Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

Psychological Warfare

Free Speech Monika

In this 42 minute video Alfred Schaefer, a Canadian of German origin, delivers one of the best talks ever at the London Forum, with no punches pulled in laying bare the jewish engineered plan behind the ongoing destruction of our societies. Alfred discusses the fraudulent nature of many sacred cows held dear by our psychologically manipulated societies, with special attention to the so-called “Holocaust” and jewish engineered 9/11.

He brings up how organized jewry is responsible for the European civil wars, known as WWI and WWII. And how, jewish monopoly over information has sought to control us through psychological warfare that uses “control words” that inhibit us from thinking outside their imposed frames of reference.


The London Forum

Alfred Schaefer

Psychological Warfare


Here is a bitchute copy of Alfred’s London Forum talk:



[NOTE: As of 2018 the account and youtube link that the video appeared on has been removed.]

Here is a link to the audio file:


YouTube Description

Published on July 20, 2016

A psychological warfare expert will explain what it is all about, its principles, its rules and its methods. Framing, inverting and projecting may seem abstruse, but Alfred Schaefer has the knack of making everything easy to understand. The Enemy has been extremely successful at demoralising us using such warfare, so it is about time we started using the same techniques in order to wake our people up and to get them to fight for the cause of civilization. Cognitive dissonance, the “star gatekeeperNoam Chomsky — not just your average linguistics professor — will all be discussed.



(click on a title to go to that section)

Introduction — Growing up in Canada; the Cold War; JFK’s Assassination.

WW II — Parents war-time experience in Germany; the growing demonization of Germans.

9/11 — Justifiable Blowback?; the realization of the deception of 9/11; WTC 7; Christopher Bollyn.

Brainwashing/Contamination of the Mind — The “Holocaust” propaganda of Auschwitz, Dachau; the tension between the provable historical facts and evidence vs artificial world of mind contamination with lies.

Jewish Controlled Money System — Deception and crime: 19th century opium wars in China; the imaginary “Holocaust”; Stanley Kubrick’s moon landing production; and the event of 9/11.

Digital Technology — The Internet; the challenge to jewish control over information; the revisionists.

Winning People Over to Our Side — Monika Schaefer’s short video, “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong about the Holocaust”; her family’s shocked reactions to this video illustrative of the conditioning and the nature of our problem.

How the “Holocaust” Has Become the New Original Sin and a Forced Religion — How people have been turned into zombies; the need for all people, including jews to expose what is going on.

The Methods and Tools Used to Control Us — Weaponized control words such as “anti-semitism”, or “hate speech”, or not “politically correct”.

Demonization of Muslims — How 19 Muslims with box-cutters were blamed for 9/11.

The Increasing Police State — How we are being conditioned to accept the Thought Police and its demands to obey.

The Importance of Destroying the Holocaust Lie — How the “Holocaust” lie is used to suppress resistance to the rule of the jewish psychopaths; it is essential to expose the lie.

Decontaminate Yourself from the Control Words — Thought laws, hate speech all of these words are meaningless jabber that the parasite has engineered to our minds.

We Must Stand Up and Expel the Parasites and Traitors — They have brought war and the destruction of our homelands; they have brought in the hordes of invaders.

Noam Chomsky, the Hyped Up Gatekeeper of the Left — A traitor who acts as a Pied Piper in leading people away from the truth about 9/11 and the JFK assassination.

Conclusion — The very worst thing that could possibly happen to me is that anybody, someone out there, would denounce me as being a “Holocaustbeliever!





Jez Turner: The next speaker is a video producer who produces videos and disseminates the truth via the Internet. Some of the famous videos are, “9/11 Brainwashing and the Lies“, and “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong about the Holocaust”.

He has broken all the laws in Germany, and he’s waiting for the knock on the door!

Okay! He’s a brave man! He’s a German-Canadian, he is Alfred Schaefer!



Alfred Schaefer: It’s my great pleasure and honor to be here today to speak to you at the London Forum. But the focus of my speech, talk, will be how weaponized words are being used in a psychological warfare against us.

OK. First I’d like to say a few words about myself and what motivates me to do what I am now doing. I’ve had a very privileged life, spending the first twenty-five years of my life in Canada, in a German family. We thought we were growing up in a perfect world. We could not even begin to imagine that anyone could possibly want to do us any harm. Just to the south, we have the great and powerful United States of America as our protector from the evil communist Soviet Union! Which was, of course, the biggest threat in our minds at that time. I will just recount some of my earliest moments, memories to give you an idea of how certain events helped shape my perception of our world.

I remember coming home from school as an eight year old in Edmonton, Alberta, when my mom told me that President Kennedy had been shot. I was in grade three at the time and this message did surprise me. It had the same impact on me, as if I had just watched a house burn down. It struck me, but there was nothing I could do.


Over the years, Mom and Dad would occasionally recount horror stories of their wartime experiences. And in school they started feeding us as a steady diet of war stories that seemed to make a joke out of anything that the Germans did. My mom often talked of Dresden and how nobody could imagine that anyone would bomb this magnificent cultural gem of a city that was jam-packed with refugees and had no military, whatsoever! It seemed like the safest place to be. No normal person could perceive any danger in those circumstances.

