“ while at the same time whining about allegedly “being smeared“ himself: “Your attempt to smear me by including Noel Ignatiev…“ The hypocrite calling others “hypocrites“ – inversion, projection… and evasion… The coward that JM is!
    4 National and racial identity matters – of course it does! – JM chooses evasion again:“…my religious, ideological identity should not matter.“ Obviously, there is a problem… “Jim Mannella“ (alias name?) needs to hide his “religious, ideological identity“, his racial identity too? – JM doesn’t want to talk about any of these crucial things in a genuine way or manner
    5 Calling others “ignorant“ while exposing his own wilful ignorance is proof that there is no open, honest and civil debate possible with an individual who displays such a dishonest behaviour… It’s not only terribly tiring but most of all extremely boring…
    6 The statement that “Ignatiev is a whacko nut job“ is an extreme understatement … for describing someone who publicly calls for the GENOCIDE OF THE WHITE RACE!!! But alas – no so for JM! For Jim Mannella it’s most important to stress that “all on this site“ are “whacko nutjobs“ that peddle “hate and disinformation“. All JM has are smearwords and statements he doesn’t care to explain and prove in any way…

    The Freya-post above is in generalized terms characterized as “hate and disinformation“ without any explanation in what respect… truly an attempt at smearing not only the person allegedly “peddling lies“ but in general calling the truth “hate and disinformation/lies“ (a classical inversion and projection again)

    JM loves his inverted fake reality built out of lies.
    Well, JM obviously needs the truth knocking him over the head…
    in order to – eventually – see the light of day…
    It’ll be a hard awakening for him – and all truth haters.

    1. Hi Freya. Another long, tortuous response from you.

      Nice that you evaded the questions I asked of you. Let’s ask a few of them again shall we?

      Are you anti-Semitic?
      Are you a Holocaust denier?
      Are you a 9/11 truther?

      Please respond yes or no. Simple, right? It would sure help our discourse!

      I have no problem admitting I use derogatory terms. Hell, I see see a lot of derogatory terms, implied or otherwise, leveled at me? Do you see them Freya? I would suspect you do not. You know what that indicates Freya? We’re all free to take offence at supposed slights and do with them what we will but you want to weaponize my comments to falsely and hypocritically accuse me of being unfair. I fully understand that you and your cohorts will cowardly hide under the veil of free speech and civil discourse to spout your beliefs and views. It is what you do.

      You question if I am actually “Jim Mannella”? You question my “race”? You question my religion? Again, WHY THE FUCK WOULD IT MATTER if we’re talking ideas and historical records. Furthermore, if you had any clue you could ask Monika and I’m sure she would be able to answer some of them. But yeah, you go ahead and keep sticking your foot in mouth.

      And y’all keep preaching that you’re the actual “truth” purveyors. You keep using that word and I don’t think you guys know what it means.

    2. Hi Freya!

      Just to follow up on my post that I’m sure Monika will eventually allow (and am positive that she will have to allow this post because there will be no swear words or insults, right?).

      Let’s exchange some personal info shall we? After all, you’re all curious about my race, religion and whether I’m really “Jim Mannella”. (Hahahahaaaa….sorry, can’t stop laughing….I hope Monika appreciates sarcasm)

      My birth name is Vincenzo Mannella. I am 100% Italian. I was born in beautiful Jasper Alberta, the only one of my siblings to be a naturally born Canadian citizen! Yay! But that doesn’t matter, or does it Freya?🤔🤔

      I was raised as a Roman Catholic but it didn’t take long for me to realize that religion is for those that seek comfort and peace of mind to navigate life as we know it. Nothing wrong with that. Fast forward decades and I became an Atheist.

      So here I am back in Jasper, mine and my wife’s place of birth, after a 27 year hiatus living and raising our children in Edmonton. Soooo happy to have retired in the town I was born and raised in.

      So over to you Freya, give us a glimpse of your status? Do you hate Jews? Are you a a Christian? Is Freya your real name (alias?hahahaha)? Are you a wealthy shop owner?

      Please, do tell.


      Jim (Vincenzo) Mannella

      1. Hi Jim,
        okay – let’s have another try.
        “You question if I am actually “Jim Mannella”? You question my “race”? You question my religion? Again, WHY THE FUCK WOULD IT MATTER if we’re talking ideas and historical records.“

        Obviously you have NOT been “talking ideas and historical records“… You have only parotted evil anti-German war propaganda of WWII and used lots of smearwords.

        Don’t you understand Monika’s reply: “You seem to think “free speech” is about allowing whatever personal insults you want to spew forth. What about talking about the subject at hand? Contents, Jim, contents that has something we can debate and discuss. Let’s talk about evidence, let’s talk about sources, let’s talk about the subject. That is what free speech is about. Like I said, enough already.“

        Don’t you see what is missing in your posts & that your communication skills are lacking? Your extreme unwillingness to learn about the historical truth made me wonder about your racial and religious identity. That’s all. You say you are Italian – so you are not a Jew who hates Germans.

        Well then – why does a Canadian of Italian descent hate Germans so much? Why is it not good news for you to learn that the National Socialists are not guilty of a “Six million Holocaust“? To accuse the German people collectively is absolutely absurd in itself…The ONLY people ever to be treated in such a way. Or can you think of any other nation that has been vilified in such a persistent and pernicious way – worldwide, 24/7 for decades? For over a hundred years? … …

        I’m just wondering why you can’t see the obvious – the deep injustice being done to my people. Why you don’t want to learn about historical truth…

  25. We are all free to make our own choices –
    The same goes for you “Jim Mannellas“ out there
    who are too afraid to meet Monika in person. Incapable of having an open and honest civil, face-to-face discussion, in a local coffee shop or restaurant as proposed. You may have reason to hide who you are. Well then, sit down and fall down with Satanic psychos bragging and boasting about the “supreme smartness & intelligence“, the “successes“ of their “tribe“, a mixed, mongrelized “race“. The “Chosen Ones“ by their god Satan-Lucifer-Molech-Baal (or whatever names) Sit down and fall down with mass murderers who want to totally extinguish the white race through forced upon endless wars, non-white mass immigration into white countries only, heavily propagandized miscegenation, and whatever torture and hidden killing methods only evil, demon-possessed minds are capable of contriving. Sit down and fall down with hate-filled Jewish supremacists, imposters, anti-semites, anti-white racists and haters of Jesus Christ who keep PUSHING FOR WHITE GENOCIDE & JEWISH WORLD DOMINATION. CONSPIRACY REALITY. Proclaimed publicly and carried out in plain view… Sit down and fall down with those guilty of MULTIPLE GENOCIDES through the ages who go on rampaging and enslaving the whole world. Here is One of their prominent mouthpieces:

    Satanic Jewish SLAVE MASTERS firmly believe they will have the last word. Their rabbinical unholy “scriptures“ tell them so.

    “Jim Manella“, would that make you happy? How hypocritical and self-deluded are you? Are you a dumbed down, useful “shabbos goy“ or do you belong to the “tribe“ yourself?

    “Jewish Victimhood“. Always playing the “innocent victims“ is urgently needed to self-identify as “Jewish“. To “redeem“ themselves for their un-redeemable crimes against humanity, God’s creation, Jews obviously need to demonize and want to for ever exploit the German people & the White race as their eternal scapegoats. Everything turned upside down. Master liars, master deceivers, master thieves.
    The kind of “supremacy” genocidal Jews can claim.

    Do you know what? It doesn’t work that way.
    The House of marked Cards is falling down.
    Lügen haben kurze Beine (German proverb)
    meaning: Lies don’t last for ever…
    The truth will prevail.

    1. I’m not afraid to meet Monika. I just refuse to for the reasons I’ve stated to Monika in a post that is awaiting Monika’s free speechy moderation. We already had it out on the steps of the Jasper Post Office awhile ago, pre incarceration. It did not go well.

      But I digress….notwithstanding the above, let’s get to the rest of the mess that is your post.

      Answer me this: Are you anti-Semitic, anti-(non-white) immigration, a Hitler apologist, white-supremacist, Holocaust denying, conspiracy driven, anti-miscegenation? Because it sure seems like it in your posts. Yes or no?

      You have a tremendous non-talent in formulating long winded straw-man arguments. Am I a “dumbed down, useful ‘shabbos goy’”, a member of the “tribe”? In any coherent and valid discussion of ideas and opinions my religious, ideological indentity should not matter. Do you get that?

      Your attempt to smear me by including Noel Ignatiev’s short video clip is hilariously ignorant. I know, you probably don’t understand what straw-manning is but you assumptively suggest I might be a white-genocidal maniac like Ignatiev. On the contrary, Ignatiev is a whacko nut job just like you and all on this site that peddle hate and disinformation.

      1. Truth is hate only to those who hate truth, Jim M.
        Wow!, YOU, “had-it-out!” That is dam impressive Jimmy. YOU, “had-it-out!” Jaysus-H-Christ! Wow! If you believe that Germans shoved Jews and others into “gas-chambers”, that did not actually exist, you are nuts. Here, a little charity for ya: here be dragons:

        Have a look, “gas-chambers”, of a sort, DID in fact exist, in many places in Europe, Have a look see. A question, if I may, Now, why did the bad ole Germans, as efficient as they were and are, not avail themselves of these beauties, eh?

        Come to the dark side Jim, we can be pals, I like yer name. Waddaya say bout dat?

        1. Listen up Vets For BS. You guys are sooo far from the arbiters of truth that if there were an actual hell you and your ilks’ BS will be firing the furnaces of hell for eternity.

          I will never be your “pal”. I will never have coffee with Monika as long as she is associated with this group of Jew haters and 9/11 truthers. But surely you know this. Surely you know that the majority of society vilifies your conspiracy addled brains. And yet you guys keep pushing against the tide of decency and humanity claiming you guys are a force for truth. Y’all are a bunch of dimwitted, hateful purveyors of false grievances because you can’t come to grips that Nazi Germany actually murdered 6 million Jews. You can obfuscate all you want with your “but the gas chambers” BS but the fact remains, and will always remain, *6 MILLION JEWS* were murdered.

          I’ll say it again: Darwin’s theory of evolution is too slow to get rid of stupidity like yours.

      2. JIMMY JIMMY JIMMY, Now, where-is-the-love my man? I thought we was gonna be pals!?
        Of course the bad ole Germans murdered 6 gazillion Jews…and let us not forget that they also murdered 5 or 6 million non-jews, did they not? Sure they did, because, we were told it was so, so it must be so. I, do indeed trust our governments, why would I not? The wee fact that there were no gas chambers is a minor inconvenience, of course, but we can forget about that, eh?
        Sorry Pal, but no airplanes whacked into any buildings in New York on 9 11. I have
        some Batman cartoons you may be interested in. How does this work jimmy? Why would you call anyone who disputes the holocaust an anti-Semite (whatever that be). I could not care less what group of people one claims to be from. All peoples have morons – you are a shining example, James. I’, fairly thrilled that 6 gazillion Jewish people and 5 or so million other people were in fact NOT murdered. Sounds like great news to me….mate. Lets hang out Jimmy, the fun we can have, eh? Come on pal, waddaya say?

      3. Jimmy, The only people I ….UH…Hate…are…Capers! Those Goddamn Capers and their Cape Breton Liberation Army are very very bad. Now we’ve been chasing the buggers back to their wee Island now for years, but still…THEY COME!. We was told…just last week mind, that they, THE CAPERS!, have gone and gassed 6 gazillion folk from Alberta! Can you imagine the horror we all felt James!!!? 6 gazillion Albertans have been gassed…or wait…hold on now…nope…a new report just in!…They killed them all with the infamous ….”brain-bashing-machine”….must run…;me thinks THE Capers are just coming over the hill now….Goddamned Capers!…wheres me squirrel gun? I’ll teach em all for their evil deeds. Boycott The Capers!! Evil!!!

  26. Ha!

    “We are all victims of extreme indoctrination and some of us are coming out of the fog of deceptive programming”. Your words. Your insult to the majority of a free society that largely denounces your words and beliefs. You disparage us like we have been indoctrinated by a Jewish, Zionist conspiracy to “brainwash” us since the great World Wars. You have such a lack of self-awareness (I repeat myself) that you cannot fathom that the *majority* of society that disagrees with you and your ilk can’t think for themselves. You assume that we haven’t seen all your “evidence” and that only your tribe has the “truth”. So no, this has not gone over my head. Also, your projection is so bedazzled I feel sorry for you.

    I have seen your truth and it is far from what you claim is truth and it sucks. Do you actually think I, we, haven’t got the intelligence to live our lives without being “brainwashed”? How condescending and presumptive of you and your followers. If it fits y’alls narrative I guess it’s okay to lie for Hitler.

    Tell me, us, on this site, why did the RCMP call you first and then called me? Why would they call me? Who suggested they call me? You see what’s in front of your eyes? Do *you* understand English? WHY did the RCMP call me? You can dance and fiddle around this all you want but *you* instigated this their inquiry.

    You want to talk about content? Content that is your apparent bar I have to meet before my posts will be allowed? My latest tweets have challenged your right to claim “freespeechmonika” while denying my comments to be posted because you have to approve them…..Hypocrisy, thy name is Monika. Do you understand at all?

    Of course you’re claiming not to engage me anymore in this very public freespeechmonika-like forum of free speech because it’s very public and free speechy and there is no room for free speech on the very public freespeechmonika site 🙄

    My little dare to you is apparently meaningless but you want to dare me to meet you or I will be rendered afraid of you? Hahahahahahaaaaaaa

    I will never sit down with an avowed anti-Semite, Holocaust denying, Hitler apologizing, 9/11 truther, conspiracy mongering shitbag of a human. But hey, that’s just me.

    You want to talk about fear Monika? You want to accuse me of being afraid of the truth? Then post this on your site you hypocrite.

    1. Jim M, Have you ever left your wee village and visited a so called “gas chamber”? Have you ever ventured further than “the city”? Get your news from the good ole CBC I suppose, eh? I bet you think of yourself as being an educated chappy now don’t you?
      And Jimmy boy, you most certainly do not speak for Canadians. Who in the hell do you think you are? You off your meds or something?
      THe big H is complete-and-utter-bullshit, Jimmy. You are going to feel real stupid being the last believer. Wake up.

      1. Hey Truthy! I’m sure you’re chomping at the bit for me to tell you that no, I haven’t visited gas chambers so you can then tell me all about your visits to gas chambers and then I will be so amazed at your research and scholarship that I will have no choice but to become a card-carrying member of your cult. Amirite??

        Ok, my meds are now up to speed….

        So Truthy boy, where did I say I speak for Canadians? Who the hell do *you* think you are?

        Yeah Seniors For BS, I *might* be the last stupid believer but at least I’m not the current stupid person in this discussion.

  27. Hi Monika. I’ve replied to ‘Harold’calling me “brainwashed”. I don’t see my response which I sent yesterday evening. I believe there are more responses I’ve sent that haven’t made it onto this page. I can appreciate this sites’ moderation and filtering but it seems that freespeechMonika is a misnomer. Please respond. Thx

    1. First, let me say that I do not walk around with a device attached to my navel, so if your comment does not get approved instantly, that means nothing.
      Secondly, you have had your say in an inordinate number of comments, many of which were replete with insults and slander, and all of which were low on actual content. Indeed there are a few that just did not get approved. I do not apologize for that.
      Thirdly, you make a false allegation about the Facebook incident and the police. I did NOT ask them to “press libel charges” against you. That is a lie. I have explained this before. It feels as though I am talking to a wall.
      Lastly, give me proof that a local business owner was “harassed” before you make these allegations.
      Enough already Jim. Let’s go have a coffee and have a civil discussion.

      1. Monika, thanks for your reply. I do not have a device attached to my navel but my neuronic communications device implant was temporarily dislodged, hence the delay in response 😉

        Your site is titled “freespeechmonika” not “freespeechonmytermsmonika”. You’re entitled to moderate your own site. I get that. But please, don’t hide under free speech rights to play the victim re your German incarceration. As I’ve stated before, you have the right to say whatever the hell you want. But sometimes words and beliefs have consequences…moral and *legal* consequences which you’re more than familiar with.

        My responses here have, yes, been “replete” with insults (not so much slander) but guess what? It’s mostly in response to comments aimed at me, often comments “replete” with insults. Do you get what I’m saying Monika? Here, let me help you:

        I don’t give a fuck about yours or anyone else’s insults to me on this site. You apparently are the arbiter of what defines “insults” or “slander” on here. But my “insults” might not pass your Insultometer 1000 filter process. I wonder why? It couldn’t be because you disagree with my right to free speech, could it? You’re “freespeechmonika” after all!

