Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

5 Responses

  1. Admin – please don’t publish comment September 17, 2019 at 08:03, link is damaged

    Thank you, Mike
    Some more?

    #Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide (DIN-A4, 12, bold) (picture!)

    ANGLO-AMERICANS (The British Empire & The United States of America) HAVE BEEN USED as GOyLEM by the Jews for over a hundred years… Ashke“Nazi“ Jews (Mongols,Turks, Huns, racially mixed DNA) turn the world upside down and always blame their own crimes on their targeted victims (Germany, the heart of Continental Europe – Arab Muslim countries in the Middle East & Africa – Iran left) as their scapegoats. Endless War since 1914 / 1917: WWI… 1941: WWII… 9/11/2001: War OF Terror (“War On Terror“) The German efforts to keep the peace in 1914, the German peace proposals of 1916 and 1940 were ignored. Instead, 1916/17 Rothschild-Balfour Deal. Deal with the Devil. The Germans are the victims of two world wars forced upon them, and they have been blamed and ritually defamed –
    smeared as “Huns“(WW I), and “Nazis“(WWII) by the perpetrators ever since. The Ashke“Nazis“ are the only “Huns and Nazis“ around always pointing fingers at others. They are the most vicious haters who criminalize their critics for “hate“, “hate crime“, “hate speech crime“ to suppress all opposition to the GLOBAL JEWISH TYRANNY = “NEW WORLD ORDER“

    Jews use deception, lies, chaos magic – “By way of deception thou shalt do war!“ (Mossad) Hollywood magicians – masters of media & mind control manipulate their host nations into self-destructive behavior – corruption – treason – betrayal of the people. Anglo-Americans: Stop being the “idiotic giant easily to handle“ – Take your troops home! You don’t fight for freedom. War – Who is it good for? Banks, war profiteers, military “defense“ contractors, corrupt politicians. Stop fighting for the Jew World Order! No more wars for Zionist Israhell!
    NO WWIII (Iran – Russia – China)! The world is SICK of the Jewish lies!

    “The Jews are one of the principal forces attempting to lead the U.S. into the war. The Jews’ greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our Government. I am saying that theleaders of the Jewish race wish to involve us in the war for reasons that are not American.“ (Charles Lindbergh, September 11, 1941)

    Divide & Rule to genocide the white race! Stop fighting for the Jewish world tyrants!
    Stop serving the Deal with the Devil – the “Federal Reserve“ System of The Beast = the Anti-Christ! Stop fighting the wrong enemies! Save our children! Protect our white nations!

  2. Chris Bollyn got a lot right. He seemed to stumble when addressing “HOW” the WTC buildings were taken down. Nanothermite seems the least likely of “explosive” tools employed; unto itself, nanothermite cannot do what we can all see with our lying eyes. One exception: CGI video showing planes striking WTC 1 and 2.

    Judy Woods, who saw the forest but not the trees, seems “out to sea” as well on this question (e.g., “directed energy weapons), She gets partial credit, however. I think Veterans Today (G. Duff and Company) has published the most incisive treatises on the application of “micro-niukes”, detailing the “HOW TO”. Micro-nukes, according to those at much higher paygrades than I ever achieved, can be made to function as “DEWs”.

    The WHO of 9-11-2001 ranges higher (and lower) and more pervasively than any to date have tracked (or admitted to identifying) to bring a prima facie case of murder, treason, and other heinous capital crimes, such crimes and even worse continuing in the 18-year aftermath of the highly successful false flag evens of 9-11. Just like Pearl Harbor. Thanks PNAC!! /sarc

  3. “Any points I or a few others have tried to make here are instantly dismissed because we don’t know the “truth of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy, how the Jews hate us and want to destroy the gentile and take over the world.” There’s no point in arguing. Of course my point is that all humans are capable of great evil regardless of race, culture or religion and all are capable of great good, kindness and compassion.“ (War Zone in Jasper, dune mouse (CybeleMoon)10092019@qnatime)

    ALL humans? Really, are they? Unfortunately, your “points“ are not truthful. Half truths are lies too. No sensible human being ignores reality… and stays wilfully ignorant. Evil people are not capable of great good, e.g.using “charity“ as cover for evil is nothing good. Satanists are inhumane.