But my dad recounted his time in one of the [Eisenhower] death camps along the Rhine [River] after the war. He told us how they had used spoons to dig in the dirt to make a hole, just to sleep in, and just how awful that was. He told us of how formerly fit young men were dying every day! I wish I could remember more of the details that he told us so many years ago, but we were not really interested. We were more interested in listening to the Beatles music and all the other things that were fashionable at that time. That was in the sixty’s and seventy’s. We didn’t care so much about war stories.

[image] Rhine Meadow deaths camps that Eisenhower created after Germany’s surrender.

These were the years when the hippie movement seem to come out of nowhere, along with the rock’n-roll scene; flower power was the new mantra; Woodstock. And then there was the Apollo moon landing — the awe and pride that I felt when I looked up at the moon and imagined Neil Armstrong gracefully moving around on the moon! I spent many hours in awe just thinking about that!

In the meantime in Canada the Germans were being portrayed more and more as inept and mindless brutes. World War Two movies and stories were the big subject in those times. Of course, with these messages forming our impressionable young minds we turned our backs on our parents when they told us about their own experiences from those horrible war years.


Now fast forward to September 11, 2001. My first thought about that fateful day was:

Wow! Looks like the Americans got what they deserved for their blind subservient support of Israel!

This is called, “justifiable blow-back”. I was convinced that the Americans, surely got wind of this plot and let it happen, as this would justify more military spending and wars for Israel’s benefit.

It took ten long years before I began to understand how deep the lies of this deception really are. In 2011, I watched a video of WTC 7 coming down and that jolted me to dig deeper. I felt compelled to do whatever I could to counter this suffocating blanket of lies.


This period led me to a very valuable encounter with Christopher Bollyn, who had just written the book, “Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World”[Click link to download PDF book]. He identified many of the Jewish individuals and the role they played in this false flag attack! His work led him to be attacked himself by a team of heavily armed undercover police in front of his own home in Schaumburg, Illinois in August of 2006. The subsequent kangaroo court trial convinced him to go into exile, as staying in the United States would have resulted in certain incarceration and probable death.

That was my luck in a way, since he was key in helping me greatly advance my understanding of how these deceptions are engineered. Without him having been in exile, I would never have met him.

To replace the false narrative which had been seared into my mind of what had supposedly happened on 9/11 with an understanding of the stark reality and that we now need to deal with, was a traumatizing transition for me to make. I did not sleep very well and this captured all of my attention.


Brainwashing/Contamination of the Mind

Now let’s fast forward to this moment in 2016. We often think of “brainwashing”. But a more appropriate term from the condition of believing in false narratives would be “contamination of the mind”. The toxic lies contaminate our minds. They do not wash our brain!

Audience: Yes, yes.

Alfred: Brainwashing” sounds something clean and proper. “Contamination” better describes the induced mental illness that results from the toxins of the lies. That is why I will talk about contamination of the mind, rather than “brain washing”. I’ll give you an example of a symptom of this contamination of the mind. Several years ago, a couple of twenty-two year Canadian youngsters visited us in Germany. Instead of visiting the many rich cultural sites and engaging in the wonderful opportunities that Bavaria offers, such as the hiking, the museums, the castles, the artisans and so forth, the most important thing that they wanted to see was Dachau! Let’s have a look at what those German monsters did to those poor innocent jews!

[Image] An entrance to Dachau, after being taken over by the US Army.

Now, why would anyone want to waste their time to see some stage props with descriptions that have little, or nothing to do with historical reality? It’s like going to a Hollywood horror movie and thinking it is real! In the old days, if you are a good Catholic you would make a pilgrimage to the Vatican; if you are a good Muslim you would make a pilgrimage to Mecca. Nowadays, if you believe the lies that have contaminated our brains by the Jewish media, you make your pilgrimage to Dachau or to Auschwitz!

Audience: [applause]

[Image] Propaganda display at Buchenwald Concentration Camp showing shrunken heads, pieces of tattooed skin and a lampshade claimed to be made from human skin (actually pig skin?).

Alfred: That way, you have rounded up and completed your education about the shrunken heads, soap and lampshades. You fly deeper and deeper into the abyss of a fantasy world so remote and so detached from all reality! What this is leading to can be equated with the following scenario. Imagine two tectonic plates moving in opposite directions. They are locked together, but the stress on the fault line increases inexorably as the plates move. In fact, the rate of movement of the plates as now, in 2016, is noticeably accelerating. One plate is the plate of provable historical facts and of empirical evidence. The other plate consists of an artificial world of mind contaminated with lies, hatred, incitement, control words, fluoride, apathy gender confusion, fear and so much more!

Audience: [applause]

Jewish Controlled Money System

Alfred: Every day that this release of tension is delayed the greater will be the destruction as the pent-up energy runs it’s course. This is always the case with two moving tectonic plates snap at the fault line! Or another way to describe our present situation, is as follows. Imagine for a moment, we’re living in a large house. This house consists of what we have been led to believe is our reality. The entire house and it’s infrastructure has been built by a jewish controlled money system. This system has reached it’s present size, because it has depended on deception and crime of a magnitude that normal human beings find it difficult to comprehend. Just to name several of the more lucrative milestones of this jewish money system mentioned: 19th century opium wars in China; the imaginary “Holocaust”; Stanley Kubrick’s moon landing production; and the event of 9/11.


Now, a new variable has entered the equation. And this new variable is enabling us to see through what has really been happening. In other words we are now able to detoxify ourselves from the lies that we have been fed all of our lives from the day we were born!