        And you know what the greatest of all ironies is? I won’t be arrested for my words here, in Germany and most of the freedom loving world. Suck it up Monika. Gain some much needed self-awareness, realize what you’re doing is wrong own up to your wrongdoings.

        Regarding the local RCMP. Why would they have to explain to me what libel laws are after they said you contacted them? Why would the officer I spoke to say they he saw no libel infractions in what he read on my FB account? Who instigated this? Was it you? Yes, it was you. Now please tell me and your followers what I lied about regarding this episode.

        You dare me to provide proof of harassment of a local business owner that was a result of this thread. Ok, let me appeal to your sense decency, compassion and honesty:

        Did you at any time reach out to the business owner in question and ask for proof of harassment or offer her an apology *before* you took down her contact information?
        If not then why did you take take down her contact info? Oh right, a gesture of good will after the damage had been done.

        Monika, I dare you to print this post. I welcome all of you’re followers to give me their best shots.

        1. You have no idea how proud and unbowed I am, Jim. Whatever makes you think I am “playing the victim”? Nothing could be further from the truth. We are all “victims” of extreme indoctrination, and some of us are coming out of the fog of deceptive programming. But this will likely go right over your head, as so many of the other comments have gone right over your head.
          You like to invert and project.
          Say whatever you want about the RCMP, it does not change the facts. I did not initiate the call Jim, they called me first. I did not ask them to press charges. We had a frank discussion about your FB comments and agreed that they should be talking to you about it. Informing you. Not charging. You have a hard time understanding simple english. I am not going to engage with you in this public forum about it anymore.
          What about that face-to-face discussion Jim, in a local coffee shop or restaurant? You did not answer that. What are you afraid of?
          Your little “dare” is meaningless to me. Your rant about free speech is meaningless to me too Jim. You’ve had quite a run here. You seem to think “free speech” is about allowing whatever personal insults you want to spew forth. What about talking about the subject at hand? Contents, Jim, contents that has something we can debate and discuss. Let’s talk about evidence, let’s talk about sources, let’s talk about the subject. That is what free speech is about.
          Like I said, enough already.

    1. So schön! One of my favourite tenors. Too bad he died so young.
      Thank you for posting this pearl 🙂

  28. dune mouse
    you’ve read the comments. You’ve made a first step. Good for you. Maybe, you’ll decide to read them all over again… and again… with an open mind. Why not read Gerard Menuhin’s, Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil for a start? Highly recommendable for your 3rd generation ‘Holocaust survivor’ Israeli friends too. True happiness and friendship is impossible without facing the truth. You majored in the fake Hollywood version of history. Lots of lies. Have you read Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’? The slaves are made unaware of their enslavement (“Don’t worry, be happy!“). The drug “Soma“ helps… not to feel any pains… Zombies have no tears… no true feelings, empathy left. The plastic Hollywood virtual reality (((they))) are building around us. You seem to be quite young in years. Aren’t you curious to find out how the world really works? Are you satisfied by FAKENESS (phoniness, falsehood)? Don’t you want the real thing? Don’t you want to find true happiness and friendship? No chance – if you keep staying away from the truth.

  29. PS I’m sorry your country lost the war and war is never good of course and yes there are always many things at play behind it, but Good luck bringing down world Jewry!! Afterward you will have to deal with the Muslims I think.

    1. Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies
      March 9, 2019 renegade 6 Comments
      By Theodore J. O’Keefe (1995)

      Nothing has been more effective in establishing the authenticity of the Holocaust story in the minds of Americans than the terrible scenes US troops discovered when they entered German concentration camps at the close of World War II.

      At Dachau, Buchenwald, Dora, Mauthausen, and other work and detention camps, horrified US infantrymen encountered heaps of dead and dying inmates, emaciated and diseased. Survivors told them hair-raising stories of torture and slaughter, and backed up their claims by showing the GIs crematory ovens, alleged execution gas chambers, supposed implements of torture, and even shrunken heads and lampshades, gloves, and handbags purportedly made from skin flayed from dead inmates.

      US government authorities, mindful that many Americans who remembered the atrocity stories fed them during World War I still doubted the Allied propaganda directed against the Hitler regime, resolved to “document” what the GIs had found in the camps. Prominent newsmen and politicians were flown in to see the harrowing evidence, while the US Army Signal Corps filmed and photographed the scenes for posterity. Famous journalist Edward R. Murrow reported, in tones of horror, but no longer of disbelief, what he had been told and shown, and Dachau and Buchenwald were branded on the hearts and minds of the American populace as names of infamy unmatched in the sad and bloody history of this planet.

      For Americans, what was “discovered” at the camps — the dead and the diseased, the terrible stories of the inmates, all the props of torture and terror — became the basis not simply of a transitory propaganda campaign but of the conviction that, yes, it was true: the Germans did exterminate six million Jews, most of them in lethal gas chambers.

      What the GIs found was used, by way of films that were mandatory viewing for the vanquished populace of Germany, to “re-educate” the German people by destroying their national pride and their will to a united, independent national state, imposing in their place overwhelming feelings of collective guilt and political impotence. And when the testimony, and the verdict, of the Nuremberg Tribunal incorporated most, if not all, of the horror stories Americans were told about Dachau, Buchenwald, and other places captured by the US Army, the Holocaust could pass for one of the most documented, one of the most authenticated, one of the most proven historical episodes in the human record.
      A Different Reality

      But it is known today that, very soon after the liberation of the camps, American authorities were aware that the real story of the camps was quite different from the one in which they were coaching military public information officers, government spokesmen, politicians, journalists, and other mouthpieces.

      When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes.

      Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America’s leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Department. As part of a US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors.
      Image: Newly arrived prisoners, including a clergyman, at Buchenwald. Fewer than twenty percent of the internees that Americans liberated from Buchenwald in 1945 were Jews, and similar proportions obtained for the rest of the concentration camps in Germany. Almost 3,000 clergymen were interned at Dachau, most of them Catholics, and they suffered a much higher mortality rate than the general prison population in the camp. (Irmin)]

      Dr. Larson’s findings? In an 1980 newspaper interview he said: “What we’ve heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax.” And what part was the hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he “was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theater” of Allied military operations, confirmed that “never was a case of poison gas uncovered.”
      Typhus, Not Poison Gas

      If not by gassing, how did the unfortunate victims at Dachau, Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen perish? Were they tortured to death or deliberately starved? The answers to these questions are known as well.

      As Dr. Larson and other Allied medical men discovered, the chief cause of death at Dachau, Belsen and the other camps was disease, above all typhus, an old and terrible scourge of mankind that until recently flourished in places where populations were crowded together in circumstances where public health measures were unknown or had broken down. Such was the case in the overcrowded internment camps in Germany at war’s end, where, despite such measures as systematic delousing, quarantine of the sick and cremation of the dead, the virtual collapse of Germany’s food, transport, and public health systems led to catastrophe.

      Perhaps the most authoritative statement of the facts as to typhus and mortality in the camps has been made by Dr. John E. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of preventive medicine and epidemiology at the Harvard University School of Public Health, who was with US forces in Germany in 1945. Dr. Gordon reported in 1948 that “The outbreaks in concentration camps and prisons made up the great bulk of typhus infection encountered in Germany.” Dr. Gordon summarized the causes for the outbreaks as follows:

      Germany in the spring months of April and May [1945] was an astounding sight, a mixture of humanity travelling this way and that, homeless, often hungry and carrying typhus with them …

      Germany was in chaos. The destruction of whole cities and the path left by advancing armies produced a disruption of living conditions contributing to the spread of the disease. Sanitation was low grade, public utilities were seriously disrupted, food supply and food distribution was poor, housing was inadequate and order and discipline were everywhere lacking. Still more important, a shifting of populations was occurring such as few countries and few times have experienced.

      Dr. Gordon’s findings are corroborated by Dr. Russell Barton, today a psychiatrist of international repute, who entered Bergen-Belsen with British forces as a young medical student in 1945. Barton, who volunteered to care for the diseased survivors, testified under sworn oath in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 that “Thousands of prisoners who died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during World War II weren’t deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of diseases.”

      Dr. Barton further testified that on entering the camp he had credited stories of deliberate starvation but decided such stories were untrue after inspecting the well equipped kitchens and the meticulously maintained ledgers, dating back to 1942, of food cooked and dispensed each day.

      Despite noisily publicized claims and widespread popular notions to the contrary, no researcher has been able to document a German policy of extermination through starvation in the German camps.
      No ‘Human Skin’ Lampshades

      What of the ghoulish stories of concentration camp inmates skinned for their tattoos, flayed to make lampshades and handbags, or other artifacts? What of the innumerable “torture racks,” “meathooks,” whipping posts, gallows, and other tools of torment and death that are reported to have abounded at every German camp? These allegations, and even more grotesque ones proffered by Soviet prosecutors, found their way into the record at Nuremberg.
      The lampshade and tattooed-skin charges were made against Ilse Koch, dubbed by journalists the “Bitch of Buchenwald,” who was reported to have furnished her house with objects manufactured from the tanned hides of luckless inmates.

      But General Lucius Clay, military governor of the US zone of occupied Germany, who reviewed her case in 1948, told his superiors in Washington: “There is no convincing evidence that she [Ilse Koch] selected inmates for extermination in order to secure tattooed skins or that she possessed any articles made of human skin.” In an interview General Clay gave years later, he stated about the material for the infamous lampshades: “Well, it turned out actually that it was goat flesh. But at the trial it was still human flesh. It was almost impossible for her to have gotten a fair trial.” Ilse Koch hanged herself in a German jail in 1967.

      It would be tedious to itemize and refute the thousands of bizarre claims as to Nazi atrocities. That there were instances of German cruelty, however, is clear from the testimony of Dr. Konrad Morgen, a legal investigator attached to the Reich Criminal Police, whose statements on the witness stand at Nuremberg have never been challenged by proponents of the Jewish Holocaust story. Dr. Morgen informed the court that he had been given full authority by Heinrich Himmler, commander of Hitler’s SS and the dread Gestapo, to enter any German concentration camp and investigate instances of cruelty and corruption on the part of camp personnel.

      As he explained in sworn testimony at Nuremberg, Dr. Morgen investigated 800 such cases, resulting in more than 200 convictions. Punishments included the death penalty for the worst offenders, including Hermann Florstedt, commandant of Lublin (Majdanek), and Karl Koch (Ilse’s husband), commandant of Buchenwald.

      While German camp commandants in certain cases did inflict physical punishment, such acts had to be approved by authorities in Berlin, and it was required that a camp physician first certify the good health of the prisoner to be disciplined, and then be on hand at the actual beating. After all, throughout most of the war the camps were important centers of industrial activity. The good health and morale of the prisoners was critical to the German war effort, as is evidenced in a January 1943 order issued by SS General Richard Glücks, chief of the office that supervised the concentration camps. It held the camp commanders “personally responsible for exhausting every possibility to preserve the physical strength of the detainees.”
      Camp Survivors: Merely Victims?

      US Army investigators, working at Buchenwald and other camps, quickly ascertained what was common knowledge among veteran inmates: that the worst offenders, the cruelest denizens of the camps, were not the guards but the prisoners themselves. Common criminals of the same stripe as those who populate US prisons today committed many villainies, particularly when they held positions of authority, and fanatical Communists, highly organized to combat their many political enemies among the inmates, eliminated their foes with Stalinist ruthlessness.

      Two US Army investigators at Buchenwald, Egon W. Fleck and Edward A. Tenenbaum, carefully investigated circumstances in the camp before its liberation. In a detailed report submitted to their superiors, they revealed, in the words of Alfred Toombs, their commander, who wrote a preface to the report, “how the prisoners themselves organized a deadly terror within the Nazi terror.”

      Fleck and Tenenbaum described the power exercised by criminals and Communists as follows:

      The trusties, who in time became almost exclusively Communist Germans, had the power of life and death over all other inmates. They could sentence a man or a group to almost certain death … The Communist trusties were directly responsible for a large part of the brutalities at Buchenwald.

      Colonel Donald B. Robinson, chief historian of the American military government in Germany, summarized the Fleck-Tenenbaum report in an article published in an American magazine shortly after the war. Colonel Robinson wrote succinctly of the American investigators’ findings: “It appeared that the prisoners who agreed with the Communists ate; those who didn’t starved to death.”

      Additional corroboration of inmate brutality has been provided by Ellis E. Spackman, who, as Chief of Counter-Intelligence Arrests and Detentions for the US Seventh Army, was involved in the liberation of Dachau. Spackman, later a professor of history at San Bernardino Valley College in California, wrote in 1966 that at Dachau “the prisoners were the actual instruments that inflicted the barbarities on their fellow prisoners.”
      ‘Gas Chambers’

      In December 1944 US Army officers Colonel Paul Kirk and Lt. Colonel Edward J. Gully inspected the German concentration camp at Struthof-Natzweiler in Alsace. They submitted their findings to their superiors at the headquarters of the US 6th Army Group, which subsequently forwarded their report to the US War Crimes Division. While, significantly, the full text of their report has never been published, it has been revealed, by a historian supportive of Holocaust claims, that the two investigators were careful to characterize equipment exhibited to them by French informants as a “so-called lethal gas chamber,” and to claim it was “allegedly used as a lethal gas chamber.” (Emphasis added)

      Both the careful phraseology of the Natzweiler report, and its effective suppression, stand in stark contrast to the credulity, the confusion, and the blaring publicity that accompanied official reports of alleged gas chambers at Dachau. At first, a US Army photo depicting a GI gazing at a steel door marked with a skull and crossbones and the German words for: “Caution! Gas! Mortal danger! Don’t open!,” was identified as showing the murder weapon.

      Later, however, it was evidently decided that the apparatus in question was merely a standard delousing chamber for clothing, and another alleged gas chamber, this one cunningly disguised as a shower room, was exhibited to American congressmen and journalists as the site where thousands breathed their last. While there exist numerous reports in the press as to the operation of this second “gas chamber,” no official report by trained Army investigators has yet surfaced to reconcile such problems as the function of the shower heads: Were they “dummies,” or did lethal cyanide gas stream through them? (Each theory has appreciable support in journalistic and historiographical literature.)

      As with Dachau, so with Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, and the other camps liberated by the Allies in western Germany. There was no end of propaganda about “gas chambers,” “gas ovens,” and the like, but so far not a single detailed description of the murder weapon and its function, not a single report of the kind that is mandatory for the successful prosecution of any assault or murder case in America at that time and today, has come to light.

      Furthermore, a number of Holocaust authorities have now publicly decreed that there were no gassings, no extermination camps in Germany after all. (We are now told that “gassing” and “extermination” camps were located exclusively in what is now Poland, in areas captured by the Soviet Red Army and made off-limits to western investigators.)

      Dr. Martin Broszat of the Munich-based Institute for Contemporary History, which is funded by the German government, stated categorically in a 1960 letter to the German weekly Die Zeit: “Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners gassed.” Professional “Nazi hunter” Simon Wiesenthal stated in 1975 and again in 1993 that “there were no extermination camps on German soil.”

      Dachau “gas chamber” No. 2, which was once presented to a stunned and grieving world as a weapon that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, is now described in the brochure issued to tourists at the modern Dachau “memorial site” in these words: “This gas chamber, camouflaged as a shower room, was not used.”
      The Propaganda Intensifies

      More than 50 years after American troops entered Dachau, Buchenwald and other German camps, and trained American investigators established the facts as to what had gone on in them, the government in Washington, the entertainment media in Hollywood, and the print media in New York continue to churn out millions of words and images annually on the horrors of the camps and the infamy of the Holocaust. Despite the fact that, with the exception of the defeated Confederacy, no enemy of America has ever so suffered so complete and devastating defeat as did Germany in 1945, the mass media and the politicians and bureaucrats behave as if Hitler, his troops, and his concentration camps continue to exist in an eternal present, and our opinion makers continue to distort, through ignorance or malice, the facts about the camps.
      Time for the Truth

      It is time that the government and the professional historians reveal the facts about Dachau, Buchenwald and the other camps. It is time they let the American public know how the inmates died, and how they didn’t die. It is time that the claims of mass murder by gassing are clarified and investigated in the same manner as any other claims of murder. It is time that the free ride certain groups have enjoyed as the result of unchallenged Holocaust claims be terminated, just as it is time to end the scapegoating of other groups, including Germans, eastern Europeans, the Roman Catholic hierarchy, and the wartime leadership of America and Britain, either for their alleged role in the Holocaust or their supposed failure to stop it.