    “Today’s Jews are from the country of Khazaria in the Caucasus. They were Mongols & Huns. The emperor of Khazaria chose Judaism as the religion to be taught in his country. He summoned the Pharisees from Babylon to teach his people the Talmud. The Talmud was written by rabbis – totally uninspired of God! This was just the kind of fodder the Khazars, like Ghengis Khan, needed to start their brutal wars for world domination.“ (ozarkslothgmailcom)

    #JEWI$H HATE – JEWI$H TERRORI$M – 9/11 – WAR OF TERROR since 2001 – WAR ZONE$ – GENOCIDAL JEW$ DEMAND WHITE GENOCIDE! (Harvard Prof Noel Ignatiev, among other Mongols&Huns – Ashke“Nazi“ haters of Whites)

    #Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide (Flyer, DIN-A4)
    JEWI$H LOBBYI$M: “Holocaust denial“ laws / “incitement to hatred“ laws / “hate speech“ / “hate crime“ laws / “anti-Semitism“ laws / “anti-racism“ laws / anti-BDS laws / anti-“wrong think“ laws / “Patriot Acts“ / “anti-domestic terrorism“ laws…

    Lots of laws to PROTECT THE (LIE$ OF THE) JEW$. This shows how deep the FEAR OF THE JEW$ must be to have been found out and how they anticipate the repercussions their evil crimes will have when the HOU$E OF LIE$ comes down. The truth always wants out! Jews want to OUTLAW THE TRUTH to criminalize and suppress all opponents! KILL HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS! Jews did it in the past and they want to repeat the MA$$ MURDER$ again, destroy all homogenous white nations and “ABOLI$H THE WHITE RACE“ (Harvard Prof Noel Ignatiev). JEW$ ARE THE HATER$, not the Whites… JEWI$H CHUTZPAH judging others about “hate“ while Jews themselves are the most vicious haters of all non-Jews, the most blatant liars, deceivers, deniers of reality, of true history, of their own crimes and guilt, the worst international mafia criminals the world has ever seen, the most hate-filled anti-Semites (ask the Palestinians and Israel’s Arab neighbors), the extremest anti-White racists, and the most dangerous terrorists who boycott anyone and whenever they like, whose way of thinking is upside down, who terrorize the whole world by foisting their poisonous ideas, ideologies, Talmudic perversions on others to destroy them, make them as depraved as they are…

    Jews are NOT Semites (Shemites). Ergo: the critics of Jews cannot be “anti-Semites“. About 95 % of today’s Jews are Ashkenazi Jews with Asiatic, Mongol, Turk, racially mixed DNA. Jews are NOT Whites but can pass as white (because of their stolen white DNA) which helps them to hide among their white host nations. Jews are NOT of the tribe of Judah, they are NOT the descendants of the Israelites (Jacob – Israel) of the Bible they pretend to be, they have NO legitimate claim to the land of Palestine “because of race“. Jews are NOT the people of the Covenant (OT). Identity thieves. Ashkenazi Jews are proselytes, converts to Judaism – Babylonian Talmudism – Satanism! They are the $YNAGOGUE OF $ATAN. Jesus called the Pharisees (Edomites) children of their father, the Devil… And Jesus Christ was NOT a Jew, he was a true Israelite of the royal tribe of Judah… The true Messiah whom the racially mixed Edomites (Esau – Edom) rejected, sentenced to death in the Sanhedrin, and delivered to be crucified… Jews hate Jesus Christ, they hate Christians. Jews are NOT the “elder brothers“ of Christians, Jews want to kill tens of millions of Christians again as they did in Bolshevic Russia (Russian Genocide), in the Ukraine (Holodomor/s – millions were starved to death by taking away all foods and seeds), and in WWI + II Germany, by ganging up the world against the German people twice (German Genocide). There are multiple genocides through history Jews are guilty of! Jews celebrate genocide on their religious holidays (Chanukkah, PassOver, Purim, Yom Kippur). Not mentioned in regular school books… Instead, the libraries, and “Holocaust“ museums are full with lies of a $IX MILLION HOAX. Most pernicious lies about the Germans. NO EVIDENCE has ever been presented in any court. WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Typhus vs Zyklon B. What did the Germans get for trying to keep the labor camp inmates clean and healthy? $LANDER about “ga$$ing“ them. What happened after the Allies bombed the German cities and infrastructure into ruins? We need truth & justice. The truth is “hate“ only for the haters of truth. Speaking the truth is not a crime, it’s free speech, our inalienable, God given right… Spread far & wide!

    david westerlund – The Nordic Resistance Movement – Simply beautiful! – Open for more input: questions and suggestions – Thanks for the link.

    1. Very well written, good condensed factual comments. I only wish more Caucasian Christians were more aware of the truth. Thank you, may God bless

  4. It appears so much news today is false.

    This AM news had a report that guns (2nd amendment) may be restricted in USA to those convicted of “Hate Crime misdemeanors”. Again “Welcome to the jew World Order”.

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