The walls of this construction, this house of lies, are crumbling as we speak! As the crumbling progresses, more and more light comes in. Some people think they can hide deep inside this crumbling construct. Just “duck and cover” and all will be fine. But it does not work that way. This construct of lies is coming down, whether we like it or not!

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: This is a systemic and an exponential process. So no wishful thinking can stop it. Remember, we did not choose this scenario, we were born into it. It has been imposed on us! In the end, we will all find ourselves out in the open, in the bright light of the truth and reality. We will not be asked, if we like it, or not. It is what it is and we need the brightest and best to deal with this, in such a way that we can survive as a people on whatever it is we have left.


Digital Technology

[Image] Holocaust Handbooks — Give the revisionist view on the “Holocaust”. Currently 35 titles now available in hard copy format, or as PDF downloads.

Prior to the new variable of digital technology appearing on the stage, those select individuals who did understand and tried hard to expose the lies, were hopelessly overwhelmed! They could not disseminate their message to the outside world on any scale that would have been a meaningful challenge to the jewish saturation control over all the information we were exposed to. Some of the names that come to mind are; Robert Faurisson, Fred Leuchter, Germar Rudolf, Ernst Zundel, William Luther Pierce and many, many more, I cannot possibly name them all here today.

Winning People Over to Our Side

Okay, that is a summary of our situation. We need to understand the tools and tricks that the enemy uses in order to help as many people as possible to understand and join our side. Our survival depends on our success! Each person that we win over is one more for us and one less for them. Let me give you an example of how this contamination of the mind and the induced mental illness can play out. Okay, so don’t be surprised, you might experience it yourself.

A couple of weeks ago my sister Monika and I visited old family friends in Germany. We have just uploaded Monika’s new video titled, “Sorry Mom, I was Wrong about the Holocaust”.

Audience: [laughter]

Alfred: This video, a very short video, six minutes long. In one month now, it’s got 50,000 views, and will get more [as of Aug 11, 2016, it has 86,065 views] .

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: This video consists of my sister apologizing to our deceased mother. I know how bad Monika felt for her blaming our parents for not stopping those “evil Nazis” for the “Holocaust”. And this video certainly helped her to now neutralize this false and imposed guilt. The people we visited are your typical “duck and cover” types. They always know how to evade inconvenient subjects and always look very righteous about their lives and their own opinions. To get them to watch the video at all, I had to use a little deceptive tricks myself and told them that we would like to show them a new video that we had just made. It was of Monika playing a violin. Monika warned them before we started:

But there is some talking in it, about Alfred’s favorite subject”.

So, we set the laptop up on the living room table and pressed the play button. Monika started playing her violin and then goes into her heartfelt apology to our Mom’s spirit, since she is no longer with us. When she comes to the line describing the gas chamber deaths and states:

Now I know why she did not know of these things! It’s because these things just did not happen!”

Audience: [loud applause]

Alfred: The female friend jumped up, screaming hysterically:

Not with us! Get out of this house! Now! Leave! We have our own opinions and you are not going to change this!”

The door slammed shut and her dad reinforced, what her daughter just screamed at us, saying:

We have known for a long time that Alfred is totally lost! But you Monika? How could you? How can you change? You cannot change our opinions and don’t even try!”

Okay, I might sound cold and callous now, but I will say it anyway. This entire episode affected me about as much as if I was watching a laboratory rat doing back-flips after having been trained to do so, when the particular control buttons are pressed!

Audience: [loud laughter, applause]


How the “Holocaust” Has Become the New Original Sin and a Forced Religion

Alfred: I found this a valuable exercise to illustrate the nature of our problem. People who we would think are normal intelligent fellow human beings can be triggered to behave like conditioned laboratory rats, and at the push of a button do to back-flips, or to behave like a zombie.


I will now read you the translation from the letter that my sister Monika received a few days later from the sister of the zombie that tried to throw us out of the house.

Audience: [laughter]

Alfred: There was no, “Dear Monika” or “Alfred” just “Alfred and Monika”.

Yesterday, after consulting with my sister, we watched the video that you made, entitled, ‘Sorry Mom’. The statements that you made denying the Holocaust are lies! Absolutely abhorrent and revolting! You are engaged in sneaky criminal agitation!

People like you are responsible for spreading the reactionary National Socialist ideology in Europe that is leading to the spread of a hatred, instead of spreading peace to the world! With your lies you are spreading precisely that which you think you are preventing. And Germany will once again be hated in the world!

Because I came home too late yesterday and could not prevent my sister and my parents from watching your shameful campaign, I feel compelled to do what he is now necessary! As of immediately, I prohibit you from any further contact with me, or my family!”

End of letter.

Okay. Okay, that letter reminded me of an old James Bond movie when 007 had to deal with some apparatchik parroting the party line. She was fanatical and blind as the enemy would expect of it’s obedient little soldiers. A good zombie will not think, only obey.

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: What this illustrates is how this contamination of the mind turns what was once a normal human being into a seriously mentally ill and possibly dangerous zombie. What this person is doing is projecting her own characteristics onto anyone who is possibly threatening their belief system. Regardless of what the evidence shows. In fact, they stated their position quite clearly:

We have our own opinions and nothing you show us will change this”.

It has become a religious belief. It is as if the original sin of the Christians has been replaced by the original sin of the imaginary “Holocaust”. This is the foundation of the new and forced religion of our times!