      Above all, it is time that the citizens of this great Republic have the facts about the camps, facts they have a right to know, a right that is fundamental to the exercise of their authority and their will in the governance of their country. As citizens and as taxpayers, Americans of all ethnic backgrounds, of all faiths, have a basic right and an overriding interest in determining the facts of incidents that are deemed by those in positions of power to be significant in determining America’s foreign and educational policy, as well as its selection of past events to be memorialized in our civic life.

      Today the alleged facts of the Holocaust are at issue all over the civilized world. The truth will be decided only by recourse to the facts, in the public forum: not by concealing the facts, denying the truth, stonewalling reality. The truth will out, and it is time the government of this country, and governments and international bodies throughout the world, make public the evidence of what actually transpired in the German concentration camps in the years 1933-1945, so that we may put paid to the lies, without fear or favor, and carry out the work of reconciliation and renewal that is and must be the granite foundation of mutual tolerance between peoples and of a peace based on justice.

      The conclusions of the early US Army investigations as to the truth about the wartime German concentration camps have since been corroborated by all subsequent investigators and can be summarized:

      1. The harrowing scenes of dead and dying inmates were not the result of a German policy of “extermination,” but rather the result of epidemics of typhus and other disease brought about largely by the effects of Allied aerial attacks.

      2. Stories of Nazi supercriminals and sadists who turned Jews and others into handbags and lampshades for their private profit or amusement were sick lies or diseased fantasies; indeed, the German authorities punished corruption and cruelty on the part of camp commanders and guards.

      3. On the other hand, portrayals of the newly liberated inmates as saints and martyrs of Hitlerism were quite often very far from the truth; indeed, most of the brutalities inflicted on camp detainees were the work of their fellow prisoners, in contravention of German policy and German orders.

      4. The alleged homicidal showers and gas chambers were used either for bathing camp inmates or delousing their clothes; the claim that they were used to murder Jews or other human beings is a contemptible fabrication. Orthodox historians and professional “Nazi-hunters” have quietly dropped claims that inmates were gassed at Dachau, Buchenwald and other camps in Germany. They continue, however, to keep silent regarding the lies about Dachau and Buchenwald, as well as to evade an open discussion of the evidence for homicidal gassing at Auschwitz and the other camps captured by the Soviets.

      1. sorry, I also take into consideration those accounts of the survivors and the accounts of those who hid Jews ( gee I wonder why?) Also people who were rounded up e.g in Greece, who never returned. Accounts of villagers whose neighbours were rounded up and never returned. Yes these poor souls died of disease etc, who should never have been there in the first place. Yeah yeah the Nazi’s were a great bunch indeed.

        1. Hi Dune mouse, I prefer to call it “complete and utter bullshit”, simply because it is. I do understand that it is difficult to believe that we have been sold a false story for decades but one need only go visit the grand disneyland and one will quickly realize that what you are shown as so called “gas chambers” is complete bullshit. Go see it for yourself. Go find one…good luck with that. Do enjoy the lovely views of the swimming pool tucked away in back which you must go find yourself. Hint – arrive mid afternoon, go in without a guide and poke around. The truth does not fear investigation.

  30. [Speaking to “dune mouse”]
    Who is “we“? Do you speak for the Jews?
    The Jews who are guilty of WWI+II, guilty of multiple genocides but blame their unspeakable crimes on the Germans? The Jews who always play “the persecuted, the innocent victims“? Or do you speak for the Allies, the conspirators against Germany who were dominated (‘possessed’) by evil, hateful Jews? Very similar as it is today. Churchill conceded that the British war objective was not to “defeat the Nazis“, not to “defeat fascism“ but to kill as many Germans as possible (genocide)!

    Unfortunately you didn’t defeat the monster Churchill, the Jewish mass murderer, you didn’t defeat Roosevelt, the Jewish mass murderer, and you didn’t defeat Stalin the (Jewish?) mass murderer of the Russian people whose Red Bolshevic hordes murdered millions of German civilians too. You must be very proud about having accomplished that multi-million genocide. Such a glorious common effort. There is no respect at all in your kind of wilfully ignorant comments parroting the Zionist propaganda line.The easiest thing one can do. Shame on you. It must be very satisfying for you that the world is now inundated by Jewish hatred and war mongering, enslaved to the extremest forms of Jewish tyranny. As for me I am not glad that the destroyers became the victors of two world wars. Genocides which could have been prevented if the German peace proposals (1916/17 and 1940/41) hadn’t been refused.

    You are so glad you “defeated fascism“.
    You must be true heroes – or rather the opposite. Go hiding in the dunes.

      1. “so glad we defeated fascism in WWII“ and “liberated“ Europe? Right?
        Seriously, that’s a political statement, and sorry dune mouse, imo such a moronic one to make that it gives me extremely bad feelings; it’s an insult to intelligence
        Your understanding for its ramifications is missing.You don’t seem to be prepared to take in new information; just ignore everything, and keep repeating plain, empty, false propaganda…
        ‘tea parties in the dunes’?
        What do you really mean? Words as empty bubbles?
        You use words and don’t seem to know the meaning.
        Words must have meaning; and they do have meaning…
        What’s the meaning of ‘Jewish persuasion’? (a term you also used)
        Political Judaism – Judeo-Communism – National-Zionism:
        ”The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to *ABOLISH PRIVATE PROPERTY [“Equality“: Make everybody equally empoverished except those who are “more equal than others“ – Enslavement] and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.” (Baruch Levy, 1879)

        *Communist Manifesto – Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion – Babylonian Talmud
        Enough is enough. Jews will once again be expelled. That’s the way it has always been. And then they start all over again, like they have done all through history. It’s their own megalomaniacs who wrote the Satanic Babylonian Talmud, not “God”. Jews are not “gods“, their demonic crimes are their downfall. Who will defend those demons right now in power? Only the most corrupt ones. The physical and mental oppression is intolerable (Yellow Vests Movement). ZERO TOLERANCE for the oppressors.
        Does reality give you ‘bad feelings’, dune mouse (‘snowflake’)?
        Maybe, there’s a reason that you should feel bad. As a warning.
        To take reality for what it is, and do something meaningful.
        We are in a time of deep crisis. Escapism is not the way to go
        (not for me anyways).

        1. insults keep up ok. But hey, the world is always in crisis. I can hear you are angry and frustrated. My reality is somewhat different from yours. I am not worried. Life is what it is good and bad, My snowflakes have friends all over the world ( yes in Israel too) Art brings people together I find. I travel and my causes are many and worthwhile. I try to bring
          some happiness and reason to people not bullshit and satanic talmuds ( how crazy is that?) We have enough anger, injustice brutality through history and everyone is guilty! By the way, I was a history major and I do read. We each have our role. I see yours but hey it’s not mine. If you are angry with your country or government then vote accordingly. I don’t live with anger and blame that’s for sure. If that’s your thing then what can I say. I”m sorry.

          1. Being a history major, sorry to say, does not necessarily mean that one has possession of the truth. I think I already noted above the bias in Western historiography. So much of official history in the textbooks is propaganda, or if you prefer, fake history.

          2. you know Larry, nothing is ever black or white. Of course there are prejudices according to who writes of an event. However, fake history as you call it is rather extreme form of denial and of course you would like it written up according to how you see it as would we all. My problem here is not whether 6 million died in the holocaust but how you consider the whole Nazi machine as an invention- Tell that to the French and the Poles and the Dutch etc and the fact that if 6 million didn’t die then of course it must be a world Jewish conspiracy hoax in order to destroy the gentiles ( whom you call white) and rule the world.. You are the ones living with fake history. Now I’m interested in what you intend to do with the Muslim problem. Today Islam is a rapidly expanding ( across all countries) and proselytizing faith and they intend to try to convert all to Sharia law (the law of God) . After all, they have the one true religion and it will be quite acceptable to cut the heads off the infidels. White people are not having babies ( a post by you)? It is predicted that in the US alone the Muslim population is growing rapidly. 3.1 children per family on average. As the old Chinese proverb states “May you all live in interesting times.”

  31. “INTERNATIONAL JEWRY – Financial War Planned Against Anti-Semitic States – £500,000,000 Fund to be Raised

    ‘Jewry, faced with persecution in Poland, Rumania, Germany, Austria, and elsewhere, intends to hit back,’ says the ‘Sunday Chronicle,’ according to a cable dated London, January 2.

    ‘The battle will be fought on the world’s stock exchanges. Most of the anti-Semitic States are burdened with debts, and they may find their very existence threatened.

    ‘The leaders of international Jewry will meet in a village near Geneva this week to plan a fund of £500,000,000 with which to fight the persecutors of Jewish financiers in all parts of the world.

    ‘No difficulty is expected in raising such a fund, which, combined with a trade boycott, will enable the launching a counter-offensive, in which the Jewish persecutors may be defeated.”

    Source: National Library of Australia

      1. You are most welcome Monika. The whole and exact truth must be understood and then perhaps the truth will indeed set us free. All of us.

    1. @the dune mouse (CybeleMoon)
      are you implying that Jews in general are being treated unjustly? – playing the ‘Jewish victimhood’ card…

      Jews in general are hardly as ‘innocent’ as they want to portray themselves. International Jewry is the most cohesive group; nobody works as cohesively together and wants to destroy all white nations, and extinguish the White race as a whole! Has any Jew ever protested loudly against these evil Jewish plans being carried out? We know about the honorable Gerard Menuhin. Is there any other Jew?

      It’s certainly false to claim that all Jews are being vilified by ‘heaping purposeful evil deeds upon those of the Jewish persuasion’ – ‘Jewish persuasion’? Jewish supremacy, white genocide, global genocide (‘The best of the non-Jews must be killed!’, Babylonian Talmud) Jewish world domination, under the guise of ‘religion’. Do you mean that?

      On the other hand it’s exactly what Jewish anti-German, anti-White hate propaganda does re Germans and Whites of European descent. Jewish Zionists heap purposeful evil deeds on the German people (over generations, ‘all evil Nazis who got what they deserved’) and on the White race in general. Allegedly guilty (‘White Guilt’) of all the Evils in the world; Whites as the oppressors, slave holders – The Jewish leading role purposefully completely left in the dark.

      The Zionist wars must come to an end! Americans, take your troops home! Stop being whores for Zionist Israel. Militarily occupied countries are not liberated, they have been enslaved – with the Jews on top!

      If you read the comments carefully you could easily see that the critique of Jewish crimes and criminals is very specific. Historical facts are facts and must be stated. The perpetrators must be named and exposed. The evidence is all there. The truth stands on itself. Holy Hoax lies (for which no evidence has ever been produced) need only be protected by liars.

      The truth doesn’t fear investigation and an open debate about controversial subjects. Only liars must be fearful of the truth, eager to protect and legalize their pernicious, profitable lies and most heinous crimes from prosecution, and justice being served.

      ….nuff said.

      1. “.. nuff said! ” I rest my case” sorry Freya, so glad __we__ defeated fascism in WWII- ”

        this is what a jew says, “we” defeated fascism, when it was the U.S. and UK that spent hundreds of thousands of lives defeating Germany. jews take credit for what you did and pretend to be a part of the “we”

        of course what is left unsaid is “we defeated facism……so communism could kill 100 million”

        who would focus on 20 million and ignore 100 million? someone who supports communism

  32. @the dune mouse (CybeleMoon), February 18, 2019 at 09:24
    You seem to suffer from heavy indoctrination – tunnel vision.
    As all the well programmed ones do – Not thinking for themselves – Not using their brains independently but like robots repeating the code words: “holocaust“, “rabid anti-Semites“, “intolerance and hatred“ – and that’s baaaad… and you want nothing to do with it. Right?
    Is in your view Monika Schaefer an evil “holocaust denier”, a “rabid anti-Semite”, “intolerant and hateful“? And that’s it? I’d call such a ‘judgement’ the result of very successful indoctrination, an unthinking, programmed tunnel vision. Otherwise it would be impossible to repeat the same weaponized senseless smear words after having read all the comments. ‘Read’ – but nothing understood. The brain is not properly functioning.
    “so called free speech“ – You see free speech as something negative?
    “fiery rhetoric can be the jumping off point to murder and mayhem“ – You certainly can’t mean that Monika is using “fiery rhetoric“ of such a murderous nature. If you want to know what “fiery rhetoric“ and “incitement to hatred“ REALLY is, you should better listen carefully to what Jewish Zionists – Talmudists – Satanists are promoting… They have been openly calling for the genocide of the German people (leading to mass murder & destruction of WWI + II – since 2001: War OF Terror against Israel’s Muslim neighbour states), and for White Genocide in general… Didn’t you listen to the rabid Zionists Noel Ignatiev and Barbara Lerner-Spectre?
    “There are limits to everything including free speech if it is going to lead to any type of discrimination“ – Yes, please tell that the Jewish Zionist Talmudic hate propagandists, war mongers and genociders, the true haters of humanity
    “Society should and does legislate to protect the rights of all“ – Talmudic law & Sharia law being forced upon us by Jews does not protect the rights of Whites, and of Christians; we are treated as slaves without any rights.
    “that includes legislating to prevent the harassment and instillation of fear of innocent parties, particularly when it is based on such things as skin tone, gender, choice of religion, sexual orientation, disability etc“ – Whites are being harassed for being white, Christians are being harassed for being Christians… The majority of straight, white people are being harassed for being the majority (labelled ‘white supremacists’) harassed by minorities who force their (LGBTQ-pedo-criminality, genderism, transgenderism, marriage for all) perversions on the majority who doesn’t want to have anything to do with it
    “There are limits to everything including… “tolerance“, “inclusiveness“!
    We certainly mustn’t tolerate the intolerable. We mustn’t tolerate the systematic undermining and destruction of western European white civilization. We mustn’t tolerate White Genocide (Global Genocide) We mustn’t tolerate the destroyers, the true haters. We must expose and oppose them, we must stop their evil & demonic machinations. They are about to unleash WWIII… more Genocide…

    Wouldn’t you agree, mousy?

  33. “It is the right and the duty of everyone who seeks the truth to doubt, investigate and consider all available evidence. Wherever this doubting and investigating is forbidden; wherever authorities demand unquestioning belief – there is evidence of a profane arrogance, which arouses our suspicions. If those, whose contentions are questioned had truth on their side, they would patiently answer all questions. Certainly they would not continue to conceal evidence and documents which pertain to the controversy. If those who demand belief are lying, however, they will call for a judge. By this ye shall know them. He who tells the truth is calm and composed, but he who lies demands worldly justice.” – Father Victor R. Knirsch

  34. Sefton Delmer: “We have won this war by atrocity propaganda and we start now really with it. We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will increase it until no one is going to adopt a good word from the Germans until everything is destroyed that could bring them sympathy in other countries and until they are so confused that they no longer know what they should do. When this is achieved, when they begin to pollute their own nest, not reluctantly but with zeal to obey the victors, only then is the victory complete. It will never be final. The re-education requires conscientious, undying care like an English lawn. Only a moment of carelessness and the weeds break through, the ineradicable weed of historical truth.”

  35. Crucifying German Women
    February 17, 2019 renegade 10 Comments

    The Testimony of Captain Hermann Sommer

    A number of troop companies reported to the fortress commander [at Königsberg] the discovery of several mounds of corpses situated quite close to one another. The commander, General Lasch, ordered a commission to investigate these discoveries. The commission reported that many similar piles of bodies were strewn throughout the area; but in two cases there were virtual mountains of bodies made up of ca. 3,000 women, girls, children and only a few men.

    A special commission of doctors, forensic investigators and foreign journalists was formed to establish identities and the circumstances of the deaths. The work was made difficult by the fact that the Russians had poured gasoline on the mounds of bodies and attempted to burn them. Nevertheless many of the dead were photographed. The pictures graphically showed the often savage circustances under which these people had been murdered. On the basis of these pictures and of reports made by the forensics team, the conclusion was drawn that the victims had been beaten and stabbed; in very few cases were persons killed by a shot to the base of the skull. A large number of bodies had the breasts cut off, the genitals stabbed through and were disemboweled. The testimonies of witnesses, who had survived the raping and other physical abuse by the Russians, along with the photographs, are on file in my department. They were used by the security officers and officials of the criminal police to interrogate prisoners of war brought back from the Eastern Front; and to question civilians in the attempt to establish the identities of the victims.

