Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

Alfred Schaefer has been released!

As of 2024 February 20, Alfred is once again a free man, or shall we say, as free as any of us are in this epic struggle between Good and Evil.


Political Prisoner Leslie Bory

Leslie Bory was arrested on February 13, 2023. That was two days after a radio and video broadcast that he did, which (((they))) did not like. He is still in jail on remand, with a trial beginning on the 6th of January, 2024. His channel is called BrantfordNews on the bitchute platform.

UPDATE: Leslie Bory was released at the end of his trial in January 2025, and awaits sentencing hearing in March 2025.
He is currently NOT in jail!

Latest Update: The sentencing hearing resulted in Les Bory being released on “Time Served”. See Article.


Political Prisoner Philip Hassler
a.k.a. Mr. Bond

Update March 26, 2023

Philip Hassler has been sentenced to 10 years in an Austrian prison for politically incorrect songs. His brother, Ben, was sentenced to 4 years, for running a website called “Judas Watch” which documented public figures engaged in globalist activities. Both brothers have failed their appeals. Ben’s address is not yet public, however Philip has been moved when the verdict was deemed final, and this is his new address:

Philip Hassler, 175335
Justizanstalt Suben
Kirchenplatz 1
4975 Suben


Political Prisoner Germar Rudolf

NEWS UPDATE as of 2025 January 5: Germar Rudolf is out! Great news. 

Germar was arrested in early December 2024 as an “out of state fugitive”. We speculate this stems from an old trivial charge in Pennsylvania for swimming naked at 4 am while on his regular morning exercise routine. A few weeks later he was moved from NY to PA. (See the update above.)


Political Prisoner Matthew Hale

Matt Hale has been in prison already 20 years, many of those in solitary confinement, and has a sentence of 40 years. He was framed with a crime that he did not do. Read more about his case at the website Write to him here: [UPDATE: situation as of January 2023 is that the prison is NOT allowing ANY mail through to or from Matt except from family members, so they ask that we withhold letters for now.]

Matthew Hale #15177-424
USP Marion CMU
P.O. Box 1000
Marion, IL 62959


Political Prisoner Vincent Reynouard

Update: February 2024: Vincent Reynouard is a French revisionist and truth teller about WW2 history, and for his efforts has seen the inside of five different prisons over the years, one in Belgium, three in France, and one in Scotland. Vincent Reynouard has been extradited back to France, where he could face multiple charges of “wrong speak”, and years of imprisonment. UPDATE: As of December 2024, Vincent is still free in France.


Political Prisoner Brad Love

As of July 31, 2024, Brad Love has been released!


Political Prisoner Graham Hart

Graham is the singer/songwriter of the brilliant Hoax Train song. 

Update: Graham Hart has been released!

When writing to political prisoners,

— There are strict rules on what a prisoner can receive. Generally speaking, letters, cards, postcards, photos, drawings, and stamps are the only permitted items. In Matt Hale’s case, everything has to be in black-and-white.

— Please write the date on each letter, card, etc. Also number them (letter/card 1, 2, 3, etc.) so that the recipient can see whether any are missing.

— Books, magazines, objects, food, clothing, etc., should NOT be sent as, if even permissible, it generally involves a long and troublesome procedure to receive such items.

It is a real morale boost for prisoners to know that they have not been forgotten about. It also sends a message to the “authorities” that the political prisoner is not alone in his or her views. Also, don’t feel there is a need to write anything profound or insightful, as even a simple “Hello” message is fine.