A big problem that we need to deal with now, is how to prevent countless zombies like this woman, who really do want to be good people, from committing suicide, or going berserk when the truth does come crashing down in their face!

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: Their children, their colleagues, or someone will expose the evidence to them again at some time in the very near future. If their reaction to this one monumental lie is as I have just described it, then what will be the reaction of people like her, when almost everything they have been led to believe turns out to be a monumental lie! Those who react as this woman did are burdened with the additional weight of having behaved like a zombie when first confronted with something that can no longer be evaded.

All of us in this room here today, are here today, because we know that the world around us is not the world we are being told that it is, and that something is seriously wrong.! We have the advantage of already being farther along on the road to understanding what is going on, including any agent that might be with us.

Let me say a few words regarding Jews and those who are working for them, no matter where you come from, whatever your background, it is never too late to acknowledge the fact as you connect the dots of a more complete picture.

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: Come to the side of truth, no matter what it is and focus all your energy on extricating us out of this impossible situation that we now find ourselves in. We are all in this together! There are many very good people from all sides who have come to understand the truth and who are doing everything in their power to expose what is going on.

For example. Gerard Menuhin, the son of the world-famous Jewish violinist Yehudi Menuhin, recently wrote the book, “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil”*. He writes:

The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history! Germany has no blame for the Second World War!


*[Have you ever asked yourself why the world won’t come to rest? Why your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents had to die in wars that never should have occurred in the first place? This book holds the answer . . .

Behind the scenes, events are controlled by a coterie of ethnic puppet masters who work their marionettes in high places out of public view. How did this world get to the dark place it is today? Who could have stopped it and what can we do today?

The book consists of three sections. The first section concerns Adolf Hitler, and the real causes leading up to the outbreak of WWII.

The second section enlarges on the activities of the real culprits, provides a historical overview of their progress, their nature, their power over finance and the media, and the methods by which they achieved it.

The third section concerns the First and Second World Wars (what the author refers to as “the Second Thirty Years War“), their conception, funding and inescapable continuity; current laws against freedom of expression, and the evolution of the Orwellian state; the importance of U.S. support for the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War, and Communism’s significance in the plan; the true origins of the enemy; Palestine’s occupation and its fate as an example of our common fate; plus much more.

The text is interspersed with “Memos from Today,” that emphasize its relevance by citing current events.

Hundreds of quotes are included from a wide range of authoritative sources, original and translated. The last pages of this manuscript comprise conclusions and predictions.

The author is the son of the great American-born violinist Yehudi Menuhin, who, though from a long line of rabbinical ancestors, fiercely criticized the foreign policy of the state of Israel and its repression of the Palestinians in the Holy Land.]

Source: Amazon


He also makes a case for Adolf Hitler being the only statesman in the modern era who could have liberated the enslaved people of planet Earth from the clutches of organized Zionism.

Audience: [loud, long applause]

Alfred: In other words, the lies are finished! The lemmings may not yet have noticed, but sooner than many people can imagine, they will. And when they do, they will do as lemmings do. They will all turn at once!


So, when we speak to people we must make it clear in everything we say and do, that holding onto the lies is, at best, very stupid, and at worst, high treason and will be dealt with as such! Britain’s foremost World War Two correspondent, Douglas Reed, predicted sixty years ago the very situation we now find ourselves in. He was writing about the, “behind the scenes” controlling of events and information by Jewish Zionists, or Rothschild agents.

[Image] Prolific author, Douglas Reed.


The Methods and Tools Used to Control Us

Now, I would like to go over some of the basic tools, or methods employed by the enemy. Understanding this helps us to become immune to this. If you were a scientist working on a cure for a particular disease, then the first thing that you must do is learn how the disease actually works. If you go back to before the second Jewish assault on Europe, known as World War Two, and look at the incitement that was taken place leading up to this assault, you will find many parallels with the incitement we see today that has been directed at Libya, Syria, Iran and Russia. Those countries that are in line for subjugation are vilified with labels describing the characteristics that could be an accurate description of the predatory parasite itself!

A good example of this, is the imaginary Iranian nuclear weapons program that the Jewish controlled media has been screaming about while calling any reference to Israel’s proven nuclear arsenal and weapons program, “anti-semitic”!

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: So, in a nutshell, all references to anything negative that describes the parasitic predator is framed as being “anti-semitic”. And we have been indoctrinated to believe that to be “anti-semitic” is worse than being a serial rapist, or murderer.

Another example of framing is, “Hitler gassed six million jews!” Hitler did not gas six million Zionists, Hitler did not gas six million communists, nor six million Neocons. No! He gassed six million jews! Jews must always be framed as the victims! They can do no wrong. If jews are framed with something bad then the accuser is framed as being “anti-semitic”, and if need be, an anti-semitic Holocaust denier! And that is the most lethal of these weaponized control words.

Any jews in power today may be framed, or labeled as “Zionists”. The label “jew” is not permitted by the Thought Police.

You can find books about communism that are hundreds of pages thick and the word “jew” will mark appear once! Yet, communism is an entirely jewish construct, just as our multi-party democratic system is a jewish construct!

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: All of these parties are controlled by jews. There are no exceptions. This statement alone will be countered with the weaponized control forward of “anti-semitism”, or “hate speech”, or not “politically correct”. These weaponized control words are designed to channel any and all of the thought away from this reality.

It is these weaponized control words that are paralyzing us and preventing our instincts for survival from kicking in. Understanding, immunizes us from their paralyzing effect. And that is the first step on the road to self-defense and self-preservation.