    I made my own observations when I was sent to Metgethen on official business on February 27, 1945. Just on the outskirts of town near the first railway crossing, I turned my motorcycle into a gravel driveway so that I could look over a building and see if it was suitable for service use. Behind the building I suddenly came upon the bodies of 12 women and six children. Most of the children had been killed by a blow to the head with a blunt instrument, some had numerous bayonet wounds in their tiny bodies. The women, mostly between 40 and 60 years of age, had been killed with knife or bayonet. All of them bore the unmistakable black-and-blue marks of beatings.

    After the first Soviet blockade had been completely smashed, I was ordered on February 28, 1945, to report to a unit of the 4th Army. On my way, I stopped for a rest in the village of Gross Heydekrug. I had arrived just as medics and civilians were burying some 35 mostly female bodies. Here again I saw the gruesome mistreatment practiced by the Russians, all shown to me by indignant soldiers and civilians. Most of the victims were again women. A corporal told me of a church where a girl and two soldiers had been found. The girl had been actually crucified on the altar cross, the two soldiers strung up on either side.

    Farther into the village I saw civilian bodies lying everywhere, as far as the highway crossing to Powayen. While most of the men had been shot in the base of the skull, the women were completely naked, raped and then killed in the most brutal way with stab wounds or rifle butt blows to the head. At the highway crossing to Powayen stood a Soviet tank which had been dragging the now-dead bodies of four naked women behind it. A commission was already there taking photographs of the scene.

    Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 1944-1950 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994), pp. 40-41.

    Karl Potrek, a civilian from the capital city of Königsberg, had been recruited into the Volksturm and hurriedly sent as reinforcement to the area of Gumbinnen and Nemmersdorf. He later reported:

    At the edge of town, on the left side of the road, stands the large inn ‘Weisser Krug’ … In the farmyard further down the road stood a cart, to which four naked women were nailed through their hands in a cruciform position. Behind the Weisser Krug towards Gumbinnen is a square with a monument to the Unknown Soldier. Beyond is another large inn, ‘Roter Krug’. Near it, parallel to the road, stood a barn and to each of its two doors a naked woman was nailed through the hands, in a crucified posture.

    In the dwellings, we found a total of seventy-two women, including children, and one old man, 74, all dead … all murdered in a bestial manner, except only for a few who had bullet holes in their necks. Some babies had their heads bashed in. In one room we found a woman, 84 years old, sitting on a sofa … half of whose head had been sheared off with an axe or a spade …
    Not a “war crime”: German boy and girl, murdered at Nemmersdorf by gallant Soviet liberators. Both the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Washington Holocaust Memorial Museum, with characteristic Judeocentrism, honor the Red Army in World War II as “heroes” for releasing Jews from their internment in German concentration camps.

    We carried the corpses to the village cemetary where they lay to await a foreign medical commission … In the meantime, a nurse from Insterburg came, a native of Nemmersdorf, who looked for her parents. Among the corpses were her mother, 72, and her father, 74, the only man among the dead. She also established that all the dead were Nemmersdorfers. On the fourth day the bodies were buried in two graves. Only on the following day did the medical commission arrive, and the tombs had to be reopened. Barn doors were set on blocks on which to lay the bodies so that the commission could examine them. This foreign commission unanimously established that all the women, as well as the girls from eight to twelve years and even the woman of 84 years had been raped. After the examination by the commission, the bodies were again buried.

    Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, Nemesis at Potsdam: The Expulsion of the Germans from the East, 3rd edn (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1988), pp. 63-64.

    For reasons best explained by a psychologist, one of the aberrations practiced by the [Soviet] soldiers was to take victims, mostly female, strip them naked and nail them to barn doors in cruciform fashion. This one particular atrocity features prominently in many eyewitness reports.

    Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans, 1944-1950 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994), p. 42.

  36. #’antisemitic, hateful screeds against Jewry’ (Jim Manella)
    It’s hateful anti-German, anti-white racism, hateful screeds against the German people, now expanded on the white race in general. All white nations are now under attack. ‘Diversity’ is a code word for WHITE GENOCIDE (through wars, non-white mass immigration, race mixing)
    ‘Antisemitic/antisemitism/antisemite’ are misnomers. Most of the Jews are not even Semites! They are fraudsters, identity thieves. Palestinians, Arabs are Semites! Jews are the extremest anti-semites. Just ask the Palestinians and Israel’s Arab neighbour states.
    The Zionist psychological warfare, and the Zionist wars have never stopped (since 2001 – War OF Terror). Ritual defamation (war lies). The non-thinking parroting of same such hate propaganda (weaponized trigger words ‘antisemitism’, ‘holocaust’ etc)
    Since 1917 the ‘good guys’ have been used (as bullets in Zionist guns) to wage the endless Zionist wars (WWI + II The ‘Good War’ wasn’t good at all) for Jewish world domination. In 1917 the international Jewish Zionists managed for the first time to bring America into the European conflict on Britain’s side (in fulfillment of the Rothschild-Balfour Deal / Deal with the Devil, 1916/17) The British government promised them Palestine as a ‘Jewish homeland’ in exchange. There could have been PEACE IN EUROPE (and the world) since 1916 if the German peace proposals hadn’t been refused by the British. A completely different history could have evolved.
    The German emperor Wilhelm II was not interested in war; the German Reich had nothing to win by war but everything to lose. And that’s what Germany’s Zionist All lies enemies wanted. Rob Germany blind, and destroy country and people through two world wars, the Germans were not responsible for. Since 1945 the war on Germany (with different means) has never stopped.
    The Holy Hoax is their ultimate weapon they use against us.
    Anybody who still does not know about that must be wilfully ignorant.

    271,301 deaths in total, partly Jews. International Red Cross death figure of all internment camps. They died from Typhus and starvation in the last months of the war when Germany was bombed into smithereens, the supply lines were destroyed. A far cry from the Cabbalistic 6,000, 000 figure.

    The Jewish World Almanach recorded that the Jewish population increased from before to after WWII: From 15,748,091 to 15,753,638
    “Don’t debate holocaust deniers“
    The Zionists (and dumbed-down ‘useful idiots’) know perfectly well why they avoid an open debate. They lose every debate. Theirs is nothing but lies and ritual defamation. The Octopus has many arms, and reaches far and (world)wide… Jasper is no exception. To the fearful inhabitants of Jasper – don’t you know that the Deal with the Devil has never spared anyone? Your fear is their power. Let’s hope that you will come to your senses – eventually.

    Everything is turned upside down. There has never been a “Nazi“ plan for the “Destruction of European Jewry“ but numerous Jewish Zionist plans to exterminate the Germans (Nizer Plan, Hooton Plan, Kaufman Plan (“Germany must perish“, 1941), Morgenthau Plan, coudenhove-Kalergi Plan) and to extinguish the white race as a whole (UN-‘Replacement Migration’ Plan, UN-EU-Migration Pact)! Jews want to abolish the White Race. They openly say so! In unmistakable terms!
    Who are the haters?

  37. “The Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith, which is the largest organization of the 565,000 German Jews on patriotic German soil, makes the following statement regarding the events of the last days:

    Following press reports in German papers, which were then disseminated by various foreign newspapers, which claimed that mutilated Jewish corpses were found at the entrance to the Jewish cemetery Berlin-Weißensee, and that Jewish girls in public places had been forcibly rounded up, and that hundreds of German Jews had arrived in Geneva, including many children, nine tenths of which were severely abused. All such claims are completely fictitious. The Central Association emphatically states that for such irresponsible distortions, which we strongly condemn, German Judaism cannot be held responsible.

    For weeks now, the German people finds itself in a political reversal of epic proportions. This has resulted in instances of political acts of revenge and has also led to violence against Jews. The Government of the Reich, as the state governments, have striven successfully, and as quickly as possible, to restore calm and order. The command of the Reichs-Chancellor, to refrain from individual actions, has been effective.

    We have been met with certain obvious anti-Semitic objectives in the various economic and living areas in recent times, which give us serious concern. The Central Association still regards this struggle as a German domestic matter. We are, however, convinced that the equality of the German Jews, who have also earned this, both in wartime and peace, by the shedding of their blood and with their deeds domestically, will not again be lifted, and that they are, as before, inextricably connected with the German Fatherland, and that they, along with all other Germans of good will, will be able to work together, as in the past, for the advancement of the Fatherland.”

    Interesting, no?

  38. I have read many books on the subject of the ‘ Big Lie ‘ but I must say that Gerard Menuhin’s book was one of the best and should be read by all those interested in finding out what REALLY happened.
    It may take a while but, someday, the truth will burst in the chosenites’ face.

    1. Please allow me to suggest some books that I managed to acquire as hard-copy, pre-ban:

      Behind Communism: Communist Treason Exposed – Frank L. Britton.
      Execution By Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust – Miron Dolot.
      The World Conquers: The Real War Criminals – Louis Marschalko.
      The Controversy Of Zion – Douglas Reed.
      Germany Must Perish – Theodore Kaufman.

      Gruesome Harvest: The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People Of Germany – Ralph Franklin Keeling.
      Orderly And Humane – R.M. Douglas.
      Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947 – Thomas Goodrich.
      Other Losses – James Bacque.
      The Myth of German Villainy – Benton L Bradberry.

      The Hoax of The Twentieth Century – A.R. Butz.
      The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking The Twentieth Century’s Greatest Fabrication – Victor Thorn.
      Debating The Holocaust: A new Look at Both Sides – Thomas Dalton Ph.D.
      Breaking The Spell: The Holocaust Myth and Reality – Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom.
      Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions – Carlo Mottogno.

      Debating The Genocide Myth – Rassinier.
      Tell The Truth and Shame The Devil – Gerard Menuhin.

      Read people, read!


  39. The WWII Dresden Holocaust – ‘A Single Column Of Flame’
    “You guys burnt the place down, turned it into a single column of flame. More people died there in the firestorm, in that one big flame, than died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.” (Kurt Vonnegut, Jr)

    On the evening of February 13, 1945, an orgy of genocide and barbarism began against a defenseless German city, one of the greatest cultural centers of northern Europe. Within less than 14 hours not only was it reduced to flaming ruins, but an estimated one-third of its inhabitants, possibly as many as a half a million, had perished in what was the worst single event massacre of all time….“ – and victims of the Dresden holocaust and the Rhine meadows death camps were later presented to the world as ‘Jewish victims of Nazi atrocities’ – to dishonour the German people, instill a deep guilt complex and shame them into submission…

    Continue reading here:

    1. Yes, we must never forget this Allied war crime. But, we also must not overlook,the entire Allied terror bombing campaign over so many German cities and towns during the war. Sorry to say, the atrocities did not stop after the official end of hostilities in May, 1945. In fact, this is one reason why the holocaust narrative was started. It was used to deflect and divert attention away from the mass rapes by the Red Army, the forced expulsions of ethnic Germans from the eastern territories, the starvation of the civilians and the disarmed German POWs in the western zones of occupation.

      Check out Hitler’s reasonable peace offers here:

      And, BTW, the official death toll for Dresden of 25,000 is an insult to both the dead victims and to the living.

      By destroying Germany, the Brits and the US got a pyhrric victory, to be sure.

      1. THE WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS (WJC) invented the Holy Hoax to put the blame on their victims, defame all Germans as “evil Nazis who got what they deserved“. That’s the propaganda line deeply ingrained into the people around the world through the most massive defamation operation ever, and to deflect attention away from the Allied war crimes against the German people on behest of world Jewry, the most shameless planners, instigators and profiteers of two world wars.

        The World Jewish Congress leads the way in promoting an “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” … The Zionist propaganda lies, the falsified WW1 + 2 history is constantly repeated. Donald Trump did the same in his 2019 State of the Union Address; he repeated the lies that Europe was “liberated“ by the Allies and that “we“ landed on the moon (a Kubric production, virtual reality, a Hollywood deception as was 9/11)

        Let’s make it a Remembrance Day of the multiple genocides and massacres Jews are guilty of. Let’s remember the true Holocaust of WW2, the Allied firebombing of the German cities with millions of victims (best known: Dresden with an estimate of 500 000 burnt alive) – and let’s learn from history! The Zionist wars must come to an end! All nations must truly liberate themselves, throw off the Jewish yoke and regain national sovereignty (freedom). “Jew World Order“ slavery is not freedom… Endless terror & war is not peace… Talmudic law & Sharia law is not justice… It’s hell on earth.

        Gerard Menuhin, an honorable Jew, writes about the truth in his book ‘TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL’ – Highly recommendable.

  40. @Jim Mannella

    Hey Jim,

    Great to see someone who sees the truth about 9/11 – unlike those so-called ‘truther’ woo-woo conspiracy nuts, who are probably sitting in their underpants and wearing a tin-foil hat as they type. What a bunch of losers! Look, the government said Bin Laden did it and that’s good enough for me. Conspiracy theorists eh!

    Anyway Jim, you seem like a sensible level-headed kind of guy and I might have something that interests you. I own a large bridge in downtown Brooklyn which I am reluctantly looking to sell. I don’t want to particularly move it on, it’s very profitable, but I am restructuring my finances and so am looking for a quick sale. Consequently I am prepared to let it go at a big discount. You seem like the sort of astute man who assiduously checks facts (9/11 etc) so do go ahead and confirm that there is indeed a bridge in Brooklyn – but word of warning – don’t tell anyone else as they will probably try to usurp you in this wonderful bargain opportunity! Just let me know how we can get in touch, but hurry! This offer cannot last long!

    1. Hahahahahaaaaaaa. I love this site! You write 2 lengthy paragraphs in attempt to set me up for the absolute lamest of jokes. Monika is no doubt fiddling in glee at your take down of me. You guys are a patheticly and incestuously self-owning yourselves. Keep the Nazi flame burning!!

    2. Sir, although I respectfully disagree with your opinion concerning 9/11, and the smearing of “truthers” as losers, it concerns me that you confine your generous offer to Jim alone! He is just one among many, many Jasper residents who also hold similar views and who also have complete faith, not only in the Canadian government, but also in the American government and their “Greatest Ally”.

      So, perhaps you could extend your offer to sell your bridge in Brooklyn to the wider Jasper community? They could form some kind of company with each participating resident holding an equal share. The only condition would be that each shareholder must state in writing that they accept the official 9/11 conspiracy. Very simple! With a community of “trusters” (and not “truthers”, ha, ha!) at the helm, they could do very well indeed — just as you have obviously done so far — combining their patriotism with financial success!

      Now to be frank, while these Jasper residents are honest, hard working folk, they are for the most part not the most sophisticated, shall we say, when it comes to large scale business operations, and also many are of modest means. Since you are most likely from that great center of financial institutions in New York, you may be able to not only sweeten the deal by arranging a skilled management team to oversee the day-to-day operations of the bridge, but also loans to those Jasper residents needing them — using their homes as collateral — to ensure that none miss out?

      Oh, another thing, could the sale price include, say, five years, of full insurance against any damage to the bridge, including “terrorist attacks”?

      Well, thank you sir for your time, and if this deal goes ahead many Jasper residents will remember you and Jim for a long time to come!

      1. Oh come on! At least I said ‘loser’ and not ‘looser’! Give me some credit! As for 9/11 – it was on TV! What more proof do you need!
        Regarding your proposal: if you could form a consortium of fellow kind-hearted, intelligent free thinkers like Jim clearly is then please go ahead and round them up. I’ll even throw in Sydney Harbour Bridge (which I also own) as I’m thinking of getting out of the bridge business altogether. (Obviously there would be a small commission to you in the event of the good right-minded folk of Jasper taking advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity).

      2. I’ve already replied to Ross’s lame riff on the Bridge offer but it seems this freespeechmonika site isn’t so free speech after all. But hey, Katana, good to see you denigrate the entire town of Jasper for shunning Monika’s free speech rights to be an anti Semitic, Holocaust denying, 9/11 truther. You’re truly winning the war against reality and historical records hahaha

        Anyway, back to a question I’ve asked of Monika: why did you contact the local RCMP to press libel charges against me for FB posts? Do you even understand what free speech means?