Demonization of Muslims

It is helpful now, in 2016 to learn how this thing, projection of characteristics works by looking back to the year 2001. The year 2001 has been seared into our minds by the pictures that we saw on the television screens and by the hysterical warnings we were pounded with, with regard to those “evil Muslims” who had taken down those two skyscrapers that were actually three skyscrapers. They did all this with box cutters. We were warned repeatedly how the Muslim terrorists who did this are hiding amongst us and have sleeper cells everywhere.

What’s interesting, is that if, you know, nothing about the Muslims and know nothing about the jews, then you can actually learn a great deal about the jews, just by paying attention to the warnings we were getting about the Muslims in the jewish media. Which is basically all the media. All these warnings about “sleeper cells” that are ready to spring into action when called upon. “Sleeper cells” is the perfect description of the jewish sayanim, who are jews who understand their first loyalty and who will do whatever it is asked of them, when a fellow jew ask for it. It will usually be something totally harmless, like renting a car for another agent, or putting someone up in the spare bedroom, because they have work to do in the area, or maybe provide them some useful intelligence.

The framing and projecting of these characteristics onto the Muslim population has the same effect on the Muslims as did the framing and projecting of the Holocaust myth onto the Germans after the great jewish assault on Europe, commonly known as World War One and Two.



Muslims keep quiet about the false accusations targeting them, because they fear the repercussions of those who believe these false accusations. And they don’t want to be blamed for these things, by talking about it.

Germans keep quiet about the false accusations targeting them, because they fear the “thought laws” that prohibit looking at the evidence and they don’t want to be blamed as being the very worst thing in the world you could possibly be, a “Holocaust” denier!

Many of the innocent jews keep quiet about the false accusations targeting the non-jews by their fellow jews, because the they either believe these lies themselves, or are afraid of the repercussions if they do open their mouths and be blamed for being a “self-hating jew“.


The Increasing Police State

Another aspect of 9/11 that is seldom talked about is the following. After the jewish false flag attack of 9/11 we had all kinds of new security measures being imposed on us. Particularly in the area of transportation, with new screening devices at airports and ever more intrusive measures being imposed on us. Now about this, most of the security companies involved are jewish owned. Jews did 9/11, so they know very well that there is no danger whatsoever coming from any of the passengers who want to fly, since the passengers had nothing to do with any of these spectacles. So, besides making a lot of money in the security business, what other object could they have? I believe the most important objective of this entire exercise has been to condition the masses to submit to higher authority!

The objective was to change the relationship between the citizen and the state. The masses are being conditioned to grovel at the behest of anyone in a security uniform. Professors, doctors, teachers and engineers are being conditioned to grovel and ask no questions when a semi-illiterate brute in a uniform demands subservience.

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: This condition eventually permeates all layers of society. Those individuals who resist are weeded out. Even schools, those children who are inquisitive and energetic and independent thinkers are quickly isolated and put on medication. Where will any potential leaders come from if they are weeded out and sedated at an early age?

Our enemy is creating a mass of couch potatoes and lemmings with contaminated minds that are easy to control. Our friend who jumped up and scream at us in a hysterical fit is a good example of successful conditioning. Our enemy would be very proud of her! She could snitch on us and collect an award of a few shekels, or something, for denouncing a couple of Holocaust deniers. She continues to believe in the shrunken heads, soap and lampshades. But all of this has no future! She may become suicidal when she understands that she has become a useful idiot of the psychopaths.

So, our big challenge this is how to reach as many people as possible and help them come out of their trance-like condition. They have been conditioned to project onto others their own characteristics, and we have to reflect it back to them in such a way that they can see themselves for what they are.

I always like to reassure them, that I too, was a zombie until quite recently. I think most of us in this room probably were and that’s and, you know, we come we come out of this condition and it’s a very liberating thing. Just as she accused us of being reactionary and engaged in sneaky criminal agitation, we need to stay calm and continue to expose the hard evidence, explaining over and over again the methods being used against us. We must never tire of repeating the message! Why does Coca-Cola tell you to drink Coca-Cola if they told you that one hundred thousand times before? Because they want to hard wire that message into your brain.

To undo the lies that have been hardwired into the brains of the contaminated minds of our fellow human beings is not done with a once over wipe. It would be like trying to wipe away a message that has been chiseled into a granite stone. That takes some time and hard work. It is a bit like if you plant a seed. You put some water on and stand back a bit, give it some time then come back and make sure it continues to get water and whatever else it needs to grow.

We can try to reach as many of the contaminated minds as possible, by understanding these aspects. To reach the psychopath, a psychopath is a different story. They cannot be. They can only be isolated and disarmed. When communicating with a psychopath, one needs to understand their characteristics in order not to be totally overwhelmed and defeated.




The Importance of Destroying the Holocaust Lie

One of the most important characteristics is a fact that if you allow a psychopath to retain a single one of his lies, he retains all of his power over you. The psychopath will have you dancing circles around his lie, and your position will remain irrelevant. And that’s the whole purpose of the Holohoax law. That with that lie they will always have us and that’s why it has to come down!

In most functioning systems of justice, if the witness has been proven to deliberately be lying, his entire testimony is thrown out. There’s a reason for that. Now back to our psychopath and the imaginary Holocaust. The jewish people will always rule over us with this lie, if we let it stand, since any argument on anything can be brought down, if the Jew brings up this lie and have you dance around it. How can you talk about anything, if the jews simply declare that you a Holocaust denier? And that is that! You are banished and evil! Go to jail and be thankful it is only jail, soon it will be death!