        1. Even in the small matter of the FB posts, you cannot get it right Jim M.
          First point: I did NOT contact the RCMP; they contacted me.
          Second point: I did NOT ask them to press charges. We simply agreed that they would call you to explain defamation and libel laws to you, and to be mindful of those laws in future.
          Third point: Your vile public comments of Feb 1st do not reflect well of you Jim Mannella, and that is why I did not even report them to FB. Had I reported them, they surely would have taken them down. Any thinking person can recognize that when you call a peaceful middle-aged woman a ‘cunt’ in addition to many other insulting comments on a public forum, well, what more is there to say. Would you like to say that to my face Jim Mannella? In front of a room full of people? Who do you think that would reflect worse on, you or me?
          Maybe you would like to light the fire of the pyre as ‘the witch’ burns. Is that where we are at?

  41. Apologies….
    “Wessen Herz voll ist, dessen Mund läuft über“ (German proverb)
    couldn’t find the English equivalent

    “….anti-Semitic, hateful screeds against Jewry“ (Jim Mannella)
    Do you even know what HATE is? Can you even define that word?
    Speaking as a German – If I would try to cite all the Jewish “anti-German, hateful screeds against Germany and the German people“ there would be no end… as this HATEFUL Jewish Zionist smear propaganda has been going on 24/7 – for over a hundred years!
    Jews and their apologists never engage in a factual debate. They have only slander, threats and complaints. In generalized terms… they repeat their weaponized buzzwords and misnomers “anti-Semitic“, “hate speech/hateful screeds“ all over again. Buzzwords invented by Jews especially to smear anyone who dares speak the truth about Jewish crimes. The truth is called “hate speech“ by those who hate the truth, by liars and deceivers. And they repeat the same ad nauseam… as they have got nothing of substance to offer. Nothing to refute the well founded accusations.
    Jewish propaganda lies are nothing but hate… their unholy books, the Babylonian Talmud etc are filled with the most vicious hate. The targeted victims of JEWISH HATE know all too well how that hate looks like. So don’t lecture victims of Jewish hate about “hate against Jewry“. They certainly know better than you do. Facts are facts – and they must be stated.

    # Free Speech Under Attack
    Will Anti-BDS Laws Spark an Anti-Israel Backlash?
    What’s happening is very serious: (((The Jewish Israel Lobby))) pushes for abolishing free speech in all the US states (Anti-BDS-laws). The BDS-Movement is about Boycott – Divestment – Sanctions against Israel in protest of the inhumane, criminal policy towards the Palestinians.
    Irish pass BDS – for once politicians do right – but fail re abortion, mass immigration
    and care more for people outside of Ireland than their actual countrymen. Quoting that terrorist Nelson Mandela is out of place. Why don’t they have the same compassion(!) for themselves and the genocided Boers in South Africa? That’s wrong.
    Anyways – The BDS protest movement is completely justified. Criticism of Jewish crimes (illegal settlements, terror & murder of defenseless Palestinian civilians, even children and pregnant women – slogan: “ONE shot – TWO hits“) & Activism against the terrorist state of Israel IS NO CRIME!
    In America, they make it a crime to tell the truth. That’s wrong. What Zionist Israel does IS THE CRIME – which must be stopped! Jewish lobbyists criminalize anybody who dares criticise Israel’s crimes (criticism called “hate speech“, “antisemitism“) It’s exactly the same what the Bolshevist Jews did in Russia (“antisemitism law“: gulag, death penalty for “antisemitism“! for opposing the communist RED TERROR regime! for opposing the Jewish “New World Order“!) before they murdered tens of millions of Russian orthodox Christians and political “dissidents“…
    (((The Zionist Beast, the Talmudists, the Satanists))) don’t want to be critisized; the criminals without borders (((international Jewish mafia predators))) want to commit their multiple, most heinous crimes completely unhindered. They think they are untouchable. Above the law. Gods – masters over life and death. Their unholy Babylonian Talmud teaches: Every Jew a god, every “goy“ (“cattle“ for non-Jew) a slave!
    The Anti-BDS law gets passed by corrupt politicians in one US state after another. They don’t care that it’s completely unconstitutional. Free Speech is supposed to be protected by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. What’s going on is unbelievable.
    (((Jewish Tyranny – The Beast 666))), Jewish depravity, Talmudic law in all its ugliness: “A MAIDEN AGED THREE YEARS AND ONE DAY, MAY BE OBTAINED BY COITION; AND IF THE BROTHER OF HER HUSBAND COHABITS WITH HER, SHE BECOMES HIS.“ (The Babylonian Talmud, Tractate: Sanhedrin 55b) SEXUAL ABUSE of babies allowed by rabbinical teaching… No doubt, MONSTERS they must be! SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN is part of Muslim “culture“ too. Likewise detestable.
    RITUAL SACRIFICE OF BABIES in burning bulls was ancient Jewish “Molech/Baal” worship. (((They))) want to re-build their “Third Temple“ in Jerusalem to resume their ritual blood sacrifices… The ritualistic butchering of animals in the most sadistic way to please their god/s… Non-Jews are considered animals, subhuman, cattle… (((They))) want to practice openly what they have been doing in secret since Baylonian times. Normal human beings have difficulties to even grasp the HORROR that entails. They have no idea that such EVIL exists. It goes beyond human imagination. It’s non-human. Alien.
    Now (((they))) are pushing for the legalization of ABORTION at birth in America! (Jewish agenda of WHITE GENOCIDE) INFANTICIDE of healthy newly borns! if the mother wants it so. DEMONIC LAWS. That’s what Satanists mean when talking about “freedom of choice“: “ANYTHING GOES!“ No conscience, no scruples, no morals, no empathy to stop them… from doing whatever they like. (Hollywood’s catastrophe fantasy movies…The mythical fire spewing “Dragon Reptiles“ with an enormous appetite for human flesh, especially baby flesh and blood… maybe, there are some grains of truth to it – In northern California (((they))) spew FIRE from above by using DEW weaponry. The Californian Paradise was set on fire (how many thousands of people extinguished? houses gone, trees untouched) by Blue Beam Directed Energy Weapons (no normal “wild fires“) HOLOCAUST – RITUAL HUMAN SACRIFICE comes to mind – Las Vegas: massacre at folk music festival by multiple snipers?)
    Horrific Crimes & Injustices must always be exposed and critisized. There is no other way to stop them. Satanists don’t want the horror to be stopped. They want the critics criminalized & stopped. The apologists of Evil run amoc… the “Jim Mannellas“ in defense of Israel (“poor victimized, innocent Jews“). The HOLY HOAX myth used as a weapon to silence critics, and garner sympathy for Jews in general. Always. No matter what they are guilty of.
    The truth is – Israel’s policy is not “innocent“. It’s TERROR & GENOCIDE. Putting some moral and economic pressure on Israel in the hope of changing their evil ways – is the right thing to do. Israel does NOT act “in self-defense“ when murdering unarmed civilians. That’s a lie. It’s NOT about “discrimination of Jews“ either (lie). It’s about critisizing the most horrific crimes – which happen to be committed by Talmudic Zionist Corporatist Communist Freemasonic Jews (and their lackeys). Satanic or atheist Jews makes no difference. The list of their crimes is endless.
    Over the decades Jewish Zionist lobbyists have constantly been pushing for boycotts and war (since 2001: against Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, Syria – Iran, Russia) Wars in Israel’s interest… using the ANGLO-AMERICAN AXIS & NATO as GOY-LEM to fight their wars of aggression for them… to destroy every nation which stands in the way to TOTALITARIAN JEWISH GLOBAL POWER.
    Nobody in his right mind can defend SUCH EVIL.
    But guess what – the evil ones want to be loved… They permanently complain about being “hated“. Jesus called them the Synagogue of Satan – and rebuked them harshly… What does that tell us…

    Rest my case (the deeper you dig the more corpses you’ll find)

    (Admin – apologies – won’t happen again)

  42. A Jewish International Takes Shape
    February 9, 2019 renegade 0 Comments
    By Douglas Reed
    From The Controversy of Zion (1952)

    This autonomous Talmudic government was called the Kahal. In its own territory the Kahal was a fully-empowered government, under Polish suzerainty. It had independent authority of taxation in the ghettoes and communities, being responsible for payment of a global sum to the Polish government. It passed laws regulating every action and transaction between man and man and had power to try, judge, convict or acquit.

    This power only nominally stopped short of capital punishment: Professor Salo Baron says,

    In Poland, where the Jewish court had no right to inflict capital punishment, lynching, as an extra-legal preventive, was encouraged by rabbinical authorities such as Solomon Luria”.

    (This quotation reveals the inner meaning of Dr. Kastein’s frequent, but cautious, allusions to “iron discipline”, “inexorable discipline”, “discipline rigid to the point of deadliness”, and the like).

    In effect, a Jewish state, Talmud-ruled, was recreated on the soil of Poland.

    As Dr. Kastein says,

    Such was the constitution of the Jewish state, planted on foreign soil, hemmed in by a wall of foreign laws, with a structure partly self-chosen and partly forced upon it … It had its own Jewish law, its own priesthood, its own schools, and its own social institutions, and its own representatives in the Polish government … in fact, it possessed all the elements which go to form a state”.

    The achievement of this status was due “in no small measure to the co-operation of the Polish Government”.

    Then, in 1772, Poland was partitioned and this great community of “Eastern Jews”, organized as a state-within-the-state, was divided by national boundaries, most of it coming under Russian rule. At that point, for the first time in more than 2500 years and less than two hundred years before our own day, the “centre” of Jewish government disappears from sight. Up to 1772 there had always been one: in Poland, Spain, Babylonia, Galilee, Judea, Babylon and Judah.

    Dr. Kastein says that “the centre ceased to exist”. The suggestion is that the centralized control of Jewry at that moment ended, but the length and strength of its earlier survival, and the significant events of the ensuing century, confute that. In a later passage Dr. Kastein himself reveals the truth, when he jubilantly records that in the Nineteenth Century “a Jewish international took shape”.

    Clearly “the centre” continued, but from 1772 in secret. The reason for the withdrawal into concealment may be deduced from the shape of later events. The century which followed was that of the revolutionary conspiracy, Communist and Zionist, culminating in the open appearance of these two movements, which have dominated the present century.

    The Talmudic “centre” was also the centre of this conspiracy. Had it remained in the open the source of conspiracy would have been visible, and the identification of the Talmudic, Eastern Jews with it obvious.

    In the event this only became clear when the revolution of 1917 produced an almost all-Jewish government in Russia; and by that time power over governments in the West was so great that the nature of this new regime was little discussed, a virtual law of heresy having come into force there.

    Had the visible institution continued, the masses of the West would in time have become aware that the Talmudic government of Jewry, though it led the clamour for “emancipation”, was also organizing a revolution to destroy all that the peoples might gain from this emancipation.

    The Russians, among whom this largest single community of Jews at that time dwelt, knew what had happened. Dr. Kastein says,

    The Russians wondered what could possibly be the reason why the Jews did not amalgamate with the rest of the population, and came to the conclusion that in their secret Kahals they possessed a strong reserve, and that a ‘World Kahal’ existed”.

    Dr. Kastein later confirms what the Russians believed, by his own allusion to the “Jewish international” of the Nineteenth Century.

    In other words, the “government” continued, but in concealment, and probably in the different form suggested by Dr. Kastein’s word “international”.

    The strong presumption is that the “centre” today is not located in any one country and that, although its main seat of power is evidently in the United States, it now takes the form of a directorate distributed among the nations and working in unison, over the heads of governments and peoples.

    The Russians, who at the time of the disappearance of “the centre” from public view were better informed than any others about this matter, have been proved right.

    The manner in which this international directorate gains and wields its power over Gentile governments is no longer quite mysterious; enough authentic, published information has come out of these last fifty years to explain that, as this book will later show.

    The mystery of its agelong hold over “Jews” is more difficult to penetrate. How has a sect been able to keep people, distributed around the globe, in the clutch of a primitive tribalism during twenty-five centuries?

  43. Maybe, in a wider, deeper sense – it’s not really off topic.
    The topic being ‘Bullying’ by wrongfully vilifying the targeted victim – exclusion from taking part in societal activities – the denial of services – that’s what’s being done to Monika, a woman of German descent who dares speak the truth to power – she’s all of a sudden being treated as if she was a ‘pariah’ who has to be stripped of the ‘privilege’ to be a citizen of Jasper, her community, her home town since birth (if I got that right) – Just imagine! How unjust & disproportionate that is! – That’s exactly the same Jewish Zionist anti-German (Freemasonic B’nai B’rith) hate propaganda going on against Germany for over a hundred years… turning Germany into a pariah among the nations! In preparation of two world wars against Germany with the intention to kill as many Germans as possible and to completely dismantle and destroy the country. And for what reason? For no reason at all but for destroying a successful people, a competitor. Envy. Greed. Low motives. All has been planned, instigated and orchestrated by international Jewry since the First Zionist World Congress in 1897. Yes, the enemies of humanity are planning far ahead. That’s simply stating facts. – And by the way, Jews had never been treated better than in Germany before WW 1… They enjoyed equal citizen rights – but thanked it badly…Their loyalty is not (with rare exemptions) to the country they live in.They are the fifth column, the enemy within. They’ve proven the fact again and again.

    # The method of Divide & Rule – Hate Propaganda – Bullying → Terror & Wars (WW1, 2 – 3?)
    Two world wars, tens of millions of white people dead – White Genocide – was all the result of Jewish Zionist greed for greater power – They want it ALL for themselves, the whole world! Vicious war propaganda lies instigated hatred leading to wars brother vs brother, cousin vs cousin slaughtering each other. Exactly what (((they))) wanted.

    It’s the Jewish “religion“ to blame the Jewish crimes (genocide for world domination) on their victims (as their scapegoats).

  44. Wow, we really have gotten off topic from the post far above. But, since we have, let me add that the real holocaust was what was done to the German people and to the Russian people. I base this conclusion on many years of study of both mainstream and revisionist books and research. In the 20th century, 2 countries were marked for total destruction: Tsarist Russia and National Socialist Germany. Both countries had resisted and stood up to the Jews. Bolshevism and Zionism were both the products of Russian Jews (or more accurately, Jews from Russia). The world continues to pay a very heavy price for these 2 ideologies, which, let us note, are both anti-Christian.

  45. Jim Mannella, you’ve had a free run here, and have likely done your dash with your comments. Comments though, laced with insults and profanity that shows a lack of respect to contributors and readers here. This blog is all for free speech, but it should be conducted in a civil manner, even if the opinions expressed gets you all worked up.

    Please take note that any future comments from you that contain insults and profanity will not be approved.


      Yeah, I think that’s about right, yes?

      At least tell me why you will not remove Ms. Dickey’s contact info.

      And don’t think I get worked up over this. I live for this shit (oops, I meant stuff)!

      1. Jim, for someone paying close attention to this whole 3 Sheets Japser episode, demanding that Dickey’s details be removed, you have failed to notice that Monika removed those details on Feb 5, i.e.:

        Current Revision by Monika 2 days ago (5 Feb @ 13:54)

        [While it was public business information, I have removed Ms. Dickey’s contact information from this article, as a gesture of good will. If she has been receiving any “hate” mail, it was likely coming from my detractors in order to smear my position.]

      2. My apologies. I missed the removal.

        Good on you guys for doing the proper thing.


        [Jim, I’ve removed the rest of your comment, as it’s just more stirring of the pot. You’ve made your point, so let’s give it a rest. — ADMIN]

    2. Since this seems to be one of the posts that I have been given the opportunity to reply to (odd that the “free speech champion” moderator wants to censor whom I can respond to) I beseech everyone on here and followers of Monika, to leave 3 Sheets and Sonja Dickey alone.

      And as for you Monika (see what I did there), nice try trying to get the local RCMP to pursue libellous charges against me for using foul language on FB. They were very forgiving and understanding and merely stated I did not break any libel laws but warned me to please be careful. Go ahead and bar this post and me from this blog because, as I stated on FB, you’re still a ****. You’re too cowardly to withstand the well deserved criticism and profanity used against you. You’d rather live with your mob and create an impenetrable bubble where everyone praises you and agrees with you.

      Block me, block your many critics, block reality, block logic and reason. You will never win.

      Viva La Fourth Reich!!