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: Our greatest hope lies in the explosive increase in the number of people who are becoming aware of this “mother of all lies”! When this lie falls, as it will, then all the other Jewish lies will go down in the vortex that this creates. So we need to focus on decontaminating those who need decontamination.

These people have been demoralized. In this demoralized condition he can no longer make sense out of the facts. Their brains have been compartmentalized and facts no longer follow any logical process. Simple control words stop thought processes and trigger wild reactions. This is what we witnessed when we were hysterically screamed at by our friends for simply revealing a few truths.

Cognitive dissonance” is a term used to describe the condition of believing in two, or more contradictory concepts without question. It is cognitive dissonance, for example, for engineers to pretend that there is nothing wrong with three buildings coming down at free fall speed on 9/11, while always talking about two buildings. It is cognitive dissonance when these same people who cannot count to three believe they can count all the way to six million and believe that hoax!

Audience: [loud applause]

Alfred: It is cognitive dissonance when no questions are asked when young healthy men in massive numbers are flooding into our countries and we are told they are refugees that need our help!

No healthy society would ever accept a single one of the things that I just listed!

So that, gives us a picture of just how dire our collective mental health is in our Western countries. Our brains have become so them contaminated by the demoralization that we now have ever more people who seem to be confused even about their own gender!

Decontaminate Yourself from the Control Words

This is the condition that had to be created for the final phase of our own extermination that we are now witnessing. The parasite that has taken us to this level is now desperately trying to ensure that we will be incapable of waking up to defend ourselves. That parasite is suffering from the delusion that it will succeed. But the likelihood of the parasite succeeding is as likely as a tapeworm that lives in your intestines succeeding in taking over your body by going into your eyes and ears and brain to in order to control you! You would fall over dead and that would be the end of the tapeworm.

In our case we are supposed to be a mass of soulless, dumbed down consumers too weak to think for ourselves. Whenever an individual does think and diagnose the problem, there are ready defenses that the parasite has constructed to neutralize these counterattacks. The weaponized control words are fired at the counter-attacker: Racist, anti-semite, Holocaust denier, politically incorrect, etc, etc, etc, or controversial to talk about.

You know, you have successfully decontaminated yourself when the control words they use against us have no more effect on you, than water running off the back of a duck! Any and all and control words need to be reduced in your mind to this level — no reaction whatsoever!

The only thing that is of any interest to us is facts! Opinions, thought laws, hate speech all of these words are meaningless jabber that the parasite has engineered to our minds!

We Must Stand Up and Expel the Parasites and Traitors

Our only chance for surviving the imminent future, but understanding who we are and what we are. We are Europeans who have been tricked into massive European civil wars by this parasitic entity! There is absolutely no way, that we, as brothers and sisters would ever have carried out the unspeakable atrocities of the past centuries, if it were not for the total manipulation of our collective perception of what is going on, along with the insidious manipulation of our politicians turning them into traitors of their own people.

Audience: [applause]


Alfred: As digital technology helps us to decontaminate our minds from the toxins of the lies, our self-preservation instinct and our former spirit will kick in and we will deal with the traitors and neutralize the parasites. When we understand that we are be indigenous peoples of Europe, we will defend the land and the water and the resources of our ancestral homelands!

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: We cannot allow hordes of invaders into our lands.! We cannot allow the poisoning of our water by fracking for short-term monetary gain for some parasitic international oil companies.

Audience: [applause]

Alfred: After all is said and done, if we don’t stand up now and wake up our fellow brothers and sisters we will lose the only homeland that we have. It cannot be that British people have areas of their homeland that they can no longer go to, because the invaders have now declared these areas, “No go areas” for the indigenous people. This is the same for the French people, the Swedish people, or any European people. This is the first day of the rest of our lives and if we refuse to stand up, we stand idly by as we are being prepared for our own destruction.

OK that’s the part.


Noam Chomsky, the Hyped Up Gatekeeper of the Left

I was supposed to tell you a little bit about Noam Chomsky, the gatekeeper. Do we have time for that, or is the time up?

[Image] Noam Chomsky, a jewish “intellectual” worshipped by the American Left, directs his followers to, “Move along. Nothing to see here!” when it comes to 9/11.

Okay, you know, Noam Chomsky is a guy who is hyped up. People here might not have heard about him that much. In Germany nobody has ever heard of him. But in North America, Noam Chomsky was a god like professor who was the gatekeeper for the Left. And it turns out that he was a complete treasonous traitor. He’s like an icon. There are so many books have been written and so forth. So I’m going to read this thing that I’ve prepared about Noam Chomsky.

Noam Chomsky was for us in North America like an icon. Many books were published in his name. These books were usually critical of Israel’s behavior as well as the US relationship with Israel. He may not even be known here in the UK. I know in Germany nobody has ever heard of him, but in Canada and the US he was “the man”. Everyone who considered themselves politically alert knew Chomsky and probably have a number of his books. In hindsight, it is clear why that is the case. He was set up all along to be the Pied Piper of all dissidents of official government policy in the US.

[Image] Noam Chomsky has acted as a gatekeeper by deceiving his followers through deflecting attention away from the true perpetrators (organized jewry) of 9/11.