      1. It is not a matter of winning a wee game little Jimmy, tis a bit more important than that. Go find a gas chamber Jim M…still waiting…nope! No gas chambers at Auschwitz….where oh where did the mythical gas chambers go!? Please do inform me Jim, Where are the gas chambers?
        If no gas chambers….exist…if they have never existed (and they have not ever) Please tell me how, exactly did the bad ole Germans manage to kill 6 gazillion “Jews”.
        Do you imagine that all were killed with the infamous “brain bashing machine”? How about the infamous diesel engine gassing? You believe that shite? Really?
        You see James, I have done the research, I have been to see the mocked up fake gas chamber….I have read all the research…I have listened to both sides of the argument…I have been to East Prussia…The fact remains James – There are NO GAS CHAMBERS. It is all lies. Yes, you were fooled. Sucks, eh? And James, should you find my post “disturbing” and perhaps illegal – I encourage you to report me directly to which ever police service you desire. They are all welcome at my home – I have much to tell them.

      2. “You’re too cowardly to withstand the well deserved criticism and profanity used against you. You’d rather live with your mob and create an impenetrable bubble where everyone praises you and agrees with you.”

        no jim, you’re the cowardly one. Too afraid to investigate whether or not the holohoax pablum you’ve been fed for years is actually true or not. Too afraid to risk disagreeing with the crowd for fear what’s been done to Monika and others like her will be done to you.

      3. …. for doing the proper thing.
        And how about YOU – you “Jim Mannellas” out there?

        # FreeSpeechMonika
        The right to free speech – our God given rights no man can grant or refuse (deny)
        Lyrics: Die Gedanken sind frei (Thoughts Are Free)
        Die Gedanken sind frei, wer kann sie erraten,
        (Thoughts are free, who can guess them?)
        sie fliegen vorbei wie nächtliche Schatten.
        (They fly by like nocturnal shadows)
        Kein Mensch kann sie wissen, kein Jäger erschießen
        (No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them)
        mit Pulver und Blei: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        (with powder and lead: Thoughts are free!)
        Die Gedanken sind frei. My thoughts freely flower.
        Die Gedanken sind frei. My thoughts give me power.
        No scholar can map them. No hunter can trap them.
        No man can deny: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        Ich denke, was ich will und was mich beglücket,
        (I think as I please and this gives me pleasure)
        *doch alles in der Still’ und wie es sich schicket.
        *(but always reticent and as it is suitable)
        Mein Wunsch und Begehren kann niemand mir wehren
        (My wish and desire, no one can deny me)
        Es bleibet dabei: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        (And so it will always be: Thoughts are free!)
        I think as I please and this gives me pleasure,
        My conscience decrees this right I must treasure
        My thoughts will not cater to duke or dictator
        No man can deny: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        Und sperrt man mich ein im finsteren Kerker,
        das alles sind rein vergebliche Werke.
        Denn meine Gedanken zerreißen die Schranken
        und Mauern entzwei: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        And should tyrants take me and throw me in prison,
        My thoughts will burst free like blossoms in season.
        Foundations will crumble and structures will tumble,
        And free men will cry: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        Drum will ich auf immer den Sorgen entsagen
        und will mich auch nimmer mit Grillen mehr plagen.
        Man kann ja im Herzen stets lachen und scherzen
        und denken dabei: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        And now I renounce forever my sorrows,
        And never again to fret my tomorrows.
        I’ll always have laughter and joy ever after,
        For in my heart I’ll sing: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        Yes, I’ll always have laughter and joy ever after
        For in my heart I’ll sing: Die Gedanken sind frei!

        *doch nicht mehr in der Still’, weil es bedrücket…
        *but no longer reticent for it’s gotten way too aggrieving…

        Die Gedanken sind frei. My thoughts freely flower
        Die Gedanken sind frei. My thoughts give me power
        No scholar can map them. No hunter can trap them
        No man can deny: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        I think as I please And this gives me pleasure
        My conscience decrees This right I must treasure
        My thoughts will not cater To duke or dictator
        No man can deny: Die Gedanken sind frei!
        And should tyrants take me and throw me in prison
        My thoughts will burst free like blossoms in season
        Foundations will crumble and structures will tumble
        And free men will cry: Die Gedanken sind frei!

        1. This is truly one of the most beautiful renditions of this powerful song – thank you Freya for posting it here.
          On my first night incarcerated I sang this song over and over, but because I couldn’t remember all the original lyrics, I made up 4 new verses, which pertained to my situation and which also kept the original spirit of the song. Later, in my jail cell, I wrote them down. Maybe one day I’ll record it.

          1. “My apologies. I missed the removal.
            Good on you guys for doing the proper thing.

            ‘[Jim, I’ve removed the rest of your comment, as it’s just more stirring of the pot. You’ve made your point, so let’s give it a rest. — ADMIN]’”

            I get it. Free speech only applies if it furthers your agenda. Any criticism of your agenda, beliefs and alleged conspiracy theories propagated by this site will be banned.

            Your hypocrisy is the elephant in the room.

      4. Jim, your complaint above shows that you still don’t quite get it. You’ve made your point about what Monika should, or should not do, and made numerous comments in a generally disrespectful, sneering, tone. And I’ve asked you to refrain from that.

        You haven’t been “banned”, so don’t cry wolf. In fact, of the now 75 comments in this post, your comments account for 20 of them.

        You are welcome to post comments that disagree with the views here. Just do so in a civil manner. And the same goes for anyone else.

        1. “Jim, your complaint above shows that you still don’t quite get it. You’ve made your point about what Monika should, or should not do, and made numerous comments in a generally disrespectful, sneering, tone. And I’ve asked you to refrain from that.
          You haven’t been “banned”, so don’t cry wolf. In fact, of the now 75 comments in this post, your comments account for 20 of them.
          You are welcome to post comments that disagree with the views here. Just do so in a civil manner. And the same goes for anyone else.”

          I never claimed that I was banned. I said you censor criticism of this site and your followers within. Which you did on my post in question. Get it?

          For a site that preaches decorum and civil discourse, how do you square your noble intentions with your anti-Semitic, hateful screeds against Jewry?

  46. Ich würde niemals den Besitzer eines Copy-Shops lesen oder gar bewerten lassen, was ich schreibe, es sei denn, ich hätte darum gebeten. Zeit sich einen eigenen Drucker zu kaufen.

    Die Menschen haben leider nicht verstanden, mit wem sie es zu tun haben, sonst würden sie sich gegen die Tyrannei wehren, bevor sie sie vernichtet.
    “The Old Testament: For and Against — A debate between Christopher Jon Bjerknes and Lasha Darkmoon (Part 1)” –
    “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” –

    Alles Gute für Sie, liebe Monika, und auch für Alfred. Für viele in Deutsch sind Sie Helden.

  47. For those wanting to know more about 9/11, I recommend this interview. Here’s my intro, with a link to the transcript below.

    “Adam Green from “Know More News” interviews (Sept, 2017) Christopher Bollyn the investigative reporter who has been studying 9-11 from day one, and is the author of “Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World” and his newest book, “The War on Terror — The Plot to Rule the Middle East”.

    Christopher Bollyn’s work proves beyond any doubt that 9-11 was carried out by organized jewry through Israel and zionists within the US, to create their “War on Terror“, aka, “War OF Terror“, in order to justify the smashing of Arab countries, and others, to pieces, as part of a larger New World Order agenda.

    — KATANA”

    Know More News — Christopher Bollyn, The Man Who Solved 9-11 — TRANSCRIPT

    1. And you guys wonder why the majority of reasonable society relegates you people to the scrap heap of mankind. Just.Can’t.Make.This.Shit.Up.

      Viva la Fourth Reich!!

      1. For clarity, I meant that the Father’s explanation sounded reasonable to me., Do you have a problem with that?

      2. Still can not come up with one single person, eh? No worries, I’ve been searching for 10 years and I can not find one. How about you just prove a single “gas chamber” existed; that would be a brilliant start. Go try to find one, I did; they do not exist, fancy that, eh? Only an idiot would believe what is “shown” is a gas chamber.
        Incidentally, Jim M, “death camps” would be the correct term only after they were occupied by the communists. Untold thousands of German men, women and children were tortured, raped and murdered in these previous work/detention/transit camps.
        And if that does not tug at the ole heart strings Jim – just think of what happened in East Prussia – piles and piles of corpses, almost all women and children – up to 3000 in a single pile, 3000 jim – all brutally raped and murdered by animals. How about a German girls school in the same area, the young girls marched into a room 5 at a time, stripped, brutally tortured, one at a time whilst the others watched until non were left alive save 2 that hid and escaped. But do not tell anyone Jim, tis all a big secret. Now, show me a gas chamber Jim.

      3. Viva la Fourth Reich!! (Jim Mannella)

        # The “EU“ – the “Fourth Reich“?

        After WW 2 “NATO“ and an undemocratic “European Union“ (EU) were created to keep the Germans down (as super slaves, pay masters), the Russians out and the ((( Zionist Freemasonic Talmudic Satanic Jews ))) on top. ((( Ashkenazis ))) not German “Nazis“ (Jewish smear word for National Socialists) are Europe’s and the world’s problem. ((( They))) never want to deal with the issues, they always avoid an open debate about proven facts, and try to destroy your reputation and credibility by RITUAL DEFAMATION, by calling you bad names, by using Jew invented hit phrases, weaponized words such as “hater/s“, “racist/s“, “anti-semite/s“, “nazi/s“, “bigot/s“, “conspiracy theorist/s“ and “holocaust denier/s“ to shut down any criticism of Jewish power, Jewish crimes, Jewish guilt. Inversion of reality – The targets of hatred are named “haters“, “imbeciles“ et cetera (Yawn)

        In reality it’s hate-filled Jews who are the worst anti-white, anti-black racists, haters and anti-semites (just ask Israel’s Arab neighbors). ((( They ) are the worst criminals, hypocrites and evil psychopaths. The most malicious liars guilty of multiple genocides, of false flag terror attacks, and endless conflicts and wars. Jewish insanity terrorizes the whole world. Talmudic Jews believe that they have the “religious right“ to destroy anyone who opposes them! ((( They ))) think they are above the law! Satanic Talmudic law teaches them criminality, hatred, “Jewish Chosenness“ & “Jewish Supremacy“ Such evil Jews have no respect at all for borders and the national sovereignty of gentile nations! They want to destroy everything they don’t like and enslave everybody! Not Germans (“Nazis“) – Not Whites in general are the world’s villains as Zionist propaganda wants us to believe. Hate-filled, Satanic Jews destroy white Christian civilization. They defame and blaspheme Jesus Christ, want to kill all Christians, and genocide all white nations. The most ruthless ones among them murder practically everyone who stands in their way.

  48. I asked a Catholic priest if he believed in the holocaust(6 million jews murdered , gassed in the concentration camps). His answer was “I believe in the Holocaust”.
    Pressing on, I outlined the absurdity of such a thing given what information is available contradicting this claim. His reply “It is my opinion that the 6 million number is a rough estimate for all the people who died in the Nazi genocide—Jews and others—and those killed indirectly through forced work, starvation, disease, military executions etc.”.
    Sounds reasonable to me.

    1. Why not ask the priest if he loves the truth as Jesus did…
      If I may… what must be said…
      In 1933 ZIONIST JEWS declared HOLY WAR on Germany
      and the German people have been in an existential struggle ever since WW1. The war has never really ended. The ZIONIST ANTI-GERMAN PROPAGANDA machine keeps spreading lies and hatred. They constantly indoctrinate and manipulate public opinion worldwide. Before a Jewish court (‘German’ only by name) the truth is NO defence! The truth will be used against you! The truth IS the offence in a Jewish lynch trial! You can’t defend yourself in the Jewish Talmudic court system in Germany. Germany is not free. It’s a Jewish-US-occupied country where Jewish power & influence dominates and gradually subverts and destroys all which is healthy and beautiful. ALL western civilization & Christianity is gradually being destroyed. ALL white nations are being targeted now.
      The Germans were victims of Allied aggression in both world wars
      The JEWISH PLANS to exterminate the German people (Hooton Plan, Nizer Plan, Kaufman Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, and most recently: UN-Migration Pact! Now targeting all white nations) and to destroy Germany are well known! Hitler-Germany had no intention to “exterminate the Jews“; expulsion was the solution to the Jewish Question. Jews who had not left in time (till 1941) were eventually put into labor camps; what else would you expect? WORLD JEWRY had declared HOLY WAR on Germany as early as March 24, 1933! World Jewry had proclaimed an INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT on German goods to wreck the German economy and starve the German people to death! And an ULTIMATUM to re-install all Jews in their positions of power and overwhelming influence in Germany… Just imagine… the Jewish chuzpah! The war has never ended… The ZIONIST DECLARATION OF WAR turned all Jews into enemies of the German state and the German people. Jews became the most serious security risk, they sabotaged the country & the war effort later on. Both world wars were forced upon Germany by Zionist, Talmudic, Satanic, Communist Jews. The international media – Jewish owned and controlled – instigated an anti-German war hysteria twice. Hate-filled Jews are the masters of true hate speech they falsely accuse their critics of… in order to silence them.
      Jewish Population Losses during World War 2
      Two monographs were written on the question of Jewish losses during World War 2. The first concluded that some 300,000 perished, conclusive with the Red Cross records & Jewish Almanach. The second claimed that some six million Jews died. Whereas the first book takes into consideration demographic changes of the Jewish population in all countries, the second book completely ignores the fact that the Jewish population in America, Israel, and other countries outside of Europe had increased (!) by almost six million in this period of time, as a result of the exodus. Thus, those Jews who had left (!) Germany and Europe were simply declared to be “Holocaust victims“ – but in reality they were millions of survivors (!) who all claim reparations from Germany… A defeated country and people can easily be wrongly blamed. There’s no logic to be found, no justice for the defeated. Why should Germany pay (endless) reparations to a group of people who had declared HOLY WAR on Germany as early as March 24, 1933, and an INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT on German goods to starve the German people into submission…

      Zionist Jews have instigated hatred against Germany and have promoted the EXTERMINATION OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE ever since WW1! Not German governments were responsible for two world wars but the intrigues of highly influential and powerful international Zionist Jews. The Germans were the victims of an ALLIED CONSPIRACY against them, led by World Jewry (Zionist movement; international Freemasonry). That’s the historical truth – well known to those historians who are serious about facts… not fiction (propaganda lies).

      The so called Holocaust amounted to a few hundred thousand Jews starving to death and/or dying of typhus because the Zionist dominated Allies firebombed the German cities, destroyed the country’s infrastructure and supply lines. The whole country was starving! People were dying in the millions! Germans were the victims of GENOCIDE, a TRUE HOLOCAUST. Tens of millions of German men, women and children were killed through two world wars forced upon Germany, instigated and orchestrated by Jews from behind the scenes. That’s the hidden true history, left out of the falsified history books. CONSPIRACY REALITY. The victors write the history, their false version. But the truth will never go away. The spell is broken.

    2. I asked my alter ego if 6 million Jews died in gas chambers?

      Even my alter self was irate at such a disingenuous question:


      Sounds reasonable to me.


        60 million whites died in WWII, why would anyone obsess over a supposed 6 million self-proclaimed chosenites?

        why do you say not one word about the Holodomor? is it because (((your people))) are responsible, “jim”?

  49. Monika, so glad to find you here! 😊

    Sorry to hear that your life is hardly getting back to normal, and that the persecution has followed you home… I totally understand the feeling, having been on the receiving end of some hateful calumny myself. But the Lord did say that when we stand for truth, we shall be persecuted, so STAND ON, fellow truth teller!!

    By the way, it is wrong for a business who sells copying to read your material first, being a breach of privacy. Here where I live, they are very careful not to see what you bring in. I appreciate that. The only reason 3 Sheets Copying is bothering you, Monika, is that they know who you are, and are afraid for themselves. Betcha they don’t pre-read any body else’s material…

    Truth is truth. People fear truth because they are afraid to know themselves: they might have to change if they squarely face truth, and take a good look at it!

    1. ” The only reason 3 Sheets Copying is bothering you, Monika, is that they know who you are, and are afraid for themselves. Betcha they don’t pre-read any body else’s material…”

      I believe that you have hit the nail on the head 🙂
      Makes a lot of sense.
      Good grief, all Monika wanted to do was to get some copies made. Now, how hateful is that? Incroyable!

  50. Jim Mannella reminds me of the gollum character in lord of the rings. A slimy little weasel defending evil and avoiding all truth like a vampire confronted with a cross.

    1. If I’m a slimy, weasel Gollum like character that defends evil, then can I say that you and your ilk are apologists and defenders of Hitler? Can we agree on that and have yourself put it on the record?