He had been through the Tavistock Institute, which specializes in behavior control of the masses. This used to be called, “Wellington House” and this played a central role in shaping public opinion throughout the West, since a long time ago. Tavistock instructs the directions of the think tanks so much more. As a Pied Piper, his job was to lead his flock into the wilderness wherever the need arises. He has done this with the Kennedy assassination and with 9/11.

It was a video I saw in late 2013 where a student in a Florida university, asked “Mr Chump” what he had to say about WTC 7 at 9/11. His evasive response in this video clearly revealed that he was knowingly deceiving and betraying American students. This was so egregious and so enraged me, that I had to write him an e-mail expressing this anger.

Through a little bit of trickery I got a response from him the very next day. This exchange went back and forth for a few days and was the raw database for me for my first video titled, “9/11 Gatekeeper and Controlled Opposition” which I uploaded at the end of May, 2014. In fact, in his response to me he revealed many important aspects of what our opponent’s strategy is when dealing with us. Knowing this helps us to see through it and resist falling for it.

London Forum – Alfred Schaefer – Psychological Warfare – TRANSCRIPT – Ver 5

[Image] 9/11 Gatekeepers and Controlled Opposition

Let me give you an example of what happened. To my question about him, what he feels in his heart when he sees the victims of 9/11 asking for a proper investigation, his reply to me was, and I quote — this was November 7, 2013:

It requires extraordinary arrogance for you, yo think that you have the right to speak for the victims of 9/11. You can, if you like, live with the illusion that you are part of a great mass movement, rather than a small and isolated claque, your problem not mine.

So this sentence reveals so much of their entire strategy we can see all the time. When they try to always isolate everyone who is exposing the truth as nut cases, individuals, and that just isn’t the case. We are a growing mass of people and we are growing exponentially and there is no stopping it!

Audience: [applause]


Alfred: Okay, I’ll just get through this here. Another thing about eyewitnesses. The lemmings often defend their position with the reference to, “What about the eyewitnesses?” Well, eyewitnesses, is one of those things. If you can fool someone to believe something and truly believe it, because you have fooled them into believing it. That’s how they drag these 95-yearolds into courts in Germany, because you can tell any old person all kinds of things and they’ll actually believe it after a while.

You can tell a small child. You can see you can show a child a fake picture of something or, for example, a small child dining with Queen Elizabeth or something. And later tell them, you know, you had tea with Queen Elizabeth and they believe it. And they will really believe it, because they saw the picture and in their mind it and they’ll concoct all kinds of details, minute details about their imagination, imaginary dinner with the Queen. And that is what eyewitness accounts are. Well as we know, they are just fabrications. People who can give these accounts actually, might actually believe it, but that’s all it is. Bullshit!

Audience: [applause]


Alfred: Well, I’m going to close off with a final statement. Today in the year 2016, the very worst thing that could possibly happen to me is that anybody, someone out there would denounce me as being a Holocaust believer! The worse thing!

Audience: [long applause]

Jez Turner: He’s a thinker! … Alfred the fighter for truth. He’s Alfred the Great! He’s Alfred Schaefer!






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6 Responses

  1. Yes, I have to agree that 9/11 was a false flag. There are way too many holes in the official story for it to be true. Building 7 of the WTC comes crashing down several hours later from a fire?! Fires in tall office buildings do not cause symmetrical collapses as pre-engineered implosions do.

    9/11 was fake news, and a false flag. The official holocaust tale is fake history. This is mind control and brainwashing. Wake up people, and reject group think.