      1. tell me about Genrik Yagoda and the Holodomor, jim

        tell me about the tens of millions of Russians killed by the Bolshevik jews

        you’re concerned about evil aren’t you?

  51. Communists ran these camps, tortured and murdered the victims. If there was any difference between them and the Gestapo jailers it was only that they were more villainous, because they denounced and killed men who were supposed to be their comrades in battle against a common foe. As the Eastern Jews, in particular, play so large a part in Communism, Jews logically appear among the persons implicated in these deeds. That is not in itself surprising at all, for Jews, like all other men, are good and bad, cruel or humane; but it was kept hidden from the public masses~ who received a picture of torture-camps inhabited almost·entirely by Jews, tormented by depraved ”’Nazi” captors. In fact, the Jews formed a small proportion of the entire camp-population; the tormentors in the last three years of the war were largely Communists, whose motives have been shown; and among these tormentors were Jews. – Rassinier

    “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” – Plato

  52. Jim Mannella wrote:

    “I am not an expert in metallurgy, architecture, fuels and combustion, avionics, electronics, forensics, historicity, chemistry, physics etc…. so who the fuck would I defer to other than “authority figures”, you know, experts in their fields? But then, unintentionally I’m sure, you hilariously stick your foot in your mouth by stating 3000 architects and engineers are apparently *your* “authoritative” power that *you* defer to. Jfc.”

    You also reveal yourself to be no expert in *commonsense*, as you do not need to be an expert in those listed fields to grasp that those building were blown up by some form of controlled demolition. I didn’t need “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth” for me to realise that. The reason I *intentionally* mentioned them was for *your* benefit, i.e., an “authoritative” source that contradicts the ludicrous official conspiracy that blames the buildings collapses on aircraft hitting the towers and fires.

    You go on to cite the three “studies”, i.e., 9/11 Commission Report, Pop Mechanics, and NIST, that you base your beliefs on about 9/11. These three can simply be considered as cover-up reports, for the reason that they do not remotely provide a reasonably explanation for the collapse of the three building.

    I like your “Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theory To Rule Them All” label. Although it’s clunky, and doesn’t actually name the culprits, Organized jewry, it does indicate that there is a powerful force that is directing world events. And there is plenty of evidence for that.

    That said, I can see that your whole line of argument in this thread mostly consists of hand waving, smearing, denigrating, and general name calling all that you don’t agree with. That’s not an argument, although it could be an opening salvo to soften things up, I’ll grant you that.

    I have the impression though, that you are a lot of bark but little bite, just able to call people colourful names, and that you believe in official lies.

    1. What in the world are you getting on about? Common sense is now a superior measurement for truth and facts? You know, flat-earthers are a maligned minority of the populace because their common sense tells them that earth is flat as a pancake.

      Who’s common sense shall we allow to be the arbiter of truth? Yours? Hahaha. You just can’t make this shit up.

      Let me know the day when “common sense” rules over the scientific, intellectually rigorous search for truth.

      Awwww, you thought my GUCTTRTA was clunky? Take a look at that acronym. It gave me a headache typing it out.

      I’ve pretty well stated my line of argument here. It should come as no surprise to you. I’ll repeat it again since this is the densest, low-life crop of reality-denying humans to disgrace our species. If there is a problem with Darwinian Evolution, it is that it is too slow to get rid of you creeps.

      1. “I’ll repeat it again since this is the densest, low-life crop of reality-denying humans to disgrace our species. If there is a problem with Darwinian Evolution, it is that it is too slow to get rid of you creeps.”

        you sound like a supremacist

        you’re not a jew by chance are you?

  53. Jim Mannella,

    Please provide the names of the historians and scientists who have confirmed through physical evidence and primary-source records that six million Jews were gassed to death in Germany.


    1. Really? Is this the best you can do? Are you really this intellectually lazy that you would expect me to do the work for you?

      There are these magical search engines on this thing called the internet. You might have heard of them. Or maybe not you fucking moron.

      1. Tis you Jim M who is being a fucking moron. Name one single person who was murdered in a so called gas chamber – and prove it. Go to Auschwitz and find the mythical chambers – I did – they do not exist and they have never existed. They have a lovely swimming pool though. Go ahead Jim M show me the proof. We are all waiting…
        Meanwhile…back at the farm…Jimmy boy is aghast at pics of the “shrunken heads” and human skin lampshades. You fell for it Jimmy…we all did…get over it and join us all.

      2. Are you really so intellectually lazy that you cannot provide one or two sources?

        Who’s paying you, Jim Manella, for the time you are spending here spewing your hatred and hurling epithets at an innocent woman? Who’s paying you to prevent the world from knowing that the Holocaust is a lie?

        Sad that Jasper is such a small-minded place. Canadians are cowards. God will punish them for their culpable stupidity.

  54. If the official holocaust narrative is true, why the need to ban books that contradict it? If the story could withstand scrutiny, there would be no need for these laws that were used to incarcerate Monika for 10 months in Germany, and to keep her brother in jail right now. As well, there would be no need for Amazon to have banned hundreds of titles in early March, 2017. Not even its Marketplace sellers can sell these banned books that refute the holocaust story. Powerful pressure groups finally prevailed on Bezos, the head of Amazon, to ban inconvenient books. This high tech book burning occurred because the weight and force of the revisionists’ research was becoming too powerful and effective.

    Western historiography currently has an ingrained bias against the Germans and Germany. This needs to be corrected. What passes for history now in the Western world as regards the 1930s and 1940s is largely propaganda, and thus is “fake” history.

    1. Hilarity prevails in this thread.

      “Contradict”…I don’t think you understand what that word means.
      “Refute”….see above ^^^^

  55. Another reply to Freya’s tedious, anti Semitic post vilifying the Jews and praising Hitler for recognizing the Jewish scourge:

    When the majority of western civilization – the Historians, the Military chroniclers, the Scientists, the Survivors, the Veterans, the Educators, et al disagrees with your take on Jewry it’s time to take a time out and truly figure out if this the hill you want to die on.

    My eyes glazed over reading your hateful screed against the Jews while simultaneously praising one of the worst mass murderers in modern history. It is horrible that anyone would undermine decades of truth and teaching and relegate a major sum of civilization as being brainwashed by the JEWS!!

    You, Monika and company can spew all the BS that you want, free speech and all, but the rest of society sees through the veneer of your conspiracy hoax. And the rest of us rational, decent civilians can take you guys as the BS artists that you all are.

    Viva La Fringe!!

    1. >>>”When the majority of western civilization – the Historians, the Military chroniclers, the Scientists, the Survivors, the Veterans, the Educators, et al disagrees with your take on Jewry it’s time to take a time out and truly figure out if this the hill you want to die on.”

      if you speak your personal take on jewrys they go after you, they collude against your business (ask Paul Nehlen), they turn your community against you (ask Monika), they slander you in their newspapers, they send their antifa goons after you.

    1. Monika, are you going to remove Ms Dickey’s business and contact information?
      Have you maybe reached out to her?
      She has been receiving hate emails.

      Please Monika, do the right and decent thing.

      1. probably Ms Dickey should “do the right and decent thing” and stop discriminating against people with different beliefs than herself

  56. Some BASICS for the likes of Jim Mannella to ponder about…

    #MONEY FRAUD – Fraudulent Money System – “Federal Reserve” run by Jews
    Without a proper money system, society dies, which is pretty much what is happening to our western societies now. This is due to the JEWISH MONEY SYSTEM imposed on us by the aliens who own the private money-making (“out of thin air“!) company they call the Federal Reserve System. We are today witnessing the dangers of precious metals. The only metals that are truly precious are steel, lead and brass. Gold and silver, while intoxicating in their wonderfulness, are just as dangerous and volatile as liquid intoxicants and just as likely to make you lose your wits – and your fortune. There is nothing righteous or magical or even necessary about a nation’s currency being “backed” by gold or silver.
    THIS WAS PROVEN by Adolf Hitler during the 1930s. It was proven so conclusively that the Jews want to make sure that it is never tried again. The best way to ensure this is to associate debt-free currency with mass murder! The six gorillion Holy Hoax was invented… A new Jew invented religion “Holocaustianity” to replace Christianity…
    For some reason (Satanic Babylonian Talmud: “The best of the Goyim must be killed”), international Jewry wants to destroy Germany and genocide the German people. We can probably never understand the Jewish insane drive to do this but the facts cannot be denied: Zionist Freemasonic Jews planned, instigated and orchestrated WW 1 + 2 against Germany – EXTERMINATION PLANS: Nizer Plan, Hooton Plan, Kaufman Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, UN+EU Plan of “Replacement Migration”. GENOCIDE through wars and non-white, Muslim mass immigration and miscegenation. International Jewry also wanted to destroy the Russian ruling class and the Russian people, as we saw happen following their takeover of Russia in 1917. And we see that they apparently wanted to destroy the American people from an early time, dating at least since 1913 (Federal Reserve Act). The destruction of the Russians, Germans and all white nations of European descent depended on their takeover of the American banking system in 1913, because it was followed closely by the devastation that began in 1914 with the assassination of the Austrian archduke by Gavrilo Princip (Freemason).
    World War I ended in 1918 and this began Germany’s great misery. They were blamed by the victors for starting the war they were not responsible for; in 1916 all numerous German peace proposals were refused; 1916/17 Rothschild-Balfour Deal: Jewish Zionists brought America into the war on Britain’s side to defeat Germany; and the British promised them Palestine as a “Jewish homeland”. Germany was forced to pay “reparations” that were so extreme by the early 1920s that their money became worthless. Hundreds of thousands of Germans starved to death because of the hyperinflation and because of a hunger blockade by England and America to prevent food from getting in.
    Adolf Hitler, like Franklin Roosevelt (Jew), came to power democratically in January, 1933, in the depths of the world depression. Both Germany and America were starving because of the actions of the fraudulent Jewish Federal Reserve System. They were starving because the Fed banksters had “deflated” the money supply, withdrew currency from circulation and refused to issue new currency. Credit to farmers and businesses and individuals was denied for no particular reason. Roosevelt outlawed gold and began its confiscation, with punishment of ten years in prison and ten thousand dollars in fines. Once they got all gold, which was then priced at about twenty dollars an ounce, they raised the price to thirty-five dollars. That made it the biggest, boldest swindle up until that time. Of course, the Federal Reserve System swindlers got the gold.. and the massive increase in value…
    Hitler came to power over a bankrupt starving country with high unemployment! The Americans had stolen all Germany’s gold by the early ‘20s, so there was no basis for a monetary system other than to keep borrowing from the Jewish crooks on Wall Street that had given Germany the Young Plan and the Dawes Plan of perpetual indebtedness to private Jewish bankers masquerading as “central bank.” What to do?
    Adolf Hitler and Hjalmar Schacht issued debt-free currency (Lincoln’s debt-free currency…) which led to the swift regeneration of the German economy and the world’s greatest prosperity of the working class, while the rest of the world stayed mired in the Great Depression being run by the sadistic central bankers. This National Socialist opposition was the worst possible crime in the eyes of the worst criminals on earth and was punished by the most terrible war in human history, including the carpet fire-bombing of Germany’s cities (the true Holocaust of WW 2), the mass starvation of one+ million German POWs in open fields (the true death camps of WW 2), and deliberate mass starvation of millions of civilians following the “end of the war” (which has never ended, no peace treaty, Germany is militarily occupied since 1945 by US Zionist Jews; A.Merkel is a Jewish communist witch hell bent on destroying all German). US nuclear bombs were dropped on Germany’s ally, the Japanese who were trying to surrender. Please refer to Theodore Kaufman’s charming little book, “Germany Must Perish”, which openly promotes the EXTERMINATION OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE, and was the basis of the genocidal Morgenthau Plan for Germany, executed mercilessly by Eisenhower (Jew), which resulted in the starvation deaths of millions of Germans. JewTube Video: The Secret of Oz
    John F. Kennedy declared war on the Fed racketeers by issuing four billion dollars in debt-free US notes in April of his last year on earth. Abraham Lincoln first issued debt-free currency when the bankers whom he had approached for war loans wanted 34% in interest.
    So let’s understand what’s behind the so called Six Million Holocaust. Why no credit to Hitler and Schacht for the secret to economic prosperity in the face of total meltdown, the impending FINANCIAL SUPER CRASH? Why, because of the Holocaust! The greatest economic miracle in history occurred in Germany under “the Nazi monster“ Adolf Hitler, who ignored the central bankers (intent on raping the world, seizing real property through high interest and deflation) …
    Hitler remarked in one of his speeches that he had delivered Germany from the doubly devastating “reparations” of the Versailles “Treaty” (Verdict imposed upon Germany by Zionist Jews responsible for WW 2) and the general world depression by 1935 while Roosevelt kept mighty America in abject misery with his Federal Reserve starvation policies (December, 1941). Roosevelt stole all the people’s gold and then increased its value by 60%. And he refused to do what Lincoln had done before him and what Kennedy would do after him: he refused to issue debt-free currency and rescue the American people from aggravated poverty, degradation and death by starvation. …
    How could that be? How could Hitler state such a thing? Because it was true. It was simple and it was true. The secret to general and permanent prosperity is for the government of any country to issue debt-free currency in amounts necessary for commerce and growth. That is what the founders of the United States of America had in mind with Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. Clause 5 says that the “Congress shall have power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.” Clause 6 is even better: “Congress shall have the power to provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States.” You can see where this puts the Jewish owners of the counterfeiting private syndicate called the “Federal Reserve System”. The proposed punishment for counterfeiting was execution by hanging. …
    Anyway, let us recognize the Holocaust for what it is, a device to make THE IDEA OF DEBT-FREE CURRENCY repellant to our minds… repellant by association… because anyone who would do it really just “wants to gas the Jews” as the “evil Nazis did“… Did they really? Shouldn’t you rather be interested to know WHAT REALLY HAPPENED?
    Shouldn’t you be interested to get to know the truth?

    1. You, Monika and your kind are the “bastard(s)” Eisenhower was referring to:

      “Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”

      ― Dwight D. Eisenhower

      1. its great that you bring this up Jim because even believers in the holohoax now agree that if there were any “death camps” they were ALL in the Soviet zone of occupation.

        so what is it that Eisenhower thinks he saw?

        maybe it was the result of all the allied bombing of innocent civilians, unprecedented in the history of warfare.

      2. There were lots of starving and ill people in those camps at the end of the war. Germany had been bombed to smithereens, and supply lines were cut off. Some water treatment plants had also been bombed. It was a brutal war. Many people died, inside and outside of the camps.
        Here is the thing Jim: evidence is illegal in the German court (Germany is still an occupied country). Why would they make evidence illegal, if there is so much evidence supporting the official version of history. The Truth does not fear Investigation.

      3. * – allied bombing of innocent civilians, on such a massive scale that was unprecedented in the history of warfare

      4. Hmmmm…Now, why would good ole “Ike” say that all those years ago, eh? Because he was talking shite and he knew it.
        Eisenhower – he who is responsible for the murder of 1.2 million unarmed German captives in the Rein Meadow Death Camps. Ike – A criminal who should have been pissed on and hung.

      5. Hi Jim, I think a couple of weeks at Camp Eisenhower would do you some good. You could use the fresh air. You’ll find out first hand that elaborate killing systems are not required to do away with human beings. Mother nature is a cruel mistress and can kill humans efficiently and inexpensively.

  57. After reading the comments here I cant believe they are coming from people in a country where freedom of speech is supposed to be a right. It appears these people have little idea of what “Hate Speech” actually is . What you have been saying in public is not hate speech but merely an opinion based on research. I find these people quite misinformed and very naive of what is going on in the real world today. Much proof is available that 9 11 was an inside job used to start a middle east war. The mainstream media is full of propaganda and the debt we are in as a country is due to the take over of our monetary system by private bankers. These people need to do some research on how our debt skyrocketed when government stopped using the Bank of Canada in 1974. They should also look at who owns and influences the mainstream media in this country. I suspect these people are covering for those who are the real problem in the world today. Carry on spreading the truth Monika as truth will always win out in the end .You have many supporters out here in the real world that refuse to give in to the tyranny against us all.

    1. >> It appears these people have little idea of what “Hate Speech” actually is

      there’s no such thing as “Hate Speech”

      its a concept made up by jews who hate your Free Speech

      1. >>why do you hate jews so much?

        you should ask the same question to Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Latvians, Germans, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians etc etc. They were even kicked out of a Central American country just a few years ago.