  2. Who cares what “caterwaulers“ say?

    We are being systematically bombarded from all sides.
    At War You Need the Best Survey: On How the JEWISH MINORITY Manages to Dominate & Destroy the Majority of White Societies from within by Using Lots of SUBVERSIVE METHODS. The Bullet Points Show the Structure of the JEWISH AGENDA: Jews always
    1)Play the Role of the “Persecuted, Innocent Victims“
    (Holy Hoax – 9/11 & many more self inflicted scenarios)
    2)Stage Lots of False Flag Terror Attacks to Gain
    Sympathy/Support, to Create False Enemies as Pretext for
    Wars / Orwellian Police & Surveillance States / Total
    Enslavement Under the Pretext of “Safety & Security“
    3)Always Blame Own Crimes & Bad Intentions On their
    True Victim/s (“Anti-Semitism“ – “Holocaust“ – Genocide)
    “A good example of this, is the imaginary Iranian nuclear
    weapons program that the Jewish controlled media has
    been screaming about while calling any reference to
    Israel’s proven nuclear arsenal and weapons program,
    “anti-semitic”“ (Alfred Schaefer)
    4)Created the Holy Hoax Myth – Holocaustianity
    5)Created a False Guilt Cult – Guilt Dripping of the
    Germans 6)Guilt Dripping of ALL Whites To Demoralize
    & Enslave Us 7) Promote Jewish Supremacy by Always
    Blaming “White Supremacy“, White Straight Males for All
    the Evils in the World 8) Create/d Jewish MONOPOLIES
    over the Money System, Media, Politicians, Governments,
    Education etc 9) Create/d Lots of TOOLS: Private “Federal
    Reserve“ System, Central Banks, UNO, NATO, EU, IMF
    etc 10)Destroy National Sovereignty, Homogeneity, Unity
    & Strength of White Nations 11)Divide & Rule by Causing
    Divisions, Conflicts, Colour Revolutions, Wars 12)Psycho
    logical Warfare by Using Weaponized Trigger Words /
    Control Words to Demonize White Patriots/Nationalists
    (as “Neo-Nazis“, “Haters“, “Racists“, “Anti-Semites“,
    “Bigots“,“Homophobes“, “Islamophobes“, “Xenophobes“,
    “Conspiracy Theorists“), Manipulate the Language (thru
    “Cultural Marxism“, Jewish Poisonous Ideas, Perversions,
    “Political Correctness, Genderism, Transgenderism“) to
    Destroy the Natural Order, Natural Instincts & Defense
    Mechanisms 13)Play the Champions of Workers
    (International Communism) 14)Play the Champions of
    “The Oppressed“ (Workers, Women, Blacks, Homosexuals
    LGBTQ-Agenda, Genderism, Transgenderism, Sexual
    Criminal Depravity, Promote Adult Sex with Children)
    15)Play the Champions of Minorities (Underdogs,
    Immigrants) 16)Promote/d “Equality“, “Equal Rights“ to
    Overthrow the European Monarchies & Nobility (those
    still of importance are imposters playing along with the
    global Cabal; British Royalty are Jewish Freemasons,
    “Illuminated“ Luciferians) 17) Play the Role of “Social
    Justice“, “Civil Rights“, “Human Rights“ Warriors &
    Claim to be the “Good Guys“; the Mafia Elite don’t care
    for the common man 18)Claim & Promote a “Right of
    Migration“ into White Countries as a “Human Right“
    (Soros) There is no “Right to Invade & Take over“ white
    countries! There is no “Right to Expropriate & Genocide
    Whites“! 19)Promote “Diversity, “Tolerance“, “Open
    Border“, “Inclusiveness“ & Non-White Mass Immigration
    to Destroy All White Countries, the White Race, the True
    Diversity of Nature 20)Promote “No Border – No Nation“
    Policy to Abolish all White Nations, Destroy National
    Sovereignty & Enslave All White People 21)Demonize the
    White Race as the “Cancer of Mankind“ & Openly Call
    For White Genocide as a “Service to Humanity“ and
    “Desirable“ (CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATH Jew Joel
    Ignatiew) 22)Promote Interracial Relationships For White
    People to Extinguish the White Race 23)Promote “World
    Citizenship“, the Tyrannical Jewish “New World Order“
    as a “Brotherhood of Man“ Vision 24)Play the Champions
    of Muslims vs Christians 25)Play the Champions of Blacks
    Browns & Asians vs Whites (“Affirmative Action“
    Programs to Discriminate Against Whites & Abolish
    “White Supremacy“ in Countries Built by Whites i.e.
    Dispossess All Whites (i.e. White university graduates are
    turned down for a job as police officers because they aren’t
    Immigrant, Black, Disabled, or Gay!) & Establish White
    (Debt) Slavery with JEWS ON TOP who everywhere
    enjoy Citizenship Privilege 26)Always Deflect Attention
    away from Jewish Power, Jewish Crime, Jewish Guilt
    27)Always Ridicule & Dismiss CONSPIRACY REALITY
    as “Conspiracy Theory“. The fact that Americans even
    have an “anti-Semitism” envoy that works tirelessly to
    “Protect the Jews” speaks volumes about Jewish power &
    influence in America. Raise Awareness! Break the Spell!
    28)Make Speaking the Truth about Jewish Crimes an
    “Antisemitic Hate Speech Crime“ 29)Impose Talmudic
    Law & Sharia Law – “Hate Speech“, “Antisemitism“ Laws
    on Whites, on Christians – Double Standard – Impunity for
    Jewish Criminals & Shabbos Goys – Persecution of those
    who Love the Truth – Jews want to Create a World without
    Truth – HELL on Earth where only demons can flourish…
    On a world scale Whites are a minority threatened by extinction (White Genocide: WWI, WWII – Legalized Non-White Mass Immigration since the sixties to bring about a “Clash of Cultures“, Genocide by miscegenation and replacement, Financial Crash, WWIII? – All instigated and pushed by Jews). Who protects the WHITE MINORITY worldwide? Nobody does. Whites must stop working as agents for their own extinction. The wars must stop. Whites must stop waging the Zionist wars for GREATER ISRAEL & JEWISH WORLD DOMINATION. Whites must protect their own interests, learn the Jewish trickery and become immune to Jewish brain poison, subversive ideologies and manipulations. Visiting the Holy Hoax museums and concentration camp propaganda displays is “like going to a Hollywood horror movie and thinking it is real!“ (Alfred Schaefer) – but it’s not. It’s Jewish imagination, in other words: Lies – Lies – Lies. The struggle is about provable historical facts and of empirical evidence vs poisonous propaganda lies, the true incitement to hatred, manipulation through control words. Futile machinations. THE TRUTH is the sharpest sword. The Time has Come that *’Dornröschen’ gets awakened from her deadly slumber and freed…
    *’Dornröschen’ is not the same as ‘Schneewittchen’ (Sleeping Beauty)
    Two slightly different tales. The King’s daughter ‘Dornröschen’ got bewitched. An evil spell was cast upon her & the whole Kingdom, and all fell asleep for a hundred years till she gets kissed awake and brought back to life by a brave prince who fearlessly cut through all hindrances (‘Dornenhecke’ hedge of thorns). There is folk wisdom in very old fairy tales.

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