        Its very sad to say but jews are hated wherever they’ve been. They like to pretend its because of their semitic heritage but the truth is it has something to do with their behavior towards the rest of us.

  58. Hi Monika. It’s Jim Mannella from Jasper. Let’s get to the real issues that impact the normal citizens of Jasper, of which you are not, shall we?

    You can try to hide under cover of, and apparently seek reparations from, the “free speech” umbrella that you wish to cower under while you profess lies, hatred and bigotry towards Jews and the decent citizens and businesses of Jasper while at the same time preaching and gaslighting innocent citizens that you are the “victim”.

    Have you no self-awareness to realize this is wrong? That you are a Holocaust denier and a 9/11 truther who peddles in conspiracy theories? Are we to believe that Historians, veterans, scientists et al are wrong and that society has been brainwashed and that you and your extremely, tiny mob are right? Do you understand what an insane path that you’re on?

    For you to publish the info on the Jasper business in question and encourage harassment and hate from your trolls towards that business is despicable. You are butt hurt because a business in Jasper refuses to offer their services to you because they disagree with the materials you wished copied. This is the definition of freedom of speech and association. Get yourself a fucking printer and stop harassing locals because they disagree with your BS.

    I ask you to delete this blog or at the very least delete the business’s info and personal information. They are receiving horrible emails from your minions and trolls. If you are a decent human being you would delete this blog in its entirety.

    I’ll wait for your response.

    1. Hi Jim,
      if someone has a business, they generally have a business card. I have not shared personal or private information, only that information which is already available to the public via the business card of said business.

      All of the emails sent to said business that have been copied to me have been respectful. Quite contrary to the hate-filled public comments that I saw on your Facebook page yesterday. I wonder who exactly is the “hater”. Your comments here are mild compared to the expletive-filled sick comments you made in a very public forum.

      Interesting how you characterize my polite call-out to contact Ms. Dickey and call it exactly that which you are now doing to me. Invert and project – a classic example.

      As for your short follow-up comment asking why I was not posting this (yet), perhaps it is because I do sleep at night, and I do not walk around with a computer attached to my navel.

      After those Facebook comments, it is hardly worth having ANY interaction with you. Not because I am afraid, but because it is difficult to communicate with someone so filled with rage as you are. With all due respect, those Facebook comments do not reflect well of you.

    2. Jim Mannella wrote:

      “Have you no self-awareness to realize this is wrong? That you are a Holocaust denier and a 9/11 truther who peddles in conspiracy theories? Are we to believe that Historians, veterans, scientists et al are wrong and that society has been brainwashed and that you and your extremely, tiny mob are right? Do you understand what an insane path that you’re on?”


      Jim, the difference between you and the mass of people who accept the official version of 9/11 and the “Holocaust”, and people like Monika, myself, and growing numbers of others — and BTW with regards to 9/11 it’s not a “tiny mob”, when over 50% of Americans do not accept the official conspiracy story — is that we all started off believing the official version of events, but then did our homework and concluded that we are being lied to.

      Have you spent the time to look into 9/11 with a critical eye? I doubt it, because you seem to defer to authority figures. For example do you believe the twin towers and WTC 7 that were destroyed on 9/11, was the result of two planes hitting them? Or do you accept the authoritative opinion of over 3,000 architects and engineers that say they were brought down by controlled demolition? Controlled demolition equals “inside job” and “Game Over” for the official conspiracy story.

      And it’s the same with the official “Holocaust” conspiracy story, that tells us that the Germans had a plan to exterminate the jews and managed to kill six million of them, mostly using gas chambers. Despite it never quite making sense as to why the Germans would do that, and how the jews allowed themselves to walk into “gas chambers” thinking they were going to get a shower, but got gassed instead (jews claim to be intelligent), I did kind of believe it for most of my life, because of “authority” telling me it was true. It is only in the last seven years that I’ve realized, through doing my homework, that it couldn’t of happened the way “they” tell us. It is in fact it is a diabolical lie!

      To conclude, it is not that Monika and us like-minded are on an “insane path”, but rather we have stepped off the “path to insanity” that society is being led down, and are doing our best to inform others of what we have learnt at great cost.

      1. I am not an expert in metallurgy, architecture, fuels and combustion, avionics, electronics, forensics, historicity, chemistry, physics etc…. so who the fuck would I defer to other than “authority figures”, you know, experts in their fields? But then, unintentionally I’m sure, you hilariously stick your foot in your mouth by stating 3000 architects and engineers are apparently *your* “authoritative” power that *you* defer to. Jfc.

        I’ve read enough over the years on the Holocaust and 9/11 conspiracy BS to ascertain, in my opinion, that the official and independent studies put your almost 20 year 9/11 conspiracy rants into the shredder. Twice.

        The 3 main studies that have been grist for your wild and wacky theory mill are these:

        -9/11 Commission Report, July 22, 2004
        -Popular Mechanics’ article published February 03, 2005
        -National Institute of Standards and Technology study from August 21, 2008

        These are my experts, authorities that I appeal to.

        I get it. Y’all want to connect your pile of dots (piles of shit would be more accurate) to link Hitler-Jews-Holocaust-Jewry-Global Banking-9/11 blah blah blah in a hapless attempt to formulate the Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theory To Rule Them All and then will gloriously declare: “See!! We all told you!! It’s the JEWS fault!!!”. Yeah, that scenario will never happen in reality and only in your wild deluded minds.

        And what about AE911 and their “3000 Engineers and Architects” that support an independent investigation into finding the real “truth” into what caused 9/11?….well, let’s just say I’ve read enough on their organization and their Dear Leader Richard Gage to fairly conclude he is a grifter and con man and y’all are the rubes lapping his shit up.

      2. I totally agree with your reply. I have joined the bandwagon of skeptics a long time ago and the evidence regarding that hoax, appearing on a regular basis, has strengthened my beliefs.

    3. Jim Manella: I’m a Veteran and I say that you are 100% wrong. Monika is correct. Wake up you sanctimonious twat.

      1. I’m a rational human being and believe you are 100% wrong. Monika is incorrect. Just wake the fuck up.

        Sanctimonious Twat

    4. JIm, here’s a couple of nutters in need of your help:

      “The government story they handed us about 9/11 is total B.S. plain and simple.” – Capt. Russ Wittenberg, U.S. Air Force – Retired commercial pilot. Flew for Pan Am and United Airlines for 35 years, former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions.

      “If you ridicule others who have sincere doubts and who know factual information that directly contradicts the official report and who want explanations from those who hold the keys to our government, and have motive, means, and opportunity to pull off a 9/11, but you are too lazy or fearful, or … to check into the facts yourself, what does that make you?” – Lt. Col. Shelton F. Lankford, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Retired U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot with over 300 combat missions flown. Decorations include the Distinguished Flying Cross and 32 awards of the Air Medal.

      After you get done schooling them, check out for lots more loudmouths in need your sage counsel.

      1. Nah…I’m dealing with enough nutters on here and think I’m developing an allergy. . Thanks for the link though!

    5. >>Have you no self-awareness to realize this is wrong? That you are a Holocaust denier……

      this “denier” business is odd language, almost like one who disagrees is some kind of heretic

      lets try it on you:

      Do you deny that they used to claim 4 million were killed at Auschwitz and now admit it was no more than 1 million?

      Do you deny that jews used to claim that the Germans turned them into shrunken heads, bars of soap, and lampshades and that we now know all of these claims were lies?

      what other lies have these proponents of the holohoax been telling?

      why has everyone heard of Joseph Mengele but not Genrik Yagoda? is it because one is a mass murdering jew responsible for millions of deaths of white Christians and the other is Mengele?

      1. Odd indeed. Every one of you on this site DENY actual, factual, historic events and the factual evidence and researched conclusions rendered from those events. I mean…normal, rational people would call that DENYING REALITY.

        Nice spin though. A+ for effort.

      2. we don’t deny facts, jim

        why is it that Eisenhower thought he liberated Nazi death camps when he clearly did no such thing? did (((someone))) want him to believe he did?

        why did American troops believe the same thing? Were they lied to?
        who was spreading these lies?

        why were jews claiming 6 million were at risk over a dozen times since the mid-1800’s? is there some religious significance to their 6 million number?

        why are jews hated everywhere they’ve ever been?

    6. for some reason Jim doesn’t want to respond to his error on Eisenhower:

      >>>>>”“Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”

      ― Dwight D. Eisenhower”

      come on jim, Eisenhower didn’t see any death camps or extermination camps because if there were any they were all in the Soviet zone, so what was he talking about? was he a liar or was he fooled?

      you claim to be interested in the truth, jim

      1. Hahaha…this site continues to amuse me with all your inanities.

        *You all* are the proof of Eisenhower’s statement.

        Try harder, if you can.

    7. Jim Manella: I it’s clear from all your posts on this thread so far (as of Feb. 8th, 2019) that you not only have nothing to contribute but that you are either a Jew or other type of hasbarat with an ax to grind. Your extreme ignorance is inexcusable, if it is even real.

      I will not stoop to engage you in any way. I am only posting this to let you know that your efforts are futile and pathetic. People are waking up and your hysterical bloviating will not convince anyone of anything. You disrespect for Monica and all the other posters reveals you to be a propagandist at best or an agent.

      In the unlikely event you are in Canada and not sitting at an IOF computer in Stolenland, please know that your irrational remarks have only further discredited that print shop. Nice job, if that’s what you wanted to do.

      1. Jim Manella: I it’s clear from all your posts on this thread so far (as of Feb. 8th, 2019) that you not only have nothing to contribute but that you are either a Jew or other type of hasbarat with an ax to grind. Your extreme ignorance is inexcusable, if it is even real.
        I will not stoop to engage you in any way. I am only posting this to let you know that your efforts are futile and pathetic. People are waking up and your hysterical bloviating will not convince anyone of anything. You disrespect for Monica and all the other posters reveals you to be a propagandist at best or an agent.
        In the unlikely event you are in Canada and not sitting at an IOF computer in Stolenland, please know that your irrational remarks have only further discredited that print shop. Nice job, if that’s what you wanted to do.

        And yet here you are, “stoop(ing)” ….or is that schtupping, to engage me. So let’s get it on, shall we?:


        No, seriously, I learn a great deal here. Especially the etymology and origins of words and some fascinating acronyms:

        To the majority of rational, sane people, the pejorative “hasbarat” is an offensive term but to you guys it’s just a polite, respectful way of calling someone a “SCUM JEW”.

        You really think I’m an IOF operative? Really? Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa. I’m deeply honoured you think that. No really.

        Stolenland???WTF?….you guys really need to pick up your insult game. Lame insults like this just don’t cut it. For shame!!

        I love the buzzwords, phrases, acronyms, cryptics you guys traffick in. It’s entertaining AF. And I also love that you guys can’t figure out who I am other than to speculate that I’m a nefarious Jew dude against your agenda.


      1. What is it with the all-caps with random lower cases sprinkled in like fairy dust of code speak? You guys and gals work really hard to legitimize your beliefs that you all know “brainwashed” society (which is the majority and you all fail to recognize) refuse to succumb to your whacko, disproven BS.

        Harold, I listened to 20 minutes or so of a 1 hour podcast interview Gerard Menuhin gave with Kevin Barrett. I now exercise my freedom of speech to denounce Gerard and exercise my freedom of association to not follow anything that wingnut writes of or speaks of.

        You people harassed a local business owner because she refused to print *freespeechMonika*. Yes, harassed a person who exercised her right of association to refuse service to a person (that would be freespeechMonika, of course) who holds views she and, this is important, MOST OF SOCIETY FIND REPUGNANT. But freespeechMonika takes her freespeech and tries to cash it in by playing the victim and rousing her followers to defend her and attack said business owner.

        FreespeechMonika tried to get the local RCMP to press libel charges against me because *gasp*, I called her a “cunt” on FB. Her understanding of freespeech is so hilariously ignorant and self serving that I am certain the irony of her Moniker freespeechMonika (see what I did there) is so far beyond y’all’s understanding and appreciation that it allows you all to maintain that air of gullibility and ignorance.

  59. If I owned that shop, I would refuse to print communist, proabortion, feminist and other kinds of material or anything else I found offensive. This whole issue goes both ways. Any business should have the right to refuse service for any reason or no reason at all. If you owned the print shop, Monika, and some white hating antifa marched in, wanting to use your equipment to print their propaganda, would you remain silent? I would really like to know.

    1. Interesting that you would first study the materials that a customer wishes to have photocopied in your hypothetical print shop. Is that normal? I do not believe it is appropriate for the shop owner to ask to inspect the materials to be copied first. That is the customer’s business. Your business would be to provide the business that you advertise.
      I believe in Freedom of Speech.
      Since you are giving hypothetical situations, imagine if the shop owner refused service to a black person based on their colour. Can you just hear the cries of discrimination?!

      1. About the black person (hypothetically) being refused service – it is basically the same as the Christian bakers refusing to bake cakes for homo weddings. I support the bakers, not because they are morally “right” or “wrong” but because it is a private business and they should be able to refuse to serve anyone whether they got up on the wrong side of the bed that morning, or out of any other motivation. Freedom is indivisible.

        Just as an aside, how could the shop owner copy anyone’s documents without seeing them? Most – no, all – of the print shops I have gone to, there’s a smaller machine that you just walk in and use and nobody sees what you’re copying; and behind the counter there is more complicated machinery that the shop employee has to operate. What was your situation – I did not quite understand what was going on, to tell you the truth.

        It could be considered inappropriate for a print shop owner to demand to inspect the materials to be copied if you yourself are going to copy them on a simple machine that requires not assistance from the shop. But that’s not the issue if “freedom” is your overriding concern, which it seems to be. Freedom of speech VS freedom of private business is what it comes down to, not anyone’s morals. Good old free enterprise.

        Whether it’s homosexual’s wedding cakes, or printing politically incorrect literature – in both cases the aggrieved parties have access to other providers as far as I can tell. If it was me, Monika, I’d just keep looking for a print shop with a self-serve machine where you stick in your credit card, copy, and walk out. Obviously the woman you dealt with was frightened to let you use her machines because you had become even more notorious since the two of you first met; and she knew you were a potential problem to her. So she made stupid excuses this time round, even though she had provided service to you several times after the initial conflict.

        I wonder what would have happened if you had refused to leave her shop and she had actually called the cops. Maybe you could have made an almighty fuss, claiming discrimination, same as homos and their damn cakes? How far could this have gone. You could have really pushed it, if you have enough $$ for a lawyer, I guess.

        Thank you for your response. I know that your life is stressful since your video and jailing, and things are not easy for you.

      2. If I may say. of course she would want to examine the material knowing the notoriety surrounding the person giving it to her to photocopy.Whether or not you believe the holocaust happened or not it seems those who have jumped on the bandwagon have shown themselves to be rabid anti Semites judging by their comments which I have read. Congratulations on re opening that can of worms. Mind you they have probably been hiding in the woodwork for a long time. So much intolerance and hatred abounds today. So called Free Speech and fiery rhetoric can be the jumping off point to murder and mayhem if any history is to be believed. There are limits to everything including free speech if it is going to lead to any type of discrimination. Society should and does legislate to protect the rights of all, and that includes legislating to prevent the harassment and instillation of fear of innocent parties, particularly when it is based on such things as skin tone, gender, choice of religion, sexual orientation, disability etc

  60. Hello Monika,

    I just watched your story on bitchute about your tribulation of 10 months, even though your story is completely different to mine it is the same, I am a Dad of a 20 month old boy and since he was aged 3 months i have been in the Federal Family Court of Australia, with my application of urgent recovery of my son

    Every father of a child that find themselves in the family court gets treated exactly the way you were treated, no matter if a Dad was feeding his child since birth at every feeding time, change the nappy at every nappy change or bond with their child through skin to skin contact,

    At the moment something happens that separates the father and the child and the only correct course of action is the father to apply to the family court to see his child, from that moment every man is thrown in to jail metaphorically, and kept from their child no matter how good the father is.

    It is even worse than jail or death of a child, there is absolutely nothing a father can do except be treated as they are the worst inhabitants on earth, every false accusation made against the father is believed, every time a lie is told, detrimental to the father, later to be found a lie.The process proceeds as if a lie never took place, the liar will be asked why did they lie, and give their response, consequence of the lies, whether it be a fine or jail time are never meted out.

    I shudder to think if it was I, numerously caught out falsifying truth.

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